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Credits ce
Writing: Angus McNicholl, Jason U. Walla
icholl, Jason U. Wallace
Development: Carsten Damm, Angus McN
Visual Design & Layout: Carsten Damm
van Winch
Editing: Carsten Damm, Aric Wieder, Dono
Dünne, Stacy Frelund,
Playtesters: Tom Aguirre, Jamie Cole, Jörg
e McG rego r, Angu s McN ichol l,
Nata sha Hing tgen , Scot t and Lizzi
eitze r, Jerem iah Schw ennen, Elle Sundar,
Simon Powell, Sarah Schw
Jason U. Wallace, Aric Wieder, Daniel Weß
ks for supporting us!
Based on Western City by Jörg Dünne. Than
by Vagrant Workshop. All
© 2012 Pro-Indie. Licensed and published
book are protected by copyright.
rights reser ved. The contents of this
cate the Appe ndix for personal use only,
Permission granted to dupli
res written permission
Any other reproduction, even in excerpts, requi
by the publisher.
About the Game 6 these Decisions 23
UsING This Book 7 Step One:
What is a Vampire?
The Source 23
Character 8
Physiology 24
Abilities 8
Feeding Habits 25
Attributes 8
The Dark Rebirth 25
Skills 9
The Dark Curse 26
Dark Gifts 13
The Dark Gift 27
Crypts 13
Vampiric Death 29
Auctions 13
Special Effects 30
Splitting the Pool 13
Step Two: The World
Vetoes 14
of Vampire City 30
Tests 14
The Setting 30
Fumbles 15
Social Standing 31
When Not to
Vampire Society 32
Use the Dice 15
Places of Importance 32
Using Dark Gifts 15
Presence of Magic 33
Conflicts 16
Protocol 51 34
Death is not Welcome
Demon Seed 36
Mobs 17
Immortal Overlords 38
Inanimate Objects 18
Pure Blood 40
Monsters and Villains 18
Regaining Lost PREDATORS
Damage Points 19 AND PREY 42
Patch it Up! 19 Playing Mortals 42
Regenerating Step One: Profession 42
and Feeding 19
Step Two: Attributes 43
Magic 19
Step Three : Skills 44
Using Magic 20
Step Four: A Special Item 4 4
Magic Effects 20
Equipment 45
45 Special Scenes 59
Step Five: Hubris
Activating Hubris Dusk 59
During the Game 45 Midnight 60
Step Six: The Dark Gift 46 Dawn 61
Step Seven : Crypt 46
Step Eight: Background 47
Step Nine: Extra s 48
Extras During the Game 49 Point Rewards 62
Relationship Maps 50 Extra of the Night 62
Alternative Rewards 62
A SESSION 51 Spending
AdventurE Points 63
Bidding for Extra s 52
Learning and
Goals of the Night 52 63
Improving Skills
Events of the Night 53 64
Raising Attributes
Creating a Line Gaining New Dark Gifts
of Events 54 64
and Special Items
Bidding for all Scenes 55 64
Tracking Changes
Creating a Season 55
EVENTS Checklists 65
Character Creation 67
Turning an Event
Into a Scene 56 Uses of Blood Tokens
and Symbol s 69
Starting a Scene 57
Character Sheet 70
Getting In 58
Getting Out 58
Ending a Scene 58
Sample Characters 73
Buying Scene Elements 58
Changing Characters
During a Scene 59
Forewarned is forearmed, know your enemy or it will slay you dead
and feast upon your life blood.

Father Martin Ellis, Vampire Hunter

Fear the night for ´´ In the halls of power of the

it has fangs! mighty Roman Empire, its lofty
edifice shining over the barbarian
The city is a place of
expanses, corruption is rife.
nightmare and darkness,
Gladiators fight and die bloody
where the worst fears of
deaths, gold and blood flow into
mortals’ hearts stalk them.
the coffers of the powerful. But
Creatures that look like us,
the young are rising, those fresh
but driven by their need to
with the curse are seeking to
feed upon us like lowly cattle
overthrow the old ways… to seize
stalk every shadow… Vampire
the very power of the Caesars!
City is not for the faint of heart.
Whose side will you be on... a
If you choose to come here, mortal,
damned pawn of the Empire or
it will be your end.
in desperation in league with
Vampires have stalked amongst us savages? Fang, claw, and gladius
since our race first turned from inno- rule the night!
cence; they have feed upon our society
´´ Feed upon the carrion of the
like rats, throughout all the ages of
Dark Ages, where vampires ruled
our history. Vampire City provides a
amidst the plague-rattled ruins
new way to bring them to life. Roman-
of civilizations. Feudal lords
ticism and tragedy, sacrifice and ava-
themselves turn to the dark gift
rice, diplomacy and backstabbing, the
to survive the Black Death. Life
depraved and the anti-hero, the gift
is cheap, and serfs are traded as
and the curse, the struggle with mor-
cattle. Deals are signed openly in
tality, and ultimately… surpassing it.
blood, allowing terrors to freely
Come to Vampire City and meet stalk the night.
your destiny, bleeding out your last
´´ The refinement and masks of
in the shadow of a doorway or exalt-
the Victorian era hide a predator
ing yourself in blood… the night is a
of cultural refinement
cruel mistress.
and bloody instinct. It
is an era of affluent

connoisseurs with the experience both human and vampires, who
of ages that maneuver through seek to challenge the immortal
the parade of high society, monuments erected in modernis-
gorging themselves on high-class tic garb... there is no rest during
hedonism and innocent blood. the night!
Secret wars wage in the late night
Vampire City is a place of bloody
theatres, ornate graveyards, and
shadows cast over human miser y,
palatial bedrooms. Clan moves
where dread creatures hunt the liv-
against clan, and loyalties are
ing and take their lives to secure their
tried, broken, and exchanged… all
own cursed existence. Vampire City
with a tip of the hat, swish of the
is a place of horror, a place of dark-
cloak, and slice of the dagger. It is
ness, and it will claim you if you don’t
the height of gothic decadence.
watch out!
´´ Our modern age hides a nest of
vampires quietly scheming under
our unknowing eyes. Hiding and
pulling strings, dark forces stay
About the Game
Vampire City aims at capturing
hidden and hunt. Fighting over
the feel of vampires, but one put-
connections, territories, and se-
ting your and your friends in control.
crecy, those few mortals who
The themes and violence can be dark
encounter it all are swept up in
and disturbing, the subject matter
the clandestine battle or swept
mature. The players should agree
under the proverbial rug. The day
on their levels of comfort and work
goes on just as we all know, only
together to frame a world and char-
aspiring servants alluding to the
acters that all can interact with and
corrupt in-fighting boiling over
enjoy. Themes can range from horror
after dusk… but then, very real
to adventure to politics depending
threats lurk in the shadows pry-
on your individual tastes.
ing on the unwary.
Vampire City is a roleplaying game
´´ Darkness no longer haunts the
for three to five players without the
shadows but covers the land in
need for a gamemaster, allowing ev-
a veil of shadow. Our time has
eryone to participate in the same ca-
passed and theirs has begun… the
pacity. By limiting players’ resources,
future, dark and dystopian, where
the game gives everyone a fair share
the vampires have stolen the
of the game time and is a truly col-
reigns of power. Humanity, with
laborative experience.
all its technology and advances,
knows it only exists as food... In such a game, the goals the play-
blood is the currency of the new ers set for their characters become
age. You either ally with the dark- paramount, the only real guides to what
ness, hoping to join it, or fall into everyone is seeking to do. It is up to
complacency and hope to the players to choose their own motiva-
live out another night. tions and goals, and direct the action
But there are those towards those ends. Cooperatively,
dissatisfied with the players provide a basic structure
the situation, for play.
There are interesting advantages to next decision or scene is more limited.
such a gamemasterless arrangement This fluid bidding system helps keep
well suited to the vampire genre. While the spotlight moving among all the
respect must be taken to incorporate players.
everyone, there is no intrinsic moti-
vation for a single party or group of
player characters involved, allowing
considerable freedom for individual
UsING This Book
The rules in this book are divided
pursuits. Even antagonistic roles can
into six sections:
be incorporated readily, such as major
villains or even a direct opponent like a Game Mechanics details the various
vampire hunter! As long as the players game mechanics a game of Vampire
can work in an idea, your imagination City involves, explaining how they
is the only limit. work
Vampire City begins a step back Mythology and Setting lets the
from the characters, with the players group create the background for their
themselves conceiving of the setting Vampire City games by selecting from
and even the very nature of vampires a variety of options.
in their game using a simple tic-box
Predators and Prey details how
system. Such details are agreed upon
to create the characters used in the
in advance, as they form a backdrop
and context for the characters each
player will create. This setting can play Preparing a Session details how
an ongoing role in games of Vampire to prepare the game for the night
City as a season, or be decided on and weave a storyline for everyone
afresh on each occasion for play. involved.
To manage the inevitable disagree- Events and Scenes explains how
ments and differences of prefer- these work in a game of Vampire
ence, each player receives a handful City, explaining how they are woven
of blood tokens which can be used together.
to introduce ideas or influence the
Adventure Points covers how Ad-
direction of the game itself, both in
venture Points are awarded and used
development and actual play. While
to improve various abilities.
proposing an era to set the game in
or preparing an individual scene, the Finally, the Appendix offers charac-
players may disagree on how to frame ter, extra, and location sheets, gaming
it. The blood tokens come in here, aids, and an Example of Play.
with those most willing to spill blood
for their side, winning the bidding and Remarks look like this and
right to see their ideas happen. Af- offer hints and advice on using
ter each decision or scene, the tokens the rules.
spent in such auctions are redistribut-
Examples look like this, show-
ed among the players. The player with casing how the rules are applied.
the biggest influence at each junction
is the only one not to get any chips
back so that his influence on the
There is an order to the universe, a divine plan if you will. But, vampires
aren’t part of that plan, they stand apart from the order of the universe,
avoiding the natural laws and the passage of time.

Finn Carsden, Vampire Philosopher

In order to play Vampire City, each

player needs… Character
´´ …eight six-sided dice (these can
be shared if need be).
All characters in Vampire
´´ …five blood tokens (red glass
City have Attributes and
beads, red stones, red poker
Skills defining their abili-
chips, pennies, etc).
ties. See the Predators and
´´ …one symbol (an ankh, cross, Prey chapter for more infor-
fang, different colored stone/ mation on assigning values
chip, etc). to these.
´´ …a pen or pencil.
´´ …a few sheets of paper for Attributes
Attributes describe the character’s
´´ …a Character Sheet (see p.70) inborn abilities. An Attribute’s Rank
and two Extras Sheets (see p.71). determines the number of dice players
roll to test their characters’ abilities.
´´ …his imagination, his dark
desires, and a sense of fun! Each character has three Attributes:
B od y deter mines how strong,
Playtests have shown that dexterous, wiry, graceful, quick, or
Vampire City is excellent even just persistent a character is.
for groups of three to five This Attribute covers a character’s
players, but smaller or big- physical ability.
ger groups should be fine as
well: just prepare to be more Mind covers shrewdness, alertness,
flexible and set aside a education, general knowledge, intel-
touch more time. ligence, but also self-confidence or
determination. This Attribute covers
a character’s mental ability.

Charisma tells how attractive, these are used whenever a character
charming, or worldly your character suffers mental fatigue from psychic
is. This Attribute covers a character’s domination, resisting the effects of
social ability. psychotropic drugs, or even trying
to solve mind-bending puzzles. If a
The Attribute Ranks are:
character loses all his Mind Points he
becomes unconscious or otherwise un-
´´ Rank 1: Abysmal
able to function.
´´ Rank 2: Below average
Social Points are a little more
´´ Rank 3: Human average abstract than either Body or Mind
Points, but they represent the
´´ Rank 4: Above average
character’s ability to resist social
´´ Rank 5: Legendary diplomacy, persuasion, and seduction.
A character with a high Social Points
total is far more difficult to lead
High Attribute ranks don’t neces-
astray. Should the character lose all
sarily mean that a character excels in
his Social Points, he is exhausted and
all areas covered by the Attribute, but
unable to resist any further attempts
there are at least a few areas where
to persuade or coerce him.
the character is strong.

Damage Points Skills

Each Attribute also has an associ- When it comes to how well your
ated pool of damage points, called character can pull certain things off,
Body Points, Mind Points, and Social it’s often not just how well he’s natu-
Points, respectively. These describe rally disposed (that’s what the Attri-
how resilient the character is in each butes show) but also about how well
area of conflict. See Conflicts on p.16 he’s been educated and trained. For
for more information on how damage this, all characters have skills defining
points are used. the areas of expertise they have. Skill
Ranks determine which numbers on a
Extras have Body, Mind and Social
die count as successes, as described
Points equal to their relevant attri-
under Tests on p.14.
bute, while the player characters have
twice that amount. Some monsters
and powerful villains can have more. Skills are important if effec-
Body Points are used whenever a tiveness is what you like in a
character suffers physical injury—like character, but you shouldn’t
falling down the stairs, being kicked let them matter too much. If
or punched, or even being drowned. someone has shown great ro-
Characters with a high number of Body leplaying and has been making
Points can endure a lot of punishment an effort, let his action suc-
before they fall unconscious. ceed and skip the Skill Test.

Mind Points are the character’s

mental reserves and willpower;
Athletics (Body) Endurance (Body)
Athletics covers the ability to sprint, Training the body to endure pro-
play sports, and generally perform longed physical excretion usually for
well in track and field style events. running marathons or dealing with oth-
er extreme conditions, like the bitter
cold or the blistering heat.
Bluffing (Charisma)
The character is an accomplished liar,
able to convince others of the truth
Fashion (Charisma)
of his words while feeding them false A strong sense of fashion can be im-
information. portant when making a first impression
and this is often a general reflection
of their attire and taste. The character
Brawling (Body) may even be ahead of the curve, set-
Most people have the rudimentary ting new fashions.
ability to fight, but those who are
skilled brawlers often have specific
training in a martial art, or years of
Foreign Cultures (Mind)
experience in street fights and bar The character has travelled widely
brawls. and experienced many foreign cul-
tures, picking up pieces of the lan-
guage and some customs.
Climbing (Body)
The character is able to ascend trees,
walls or cliff faces and with the right
Gambling (Mind)
kind of equipment make and abseil This is the ability to understand and
descent. play games of chance and skill. Usu-
ally these are card games like poker,
but in some cultures this can be a tile
Diplomacy (Charisma) game like mahjong. Note that games
A skilled negotiator is able to help of pure chance, in which skill plays no
people come to common ground part (like roulette or most dice games),
and bring about fair and mutually are down to random chance and this
beneficial results. skill doesn’t help.

Driving (Body) Haggling (Charisma)

Depending upon the historical set- Making the best deal; knowing what
ting of your Vampire City game this to say and how to say it to obtain the
skill may be unavailable or limited only best possible bargaining position, and
to a privileged class of people. The skill lower a merchant’s prices for him.
covers all motorized vehicles in
the setting from motor-
bikes to trucks.
History (Mind)
The character has studied history, or
lived through it attentively.
Interrogation (Charisma) Of course, this skill may be limited by
the setting, medicine in a medieval set-
This skill represents one’s ability to
ting is likely limited to a source of fresh
conduct structured interviews with
leaches or other practices that might
suspects or witnesses, and to exam-
actually do more harm than good. In
ine their testimony through logic and
a hi-tech setting, nanotech or other
deduction to detect inconsistencies.
wonder cures may be available and
provide greater effect.
Intimidation (Charisma)
The ability to convince others that Melee (Body)
the character is a potential threat to
Years of practice have gifted the
them and that compliance with his de-
character with the ability to wield me-
mands is the best way not to get hurt.
lee weapons. This could be fencing,
sword fighting, or the use of a martial
Leadership (Charisma) arts weapon.
As a leader of men the character
is able to rally people and lead them Observation (Mind)
when confusion would other wise
Some people are simply more ob-
servant than others. A few have been
trained as observers to take note of
Magic (Mind) details that other people might easily
Few people believe in magic as any-
thing other than stage trickery, fewer
still train as magician, spending long Oration (Charisma)
years studying occult rituals. More
The character is an accomplished
information on Magic is given on p.19.
public speaker able to rouse the crowd
The Magic skill may not be and manipulate emotions with his
appropriate in all settings words and his message.
and the group should decide
if it will be allowed if anyone
would like to purchase it. See Perform (Charisma)
p.19 for rules on using the Some people have a talent for act-
Magic skill. ing, singing, and dance, perhaps includ-
ing stage fighting.
Medicine (Mind)
Characters trained in medicine can Politics (Mind)
recognize, diagnose, and treat medical
A life in certain circles gifts the char-
problems, including identifying causes
acter with an understanding of politi-
of death. In addition, once per fight
cal theory, policy, and bureaucracy.
they may roll for successes to heal
Body Points up to a maximum of half
the damage caused by hits during one
sequence (see Patch It Up, p.19).
Religion (Mind) Sailing (Body)
Some people have chosen the life A character with this skill possesses
within the clergy or have been closely practice and experience at handling
associated with the workings of their all kinds of watercraft, from a rowing
church learning religious practice and boat up to a sailing yacht.
Religion is used as a mea- Sciences (Mind)
sure of true faith in settings
where vampires are demonic A good understanding of the prin-
and vulnerable to the ef- ciples of the basic sciences: biology,
fects of faith. Only mortals chemistry and physics, and how their
can have faith in such set- principles relate to the world. What
tings, although vampires can constitutes a science may vary widely
certainly have knowledge in different settings; the science of a
and practical ability with the classical Greek era setting will be very
Religion skill. If you like, you different from a star spanning sci-fi
may decide someone with a adventure.
religious Profession does not
necessarily have true faith,
unless they purchase the Re-
Seduction (Charisma)
ligion skill separately. The T h e c h a r a c t e r i s a b l e t o p e r-
faithless, former priest is a suade a person through the power
popular role in vampire litera- of his personal charm and physical
ture, for example. attractiveness.

