Ronin Fitness - Ultimate Guide To Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release.

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Ultimate Guide

to Deep Tissue Massage and

Myofascial Release
As the proud new owner of the Myo Lance you are well on your way to
improved mobility, recovery, and performance. The Myo Lance was built to
meet the demands of athletes and eliminate muscle knots and trigger points.
Whether you are a seasoned professional, new to deep tissue massage and
myofascial release, or somewhere in between - this guide was created to help
you along the way.

— Table of Contents —
How does deep tissue massage/myofascial release work? 3

What are the benefits of deep tissue massage/myofascial release? 3

What makes the Myo Lance better than other massage balls/tools? 3

How should I use the adjustable gap? 3

How often/when should I use the Myo Lance? 3

Should it hurt when I am using the Myo Lance? 3

— Lower Body Exercises — — Upper Body Exercises —

Feet 4 Back - Lumbar/Thoracic 7

Calves 4 Lats 7

Hamstrings 5 Pecs 8

Quads 5 Triceps 8

IT Band 6 Scapula 9

Glutes 6 Shoulders 9

Traps 10

Neck 10

How does deep tissue massage/myofascial release work?
Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy focused on the nerves and connective tissues. The body
functions interdependently and can develop imbalances and restrictions from work, training, or other
activities. We develop compensations to overcome these restrictions which can create improper
movement patterns, impede performance, and lead to injury.. Myofascial release involves the self
massage of the fascia and other supportive tissue using a firm tool or ball to lengthen and release
muscles and stimulate blood flow in problem areas commonly called knots or trigger points.

What are the benefits of deep tissue massage/myofascial release?

According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine, myofascial release can correct muscle
imbalances and help to avoid restrictions, improve joint range of motion by breaking up knots,
relieve muscle soreness and joint pain by increasing blood flow/oxygenation in the area, improve
neuromuscular efficiency, relax muscles by activation of sensory receptors, and provide optimal
length-tension relationships by lengthening muscles and breaking up adhesions.

What makes the Myo Lance better than other massage balls/tools?
The Myo Lance was built tough with an ultra firm rock like rolling surface for maximum release and an
aggressive tread pattern to grip and unwind the fascia. Because our bodies are different sizes we’ve
made it adjustable and upgraded the standard peanut shape to our torpedo point, which helps dig in
when held by hand and allows more targeted work around the scapula and traps. It’s a professional
grade tool for people that want results, not the faint-hearted.

How should I use the adjustable gap?

All of the exercises in this guide can be performed with the Myo Lance in either the open or closed
position. The adjustable gap is there to give you some extra options when targeting different muscle
groups. Find out what works best for you! You may find you prefer the Myo Lance open or closed on
different exercises.

How often/when should I use the Myo Lance?

Deep tissue massage and myofascial release can be performed everyday. Use the Myo Lance to
combat tight muscles after a long day of sitting, limber up before, or speed up recovery and reduce
soreness after a workout, or address muscle knots and tweaks as they come up, whatever their cause.

Should it hurt when I am doing deep tissue massage?

Myofascial release can be uncomfortable, especially on areas that have never been worked before. The
firmness and tread of the Myolance while very effective can be intense to new users. Don’t worry it
was designed this way! Always go slow and listen to your body, if a certain exercise is too sore, reduce
the body weight applied to the movement. Most of the exercises in the guide can be modified to
perform against a wall which gives more control over the pressure applied. As you become more
experienced with myofascial release the discomfort will decrease and rolling will become soothing
and relaxing!

Lower Body Exercises

Feet​— Imbalances or weakness in the foot muscles cause tired and achy
feet, and create tightness and pain in the calves, knees, and back.

 With the Myo Lance on the floor place your foot on top in the desired area. - The Myo Lance can be
in the open or closed position depending on your foot size or part of the foot you are massaging.

 Roll your foot back and forth along the arch, heel, and sides of your feet using as much pressure as

Point and flex your toes while rolling to intensify the stretch.

– Shown while standing this exercise can also be performed while sitting in a chair.

Calves — Tight calves are often a result of overuse in athletes, common in

high heel wearers, and can cause pain in the feet, knees, hips, and lower back.

 Sit on the floor with legs extended placing your calf on top of the Myo Lance. Place your other leg
on top of the working one for more pressure, or beside it on the floor for less.

 With your hands placed behind you, use them to lift your lower body off the floor and push back
and forth to roll along the calf from ankle to knee.

You can also roll the calf from side to side, place your calf in the middle gap or high point of the
Myo Lance, rotate your leg side to side a few times in each spot moving up or down the calf to
massage the next area.

Lower Body Exercises

Hamstrings​— Often a result from sitting for extended periods, tight and
shortened hamstrings are prone to tears and can cause lower back pain,
knee pain, and limit mobility and performance.

 Sit on the floor with legs extended placing the Myo Lance underneath the hamstrings in the
desired area/leg you wish to work. Place the opposite leg on top of the working leg for more
pressure, or beside it for less and to assist with balance.

 With your hands placed behind you on the floor, use them to lift your body with your lower body
supported off the floor by the Myo Lance.

Push back and forth to roll up and down the hamstring from knee to glute.

Quads — As with hamstrings tight quads are often a result of a sedentary

lifestyle and can greatly reduce speed and power as well as cause knee and
back pain.

 Laying on the floor face down, place the Myo Lance on the quad in the desired starting area,
placing your opposite leg beside the working leg to help with balance.

 Support your upper body off the floor with your hands/elbows, with your lower body supported by
the Myo lance.

Push back and forth to roll along the quad from just above the knee to just below the hip.

