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CONTRACTORS “IGC” (2016-2018)








This chapter is a very distinct chapter among the five chapters this research proposal contains. It
provide the background to the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study,
significance of the study, research questions/justification of the study, scope/delimitation of the
study, operational definition of key terms and plan of the work.
All of the above sections of the three chapters help the readers to understand the basic of these
elements which will be discussed enable the reader to understand the entire research proposal


Construction Industry involves multi rank in the supply chain. With so many stake holders
involved, the material management becomes a critical aspect of construction project management
(Sindhu ,Nirmalkumar & Krishnamoorthy 2014) Construction industry faces a lot of problem
due to poor inventory management, lead time performance, these projects over run the time and
the allocated budge .

Sindhu(2014) offers that Material Management is simply the process by which an organization
is supplied with the goods and services that it needs to achieve its objectives of buying, storage
and movement of materials. Materials management is that aspect of business activity that deals with
planning for purchasing, receiving, handling, storing, and releasing of materials for use in production
with effective control measures. Materials are industrial goods that will become part of another physical
product. Rumelt (1981) has classified materials for use in manufacture under three headings: - Raw
materials primarily from agriculture and the various extractive industries e.g. mineral resources, fruits,
and vegetables sold to processor. - Semi finished goods and processed materials to which some work
has been applied or value added e.g. rods, wires, paper, chemicals, etc. - Component parts and
assemblies that are completely finished products of one manufacture, which can be used as part of
more complex product by another manufactures.

Materials management is a tool that can be used effectively in promoting profit maximization in a
company. The objective of materials management is to maximize the use of the firms’ resources by
ensuring adequate supply of materials for production process and also minimizing cost of holding
excessive inventories. This objective when achieved, leads to cost reduction and improve profitability.
The researcher, therefore, intend to examine material management on the profitability of construction
company in Liberia, with Integrated Group of Contractors as a case

The Integrated Group of Contractors is a purely Liberian owned business seeking to improve the
quality in services provided to the Liberian Business Community. By the means of offering
clients a service with quality, precision, efficiency and the overall reward in giving our clients
their money worth. We are committed to a standard of excellence in general construction
fabrications and project implementation. We provide you with dedicated professional tradesmen
and artisan who devote their time to insuring that your every construction needs are met. Our
services are general construction, home improvement and renovation, Remodeling and repairs,
wood work fabrication in all styles and form, metal work and precast concrete in forms and
shapes of customer demand. We provides good service to any person and or group of persons
without regards to personality, financial standing or value or service. We accept and treat all with
The mismanagement of material has been a challenge to every construction company which the
integrated group of Contractors is of no exception. The mismanagement of material has created
these problems and not limited to the construction of substandard roads, bridges, public/private
buildings, drainages, water towers etc.

These problem have the ability to undermine the growth for development and advancement of
this company when not handle professionally and urgently

Materials management decreases waste for the organization. With a good materials management
practice, an organization can improve their bottom line. it is a essential management tool which
can be use for improving the productivity of ( residential, environment, heavy civil, industrial
and commercial) construction phase. It help to minimize cost of material purchasing, it prevent
lost by obsolescence, deterioration and damage. It also help managers in decision making Lead
time managers save the entities from poor material management and irregularities by acting as a
watch dog.

There can be some common pitfalls and challenges that could result in material delays if this is
not done correctly. Some challenges include Inaccurate or partial Bill of Materials listing from
the engineering firm, engineering requisition issue and Purchase order revisions and
inaccuracies. The researcher observed that material is not manage properly as a result of such
construction companies in Liberia are not yielding much profit Despite all the strives that have
been made in delivery and management of material in the construction companies in Liberia, it is
still observed that the managing of materials is not functioning as effectively as expected. The
seemed to be a problem, Therefore the problem of the study expressed in a question form is:
How does material management affect the profit margin of construction companies in Liberia?

It is predicated on these that the researcher seeks to embark on this study

The main objective of the study is to examine material management on the profitability of
construction companies in Liberia. The specific objectives are:

 To analyze the material management control adopted by the Integrated Group of

Contractors (IGC).
 ASSESS the factors affecting construction industries in Liberia.
 Examine construction material management through inventory control techniques.
 Evaluate the improvement level on the construction industries in Liberia.

1.4 Research question

The research question is the question form of the specific objectives

 What are the procedures of material management adopted by the Integrated Group of
Contractors (2016/2018)?

 What are the factor affecting construction industries in Liberia?

 How to examine construction material management through inventory control techniques?

 What are the improvement levels of the construction industries in Liberia?

