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Team Kurita and Yamashita (IJN, IJA)

Assessment of factors Space, Time and Force

Conduct an assessment of factors space, time and force as they

appeared to the Japanese commanders charged with the defense of the
Philippines. Frame the problem as the commanders and their planners
did during planning. Your point in time is September 1944, prior to the
Allied invasion.

Identify and analyze the most important space, time and force issues,
challenges, and opportunities that informed Japanese planning to
defend the Philippines. How did factors inform the commander in
developing an operational idea? What limits did time, space or force
place on his options? What aspects of time, space or force affected his
“Smile, admiral.”
assessment of likely enemy courses of action?
“I am smiling.”

Do not try to list every possible item under time, space and force. Instead, look for those few
aspects of each factor, and more importantly, those key interactions between factors, that had
the most impact on the options available to the commander

Some Topics to Consider: (Not all inclusive)

 Geography of Leyte Island and the surrounding archipelago

 Disposition, strength and readiness of defending Japanese forces

 Disposition, strength and readiness of Allied forces

 Intangible factors (leadership, doctrine and training)

 Availability of resources, such as fuel

 State of training of naval aviators, infantry divisions, and so forth.

What lessons can be learned from studying historical examples of how commanders evaluated
objectives through the lens of operational factors? Can those lessons be applied today?
Team MacArthur, Krueger and Kinkaid (SWPA)
Assessment of factors Space, Time and Force

Conduct an assessment of factors space, time and force as they

appeared to General MacArthur and his staff while developing the
plan to retake the Philippines. Your point in time is September 1944,
prior to the invasion.

Identify and analyze the most important space, time and force
issues, challenges, and opportunities that informed MacArthur’s
planning to retake the Philippines. How did factors inform the
development of his operational idea? What limits did time, space or
force place on his options? What aspects of time, space or force
affected his assessment of likely enemy courses of action?

Do not try to list every possible item under time, space and force. Instead, look for those few
aspects of each factor, and more importantly, those key interactions between factors, that had
the most impact on the options available to the commander

Some Topics to Consider: (Not all inclusive or a check list—just a starting point)

 Strategic and operational objectives and their nesting

 Geography, centrality, weather, climate

 Combat potential, available combat power

 Intangible factors (leadership, doctrine and training)

 Air support and aerial reconnaissance requirements

What lessons can be learned from studying historical examples of how commanders evaluated
objectives through the lens of operational factors? Can those lessons be applied today?
Team Halsey (Western Pacific Task Force - POA)
Assessment of factors Space, Time and Force

Conduct an assessment of factors space, time and force as they

appeared to Admiral Halsey and his staff while planning to support
MacArthur’s campaign to retake the Philippines. Your point in
time is September 1944, prior to the Allied invasion.

Identify and analyze the most important space, time and force
issues, challenges, and opportunities that informed Navy
planning for the Philippines campaign. How did factors inform the
development of his operational idea? What limits did time, space
or force place on his options? What aspects of time, space or force
affected his assessment of likely enemy courses of action?

Do not try to list every possible item under time, space and force. Instead, look for those few
aspects of each factor, and more importantly, those key interactions between factors, that had
the most impact on the options available to the commander

Some Topics to Consider: (Not all inclusive or a check list—just a starting point)

 Strategic and operational objectives and their nesting

 Geography, centrality, weather, climate

 Combat potential, available combat power

 Intangible factors (leadership, doctrine and training)

 Air support and aerial reconnaissance requirements

What lessons can be learned from studying historical examples of how commanders evaluated
objectives through the lens of operational factors? Can those lessons be applied today?

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