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As a form of currency, Bitcoin continues Arguably, the greatest to reconcile and reduces them down to just
to divide opinion across financial services, minutes.
technology, politics and civil liberties disruptor in a generation
Blockchain takes its lead from a number
groups. Some see it as a means to free Blockchain is arguably the greatest of computing paradigms, in particular
currency control from centralised forces disruptor to the global financial system in a distribution and cryptography. Existing
and central banks, while others fear it has generation. While many technologies have ledger accounting in the financial
already become a platform for criminality changed banking, few have fundamentally services sector is usually in the form of a
and black marketeers. challenged the operating principles
centralised and private database, not too
underlying many banking transactions
Despite these questions about the viability different from the paper-based versions
and book keeping. The clever mathematics
and suitability of Bitcoin as a currency, the used a century ago. With blockchain, the
and elegant structure of the blockchain
underlying technology that enables Bitcoin ledger moves to an open and distributed
means that all transactions involving
to function – namely blockchain – presents record shared across the participant nodes
intermediary chains can be collapsed down
us with a fundamental opportunity for the in the blockchain. Each node maintains its
to an inherently trustworthy peer-to-peer
wider marketplace. This technology has the own version of the ledger, and the network
connection between the counterparty
potential to improve security, processes must collectively agree on the authenticity
institutions. What does this mean in
and systems in the financial services and correctness of transactions before
practice? This great contraction reduces
sector, government and anywhere where carrying out an update.
the overheads of everything from simple
accurate, tamper-proof record-keeping is
international money transfers to resolving This is made possible by using a
complex derivatives contracts, and in many mathematical consensus technique
cases takes processes that once took weeks that removes the need to have a central

2 I External Document © 2016 EdgeVerve Systems Limited

authority. Instead, the participants in the a rich source of analytics inputs that can be
network collectively enforce trust and combined with other social and personal
maintain the true state of the ledger: the information to give a uniquely personal
greater the number of participants, the digital interaction with the bank.
more robust the network and by being
In time, banks may even build services on
inherently suspicious, the network actually
blockchain to manage digital wallets or
generates trust with each new transaction even legal documents such as property
deeds or wills. Governments in Latin
Value generation – use America and Greece are already exploring
cases for blockchain in how to move their land registries to
banking blockchain, providing a roadmap for other
governments to follow.
Blockchain has the potential to unlock
tremendous value for financial services From a systemic point of view, blockchain
companies as well as individual account will also enhance risk management at
holders. By not requiring prior trusted a macro level. Blockchain maintains a
relationships, or a chain of intermediaries transparent record of all transactions,
to establish bona fides, transactions can making it much easier to unwind
be completed quickly while maintaining a complex transactions back to constituent
very high degree of trust. Banks can reduce components, and as a result actively
transactions fees and the opportunity cost manage risk. In many ways, had such
of long settlement cycles. techniques been available at the time of
the global financial collapse in 2008, the
Of course, any change to banking systemic failures could have been detected
processes that reduces these types of and avoided before the meltdown took
operating costs can also impact the way place.
the banks make money from processes and
charges. By bringing this particular process The measures introduced in the wake of
cost down to a fraction of current levels, the collapse place additional regulatory
banks may need to restructure part of their and compliance overheads on institutions,
revenue base to account for the change and so systems which are inherently
in admin-based revenue. Thankfully, trustworthy and transparent would be a
blockchain also has a role to play in huge enabler of value.
Author: Prof. Tony O’Donnell
building new revenue-generating business Blockchain has the potential to create a Head of Research at EdgeVerve,
models, as well as changing old ones. highly competitive marketplace for trusted an Infosys Company
Consider your average retail banking accounting and transaction bookkeeping.
customer. Regulators in several markets, At a pure financial services level, it
most notably the UK, are pushing to lowers cost and improves security and
accuracy of trades. Up to a government
make accounts fully portable in order
and administrative level, blockchain has
to simplify the process of moving
the capability to allow departments to
banks and to encourage competition
significantly overhaul and simplify complex
between established retail banks and
transaction-driven systems including land
new challenger banking businesses. In
sales, property deals, government debt
this liberated environment, transaction
deals and more.
fees can no longer be the battleground
for retention. Instead banks will need to Developing blockchain strategies is
focus on building sticky, personalised without doubt one of the most significant
relationships with their customers. considerations for the rest of the current
Blockchain will enable this by both
reducing the overheads, and also providing

External Document © 2016 EdgeVerve Systems Limited I 3

About Infosys Finacle
Finacle is the industry-leading universal banking solution from EdgeVerve Systems, a wholly owned subsidiary of
Infosys. The solution helps financial institutions develop deeper connections with stakeholders, power continuous
innovation and accelerate growth in the digital world. Today, Finacle is the choice of banks across 84 countries and
serves over 547 million customers – nearly 16.5 percent of the world’s adult banked population.

Finacle solutions address the core banking, e-banking, mobile banking, CRM, payments, treasury, origination,
liquidity management, Islamic banking, wealth management, and analytics needs of financial institutions worldwide.
Assessment of the top 1000 world banks reveals that banks powered by Finacle enjoy 50 percent higher returns on
assets, 30 percent higher returns on capital, and 8.1 percent points lesser costs to income than others.

For more information, contact

©2016 EdgeVerve Systems Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Infosys, Bangalore, India. All Rights Reserved. This documentation is the sole property of EdgeVerve Systems Limited (“EdgeVerve”).
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