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PE 4 – NOTES IN SWIMMING MIDTERM The first Olympic backstroke competition was the 1900

Paris Olympics men's 200 meter.

Back Stroke
 Backstroke is the only regulated swimming style that
 In a competitive swimming, there are four recognized is swum on the back, making it the easiest stroke in
styles of swimming, of which the fastest is the front which to breathe. The Olympics of 1900 held the first
crawl. The others are backstroke, breaststroke, and backstroke competition race, which was the first
butterfly. There are also events in which all four styles Olympics right after swimming was introduced. The
are combined in one race, known as individual medley. kick of the backstroke is the same as the
So, it is very important to know all these swimming freestyle. Backstroke and freestyle are the only two
styles. What is emphasized in this presentation is the strokes that rotate the body from side to side, causing
backstroke. somewhat of a skating motion.
 Backstroke is like swimming the front crawl, but on the Speed and Ergonomics
back. In early days, like all stroke developments,
backstroke grew from the breaststroke with the  Backstroke has a similar speed to butterfly. Race times
swimmer carrying his arms upward and backward for the butterfly are superior to those for the backstroke
simultaneously and kicking his legs in an inverted frog- mostly because the former allows a racing start from
like action. This style is often called the “Old English” poolside and the latter does not. In races beyond 200
backstroke. meters, backstroke would actually be the faster of the
 There have been various techniques for the under- two, though it mainly depends on the stamina of the
water pull and much depends upon the flexibility of the swimmer as well as technique. The maximum
shoulder of the individual. Almost all backstroke styles swimming speed for backstroke is around 1.89 meter
include an arm bend at some stage in the pull, per second. Due to its position on the back, backstroke
generally near the beginning. uses some different muscles in the upper body than
 Backstroke is the only one of the four modern styles in other styles.
which the competitor starts in the water. He must stay
Arm Movement
on his back throughout the race, except at the turns.
There, having touched the end of the bath while on his  In backstroke, the arms contribute most of the forward
back, he may move from this position to make a movement. The arm stroke consists of two main parts:
somersault turn, provided he has turned on his back the power phase (consisting of three separate parts)
before his feet leave the wall. and the recovery. The arms alternate so that always
 To be a successful competitor, it is not only necessary one arm is underwater while the other arm is
to swim effectively, but also to gain the maximum recovering. One complete arm turn is considered one
advantage from push away from the wall in the case of cycle. From the initial position, one arm sinks slightly
backstroke. under water and turns the palm outward to start the
 All types of swim strokes have five general Catch phase (first part of the power phase). The hand
components: the arm stroke, the kick, the timing and enters downward (pinkie finger first) then pulling out at
coordination of the body movements, the body position a 45 degree angle, catching the water.
relative to the surface of the water, and the breathing  During the power phase the hand follows a semi-
rhythm. circular path from the Catch to the side of the hip. The
 The backstroke is a swimming stroke performed with palm is always facing away from the swimming
the swimmer’s head and stomach facing upward in the direction, while remaining straight as an extension of
water. The stroke is alternately windmill type of motion the arm, and the elbow always points downward
with each arm, as the swimmer drives his/her body towards the bottom of the pool. This is done so that
forward with a flutter kick. (Lerner, 2007) both the arms and the elbow can push the maximum
amount of water back in order to push the body
History of Backstroke
forward. At the height of the shoulders, the upper and
 Backstroke is an ancient style of swimming, who owes lower arms should have their maximum angle of about
most of what it has to Harry Hebner. It was the second 90 degrees. This is called the Mid-Pull of the power
stroke to be swum in competitions after the front crawl. phase.

