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On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 4 stichera, the compo­ Thy resurrection, 0 Christ our Savior, hath
sition ofour venerable father John ofDamascus, illumined the whole universe; and Thou hast
in Tone 11­ called forth Thy creation. 0 Lord almighty,
Stichos: From the morning watch until glory be to Thee!
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
And these other stichera, ofthe Theotokos, Spec.
the Lord.
Mel.: "When from the tree ... ': in Tone 11­
Come ye, let us worship God the Word, Who Stichos: I shall commemorate thy name in
was begotten of the Father before the ages, and every generation and generation.
became incarnate of the Virgin Mary: for, hav­ 0 joy of all who sorrow and intercessor for
ing endured the Cross, He was given over to the oppressed, feeder of the hungry, comfort of
burial, as He Himself desired; and having risen travellers and staffofthe blind, visitation ofthe
from the dead, He hath saved me, a man astray. infirm, protection and aid for those who labor,
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, and helper ofthe orphaned: thou art the Mother
and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He of God Most High, 0 all-pure one. Haste thou,
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. we pray, that thy servants may be saved!
The foregoing sticheron is repeated. Stichos: Hearken, 0 daughter, and see, and
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; incline thine ear.
praise Him, all ye peoples. Wretch that I am, I have committed every
Christ our Savior, having nailed to the iniquity with impunity and every sin without
Cross the record which is against us, hath restraint; and I deserve all condemnation. 0
erased it and abolished the might of death. We Virgin, grant me occasions of repentance, that
worship His resurrection on the third day. I be not shown to be condemned to that place.
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to For thee do I call my mediator in prayer; thee do
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­ I call mine advocate. Put me not to shame, 0
eth forever. Bride of God!
With the archangels let us hymn the resur­ Stichos: The rich among the people shall
rection of Christ; for He is the Deliverer and entreat thy countenance.
Savior of our souls, and shall come again in No other refuge have we before the Creator
awesome glory and mighty power, to judge the and Master than thee, 0 pure Mother of God.
world which He hath created. Turn not away from us in thy fervent interces­
sion, neither put us to shame who with love
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion­ have recourse to thy protection, 0 Mother ofour
0 mystery most great! Beholding the God. Haste thou, and grant [us] thy help, and
wonders, I proclaim [Christ's] divinity; for Em­ save us from the present wrath!
manuel, in that He loveth mankind, hath
opened the gates of nature, yet, as God, He hath Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion, in
not broken the keys of virginity; but He hath Tonell-
issued forth from the womb just as He had Who worthily praiseth and calleth thee
entered [it] at the sound [of the archangel's blessed, 0 Maiden Bride of God, for the deliver­
salutation]. Thus did He become incarnate just ance wrought for the world through thee?
as He had been conceived: He entered in dispas­ Therefore, in thanksgiving we cry out to thee,
sionately and issued forth ineffably, according saying: Rejoice, thou who hast deified Adam
to the prophet, who said: "This gate shall be and united the disparate [natures]! Rejoice,
closed! No one shall pass through it, save the thou who hast illumined our race with the light­
Lord God of Israel, Who hath great mercy." bearing resurrection of thy Son and our God!
For we, the Christian race, unceasingly call
Then, "0 gladsome Light... ". The Prokimenon, thee blessed.
"The Lord is king... ': with its stichoi. Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... ",
Trisagion through Our Father ... , the resurrec­
And after "Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... ': the priest doth tional troparion, Glory ... , Now & ever ... , its
not intone the litanies, but we chant the first theotokion (see Great Vespers pp. 23-24). Little
sticheron of the resurrectional aposticha- litany, and dismissal.


After the Introductory Psalm, the usual chant­ brazen gates, didst break their chains of iron,
ing from the Psalter. didst lead us forth from darkness and the shadow
of death, and didst rend our bonds asunder.
On "Lord, I have cried .. . ': 10 stichera. If the Stichos: From the morning watch until
Menaion hath a doxasticon, it is chanted on night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
Glory.... If there is no doxasticon, we chant the Lord.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... , the dogmaticonofthe tone. Come ye, let us all fall down before the house
ofthe Lord; and chanting, let us send forth from
The Resurrectional Stichera, in Tone II-
our mouth a hymn of salvation, saying: 0 Thou
Stichos: Bring my soul out of prison, that I
Who wast crucified on the Tree, Who rose from
may confess Thy name.
the dead and art in the bosom of the Father,
Come ye, let us worship God the Word, Who
cleanse us of our sins.
was begotten ofthe Father before the ages, and
became incarnate of the Virgin Mary: for, hav­ And these stichera of the all-holy Theotokos, the
ing endured the Cross, He was given over to composition of Paul of Amorium, which are
burial, as He Himself desired; and having risen chanted when there is no Menaion, or atLitia. Spec.
from the dead, He hath saved me, a man astray. Mel.: "In despair over my life ... ': in Tone VI-
Stichos: The righteous shall wait patiently Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
for me until Thou shalt reward me. and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He
Christ our Savior, having nailed to the shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
Cross the record which is against us, hath 0 all-hymned Mary, pure Theotokos, who
erased it and abolished the might of death. We art the sure hope of the hopeless and salvation
worship His resurrection on the third day. of the sinful: Accept this mine entreaty, and in
Stichos: Out of the depths have I cried unto thy maternal supplications ask for me the re­
Thee, 0 Lord; 0 Lord, hear my voice. mission of all the sins I have committed in this
With the archangels let us hymn the resur­ life; and save me from misfortunes and the
rection of Christ; for He is the Deliverer and judgment which is to come, 0 Mistress, in thy
Savior of our souls, and shall come again in great mercy.
awesome glory and mighty power, to judge the Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
world which He hath created. praise Him all ye peoples.
Stichos: Let Thine ears be attentive to the Wicked is the time ofmy life, wicked and full
voice of my supplication. of every evil. When evil Satan doth grievously
The angel proclaimed Thee, the Master trouble me, 0 all-holy Theotokos, deliver me
Who had been crucified and buried, and he said from his buffeting, and draw me forth from his
to the women: "Come ye, and see where the Lord maw; for on thee have I set all my hope. Save me
lay; for He hath arisen, as He said, in that He is by thy vigilant supplications!
almighty!" Wherefore, we worship Thee Who Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
alone art immortal. 0 Christ, Bestower of life, prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
have mercy upon us! eth forever.
Stichos: IfThou shouldst mark iniquities, 0 Rejoice, 0 unashamed intercessor! Rejoice,
Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee 0 all-good Theotokos! Rejoice, mercy-seat of
there is forgiveness. the world! Rejoice, joy of the sorrowful and
By Thy Cross hast Thou annulled the curse haven of the tempest-tossed! Rejoice, thou who
which began with the Tree; by Thy burial hast helpest all who are in need! And do thou
Thou slain the might of death; and by Thine likewise keep me from all sorrows, 0 all­
arising hast Thou enlightened the human race. immaculate Virgin and Mistress!
Wherefore, we cry out to Thee: 0 Christ our God
Glory ... , from the Menaion.
and Benefactor, glory be to thee!
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ Now & ever ... : The dogmatic theotokion-
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord, my soul hath The shadow of the law passed away when
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath grace arrived; for, as the bush wrapped in flame
hoped in the Lord. did not burn, so did the Virgin give birth and yet
The gates of death opened unto Thee in fear, remain a virgin. In place of the pillar of fire, the
0 Lord, and the gatekeepers of hades, seeing Sun ofrighteousness hath shone forth. Instead of
Thee, were afraid; for Thou didst shatter the Moses, Christ is come, the salvation of our souls.

Entrance. ''0 gladsome Light... " And after the accept burial and arose on the third day, glory
Entrance, the appointed server, having made be to Thee!
the usual bow to the superior, chanteth the daily Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0
prokimenon, in Tone VI- Lord, unto length of days.
0 Christ, Bestower oflife, Who ofThine own
The Lord is King, He is clothed with majesty. will endured suffering for the sake of mortal
Stichos: The Lord is clothed with strength and men, as One mighty Thou didst descend into
He hath girt Himself. hades, and there, having rescued from the
Stichos: For He hath established the world hands ofthe mighty one those who awaited Thy
which shall not be shaken. coming, Thou gavest them to live in paradise
Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0 Lord, instead of hades. Wherefore, grant also cleans­
unto length of days. ing from sins and great mercy unto us, who
glorify Thine arising on the third day.
Then the usual litany. "Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... "
Glory ... , from the Menaion, ifthere is a doxasti­
The litany: "Let us complete our evening
con provided. If not, Glory ... , Now & ever ... :
prayer ... ': and the rest. And after the exclama­
Theotokion, in the same tone­
tion, we chant the sticheron idiomelon of the
0 new wonder greater than all the won­
feast ofthe church, and performing Litia in the
ders of the past! For who hath ever known a
narthex, we chant the stichera of Paul of
mother to give birth without having known a
Amorium, or whatever the superior desireth.
man, and to bear on her arm Him Who sus­
And after the usual prayers, we enter the church
taineth all creation? Yet it was the will of God
proper, chanting theAposticha stichera, in Tone
to be born. 0 all-pure one, who bore Him in
thine arms as an infant and hast maternal
Thy resurrection, 0 Christ our Savior, hath
boldness before Him: Cease not to pray in
illumined the whole universe; and Thou hast
behalf of those who honor thee, that He have
called forth Thy creation. 0 Lord almighty,
compassion and save our souls.
glory be to Thee!
Stichos: The Lord is King, He is clothed
Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... "
with majesty.
Trisagion through Our Father.
By the Tree, 0 Savior, hast Thou abolished
the curse which began with the tree; by Thy
Resurrectional troparion, in Tone 11­
burial hast Thou put the might of death to
When Thou didst descend unto death, 0 Life
death; and by Thine arising Thou hast illu­
immortal, then didst Thou slay hades with the
mined our race. Wherefore, we cry out to Thee:
radiance of Thy divinity; and when Thou didst
0 Christ our God, Bestower of life, glory be to
raise up the dead from the nethermost depths,
all the hosts of heaven cried aloud: 0 Christ our
Stichos: For He hath established the world
God, Bestower of life, glory be to Thee!
which shall not be shaken.
Theotokion: All ofthy most glorious myster­
Appearing, nailed to the Cross, 0 Christ,
ies are beyond comprehension, 0 Theotokos;
Thou didst alter the beauty of created things.
for, thy purity sealed and thy virginity intact,
The soldiers, displaying their inhumanity,
thou art known to be a true Mother, having
pierced Thy side with a lance, and the Jews,
given birth unto God. Him do thou entreat, that
refusing to acknowledge Thine authority,
our souls be saved.
asked that Thy tomb be sealed. 0 Lord Who in
the loving-kindness of Thy compassion didst And the rest of the service followeth in order.