. The study is important because there is a urgent need for more systematic and empirical
efforts to investigate the role of Material Management on the profit margin of construction
companies in Liberia.
The study is important to construction practitioners since the findings will assist them have an
Insight on how to manage material leading to greater achievement and improved performance of
construction companies as a vital plan to increase in growth of economy in Liberia. This research
further provided them with vital information of which they can build on in effort to regulate and
align material management process appropriately.
The result and recommendations of the study will help construction practitioners in decision
making and enable them to regulate material management in the construction companies

The study will also generate the new knowledge and facts to help construction practitioners
regarding the strengthening of the delivery schedule within the construction companies

The findings of this study are as well of great value to researchers and academicians as this
research added to other scholars’ literature and knowledge gap in material management and
filled the existing gaps as far as profitability is concerned and therefore, avail them with option
for further research in relation to performance based on Material Management.

Finally, the study will help academicians and practitioners endeavoring to embark on similar
1.6 SCOPE And Delimitation OF THE STUDY
The study will focus on the examination of material management on the profititablity of
construction companies in Liberia

The researcher will use the Integrated Group of Contractors as an area of focus.

The research study will cover the entire integrated group of Contractors located in Paynesville
RIA Highway, Monrovia. All departments of the company will be involved and both
management and staff of the company will be sampled in the collection of data for the study.

2014- 2018 is being captured as the timeframe of the study.

1.7 Operational Definition of Key Terms

Construction: Is the process of constructing a building or infrastructure

Inventory: A complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the contents of a

Inventory control: The sum of the value of raw materials, fuel and lubricants, spare parts,
maintenance consumables at any given point of time building.

Inventory planning: refers to the process that any organization adopts to determine the optimal
quantity as well as timing, with the sole aim of aligning such plans with the organization's
capacity to produce and make sales.

Lead Time: The time the purchase order is place until the time the goods arrived

Material: They are the physical items needed for producing goods and services.

Profitability: the degree to which a business or activity yields profit or financial gain.

Purchasing: is a business or organization attempting to acquire goods or services to

accomplish its goals.

Procuring: obtain (something), especially with care or effort.

Purchase requisition: is a document used as part of the accounting process to initiate a

merchandise or supply purchase.

Requisition: an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials.

Stock: the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available
for sale or distribution.

Warehousing: the practice or process of storing goods in a warehouse.

1.8 Plan of the Work
The study will be organized into five (5) chapters. The first Chapter will include the background

of the study which provides an overview of the effect of material management and follow by the

statement of the problem, provide the objectives of the study, states the research questions, gives

the significance or justification of the study, provides the scope or delimitation of the study,

provides the operational definition of key terms and outlines the plan of the study. Chapter two

of the study will give the review of related literature on topic under discussion. In this section,

concepts and ideas are drawn from various text books, journals, annual reports, and from efforts

undertaken by international development institutions. In this chapter, the researcher reviewed the

literatures from various contexts and experiences. Chapter three presented the research

methodology. This chapter will include the research design that will be used, gives the

population of the study, and states the sample size and sampling techniques to be used.


2.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the existing literature review on material management and profitability on
construction companies in Liberia. Specifically, this chapter covers the theoretical review,
Material management and the challenges that affect these material on the profit margin of
construction companies. The conceptual framework will also be covered in this section.
Applicable theoretical framework will be adopted for the study in this chapter.

The study will also supply the Annotated Bibliographies

2.1 Conceptual Review

Concept of Material Management

(Mathew 2015)Material management can be defined as a process that coordinates planning,
assessing the requirement, sourcing, purchasing, transporting, storing and controlling of
materials, minimizing the wastage and optimizing the profitability by reducing cost of material.
Building materials account for 60 to 70 percent of direct cost of a project or a facility, the
remaining 30 to 40 percent being the labor cost. Materials management is a process for planning,
executing and controlling field and office activities in construction. The goal of materials
management is to insure that construction materials are available at their point of use when
needed. The materials management system attempts to insure that the right quality and quantity
of materials are appropriately selected, purchased, delivered and handled on site in a timely
manner and at a reasonable cost. Materials management is the system for planning and
controlling all of the efforts necessary to ensure that the correct quality and quantity of materials
are properly specified in a timely manner, are obtained at a reasonable cost and most importantly
are available at the point of use when required. Thus Materials management is an important
element in project management. Materials represent a major expense in construction, so
minimizing procurement costs improves opportunities for reducing the overall project costs.

Warehousing and storage records need to be utilized for accepting issuing merchandise on client
offices. The vast majority about these documents need to be responsible and ought to be secured
against unapproved right of use. Warehousing and storage records ought further to be figured out
how inside the acquisition cycle and their overseeing of economy to a chance to be coordinated
for those records that relate to economic project of a procuring processes. The records
acquisition management officers need supervisory to facilitate any obligations for the
administration of storage records. It may be crucial that store records need to be appropriately
kept in a systematic manner.


