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Name ____________________________________________ Date __February 17th 2020 Score: _____________**

A. Match the verb of each sentence with the Spanish translation of the same verb.


Pam and her cat are looking at you 1. Look sostener
Liz is carrying three balls. 2. Carry Tener
Tom is watering the flowers 3. Water dibujar
Sandra is rollerblading. 4. Rollerblade Reir
Betty is listening to music 5. Listen patinar
Bill is winking now. 6. Wink Regar las plantas
Laura is reading a book. 7. Read Dormir
Helen is drawing a picture. 8. Draw transportar
Kate is smiling to you. 9. Smile Leer
Mona is holding a present. 10. hold Mirar

B. Reescriba las oraciones para corregir los errores

1. Kate is translate the text at present. _____________________________________________________________

2. Bob is play basketball now. __________________________________________________________________
3. They are jog at the moment. ____________________________________________________________________
4. I is working now. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. We are talk at present. _______________________________________________________________________
6. Nick is water the flowers in the garden. ___________________________________________________________
7. I am watch a new film now. ___________________________________________________________________
8. My father are working in the garden now. _________________________________________________________
9. My mum is cook in the kitchen now. _____________________________________________________________
10. Tom are swimming at the moment. ______________________________________________________________
11. The boys is riding their bikes now. _______________________________________________________________
12. Pam is dance in the club at present. ______________________________________________________________

C. Para el siguiente grupo de verbos escriba la forma gerundia (uso de ING) y ubique cada uno en la columna
que le corresponde

normal Double Mute -e Spanish traslation of verb

Bake leave consonant
Come travel
Put get
Ask plan
Watch walk
Live stop

D. Elija 5 verbos del punto anterior y escriba en la parte de atrás de esta hoja, cinco oraciones afirmativas
empleando el presente continuo (las oraciones deben ser escritas en inglés y español).

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