Repair (Mind) Shooting (Body)

The character understands how Some people have honed their skill
things work and is able to both repair with a selection of ranged weapons,
and easily disable mechanical and including pistols, rifles, and archery
electronic devices. This skill is limited weapons.
to appropriate settings in which me-
chanical and electronic devices are
commonly available.
Strategy (Mind)
The character has studied (military
sciences, tactics, military history),
Riding (Body) and usually has hand-on experience
The character is able to handle most in the field.
trained riding beasts; usually horses,
but in some cultures this could be an
elephant or other animal. The char-
Swimming (Body)
acter can also control these animals Some people take to the water bet-
when pulling a cart, carriage, ter than others. The character is able
or chariot. to swim using a variety of different

Survival (Mind) one can be selected during the next
session of play.
A practiced woodsman, able to light
fires, forage for food, and find or build
shelter from available resources.
Auctions and the bidding of blood
Teaching (Charisma) tokens are used in almost every stage
Some people are able to dem - of the game. They ensure everyone
onstrate a particular skill in a way gets an equal share in the story. In
that makes it easier for others to most cases, you will only enter bidding
understand. if two or more players cannot find a
way to make their different ideas hap-
pen together in play.
Throwing (Body)
In an auction, everyone involved
The character has a good aim when
takes turns throwing blood tokens into
throwing things, be they ninja stars or
a pool (also called “the pot”). The play-
valuable vases.
er who drops the most blood tokens
into the pool wins the auction. Players
Dark Gifts may bid until one of them comes out
as the winner. Ties are not possible, if
A Dark Gift allows a vampire to per- a player can’t bid more than his coun-
form a special action. This could be the terpart, he loses the auction.
ability to melt into the earth to sleep
If players want to support each oth-
through the day or the ability to turn
er in their goals, they are free to give
into a bat. Such abilities require no
each other blood tokens, or bid for the
test and work automatically. Others
desired outcome themselves.
might require a mental or social con-
flict to take effect, such as controlling
a potential victim through suggestion
(such Dark Gifts use a relevant Attri-
Splitting the Pool
bute and the vampire’s Profession After each auction the blood pool
Rank to “attack”). must be redistributed back to the play-
ers. The player (or players), who won
the auction never receive blood back,
Crypts that is the cost of enforcing their will
on the game world. The blood pool is
A Crypt is a character’s turf, a place
split evenly between all the other play-
he knows inside and out. A character
ers. If the number of chips in the pool
can only have one Crypt at a time.
doesn’t split up evenly, the remainder
A character gets to roll two extra is left in the pool until after the next
dice for any actions performed in his auction.
Crypt. If for some reason a character
The blood pool can accumulate
needs to change his Crypt (the old one
blood points for reasons other than
is burned out by hunters or the charac-
ter no longer hangs out there) a new

auctions. At the end of each scene if signals refusal or objection by throw-
there is blood in the blood pool it is ing a blood token into the pool and
distributed evenly between all players. speaking the key sentence:
As normal, if there are an odd number
“Over my dead body”
of points the excess is left in the pool
until the next split. Ideally, players come up with some
sort of agreement or compromise
So the blood pool is split after each
and continue playing. If they cannot
auction and at the end of each and
agree, an auction is called to settle
every scene.
the dispute and decide how the scene
plays out.
Feasting Upon Your Once someone has successfully
Fellow Players enforced his veto against someone
If a player hoards 12 or more blood else’s description, the vetoed scene
tokens, the others can announce a or description is banned for the du-
feast because they feel too weak and ration of the session and may not be
deprived of their chance to actively reintroduced during this game session
take part in the game. The player with (not even in similar form).
all those blood tokens can try to ex- In Vampire City, it always
plain why he or she needs to save them costs you to enforce your will
so badly (maybe for a huge scene) and against your fellow players.
make the would-be blood suckers That’s no big deal though,
reconsider. since your pool of blood to-
If the hoarder’s explanation isn’t sat- kens will replenish as soon
isfactory, they have one more scene to as you lose an auction or a
spend those blood tokens on narration scene ends.
rights (or just give them away), after
which each blood sucker rolls one die
and takes the number that comes up
in blood tokens from the hoarder. The
player with the fewest blood tokens
goes first, followed by the second few- If the actions of two characters op-
est, and so on until the bled player’s pose one another, whether in a fight, a
blood tokens run out or everybody got chess match, or while bargaining, a test
their share, whichever comes up first. is the quickest way of determining who
wins a brief contest. Longer Conflicts

Vetoes are dealt with on p.16.

Play the beginning of the contest
When a player does not agree with before rolling dice for an appropriate
what someone else is describing, es- skill (see Skills, p.9). In Vampire City,
pecially when they are setting Skill Ranks tell you how good a char-
up a scene (see Events acter is at a given skill. Mechanically,
and Scenes, p.56), he Skill Ranks determine which numbers
may enforce his right on a die count as successes:
to veto. The player
´´ Rank 1: Count as success if the
die comes up a 1
When Not to
´´ Rank 2: 1 or 2 is a success
Use the Dice
In Vampire City, all tests that are
´´ Rank 3: 1 through 3 count as
not opposed automatically succeed.
In other words, characters can jump
´´ Rank 4: 1 through 4 count as from one roof to another, or out of
successes the third floor of a building and into
the street without having to roll. The
´´ Rank 5: 1 through 5 count as
only condition is that they must have
the right kind of skill or Dark Gift to
be eligible for such an action. Though
Players can test skills their charac-
other players can veto such actions if
ters do not know. In this case, only 1s
they consider them unrealistic or in
count as successes. This kind of test is
violation of the setting (see Vetoes,
also called an Attribute Test. The value
of the Attribute in question deter-
mines how many dice a player rolls on Start playing first and de-
a particular test. The number of Skill scribe your story to your fel-
Ranks determine which values on a die low players. Be active and
count as successes (less than or equal react to what the others are
to the Skill Rank counts as a success). bringing to the game. Vampire
City is more geared towards
The player with the most successes roleplaying than rolling dice.
wins the test and narration rights for Sure, you might run into situa-
the direction the scene takes. Ideally, tions where it seems more fit-
the scene is fun to play and everyone ting to leave the resolution to
continues to play it to closure. They act chance, but if all of you agree
out how the contest develops and why after or during a scene that it
one of the opponents doesn’t succeed just has to end a certain way,
in the end. Players should consider the skip the die rolls and finish the
outcome of the test in their further scene together.
In case of a tie, the character with
the higher Skill Rank wins. If that’s an-
other tie, repeat the test.
Using Dark Gifts
Dark Gifts are special abilities vam-
pires have. Often, these are simply
Fumbles used in telling the story, enabling the
vampire to do or survive something
A fumble happens when all dice
a normal mortal would be unable to.
come up as failures. In case of a fum-
A list of suggested Dark Gifts is in
ble, the winner can ridicule the oppo-
the Mythology and Setting chap-
nent while describing the outcome of
ter (see p.22), where the players
the test.

decided together on which to use in direction the fight takes. In case of a
their Vampire City game. Descriptions tie, the character with the higher Skill
are included with those powers, espe- Rank wins. If that’s another tie, repeat
cially those to be used in combat or in the test between those characters.
Each success deals damage to an
Whenever a vampire needs to roll opponent lowering their appropriate
something for use with their dark gift Points (Body Points lowered in physi-
they use the relevant Attribute and cal combat, Mind Points for psychic or
their Profession Rank as the effective magical confrontations, Social Points
skill. If a certain skill would be involved in negotiations and other social en-
in its use that won’t be covered by counters). Successes may be distrib-
their Profession normally, it could be uted among several opponents, or
argued that such innate abilities would they may be used for blocking dam-
still use their Profession Rank, or it can age. Note that everyone’s successes
just use the relevant Skill Rank if pos- (not just the winner’s) are used to deal
sessed. This can be bid upon at the ta- or prevent damage as that character
ble if it becomes a point of contention. decides.
In melee combat, each character

Conflicts may only be attacked by a maximum

of four opponents at the same time.
The conflict continues until one of the
Conflicts cover direct, involved con-
opponents flees, surrenders, or goes
frontations, from physical combat of
down with zero Body or Mind Points.
all kinds to arguments, from sensitive
Some conflicts may involve multiple
negotiations to psychic duels, from a
types of confrontations, such as an
high stakes poker game to use of ma-
ongoing brawl that has a vampire try-
nipulative Dark Gifts or magic spells.
ing to control another opponent in a
Conflicts (and all kinds of combat) psychic duel. Here each victory should
in Vampire City are divided into se- be dealt with individually, but during
quences. A sequence can take seconds, the same sequences, with any confu-
minutes, or even days, depending on sion resolved by a group consensus.
what kind of situation the players
Arguments or discussions are han-
come up with.
dled in this same manner, but with
At the beginning of each sequence, Charisma or the Oration skill instead
all participants declare what they’re of weapons skills. Players start by role-
tr ying to do, and then ever ybody playing the discussion between every-
makes their skill tests at the same one involved. Play those discussions
time. The player with the best result hard. Outtalk each other, and only then
(i.e., the most successes) wins narra- roll the dice. When it feels like some
tion rights and initiative for this fight, sort of decision is appropriate, resort
which means that his or her to a conflict. Unlike a physical fight,
character goes first. It’s however, the weaker party withdraws
up to him to tell what from the scene as soon as it runs out
happens during this of arguments. This happens when their
sequence and which Social Points are reduced to zero. Here
the loser doesn’t pass out or die, but a new one on the spot with as many
gives into the situation in some way. Adventure Points as the previous char-
Obviously an argument is also over acter had. Newly created main charac-
when it escalates into a fight, and ters, however, can only be introduced
blows are exchanged instead of words. in the next session.
As long as their player does not ex-
plicitly say otherwise, a vampire or
Justin Cross has cornered a other character with zero or fewer
scary little vampire girl in a cor- Body Points is simply unconscious or
ner of a room filled with pipe in a state of dormancy. He or she is
works; there are no more exits
severely injured and has to be taken to
for her to escape. Matt (Justin’s
someone for treatment and will heal
Player) declares that Justin,
Body Points while not being involved
armed with a flask of blessed
in a scene.
water, will splash it on the child.
John, who is playing the scary
little vampire girl, tries to bluff
the vampire hunter by acting ter- Mobs
rified and fearful of the big man. A player may call up a mob to sup-
They both roll dice, Justin has port them during a fight, provided
a Body of 4 and Throwing skill their presence is plausible. A mob is
of 4: Matt rolls 5, 5, 6, 1… only 1 made up of several people and may
success. The scary little girl has a come in many shapes, like a group of
Charisma of 5 and a Bluffing skill thugs or officers of the City’s Police
of 4; John rolls 1, 2, 2, 5… 3 suc- Department. Some vampires might
cesses. The scary little girl goes be able to call up unusual mobs in the
first attempting her emotional form of a cloud of bats or a pack of
manipulation. Justin hesitates wolves depending on their specific
taken in by the ruse and takes dark gifts.
2 points of damage to his Social
Whoever frames a scene (see p.56)
Points. Perhaps she isn’t the
may bring a mob of up to 10 people
monster he believed her to be?
into the scene for free. He may add
Now they are ready to go for people to the mob at a cost of one
another sequence of actions. blood token per five individuals.
Mobs act without direction, and
Death is not Welcome therefore may go after main charac-
ters and extras alike in each scene.
A character only dies if that char- Each member of a mob has one Point
acter’s player agrees. Only dramatic of each type (Body, Mind, and Social)
reasons should tip the scales. A player and generates one automatic success
whose character has died may create in a fight.
Since an attacker may split his suc-
cesses among several opponents

in a fight, a character can take out as to be the amount of damage dealt in
many henchmen as they roll successes. a single blow, so tearing a gun in half
might take a 4, while smashing some
Other players active in a scene
electronics could be a 1 or 2.
can call a mob together by holding a
speech and spending one blood token.
The player must make an Oration Skill
Test (or use a similar ability); with the
Monsters and Villains
number of successes representing the The group may choose to come up
number of people convinced (this is with stronger opponents and special
the size of the mob). monsters, such as elder vampires,
werewolves, or other mythical beasts.
The control over the Mob vanishes
Monsters and villains can have more
at the end of the scene.
Damage Points (as many as 20 in each
category) and more Ranks in their At-
Inanimate Objects tributes (multiple 5’s and more). They
often have a couple of Special Items as
There are times when the characters well as a Hubris and a Crypt. Those that
may want to break an inanimate object are vampires or other mythological or
or barrier. Often this may just be an el- supernatural creatures will likely also
ement of the story where the dice are have one or more Dark Gifts.
put to rest and the most dramatic ren-
They have a Profession (see p.42) at
dering is agreed upon and followed. In
Rank 5 and an additional...
cases where the timing or difficulty
seem to warrant a dice roll, the object
´´ 5 skills at Rank 4,
is given an effective number of Body
Points to represent how much physical ´´ 4 skills at Rank 3 and
punishment it can take before yielding.
´´ 6 skills at Rank 2.
Anyone may propose how many each
object or barrier should have, subject
to others’ suggestions, agreements, If you want to play a monster or vil-
and resorting to an auction if need lain in a scene, you must spend your
be. Once established, the character symbol on it during the Bidding for
rolls a relevant Attribute or Skill Test Extras stage (see p.) or be called on
(Body, Melee, Shooting, etc.) with suc- by the group to fill the role (and ac-
cesses causing damage and reducing cept the call).
the object’s effective Body Points. Watch it with those mon-
When these reach zero the object or sters and villains. Play a cou-
barrier is broken or ineffective, and ple of ordinary sessions first
stops working or allows the character or at least develop some sense
to pass. Typical values for breaking a for the appropriate game bal-
residential door down might be 5, a ance. Overly powerful oppo-
cement wall might be 12, while nents can easily discourage
a window could be 1 or 2. less experienced players.
For breaking small ob-
jects, it often makes
more sense for this
Regaining Lost current total above their regular maxi-
mum (see p.42).

Damage Points Once per opponent, a vampire may

also declare they are feeding for a se-
quence. This requires the use of their
All characters active in a scene re-
normal melee skill and involves biting
gain two points of all damage types
or mauling their opponent (which will
after it is finished. Absent characters
certainly reveal their true nature). They
regain four points in each type for each
gain Body Points equal to the number
scene during which they are absent.
of points of damage they inflict, in ad-
Their current Point totals can never
dition to dealing damage. However,
be higher than twice the relevant At-
they cannot use any of their successes
tribute for main characters and equal
to prevent damage while feeding and
to that Attribute for extras. Special
cannot split up their damage against
monsters, villains, and those with ap-
multiple opponents. Note depend-
propriate Dark Gifts may have more
ing on the mythology chosen for the
Points than that.
spread of vampirism, such careless
Characters start each session with feeding may result in the target be-
their Body, Mind, and Social Points ing turned into a vampire themselves!
fully replenished.