 The Mid-Pull phase consists of pushing the palm of the From this position, the leg makes a fast kick upward,
hand as far down as possible with the fingers pointing slightly bending the knee at the beginning and then
upward. Again, the goal is to push the body forward stretching it again in the horizontal. However, there are
against the water. At the very end of the Mid-Pull, the also frequent variants with four or only two kicks per
palm flaps down for a last push forward down to a cycle. Usually, sprinters tend to use 6 kicks per cycle,
depth of 45 cm, creating the Finish of the Power phase. whereas long distance swimmer may use fewer.
Besides pushing the body forward, this also helps with  It is also possible to use a butterfly kick, although this
the rolling back to the other side as part of the body is rare except the butterfly kick after the start and the
movement. During the power phase, the fingers of the turns. This dolphin kick is essential for many top
hand can be slightly apart, as this will increase the athletes because it is the fastest part of the race. It may
resistance of the hand in the water due to turbulence. also constitute the majority of the race (i.e., in the 100
 To prepare for the recovery phase, the hand is rotated yard backstroke the swimmer may kick underwater
so that the palms point towards the legs and the thumb dolphin for 15 yards per length which equates to as
side points upwards. At the beginning of the recovery much as 60 yards kicking in a 100 yd race) A great
phase of the one arm, the other arm begins its power example of this is Olympic gold medallist Natalie
phase. The recovering arm is moved in a semicircle Coughlin.
straight over the shoulders to the front. During this  Breaststroke kicks are most comfortable if the arms are
recovery, the palm rotates so that the small finger used synchronized, as the breaststroke kick has
enters the water first, allowing for the least amount of difficulty to compensate for a rolling movement due to
resistance, and the palms point outward. After a short alternating arm cycles. The butterfly kick can be done
gliding phase, the cycle repeats with the preparation slightly to one side depending on the rolling of the
for the next power phase. body.
 A variant is to move both arms synchronized and not
alternating, similar to an upside down butterfly stroke.
This is easier to coordinate, and the peak speed during  Breathing in backstroke is easier than in other strokes,
the combined power phase is faster, yet the speed is as the mouth and nose are usually over water.
much slower during the combined recovery. The Competitive swimmers breathe in through the mouth
average speed will usually be less than the average during the recovery of one arm, and breathe out
speed of the alternating stroke. through the mouth and nose during the pull and push
 Another variant is the old style of swimming phase of the same arm. This is done to clear the nose
backstroke, where the arm movement formed a of water. However, some backstrokers face the
complete circle in a windmill type pattern. However, problem of splash on their faces due to surface tension
this style is not commonly used for competitive that clings to their arms as they exit the water.
swimming, as a lot of energy is spent on pushing the
body up and down instead of forward. Furthermore, the Body Movement
added strain on the shoulder is considered less than  Due to the asynchronous movement of the arms, there
ideal and can lead to injuries. is a roll of the body around its own axis. This is normal
 It is also possible to move only one arm at a time, and helps swimming effectively. The overall position of
where one arm moves through the power and recovery the body is straight in the horizontal to reduce drag.
phases while the other arm rests. This is slow, but it is Beginners frequently let their posterior sink too low and
used frequently to teach students the movement, as increase drag. To avoid this, the upper legs have to be
they have to concentrate on only one arm. moved to the extreme down position at each kick even
Leg Movement with a little help by the back and the foot tips have to
be fixed in the extreme lower position and the head is
 The leg movement in backstroke is similar to the flutter held out of the water to act as a counter-weight.
kick in front crawl. They make a large contribution to
the forward speed, yet are very significant for Parallels between Backstroke and the Crawl
stabilizing the body.  The backstroke often follows the crawl when various
 The leg stroke is also alternating, with one leg sinking strokes are taught to a new swimmer. The reasons is
down straight to about 30 degrees out of the horizontal. that two strokes are very much alike. In fact, the
backstroke has often been called an “upside down green switch waving through the water. It seems
crawl”. Though it is swam with the swimmer on his back to be involved with the natural talent some
in the water, his arms and leg actions are similar to swimmers have, which we can describe as “feel
those in the crawl. for the water”.
B. Backstroke Kicking
Learning the Backstroke
 We speak of the kick as a relaxed football kick. We
A. Breathing tell the swimmer to concentrate on the down kick
Because the swimmer is on his back, breathing and the depth of the heel. The kick downward
during backstroke is not really a problem. Anyone starts with a straight leg, and the knee gently
wanting to try the backstroke should know how to bends on the downward kick.
float on his back. That way, he’ll be able to relax  The kick is very important to the backstroker, and
more and have the confidence to go ahead and he must develop this as much as possible. This is
learn the new stroke. the drill that will help on the muscle overload
B. Leg Kick principle, and must not be neglected.
As with the crawl, the kick for the backstroke is  Kicking lengths with one arm overhead in the
started by the hips. The backstroke is mainly done water and the other end at a ninety-degree angle
under the water. Only the toes of the feet may out of the water is a good drill to overload the kick.
break the surface of the water. If the swimmer has a very strong kick, he can hold
C. Knee Action both arms out of the water midway through the
The downward action of the feet in the backstroke recovery. This is a good drill to see how strong the
kick requires a bit more bending of the knee. kick actually is.
D. Body Position
Backstroke Start
This is similar to the flashing position. The hips
should be held near the surface of the water with  According to short-course rules, as long as some
the bend back, submerged up to the ears, and the part of the body touches the water, the backstroke
black is slightly arched. is in legal starting position.
E. Arm Action  The most popular backstroke start for short-
Body arms work opposite each other. That is, one course swimming is with the toes at the gutter. The
is at the top of the stroke, while the other is at the swimmer grasps the backstroke hand grips or the
bottom. slit cut in the starting block for this purpose. The
Backstroke Techniques (Gutman, 1990) hand tilts toward between the knees. On the sound
of the gun, the backstroker pushes away with the
 The stroke begins with the hips near the surface of the hands, throwing the head backward and driving off
water and the head back. When one arm is at the top the gutter with the legs. The swimmer remains in
of the stroke, the other is at the bottom. The arm is an extended streamlined position under water.
straight when it enters the water above the head.
Common Mistakes
 As the swimmer strokes, a flutter kick is used, similar
to the crawl.  Caution must be taken not to arch the back too
 As the first arm is halfway through the stroke and ready much, or the angle of entry will take the swimmer
to begin pushing the water, the second arm is out of too deep.
the water in the recovery phase. The feet continues to  Another problem comes from letting the hips drag
flutter kick for the entire stroke. through the water or the start, before the hands,
 The first arm has just completed the pushing part of the arms, and head have reached the water.
stroke as the other arm enters the water over the
swimmer’s head. Backstroke Turn

