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Chapter 1



Choosing this topic emphasize the curiosity of students if mobile technology usage

does affect their academic performances. The purpose of this research is to analyze the

data which will be collected after the survey. And be informed of such information.

In the timeline of mobile technology, students seem to spend most of their time on

technology specifically smartphones. In some country’s opinion, mobile technology’s

roles in students’ are to blend in for what future may offer. On the other hand, its role is

to guide students on all different matters and aspects of their lives. As pointed out from

other researchers. It can help students create and develop ideas from scratch.

Mobile technology is form of equipment that is mostly used in cellular

communication and other related aspects. It’s most prominent manifestation, the

smartphone, is unbelievably versatile and hardwire to the major of the population that

may consider it as the most popular product. It uses a form of platform where by many

transmitters have the ability to send data at the same time on a single channel center: data

connection like 3G, 4G, or Wi-Fi Connection; which can be used for accessing the

Internet. Aside from Internet browsing and email, the technology is highly popular for

social media interaction and gaming.

Today, students spend a considerable amount of time in using mobile technology

both on their personal and student life to the point that it is very hard for a regular student

to be ‘offline’, even just for a day. There are claims that this technology help improve the

over-all performance of students at school while others believe that the advancement of

mobile technology has negative effect on the student’s for intellectual output.

The academic performance of students is measured by the average of their grades on

their school subjects. Student’s learning are quantified through various examination and

are tabulated in percentile form. Higher percentile rating expresses good to excellent

academic performance. Otherwise, it yields a poor to average one.

Before the advancement of mobile and Internet technology, the main source of

knowledge and information were books. In the olden days, pupils have mastered the

index card catalog of their school libraries. Researchers are made the long way by

screening each page of books, catalogues and magazines. Today fewer and fewer students

read each pages of books, likewise far less went to libraries to research and gain

knowledge. Some teachers and parents believes that students today are far less

resourceful as compare to previous generations. The perception is that students today will

stop learning without Internet. On the other hand, the generation od so called

“Millennials” believe that the mobile technology it the heaven gift to them.
Significance of the study

This study will guide the students to identify the effects of mobile phone in academic

performance of the students. This study is important to those student who have a mobile


When this study is done, it has a great benefits to those who use mobile phone. They

only contain what may be the side effects of mobile phones in academic performance of

the students.
Statement of the problem

This study aimed to know all the impacts of mobile phones to the academic

performance of the students of San Pablo Integrated High School.

Particularly, it aims to the answer the following question:

1. What are the effects of mobile phone to the students?

2. What are the hazards of using mobile phones?

3. Why does students use mobile phones


This study aimed to test the operational and null hypothesis of the following:

 Mobile phone has no significant effect to the academic performance.

 There is a significant correlation between mobile phone usage and academic


 There is no significant effect of mobile phones to academic performance with

respect to gender, age and section.

Scope and Limitation

This study focused on how does mobile phones affect the performance of the student
In San Pablo Integrated High School researchers conduct this study to find out why

students are affected on mobile phones. In this study the researchers focuses on 30

students as their respondents to answer the questionnaire that researchers give to their


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