Patch it Up! Magic

The supernatural is a foundation
Once per fight, players may replen-
stone of Vampire City, but Magic
ish one Body Point by administering
takes this one step beyond and may
first aid if they are mortals. This does
detract from the darker or gothic hor-
take a whole sequence (see Conflicts,
ror elements of the game. Magic, if it is
used, should more often be subtle and
A character with a suitable Profes- dark, rather than wiz bang and fireballs
sion may also try rolling for successes (unless that is what everyone really
with his Profession dice to heal Body wants). That said, these magic rules are
Points up to a maximum of half the strictly optional. Each group should
damage caused by hits during one se- agree during the Mythology and Set-
quence. The Medicine skill (p.11) may ting stage on what is permissible in
also be used for this. Vampire City; whether or not magic
is part of that is up to you.

Regenerating M agic c an signif ic antly

add to the setting, but it can
and Feeding easily take center stage and
take focus away from the dark
Vampires may throw a blood token gifts vampires have. Be care-
into the pool to immediately heal up ful when you use it, and try to
to 3 Body, Mind, or Social Points, and
this can be done during combat or at
any time. This cannot raise their
find a balance you feel com- duration is one hour per magic point
fortable with. spent on the effect, or if used indi-
rectly during a combat the duration is
Using Magic one sequence per magic point spent.
The effects of such spells are simple
Magic effects are very loose and ge- and generic, such as opening a locked
neric, so they require some amount of door, or staying warm and dry despite
additional description to make them the heavy rain.
come alive. Using the same rules, a
They cast a spell to obtain informa-
spiritualist or a medium would bring
tion. If cast upon an object or a specific
about effects by talking to spirits,
place the spell can reveal a number of
while a black magician is likely to sum-
pieces of information about what the
mon demons or invoke curses.
object has been used for or what has
Magic may be learned by any char- transpired in this place, according to
acter in Vampire City. It should, how- the number of successes rolled. Using
ever, add a special touch rather than this on another person is a little harder,
dominate the game. Magic is a skill each Magic Point is taken as damage
that falls under the Mind Attribute. to the target’s Mind Points, when they
In order to work magic, players spend are reduced to ‘0’ the mage may ob-
a point of Body and a point of Mind and tain the answer to one question per
describe a suitable ritual. The player remaining Magic Point. If these ques-
rolls the character’s Magic skill. Each tions are not asked immediately they
success gains them one point of mysti- are lost.
cal energy, called a Magic Point (MP),
They cast a spell to directly damage
which may be spent on the desired ef-
a target. The target loses one Body,
fect (see below).
Mind, or Social Point per magic point
Powerful magic calls for rituals in spent. When the target is down to
which more than one person spends zero, it is knocked out, or otherwise
his or her life force via Body points adversely affected.
(which may also be gained from blood
They create or summon a creature to
sacrifices). Each additional point of
fight for them. As long as the monster
Body spent gains another Magic Point.
doesn’t fight, it can exist for one Body
The Magic Point total of a magician, ar-
Point per day and may perform other
tifact, or monster can never be raised
types of manual labor. As soon as it
above ten times the initial value of
starts fighting, however, it burns one
that person, thing, or being in this way.
Body point per sequence in addition to
any damage it may take. A monster’s
Magic Effects Body points may also be replenished
through further rituals.
Magic users may choose between
They create an inanimate object
the following kinds of effects:
for their or others’ use. Simple, non-
T hey c ast a simple mechanical objects require 1 MP, a
spell and narrate what gun might require 2 MP, while elec-
it does. The spell’s tronic devices need 3 MP or more.

Any artifacts granting bonuses like a many Body Points it has (by spending
Special Item (see p.44) or having other 1 MP for each Body Point), and also
special properties cost an additional 2 improves its Attributes by spending
MP to create. As long as these aren’t Magic Points. Each Rank has to be
used in combat, such items last for bought separately. Mind and Social
1 day per 1 MP spent (in addition to Points are equal to the appropriate
those for creating it). In combat, such Attribute Ranks.
items last one round per MP spent on
Costs for raising an Attribute are as
duration. Further rituals may add to
the duration of its existence.
´´ Rank 2: 2 MP
Summoned Creatures ´´ Rank 3: 5 MP
A construct or monster acting inde-
´´ Rank 4: 9 MP
pendently needs Attributes. It starts
with one free rank in Body, Mind, and ´´ Rank 5: 14 MP
Charisma. Its creator determines how

Know your enemy or you’re going to be dead meat real fast.

Paul Juran, Vampire Hunter

This chapter details the first task in the world and vampires by
the Vampire City game: setting the a pre-existing setting, such
stage. Taking the time to set the stage as within the setting of a
like this means that Vampire City is particular book, film or TV
envisioned as being a place that play- series.
ers and their characters can return to
This all has to be hashed
over several sessions of play. Each ses-
out between the players be-
sion building upon the last, introduc-
fore the can make up charac-
ing more characters and locations and
ters. Use the normal bidding
more intricate and involved plotlines.
process (see Auctions, p.13)
Setting up has two parts, defining to establish the facts.
what a vampire is and then, when and
This chapter hosts a few sam-
where the game will be set. Below
ple vampire types and sample set-
these steps are laid out in that order:
tings. You may wish to select some
the nature of vampires first, and the
of these to start playing faster. In ad-
world they live in second. One rea-
dition, there is also a checklist in the
son for this is that the very nature of
Appendix (see p.65) for you to fill out
vampires may determine what settings
and keep on the table to help every-
are appropriate… vampires created
one remember the choices made and
by a bio-engineered disease imply a
their impact on play. This sheet can be
modern or technologically advanced
especially helpful when returning to
timeframe. However, you may find it’s
a setting that the players made in a
easier to determine these at the same
prior session.
time or reverse the order.
These steps are not exhaustive, if Three friends have gotten to-
you want an option that isn’t present- gether to play Vampire City,
ed then simply add it. An alter- Paula, Matt, and John. Before
they begin they have each had
native method is to define
a chance to look through the
rulebook and give some consid-
eration to the kind of vampire

game they want to try and cre-
ate. Before entering the creation Traditional Vampires
process Paula brings up the fact While even the traditions regarding
that she would like to play in a vampires are quite varied, the western
setting with ‘traditional’ vam- world has a certain generic, core pic-
pires, and the others agree to
ture of vampires. One can choose such
the basic premise.
a package as standard and address
other vampire and setting mytholo-
Interpreting gies afterwards, or use this merely as
an aid to see what choices might be
these Decisions available or need to be chosen depend-
ing on your preconceptions.
When questions or conflicts about
the nature of vampires or the setting Such vampires must drink blood
itself arise during a game of Vampire (Feeding Habits: Blood Drinker) and
City, a quick discussion and mutu- can’t go out during the day (Dark
ally agreeable verdict should occur. Curse: Nocturnal ) as sunlight kills
Resort to Auctions (see p.13) if dis- them. A bite from these vampires can
agreements persist. It can be helpful turn that person into a vampire (Dark
to write down such in-play decisions Rebirth: Infection), granting a very long
and possibly come back to reconsider life (Dark Gift: Immortality) bound to
them at the end of the session or at the limitations of a vampire.
the beginning of the next. Remember
to be flexible and to keep things fun
even in such circumstances, as others
may not agree with what you see as
The Source
natural or logical consequences of In most vampire stories the creature
earlier decisions. was once a human being that has been
turned after being bitten, but this not

Step One: true of all such stories. Some are born

as vampires and never know life as a

What is a human. The source of a vampire’s ori-

gin is important as it tells you a lot

Vampire? about the kind of vampires that exist

in your Vampire City.
The first task should be to make a
‰‰ Born: Vampires are a separate
few decisions about what vampires
species that exist alongside
are in your Vampire City game and
mankind, they look like us, act
how their limits are defined. There
like us, but have a need to feed
are countless stories, myths, legends,
on us. They are born as vampires
books, small screen TV dramas, and big
as infants and know no other life.
screen Hollywood blockbusters with
This may lead to weird hybrids
their own peculiar take on vampires
(half-vampires and daywalkers).
to serve as inspiration.

‰‰ Cursed: Vampires of this type are Matt are ready to start throw-
usually created by a powerful curse ing in blood tokens, but John
or blood magic. Those cast out suggests a compromise, that al-
from their faith, excommunicated lows vampires to either be born
for their sins, and cursed to an or created through a contagion.
eternal existence to contemplate Suggesting that it might make
an interesting conflict for their
their crimes.
Vampire City to have those born
‰‰ Contagion: Vampires are the to the blood look down on the
product of some kind of disease, more common infected. Both
bio-weapon, or other communi- Paula and Matt like this idea and
cable condition by blood. These everyone agrees.
types of vampire are often part
of modern or apocalyptic set-
tings, but not always. It is pos- Physiology
sible to play a game of Vampire
Are vampires alive, dead, or some-
City set in ancient Rome where a
where between the two states? Where
plague is responsible for the rais-
the line is drawn will suggest some
ing of the dead.
possible limits for their dark gifts and
‰‰ Parasite: Vampires are the their cursed weaknesses.
product of a parasitic infestation,
perhaps by some form of alien ‰‰ Alive: Vampires have a living
using the human body as a host. body and are subject to all the
This could be almost any form of normal things that living bodies
physical infestation from an alien need to do.
parasite that controls the host by
‰‰ Altered: Vampires are essentially
attaching to the brain stem or a
alive, but their bodies are
symbiont that enhances the host’s
fundamentally different to normal
emotional states without taking
living humans in some way. Perhaps
active control.
they may have massively elevated
‰‰ Possession: Vampires are the levels of adrenaline in their bodies
product of possession by a leading to rapid respiration
demonic or malefic spirit. The and hotter body temperatures.
Vampire may be a fusion of the Whatever the difference, it will be
human body and the possessing obvious to those who know what
entity, or one side or the other to look for.
may dominate it.
‰‰ Dead: Vampires do not breathe,
Paula suggests that a ‘Conta- eat, drink, or suffer diseases that
gion’ is the best way to describe affect humans (though they may
how vampires have come in to still carry them). Usually they are
existence, but Matt is already cold to the touch and pale skinned,
di sagreeing and would often with a bluish pallor.
like his vampires to be
‘born’ as vampires. ‰‰ Incorporeal: Vampires are hungry
After some dis- ghosts; they have no real physical
cussion Paula and body, but may manifest a physical/
solid semblance. This is more com- teasing various different flavors
mon in Eastern vampire legends. from their victims, manipulating
After a brief discussion Paula, them to feel first one powerful
Matt, and John reach a consen- emotion then another.
sus that vampires in their Vam- Paula and John agree that
pire City game are ‘altered’ ‘blood drinker’ is the feeding
though they appear much like habit they want, but Matt again
traditional vampires with bluish disagrees wanting them to be
pallor and chilled to the touch ‘flesh eaters’ instead. Rather
unless they have recently gorged than start bidding, the group
themselves on blood. again comes to the compromise
that most vampires are blood
drinkers and a few are aberra-
Feeding Habits tions that must also consume the
flesh of their victims.
How do vampires feed and what do
they feed upon. Traditionally, vam-
pires drink blood, but there are other
The Dark Rebirth
Are vampires able to reproduce? Can
‰‰ Blood Drinker: Vampires are they turn other humans into vampires
blood drinkers, and must consume or transfer their curse from one human
blood on a regular basis in order to the next?
to exist. Some may be restricted in
the types of blood they can ingest, ‰‰ Blood Born: Vampires create
human usually. Some may have other vampires by sharing their
rare pallets and prefer the taste blood. This often requires a victim
of a specific blood type, or from a be drained to the verge of death
specific ethnic group or selected before being given the vampire’s
gender. own blood.
‰‰ Flesh Eater: The vampire must ‰‰ Infection: Vampirism is a disease
consume its victim. It might that can be transferred by blood
consume every scrap of flesh or (usually with a bite). Usually, the
have a taste for specific organs, victim must be close to death to be
usually the heart, liver, or kidneys. susceptible but powerful vampires
may be so virulent that they must
‰‰ Life Drinker: The vampire must
kill their victims to prevent them
feed on the life essence of its
from turning.
victim. Perhaps this is the soul or
spirit that it feeds on directly. This ‰‰ No Dark Rebirth: Vampires are
usually causes premature aging of unable to turn humans into new
the victim as side effect. vampires. Perhaps vampires
can only be created through
‰‰ Psychic Vampire: The vampire
other means; being cursed,
feeds on emotions, usually power-
ful negative emotions like hate or
fear. Others may be connoisseurs,

infected with a parasite, human ‰‰ Alien: Vampires are alien crea-
reproduction, or mutated in a tures not of this world, and as
lab. This may also be the case if such are vulnerable to many of the
vampires are solely a separate things we might take for granted.
species. This type of vampire is vulnerable
to magnetic fields and radiation.
‰‰ Ritual: A vampire is created
Often certain very high or low-
though specific blood rites and
pitched acoustic sounds can be de-
occult knowledge. Participation in
bilitating for them (like the tolling
this rite might be voluntary or it
of a church bell).
might be forced.
‰‰ Corrupt: Vampires are impure
‰‰ Spawning: The vampire injects an
creations; they find it difficult
embryo or egg into the victim that
to tolerate the essences of cer-
takes over its host and changes
tain curative herbs and shrubs.
him into a new vampire over a
Garlic and wolfsbane are the best
period of time.
known of these. The smell alone
is said to keep such creatures at
Paula and John immediately bay, but the essence smeared or
agree that they want their set- sprayed onto the skin causes pain-
ting to be ‘blood born’ allowing ful burns on contact.
vampires a great measure of con- ‰‰ Demonic: Vampires are demonic
trol over who they give the gift creatures and as such are
of dark rebirth too. Matt is not vulnerable to the power of faith.
convinced and pushes for ‘infec-
This type of vampire may not set
tion’, unable to persuade him;
foot upon consecrated ground
Paula and John win the bidding
(graveyards and churches). They
and impose their will on their
fear the sign of a holy symbol
Vampire City. Matt collects his
(usually a cross in Western
blood tokens from the pot and
traditions, but this may be prayer
smiles knowing that he can force
through the next thing that he flags or sacred scrolls in an Eastern
wants. setting for example) and may even
be hurt by touching one. Holy
water is like acid to them, and
anyone with true faith can hold
The Dark Curse them at bay.
‰‰ Mystical: Vampires are creatures
All vampires have weaknesses;
of shadow and darkness. They do
some are more obvious than others.
not cast a shadow of their own,
When choosing vampires’ weaknesses
nor a reflection in glass, mirrors,
try to relate them back to some other
or other means of technological
aspect of the vampires’ being.
surveillance. Video cameras and
the like cannot record their voices
or images.

‰‰ Nocturnal: Vampires are nocturnal ‰‰ Beast Call: The vampire can
and daylight is harmful to them. summon creatures of the night
Skin contact with direct sunlight is (usually bats), and direct them.
painful, and will cause the vampire This may be used to summon mobs
to burst into flame if prolonged. of beasts in combat (see p.17
about Mobs).
‰‰ Supernatural: Vampires are
supernatural creatures and are ‰‰ Blood Slave: The vampire is able
harmed by the lunar metal (silver). to use his blood to enslave mortals.
Bullets or weapons made of silver These blood slaves are able to use
cause wounds that can only be a single Dark Gift (other than this
healed very slowly. Running water one) that their master possesses.
is often a troubling obstacle to Each time a blood slave is made
these creatures and immersion in the vampire’s player must throw
moving water can be extremely a blood point into the pool. Blood
harmful. Additionally, a vampire Slaves are blessed with health
may not enter a private dwelling and long-life, provided they are
without an explicit invitation. fed occasionally by a vampire,
otherwise they grow weak and die.

