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Leadership Experiences

● Youth Leader- Through a youth leadership camp I provided service of being a

leader to encourage and motivate other youth. As a small group leader to provide
the youth with feedback for personal growth.
● Instructional Aide - As an instructional aide encouraging students and helping
students in academics.
● Teacher - Leading students in their learning through engagement. As a leader for
an aide to ensure organization and structure. As a colleague to be part of a team
and work together for our students.

Leadership Goals

1. I will develop my leadership in Resource Provider (English Language Arts)

○ GOAL: Provide current teachers with book resources outside the
○ OBJECTIVE: Introduce a new selection of books using Usborne and
getepic as means to increase classroom libraries.
○ RATIONALE: Classroom libraries provide a role to promote literacy
according to the​ National Council of Teachers of English​.
○ NBPTS: P​roposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their
○ TLMD: Domain IV: Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student
2. I will develop my leadership in Building Community Support (All Content Areas)
○ GOAL: Provide resources to parents to help in continual growth of their
○ OBJECTIVE: Create and build a website that provides parents with
resources for the classroom. (long-term goal)
○ RATIONALE: There are many benefits to creating a team and partnership
with parents and educators. ​(NEA)
○ NBPTS: Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.​
○ TLMD: Domain VI: Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families
and Community
○ Teacher Inquiry: I will develop my skills in providing resources through my
teacher inquiry.
3. I will develop my leadership in Curriculum (Social Studies)
○ GOAL: Ensure the development and/or selection of curriculum that is
pedagogically appropriate and encompasses strategies for building
conceptual understanding.
○ OBJECTIVE: Research and present a new Social Studies curriculum for
the school. (short-term goal)
○ RATIONALE: Ensures a well rounded education of students dealing with
human beings. ​(The Progressive Teacher)
○ NBPTS: Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to
teach those subjects to students.
○ TLMD: Domain 4. Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student

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