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27/10/2018 Skimming and Scanning - Documentos de Google

Universidad del Valle

Inglés con fines generales y académicos I-34

Skimming and Scanning 

“How music could help you to concentrate while studying” 
Name: Laura Valentina Palomino Cuenca
Cod: 201741714-3753


1. What linking the theory of the Mozart effect?

2. According to Mozart effect, which kind of music is the best for study?
3. Which are the five factors are significant for the study with music?
4. What hormone release the listening to music?
5. For a better concentration, how should be the state of the music?


1. The Mozart effect linking music and cognitive

2. According to Mozart effect, the classic music is the best kind of music for estudy
3. The style, volume, rhythm and ‘state’ of the music a student listens to, as well as the
personality of the student, be significant factors
4. Listening to music has been shown to cause the release of dopamine
5. What has been proven is that listening to music which is constant in state, has a steady
a repetitive pulse, and is not too loud is better for concentration 1/1

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