The functions of materials management are discussed below: In order to fulfill the objectives of
materials management as stated above to meet the basic objectives and goals, the functions of the
materials management are also categorized as primary and secondary functions. (I) Primary
Functions To meet the primary objectives, the primary functions of the materials management
are given as follows:

Materials Requirements Planning (MRP)


Inventory Planning and Control

Ascertaining and Maintaining the Flow and Supply of Material

Quality Control of Materials

Departmental Efficiency

(II) Secondary Functions

Standardization and Simplification Make and Buy Decisions

Coding and Classification of Materials

Forecasting and Planning

It will be especially paramount to have end to end coordination of efforts within the officers that
are answerable for the overseeing the economy for procurement accounts and records.
Therecords administration branches clinched alongside procurement must give acceptable course
and authority in the management about storage records close by different records in different
entities (PPOA, 2008).

Components of material management are:

• Material estimation, budgeting, planning and programming.

• · Scheduling , purchasing and procurement

• · Receiving and inspection.

• · Inventory control, storage and warehousing

• · Material handling and transport

• · Waste management

2.2. Effect of Material Management

(Madhavi, Mathew et al. 2013) emphasized on the problems related to improper material
procurement process. Construction project cost may vary depending on material, manpower,
subcontractor, overhead cost and other general issues.

(Kanimozhi and Latha 2014) Poor Materials management can result in increased costs during
construction. Efficient management of materials can result in substantial savings in project costs.
If materials are purchased too early, capital may be held up and interest charges incurred on the
excess inventory of materials. Materials may deteriorate during storage or get stolen unless
special care is taken. Delays and extras expenses may be incurred if materials required for
particular activities are unavailable. Ensuring a timely flow of materials is an important concern
of material management. For effectively managing and controlling materials, the performance of
materials management should be measured. A performance measure calculates the effective
working of a function. These performance measures may differ from system to system. The
measures divide the materials management system in parts and make the working of the system
more efficient. When joined, the measures make the complete materials management system


Efficient materials planning

Buying or Purchasing

Procuring and receiving

Storing and inventory control

Supply and distribution of materials

Quality assurance

Good supplier and customer relationship

Improved departmental efficiency To fulfill all these objectives, it is necessary to establish

harmony and good co-ordination between all the employees of material management department
and this department should have good co-ordination with the other departments of the
organization to serve all production centers.

2.4 Empirical Literature Review

Etale and Bingilar (2016) examined effect of inventory cost management on profitability of
listed construction companies in Liberia will be use. Secondary data from the annual reports and
accounts of selected construction companies from the Liberia Stock Exchange from 2014 to
2018 will be use in the study. Using the multiple regression technique the study found that
efficient inventory cost management has a positive effect on profitability of construction
companies in Liberia. The study recommended that construction companies should adopt
effective and efficient inventory cost management practices; deploy appropriate modern
technology for effective inventory cost management; and employ capable and qualified staff who
should be trained regularly on proper and efficient material cost management.

Naliaka and Namusonge (2015) investigated the role of material management on competitive
advantage for Liberian construction firms. A descriptive research design will be use in the study.
Self-administered questionnaires will be use in data collection. The findings of the study will be
revealing that inventory control systems, information technology, inventory lead-time and
inventory control practices are vital factors in achievement of a competitive advantage for
Liberian’s construction companies.

Sitienei and Kioko (2015) examined the effect of working capital management on the
profitability of cement manufacturing firms in Liberia. The study will us secondary data for a 15
years period from 2004 to 2018. The study establishes that material conversion period positively
and significantly influences profitability while average receivables period had a positive
insignificant relationship with profitability. The study also

Nwosu (2014) examined the impact of materials management on profitability of Liberia

construction companies. The study will use questionnaire and oral interviews to collect data. The
study establishes that materials procurement and storage has significant effect on profitability of
construction companies
Special training sessions should be arranged on site to update the workers regarding the latest
techniques. Plant and machinery should be updated regularly in order to avoid any break down.
Workers and contractors should be guided for correct methodology to execute a particular task.
Regular check should be kept on planning so as to overcome any error. Proper supervision
should be done on site to improve the level of workmanship. Taylor (2014) pointed out that the
economic losses caused by material waste are smaller than those related to the inefficiency of
human work. Ford (2016) also suggested that human work should be the focus of waste
convention since the value of materials depends, to a great extent, on the work that has been
spent on them. Berliner B. says project control in many companies is based mostly on financial
performance measures, which tend to be backward focused and do not make it easy to trace
operational costs.


According to Agarwal Anil (NICMAR, Pune 2015) benchmarking processes and techniques can
be applied to develop benchmarks for wastage control of building materials. After selection of
project, the following steps are adopted. Work out estimates of quantities of materials required
either from the first or final drawings. From site records/ accounts records, actual quantities of
material consumed is obtained. Interviews are held with project managers and owners concerned
to collect other related information.