Everyone in the group agrees ‰‰ Claws: The vampire is able to

that vampires should be ‘noc- turn his hands into claws at a
turnal’. Paula would also like to moment’s notice to enhance their
have ‘supernatural’, while John effectiveness in combat. The claws
would prefer to add the ‘mysti- grant an additional success in
cal’ dark curse. This time it is combat to be used for damage and
Matt who is the voice of reason not defense, but make holding
stating that two dark curses is small objects more difficult.
fair, but three just feels like too
‰‰ Day Walker: The vampire is able to
much. He suggests that ‘noctur-
tolerate daylight, but cannot use
nal’ be a mandatory dark curse
any of this other dark gifts while
that all vampires receive but
the sun is up.
that each must choose a second
dark curse from any of ‘unnatu- ‰‰ Dread Form: The vampire is able
ral’, ‘supernatural’, or ‘demonic’. to assume terrible forms, usually
The others agree. some type of half human, part
bat, or part wolf shape. This form
The Dark Gift is powerful in combat but draws
a lot of attention. Most mortals
All vampires have special abilities flee in terror. While in this form
given to them. Here, the players chose add +2 dice to combat rolls, but -2
what abilities are universal to all vam- dice to any social rolls other than
pires, which abilities are available to intimidation.
be learned by vampires, and which will
not be available at all in their world.

‰‰ Earth Sleep: Nocturnal vampires ‰‰ Supernatural Charm: The vampire
can sink into the Earth to rest is possessed of a supernatural
during the day and avoid the glare charm and personal magnetism
of the sun. Alternatively, this gift that makes it easy to manipulate
can be used to hide from others. others. His normal Charisma
Attribute may be raised higher
‰‰ Fly: The vampire is able to fly and
than the normal limit of 5.
otherwise defy gravity, walking
Starting characters also begin
upon walls or ceilings at will.
with +1 Charisma, and subtract 5
‰‰ Incorporeal: The vampire is from advancement costs for this
able to dissolve into a fog-like Attribute.
insubstantial cloud and drift
‰‰ Supernatural Intellect: The
slowly unaffected by wind or
vampire is supernaturally clever,
other elements. This fog is often
and gifted with savant-level
used to pass obstacles that
mental abilities. His normal Mind
otherwise would block their path.
Attribute may be raised higher
In combat, it can be used to flee
than the normal limit of 5. Starting
and dodge physical attacks while
characters also begin with +1 Mind,
being unable to attack. In addition,
and subtract 5 from advancement
reforming leaves them open for
costs for this Attribute.
a sequence, unable to oppose
attack rolls. ‰‰ Supernatural Vigor: The vampire
is supernaturally strong and
‰‰ Immortality: The vampire is
enduring. His normal Body
immune to the effects of aging,
Attribute may be raised higher
and will live forever unless actually
than the normal limit of 5. Starting
characters also begin with +1 Body,
‰‰ Mesmerism: The vampire is able and subtract 5 from advancement
to overcome the mortal mind by costs for this Attribute.
making eye contact and giving a
‰‰ Preternatural Awareness: The
command. This can be resolved as
vampire has acute senses and
a psychic attack, as appropriate.
is able to perceive things that
‰‰ Shape Shifter: The vampire is able humans do not.
to assume the form traditionally
‰‰ Resurrection: The vampire is
associated with creatures of the
incredibly difficult to lay to final
night: usually a wolf, a bat, or
rest. This ability returns the
other such creature.
vampire to life, allowing his body
‰‰ Shroud: The vampire may shroud to reform from burned ashes or
mortal minds and walk unseen decapitated parts to regenerate or
through public spaces. Conflicts to reattach. This ability is a one shot,
find him can be made as opposed once used it is lost, and must be
mental rolls, if necessary. acquired again.

Having looked through the little hope of rising again. Alien
list of dark gifts, John proposes
vampires are often unaffected by
that all vampires in their Vam-
religious rites.
pire City should receive the ‘im-
mortality’ gift for free. Paula ‰‰ Stake through the Heart:
and John also agree that ‘day Depending on the mythology a
walker’ should be excluded but stake through the heart might
Matt has been saving his blood kill a vampire or just incapacitate
tokens and easily wins the bid- him. Sometimes that stake must
ding. Together they agree that pin the vampire to the earth in
all the other dark gifts are ac- order to be effective. With an alien
ceptable but that ‘resurrection’ vampire this may kill the host but
should only be available to vil- leave the parasite within capable
lains and monsters. of infecting others or transferring
to a new host.
‰‰ Sunlight: Nocturnal vampires will
Vampiric Death burst into flames upon prolonged
exposure to sunlight, and this may
It is very hard to permanently kill a be even more rapid or occur with
vampire, but there a few traditional artificial ultraviolet light as well.
ways to do the deed. Careful consider- Other types of vampires will be
ation should be given to their physiol- unaffected.
ogy, though those with living bodies
are usually more easily dealt with than
those that are true walking dead. Matt immediately states that
he thinks ‘decapitation’ and ‘de-
‰‰ Decapitation: Usually the best struction’ should be acceptable
way to prevent a blood sucker ways to kill a vampire and that
from getting back up again. This ‘last rites’ should do nothing
method is often less effective and a ‘stake through the heart’
should only incapacitate. John
against supernatural vampires
agrees, but Paula is not so sure,
who are capable of resurrecting
pointing out that their vam-
themselves (see above).
pires are altered humans, and
‰‰ Destruction: Completely essentially alive so that a large
destroying the vampire’s body piece of wood through the chest
by burning it, dissolving it in acid, should be fatal. The others agree
or kicking it into an intake of a with her logic.
jet engine, is usually effective,
but those that are incorporeal or
capable of becoming so can often
avoid this fate.
‰‰ Last Rites: A vampire laid to rest
on consecrated ground by a priest
who performs the last rites has

while John suggests that each
Special Effects vampire could have its own
Once a vampire has been put down way of going out. After some
you need to know how they will go consideration it comes down to
out. Some simply dissolve into a pile of bidding. Paula knows that she
goo. Others explode or implode, while cannot win the bidding against
John and so throws her lot in
some burn to fine ash. A rare few just
with Matt in return for a con-
look like a regular corpse. The means
cession. They strike a bargain;
of killing them should be wrapped up
born vampires ‘ash burn’ while
in their natures and weaknesses, but
infected vampires simply become
additional means may also be decided
‘regular corpses’ and win the bid-
on at this junction. ding easily.

‰‰ Ash Burn: The vampire burns from

the inside out (usually starting at
the sight of the killing wound) and
Step Two:
dissolves into a fine ash.
The World of
‰‰ Claimed: The vampire’s body
is reclaimed by the abyss that
spawned it. The corpse might be
Vampire City
As there is a huge variety in vam-
dragged away by dark shadow
pirism so too are there many ways in
tendrils, pulled down into the
which vampires organize themselves
and their social standing. How do they
‰‰ Dissolve: The vampire dissolves interact with mortal society and how
into a pile of bloody goo as it dies. have they concealed their existence
from prying eyes?
‰‰ Explode/Implode: The vampire
explodes/implodes scattering The next task is to determine such
gobbets of flesh over a wide area. roles, as well as the era and place of
the story itself. This involves choos-
‰‰ Regular Corpse: The vampire dies
ing a time period, the extent of public
leaving behind a normal looking
knowledge of vampires, the nature of
corpse, though sometimes these
the vampiric community, and what are
age rapidly as their long years
some important places or locales in
catch up to them.
the setting.
‰‰ Splitter: The vampire splits open
and releases a writhing mass of
insects, worms, maggots, etc., The Setting
which wriggle away in all directions
What is Vampire City like this time?
leaving nothing behind.
In what time period is your game set?
For those groups who want to be really
Matt proposes that adventurous, the setting might start
vampires should ‘ash in ancient times with each session ad-
burn’, Paula favors vancing the timeline through the ages
a ‘regular corpse’, from historical to contemporary and
‰‰ Contemporary: The city looks like era. John briefly suggests play-
any major city, tall skyscrapers ing during the dying days of the
of glass and steel, dilapidated Roman Empire, but decides not
ghettos, abandoned warehouses, to push it and goes with the
trendy clubs, and casinos. There majority.
are suburbs where people raise
families, uptown apartment
buildings, and downtown slums.
Social Standing
Are vampires known about in Vam-
‰‰ Fantasy: The city might be a fan-
pire City or do they hide? How do they
tastical place, low built wooden
interact with mortal society?
housing within the encircling
protection of a city wall. Or the
‰‰ Citizens: Vampires exist and are
domain of some great king with
actually known to the general
erected fortifications, great tow-
population. They may be second-
ers, and places of magical power.
class citizens, admired by a few,
‰‰ Futuristic: The city could be under but generally marginalized and
a pressure dome on the bottom feared by most. In such settings,
of an ocean or on a distant moon. humans often have little reason
It could just be an outpost or to fear them for they are usually
atmosphere-processing colony, able to consume synthetic blood
with dwellings formed of low products (perhaps the reason
squat buildings rimmed with pipe for their acceptance) or feed on
works and crawlways. The extreme emotions.
conditions keep everyone inside.
‰‰ Hidden: Vampires exist in the
‰‰ Historical: The city might be shadows, unknown and unseen by
modeled after some historical humanity at large. This is mostly
era, perhaps ancient Rome with a protective method, but it helps
its great coliseum, or even 1930s when hunting prey that they don’t
Berlin with the majestic splendor know about you or how to protect
of the Brandenburg gate looming themselves from you. Some
over a rally of the evil National shadowy government agencies
Socialist Party. may be aware of them, either
hunting them for the public good
‰‰ Post-Apocalyptic: The city is a
or using them for their own ends.
walled and defended city-state
in the midst of the wastelands. It ‰‰ Hunted: Vampires are known to
is built right on top of some valu- exist but they are openly hunted
able resource sustaining it. The by a fearful humanity. Their
standard of living is low with most continued existence depends on
people living in filth and squalor, their ability to blend in and go
living in broken down squats or unnoticed.
the shantytown that has grown up
‰‰ Overlords: Vampires rule over
right outside the protective walls.
humanity. Everybody knows
Paula and Matt are both keen
to play in the ‘contemporary’
that the vampires are behind ‰‰ Immortal Society: Vampires are
everything. Humanity might be forced to respect those who hold
permitted to live free, or they positions of power. Usually this is
may simply be farmed for the centered upon a leader or author-
convenience of their masters. ity figure, who extends his power
through his henchmen holding po-
The group is again in disagree- sitions of power in mortal society.
ment, with Paula wanting ‘citi- All vampires bow before him, but
zens’, John arguing for ‘hidden’, plot and scheme behind his back.
and Matt suggesting ‘overlords’.
Having lost the last bidding chal- ‰‰ No Society: Vampires are loners
lenge John is more than capable that don’t work together and
of enforcing his will, Paula sees don’t like each other much. They
the writing on the wall and lets are usually territorial, claiming an
John and Matt wangle over it, area of the city and defending it
assured that John will win. against rivals.

John proposes ‘immortal so-

Vampire Society ciety’ though the others imme-
diately agree there is further
How do vampires interact with each discussion about the actual
other? Do they actually have a society form of this society. John wants
or a pecking order? Are they loners or to see a hierarchy based around
need the company and protection ‘royal’ blood descended from
of others? Are there strict codes of certain vampires of legend like
conduct and etiquette that must be Dracula. Matt prefers something
observed? more a kin to a corporate board
and Paula prefers a council of el-
‰‰ Blood Lines: Vampires are created ders. Matt and Paula realize that
with a blood heritage that is passed their ideas are very similar and
down through the generations. use this to force John to agree,
A vampire answers only to those he assents without need to go
above him in the bloodline. to biding.

‰ ‰ Blood Packs: Vampires are

not solitary; they operate in Places of Importance
gangs or packs. They may just
The last step in establishing the set-
live together for protection,
ting is optional, but can help everyone
or they may hunt together as a
feel more invested in the locale. Each
pack to make it easier to catch
player should come up with one place
their prey. These packs often
of importance in the setting, and usu-
fight amongst each other for
ally a place with significance, or distinc-
territory and hunting rights.
tive or unusual features. These should
be noted on the checklist (see p.65)
after they are agreed upon, with any
similar places or disagreements going
to an auction, with the loser creating
another place, if necessary.
These locations are by no means during the day by mortals as they
the only places scenes can be held jog along the woodland paths. At
later, but serve as anchors in the set- night they are a hunting ground to
ting and provide hooks for further trap the unwary.
development. In addition, these do
not need to be related to the player Paula proposes an ancient and
or his intended character in any way; crumbling family manor, which
even if the character wants a hangout was once the home of a blood-
or home, there is another means to in- line of born vampires. Hidden
troduce that during character creation beneath its decaying walls and
(in the next chapter). bucking roof is an old wine cel-
lar with a secret access to the
Setting scenes in a variety of loca- sewer network. The dilapidated
tions really helps keep things feeling house is a secluded place, as it
different and progressive. For such is in large garden that has been
places, you can also find Location allowed to grow wild.
Sheets (see p.72) to help keep track
John creates an art gallery,
of such places for future meetings in
which while open to the public
different adventures.
during the day, becomes the
Some Examples: exclusive domain of the undead
by night. It is here that the great
‰‰ Ancient Library: A forgotten and the powerful can meet on
section of the public library, the neutral ground, to advance their
restricted collection. It is a great political games and manipulate
store of knowledge for those who their lesser pawns.
have access. Matt envisions a cold storage
‰‰ Desecrated Church: An aban- lockup hung with the bodies of
doned cathedral with a tall bell hundreds of victims, this is the
tower standing high over the rain- domain of a particularly vile
washed city streets. vampire blood pack.

‰‰ En-Vogue Club: The place to be

seen, whether predator or prey, Presence of Magic
with pounding music, dry ice
Optionally, the players may decide
smoke and many easy victims for
(by agreement or resorting to auction)
the taking.
that magic is a part of their world. Op-
‰‰ Family Mansion: An ancient tional rules for this are included at the
mansion that has been in the end of the Game Mechanics chapter
family of some mortal pawn for (p.19). If used, the place of magic in
generations. the world and any limitations on its
use, intrinsic or otherwise, should be
‰‰ Gothic Cemetery: An ancient
discussed and agreed upon.
necropolis with rows of grave
stones, and many tombs.
‰‰ Secluded Park: An oasis of nature
in the midst of the city. Used
In 1947 something crashed near Ro- The parasites reproduce by implant-
swell, New Mexico. The commander ing embr yos deep inside a human
of the local airbase issued a press host. Usually this is done during direct
release that an alien craft had been mouth to mouth contact that allows
recovered, but then quickly retracted the parasite to use its implantation
the statement indicated that instead tendril to reach into the victim’s throat
it had been a weather balloon. In truth, and implant the spore. The process is
the Air Force only recovered part of painful for the victim and not easily
the craft which broke apart coming disguised as a kiss. In extreme cases a
through the atmosphere scattering parasite can leave a dying host and en-
debris over a wide area and resulting ter a new host through this “dark kiss”.
in several impact sites.
Since their arrival the parasites have
There were survivors of the crash. been fruitful and multiplied, initially
Although the humanoid crew quickly both established their own colonies
expired they were merely hosts for in secret. But in time each has become
the parasitic intelligences that lived aware of its rival and has directed their
within them. The first took posses- resources to eliminating a threat to
sion of a farmhand who discovered their nests’ dominance. Recently the
one of the crash sites, while a second secrecy of both nests has been com-
possessed an Air Force Intelligence promised as their covert war led to
Officer assigned to document the their discovery by a federal agent.
wreckage and examine the biologi- There is now an element within the
cal remains of the crew. government that seeks to track and
exterminate the threat these crea-
These first two have become the
tures represent to national security
progenitors of a new line of alien par-
and freewill.
asites that possess human hosts and
force them to do their bidding. These The parasites have spread far and
alien p-arasites slowly alter their host wide; some have broken away from
to better suit their own needs over their progenitor nests and founded
time. They feed by drinking in raw hu- new hives. Each hive is fiercely inde-
man emotions, the more powerful the pendent and seeks to establish their
emotion the better it is. own hunting grounds and secure
access to the resources they need
The parasites usually enter the
(people). The city is currently home
body through the mouth and lodge
to three different and conflicting
in the chest cavity sometimes caus-
nests each with some level of con-
ing displacement of other organs as
trol in city politics, policing, and the
they grow in size and mature. These
criminal underworld.
squid-like creatures extend their ten-
tacles throughout the body over time Secrecy is of paramount importance
tapping directly in to the nerve clus- to the hives and to the federal agents,
ters of the victim and learn- if the population at large were to dis-
ing how to exert ever cover the truth there would be mass
greater levels of con- panic. Those who discover the truth
trol over their host. are often recruited or silenced.

