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James Michael Anoya XII-St.


Hannah Trisha A. Cena

Beyond Walls 1.1

1. Describe what you see from the illustration. Do you think that
the situation will merit an investigation?

As what I can see from the illustration, two police officer

arrested a driver. It seems that the accused is seized by the legal
authority and will be taken into custody. On the illustration, the
police is taking charge of the driver because they believe that he
may have committed a crime, a thievery crime as my preconceived
notion. My evidence would be the statement in the illustration “Any
DNA found in the scene can be held against you”. Since DNA
evidence have been the forefront of criminal investigations and it
can solve property crimes, and in this situation I presume the
suspect is held accountable by a property crime. This is also an
active event type of crime since the suspect is still at the scene of the

This situation will firmly merit an investigation for the purpose

of determining how events occurred, and to establish an evidence-
based fact pattern to prove the guilt or innocence of the accused
person in this criminal occurrence.
2. What do you think is the “issue” of the policeman?

Operationally defining “issue”- issue of the police officer in the


The issue of the policeman in this situation is that there is no

showing of ID or even the presence of police badge. This is an
important for the police officers to have; this is a proof that they are
legitimate officers.

As what I have observed, there is no warrant of arrest present

or this is a warrantless arrest. So in this case, the police have a good
reason or a probable to cause to believe that a crime has been
committed and that the person they want to arrest or they have seen
has committed the crime.

Operationally defining “issue”- issue of the police officer

towards the suspect:

They issue of the police officer towards the suspect is on the

action taken by the accused person in which they have reasonable
suspicion that justifies the said issue. The issue is that since this is
an active event type of crime, the suspect who is still at the crime
scene is accused by the police as the suspect.
3. How do you think an inquiry would be useful in the
resolution of the above “issue”?

The challenge for every police is that the questioning of a

suspect and the subsequent confession can be compromised by
flawed inquiry practices. I think that through understanding the
correct processes and the legal parameters can make the difference
between having a suspect’s confession accepted as evidence by the

4. Suggest possible outcomes for this possible situation.

 The first possible outcome is that since an officer cannot arrest

someone just because they feel like or it’s a vague hunch that
someone might be a criminal. The police officers justified their
arrest by showing tangible evidence that led them to probable
 The second possible outcome is that forensic science then
plays a significant role in the investigation of this crime. The
DNA left in the crime scene will be the treasure trove for the
forensic scientist. Through DNA Profiling which is the process
of determining an individual’s characteristics.
 Circumstantial inculpatory evidence such as the fingerprint of
the accused found at the crime scene would then be presented
to the court as the main evidence that leads to a single logical
 The third possible outcome that I can think of for this situation
is that the court will reach then their conclusion of proof
beyond a reasonable doubt, and then the suspect will then be
held accountable by a property stealing crime.

What Have I Learned So Far?

1. What might happen to mankind if no research was done?

For me, research is the best thing that has happen to mankind.

This is the crowning glory of every aspect in life. Research is not

limited to any sector but has been done for almost every sector. If no
research was done, we will be living in a world without innovation,
and without innovation there will be no progress. Research is
significant to find answers to questions in life which will head to a
great impact to the lives of mankind

2. Make a brief comparison of the present technological situation in

the Philippines (2014-2015) versus that prevailed five years ago,
i.e., 2009-2010. What major advances can you attribute to as
product of research and investigation?

Comparing what year has the best technological advancement

between year 2009-2010 and 2014-2015, we can say that 2014-
2015 has the better technological advancement due to it is more
advance but without the advancement during the year 2009-2010
maybe we can’t have the technologies we used during that year.
2009-2010 paved way to new ideas and improve the technologies
more further in 2014-2015. In year 2009-2010 was the rise of smart
phone. Smart phone became popular instantly it is because of its
features that can be useful in daily life. While in the year 2014-2015
the technology we use became more advance than ever before.

3. Identify new beneficial products, innovation or technologies

arising from research. These innovations, technologies or products
may come from the field of chemistry, biology, physics,
environmental engineering, or earth science which you have directly
experienced or prevailed of.

A lot has changed since technology became more advance, by

improving our current technology it made our lives more easier and
productive. Technology didn’t became advance in just only one
aspect but it reaches different fields like in Medicine,
sciences,robotics,education,engineering and on national defense. All
of the advancements was product of research, without it we cannot
come up to new ideas that can made our live more easier and also
without the effort and knowledge of the researchers. One of notable
technological advancement was in the field of medicine.

btw ma'am, I was surprised to find a chocolate bar (ugh!! My

favorite remedy) inside my bag. Just want to let u know I enjoyed
the chocolate and it did brightened up my day. I really appreciate it,

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