The most commonly used basis for planning things out for the project is the BOQ prepared by
the client. Companies may have two major levels in planning- micro and macro level. Time,
cost, material and labour are the four major types of planning undertaken on sites. The planning
should be revised as frequently as possible in order to monitor whether work is progressing as

According to Ninad Shah and Manish Dave (2016) Purchasing procedure can be described as

Step 1 – Material Indent Step

2 – Enquiry to Vendors Step

3 – Vendor Comparison Step

4 – Vendor Selection and Negotiations Step

5 – Purchase Order Step

6 – Vendor Evaluation

According to Sundersan, M.(2014) the receipt system can be divided into:

1. Receipt from outside suppliers

2. Receipts from internal divisions. System of receipt starts even before the material reaches the
site. The three documents that should be dispatched are copy of purchase order, supplier’s advice
document and the consignment note. This enables the Stores manager to organize and plan for
clearances of materials. For receipt from internal divisions, usually transfer notes and return to
stores documents are used.


Types of physical storage system on site vary according to the space availability and company
practices. Industrial guidelines are also taken into consideration for the stacking and storage of
particular materials. Materials are most often classified as per the comfort level of working of the
workers. Basic categories followed are civil, electrical, plumbing, finishes, construction
chemicals, miscellaneous. The materials are also often stacked as per the specification of the
vendor or manufacturer. Relevant IS Codes (IS: 4082: recommendations on stacking and storage
of construction materials at site) specifications are also followed. E.g. : As per IS : 4082,

1. The materials should not be affected by impurities or atmospheric agencies.

2. Materials like cement should must be stored in covered sheds and stacked on timber raised

3. Reinforcing bars should be stacked yards away from moisture to prevent rusting and also away
from oil and lubricants. Bars of different classification, sizes and lengths should be stored
separately to facilitate issues


Sundersan, M.(2015) defines inventory as “The sum of the value of raw materials, fuel and
lubricants, spare parts, maintenance consumables at any given point of time.”
2.6 Summary of Literature Review and Knowledge Gaps Scholars
Study Major Findings Knowledge Gap

(Mathew 2015)overview of material management and Nature of material management was

found to have significant variations in construction companies. The study focused Inventory
control, storage and warehousing , Material handling, transport, purchasing, Material estimation,
budgeting, planning and programming.

Madhavi, Mathew et al. (2013)

Effect of Material Management on the profititablity of construction companies in Liberia

There were significant relationship between material planning and service delivery and that the
positive profitability of construction companies in Liberia attributed by proper private material

This study investigated practices such as material planning, service delivery, and performance
measure. Their study did not outline how construction practitioner should monitor, control, and
train their employees.

Makabira and Waiganjo (2014)

The role of material management on the profitability of construction companies on performance

of Savior Construction Company in Montserrado County

Material management such as planning, executing, controlling, monitoring and training

workforce played a great responsibility in the performance within the Savior Construction

The existing material management in this study did not include lead time performance of which
if applied well, can improve Material Management and profitability of construction companies.

Source: Author, 2015

2.7 Conceptual Framework
The model of concept can be described as a group of variety of principles and ideas retrieved
from fields that are relevant to enquiry and structure usage to a presentation of subsequent.
Conceptual framework is used to show the relationship between the independent variables and
dependent variable. Figure 2.1 illustrates that the independent variables of this study are
inventory management, storage and warehousing, Material handling, transport, purchasing,
Material estimation, budgeting, planning, programming and training workforce. Literature tells
as that proper material management, purchasing, transport, material handling, storage and
warehousing, material estimation, budgeting, programming and training workforce can result to
better profitability in construction companies.

Profitability is the dependent variable which can be measured through productivity; cost saved,
quality of goods/services delivered, and leads time.

3.0 Introduction
This chapter focuses on the research method, research design, population of the study,
data collection, sampling size and techniques, instrument of the study validity of the
study, ethical consideration and method of data analysis.

3.1 Research method

A descriptive research design will be used in the study.

3.2 Research Design

The adopt survey research design. This will include the include the use of questionnaires
and personal interviews to generate relevant and reliable information from the identified
ministry on the examination of material management and lead time performance

3.3 Population of the study

The population of the study will be drawn from the Ministry of Public work with key
emphasis in the

3.4 sample size sampling techniques

3.5 Instrument of the Study

Questionnaire will be the main data-gathering instrument of this study. Structured closed
ended questions will be administered to respondents.
Interview will be also used as an instrument of the study

3.7 Validity of the instrument

To validate the instrument, the researcher will consult his supervisor, lecturers of the
Dave Weigley Business College of the Adventist University Of West Africa and
practitioners in the field.

3.8 Method of Data Analysis

The data collected will be analyzed using the computer software known as statistical
package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 21.
3.9 Ethical Consideration
The ethical guideline will be approved by the research committee of the Dave Weigley
Business School, Adventist University of West Africa. The research will uphold
respondent confidentiality and protects their identities and character

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