Mythology Setting
Information Information
‰‰ The Source: Parasite ‰‰ The Setting: Historical (early
1950s America)
‰‰ Physiology: Altered
‰‰ Social Standing: Hidden (hunted
‰‰ Feeding Habits: Life Drinker,
by covert government agents or
Psychic Vampire
by those who know the truth)
‰‰ The Dark Rebirth: Spawning (or
‰‰ Vampire Society: Blood Packs
Possession if able to take a new
(organized in to nests or hives
which support each other, but in
‰‰ The Dark Curse: Alien, Nocturnal conflict with rival nests)
‰‰ The Dark Gift: Day Walker ‰‰ Places of Importance: UFO
(but cannot use other abilities crash site in the desert. Secret
in daylight), Mesmerism, underground bunker linked
Preternatural Awareness, to the city sewers. A Dockside
Resurrection (by parasite taking warehouse where the military
a new host), Supernatural Charm, have storied pieces of the crashed
Supernatural Vigor, Supernatural ship under armed guard.
‰‰ Vampiric Death: Destruction
or killing of the Parasite within
(a stake through the heart can
achieve this result)
‰‰ Special Effects: Regular Corpse

Demon Seed
There are things outside of our ken Over long centuries of neglect, hu-
and beyond our reality that seek entry. manity has lost its way. Forgotten are
They seek to experience existence, to the lessons learned during the Middle
revel in all its experiences and feed Ages when demons were plentiful and
their dark desires and sate their eons plagued the living with calamity and
old hunger. There are few places in the despair. The church and the power
world where demons can breach the of faith were instrumental in turning
defenses long erected to protect real- the tide back then, but man has turned
ity, but there are places where those from pious ways to indulge in hedo-
walls are paper thin and it is in these nism, materialism, and fornication. In
places that a demon can project itself many ways man has started to emu-
across the divide and enter the body late the demons and so allowed the
of a mortal. When they do, there are defenses between worlds to weaken.
There is a reckoning coming. There
The city looks like ours, but out there are secret societies that still remem-
the demons play with their meat pup- ber the old lessons, just as there are
pets, hunting human flesh and gorging those who seek to profit from demonic
themselves in the limited time they investments. There are those on both
have before they are sent screaming sides who seek a balance, but the con-
back to their hell. Nobody wants them cept of restraint is not one that sits
within our reality, not us humans, not well with the demons, they serve only
the powers of light, and not even other their own agendas and appetites.
The good news is that a demon can-
not enter a host that does not willingly
accept it or has not made a pact that
allows the demon to demand posses-
sion as payment. The bad news is that
most acts of possession happen will-
ingly. The dark side of humanity chokes
the city streets with filth. Most street
scum are regular humans, but the se-
rial killers, rapists, and pedophiles are
usually darker beings only clothed in
the flesh of man.

Mythology Setting
Information Information
‰‰ The Source: Possession (only ‰‰ The Setting: Contemporary
possible in places where demons
‰‰ Social Standing: Hidden
can enter reality)
‰‰ Vampire Society: No Society
‰‰ Physiology: Alive
‰‰ Places of Importance: The tallest
‰‰ Feeding Habits: Flesh Eater and
skyscraper in the city, designed
Blood Drinker
and built by a tycoon who served
‰‰ The Dark Rebirth: No Dark the dark powers, now is a conduit
Rebirth to the other side. Sanctuary
Chapel, one of the few truly
‰‰ The Dark Curse: Demonic
sacred places left in the city. An
‰‰ The Dark Gift: Blood Slave, asylum of the criminally insane
Mesmerism, Shroud, Preternatural where demons trapped in mortal
Awareness, Incorporeal, Dread flesh are held captive.
Form (their true demonic shape,
all vampire in this setting receive
this gift for free), Immortality,
Supernatural Charm, Supernatural
Vigor, Supernatural Intellect
‰‰ Vampiric Death: Last Rites only
‰‰ Special Effects: Claimed

The Biblical End Times must be upon
When night comes we need to fear
us for the dead have risen, but a final
an even greater enemy, the undead
judgment has yet to be handed down.
rise from the crypts of their great
In those first days when they revealed
necropolis and hunt through our
themselves a hushed silence settled
streets, they enter our homes and feed
over the city, the quiet before the
storm, the calm before the panic set
in. Some people chose willingly to join The Immortal Overlords for all their
the ranks of the undead, while others personal and supernatural power are
sought to protect themselves. Law and not united, they fight amongst them-
order had broken down completely selves, they wrestle for control of
by the end of that first week and they precious resources, access to blood,
with their ever increasing numbers es- feeding grounds, and ownership of the
tablished control, establishing their best pawns.
own order and their own laws.
Beyond the city little survives… the
With the exception of a favored few, End Times saw to that. Rogue vam-
we have become nothing more than a pires prey on anything they can find
source of food. Property to be owned, and there is little to survive upon. It is
branded and marked like cattle, many better for us to remain in the city and
of us were herded into detention fight to take back what is ours.
camps to prevent a mass exodus from
There is a resistance and we are
the city. But where would we have fled
growing, only through secrecy do we
to? This was a crisis on a global scale,
survive, only through unity can we
they were everywhere.
prevail. We can win this but they have
The only respite we have are the all the advantages, we must keep the
few scant hours of daylight, they faith and turn the tide of darkness.
don’t come out in the day and we are
free of them during this time but not
free from their blood slaves that have
sold their humanity for their favored,
protected status. It is they who police
our streets and come for those they
deem to be troublemakers; they drag
us away to the camps or worse.

Mythology Setting
Information Information
‰‰ The Source: Contagion ‰‰ The Setting: Post Apocalyptic
‰‰ Physiology: Dead ‰‰ Social Standing: Overlords
‰‰ Feeding Habits: Blood Drinker ‰‰ Vampire Society: Blood Lines
(some degenerates are also Flesh
‰‰ Places of Importance: The
Necropolis is a huge Vampire
‰‰ The Dark Rebirth: Blood Born nest at the heart of the city, well
defended day and night. The
‰‰ The Dark Curse: Nocturnal;
Wastes are the dead and dry
may also take an extra Dark
wilderness areas surrounding
Curse (Corrupt, Supernatural,
occupied cities, home to a scant
or Unnatural) to gain an extra
few hermits. The Sewers form a
starting Dark Gift
network of tunnels that provide
‰‰ The Dark Gift: All Vampires are the vampires with a means to
Immortal. They have access to travel during daylight and they
all other Dark Gifts, except Day are a boil with the most obvious
Walker. warfare between hunting
vampires and human resistance
‰‰ Vampiric Death: Decapitation,
members, leaving bodies
Stake through the Heart,
strewn about their maze-like
Destruction, or Last Rites
‰‰ Special Effects: Dissolve

Vampires are just another ethnic mi- Most Vampires have chosen to keep
nority; the recent development of syn- their identities secret, while those who
thetic blood products has eliminated have come out risk discrimination, vi-
the need, but not the desire, to feed olence, and even final death. But as
on humans. When they announced more information enters the public
their existence at a press conference domain it becomes easier to recognize
the world thought it was a hoax, but one of the walking dead. Many people
a press tour and appearances on late are curious about them, others fearful
night talk shows quickly raised their of them, and some are drawn to them
profile. The media storm ignited de- as moths to the flame.
bate about the status of Vampires as
If there is a murder on the street,
dead people; dead people are unable
Vampires are the default suspects. On
to own property and are not recog-
both sides there is suspicion. If there is
nized by the tax system.
a missing person’s case the police im-
Religious feeling stirred swiftly as mediately visit known Vampire crypts.
lobbying groups’ exerted pressure to The vampire community tries to police
recognize the Vampire as a legal entity itself, informally appointing its own
and to demand rights commensurate sheriffs to keep wayward and undesir-
with the rights of a living, breathing able vampiric elements away from the
human being. With these civil rights media spotlight.
issues now bogged down in judicial
wrangling, Vampires have no legal sta-
tus as yet, therefore killing a Vampire
is not murder and a killer cannot be
tried for murder (though desecration
is possible).
This is a time of great change. Many
people have been attracted to Vam-
pires for their mystery, their power,
and not least their immortality. The
rights movement is opposed by the
religious majority who believe that
Vampires are spawned by the devil
and are a physical manifestation of
evil on Earth.

Mythology Setting
Information Information
‰‰ The Source: Born ‰‰ The Setting: Contemporary
‰‰ Physiology: Dead ‰‰ Social Standing: Citizens (second
‰‰ Feeding Habits: Blood Drinker
‰‰ Vampire Society: Immortal
‰‰ The Dark Rebirth: Blood Born
‰‰ The Dark Curse: Nocturnal;
‰‰ Places of Importance: TV Studio
may also take an extra Dark
complex where stories still
Curse (Corrupt, Supernatural
break on vampires. A cathedral,
or Unnatural) to gain an extra
where the core of a particularly
starting Dark Gift
zealous anti-Vampire society
‰‰ The Dark Gift: All vampires are meets and plans its next moves.
Immortal. They have access to A known vampiric crypt inside a
all other Dark Gifts, except Day major nightclub. A hot spot of
Walker. attraction and suspicion from the
mortal world.
‰‰ Vampiric Death: Decapitation,
Stake through the Heart, or
‰‰ Special Effects: Regular Corpse

There are two kinds of people in this world, the predator and the prey. You
may think that you are one or the other, but the truth is, it’s all a matter of
perspective. From where I’m sitting you look like prey.
Damien Coltrane, City Elder

Each player in Vampire City con- City they are ready to

trols one vampire (or mortal if you begin creating their pri-
dare) as their primary character and mary characters. We will
one or more extras during the game. follow Paula through the
All characters are created using the process as she creates her
steps below. main character.
Characters in Vampire City are cre-
ated first as mortals, and then the
effects of vampirism’s dark rebirth
are added to the mortal shell. Steps Mortals
1 through 5 details the mortal stage
A player may choose to in-
of character generation, and Steps 6
stead play a strictly mortal character.
through 7 add the vampire’s supernat-
To do so, he simply follows the steps
ural edge. Lastly, Steps 8 and 9 touch
outlined in this chapter skipping Step
on your character’s background and
6, as well as any other references to
related extras.
Dark Gifts. If desired, and only if the
As you create your character, other players approve, mortal char-
record the details on a blank acters may be awarded a number of
sheet of paper or use a copy of additional Adventure Points (say 5–20
the Character Sheet from the AP, see p.62) to help level the playing
Appendix. You can also down- field if they have habitually confronted
load it from pro -, vampires in the past.
along with other free material
for Vampire City.
Now that Paula, John, and
Step One:
Matt have created their
sett ing for Va m p i re Profession
In this first step, the players decide
what kind of characters they’d like

to portray. They come up with abilities vampire will be Louise Nevers,
and traits and find a suitable Profes- a woman who lived during the
sion for their characters. time of the American Civil War
and has survived the cut and
Every mortal in Vampire City makes
thrust of vampire politics ever
a living, or is at least trying to, and all
since. She chooses as her Profes-
vampires were mortals once upon a
sion ‘frontiers woman’ reflecting
time. The way a character does this is
her mortal life as a small holder
called his Profession, and all the tasks on the wild frontier.
a character needs to perform to make
a living are handled by the Profession
entry. Some vampires may have been Step Two:
in that condition for so long that their
lifestyle as a vampire best describes
their Profession, be it Hunter, Seducer,
There are two ways of distributing
Aristocrat, and so on.
ranks among your Attributes:
Profession covers all skills and ar-
eas of expertise a player can reason- ´´ One Attribute at three and two at
ably expect from someone working four (3/4/4)
in that profession. A detective, for in-
´´ One Attribute at two, one at
stance, knows how to investigate crime
three, and one at five (2/3/5)
scenes, interview witnesses, piece to-
gether clues, drive a car, and shoot a
gun. A doctor, on the other hand, can Even though that makes ten
diagnose illnesses, set broken bones, points in one case and eleven
dispense medication, determine time in another, it’s not unfair. It’s
of death for a corpse, have a good bed- just a little more costly to
side manner to put people at ease, and take an Attribute at five.
so on.
The Profession is used like a collec- Keep in mind any boosts from the
tion of skills and replaces them. For universal Dark Gifts chosen during
example, a Doctor does not need to the Mythology and Setting stage
have the Medicine skill, he uses his (see p.22).
Profession dice instead.
Main characters start with twice
Vampire City does not feature a their Attribute Rank in each type of
predefined list of Professions, as it’s damage points (see p.8), but extras
easy enough to come up with suit- only have damage points equal to their
able ideas. respective Attribute Ranks.
Main characters and extras both Paul thinks carefully about
have their Profession at Rank 4. her characters Attributes be-
fore taking the second option
Paula wants to play a charac-
(2/3/5). She decides that Lou-
ter that has been a vampire for
ise has needed to depend upon
some time. She decides that her

her charisma for her living and Next, assign ranks to the character’s
places 5 into that Attribute. skills to represent their capabilities in
It’s a tough choice but she then each of them.
places 2 in Body and 3 in Mind.
This gives Louise: 4 Body Points, Main characters always have four
6 Mind Points and 10 Social skill ranks in their Profession. Out of
Points, making her physically five other skills they have two are rank
weak but very powerful in so- 3 and three at rank 2 (3/3/2/2/2).
cial situations.
Paula assigns the following
ranks to her character’s skills:
Step Three: History 3, Politics 3, Observation
2, Bluff 2, and Seduce 2.
The next step details a character’s Step Four:
skills. Characters also know how to
do things that are not related to their
Profession. Everyone has hobbies
A Special Item
Each main character owns a unique
and other activities they are pursu-
Special Item. Whether it’s a blessed
ing, some more arduously, others
water pistol or a skeleton key that
less so. These add more depth and
will open any lock—this Special Item
personality to your character. Each
is of supreme quality (or just plain spe-
character should pick up to five addi-
cial), so that heroes may deduct one
tional skills to round out their abilities
point from the result of a single die
(see p.9 for the list of skills and their
after they’ve made a Skill Test using
the item. For example, using the item
Paula thinks for awhile about allows them to turn a 5 into a 4. The
what skills are already covered Special Item only works on a single,
by her character’s Profession and specific skill.
tries to pick five other skills that
Maybe you want to have a cellar bar,
reasonably represent her other
an old mansion house, or a private
experiences. She chooses ‘His-
booth at the opera. Use your imagi-
tory’ to represent Louise’s long
nation and don’t just go for the advan-
life, ‘Bluff’ and ‘Seduce’ from her
tage a Special Item might give you in
experiences during the civil war
terms of mechanics.
and since, and ‘Observation’ and
‘Politics’ to reflect on her ability Vampires have an extra option here.
to survive the cut and thrust of Instead of taking a Special Item, they
vampire intrigues. can choose an extra dark gift (See Step
7: The Dark Gift, below).

Paula is tempted to take an

extra dark gift rather than take
a Special Item, but then thinks
that Louise would be better
served with a silver hairbrush

that she can use to augment There’s no need to turn your game
her Seduce skill. She writes it in of Vampire City into a Greek tragedy.
is one of her few remaining mor- Hubris should make the characters a
tal possessions and a link to her little more vulnerable, however. In this
mortal past. step, players add more personality to
their character by choosing a Hubris.
Equipment In Vampire City, Hubris is a negative
character trait or flaw that might work
Tracking every little piece of equip- against a hero during the game.
ment is too much hassle for a game of
Here are some examples: Ambi-
Vampire City, since it keeps you from
tious, Bullheaded, Careless, Calcu-
playing. This is why there are no prices
lating, Cocky, Compliant, Cowardly,
or shopping lists. As a rule, characters
Credulous, Destructive, Distrustful,
in Vampire City have everything they
Envious, Gullible, Greedy, Hedonist,
need on them or can obtain it without
Hot-headed, Hyperactive, Inconsider-
difficulty (unless it is unreasonable,
ate, Lazy, Listless, Petty, Obsessed,
or obtaining the item is the focus of a
Over-eager, Proud, Quick to fall in love,
scene or conflict).
Racist, Self-righteous
In some cases, it’s more dra- If you don’t like any of these
matic if you can’t get the item examples, don’t hesitate to
you need right away or if it’s come up with your own. This
more difficult to get it. Such game thrives on creativity
cases should be treated through and you shouldn’t limit your
narrative and become part of the imagination!
story you’re developing.