The priest saith: Blessed is our God ... , and we ODE IV

respond: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Irmos: He whom Thou didst call "the voice of
Thee. 0 heavenly King... , Trisagion through one crying in the wilderness" heard Thy voice as
Our Father. Lord, have mercy (12 times). Thou didst thunder over many waters, bearing
Glory ... , Now & ever ... 0 come, let us worship ...
witness to Thy Son. And, wholly filled with the
(thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, 0 God .. .); Spirit which had come, he cried out: Thou art
Psalm 69 (0 God, be attentive unto helping Christ, the Wisdom and Power of God!
me ... ); and Psalm 142 (0 Lord, hear my We entreat thee, thou bridge of salvation,
prayer.. .). Then, Glory to God in the highest ... ,tireless entreaty and steadfast help: Have pity
and the Symbol ofFaith (I believe in one God .. .). and behold our unbearable grief, our pangs,
afflictions and sufferings, 0 Mother of God, and
Canon of Supplication to the All-holy
visit us for the better, granting us speedy joy.
Theotokos, in Tone II­ We are not without a share ofthine aid amid
ODE I afflictions, 0 Mistress; wherefore, quickly help
Irmos: Overwhelming power once laid low the us now, who are grievously tempest-tossed,
whole army of Pharaoh in the deep, and the stretching forth thy hand, 0 pure one. Be thou
incarnate Word hath destroyed pernicious sin. merciful to our pain, 0 Mother of God, granting
All-glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He us speedy joy.
been glorified. Glory ... : They who are iniquitous, who roar
0 good Theotokos, who dost readily hear all to shed unjustly the blood of their neighbor,
in tribulation and helpest those in grief: grant have not set their hope on thee, 0 Mistress, but
grace unto those who make bold to hymn thee, have trusted in a boastful tongue, the tongue of
0 Mistress, thou joy of those who sorrow. man, which ever poureth forth jealously; but do
Having acquired grace of abundant rich­ thou, 0 pure one, break their jaws.
ness, 0 Mistress, by thy bold supplication most Now & ever ... : 0 Mistress, humble thou the
gloriously rescue me, thy poor servant, from haughty neck ofthe boastful enemy, their coun­
temptations, 0 joy of those who sorrow. sels and malignant ways, and their hearts
Glory ... : From enemies visible and invisible which daily meditate evils against me; and give
deliver us who have recourse to thee, we pray, strength and victory to those who call upon
0 Theotokos, and confound every counsel of thee, 0 Mother of God, granting us speedy joy.
those who war against us.
Now & ever ... : Take from me the reproach 0DEV
of men and the false accusations of the traitor­ Irmos: The Sun-the live Coal which was
ous, I pray thee, 0 Theotokos, that I may ea­ revealed beforehand to Isaiah-shone forth
gerly glorify the Lord Whom thou didst nourish. from the Virgin's womb, granting the enlight­
enment of divine knowledge to those gone
ODE III astray in darkness.
Irmos: Establish us in thee, 0 Lord Who hast 0 true supplicant, hope of Christians, 0
slain sin by the Tree, and plant the fear of Thee joyous one, accept the entreaties of us who
in the hearts of us who hymn Thee. earnestly call upon and pray to thee.
Scatter the vain plots of the enemy, 0 most Acknowledging thee to be the well-spring of
hymned Theotokos, and by thy supplications Life, pouring forth the waters ofimmortality, 0
fail not to keep us safe who praise thee. pure one, we, the earthborn, call thee blessed.
With thy merciful eye, 0 pure one, look upon Glory ... : The enemy hath wickedly armed
me, and deliver me from every plot of enemies, himself against us, desiring to destroy us with
visible and invisible, blinding their eyes. his tongue, as with a sword; but go before us, 0
Glory ... : With the dew of thy prayers, 0 Theotokos, in thy might.
Virgin, quench the evil assault, burning like Now & ever ... : Who can measure the abyss
fire, of the enemies who ever seek to destroy us. of the assistance of thy power, 0 pure one?
Now & ever ... : 0 inextinguishable lamp, Wherefore, quickly go before us who are in
ever-shining ray, who gavest birth to Christ, need.
the Sun of glory: By thy supplications illumine
me who am beset by the night of afflictions.


ODE VI Now & ever ... : Let the enemy behold and be
1rmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call ashamed, and let them understand and see thy
upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving­ power, which warrethforusagainstthem. Cast
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! them down into the nethermost gulf, 0 blessed
As the mediatress ofchastity, reveal thyself one, thou hope of the hopeless.
now to those who call upon thee, and deliver
them from all misfortunes and perils, 0 Bride of ODE VIII
God. Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace
Destroy the evil works of the enemy and divided its activity at the command of God,
scatter the false accusations ofthe unjust, 0 all­ consuming the Chaldreans, but bedewing the
pure and blessed one, delivering the innocent faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works
from tribulation. of the Lord!
Glory ... : Surrounded by grievous sins and 0 Theotokos, our refuge, joy of the world:
drowning in perilous misfortunes, 0 Mother of haste thou to take pity, and quickly grant thy
Christ God, we flee beneath thy divine protec­ grace unto us who are afflicted, 0 good one, and
tion. help thy servants.
Now & ever ... : Having given birth to the The vain council of the assembly of the
Lord without knowing man, thou hast been ungodly took counsel wickedly against us, like
shown to be a virgin still, even after giving Ahitophel of old. Yet we cry out: Scatter it by
birth. 0 the all-glorious wonder that was thy supplications, 0 Theotokos, casting down
wrought within thee, 0 Bride of God! their strength!
Glory ... : Quickly hearken, 0 Theotokos, to
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , Now those who truly call upon thee from their soul
& ever ... : amid every tribulation and divers pangs and
Sessional hymn, in Tone 11­ grievous perils, ever delivering them by thy
We earnestly cry out to thee, 0 Mistress supplications, 0 Mistress.
Theotokos, thou fervent supplication, unassail­ Now & ever ... : That thy name might be
able rampart, wellspring of mercy and refuge glorified on the earth, 0 Theotokos, He Who
for the world: Go before us, and deliver us from shone forth from thee hath given thee to sin­
perils, 0 thou who alone dost speedily inter­ ners as a mighty hope and rampart; for
cede. through thee doth everything that hath breath
hasten to God.
Irmos: That Thou mightest manifestly ODE IX
prefigure Thine all-glorious nativity from a Irmos: Every tongue is at a loss how to praise
virgin, 0 Christ, in the furnace Thou didst thee as is meet, and even an intelligence from
preserve unconsumed the youths who chanted above the world is in doubt how to hymn thee,
to Thee in hymns: 0 God of our fathers, blessed 0 Theotokos; yet, as thou art good, accept our
art Thou! faith, for thou knowest our longing inspired by
0 thy compassion, 0 pure Virgin! For thou God; for thou art the intercessor of Christians,
dost loose immeasurable griefs and misfor­ and we magnify thee.
tunes for those who cry out in need and adverse Let every tongue which meditateth evils be
circumstances. Wherefore, 0 blessed one, even stopped; and let false lips and mouths, which
now help those who praise thee. unjustly speak iniquity against the righteous
Show forth thy speedy assistance; show it man with pride and hostile envy, fall silent,
forth, as thou art able, in that thou art the through the supplications of the Theotokos and
Mother of God. We call upon thee with all our the saints of Christ.
heart, falling down in tears: Quickly ease the Mflicted with pain and sorrow, we all call
affliction and pain of thy servants. upon the pure Theotokos, who is vigilant in
Glory ... : The mouths of men, like those of prayer, crying: 0 pure Mistress, ever deliver
ferocious lions, have yawned more terribly than thy servants quickly from besetting pain, for,
the grave, bitterly to swallow me; but as thou after God, we have none other helper.
art revealed as the hope of the hopeless, 0 Glory ... : 0 Theotokos, thou art a great
blessed Theotokos, cast down their strength. refuge for the despairing, a calm haven for the


tempest-tossed; wherefore, we have recourse who trust in thee, and ask that peace ever be
unto thee, crying: Let us not be put to shame, 0 sent upon the churches of God and victory and
Mother ofthe true Life, but let us magnify thee, triumph to the Orthodox, that the tongue of
giving thanks with fervor. every Christian may magnify thee.

Now & ever ... : 0 all-pure Maiden, accept Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and the rest as usual.
our divine hymn, imparting grace unto those Dismissal.


The priest saith: "Blessed is our God ... ': and we ODE III
say: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Irmos: Establishing me upon the rock of faith,
Thee. 0 heavenly King... Trisagion through Thou hast enlarged my mouth against mine
Our Father... Priest: For Thine is the king­ enemies, for my spirit doth exult when I chant:
dom ... And we say: Amen. Lord, have mercy (12 There is none holy as our God, and none
times), Glory ... , Now & ever ... , 0 come, let us righteous save Thee, 0 Lord!
worship (thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, I glorify Thee, 0 Godhead one in honor and
0 God .. .) equal in essence as to Thy Persons; for Thou art
our one God-Life Who issued forth
And then, the Canon to the Holy & Life-creating incorruptibly from Life-and there is none ho­
Trinity, the acrostic whereof is "I hymn Thee, the lier than Thee, 0 Lord.
threefold light ofthe Godhead': the composition Thou didst create the immaterial ranks of
of Metrophanes of Smyrna, in Tone II­ heaven as reflections of Thy goodness, 0 only
indivisible Trinitarian Godhead, that they may
hymn Thee unceasingly. Accept now also the
praise which we offer Thee with mouths of clay.
Irmos: Overwhelming power once laid low the
Glory ... : 0 three-Sunned Unity, establish
whole army of Pharaoh in the deep, and the
the hearts and minds of Thy servants upon the
incarnate Word hath destroyed pernicious sin.
rock of faith, and enlarge them by the depth of
All-glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He
Thy love; for Thou art our God, in Whom we set
been glorified.
our hope. Let us not be put to shame.
With songs let us hymn the essence of the
Now & ever ... : He Who in the beginning
Godhead which is threefold yet one in rule,
brought every form of creature into being, in
saying: As Thou hast an essential and inex­
His boundless goodness took form in thy womb,
haustible depth of mercy, preserve and save
0 Theotokos, and hath shone forth upon all the
those who worship Thee, in that Thou lovest
three-Sunned light of the one Godhead and
0 Thou Who as the Father art the Source
and Root, and art the Origin of the unified Sessional hymn, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: ((Of the
Godhead in the Son and Thy Holy Spirit: Pour loving-kindness ... "­
forth upon my heart the three-Sunned light, When Thou didst form Adam in the begin­
and illumine me through participation in deify­ ning, 0 loving Lord, Thou didst exclaim to Thy
ing effulgence. hypostatic Word: "Let Us create him according
Glory ... : 0 thrice radiant and divine Unity, to Our likeness." And the Holy Spirit was also
dispel all the darkness of my sins and passions present as Creator. Wherefore, we cry unto
by the most sweet partaking of Thy brilliant Thee: 0 God our Creator, glory be to Thee!
rays, and make me a temple and all-pure
tabernacle of Thine unapproachable glory. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Now & ever ... : The ancient course of our When God was well pleased to come unto us,
nature, which suffered because of evil and fell He made His abode within thy most precious
headlong into corruption, did the Word of God, womb, 0 all-pure one, and through thee saved
Who became incarnate within thy womb, 0 all­ humanity, granting the kingdom of heaven
pure one, illumine in His love for mankind, unto all. Wherefore, we cry unto thee, 0 pure
mystically teaching us of the thrice radiant Theotokos: Rejoice, 0 Mistress!



Irmos: I hymn Thee, 0 Lord, for I heard report Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call
ofThee, and I was afraid; for Thou comest to me, upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving­
seeking me who have strayed. Wherefore, I kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God!
glorify Thy great condescension toward me, 0 0 three-Sunned God Who wiliest mercy,
greatly Merciful One. have mercy upon those who believe on Thee,
Even the ranks ofthe immaterial angels are and deliver Thy servants from transgressions,
unable to comprehend Thee, 0 Unoriginate sufferings and perils. Twice
Unity and Trinity; wherefore, with faith we Glory ... : In the ineffable abyss of goodness
hymn and glorify Thine essential goodness with grant unto me the incomprehensible and light­
tongues of clay. giving radiance of the effulgence of Thy thrice­
As the Maker of human nature, as the Seer radiant divinity.
of all, 0 Almighty, Thou now beholdest all mine Now & ever ... : The Most High ineffably
infirmity; wherefore, have pity on Thy servant became man through thee, 0 Virgin, clothing
and lead me up again to the higher life. Himself wholly in man, and He hath illumined
Glory ... : Let us hymn the three unconfused me with the light of the threefold Sun.
Persons of the primal Unity as possessing indi­
Sessional hymn, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "Of the
vidual and separate Hypostases, yet unified
loving-kindness ... "­
and indivisible in counsel, glory and divinity.
0 Merciful One, unoriginate Trinity and
Now & ever ... : The Maker of all found thee
Unity, Who hast extended unto us the depth of
alone, from among all the ages, to be a pure and
Thy loving-kindness, accept us, look upon the
immaculate temple, 0 Ever-virgin Theotokos;
people who glorify Thee, and accept the hymn­
and having made His abode within Thee, He
ody of those who petition Thee; for on Thee, the
formed human nature anew, in that He loveth
God of all, do we set our hope, that Thou mayest
grant us forgiveness of transgressions.
0DEV Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Irmos: 0 Christ my Savior, enlightenment of Thou art merciful, 0 good Theotokos, hav­
those who lie in darkness and salvation of the ing given birth to the Well-spring of loving­
despairing: rising early unto Thee, 0 King of kindness; for thou art the only help of the
the world, may I be enlightened by Thy radi­ faithful and consolation of the sorrowful.
ance, for I know none other God than Thee. Wherefore, we all now fall down before thee
In that Thou dost in every way extend the with faith, that, enriched by thy help alone, we
pacifying and salvific rays of Thy providence may find remission of evils.
upon all, 0 King of peace, maintain me in Thy
peace, for Thou art the life and peace of every ODE VII
creature. Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped
When Thou didst appear unto Moses in a on the plain of Dura, Thy three youths spurned
vision offire in the bush, Thou didst call Thyself the ungodly command, and, cast into the midst
an angel, 0 Word of the Father, revealing be­ of the fire, bedewed, they sang: Blessed art
forehand Thy coming unto us, whereby Thou Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
hast openly proclaimed unto all the might ofthe Thou dost ever appoint the angelic armies to
one Godhead in three Hypostases. be immutable, 0 Lord Who alone art immutable
Glory ... : 0 Holy Trinity one in rule, Thou and ofthree Hypostases. Wherefore, show forth
settest forth essential and equally eternal my heart as ever immutable, that I may fer­
glory. Vouchsafe that those who hymn Thee vently glorify Thee and hymn Thee with piety.
with Orthodox faith may behold the one un­ Twice
originate and three-Sunned radiance of Thy Glory ... : The noetic choirs ofthe immaterial
glory. beings are illumined by Thy rays, 0 three­
Now & ever ... : God the Word, Who in His Sunned God, Thou sole Ruler, and by their
essence controlleth all the ages, was ineffably position they become secondary luminaries.
contained within thy womb, 0 Virgin Mother, Through their effulgence and fellowship show
calling men to the oneness of the sole dominion. me forth as light, in that Thou art the thrice­
radiant Giver of light.


