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My name is Vincentius Arinata Cahyadi, 22 years old male, graduated from Department
of Civil Engineering and Planning, Civil Engineering Program in Petra Christian University,
Surabaya, Indonesia. Currently, I am working as a freelancer consultant and I also become a
private tutor for several subjects for high school and undergraduate students. When I was in
elementary school, I use to get to any places by car which was driven by my dad which enables
me to do sightseeing. I remembered there was a hotel project on a main road near my house,
and every time I got from or to my house, I would always walk pass it. It was a project for a hotel
and I wondered what job that could build such that massive building. I asked my dad, and he said
it was civil engineer and since that moment, I finally made up my mind to take civil engineer’s
degree and then continue my journey in civil engineering to Italy. At first, I thought that civil
engineering is only a matter how to build building and survive through natural disasters such as
earthquakes. After signed up for undergraduate program, I just knew that civil engineer is not as
simple as that. I learned entrepreneurship in which that building must be able to be sold, I also
learned project management in which I had to estimate precisely how to survive the construction
process without being out of schedule, run out of money, safety of workers and even the impact
to the environment. Civil Engineering is broader than I have expected and once I realize, I want
to learn more from the experts that have dealing with lots of different buildings in Italy that not
only have to be strong but also consider all the factors that I have mentioned earlier.
Italy is the country where I would like to stay. I have read much more about Italy and I
have found that Italy is already a settled and modern country where everything is well-organized.
This condition will be an advantage for foreign students like me who come from a different
background from a developing country like Indonesia. I also fond of the culture in Italy due to the
fact that they can maintain historical buildings which attracts me more to learn or even develop
ways to sustain it. Apart from that, Italy is good for engineering, especially civil engineering
because Italy was struck by several earthquakes which leads to development in building towards
earthquakes and as I mention earlier, the ability to preserve historical buildings need assessment
skills on them which is always become my interest in the field of civil engineering.
Studying in Italy will be a great chance for everyone, including me, not only because of
the scholarship that is offered more than other EU countries, but also because of the educational
system itself. After searching for the university in Italy, I am sure that Politecnico di Milano as one
of the best universities in Italy will enable me to realize all of my expectations with its
curriculum especially in the structural assessment field. Politecnico di Milano rank top 50 best
universities in the world for civil engineering and I am sure that it will bring lots of knowledge and
experience for me. I choose Politecnico di Milano not only because of the rank, but also the
courses are the same as what I really keen on which is assessment of existing buildings. I believe
that this assessment is necessary in nowadays buildings as the code continuously developing,
buildings need to be strengthened. I also choose assessment because it is correlated with the
thesis that I had for my undergraduate which is Strengthening of Irregular Five Story Storehouse
Using BRB and CFRP that is designed to Gravity Load. Politecnico di Milano as the leading
university in Italy is the great place for me to grow and improve myself. If I get the chance to join
here, I will give my best perform and finish the master degree in 2 years with the great academic
I would like to develop this field especially because I believe in the future, assessment of
buildings is a must and developing countries, which are not usually aware of this soon or later
take this seriously and I would like to make Politecnico di Milano a pioneer too my country where
I could share my knowledge to those in charge in this field.
Finally, I am sure that I am capable to obtain good performance during my study at
Politecnico di Milano because it is my own expectation so that I will be able to motivate myself
totally. Not only at the time of study, but also after I am graduated, I will do all my best to start
working in civil engineering field confidently with all of my educational background and
experiences and even I will try my best to develop civil engineering in Italy and bring all of those
to Indonesia to share it.

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