Paula has no problem seeing

her character as a hedonist or

Step Five: even compliant. In the end she

chooses to emphasize Louise’s

Hubris status as a manipulator of vam-

pire society by making her ‘com-
“Hubris” means overconfident pride pliant’, choosing to pull strings
and arrogance, a lack of knowledge, behind the scenes to make things
interest in, and exploration of history, happen rather than face confron-
tation head on.
combined with a lack of humility. If
somebody is accused of hubris, it is im-
plied that suffering or punishment will
follow from this behavior. Greek trag- Activating Hubris
edy often paired hubris and Nemesis,
the Goddess of Vengeance and Punish-
During the Game
ment. In the typical Greek tragedy, hu- Once per session, a player may ac-
bris is the cause of the hero’s downfall, tivate a character’s Hubris by spend-
brought about by his own fatal charac- ing a blood token. The affected
ter flaw.”
–Encyclopedia Britannica
character must then act upon his or
her Hubris, including deeds he or she Step Six:
would normally avoid. If another player
objects to the activation of the charac-
ter’s Hubris, an auction is held.
The Dark Gift
If the character is a vampire, he
Having your Hubris activated by an- gains a Dark Gift. The effects of dark
other player is worth an Adventure gifts that can be used in combat are
Point (see p.62). Players are free to ac- described under the relevant entry in
tivate their Hubris on their own at any the Mythology and Setting chapter.
time for dramatic reasons, of course.
Paula makes a note that Lou-
Activating your own Hubris ise already has the ‘immortal-
should be worth an Adven- ity’ dark gift as result of the
ture Point. If a player is giv- established mythology. Now
ing themselves a hard time to she looks through the list for a
make the game more interest- gift that would suit Louise’s con-
ing for everybody, then that cept. She decides that Louise is a
should earn them a reward. shape shifter capable of taking
the form of wolf, an animal that
she had an affinity for during her
During a scene, Louise Nev-
mortal days.
ers and Argus Crane clash over
their hunting rights. Louise ar-
gues that the park has ever been
her hunting ground, while Argus
claims it was awarded to him by Step Seven:
one of the elders. Paula takes
the opportunity to activate Ar- Crypt
gus’ hubris ‘hot-headed’.
This step deals with the chosen resi-
John plays up Argus’ passions dence of a main character. The Crypt
and his obvious anger over what is where a character feels at ease, a
he sees as elders neglecting their special place where he spends much of
word. The outburst only seems to his time. This might be an abandoned
damage Argus’ claims in the eyes house, an apartment, or an actual crypt
of the council, but he does earn in a cemetery where the sun cannot
an Adventure Point. find him. Perhaps it is an area of a park
where the vampire sleeps in the earth
during the day, a bar or club where the
character can usually be found or an
underground tube station where the
character hunts.

Paula decides that Louise has

remained on the land that was
once her smallholding when she
was a mortal. Though the fron-
tier cabin is long gone, and has

been replaced by a house that woman who had to become self
would have been considered sufficient when her husband was
grand a century ago. The city has called up to fight and never came
encroached over the centuries, home.
so that her crypt is now in one
Her Dark Rebirth came during
of the leafy suburbs.
one of the lean winter months
when she offered charity and
shelter to a runaway soldier.

Step Eight: Little did she suspect his true

nature until a hunting party

Background tracked him down and revealed

him as the beast he was. He
Now, the players determine their killed the posse sent to recover
character’s backgrounds. How did they him, then offered her freedom
from the privation of mortal
become vampires (or how did they find
flesh in payment for her charity
out about them if mortal)? How do
towards him.
they hunt? Where do they come from?
What drives them? What do they long When she awoke her unlife
for? What’s their stance towards other had begun and the one who had
immortals? Are they religious? Once a made her was long gone. Oth-
player has a mental image, he should ers came seeking the murdered
write down a paragraph or two about posse and the runaway, and she
his character’s background. feed upon them. Through the
ages she has adopted the form
For some players it’s easier
of a great silver grey wolf and
to play a character after hav-
prefers to hunt while wearing
ing put some thought into
that shape.
what he or she is like before-
hand. Others, however, would Though she has ventured away
rather develop their charac- from her smallholding, she has
ter and his or her personality always returned. Sometimes
during actual play. If it doesn’t after twenty years other times
feel right, don’t pressure your- after fifty. The city has grown
self into writing an extensive and swallowed what were once
background story. Its fine to her lands. Now she walks the city
start with a rough sketch and streets where prey is plentiful,
fill in the details as the hero sometimes in her own shape,
develops during the game. sometimes in that of the great
silver grey wolf. She is recognized
amongst the vampires of the city
Paula has already begun to as one of the oldest amongst
tell her character’s story with them and this alone has made
the choices that she has made her a force in their politics.
so far. Louise Nevers lived dur-
ing the American Civil War, she
was a smallholder and frontiers

Step Nine: An extra may or may not be a vam-
pire; it is up to the player whether or

Extras not the character has received the

Dark Rebirth. If the extra is not a vam-
pire, he skips Steps 6 and 7.
After creating their main characters,
players create friends and foes to spice Each extra should be written down
up the game with personal relation- with his or her name and statistics
ships and a greater variety of charac- on an index card or one of the extra
ters in Vampire City. Those additional sheets found on p.71 in the Appen-
characters rarely get the spotlight and dix so that it’s easier for everyone to
are therefore simply called “extras” or handle them later on.
sometimes “prey”. Every player creates Be creative and throw in the
a friend and a foe of his character. occasional odd thing, like a
Extras are created the same way as telepathic dog or the ghost of
main characters, with the following a previous victim now haunting
differences: his main character. Any non-hu-
man or supernatural being that
´´ Extras are a major factor in is able to communicate with
making this game fun. Come up humans has the Magic skill at
with only rough sketches at first rank 2 (for more information
on Magic see p.19).
and leave some room for players
to develop them as full-fledged
personalities later, when they use
Paula must now create two
them in the game.
extras, one as a friend and one
´´ Extras have one of the following as an enemy. These will go into
combinations of Attribute Ranks: the collection of extras produced
by the other players and so must
´´ T
hree Attributes at Rank 3 (3/3/3),
be general enough that they can
or… be an acquaintance of any of the
 …one Attribute at Rank 4, one other player’s characters.
at rank 3 and one at rank 1 Paula first creates the char-
(1/3/4), or… acter of Obadiah MacNamara,
 …one Attribute at Rank 4 a vampire who is about the same
and two Attributes at rank 2 age as Louise Nevers, and who
(2/2/4). might have been the one who
gave her the dark rebirth. Oba-
´´ Each extra also has... diah was a Union soldier during
 ...a Profession at Rank 4. his life and met his fate on the
 skill at Rank 3.
Paula’s next extra is Lillian
 skill at Rank 2. Bell a mortal who works as an
auditor in a bank. She has been
 ...damage points
investigating financial irregulari-
equal to each
ties that have led her to uncover
Attribute Rank.
the world of vampires. She is
both intrigued and repulsed by Whoever had the idea for the new
her discovery and might use her character throws a blood token into
knowledge as leverage against the pool or persuades a fellow player
the vampire community. to pay. He may put the new extra into
Paula has created her fron- the pool for later bidding, or, for one
tiers woman turned political more blood token, the player can be-
vampire manipulator, Louise gin playing the extra right away. When
Nevers, along with two extras, creating a character during play, make
Obadiah MacNamara and Lillian sure that you have enough blood to-
Bell. John and Matt have been kens left or that somebody else is will-
busy creating their own charac- ing to pay up.
ters. John has created vampire
When the new extra leaves play, it
agitator Argus Crane, an enemy,
Detective Ben Savage, and a goes back to the pool, ready to be
friend, the immigrant bouncer activated by any player who wants to
Iver Gregor. Matt has chosen to assume the role in a later scene.
create a mortal vampire hunter, Spontaneous creation of extras
Justin Cross as his main char- helps build a pool of colorful charac-
acter and his two extras are an ters to populate Vampire City. Those
enemy, Chris Becket (a vampire newly made extras are up for bidding
wannabe) and a friend Angellica at the start of later sessions and may
Vale (a spiritualist and mystic). become attached to any player who
would like to bring them to life for a
particular session.

Playing an Extra
Extras During In case of player disagreements over
the Game what an extra can or cannot do, you
may hold an auction to settle the dis-
Sometimes you’re wondering as
pute. Whether it’s a mental character-
a player, “Why don’t we have a guy
istic like hot-headedness, or a physical
around who happens to…”
detail like being particularly tall, how
The kind of thinking and the creativ- players add color to their characters
ity behind it gets free rein in Vampire is up to them. They may give an extra
City when players populate the set- one of their Special Items or deter-
ting with exciting extras. Players can mine that the place where he or she
come up with characters at any time is right now is actually their Crypt. Un-
during play. If the other players agree, like traits and skills, Special Items and
the new character can also have some Crypts are not permanently given away
sort of relationship with already estab- and return to the original owner after
lished characters. the session.

Relationship Maps If you draw the relationship map by
hand, leave some space to expand it
All characters are connected through later.
relationships that form a complex so-
cial fabric. This fabric can be repre- A relationship map is a great
sented by a relationship map. tool to help understand the so-
cial fabric of your Vampire City
Characters are represented by game at a glance and to remem-
squares, circles, or actual portraits. ber what binds your characters
Connecting lines indicate their re- to each other.
lationships, labeled with a brief de-
scription of their relationship. Some
examples include:

´´ Friend/Lover
´´ Neutral/Army buddies
´´ Friend/Play chess together (may
become an enemy)
´´ Friend/Cheating on … with …
(that’d make two lines then)
´´ Enemy/Being cheated on by …
with … (two lines, again)
´´ Enemy/Hates … because she
killed his dog
The light of reason is as dangerous to us as the light of the sun.
We exist on their fears and when they see clearly there is no fear.

Daska Gregory, Vampire Elder

Once all the players have Paula, John, and Matt are fi-
their characters, prepare nally ready to begin their unlives
your gaming materials. Each in the Vampire City they have
player gets five blood tokens created. They start by giving a
(you can use any token, but red brief introduction to their char-
glass beads are a good choice) acters and then each of their ex-
and a symbol (any token symbolic of tras. Each of them must now pick
the vampire’s origins would be appro- an acquaintance from amongst
priate). Then, all players should give the other extras.
a short introduction about who their Paula thinks that Louise Nev-
characters are and which extras they ers is most likely acquainted
came up with so that everyone has an with Chris Becket the vampire
idea of what characters are available. wannabe. John has to think for
After the introductions are over, a while before he chooses Lillian
each player chooses an extra other Bell as an acquaintance for Ar-
gus Crane; perhaps it is through
than his own and writes this charac-
him that she was prompted to
ter down as an acquaintance on his
look into certain dealings at the
Character Sheet. This is a person the
bank. Matt wastes no time in
main character happens to know, but is
picking Detective Ben Savage as
not very close to. This gets the various
a potential ally for Justin Cross.
characters more closely intertwined.
Finally, all extras are collected
into a pool—just gather them in the
middle of the table or put them in a
bowl where they await assignment
after bidding.

Bidding Goals of
for Extras the Night
Not all extras have to be owned or The Goals of the Night determine
even used in a scene. The players may each character’s reasons to be in
bid for any of the extras characters in Vampire City. Players should note
the pool, provided they want to own their goal for the night on their char-
them for the entire session. The per- acter sheet and keep an eye on it. If a
manent ownership of the extra can player manages to accomplish his or
only be fixed at the bidding before her goal, their character gains an Ad-
the game starts, but means that player venture Point (see p.62). If they don’t,
is the only one who can portray that this might be a good starting point for
character. The pool of blood tokens is a new adventure.
split up right after each auction.
Any characters left in the pool
You should always keep your char-
after this initial bidding can only be
acter’s Goal of the Night in mind when
owned for the duration of a single
you get to the next step, which is to
scene, going back into the pool of
determine the Events of the Night.
extras afterwards.
Choose the Goals of the Night care-
Having made their introduc- fully and don’t make them too diffi-
tions all the extras are placed in cult. Unattainable goals can spoil the
the middle of the table. Now the fun for everybody.
players have an opportunity to
bid for control of the extras for
the whole of the game session. Typical goals for a night may include:
Paula opens the bidding by stat- create a new familiar/ghoul, embar-
ing that she would like to have rass a rival, gain the favor of an elder,
control of Detective Ben Savage, protect a mortal ward, extend your
Matt contests but lets her win hunting grounds, or learn the secrets
the bidding. John takes control of a particular dark gift.
of Obadiah MacNamara without
challenge and also seeks control The group takes a moment to
over Chris Becket, again Matt think then each notes down a
bids against him but pulls out goal for the night on their main
and lets John have control. character’s character sheet,
without telling the others. Pau-
Matt declines to take control la chooses to ‘uncover a secret
of any extras, while Paula con- about a rival’, John chooses to
trols one and John has two. ‘recruit new members to his
cause’; while Matt picks ‘hunt
down and destroy a vampire’.

Events of These events are just very brief de-
scriptions consisting of a few words at

the Night most; the actual act of playing through

of the events occurs during the game
(see p.56) and their outcomes occur
The players work together to create
due to the players’ actions at that time
the outline of an adventure. They take
only, not at this preliminary stage. The
turns suggesting events that happen
examples of events below are literally
during the upcoming night in Vampire
all that coming up with events entails
City. One of these events should relate
at this point.
to their main character’s goals and an-
other, more general, event that prefer- Typical events include: a business
ably brings in some action. meeting, a political rally, a religious
service, an angry young man, a drunk-
Others can veto (see p.14) these
en prophet, discovering a werewolf, a
events if they don’t like them, and
vampire rave, an order from an elder,
of course the player (or players) who
feeding in the park, or a run in with a
would like the event to happen may
vampire hunter.
start an auction to try and stop such a
veto, if an amicable compromise can’t The group decides to go round
be worked out. As events are decided, the table with each person sug-
players should note them on a piece of gesting two scenes, after which
paper or their character sheets. Play- extra scenes can be added as
ers continue to suggest events until needed. Paula suggests ‘a meet-
each player has contributed at least ing of the city elders’ and ‘hunt-
two scene ideas to the outline. Each ing in a city park’. John wants
of these suggested scenes should be a ‘confrontation over feeding
a very loose concept, at this point rights’ and ‘something in the
there is no need to add any flesh to dark’. Matt opts for ‘investigat-
the bones of the idea, leaving things ing a bloody murder’ and ‘a roof-
open to be defined when the scene top chase’.
is framed.

• Dusk
Creating a • Confrontation over feeding

Line of Events rights

• Investigating a bloody murder
After the players have decided on • A rooftop chase
the Events and Goals of the Night, they • A scary little girl
put them into an order that serves
• A meeting of the city elders
as script for the session. The script
starts with a collectively developed • Something in the dark
prologue (see Dusk, p.59) to set the • Dawn
mood for the session. The scenes are
then placed in an order that allows for If you have trouble tying
a good rhythm of action scenes and all the events and goals of a
quieter ones, placing the scene with night into a coherent story,
the biggest conflict towards the end you should reconsider the dif-
(after all, the showdown is usually re- ferent elements and exchange
served for the final reel). them for more fitting ones.
This might seem a little awk-
The Line of Events gives struc- ward at first, but makes for a
ture to the adventure. It keeps better flow when playing the
everyone from being diverted off story, because the players will
at tangents. To build a coherent know what comes next and can
story over the course of a ses- steer the plot accordingly. If
sion, you should align each oth- there are any disagreements
er’s events and goals. Remember about the order of events or
that you want to work together even the inclusion of certain
to tell a story that will be fun for events, auctions should be
everybody. held to settle the situation.
The line of events ends with an Epi-
logue (see Dawn, p.61), in which you
sum up what has happened during the
Bidding for all Scenes
night and find closure for your story. Optional Rule: Some players tend to
spend too much time “out of charac-
The group organizes their ter,” preparing the actual scenes. You
scenes and adds a few extras to can work around this issue by bidding
get the right mix. In the end they for all the scenes from the Line of
discard ‘hunting in a city park’ as
Events before the game starts, so that
it rolls nicely into ‘confrontation
everybody knows where in the story
over feeding rights’ and replace
they are during the game. In this case,
it with ‘a scary little girl’.
players should also bid for all extras
before the game to save time, get into
a smoother flow, and concentrate on
the story. On the downside, you lose
a lot of creative momentum this way,

since the best ideas often come up When you’ve reached a finale, pick
spontaneously during play; sponta- a new goal and start another sea-
neous creativity plays a major role in son. You might want to come back to
Vampire City. something that emerged during play
and develop a new goal and timeline
around it. Think of the game as a TV
Creating a Season show or series of movies that you de-
velop yourselves.
A series of interconnected adven-
tures is called a Season. If you want
to play a Season in Vampire City, pick Timeline Example
an overall goal for all your adventures
and develop a timeline, just as you do ´´ The characters must track down a
for a single session. All you need to kidnapped friend
do is to note down a couple of key
´´ The characters are caught
events, which will be the focus of one
between the machinations’ of
session each, so that the story may
two powerful vampires
develop over six to eight sessions un-
til the finale. ´´ A vampire hunter tracks down the
Don’t get into too much de- characters
tail at this stage, since your ´´ The characters must forge an
characters’ success or failure alliance or stand alone
during play will have an impact
on the course of events that ´´ The characters must discover
ultimately calls for a change what the two vampires are
in the timeline. Adjust the fighting over
timeline accordingly, when- ´´ Finale
ever you hit an unexpected
direction during play.