Drills for Backstroke (Gambrill, 1973)  The swimming in which expert turning is most
important are the backstroke and breaststroke.
A. Side Kicking The most difficult turn to perfect is the backstroke
 This kick gives the swimmer a chance to develop turn. The element that makes this turn more
a “fluid motion” kick. The side kick appears to be a
difficult is the lack of vision as one approaches the 3. Lenny Krayzelburg
turn. The first swimmer since 1986 to sweep the backstroke
events, 100m and 200m, in the World Championships, setting
Two Types of Turns
the clock on 53.60 and 1.55.87, respectively. He has then
1. Open Turn recognized as the top backstroke swimmer in the world.
 The first step should begin with the swimmer 4. Kirsty Conventry
facing the wall; both hands are on the gutter and A Zimbabwean swimmer who won gold in both 100m and
both feet are against the wall, with the knees 200m backstroke (women) at the 2005 World Championships in
drawn up toward the chest. At this point, he ducks Montreal.
under water, extends his arms over his head, and 5. Laure Manaudou
pushes off under the water. The swimmer should She won a bronze at the women’s 100m backstroke at the
still be under water as he takes the first pull off the 2004 Athens Olympics. She became only the second
wall. Frenchwoman to win 3 medals in a single Summer/Winter
 The next step is to have the swimmer into the wall Olympics.
with one arm extended overhead, the other at the
hip. The swimmer should alternate hands every 6. Thomas Rupprath
time he comes in, until he can turn at ease with 2004 FINA Short Course World Championship gold
either hand. medalist for 50m Men’s backstroke event with time record of
2. Tumble Turn 23.51.
 In learning the backstroke tumble, it is very 7. Aaron Piersol
important to have proper body position before 2004 FINA Short Course World Championship gold
turning action begins. Step one is similar to medalist for both 100m and 200m Men’s backstroke events.
open turn. As the hand makes contact with 8. Matt Welsh
the wall, the fingers are pointed toward the 2002 FINA Short Course World Championship gold
bottom with the palm touching flat against the medalist for both 50m and 100m Men’s backstroke events.
wall. The head is back, not bowed forward.
 As the hand becomes firm against the wall,  Swimming is a technique to move unaided through
the elbow bends lightly, then is extended, to water. It is a popular recreational activity and
aid in the spinning action. The hand at the hip competitive sport. There are many health benefits of
is used for support and backs water during the swimming (Kumar, 2006).
turning action. The push off is not different  As you learn this new swimming stroke, you will come
from that used in the open turn. to enjoy aquatic mobile activities in a new avenue.
Once again, the early swimming lessons will come
Performing the Stroke back as an advantage.
 Of course, the best way to judge if you are stroking
correctly is to be watched by a good coach. You can
also practice your strokes on dry land just to get an idea
of the motion. This can easily be done for both the
crawl and backstroke by lying on a narrow bench.
Great Swimmers – Backstroke
1. Mark Tewksbury
A Canadian swimmer best known for winning the gold
medal in the 100 metres backstroke at the 1992 Summer
2. Emanuele Merisi
A former Italian professional swimmer, specialized in
backstroke, who won a bronze medal in 1996 Summer

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