Now & ever ... : Fail not to guide and lift us perfect will in all things, and to magnify and
who love Thee up to the heavens, 0 Thou Who, glorify Thee.
in thine ineffable love for mankind, becamest Glory ... : As God Who art incomprehensible
man in the Virgin's womb and, having deified in nature, possessing an incalculable depth of
man, sittest with the Father on the throne of compassions, 0 Trinity, Thou didst have pity in
glory. the beginning. Wherefore, have pity now upon
Thy servants, and deliver them from transgres­
ODE VIII sions, perils and evil circumstances.
Irmos: The thrice-blessed youths, disdaining Now & ever ... : 0 my God, Who art ineffably
the golden image and beholding the immutable hymned in three Persons, and Who alone art
and living image of God, chanted in the midst of God almighty, save me from all temptation and
the flame: Let all existing creation hymn the oppression, and preserve Thy flock through the
Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages! supplications of the Theotokos.
0 Lord of all, unapproachable, equally eter­
nal Trinity, equally without beginning, divine, Then, the hymn ofGregory the Sinaite, which is
immutable in all things save Thy light-bearing chanted every Sunday after the canon-
characteristics: Set at naught every evil coun­ It is truly meet to glorify Thee, the Word of
sel of the adversaries and the vexations of the God, before Whom the cherubim tremble and
demons, ever preserving me unharmed. Twice quake, and Whom the hosts of heaven glorify.
Glory ... : 0 uncircumscribable, three­ And with fear we glorify Christ, the Bestower of
Sunned sole Ruler, Who all-wisely and life, Who rose from the tomb on the third day.
omnipotently fashioned the world and preserv­ With divine songs let us all in godly manner
est it in perfect, intact order: Abide in my heart, hymn the Father, the Son and the Spirit divine,
that with the angelic choirs I may hymn and the Might in three Hypostases, the one Sover­
glorify Thee unceasingly for all ages. eignty and Dominion,
Now & ever ... : 0 Wisdom of the Father, Whom all mortals hymn and the hosts of
unapproachable, ineffable Word of God, with­ heaven glorify, the essential Unity in three
out changing Thine immutable nature Thou Hypostases, Who is worshipped with faith by
didst mercifully assume human nature; and as all.
the Lord of all ages, Thou hast taught all to We magnify Thee, the Godhead, the Lord of
worship the one Trinity. the cherubim, the incomparable divine Origin
of the seraphim, the indivisible Trinity in
ODE IX Unity.
Irmos: Thee do we magnify, 0 blessed and most I worship God: the unoriginate Father, the
pure Theotokos, who through thy virginal Son Who is equally without beginning, and the
womb ineffably didst make God incarnate, the Spirit. With hymns let us honor the one indivis­
Luminary Who shone forth before the sun and ible and unified Essence, the threefold Unity.
hath come to us in the flesh. Shine forth Thy dazzling lightning flashes
The Son Who is equally without beginning upon me, 0 my God in three Hypostases, Cre­
shone forth as Light from the unoriginate ator of all, and show me to be a splendid,
Light, and the Spirit issued forth as consub­ luminous and immutable habitation of Thine
stantial Light ineffably and divinely, assuring unapproachable glory.
us of Their incorrupt generation and ineffable With fear let us glorify Christ the Bestower
procession. of life, Who ineffably became incarnate of the
Thy thrice-radiant light, 0 three-Sunned Virgin, for the cherubim tremble and quake
Godhead, do Thou shine forth in the hearts of before Him, and the angelic armies glorify Him.
those who hymn Thee, and grant them the
intelligence to understand and do Thy good and The rest of Nocturns, and the dismissal.


After the Six Psalms, we chant "God is the Then, "Blessed are the blameless in the way ... ':
Lord... ': in Tone II, and sing the resurrectional followed by the troparia "The assembly of the
troparion, twice, and the theotokion, once (see angels ... ". little litany, and this hypacof, in
Great Vespers, pp23-24). Then the usual chant­ Tone l i -
ing of the Psalter. The women who after Thy Passion went to
Thy tomb to anoint Thy body, 0 Christ God,
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these beheld angels in the sepulchre and were afraid;
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone l i - for they heard them say that the Lord is risen,
The noble Joseph, taking Thine all-pure granting the world great mercy.
body down from the Tree and wrapping it in a
clean winding-sheet, enclosed it in a new tomb SoNGS OF AscENT, IN ToNE II,
with sweet spices; yet Thou didst arise on the THE VERSES BEING REPEATED­
third day, 0 Lord, granting great mercy to the Antiphon I
world. I cast the eyes of my heart toward Thee in
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand heaven, 0 Savior. Save me by Thine over­
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end. shadowing.
Standing before the myrrh-bearing women Have mercy on us who offend Thee greatly
at the tomb, the angel cried: "Myrrh is meet for every hour, 0 my Christ, and grant that we
the dead, yet Christ hath shown Himself to be may offer Thee repentance before the end.
a stranger to corruption! But cry aloud: The Glory ... : It is fitting that the Holy Spirit reign,
Lord hath risen, granting the world great sanctify and move creation, for He is God,
mercy!" consubstantial with the Father and the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
All-glorious art thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos! Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
We hymn thee, for thy Son hath cast down
hades through the Cross; death hath been slain; Antiphon II
we, the dead, have arisen, and have been vouch­ If the Lord were not with us, who would be
safed life. We have received paradise, our preserved whole from the enemy, the slayer
ancient delight. Wherefore, giving thanks, we of men?
glorify Christ our God as mighty, the only most Give not Thy servant over to the teeth of mine
Merciful One. enemies, 0 Savior, for they move against me
like lions.
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these Glory ... : The Holy Spirit is the Source of life
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone If- and worship, for by His power as God He
Without hindering [the Jews] from sealing preserveth all created things in the Father
the stone of the tomb, in arising Thou didst by the Son.
bestow the rock of faith upon all. 0 Lord, glory
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
be to Thee!
Stichos: I will confess Thee, OLord, with my
whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders. Antiphon III
With one accord the choir of Thy disciples They who hope in the Lord are like a holy
rejoiceth with the myrrh-bearing women; and mountain: they are in nowise moved by the
with them we celebrate a common feast to the assaults of the enemy.
glory and honor of Thy resurrection. And Let those who live godly lives stretch not their
through them we cry out to Thee, 0 Lord Who hands forth to iniquities, for Christ will not
lovest mankind: Grant Thy people great mercy! withhold His staff from such in His portion.
Glory ... : Through the Holy Spirit doth all
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ wisdom flow: through Him have the
All-blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos, prophets received vision, hath grace
for by Him Who became incarnate through thee come upon the apostles, and have the
hath hades been made captive, Adam restored, martyrs been crowned with the endur­
the curse annulled, Eve set free, death slain,
ance of suffering.
and we have been given life. Wherefore, chant­
ing, we cry aloud: Blessed is Christ God Who Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
hath been thus well pleased! Glory be to Thee!

Prokimenon, in Tone If- ODE I

Arouse Thyself, 0 Lord my God, in the com­ Canon of the Resurrection, in Tone II­
mandment which Thou hast enjoined, and a Irmos: Overwhelming power once laid low the
congregation ofpeople shall surround Thee. whole army of Pharaoh in the deep, and the
Stichos: 0 Lord my God, in Thee have I hoped. incarnate Word hath destroyed pernicious sin.
Save me. All-glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He
been glorified.
Let every breath praise the Lord. Stichos: Glory to Thy holy resurrection, 0
The appointed Resurrectional Gospel. Then, The prince of this world, under whom we
this resurrectional hymn, in Tone VI- have enlisted, not having obeyed Thy com­
Having beheld the resurrection of Christ, mandment, was condemned by Thy Cross, 0
let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only Good One; for the weak one attacked Thee as
Sinless One. We worship Thy Cross, 0 Christ, one mortal, recoiled from the might of Thine
and Thy holy resurrection we hymn and glorify. authority, and was exposed as weak.
For Thou art our God, and we know none other Thou earnest into the world, the Deliverer of
beside Thee, we call upon Thy name. 0 come, the human race and Author of life incorrupt­
all ye faithful, let us worship Christ's holy ible; for by Thy resurrection Thou didst break
resurrection, for behold, through the Cross joy asunder the bonds of death. This do we all
hath come to all the world. Ever blessing the glorify, for gloriously hast Thou been glorified.
Lord, we hymn His resurrection; for, having Theotokion: Thou wast revealed as higher
endured crucifixion, He hath destroyed death than all creation, visible and invisible, 0 pure
by death. Ever-virgin; for thou gavest birth to the Cre­
ator, in that He was well pleased to become
Psalm 50: "Have mercy on me, 0 God ... " incarnate in thy womb. Entreat Him with
Glory ... : Through the prayers of the boldness, to save our souls.
apostles, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multitude Canon of the Cross & Resurrection,
of our transgressions. the acrostic whereof is:
Now & ever ... : Through the prayers of the "I sing praise to the life-bearing Word"­
Theotokos, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multi­ Irmos: Traversing the impassable ...
tude of our transgressions. 0 Christ, through the suffering of Thy flesh
Then, in Tone VI: Thou becamest the power of the weak, the
Have mercy on me, 0 God, according to Thy resurrection of the fallen and the incorruption
great mercy; and according to the multitude of of the dead, for Thou hast been glorified.
Thy compassions, blot out my transgression. God the Creator, the Restorer Who was put
to death, had compassion on His fallen image,
Then, this sticheron: raised it up which was broken down, and hath
Jesus having risen from the grave, as He given life unto all, for He hath been glorified.
foretold, hath given us life eternal,* and great
mercy. Canon of the All-holy Theotokos,
the acrostic whereof is:
Then, the Prayer: "Save, 0 God, Thy people ... ': "I sing praise to the Life-bearing Maiden"
followed by the exclamation: "Through the Irmos: Traversing the impassable ...
mercy and compassions and love for man­ Of old, the immaterial ladder and the
kind ... " strangely solidified path amid the sea revealed
thybirthgiving, 0 pure one, which we all hymn,
The Canons: of the Resurrection, with 4 tro­ for it hath been glorified.
paria; that of the Cross & the Resurrection, The Power of the Most High, the perfect
with 3 troparia; that of the Theotokos, with 3 Hypostasis, the Wisdom of God, Who became
troparia; and that from the Menaion, with 4 incarnate of thee, 0 most pure one, drew nigh
troparia. If a saint with 6 troparia is being unto men, for He hath been glorified.
celebrated, then the Canon of the Cross & The Sun of righteousness passed through
Resurrection hath 2 troparia, as doth that of the impassable door, thy closed womb, 0 pure
the Theotokos. one, and shone forth upon the world, for He
hath been glorified.