It’s a beautiful night to die, but then aren’t they all.

Tehn Chu the Outsider

The game is divided into scenes. In

each, one of the players is in charge Turning an
of framing the scene. This “Scene
Framer” determines which characters Event Into
are present, what the exact locale
is, what the parties involved are up
to, and what kind of conflict should
a Scene
As was stated earlier, the
drive the scene. It is this player’s task
events within the Line of
to provide a general direction as to
Events are rather vague and
what the story is going to revolve
open-ended. As the game pro-
around during the scene. How the
gresses through each event in
scene runs is determined through
turn, any player who feels like having
the participation and roleplaying of
a good idea for that scene may start
everyone involved when the scene
describing it to everyone else. This
is played out.
description should include the loca-
How large a share each player gets tion of the scene, who is there, what
in a scene and how narration rights the characters are up to when the
are distributed is determined by an scene begins, which conflict is about
auction (see p.13), with the goal of to take place during that scene, and
offering everyone an equal share of possibly be its focus. If no one has any
the action across the whole session. other ideas or objects then this player
A player has the right not to take part becomes the scene framer and every-
in a scene if he doesn’t want to and one dives in with the story, taking up
may even buy his character out of the their roles.
scene (as described below).
However, if several players want
to frame a scene for a certain event,
they should each share their ideas and
try to come to a mutual agreement
by integrating their ideas or agree
to run them one after another. If a

compromise or agreement can’t be also be named and written down on
reached in a reasonably short time, Locations sheets (see p.72) to help
an auction should be called to deter- remember for the future, even if the
mine who will frame the scene, and place is made up on the fly in as these
thus whose vision for it will win out. can really draw people into the setting.
Remember the winners should still try
In a general sense, these guidelines
and incorporate others’ wishes and
describe what the scene will be about
make it fun for everyone.
and what direction the story will take.
Note it’s extremely help-
ful when planning a scene to Paula has won the right to
think about what is coming up open the first scene. She begins
next in the Line of Events. This by setting the scene in a barren
way you can pave the way for area that was once a park. The
future happenings, and give sun has not long set leaving a
your fellow players a natural slight glow on the horizon. Many
lead-in to the next scene. of the street lights are out and
the park benches have been van-
dalized with graffiti. This park is

Starting a Scene
not far from Louise Never’s crypt
and it is a place that she regular-
ly haunts, picking off gang mem-
Whoever frames the scene establish- bers. Tonight she is not the only
es some basic ideas about the scene vampire hunting these grounds.
for the other players. The following
questions should be answered: Paula places her own charac-
ter Louse Nevers in the scene,
´´ Lights: Where is the scene set? though she is hunting in the form
of a great wolf. She also places
´´ Camera: Who is in the scene? John’s character, Argus Crain
´´ Action: What are everybody’s in the scene. There are also a
number of potential extras in
initial goals and/or motives?
the form of the local gang.
Paula sets up an altercation
It is very easy for new players in
b e t we e n Lo u i se a n d A rg u s
Vampire City to “over frame,” that is
when they both attempt to
to define what is happening too strict-
take the same victim. Though
ly or to try and place every available
Matt has been left out, he de-
character into the scene. With scene cides to buy himself in and take
framing less is definitely more. Just control of a new extra (which
stick to defining the minimum possible he quickly generates), taking
to get the scene started; if another on the identity of the intended
player isn’t in the scene to begin with victim ‘Franky “Done One” Dun-
they can always buy themselves in with lop’, a local hood.
an appropriate character or buy in and
make up a new extra on the spot. Also,
try and mix up where scenes are held
to keep things interesting. Places can

Getting In In addition, if a player does not agree
with what someone else is describing
After the bidding for a scene is over, they can exercise their right to veto
the players who weren’t invited into (see Game Mechanics, p.8), which
the scene may buy themselves in by hopefully leads to a mutually agree-
throwing a blood token into the pool. able compromise, but may be resolved
They can use their main character, an by an auction if necessary.
extra they own, or an extra from the
pool; or they can even create a new
extra (see p.48). If a player wants to be
in, but doesn’t have any blood tokens
Ending a Scene
The scene is ended by the player who
left, a generous fellow player can chip
has won the conflict that has arisen
in for them.
during the scene. This player gets nar-
Someone who has spent all ration rights for ending a scene. If no
his blood tokens has already conflict arises, or one party actually
had some fun, but play nice wants to lose for dramatic reasons, the
and include your friends in the player who framed the scene gets to
game. It pays off for everybody end it.
in the end.

Avoid Overkill! Buying Scene

Each player may only participate in Elements
a scene with one character at a time.
Everyone knows those awkward mo-
If someone is aiming for a conflict or
ments when players are desperately
scene between his character and one
looking for answers or for something
of the extras he is portraying, then
in the game to make things easier for
he should pass this main character to
them. In Vampire City, players may
someone else for the duration of the
throw a blood token into the pool and
scene or put him or her into the pool
add the desired element to the scene.
for bidding.
Players who are not active in the scene
may buy still buy elements of the ac-
Getting Out tive characters to work with.
Keep in mind not to mess
Once the framing of a scene is under up the game balance with the
way, any player responsible for any of facts you buy or you might
the characters in the scene may decide accidentally ruin someone’s
the goal or task given to their charac- carefully constructed scene.
ter doesn’t fit or sit well, and opt out
of the scene. This player simply spends
a blood token and describes why their
character isn’t there.

Things haven’t gone so well,
the altercation between Louise
and Argus has given their victim
Special Scenes
There are three special scenes in
the chance to escape. In hot pur-
the game, called Dusk, Midnight, and
suit the two vampires know that
Dawn. These come with special rules,
they must bring their prey down
as described below.
before he can reach help. Franky,
in his terror, has already dropped
his gun, Matt describes him rac-
ing across a rickety old bridge in Dusk
the middle of the ruined park. The game starts with the prologue,
Paula, knowing that Louise is called Dusk, during which no char-
‘supernatural’ and cannot cross acters are active by default. Players
running water, she thinks quickly must buy themselves in with one of
before throwing a blood token their available characters if they wish
into the pool. She describes the to. This is a way for players to get into
river choked with garbage, old the right mood and find their way into
shopping carts, and abandoned the game.
household goods and detritus. It
The prologue should build atmo-
has been a long time since water
sphere and draw you into the game.
actually flowed through here.
Try and make it exciting and fun to
In the shape of a wolf she leaps
get everyone ready to start playing.
from one bank to the next easily
By the way, the Dusk scene can be set
outpacing Argus as she gains on
at any time of day, but keep in mind
her prey.
few vampires are active during the
day. The prologue can also be used to
Changing Characters foreshadow the finale of the session.
During a Scene John has been nominated to
Players who would like to switch provide the opening flavor for
characters in the course of a scene the evening’s game. He decides
to foreshadow some of the
describe how and why their previous
events by describing the setting
character leaves the scene. Then they
and a group of hooded men dig-
throw a blood token into the pool to
ging up a fresh grave. As they
activate their new character. Char-
exhume the body it comes to
acters that leave a scene in this way
life, rising from the dead to at-
may not return to the scene. Extras
tack the group. Though one of
go back to the pool or to their play- the men falls, they are able to
ers, while main characters stay with subdue the risen creature, bind-
their players. ing it in chains before hauling the
body away to a waiting van.

Midnight Vetoes at Midnight
A player framing his Midnight scene
Midnight is the thickest part of the
does not need to spend a chip to say
night, it is a time of climax, a scene
“Over my dead body” or use any oth-
where a character resolves a plot point
er veto. The other players cannot bid
or defeats a major obstacle to his over-
against his or her will. A player in a
all goals. It is the time when a player
Midnight scene should always be fair,
has the greatest level of control over
however, and listen to the other play-
his character’s scene.
ers in case of disagreement.
Despite the name, there are several
Midnight scenes per session—one per Matt has thrown his symbol
player. A player announces his Mid- in to the pot for the next scene.
night scene by throwing his symbol He composes the scene as the
culmination of Justin’s hunt. He
into the pot. If two players want to
has discovered the lair of the
have their Midnight scene at the same
vampire child and offers John
time, the player whose symbol is first
the role of the child, and Paula
in the pool wins narration rights.
the role of Detective Ben Savage.
When you spend your sym- The scene is set in an abandoned
bol, keep in mind that with pipe works with many crawl
power comes responsibility, spaces and places to hide, but
and the plot needs to remain Justin Cross is confident that he
engaging for all. If someone can stop the monster that wears
feels you’ve been treating the flesh of an innocent girl.
them unfairly, they have a
symbol of their own to pay you Pa u la t ri e s to a d d o t h e r
back later in the game. members of the local police
department to the scene. How-
ever, Matt vetoes “Over my
Once a Midnight scene has started, dead body”, so Detective Sav-
other players cannot actively buy age is off the reservation for
themselves into this scene unless this operation, no backup, and
explicitly invited or allowed in by the no witnesses.
player framing the Midnight scene.
During your Midnight scene, Gaining New Special Items
you’re taking a considerable If a character wants to get another
risk. If you don’t reach your Special Item during the game, the
goal, the symbol is spent and player has to come up with a Midnight
you don’t get those Adventure scene that drives towards a conflict
Points (see p.62). You want to that centers on the Special Item.
build the scene around your
main character and his or her
goals, and don’t want anybody
vetoing or buying scene
elements that you
don’t think fit the

Gaining New Dark Gifts Paula sums up the events of
the night weaving together the
If a character wants to get another plotlines linking the creation
Dark Gift during the game, the play- of a vampire girl with her own
er has to come up with a Midnight character’s dispute over hunting
Scene that drives towards a conflict territory. Argus Crane’s quest
or encounters that centers upon be- for power has been checked,
ing taught, learning, or developing the for now, but the elders are on
desired Dark Gift. If successful in gain- the defensive.
ing it, the character still needs to pay As the sun begins to rise the
the appropriate number of Adventure characters retreat to their vari-
Points (5 AP) after the session ends. ous places of safety. All except
Justin Cross who stands atop a
building watching the sunrise,
Dawn knowing that there are only a
Once everybody has played through few short hours of safety before
the Events of the Night (see p.53), the dark forces are again at work
and the goals of the night have been in the city. He will be ready.
dealt with, it’s time for the epilogue.
The epilogue, called Dawn, provides
closure for the game and should sum
up the most important participants
and events of the game to conclude
with a satisfying ending.

If it didn’t kill you, well that’s likely because you killed it first.
You learn that lesson the first time you are left for dead.
Not many people get a second chance.
Justin Cross, Vampire Hunter

Good roleplaying is a reward in ´´ Voted Extra of the

and of itself, since it lets you have Night: 2 AP
lots of fun along the way. However,
the mental picture and portrayal of
the characters is not the only thing
Extra of
that should improve in the course of the Night
play. Players also get an opportunity
After the players have
to work on their heroes’ and extras’
received their Adventure
skills. That’s what Adventure Points
Points, they vote on who did
are for.
the best job as an extra dur-
ing the session. That player is
awarded 2 additional Adventure

Adventure Points to spend on his extra, which

may be used to improve an Attribute

Point Rewards or Skill Ranks, buying Special Items, or

a Crypt. Players may also spend their
other Adventure Points on improving
Adventure Points are awarded at
extras. Their skills are improved just
the end of each session.
like those of heroes (see below).
´´ Taking part in the game: 2 AP
´´ Having played your character Alternative Rewards
well: 2 AP
Reward good roleplaying and dra-
´´ Having been forced to act on matic situations in Vampire City. If a
your Hubris: 1 AP player comes up with an exciting de-
scription or plays his or her character
´´ Having reached your Goal of the
in a particularly entertaining fashion,
Night: 1 AP
the others should hand out a blood to-
ken as a reward. For each blood token a
player awards to another, an addition-
al blood token is taken from the pool

and added to the award. Therefore, it’s Specializations
only half the fun to reward each other
A character may specialize in a skill
if the pool is empty. Each player may
that falls under his or her Profession
only be awarded one blood token per
for 5 AP. Specialization grants an ad-
player per scene.
ditional die in skill rolls related to this
Vampire City is about having one skill from your professional field.
a good time with your friends. Once a character has learned six of
Use awards to show your these specializations, the Profession
friends how much fun you’re is raised by one Rank, and the special-
having and how much you ap- izations are erased.
preciate their contributions.
Your Profession is an um-
brella term for all the skills
it covers. Since it’s almost
Spending impossible to specialize in
all the aspects of any one
AdventurE Profession, there’s a cap of
six skills here.
Adventure Points are spent by play-
ers at the end of the session, and may
Buying Skills for Extras
be used on their own characters or on Skills for these characters may be
any extra they would like. This gives bought for one blood token each dur-
them a chance to advance and flesh ing play, whether they are for one of
out their own characters and the ex- your own extras or somebody else’s.
tras that make up the supporting cast. Skills for extras may also be purchased
normally at the end of a session, but
require a player to spend his Adven-
Learning and ture Points for him.
Improving Skills If the group wants, players may buy
permanent Special Items or Crypts for
Characters can improve their skills or
them out of the Adventure Points they
learn new ones. The cost is the same
earned. Buying a Special Item or Crypt
for heroes and extras.
for extras costs 4 AP. Anything pur-
chased this way does not disappear
´´ Learning a skill at Rank 2: 1 AP
between sessions. Also, a new Dark
´´ Raising a skill to Rank 3: 3 AP Gift can be bought for an extra who is
a vampire for 6 AP.
´´ Raising a skill to Rank 4: 6 AP
These rules help you to add
´´ Raising a skill to Rank 5: 12 AP more depth to the supporting
cast over the course of your
game. While it may cost you
a couple more blood tokens

to flesh out your supporting
cast, that’s bound to pay off Gaining New
in the long run.
Dark Gifts and
Special Items
Raising Attributes Characters must have set up their
Players may choose to raise an At- Goal of the Night and their Midnight
tribute of a hero or extra, but it’s quite scene around gaining a new Dark Gift
an investment. or Special Item through appropriate
means (see p.60). If they succeed in
Costs are as follows:
this, they still need to pay 5 AP at the
end of the session to fully gain the new
´´ Raise Attribute to Rank 2: 5 AP
Dark Gift.
(Only extras can have Attributes
at Rank 1)
´´ Raise Attribute to Rank 3: 10 AP Tracking Changes
´´ Raise Attribute to Rank 4: 15 AP Make sure any changes in their per-
son are included on their Character
´´ Raise Attribute to Rank 5: 20 AP
Sheets, being made into a blood slave
´´ Raise Attribute to Rank 6: 25 AP* or vampire during play is obviously
permanent. They should gain a Dark
´´ Raise Attribute to Rank 7: 30 AP*
Gift from their sire and, if turned into
´´ Raise Attribute to Rank 8: 35 AP* a vampire, appropriate Dark Curses
and a possible change in their Hubris.
*Note: Only vampires (or blood
slaves) with the appropriate Dark Gifts On the back of the Charac-
can purchase Attributes above 5. ter Sheets, note down quirks,
traits, and events and take
some notes after each ses-
That’s a lot of AP to spend sion on what happened to
and that’s on purpose, since slip back into the game more
Attributes cover whole groups easily next time. It’s worth the
of skills. If costs for increas- small effort and speeds things
ing Attributes are halved by up considerably later on.
a Dark Gift, then round down
if need be.

