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why a joke makes us funny.

Is it because of the chosen words, the tone

or just the absurd situation?

Why in certain contexts humor is good and in other contexts it is wrong.


Humor is a psychological state characterized by the positive emotion of amusement and

the tendency to laugh. Understanding humor is important to psychological science. Humor
is ubiquitous(UBIQUIO, presente en todas partes). People of all ages and cultures
experience humor in their daily conversation, observation, and imagination.

Humor is a type of entertainment. All entertainment contains a small dose of

danger, something that could go wrong, however, we like it when there is


Although existing theories do not agree on the specific necessary and sufficient
antecedents of humor, a broad review of the literature suggests three conditions that
facilitate humor. First, theorists since Aristotle have suggested that humor is often evoked
by violations, including apparent threats, breaches of norms, or taboo content.
Humor is aroused by benign violations. The benign-violation hypothesis suggests that
three conditions are jointly necessary and sufficient for eliciting humor: A situation must be
appraised as a violation, a situation must be appraised as benign, and these two
appraisals must occur simultaneously. Violations can take a variety of forms. From an
evolutionary perspective, humorous violations likely originated as apparent physical
threats, similar to those present in play fighting and tickling. As humans evolved, the
situations that elicited humor likely expanded from apparent physical threats to a wider
range of violations, including violations of personal dignity .

According to the theory, a violation refers to anything that threatens one’s beliefs about
how the world should be. That is, something seems threatening, unsettling, or wrong.
From an evolutionary perspective, humorous violations likely originated as threats to
physical well-being (e.g., the attacks that make up tickling, play fighting), but expanded to
include threats to psychological well-being (e.g., insults, sarcasm), including behaviors that
break social norms (e.g., strange behaviors, flatulence), cultural norms (e.g., unusual
accents, most scenes from the movie Borat), linguistic norms (e.g., puns, malapropisms),
logic norms (e.g., absurdities, non-sequiturs), and moral norms (e.g., disrespectful
behavior, bestiality).
Benign Moral Violations We tested the benign-violation hypothesis by examining reactions
to moral violations, or behaviors people consider wrong. Moral violations provide a
compelling test because the moral psychology literature suggests that moral violations
elicit strictly negative emotion, notably disgust. Consider the following scenario adapted
from Haidt, Koller, and Dias (1993): A man goes to the supermarket once a week and buys
a dead chicken. But before cooking the chicken, he has sexual intercourse with it. Then he
cooks the chicken and eats it. Using a chicken carcass for masturbatory purposes violates
widely held moral norms concerning bestiality and necrophilia. Consequently, most people
are disgusted by this behavior and consider it wrong (Haidt et al., 1993). However, for
several reasons, the behavior can simultaneously seem benign and thus be amusing.
First, it is harmless—after all, the chicken was already dead—and therefore acceptable
according to a moral norm based on harm.

The hypothesis of benign violation explains that any situation that can do violence
our beliefs or expectancies in an unprejudiced way will end up making us laugh.
For this a context in which the spectator feel safe must exist
When the consequences are unpleasant, if there’s empathy, our sense of humor
won’t be awaken on the contrary, the hypothesis compounds elegant observations
easy to understand

A third condition provides a way to reconcile the first two: Several theories suggest that
humor requires an interpretive process labeled simultaneity, bisociation, synergy, or
incongruity. That is, humor requires that two contradictory ideas about the same situation
be held simultaneously. For example, understanding puns, in which two meanings of a
word or phrase are brought together, requires simultaneity. Simultaneity, moreover,
provides a way to interpret the threats present in play fighting and tickling as benign.


Humor provides a healthy and socially beneficial way to react to hypothetical threats,
remote concerns, minor setbacks(contratiempos menores, social faux pas(paso en falso
social), cultural misunderstandings, and other benign violations people encounter on a
regular basis. Humor also serves a valuable communicative function: Laughter and
amusement signal to the world that a violation is indeed okay
Violación benigna
En otras palabras, para que algo sea divertido, tienes que pensar y en lo bueno a la misma
vez. Si creemos que está completamente mal decimos no es gracioso. y si está
completamenta bien, cuál es el chiste?
Es benigno: "No, el jueves no está, qué tal nunca? nunca es bueno para ud?. Y es grosero.
El mundo realmente no deberia ser así En ese contexto, sentimos que está bien.

No hay algo intrínsicamente divertido, todo estará en un contexto y dentro de nuestras


Teoria meta.motivacional
Sobre cómo nos vemos, una teoria sobre la motivación y el ánimo que tenemos y como ese
ánimo determina las cosas que nos gustan o no nos gustan. Cuando estamos con un estado
de ánimo lúdico, queremos emoción. Un estado de ánimo decidido nos pone ansiosos, es
como en una montaña rusa, está en peligro y a salvo increiblemente excitado. no hay chiste,
no se necesita chiste si excitan y estimulan bastante a la gente se reiran con muy poco

El humor se refleja en nosotros, lo más facil es hacer humor, y es perfectamente legitimo,

es un amigo que se burla de un enemigo se llama humor disposicional es el 95% del humor.
No es nuestro humor.

El humor necesita un objetivo los lectores y la gente que lo hace y nos hace pensar en
nuestras suposiciones. Se enfoca en nuestras obsesiones, en nuestro narcisismo, en nuestras
frustraciones y debilidades, no en otra persona

Incongruencia es una base del humor algo completamente normal o lógico no será divertido
pero de la incongruencia trabaja con e
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