Then, the canon from the Menaion, and the salvation for the whole world through Thy
katauasia as prescribed by the Typicon. suffering, 0 Christ.
Through Thy suffering, 0 Christ, the weap­
ODE III onry of the enemy failed, and by Thy descent
Canon of the Resurrection into hades the cities of the adversary were
Irmos: The desert, the barren Church of the destroyed and the audacity of the tyrant set at
nations, blossomed like a lily at Thine advent, naught.
0 Lord; and therein hath my heart been Theotokion: 0 Theotokos and Mistress, all
established. of us, the faithful, know thee to be the haven of
During Thy suffering creation was altered, salvation and an immovable rampart; for
beholding Thee, Who founded all by Thy divine through thy supplications thou dost deliver our
gesture, in pauper's form, mocked by the souls from perils.
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
With Thy hand Thou didst fashion me out of
Irmos: I have heard, 0 Lord, of Thy glorious
dust, in Thine image; and having descended
dispensation ...
into hades, 0 Christ, with Thyself Thou didst
Beholding Thee nailed to the Tree, 0 Christ,
raise me up who had again been broken down
the Virgin who gave birth unto Thee without
into the dust of death for my sins.
pain endured a mother's pangs.
Theotokion: The ranks of the angels mar­
Death was vanquished when, dead, Thou
velled, 0 most pure one, and the hearts of men
didst storm the gates of hades; for when the all­
have been filled with awe at thy birthgiving;
devouring one was destroyed, all things which
wherefore, we honor thee, the Theotokos, with
are past nature were given to me.
Canon of the Theotokos
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Irmos: I have heard, 0 Lord, of Thy glorious
Irmos: The bow of the mighty hath been bro­
dispensation, and I have glorified Thine unap­
ken ...
proachable power, 0 Thou Who lovest
Christ Who is higher than all became a little
lower than the nature ofthe angels through His
Lo! as the dwelling-place of the Lord, the
suffering in the flesh.
Mother of God, the divine mountain, hath most
Reckoned as dead with the iniquitous, 0
clearly been exalted far higher than the hosts of
Christ, after the resurrection Thou didst appear
to the women, resplendent in a crown of glory.
Having given birth beyond the laws of na­
Canon of the Theotokos ture unto Him Who hath dominion over cre­
Irmos: The bow of the mighty hath been bro­ ation, 0 only Virgin, thou wast vouchsafed a
ken ... divine calling.
He Who, as the Creator of time, far tran­
scendeth all time, was of His own will formed of 0DEV
thee as a babe, 0 Virgin. Canon of the Resurrection
Let us hymn the womb which is more spa­ Irmos: Thou art a Mediator between God and
cious than the heavens, through which Adam, man, 0 Christ God; for by Thee, 0 Master, are
rejoicing, dwelleth in the heavens. we led up out of the night of ignorance to Thy
Father, the Source of light.
ODE IV Thou didst break the audacity ofthe nations
Canon of the Resurrection by Thy will, as if they were cedars, 0 Christ
Irmos: Thou didst come forth from the Virgin, Master, for it was Thy will to be lifted up in the
neither a mediator nor an angel, but Thyself flesh upon the cypress, the pine and the cedar.
incarnate, 0 Lord, and hast saved me, the They laid Thee, dead and bereft ofbreath, in
whole man; wherefore, I cry to thee: Glory to a deep pit, 0 Christ; yet, wounded, through thy
Thy power, 0 Lord! wounds Thou didst raise up with Thyself the
0 God my Master, Thou standest before forgotten dead who slept in the graves.
the judgment-seat as one condemned, without Theotokion: Entreat thy Son and Lord, 0
crying out, bringing forth judgment in behalf pure Virgin, that He grant peace unto those
of the gentiles. Thereby Thou hast wrought who hope in thee and deliverance from the
assaults of adversaries unto captives.

Canon of the Cross & Resurrection We all cry out to thee, the true Mother of
Irmos: The Sun, the burning Coal ... God: Deliver thy servants, who move God to
The first Adam refused to fast and ate ofthe wrath, for thou alone hast boldness before
deadly tree; yet his sin was erased when the thy Son.
second Adam was crucified.
Kontakion, in Tone //­
By human nature Thou becamest able to
Thou didst arise from the tomb, 0 all­
experience suffering and death, 0 Christ Who
powerful Savior; and hades, beholding the won­
in Thine immaterial divinity art dispassionate;
der, was stricken with awe, and the dead arose.
and untouched by corruption Thou didst raise
Creation, seeing Thee, rejoiced, and Adam was
up the dead from the nethermost parts ofhades.
glad, and the world, 0 my Savior, ever hymneth
Canon of the Theotokos Thee.
Irmos: The Sun, the burning Coal ... Ikos: Thou art the light ofthose in darkness;
0 ye clouds, rain down the delight of glad­ Thou art the resurrection of all and the life of
ness upon those on earth, for a Child hath been men, and hast raised up all with Thyself, 0
given, He Who hath existed from before time: Savior, abolishing the dominion of death and
Our God who is incarnate of the Virgin. breaking down the gates ofhades, 0 Word. And
Light hath shone upon my life and flesh and the dead, beholding the wonder, marvelled, and
destroyed the gloom of sin! In latter times the all creation rejoiceth in Thy resurrection, 0
Most High became incarnate ofthe Virgin with­ Thou Who lovest mankind. Wherefore, we all
out seed. glorify and hymn Thy condescension; and the
world, 0 my Savior, ever hymneth Thee.
Canon of the Resurrection OnE VII
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call Canon of the Resurrection
upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving­ Irmos: The command of the iniquitous tyrant,
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! opposed to God, raised up a lofty flame; but
The Righteous One was condemned as a Christ, Who is blessed and all-glorious, spread
malefactor and nailed to the Tree with iniqui­ a spiritual dew upon the pious youths.
tous men, through His blood granting remis­ In thy loving-kindness, 0 Master, Thou
sion to the guilty. couldst not bear to see man tormented by death;
Through one man, the first Adam, did death and, becoming man, Thou didst come and save
enter the world of old, and through the one Son him by Thy blood. Blessed and most glorious is
of God hath the resurrection been revealed. the God of our fathers!
Theotokion: Thou gavest birth without hav­ Seeing Thee arrayed in the vesture of ven­
ing known a man, 0 Virgin, and thou remainest geance, 0 Christ, the gate-keepers of hades
a virgin eternally, revealing the images of the were affrighted; for Thou didst come to slay Thy
true divinity of thy Son and God. servant, the mindless tyrant. Blessed and most
glorious is the God of our fathers!
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection Theotokion: We understand thee to be ho­
Irmos: Hearkening to the sound... lier than the Holy of holies, for thou alone
Thou didst set the cherubim as guardians of gavest birth to the immutable God, 0 blameless
the tree of life against the fallen one, yet, be­ Virgin, unwedded Mother; for thou hast poured
holding Thee, the doors were opened; for Thou forth incorruption upon all the faithful through
didst appear escorting the thief into paradise. thy divine birthgiving.
Hades was emptied and overthrown by the
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
death ofOne; for the one Christ emptied it for us
Irmos: The youths ofold showed themselves to
all of the great treasure which it had hoarded.
be rhetors ...
Canon of the Theotokos Of old, in Eden, disobedience condemned
Irmos: Hearkening to the sound... our forefather; yet the most divine and most
Human nature, enslaved to sin, hath glorious God of our fathers was willingly con­
through thee obtained its freedom, 0 pure demned, loosing the transgressions ofhim who
Mistress; for thy Son is slaughtered like a had transgressed.
lamb for all.


Thou didst save him who was wounded in Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Eden by the tongue [ofthe serpent] through the Irmos: The thrice-blessed youths, disdaining
jealousy of the slayer of man; for by Thy the golden image ...
voluntary suffering Thou didst heal the bite he 0 Thou Who art rich in mercy, Thou wast
willingly took. Most divine and most glorious is seen to be nailed to the Cross and buried of
the God of our fathers! Thine own will; and Thou didst arise on the
To the light Thou didst call me who walk in third day, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, and
the shadow of death, 0 Thou Who didst clothe hast delivered all men, who chant with faith:
dark hades with the lightning of divinity. Most Let all creation hymn the Lord and exalt Him
divine and most glorious is the God of our supremely for all the ages.
fathers! Thou didst descend into the nethermost
parts, 0 Christ, Thou Word of God, to deliver
Canon of the Theotokos from corruption, by Thy divine power, that
Irmos: The youths ofold showed themselves to which Thou hadst created; and fashioning it
be rhetors ... without corruption, Thou didst make it a par­
At night, Jacob beheld as in a vision the taker of Thine everlasting glory, that, crying
incarnate God, Who through thee hath ap­ out, it may chant: Let all creation exalt Christ
peared in splendor to those who chant: Most supremely unto the ages!
divine and most glorious is the God of our
fathers! Canon of the Theotokos
Manifesting within thee beforehand the Irmos: The thrice-blessed youths, disdaining
signs of the ineffable descent whereby He the golden image ...
unitedHimselfuntomenofHisown will, Opure Through thee the One Who is incomparable in
one, the most divine and all-glorious God of our goodness and power was seen on earth and dwelt
fathers wrestled with Jacob. with men. And, chanting unto Him, all of us, the
Abominable is he who doth not with un­ faithful, cry: Let all existing creation hymn the
doubting faith and tongue proclaim thee the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Son of the Virgin, Who art one of the most Truly proclaiming thee to be the pure Theo­
hymned Trinity, crying out: Most divine and tokos, we glorify thee; for thou gavest birth to
most glorious is the God of our fathers! the One ofthe Trinity Who became incarnate, to
Whom, with the Father and the Spirit, we all
ODE VIII chant: Let all creation hymn the Lord and exalt
Canon of the Resurrection Him supremely for all the ages!
Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace Then we chant the Hymn ofthe Theotokos: "My
divided its activity at the command of God, soul doth magnify the Lord... ': with the refrain
consuming the Chaldreans, but bedewing the "More honorable than the cherubim ... "
faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works
of the Lord! OnE IX
Beholding the vesture of Thy flesh stained Canon of the Resurrection
with Thy blood, 0 Christ, the ranks of the Irmos: God the Lord, the Son ofthe unoriginate
angels were filled with awe and trembling at Father, hath revealed Himself to us incarnate
thy great longsuffering, crying aloud: Bless the ofthe Virgin, to enlighten those in darkness and
Lord, all ye works of the Lord! to gather the dispersed. Wherefore, we magnify
By Thine arising, 0 Compassionate One, the all-hymned Theotokos.
Thou hast clothed my mortality in immortality; The thrice-rich tree of Thine all-pure Cross
wherefore, in gladness Thy chosen people was planted on Golgotha as in paradise, 0
thankfully hymn Thee, 0 Christ, crying out to Savior; and watered with the blood and divine
Thee: Death is swallowed up in victory! water of Thy side, as by a divine spring, 0
Theotokion: Without seed thou didst con­ Christ, it hath budded forth life for us.
ceive Him Who is inseparable from the Father, Crucified, 0 Omnipotent One, Thou didst
and He dwelt in thy womb as God and man; and cast down the mighty; and raising up human
thou didst ineffably give birth unto Him, 0 all­ nature, which lay below in the stronghold of
pure Theotokos. Wherefore, we acknowledge hades, Thou didst set it upon the throne of the
thee as the salvation of us all. Father. And worshipping Thee Who wilt come
therewith, we magnify Thee.

