Assignment 2 FDs

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CIS 365 Business Database Concepts

Functional Dependency &

Logical Database Design – (50 Points)

The following functional dependencies are to be drawn using Gliffy. Identify all functional dependencies,
primary keys, and hidden dependencies – arrows are important. Make sure all work is clear and easy to read.
Professional quality is expected.

Use the methods shown in class for drawing both the dependency diagrams and the logical database schema.

 full functional dependency arrows are drawn above the diagram (what you start with)
 hidden dependency arrows are drawn below the diagram

1. a. (2) Based on the following, label all dependencies (given/hidden).

b. (3) Improve the above to 2NF.

c. (5) Create the logical database schema. Identify all primary/foreign keys.

2. Use the Invoice table structure shown below to answer the following questions:

a. (5) Draw the dependency diagram identifying all dependencies (given/hidden). You can assume that the
table does not contain repeating groups (INF).

b. (3) Improve the relation to 2NF. Show the new FDs and all dependency arrows. Identify the primary keys.

c. (5) Improve to 3NF. Show the new FDs and all dependency arrows. Identify the primary keys.

d. (9) Draw the relational schema for the final database table structure. Identify all primary/foreign keys.
3. Normalize the following relation.

a. (4) Identify all functional dependencies and label them.

b. (3) Improve the relation to 2NF. Show the new FDs and all dependency arrows. Identify the primary

c. (4) Improve the relations to 3NF. Show the new FDs and all dependency arrows. Identify the primary

d. (7) Draw the relational schema for the final database table structure. Name each relation and identify
all primary and foreign keys.

Copy and paste each complete diagram into a Word doc. Then save the doc as a .pdf file for submission.

Check your file before you submit it to Canvas – you are allowed only 1 submission.

Be sure to use the ‘official class file format’ for naming your file: first initialLastname-A2.pdf (points will be
deducted for incorrect filenames).
(e.g. tbarry-A2pdf)

Email submissions to the professor will not be accepted

under ANY circumstances.

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