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Tiger Hosiery Mills (PVT) LTD.

Organizational Behavior In The Workplace


Organizational Behavior In The Workplace

Organizational Behavior Research Paper

Organizational Behavior
December 8, 2005

Identification and definition of the problem.

My workplace environment at one time was a pleasant place to be. All the employees got along
and worked together very well. We were a team and like to help each other out when one was in
need. It was like clock work. We would go to work wanting to be there to do our jobs because we
all knew we would have fun throughout the day while we were working. Then a new manager or I
will call him my supervisor joined the team. It was not planned, we knew our store needed some
help but the employees did not know for definite when we would be getting a new supervisor. The
first day was like any usual first day. Meeting the employees, learning the names and a little bit
about each person. After observing my new supervisor for a couple of hours I felt as if he was in a
hurry to get the first day work out of the way and leave. He did not seem the least bit interested in
the people he was going to be working with for over eight hours a day. I blew off my thoughts and
felt it was too early to judge the situation. Well I was wrong to blow off my feelings, because I was
right to think something was not quite right about this man. During his training he did not want
any one below his position to help him out. If he was having troubles with the computer he had to
go to the General Manager or another supervisor even though the employees probably know the
computers just as well as managers because we use them all day long. He would look for thirty
minutes for something in dry storage before he ever asked an employee. I personally thought that
was unusual, not asking for help unless it was management. It seems like to me that it would have
made him feel less superior if he had to ask one of his employees for help. At that point I knew
working with this particular supervisor would not be pleasant. As time went on the situations got...

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Tiger Hosiery Mills (PVT) LTD.

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Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior
Final Paper

In its simplest terms, leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of another person
while fully respecting the freedom of that person (Encarta). Two aspects of this definition are
important. First, a significant part of effective leadership is the close connection between the leader
and the follower, which often determines the success of the leader's mission. Unfortunately, this
leader-follower relationship cannot be created according to some simple formula. Without
inspiration, involvement, and encouragement from both participants, the relationship cannot be
effective. Leaders, in particular, must give an extra effort to reach out to followers in order to
initiate and develop this alliance that is so critical to the achievement of goals. The leaders face
special challenges as they try to communicate and interact with their followers and potential
followers to understand and know what they think and what they do. Developing their leadership
style in response to diversity, and ethics will give them an edge as they build relationships with their
subordinators. Secondly, leaders who begin to use force, coercion, and manipulation must later use
more force, coercion, and manipulation precisely because their ability to influence - truly lead - is
diminished. In my company I have never seen our lead to use any force to associates for achieving
goals, because she’d like to be a true leader for a long time. No leader can be successful in
influencing the behavior other people unless those followers trust the leader. The cornerstone of
that trust is the confirmed belief that the leader values each follower and is guided by what is fair to
As every human being, the leaders can be learners. This statement is from my life experience but
not as a lead. I learn from success, but I especially learn from my failures and mistakes to which I
freely admit. Thus, if I am a lead, this statement will apply in my leading....


Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts

National University of Modern Languages, Lahore Campus
Tiger Hosiery Mills (PVT) LTD.

Kymberly Taylor
June 15, 2010
Brian De Palma


Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts

The key to any good organization is making sure that its leadership team establishes and cultivates
an environment that is geared toward ensuring a positive collaborative undertaking from its
employees. In order to accomplish this task, management must look at certain factors within the
organization to achieve the performance level that is needed. This study is known as
Organizational behavior. This paper will define Organizational Behavior along with Diversity,
Organizational Culture, and Communication, and discuss the observable aspects of each concept.
Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior is “the study of human behavior in organizations (Schermerhorn, Hunt,
& Osborn, 2008, p. 5). Known as OB for short, this process looks at individual employees and
groups for behavior patterns, how they interact on different levels, and the flow of the organization
in order to improve the organization and its employees (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008).
OB is a systematic process. An organization has a philosophy that it operates by. This base of
core values, goals and vision determines the organizational culture. The culture then sets the
precedent for how the organization functions. The function of the organization is what establishes
how employees regard their work environment and experience. The quality of these two aspects
discerns how motivated an employee is to work and do a good job. The level of satisfaction affects
productivity, which has a direct correlation to the success of the organization.
Organizational Culture
Organizational Culture is the “shared beliefs and values that influence the behavior of
organizational members” (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2008, p.11).

Organizational Behavior And Concepts Paper

Organizational Behavior and Concepts Paper

This paper will discuss the organizational culture and behavior in the workplace and why it is so
important to organizations. Organizational behavior has increasingly become a growing field
because of diverse backgrounds and cultural values that people bring to the workplace. Diversity
and communication are vital factors that play a part in studying the behavior of individuals who
strive to work together effectively and efficiently.
Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn (2008) states that “organizational behavior is the study of human
behavior in organizations” (Chap. 1, pg.5) This field of study strives to understand the individual’s
behavior such as attitudes, values and aspirations with the ultimate goal of creating a successful
organization. With this in mind, organizations must have an understanding of the needs of the
employees and dynamics of group functions.
Organizational Culture
Schermerhorn et al (2008) describes Organization culture as, “ a system of shared actions, values

National University of Modern Languages, Lahore Campus
Tiger Hosiery Mills (PVT) LTD.

and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members” (Chap.
16,pg. 364). No two organizational cultures are the same, however; each operate with their own set
of rules to accomplish a goal. This can be challenging in larger organizations because of so many
individuals. Therefore, two types of survival issues are dealt with, External Adaption and Internal
External Adaption, this issue is focused on reaching goals, the jobs to be accomplished , the
methods used and dealing with success and failure. Individuals will tend to develop ways to
measure their achievements and create explanations for why goals are not always met. One
innovative company views their responsibilities in how well the goals of developing new and
improved products are and the processes that are achieved.
Internal Adaption, individuals deal with issues on a more personal level. This will start with the
establishment of a...

National University of Modern Languages, Lahore Campus

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