Triadicon: Chanting, 0 ye faithful, in Or­ Stichos: Praise Him for His mighty acts,
thodox manner let us glorify the threefold praise Him according to the multitude of His
Unity, the consubstantial Trinity, the indivis­ greatness.
ible, all-divine essence, the thrice-radiant, the "Rejoice and be glad, 0 ye people!", the
only incorrupt and never-waning Effulgence, angel, seated upon the stone of the tomb, an­
which hath shone forth light upon us. nounced to us, saying: "Christ is risen from the
dead, the Savior ofthe world; and He hath filled
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection all things with sweet savor. Rejoice, ye people,
1rmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us magnify ... and be glad!"
On Golgotha Thou wast lifted up on the Stichos: Praise Him with the sound of
Cross like a lamb between the condemned, 0 trumpet, praise Him with psaltery and harp.
Christ, and pierced in the side by a spear. In Before Thou wast conceived, 0 Lord, the
that Thou art good, Thou didst give life unto us angel brought the salutation 'Rejoice!' to her
who are made of dust, who honor Thy divine who is full ofgrace; and an angel rolled away the
resurrection with faith. stone of Thy glorious tomb at Thy resurrection:
0 all ye faithful, let us worship God Who by the one, instead of grief, announcing tidings of
His own death abolished the might of death gladness; and the other, instead of death, pro­
with power; for He Who raised up with Himself claiming to us the Master and Bestower of life.
the dead of ages past bestoweth life and resur­ Wherefore, we cry out to Thee: 0 Lord, Thou
rection upon all. Benefactor of all, glory be to Thee!
Stichos: Praise Him with timbrel and
Canon of the Theotokos dance, praise Him with strings and flute.
1rmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us mag­ With tears the women poured forth myrrh
nify... upon Thy tomb; but their mouths were filled
In thy womb, 0 pure one, theWord of God with joy when they could say: The Lord is risen!
was given to corrupt nature as a staff of Stichos: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals,
strength; and He raised it up which had fallen praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let
headlong into hades. Wherefore, 0 most pure every breath praise the Lord.
one, we magnify thee as the Theotokos. Let the nations and peoples praise Christ
0 Master, mercifully accept as advocate for our God, Who of His own will endured the Cross
us Thy Mother, Whom Thou didst choose. All for our sake and spent three days in hades; and
things will be filled with Thy goodness, that we let them worship His resurrection from the
may all magnify Thee as our Benefactor. dead, whereby the ends ofthe whole world have
been enlightened.
After the katavasia, the little litany. Then, Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand
"Holy is the Lord our God!': thrice; and the be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end.
matins exapostilarion. Crucified and buried wast Thou, 0 Christ,
as Thou didst will. Thou didst overthrow death
On the Praises, 8 stichera, in Tone 11­ and didst rise in glory as God and Master,
Stichos: To do among them the judgment granting the world life everlasting and great
that is written. This glory shall be to all His mercy.
saints. Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
Every breath, all creation, glorifieth Thee, whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
0 Lord, in that Thou hast abolished death by 0 ye truly iniquitous ones who sealed the
the Cross, that Thou mightest show men Thy stone, ye have granted us to see greater won­
resurrection from the dead, in that Thou alone ders! The watch understood that Christ had
lovest mankind. issued forth from the tomb, and they said: "Say
Stichos: Praise ye God in His saints, praise that while we were sleeping His disciples came
Him in the firmament of His power. and stole Him." But who would steal a dead
Let the Jews say how the soldiers who kept man, and moreover one who is naked? He arose
watch lost the King! Why did the stone not keep Himself, of His own accord, as God, leaving His
in the Rock of life? Either give up the buried grave clothes behind in the tomb. Come, ye
corpse or worship the Risen One, saying with Jews, and see! How broke He not the seals, Who
us: Glory to the magnitude of Thy compassions, had trampled down death, bestowing everlast­
0 our Savior! Glory be to Thee! ing life and great mercy upon the human race?

Glory ... : The matins Gospel sticheron. Great Doxology, and the resurrectional tro­
Now & ever ... : Theotokion, in Tone If­ Rising from the tomb, Thou didst break the
All-blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos, bonds of hades; and Thou didst lift the condem­
for by Him Who became incarnate through thee nation of death, 0 Lord, delivering all from the
hath hades been made captive, Adam restored, snares ofthe enemy. And having shown Thyself
the curse annulled, Eve set free, death slain, to Thine apostles, Thou didst send them forth to
and we have been given life. Wherefore, chant­ preach, and through them hast given Thy peace
ing, we cry aloud: Blessed is Christ God Who unto the whole world, 0 Thou Who alone art
hath been thus well pleased! Glory be to Thee! greatly merciful.

And the dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone 11­ Glory ... : Let us glorify the Father; let us all
W e offer Thee the cry of the thief, and we worship the Son, and let us hymn the Holy
pray: Remember us in Thy kingdom, 0 Savior! Spirit with faith.
For the forgiveness of transgressions we Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Rejoice, fiery
offer unto Thee the Cross which Thou didst throne! Rejoice, bride unwedded! Rejoice, 0
accept for our sake, 0 Thou Who lovest Virgin who for men gavest birth unto God!
We bow down in worship, 0 Master, before Prokimenon, in Tone l i -
Thy burial and rising, whereby Thou hast deliv­ The Lord is my strength and my song, and He is
ered the world from corruption, 0 Thou Who become my salvation.
lovest mankind. Stichos: With chastisement hath the Lord
By Thy death hath death been slain, 0 Lord, chastened me, but He hath not given me
and by Thy resurrection hast Thou saved the over unto death.
world, 0 Savior.
Risen from the tomb, Thou didst meet the Alleluia, in Tone 11­
myrrh-bearing women; and Thou didst tell Thy Stichos: The Lord hear thee in the day of
disciples to announce Thine arising. affliction; the name of the God of Jacob
Those who slept in darkness, beholding defend thee.
Thee, the Light, in the nethermost parts of Stichos: 0 Lord, save the king, and hearken
hades, 0 Christ, were raised from the dead. unto us in the day when we call upon Thee.


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ in honor, and equally enthroned.
tance, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "When from the Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
Tree ... "- praise Him, all ye peoples.
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, The primary choirs of the immaterial be­
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee ings, the rays emitted by the Godhead, receiv­
is forgiveness. ing effulgence directly therefrom, in their ranks
0 all-good Father, Son and Word of the Fa­ proclaim the divine radiance unto the rest; and
ther, and Holy Spirit, uncreated Essence, Who art they impart these to us through the law of love,
possessed of a well-spring ofloving-kindness and and likewise by dignity, unto each according to
pourest forth depths of mercy: Accept our suppli­ his yearning for purity of heart.
cation and prayer, granting forgiveness unto all Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
amid their transgressions, in that Thou art com­ prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
passionate and lovest mankind. eth forever.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ Lifting up the heart's eye of our soul within
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath our souls, we ever stretch forth the yearnings of
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath our mind with divine love, that, illumined by the
hoped in the Lord. rays emitted thereby, we may escape the dark­
As Thou art God, Thou art by nature wholly ness of the passions, hoping that we may stand
compassionate, merciful and good; wherefore, with the angels before the dread throne of the
we beseech Thee, 0 Christ our Savior, and Creator, and be transformed from light to light.
falling down before Thee, we cry, ever calling
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
out to Thee: Grant unto Thy servants remission
With thrice-holy voices, 0 all-pure one, the
of their many transgressions and forgiveness of
multitude of the angels of thy Son hymn thee
every thing wherein they have committed of­
who for Him art ever a fiery throne, an animate
fenses, in that Thou art the compassionate God
palace, a divine bridge leading to Him from the
Who loveth mankind.
earth. And together with the Archangel Gab­
Stichos: From the morning watch until
riel they cry out to thee: Rejoice, 0 joyous one,
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
for thou gavest birth to the Source of joy!
the Lord.
Desiring to save all for whose sake Thou
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
hadst become man, 0 Savior, as God Thou didst
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
manifest Thyselfas man. Save us who bow down
before Thy commandments, for Thou didst not
Aposticha stichera ofcompunction, in Tone II­
come to save the righteous, but through the
Like the prodigal son I have sinned against
grace ofdivine baptism to loose us who are bound
Thee, 0 Savior. Accept me who am penitent, 0
by many sins in the chains ofour transgressions,
Father. Have mercy on me, 0 God!
0 Thou Who lovest mankind, in that Thou art
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
compassionate and lovest mankind.
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion; hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
incorporeal hosts, in the same melody- look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, and eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
with Him there is plenteous redemption; and He pity on us.
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities. With the cry of the publican I call out to
The thrones, cherubim and seraphim, the Thee, 0 Christ my Savior: Cleanse me as Thou
dominions and powers, and the honorable au­ didst him, and have mercy on me, 0 God!
thorities, and with them the angels, archangels Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
and principalities, together chant unceasing mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
hymns unto Him Who fashioned their incor­ abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
ruptible essence, teaching all to worship in therewith; let reproach come upon them that
Trinity the One Being Who is conjoined, equal prosper, and abasement on the proud.


Martyricon: Having hated the pleasures of Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
the earth, the passion-bearers were vouchsafed Rejoice, 0 Mary Theotokos, temple both
the good things of heaven and became fellow indestructible and holy, as the prophet crieth:
citizens with the angels. By their supplications, Holy is Thy temple, wondrous in righteousness!
0 Lord, have mercy and save us.
Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon ofSupplication to the All-Holy Theotokos By thy birthgiving, 0 all-pure one, thou
hast restored the fallen and broken tabernacle
ODE I of David thy father; wherefore, 0 Theotokos,
Irmos: Once, almighty power over­ raise me up, thy servant, who am crushed by
whelmed the whole army of Pharaoh in the trangressions and the passions.
deep, and the incarnate Word destroyed perni­ Glory ... : Be thou a sword, 0 Virgin, driving
cious sin. All-glorious is the Lord, for glori­ away the sins and passions ofmy soul, and show
ously hath He been glorified. me to be another garden of paradise, preserved
Having taken our form from thee, the by thee unassailed, offering thee the flowers of
never-setting Sun manifestly showed thee the Spirit.
forth as a noetic and most splendid heaven. Now & ever ... : Stretching forth the hand of
Wherefore, deliver me from the stench of the compassions, receive me, 0 Theotokos, and from
passions, that with love I may hymn thee, the all condemnation rescue me who flee to thee, fall
only Virgin Mother. down before thee and call upon thine aid.
I beseech thee, 0 Mistress, who art the
tongs which held the noetic Ember which puri­ ODE IV
fied human nature: Wash away the defilement Irmos: I hymn Thee, for I heard report of
of my manifold transgressions, and by thy sup­ Thee, 0 Lord, and was afraid; for Thou comest
plications deliver me from defiling passions. to me, seeking me who am lost. Wherefore, I
Glory ... : 0 all-pure Theotokos, who gavest glorify The great condescension toward me, 0
birth to Christ, the Wellspring of mercy, and greatly Merciful One.
hast opened Eden to men: open unto me the Taking the leaven of human nature like
portals of thy mercy, and grant me forgiveness dough, the Creator made it undefiled and holy;
and washing me clean of the defilement of the
of offenses, 0 Mistress of the world.
passions, He hath cleansed me ofthe mire ofmy
Now & ever ... : Rend asunder the bonds of
my transgressions, 0 Ever-virgin Mistress,
With the remedy of thy prayers, as with
entreating thy Son and God; and cast down sin bandages and oil, 0 pure Mistress, heal now the
which oppresseth me, that, saved, I may ever stripes of my soul and the wounds of sin, in that
hymn thee, 0 all-immaculate one. thou gavest birth to the divine Healing ofnature.
Glory ... : Loose thou the bonds of my pas­
ODE III sions, 0 Mistress, and cleave asunder the
Irmos: Having established me upon the chains of my sins with the sword ofthy prayers,
rock offaith, thou hast enlarged my mouth over 0 thou who gavest birth to Christ Who granteth
mine enemies; for my spirit rejoiced when it deliverance to those bound in hades.
sang: There is none as holy as our God, and none Now & ever ... : Cure thou the passions of my
more righteous than Thee, 0 Lord! soul which most wretchedly shroud me in gloom,
Dispel the gloom and darkness of my pas­ and enlighten my thoughts, 0 pure one, driving
sions with the rays of thy supplications, and far away the darkness of the demons whoop­
enlighten me, 0 all-pure Mistress who gavest press me and lay traps for me all the day long.
birth to Christ, the never-setting Sun Who
shone forth from the Sun before the morning­


0DEV supreme commander of the incorporeal beings.