Lower Body Exercises

IT Band​— Caused by repetitive bending of the knee during physical

activity, a tight IT (Iliotibial) band can cause pain in the hips, knees, and

 Lying on your side on the floor, place the Myo Lance on the outside of your leg closest to the floor.
 Place your opposite leg and foot on the floor beside you to balance and support your weight.
 Use your hands to roll your body up and down the Myo Lance across the length of the IT band
from hip to knee.

– If the pressure is too intense try the movement while leaning against a wall.

Glutes — Inhibited, weak, and tight glutes can be the biggest cause of power
and efficiency loss in many movements and have a negative impact on ath-
letic performance.

 While sitting on the floor, place the Myo Lance underneath the glute you wish to work.
 With your hands behind you to support your weight and your foot/feet planted on the floor, roll
back and forth across the Myo Lance.

Adjust your leg position from side to side to hit all areas of the glute as you roll, attempting to sink
into tight areas and trouble spots.

– To reduce intensity this exercise can also be performed against a wall.

Upper Body Exercises

Back - Thoracic T-spine​— The Thoracic back allows for movement and
mobility in all directions. Reduced thoracic mobility causes compensations
in the lower back, pelvis, and shoulders.

 Lay on the floor and place the Myo Lance horizontally across your mid-back so the gap is not on
the spine directly.

 With your body weight supported by the Myo Lance and your feet planted on the floor, roll back
and forth across the the Myo Lance from mid back through the scapula to the base of the neck.

Cross your arms on your chest, or behind your head to vary the stretch, or place them on the floor
beside you to assist with balance and reduce intensity.

– Your T-spine can also be worked while leaning against a wall.

Lats — The lats are involved in almost all shoulder movements, connect to
the lumbar spine, and play a support role in the breathing process. Sore or
tight lats can cause pain in the shoulders and lower back, and may make
deep breathing uncomfortable.

 While laying on the floor on your side, place the Myo Lance across the lat in the desired starting
area with the same side arm extended out.

 Use your opposite hand and feet to balance and support your body as you roll up and down across
the lat from the bottom of the rib cage to the armpit.

Adjust your body position on the Myo Lance to target different areas of the lat muscle.

UPPER Body Exercises

Chest​— Pectoral muscles in the chest can become tight and shorten with
overuse and too much focus on pressing movements causing hunched
shoulders, a rounded forward posture, and shoulder pain.

 Lying face down on the floor, place the Myo Lance across the chest in the desired area. The Myo
Lance can be placed horizontally or vertically across the chest.

 Using your hands and feet for support, roll your chest across the Myo Lance.
 Adjust the position of the Myo Lance to target different areas of the chest as you roll.

– The chest can be rolled while standing with the Myo Lance against the wall for less pressure.

Triceps — Tight triceps caused by activities with forceful extension of the

elbow can lead to pain in the elbow, tricep and shoulder and tendonitis.

 Lay on the floor with arm outstretched in front of you place the Myo Lance underneath the tricep
in the desired area.

 Using your opposite hand and feet for support as you roll your tricep across the Myo Lance.
 Roll your tricep from the base of your shoulder to your elbow.

– This exercise can also be performed while sitting at a table.

UPPER Body Exercises

Scapula/Shoulder Blade — The scapula are responsible for overall shoulder

stability. Improper function leads to compensations and atrophy that
further decrease stability and puts stress on the shoulders, neck, and low
back with greater risk of injury.

 Lying on your back on the floor, position the Myo Lance beside vertically against or horizontally
between your shoulder blades. Your arms can be crossed on your chest, extended to change the
stretch, or beside you for balance and support.

 Use your feet and hands to manipulate your body around the unit and apply pressure to “dig” in
and target knots and sore spots.

Using the torpedo points on the Myo Lance target hard to reach areas underneath the scapula/
shoulder blade.

– This exercise can also be performed while leaning against a wall.

Shoulders — Tight shoulders caused by overuse, sleeping position, stress, or

injury can cause pain or stiffness in your neck, back and upper body, and limit
strength and mobility.

 Lying on the floor on your side, place the Myo Lance underneath the shoulder you would like to work.
 Using your opposite hand and feet to support yourself, roll your shoulder up and down the Myo Lance.
 Extend your opposite arm straight out or above your head as your roll to vary the stretch and release.

– If too intense try rolling the shoulders while leaning against a wall.

UPPER Body Exercises

Traps​— Repetitive movements from specific sports and heavy lifting can
cause tight traps leading to pain in the neck and shoulders, as well as cause
headaches and facial tension.

 Sitting in a chair or on the floor grab the Myo Lance and hold one end by hand.
 Work the trap on the opposite side to the hand you are holding the Myo Lance in, use the pointed
torpedo end to dig in and around the trap muscles, targeting sore and tight areas.

For extra pressure both hands can be placed on the Myo Lance while working the muscle.

Neck — A stiff and tight neck is often caused by poor posture, extended
periods of sitting, or looking down and forward at devices resulting in pain,
headaches, and tension.

 Lying on the floor place the Myo Lance underneath the neck with the spine/neck positioned over
the gap so the unit is in contact with the muscles only and not the spine.

 Gently roll the neck muscles by tilting the head side to side and up and down.
 Adjust the position of the Myo Lance on the neck by hand or by slowly and gently rolling up and
down with the feet.

– Go slow when rolling the neck and mind the intensity. Try rolling your neck muscles while leaning
against a wall to reduce intensity.

Thank you for your support, it means the world to me!

As a small family business on Amazon your feedback is essential. Reviews help other
athletes and active people with knots and restrictions choose a tool that’s right for
them, and helps us make the best possible products. Please let me know how we did
and share your experience in a product review of the Myo Lance!

If you have further questions, concerns, or just want to say hi, please don’t hesitate to
reach out to me directly at

Brandon - Founder, Ronin Fitness

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