Why the hell would you not want to be a vampire? We are cool, we are trendy,
we can do freaky shit. Stop your screaming, you’re boring me now. Screw
this—you have just been downgraded to dinner!

Tomas Salvatore, Vampire Recruiter

Feeding Habits
‰‰ Blood Drinker
‰‰ Flesh Eater
‰‰ Psychic Vampire

Step ONE: What ‰‰ __________

is a Vampire? The Dark Rebirth

The Source ‰‰ Blood Born
‰‰ Born ‰‰ Infection
‰‰ Cursed ‰‰ No Dark Rebirth
‰‰ Contagion ‰‰ Ritual
‰‰ Parasite ‰‰ Spawning
‰‰ Possession ‰‰ __________
‰‰ __________

The Dark Curse

Physiology ‰‰ Alien
‰‰ Alive ‰‰ Corrupt
‰‰ Altered ‰‰ Demonic
‰‰ Dead ‰‰ Mystical
‰‰ Incorporeal ‰‰ Supernatural
‰‰ __________ ‰‰ __________
The Dark Gift Special Effects
‰‰ Blood Slave ‰‰ Ash Burn
‰‰ Claws ‰‰ Claimed
‰‰ Day Walker ‰‰ Dissolve
‰‰ Dread Form ‰‰ Explode/Implode
‰‰ Earth Sleep ‰‰ Regular Corpse
‰‰ Fly ‰‰ Splitter
‰‰ Incorporeal ‰‰ __________
‰‰ Immortality
‰‰ Mesmerism
‰‰ Shape Shifter
Step Two:
‰‰ Shroud The World of
‰‰ Supernatural Charm
‰‰ Supernatural Intellect
Vampire City
‰‰ Supernatural Vigor The Setting
‰‰ Preternatural Awareness
‰‰ Contemporary
‰‰ Resurrection
‰‰ Fantasy
‰‰ __________
‰‰ Futuristic
‰‰ Historical
Vampiric Death ‰‰ Post-Apocalyptic
‰‰ __________
‰‰ Decapitation
‰‰ Destruction
‰‰ Last Rites Social Standing
‰‰ Stake through the Heart
‰‰ Citizens
‰‰ Sunlight
‰‰ Hidden
‰‰ __________
‰‰ Hunted
‰‰ Overlords
‰‰ __________

Step one:
How does your character earn a
living? After deciding on a vocation,
which represents a collection of skills
Vampire Society they know to accomplish it, heroes
come with 4 Ranks in their chosen
‰‰ Blood Lines Profession.
‰‰ Blood Packs
‰‰ Immortal Society Step Two:
‰‰ No Society Attributes
‰‰ __________ The Attributes are: Body, Mind, and
Charisma. The number of ranks in an
Attribute determines how many dice
you roll for a skill check in any of the
Places of Importance skills covered by the Attribute. Heroes
come with…
‰‰ __________
…one Attribute at three and two
‰‰ __________
at four (3/4/4)
‰‰ __________
…one Attribute at two, one at
‰‰ __________ three, and one at five (2/3/5)
…Body, Mind, and Social Points
equal to twice each respective At-
Presence of Magic tribute rank

‰‰ __________
‰‰ __________
‰‰ __________

Step Three: Skills Step Eight:
Pick five Skills not covered by your Background
Profession, two are Rank 3 and three
Who is your character and what
at Rank 2 (3/3/2/2/2).
makes him or her tick? What happened
to him or her in the past? Most impor-
Step Four: tantly, how did he or she become a
vampire or learn about their existence?
A Special Item Write up a brief paragraph addressing
your character’s Background.
Pick a Special Item that allows your
hero to lower the result on one die
by one for one particular skill, or that
adds color to the game (like a night
Step Nine:
club or a safe house). Extras
Create one friend and one foe for
Step Five: Hubris your hero. Extras are a major factor in
making this game fun. Come up with
Pick a Hubris for the character, a only rough sketches at first and leave
fatal flaw or weakness for them. Ex- some room for players to develop
amples: Ambitious, Bullheaded, Care- them as full-fledged personalities
less, Calculating, Cocky, Compliant, later, when they use them in the game.
Cowardly, Credulous, Destructive, If the extra is not a vampire, he skips
Distrustful, Envious, Gullible, Greedy, Steps 6 and 7 above.
Hedonist, Hot-headed, Hyperactive,
Inconsiderate, Lazy, Listless, Petty, ´´ Extras have one of the following
Obsessed, Over-eager, Proud, Quick combinations of Attribute Ranks:
to fall in love, Racist, Self-righteous.
 Three Attributes at Rank 3
(3/3/3), or…
Step Six:  …one Attribute at Rank 4, one
The Dark Gift at rank 3 and one at rank 1
(1/3/4), or…
Every vampire has a dark gift that
 …one Attribute at Rank 4
gives him a supernatural edge over his
and two Attributes at rank 2
prey. See the Mythology and Setting
chapter on p.22.
´´ Each extra also has...

Step Seven: Crypt  ...a Profession at Rank 4.

 skill at Rank 3.
This step deals with the chosen resi-
dence of a main character. A character  skill at Rank 2.
gets to roll two extra dice for
 ...damage points equal to
any actions performed in
each Attribute Rank.
his Crypt.

Uses of Blood Tokens
and Symbols
Blood tokens and symbols can be used for a number of things dur-
ing a game of Vampire City. The following is a list of those uses with
page references to where they are further described.
First, blood tokens can be used in the following ways:

´´ Freely given to any other player for them to use normally (Game
Mechanics, p.8)
´´ Given to others as a reward for good/entertaining roleplaying!
(Events and Scenes, p.56)
´´ Used in bidding in auctions (Game Mechanics, p.8)
´´ Used to veto (Game Mechanics, p.8)
´´ To opt out of a scene that was just framed (see Events and
Scenes, p.56)
´´ To create an extra during play, and use them (Predators and
Prey, p.42 and Events and Scenes, p.56)
´´ Buy a skill for an extra during play (Adventure Points, p.62)
´´ Buy into a scene with a hero or extra (Events and Scenes, p.56)
´´ Switch characters during a scene (Events and Scenes, p.56)
´´ Buy additional facts during a scene (Events and Scenes, p.56)
´´ Regenerate damage (3 Body Points worth), if a vampire (Game
Mechanics, p.8)
´´ To pay for making a mortal into a blood slave (Mythology and
Setting, p.22)

Second, a player’s symbol can be used in the following ways:

´´ To own and play a villain or monster as yours (Game

Mechanics, p.8)
´´ To declare your Midnight scene and gain extra control (Events
and Scenes, p.56). Midnight Scenes need to be used to get a
new Special Item or Dark Gift (Events and Scenes, p.56 and
Adventure Points, p.62)

Character Sheet __ __ __ __ __ _
Name __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ _
Player __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Attributes Body Point s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Body __ __ _
Mind Point s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Mind __ __ _
Social Point s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Ch ari sm a __ __

Profession Rank __ __
__ __ _
Name __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Skills Rank S__ki__ll s Rank

__ __ __ _ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ _ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ _ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ _ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ _ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ _

l Item
Crypt Specia
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ _
__ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __

Relationships Foe __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Friend __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Others __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ _
Goal of th e Day __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Name ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Special Item ___ ___ ___ ___ _
Profession Name ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ _ __
Friend Special Item ___ ___ ___ ___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ _
Foe Profession ___ ___ ___ ___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ _
Location Friend ___ ___ ___ ___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ _
Foe ___ ___ ___ ___ _
Attributes Location ___ ___ ___ ___ _
Body ___ _ Body Pts ___ _
Mind ___ _ Mind Pts ___ _
Charisma ___ _ Social Pts ___ Body ___ _ Body Pts ___ _
Mind ___ _ Mind Pts ___ _
Skill Rank Charism a ___ _ Social Pts ___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ Skill Rank
___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _
___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _
___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _
___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _
___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _
___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _
Notes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ ___ _
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Notes
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
__ __
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
__ __
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
__ __
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
__ __
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
__ __
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Location __ __ __ __
Location __ __ __ __
Name _ __ __ __ __
Type _ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
Name _ __ __ __ __
Type _ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ Brief Description
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
Brief Description __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ Distinctive Featur
__ __ __ __
es __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Distinctive Featur __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ People and Relati
__ __ __ __
onships __ __ __ __ __ __ __
People and Relati __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
Pl aces
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ Relative to Other
__ __ __ _
Places __ __ __ __ __ __ __
Relative to Other __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ _
__ __ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ _
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
The following characters require
corresponding modern-day Mythol-
ogy and Setting choices, or may need
to be adapted accordingly.

Profession: Street Thug (4) Friend: Garibald
Body: 5 Body Points: 10 Body: 2 Body Points: 2
Mind: 3 Mind Points: 6 Mind: 2 Mind Points: 2
Charisma: 2 Social Points: 4 Charisma: 4 Social Points: 4
Skills: Athletics 3, Endurance 3, Ob- Profession: Mafia Gambler (4)
servation 2, Gambling 2, Strategy 2
Skills: Diplomacy (3), Fashion (2)
Special Item: Extra Dark Gift
Background: Bruiser’s perennial cli-
Hubris: Bloodthirsty ent and friend, makes his living off
gambling and deals made out of Club
Dark Gifts: Dread Form, Claws
Crypt: Gambling Den (Club Markovic)
Background: Runs a gambling den. Foe: Dustin
Likes mafia style high-stakes poker,
Body: 4 Body Points: 4
in the back of the club.
Mind: 3 Mind Points: 3
Charisma: 1 Social Points: 1
Profession: Vampire Hunter (4)
Skills: Medicine (3), Driving (2)
Background: EMT driver turned dedi-
cated vampire hunter, who is trying
to solve the string of violent deaths
that all seem vampire related, that he
thinks are tied to the sleazy Bruiser,
but he can’t prove it yet.

Profession: Investigator (4) Friend: Maureen
Body: 3 Body Points: 6 Body: 2 Body Points: 2
Mind: 4 Mind Points: 8 Mind: 4 Mind Points: 4
Charisma: 4 Social Points: 8 Charisma: 2 Social Points: 2
Skills: Shooting 3, Sciences 3, Driving Profession: Mortician (4)
2, History 2, Survival 2
Skills: Sciences (3), Religion (2)
Special Item: Sherlock Holmes’ Mon-
Background: An old friend of Sam’s
ocle (Observation)
who helps him with cases that involve
Hubris: Wandering Eye, Hopeless dead bodies… which has been on the
Romantic rise since his Dark Rebirth, and does
some unofficial forensic stuff for
Dark Gifts: Mesmerism
him. They have a slight crush on each
Crypt: Small office building other, but haven’t expressed their
feelings yet.
Background: A private investigator
that got too close to a vampire dur-
ing a murder investigation. Now, a Foe: Cpt. Berkley
vampire himself, he tries to keep his
Body: 3 Body Points: 3
sanity and make amends by continuing
to fight crime and solve cases. Mind: 3 Mind Points: 3
Charisma: 3 Social Points: 3
Profession: Police Captain (4)
Skills: Diplomacy (3), Sailing (2)
Background: Breathing down Sam’s
neck more than he likes, Cpt Berkley
is a constant thorn in his side, espe-
cially about touchy investigations and

Profession: Park Ranger (4) Friend: Liz Peterson
Body: 4 Body Points: 8 Body: 2 Body Points: 2
Mind: 3 Mind Points: 6 Mind: 2 Mind Points: 2
Charisma: 4 Social Points: 8 Charisma: 4 Social Points: 4
Skills: Melee 3, Brawling 3, Politics 2, Profession: Veterinary (4)
Medicine 2, Diplomacy 2
Skills: Leadership (3), Riding (2)
Special Item: Extra Dark Gift
Background: Rough and tumble girl
Hubris: protective about nature veterinary helping Prowler in protect-
ing animals.
Dark Gifts: Beast Call, Shape Shifter
Crypt: Garden Park in the middle of
town, with a few caves
Foe: Derek Sherk
Body: 2 Body Points: 2
Background: A park ranger from over
a century ago. The city expanded Mind: 2 Mind Points: 2
into his old grounds and he still lives
Charisma: 4 Social Points: 4
there in the caves now, having taken
a turn to be more involved in vampiric Profession: Police Enforcer (4)
politics (now that the world has been
Skills: Politics (3), Haggling (2)
overrun with them.)
Dark Gift: Incorporeal
Background: Vampire contesting
Prowler’s park for his own hunting

Example of Play
We join Paula, John and Matt dur- Detective Savage leads the way as
ing their first session of Vampire City he pushes past some of the uniformed
as they are about to enter the second cops that are standing around. The
scene, “Investigating a Bloody Murder”. scene inside the warehouse is a griz-
zly one. Amidst an area free of pack-
Paula: I framed the last scene, so
ing crates several bodies hang on meat
one of you two should take this one.
hooks. Blood and more is splashed
Matt: Okay I’ll take it. No objections around, in the gloom it’s difficult to
John? see precise details.
John: All yours. Matt: Justin moves slowly about the
scene taking care not to stand in the
Matt: Okay scene two: Investigating
congealing pool, “This isn’t typical be-
a Bloody Murder. The lights come up
havior, too much waste.”
on a warehouse in the harbor district.
The City PD have several cars parked (Matt throws a blood token into the
outside with their lights still flash- pot.) “Detective, can you shine your
ing. One of the uniforms is stretching torch over here.” Justin pulls a pen
“crime scene” warning tape across the from his pocket and nudges something
road and a young rookie is being sick small on the floor, a fang. “Someone
on the sidewalk. left something behind.”
A battered old sedan drives up and Paula: “No they didn’t, that looks
Justin Cross gets out, he has some like it came from one of the victims.”
trouble trying to cross the tape line Detective Savage shines his torch to
but is then waved through when De- illuminate jaws of one of the corpses,
tective Savage recognizes him. “The eye teeth have been pulled, as a
trophy perhaps?”
“Glad you could come Father, crime
scene is held up on another job and John: You just established a fact
I wanted you to see this before they Paula, you need to pay for that.
sta rted bagging ever yt hing u p. I
Paula: Yeah, sorry.
think this falls into your area of spe-
cial interest.” (Paula throws a blood token into the
Matt: Okay so that gives us every-
thing? Justin and Savage are in the John: I’m going to buy something in
scene, the objective is to uncover too, there are foot prints in the gore
some clues. John if you want you can and before you can examine them
buy yourself in, perhaps as a cop or a properly there is a shout from one of
reporter on a tip or something. the cops. He drags a hobo out from
behind a row of crates. And I’m buying
John: I’ll wait and see how it plays out.
in as the hobo.
Matt: “Okay Detective, let’s take a
(His blood points go into the pot,
look at what you got.”
and he quickly writes up some details
Paula: “It’s not a pret- for Whiskey Mick.)
ty sight.”
“No, no officers, wasn me, wasn me!”

Matt: “Looks like we might have a “Whoever she is, she’s a midget; look
witness.” at that shoe print, looks like a child’s.”
Paula: “Calm down, you got nothing Paula: Well I guess this will fit to-
to worry about if you just tell us what gether well with that scary little girl
you saw.” scene we have coming up later. I think
we can just about wrap this scene up
John: “Wasn me, I never saw nothin. I
then, or are there any other clues you
was just sleepin it off back there, I didn
need to find.
see nothin.”
Matt: Yeah we need something that
Paula: As much as I hate to resort to
is going to point us in the right direc-
it I think it’s time for Detective Ben to
tion to find this creature.
interrogate the witness, who wants to
play good cop, bad cop? Paula: We don’t have to play out
every aspect of the investigation,
Matt: Bad cop, worse cop you mean.
you guys can always make inquires
Paula: Ben has a Charisma of 3 and between scenes so that you work out
interrogation should come under his where to go.
profession as a detective, so I get 3
Matt: True, but I think she will be
dice with 4s counting as successes.
someplace close, perhaps even watch-
The dice hit the table: 1, 3, 5. Two suc-
ing us right now.
cesses, so I reckon our hobo is due us
some answers. John: The crime scene guys are arriv-
ing now, so that will cut your unofficial
John: “Was me that called the cops,
investigation short. Time to move on,
she said it was time, please don hurt me.
you can always come back when the
She said you wouldn hurt me and I’d get
scene has been documented.
my reward if I did good.”
Matt: Let’s have a look at those
footprints, time to buy another fact.


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