Irmos: 0 Christ my Savior, Thou enlighten­
ment ofthose who lie in darkness and salvation ODE VII
of the despairing, I rise early unto Thee: Illu­ Irmos: The all-wise children did not wor­
mine me with Thine effulgence, for I know none ship the golden body, but entered into the flame
other God than Thee. themselves and mocked the gods of the hea­
Thou hast delivered the world from the then. They cried aloud in the midst ofthe flame,
ancient curse, 0 Mistress who gavest birth to and the Angel bedewed them, saying: The
Christ, the Blessing of the world. Deliver me prayer ofyour mouths hath already been heard.
from unseemly thoughts and from all grief, for The waves of the passions vex my mind and
thou alone art the joy of the faithful. shake my soul; yet, 0 Virgin who gavest birth to
A horde of demons surroundeth the city of Him Who by His divine command restrained
my soul and striveth mightily to take it captive. the raging sea, transport me to the tranquility
0 all-glorious Mistress, thou city of the King of of dispassions and halt the turmoil of my flesh.
all, defend me with thy supplications as with Knowing thee to be the gate of the noetic
entowered ramparts, and save me. East who hast appeared from heaven, 0 Virgin,
Glory ... : The cruel storm of the sedition of I, thy servant, pray that through thee I might
the spirits of evil doth trouble my mind. enter into the heavens. Wherefore, accept me,
Quickly anticipate my need, and still it, 0 thou 0 Mistress, and guide me by thy light.
who gavest birth to Christ, the only almighty Glory ... : Crucified on the Cross of His own
Helmsman of all creation. will, Christ thy Son put the princes of darkness to
Now & ever ... : 0 Theotokos, shine the light shame and destroyed the corrupting power of
of repentance upon me who am enclosed in the death. Thereby, 0 all-pure Mistress, do thou slay
darkness of perdition. Give a helping hand to the passion-plagued understanding of my flesh.
me who lie prostrate, and by thy supplications Now & ever ... : Cease not, 0 pure one, to
raise me up, 0 pure one, that I may accomplish pray to God Who was born ofthee, for those who
the judgements of God. approach thee with faith and ask deliverance, 0
only helper of the world, thou hope and help of
ODE VI the despairing and aid of those who are ever
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I tempest-tossed amid evils.
call upon the unfathomable abyss ofThy loving­
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! ODE VIII
As thou gavest birth to Life everlasting, 0 Irmos: The thrice-blessed youths, disdain­
all-pure one, when my soul departeth from my ing the golden image and beholding the immu­
body, slay death by thy supplications. table and living image of God, chanted in the
The serpent who hateth man pursueth me, midst ofthe flame: Let all existing creation hymn
subjecting me to trials. 0 Mistress, set him at the Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
naught, for thou gavest birth to Him Who 0 Virgin, thou divinely made tabernacle of
crushed the heads of the serpents. the Holy of holies, of Him Who showed thee
Glory ... : 0 thou who gavest birth to Christ forth as the image of the ancient tabernacle,
our God, the Way of life, to the straight path having the great High Priest in thy midst: Show
direct me who walk with faltering steps. forth my heart as a holy tabernacle of the Most
Now & ever ... : Heal the sufferings of my High: Christ, the King of all.
soul and vanquish the perplexity of grief, 0 all­ Having borne, 0 Virgin, the divine ark and
pure one who gavest birth to God, for the salva­ the tablets of the law-the all-pure Word of
tion of men. God, Christ, thine uncircumscribable Son,­
with thy prayers, as with the finger of God,
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , Now . 'b H' h f f 1
1nscn e 1m upon t e sur ace o my sou .
& ever.·· Glory ... : As f rom a mountain · h ath a pre­
Sessional hymn, in Tone II- cious Stone been cut from thy womb, 0 all-
As the well-spring of loving-kindness, 0 immaculate Mistress, and as the only Almighty
Theotokos, vouchsafe mercy unto us. Look upon One He hath broken the pillars of all falsehood.
the people who have sinned, and show forth, as Thereby do thou now destroy the images of the
ever, thy power; for, trusting in thee, we cry out passions of my soul, having broken the jaws of
to thee: Rejoice!", as once did Gabriel, the the noetic foe.

Now & ever ... : With the waters of life, 0 from his oppression; for thou gavest birth to
Virgin Theotokos, water thou my heart which the Good and Righteous One Who resteth in
hath been seared by the flame of sin, ever the bosom of the Godhead and hath con­
preserving me in compunction, who chant with demned death.
fear: Let all existing creation hymn the Lord Glory.. .: He Who as God formed the essence
and exalt Him supremely for all ages! of the incorporeal ones became incarnate of
thee, 0 Virgin Maiden. Wherefore, by thy
ODE IX supplications deliver me, thy servant, from the
Irmos: Thee do we magnify, 0 blessed and evil circumstances and the carnal understand­
most pure Theotokos, who through thy virginal ing of the passions of the flesh.
womb ineffably didst make God incarnate, the Now & ever ... : Thou hast done away with
Luminary Who shone forth before the sun and the grief of Eve, having given birth to the new
hath come to us in the flesh. Adam Who created the nature ofthe first Adam.
Thou didst shine forth Christ, the Sun of Wherefore, erase also with the record of my
righteousness, 0 pure one, and wast shown to transgressions, freeing me from perils, sorrows
be an all-radiant heaven. By thy supplications and the passions.
destroy the night of my passions, illumine my
soul, and enlighten and make bright my heart. Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
Condemn and trample underfoot mine Trisagion through Our Father. And the rest as
adversary, 0 Theotokos, and deliver me usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these me of my sins through repentance, and have
sessional hymns of compunction, in Tone II- mercy upon me!"
Like the waves of the sea have mine iniqui­ Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine
ties risen up against me, and I alone founder, anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath.
like a ship upon the deep, under the weight of "Have mercy on me, 0 God, have mercy on
many offenses; but steer me to the calm harbor me!", David wept over his two sins; and I cry out
of repentance, 0 God, and save me. to Thee over my tens of thousands of transgres­
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine sions. He made his bed moist with tears, but I
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. shed nary a one. I am in despair, and pray:
I am a barren tree, in nowise producing the "Have mercy on me, 0 God, according to Thy
fruit of repentance, 0 Lord; and I fear lest I be great mercy!"
hewn down, and am terrified of that unquench­ Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
able fire which is to come. Wherefore, I entreat God of Israel.
Thee: Before those misfortunes, do Thou turn Martyricon: Having as their vesture Thee
and save me! Who dost clothe the sky with clouds, the saints
endured torments in the world at the hands of
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
the iniquitous, and set at naught the falsehood
As thou art a well-spring of loving-kindness,
of the idols. By their supplications, 0 Savior,
0 Theotokos, vouchsafe mercy unto us, look
free us from the invisible foe, and save us.
down with pity upon sinful men, and show forth
thypowerasever;for, trustinginthee, we cry out Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
to thee: "Rejoice!'', as once did Gabriel, the su­ We magnify thee, 0 Theotokos, crying out:
preme commander of the incorporeal ones. Rejoice, 0 cloud of the never-setting Sun, who
didst bear the Lord of glory in thy womb!
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns, in Tone II­ After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
"Have mercy on me," said David; and I cry sessional hymns, in Tone I: Spec. Mel.: "As a
unto Thee: "I have sinned, 0 Savior! Cleanse well-spring of loving-kindness ... "­


Sinning in ignorance and in knowledge, Another canon, of the holy, incorporeal

night and day, I, alone on the earth, anger Thee angelic hosts of heaven, the acrostic whereof
by mine iniquities, 0 Christ. 0 Good One, Who is: "I sing praise to the angelic choir': the
alone art sinless, and Who in Thy loving-kind­ composition of Theophanes, in Tone II­
ness hast come to call sinners to repentance, Irmos: Traversing the impassable, uncommon
save me at the entreaties of Thine angels. path of the sea dryshod, Israel the chosen cried
The all-holy choirs of the incorporeal ones aloud: Let us chant unto the Lord, for He hath
beseech Thee, the good Master, to have pity at been glorified!
the hour of judgment, and that from bitter The choirs of the incorporeal beings who
torment, the malice of the demons, the dark­ glorify Thee as almighty, 0 Christ, didst Thou
ness ofthe passions and every threat Thou wilt show to be God-bearing coals set afire by the
deliver us who with love have recourse to their radiance of Thine essence.
protection. Having acquired the power of incorruption
and been given the glory of immortality, the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
angels are enlightened by drawing nigh unto
0 pure, unwedded Theotokos, who without
Thee, 0 Christ.
seed gavest birth to the Master of all, with the
As perceptible images of purity, the angels
angels entreat Him, that we may be delivered
were revealed as light-bearers, showing forth
from all doubt, and that He grant compunction
the immaterial nature of their essence in their
and light unto our souls, and the cleansing of
forms, 0 Christ.
offenses, 0 thou who alone art quick to help.
Theotokion: Rejoicing, 0 pure Virgin, the
ranks of the angels ministered at thy birthgiv­
ing, which transcendeth nature; for thou gavest
Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ
birth to their God and Lord.
& His holy martyrs, the acrostic whereofis
"Grant me an outpouring of tears, 0 Word of
God': the composition of Joseph, in Tone II-
Canon of Repentance
Irmos: Establish us in thee, 0 Lord Who hast
Irmos: Come, ye people, let us chant a hymn to
slain sin by the Tree, and plant the fear of Thee
Christ God, Who divided the sea and guided the
in the hearts of us who hymn Thee.
people whom He had led forth from the bondage
0 Christ Who didst enter into an incorrupt
of Egypt, for He hath been glorified.
womb, through repentance restore my soul,
0 Word Who becamest incarnate, and Who
which hath been corrupted by the passions, and
hast not come to call the righteous, but sinners
show it to be full of everlasting light.
to repentance: Accept me, who have greatly
I have been obedient to the enraging enemy,
sinned, and save me!
have committed every sin, and have mindlessly
I alone have been enslaved to sins; I alone
angered Thee, the only Long-suffering One, 0
have opened the door to the passions! 0 Thou
Thou Who lovest mankind.
Who alone art easy to appease, turning me, save
M artyricon: Protected by the Cross, in God
me in Thy loving-kindness.
the invincible warriors and martyrs of the Sav­
Martyricon: Wearing crowns, the passion­
ior valiantly demolished the fortresses of false­
bearers stand before Thy judgment-seat, 0
hood as though they were ramparts.
Lord, having triumphed over the audacity of
M artyricon: Your weakness strengthened
the evil one and been enriched with immortal­
by divine power, 0 valiant passion-bearers, ye
gave the might of the adversary over to utter
M artyricon: Pouring forth streams of heal­
ingsupon us, thepassion-bearersalwaysdryup
Theotokion: 0 Mary, thou golden censer,
the torrents of our carnal passions through the
dispel the stench of my passions, and make me
power of the divine Spirit.
steadfast, who am shaken by the assaults ofthe
Theotokion: 0 Maiden who gavest birth to
lying enemy.
the Wellspring ofdispassion, heal me, who have
been wounded by the passions, and rescue me Canon of the Angels
from everlasting fire, 0 thou who alone art full Irmos: The bow ofthe mighty hath been broken
of the grace of God. by Thy might, 0 Christ, and the strengthless
have girded themselves with power.

