Implication of Education

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Republic of the Philippines


Magallanes Campus
Magallanes , Sorsogon
A.Y : 2019 - 2020

Name : Jadelyn Andes Jimeno

Subject : The Teacher the Community School Culture
Course & Year : BSED – II

Structural-Functional Theory it focuses on how the education serves to the need

of the society through the development of skills. As a future educator I will be focusing on
the students so that they can gain knowledge through my teaching skills. As a future
educator I need too be focused on what the students’ needs so that the students will
enhance their different skills and will develop their creativity. In Conflicting Theory from
the word itself conflicting it is usually the group of dissenters and emphasizes unequal
group, from the reality as a future educator having a conflict in the class is not new
because in every class there are different circle of groups that they are the only ones who
agree or understand each other, and there are other circle of groups that who didn’t agree
to each other and they always wanted to compete to another group they always wanted
to be the top of the class and not giving a chance to others which is for me it is being
selfish. As a teacher I will not let the groups compete to each other because they are
equal for me. I will not chose any side, instead of I will be guiding them so that they can
have a teamwork not a competition.
An individual’s action depends on meaning, every students have a problem
usually when they got home, as a teacher we can observe them in the class with this jolly
attitude but we don’t know when they got home the students have their personal heavy
problems about family that the teachers don’t know. Sometimes I have observed my
classmates, some of them are happy, laughing smiling but I know when I looked in their
eyes I can see what they truly feel because I know the feeling of drowning in sadness.
Usually the action of the students depends on meaning when in the middle of discussion
you can hear the murmuring voice the teacher don’t know what the noise is about, if it is
about his/her lecture or in other businesses. This meaning is based on individual
experiences, we the people we have or different life circumstances that we have to deal
on our everyday life, so that everyone of us have this individual actions that depends on
our life experiences.
Meanings change as individuals interact with one other, as a future educator in
my own class while the student is reporting, his/her classmates have an idea and share
it to our class. The meaning of the word is changing while the other students are
interacting to each other or sharing their ideas. It is expanding because the students are
sharing their own thoughts and ideas.

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