God Who by nature is deathless, all-wisely Adorned by the divine Spirit, the divine
acting through grace, revealeth the immortal adornments of the heavenly ranks are immuta­
armies. Twice bly preserved.
Standing now in your uttermost desire be­ Theotokion: Perceiving thee from afar,
fore Christ, 0 angels, pray ye that all of us may Isaiah foretold thee as the one who would bear
be saved. God incarnate in thine arms, 0 Virgin.
Theotokion: The Creator of the ages is
known to have accepted a beginning under time OnEV
through thee, 0 Ever-virgin. Canon of Repentance
Irmos: 0 Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of
ODE IV the ages: guide us in the light of Thy command­
Canon of Repentance ments, for we know none other God than Thee.
Irmos: I hymn Thee, 0 Lord, for I heard report 0 Thou Who broughtest light to the eyes of
ofThee, and I was afraid; for Thou comest to me, the blind man, enlighten my blinded soul, and
seeking me who have strayed. Wherefore, I strengthen it to keep awake for the doing of
glorify Thy great condescension toward me, 0 good, and utterly to hate the sleep of
greatly Merciful One. slothfulness.
Falling into the mire of sin, I destroyed my 0 only Savior, Who ofold healed the wounds
higher comeliness, 0 Lord, and I fear torment. of him who fell among thieves, heal Thou my
Wherefore, with the beauty of repentance en­ soul, which hath truly sustained a grievous
lighten my humbled soul. wound.
With lying words the deceiver who stole me Martyricon: Enduring multifarious tor­
away from Thee hath made me food for him to ments, the company ofhonored athletes put the
devour. 0 God ofall, rescue me from his malice, council of iniquitous tyrants to shame; and it
and call me to Thee through examples of now ever rejoiceth with the sacred bands of the
repentance. angels.
Martyricon: Having Christ as your helper Martyricon: The all-radiant martyrs have
when ye were cast forth to be devoured by the been shown to be stars ofgreat brilliance, emit­
wild beasts, burned with fire, maimed and dis­ ting rays ofpatience and enlightening the souls
membered, 0 martyrs, ye did not deny Him. of the faithful with the divine Spirit.
Earnestly beseech Him in behalf of me, the Theotokion: Unto us thou gavest birth to
wretched one. the preeternal God as a little babe, having two
Martyricon: Worshipping the Unity in es­ volitions and two activities, in that He is both
sence, the Trinity of Persons, the uncreated man and God, 0 most hymned one.
Godhead, and in nowise worshipping any cre­
Canon of the Angels
ated thing, ye were known as martyrs of Christ;
Irmos: The Sun-the live Coal which was
wherefore, ye endured all manner of tortures.
revealed beforehand to Isaiah-shone forth
Theotokion: Of His own will, the Lord took
from the Virgin's womb, granting the enlight­
flesh of thy pure blood and united Himself unto
enment of divine knowledge to those gone
men, 0 pure and all-pure one; and, ever appeased
astray in darkness.
by thine entreaties, He receiveth the repentant,
The cherubim and seraphim, shining forth
who from of old have been immersed in sin.
in splendor with the all-exalted thrones near
Canon of the Angels the divine Godhead, divinely illumine all other
Irmos: I have heard, 0 Lord, of Thy glorious beings. Twice
dispensation, and I have glorified Thine unap­ 0 Word of God, Bestower of all effulgence,
proachable power, 0 Thou Who lovest Thou didst bring into being the Iuminous reflec­
mankind. tions, who receive Thy radiance with gladness
I bring before Thee the incorporeal ones as and sure understanding.
advocates, 0 Compassionate One. Accepting Theotokion: The sacred Archangel Gabriel,
them, in that Thou art full of loving-kindness, having flown down from heaven, 0 pure Bride
deliver me from sins. of God, declared unto thee the "Rejoice!" which
Purified, the divine intelligences draw nigh releaseth our first parents from grief.
to the all-accomplishing Mind, and are enlight­
ened with transcendent understanding.

OnE VI shame; and like the prodigal I find myself at far

Canon of Repentance remove from Thy commandments. But turning
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call now, I cry: "I have sinned like him, but despise
upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving­ me not, 0 Jesus Who becamest incarnate for my
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! sake!"
I have fallen headlong through the malice of 0 God of all, of old Thou didst save the
the serpent, and lie upon the bed of despair. 0 repentant Ninevites from the chastisement
Christ Who by Thy word didst raise up paralyt­ which would have brought death upon them.
ics, raise me up also. Thus also, 0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind,
Save me, as Thou didst Peter, 0 Lord, for I deliver from grievous torments my heart which
am buffeted by the winds ofthe serpent and am hath been defiled by gross fornication, yet turn­
ever engulfed by the billows of sin. eth now to Thee.
Martyricon: Far exceeding the limits of Martyricon: 0 divine martyrs blessed by
nature, ye supernaturally endured tortures, 0 God, the malicious one who desired to wound
martyrs; wherefore, ye have been vouchsafed you was cruelly wounded and remaineth un­
good things past understanding. healed; but your wounds have been shown to be
M artyricon: As ones good, ones comely, healing for all the faithful, who have been
ones honorable, 0 all-glorious martyrs, ye have wounded by the assault ofhim who ofold caused
united yourselves to the Beautiful One, the us to stumble.
Creator of the good; and ye ever pray for us. Martyricon: Ye feared neither savage
Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one, the beasts, nor tyrants' threats, nor fire, nor
Creator chose thee from among all generations, stripes, nor the severing sword, nor red-hot
as the beauty of Jacob, whom He hath loved; instruments, 0 great martyrs, but endured
and, shining forth from thee, He revealed them all as though in others' bodies; wherefore,
Himself. ye have been crowned.
Theotokion: 0 all-pure Maiden, Bride of
Canon of the Angels
God, thy womb became the abode of the imma­
Irmos: Hearkening to the sound of the cries of
terial Light, Who hath dispelled ungodliness
entreaty which issue forth from a soul in pain,
with the radiance ofdivine understanding; and,
0 Master, deliver me from my grievous sins, for
hymning Him, we cry: Blessed is the God of our
Thou alone art the Cause of our salvation.
The divine points of the glory of Thy pri­
mary light, glowing with the effulgence of Thy Canon of the Angels
splendor, 0 Master Christ, remain eternally Irmos: The youths of old showed themselves to
brilliant in radiance. Twice be rhetors with the greatest love ofwisdom; for,
Strengthened by divine power, and crying theologizing with their lips, they chanted from
out the thrice-holy hymn with unceasing voices, the depths of their God-pleasing souls: 0 most
the seraphim lead in worshipping the Essence divine God of our fathers, blessed art Thou!
in three Hypostases. Ever joining chorus round about the throne
Theotokion: The Lord swore in truth unto of Thine ineffable glory, the celestial intelli­
David, as He said of old; and in issuing forth gences sing with unceasing voices: 0 all-divine
from thy womb He fulfilled His word, for thou God of our fathers and of us, blessed art Thou!
gavest birth unto Him Who reigneth over Twice
heaven and earth, 0 Maiden. When the angelic ranks beheld Thee up­
borne in the flesh into the heavens, they threw
ODE VII wide the celestial gates unto Thee, saying: 0
Canon of Repentance all-divine God of our fathers and of us, blessed
Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped art Thou!
on the plain of Dura, Thy three youths spurned Theotokion: Showing thee to be the begin­
the ungodly command, and, cast into the midst ning of the law and the prophets, Gabriel cried
of the fire, bedewed, they sang: Blessed art out, 0 Maiden: "Lo! thou who alone art most
Thou, 0 God of our fathers! hymned shalt give birth to the all-divine and
With debauchery of mind and the attacks of blessed God of the fathers and of us!"
the demons am I replete ·with all manner of


ODE VIII incorporeal ones; and, theologizing concerning

Canon of Repentance the Master, let us cry out with them in hymn­
Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace ody: "Let all existing creation hymn and exalt
divided its activity at the command of God, the Lord supremely for all ages!"
consuming the Chaldreans, but bedewing the Theotokion: The Righteous One, Who in
faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works wisdom setteth all things aright, loved thee, as
of the Lord! is meet, the immaculate and all-pure Virgin,
I have fallen to the evil one, and been held in ineffably making His abode within thee, 0 all­
thrall by his wiles; and, seeing me stuck fast in holy Theotokos, and we glorify thee, saying:
utter hopelessness, the deceiver boasteth "Let all creation hymn and supremely exalt the
greatly; wherefore, rescue me, 0 Compassion­ Lord for all ages!"
ate One, Who art the conversion of those in
error. We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
Loose me, who am held fast by the unbreak­ Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
able bonds of carnal passions, 0 Christ, Thou than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
Savior of the world, Who didst loose those fet­
tered with everlasting chains; and guide me to OnE IX
flee unto the ways of salvation. Canon of Repentance
Martyricon: They who wreak the passions Irmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us magnify
have truly brought all their malice to bear upon in oneness of mind the Word of God, Who from
me, the lowly one; but, 0 blessed martyrs, who God came in His ineffable wisdom to renew
were truly emulators ofthe sufferings ofChrist, Adam who had grievously fallen into corruption
deliver me from the harm they cause. through eating, and Who became ineffably in­
Martyricon: Refusing to bend their knees carnate of the holy Virgin for our sake.
before graven images, the all-praised martyrs Now is the time to act! Why dost thou
were cast, like the children of old, into the mindlessly sleep in deep despondency? Arise,
furnace ofwounds; yet through divine dew they and replenish thy lamp with tears! Haste thou,
were shown to be unburned, hymning Christ for the Bridegroom draweth night unto men's
forever. souls! Tarry not, lest thou remain outside the
Theotokion: By thy healing entreaties, 0 divine doors.
Virgin Theotokos, show forth as hale my 0 how awesome is Thy tribunal, which lay­
wretched soul, which hath been weakened by eth every action bare before angels and men! 0
the many assaults of the evil one, that I may how grievous is the sentence which Thou shalt
glorify thee for all ages. pronounce upon sinners! Before the end, 0
Christ, deliver me therefore, granting me tears
Canon of the Angels of conversion.
Irmos: The thrice-blessed youths, disdaining Martyricon: Marked with the divine blood
the golden image and beholding the immutable of the Lamb and Shepherd, the glorious and
and living image of God, chanted in the midst of divine athletes rejoiced as they were slain like
the flame: Let all existing creation hymn the innocent lambs; and in the heavens they now
Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages! truly enlighten all the holy Church of the first­
Thou didst create the angels who carry out born.
Thy commandments with might, to be like­ Martyricon: Asyewere shown to be beacons
nesses of Thy goodness, 0 Word; and they help ofthe radiance ofthe Sun, 0 valiant athletes, ye
all the faithful to cry: Let all existing creation illumine every soul with the beams of your
hymn and exalt the Lord supremely for all ages! sufferings, and dispel all the darkness of decep­
The life of heaven, the ranks of the holy tion; wherefore, with faith we call you blessed,
angels, didst Thou adorn with divine virtues, 0 as is meet.
Christ, enlightening them; and they cry unto Theotokion: Spare me, spare me, 0 Lord,
Thee: "Let all existing creation hymn and exalt when Thou shalt render judgment! Condemn
the Lord supremely for all ages!" me not to the fire, neither rebuke me in Thine
Rejoicing in splendor, without fail let us anger. The Virgin who gave Thee birth entreat­
unfailingly chant the divine hymn of the eth Thee, 0 Christ, as doth the multitude of the
angels and the company of martyrs.

- 101­

Canon of the Angels glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Irmos: Thou art all desire, all sweetness, 0 wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
Word of God, Son of the Virgin, God of gods, all­ wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
holy Lord of the saints. Wherefore, we magnify servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
Thee and her who gave Thee birth. guide their sons.
The angels, appearing in garments of daz­ Overlook mine iniquities, 0 Lord Who wast
zling white, told Thy godly disciples of Thy born ofthe Virgin; and purify my heart, making
second coming, 0 Christ. With them do we all it a temple for Thy Holy Spirit. Turn not Thy
magnify Thee in theology. Twice face away from me, 0 Thou Who art possessed
As the Benefactor of all rational nature, in of great and boundless mercy.
Thy surpassing goodness Thou didst first cre­ Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
ate for Thyself a secondary radiance; where­ our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
fore, giving thanks, we all magnify Thee. do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
Theotokion: Perceiving thy luminous vir­ our hands do Thou guide aright.
ginity, and stricken with awe, the divine su­ M artyricon: Y e suffered for Christ even
preme commander offered thee his salutation, unto death, 0 passion-bearers and martyrs.
0 all-pure one; wherefore, we all magnify thee, And though your souls are in the heavens, in the
the Theotokos. hand of God, your relics are venerated through­
out the whole world. The priests and the people
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
all bow down; and we cry out, rejoicing: Precious
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
in the sight ofthe Lord is the death ofHis saints.
usual psalms.
Aposticha stichera ofcompunction, in Tone If- Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Mindful of the unseemly sins I have com­ We have placed our trust in thee, 0 Theoto­
mitted, I flee to Thy compassions, emulating kos. Let us not fall away from hope, but save us
the publican, the harlot who wept, and the from misfortunes, 0 helper of the perplexed,
prodigal son; wherefore, I fall down before and set at naught the counsels ofthe adversary.
Thee, 0 Merciful One, and say: Before Thou For thou art our salvation, 0 blessed one.
condemnest me, 0 God, have pity and mercy
upon me! Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with through Our Father... Troparion. Litany. First
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone 11­ Martyricon: With the sword of the Faith ye
W e offer Thee the cry of the thief, and we vanquished the hordes of the enemy, 0 ath­
pray: In Thy kingdom have mercy upon us, 0 letes, and were brought before God.
Savior! Glory ... : With the human race the noetic
Save me, 0 Lord my God, and cause me to ranks worship the simple Trinity, the Godhead
share in the portion of those who loved Thee one in essence.
with all their soul. Now & ever ... : 0 all-pure Mistress who
With fear all the armies of heaven serve gavest birth unto God without seed: Beseech
Thee as God. By their supplications save us. Him, that we be saved.


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
tance, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "When from the praise Him, all ye peoples.
Tree ... "- 0 most holy offspring of a barren woman,
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, wondrous scion of the desert, beauteous swal­
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee low, right melodious nightingale, golden dove:
is forgiveness. Ever show forth my wretched soul to be fruitful
0 Christ, Who alone art without sin, Who in good works, that, bearing grain an hundred­
alone art without guile, Who alone art the fold, 0 blessed one, it may bring divine praise
Wellspring of goodness: Behold mine oppres­ unto thee.
sion, behold my tribulation. Wash all the Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
wounds of my stripes, and in Thy mercy save prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
Thy servant, that, having driven far away the eth forever.
clouds of slothfulness, I may glorify Thee, mine Deliver me from everlasting fire, from the
all-goad Savior. darkness which is utterly devoid of light, from
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ necessity and tribulation, from all affliction,
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath from all oppression, I pray thee, 0 Forerunner;
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath and by thy supplications show unto me, who am
hoped in the Lord. condemned by my transgressions, the portion of
Look, 0 my lowly soul! Behold thy works, the saved, where the dancing and joy of the
which are all-defiled! Behold thy nakedness saints is ineffable, 0 good one.
and, alas, thine isolation! For thou shalt be
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
separated from God and the angels, and wilt be
Tribulation, cruel assaults, and divers pas­
cast into endless torment. Come to thy senses,
sions bestorm my lowly soul, 0 Maiden who
arise, make haste and cry out: I have sinned, 0
knewest not wedlock, Mother of Christ God.
Savior! Grant me forgiveness, and save me!
Show thyselfto be my pilot on the sea of life, and
Stichos: From the morning watch until
still the tempest that assaileth me, to the calm
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
harbors of repentance and coolness steering
the Lord.
me, who have recourse to thy divine protection.
Grievously have I defiled my body and
brought corruption upon my soul and heart by
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
my vile thoughts; I have wounded all my senses,
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
have blinded mine eyes, have stopped up mine
ears with filth, and have defiled my tongue; and
Aposticha stichera ofcompunction, in Tone If­
all that I have is shameful. Wherefore, falling
Like the prodigal son I have sinned against
down before Thee, I cry out: 0 Master Christ, I
Thee, 0 Savior. Accept me who am penitent, 0
have sinned against Thee! I have sinned: for­
Father. Have mercy upon me, 0 God!
give and save me!
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from theMenaion; eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the hold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hands
Forerunner, in the same melody- of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his pity on us.
iniquities. With the cry of the publican I call out to
Haste thou, I pray thee, and rescue me from Thee, 0 Christ my Savior: Cleanse me as Thou
temptations, 0 glorious Forerunner ofthe Lord; didst him, and have mercy on me, 0 God!
for the bitter demons who wage war on me have Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
hurled themselves in vain against me, seeking mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
to capture the soul of thy servant like a helpless abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
bird. Leave me not utterly alone, 0 most therewith; let reproach come upon them that
blessed one, but let them understand that thou prosper, and abasement on the proud.
art my refuge. M artyricon: When the holy martyrs pray
for us and hymn Christ, all deception ceaseth,
and the human race is saved by faith.

Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
All of my hope do I set on thee, 0 Mother of Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
God; keep me under thy protection. Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy as a Virgin. And women, released from the
Theotokos curse by thee, rejoice in thy birthgiving.
Now & ever ... : The bush on Sinai prefigured
ODE I thine all-glorious birthgiving, 0 Virgin; for,
Irmos: Once, almighty power overwhelmed receiving the fire of the Godhead within thy
the whole army of Pharaoh in the deep, and the womb, 0 pure one, thou wast not consumed.
incarnate Word destroyed pernicious sin. All­
glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He been
Irmos: I have heard, 0 Lord, of Thy glorious
dispensation, and I have glorified Thine
With the Archangel Gabriel the Church
unapproachable power, 0 Thou Who lovest
offereth in hymnody an ever-flowering wreath
of laudation, which sprang forth through the
In godly manner Jacob foresaw thee as a
Spirit unto thee, the Bride of God, 0 pure one,
ladder, 0 Virgin, upon whose summit God es­
chanting "Rejoice!" and crowning thee with
tablished Himself.
Through thee, 0 all-pure one, was the de­
Having cultivated Christ God, the life­
scent of the angels revealed beforehand to sig­
bearingvine, 0 all-hymnedMotherofGod, thou
nify the advent of the Word to us.
wast shown to be the holy ground of the Father
Glory ... : Blessed is thy womb and thy
in manner past understanding, and hast wa­
breasts, 0 all-hymned Virgin; for for their sake
tered the whole world with life-bearing drink, 0
have we all found Life.
pure one, full of the grace of God.
Now & ever ... : With Orthodox voices we
Glory ... : 0 all-pure one, thougavest birth to
mystically hymn thee, 0 Mother of God, for by
the God of the whole world which is cruelly
thy supplications is the Church preserved.
battered and engulfed by the waves of trans­
gressions, the Lord of us all, Christ the Helms­
man, Who doth faithfully pilot us to the haven
Irmos: 0 Christ my Savior, Thou enlighten­
of salvation.
ment ofthose who lie in darkness and salvation
Now & ever ... : We all faithfully entreat
of the despairing, I rise early unto Thee: Illu­
thee, 0 Mary, Mother of God, thou refuge and
mine me with Thine effulgence, for I know none
city of salvation, and we make supplication
other God than Thee.
unto thee fervently: Accept the entreaties of us,
We hymn thee, 0 Mary Theotokos, as one
thy servants, and release us all from the con­
more honorable than the ark of the law, for
demnation of transgressions.
thou, 0 all-hymned one, didst bear the Creator
ODE III and God of all like the tablets of the law.
Irmos: Establish us in thee, 0 Lord Who We glorify thee as the throne of God the
hast slain sin by the Tree, and plant Thou the Word, sitting whereon God revealed Himself as
fear of Thee in the hearts of us who hymn Thee. man; and thou hast become more exalted than
The beguilement of Eve was the beginning the cherubim.
ofthe estrangement between God and men; but Glory ... : Thou hast released the whole hu­
the holy Theotokos hath led us back to God. man race from bitter bondage, 0 Virgin, and
The glorious Joachim begat thee, the trea­ hast honored the nature of women with the
sury of Life, for the world, 0 all-hymned one, freedom of Christ in thy divine birthgiving.
and he rejoiceth in thee, his goodly offspring, Now & ever ... : Thou gavest birth to the Son,
for thou didst come as the expectation of thy 0 Virgin, and women manifestly vanquish the
barren parents. enemy; wherefore, holding fast to virginity,
Glory ... : From Anna hath joy blossomed they hasten to thee, 0 Maiden.
forth for our race. Thou givest birth to the King


Now &ever ... : In giving birth to the God and
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I Savior of all, 0 Mary, thou becamest the correc­
call upon the unfathomable abyss ofThy loving­ tion of the despairing, the restoration of sin­
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! ners, the hope of the hopeless and the help of
With the angel we faithfully cry out to thee: those who chant: Blessed is the Fruit of thy
Rejoice, 0 pure virgin, thou joy of the world! womb, 0 pure one.
Vouchsafe us thy joy, and do away with our
grief! ODE VIII
Unto us who with faith praise thee, the Irmos: God, Who descended into the fiery
dwelling-place of joy which cannot be taken furnace for the Hebrew children and trans­
away, 0 Ever-virgin Mother, vouchsafe thy joy formed the flame into dew, hymn ye as Lord, 0
and do away with our grief. ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Glory ... : In thy divine glory thou hast been Thou hast been shown to be a new garden of
shown to be a heaven more exalted than the paradise, containing the tree ofLife, not that of
heavens, 0 Bride of God; for making His abode death, 0 all-holy Theotokos; for like a garden
within thee, our God hath appeared unto me. thou didst without seed produce the Lord,
Now & ever ... : Now hath the nature of through Whom we all partake of immortal life.
women rejoiced! Now hath grief ceased and joy The whole Church of Christ doth hymn thy
blossomed forth! For Mary hath given birth to birthgiving, 0 Theotokos, for all sinners and
joy: Christ, our God and Savior. poor folk are saved, who flee to thee with love;
for Christ hath come to earth to save men.
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , Now
Glory ... : Through thee, 0 Virgin Theoto­
& ever ...
kos, hath thy first mother been freed from
Sessional hymn, in Tone JJ- condemnation. And, lo! women now suffer for
Looking upon the grievous slothfulness of Christ, and female nature rejoiceth, as Thecla,
my soul and the utter weakness of my heart, 0 the first martyred woman, doth exclaim.
Mother of God, heal me by thy supplications Now & ever ... : No one hath perished who in
and vouchsafe unto me the portion ofthe saved, Orthodox manner hath acquired the hope of
delivering me from darkness and torment, in faith in thee, 0 pure Virgin Mother of God; but
that thou alone art my hope and consolation. he is cast aside who with jealousy refuseth to
venerate thy depicted image.
Irmos: When the golden image was wor­ ODE IX
shipped on the plain of Dura, Thy three youths Irmos: Thee do we magnify, 0 blessed and
spurned the ungodly command, and, cast into most pure Theotokos, who through thy virginal
the midst of the fire, bedewed, they sang: womb didst ineffably make God incarnate, the
Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers! Luminary Who shone forth before the sun and
The fleece of Gideon prefigured the descent hath come to us in the flesh.
of the Word of God upon thee, 0 pure one, for Incline thine ear, 0 all-holy Virgin, unto me
thou didst accept conception like dew, 0 incor­ who with faith hymn thy birthgiving with
rupt Virgin. Wherefore, we all cry out to thee: words of praise; and, accepting the hymnody of
Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, 0 pure one. my lips like the widow's gift, beg thou the
New and awesome, full of faith and won­ forgiveness of my sins.
drous are thy mysteries, 0 Mary, Mother of Thy beauty shineth forth and emitteth the
Christ our God; for through thee have we all radiance ofpurity, 0 pure one; and thy birthgiv­
been reconciled with God the Master; and we ing shineth even more than these, for God, the
chant now with the angels: Blessed is the Fruit Creator of the sun and all creation, hath been
of thy womb, 0 pure one. born of thee. Wherefore, we all magnify thee.
Glory ... : Of old Gideon manifestly foretold Glory ... : Divinely chanting in hymns with a
thy divine birthgiving, 0 pure one, setting forth voice of praise, 0 Theotokos, we beseech thee,
a bowl full of water from the wringing out ofthe the light of purity, the staff of virginity and
fleece; for God dwelt wholly within thee, 0 all­ Mother of God: establish us in virginity and
pure one. Blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, 0 preserve us in purity.
pure one.


Now & ever ... : In that thouhadstpreserved Then, "It is truly meet... ", and a prostration.
thy body and soul undefiled for God, 0 pure one, Trisagion through Our Father. And the rest as
Christ the King desired thy beauty and showed usual. Dismissal.
thee to be the Mother ofHis incarnation, accom­
plishing my salvation, 0 all-glorious Mary.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
sessional hymns of compunction, in Tone If- 0 Theotokos, spurn me not who am in need
Mindful of the dread day of trial, 0 my soul, ofhelp from thee; for on thee doth my soul set its
tremble at the sentence to everlasting torment, hope. Have mercy on me!
and in repentance cry out, weeping: I have
sinned, 0 God! Have mercy on me! After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine sessional hymns, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: '~s the
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. well-spring of loving-kindness ... "­
Testing my condemned conscience, I am in In the streams of the Jordan thou didst
fear of Thy dread tribunal, 0 Lord; for in me immerse the abundant Wellspring of loving­
there are no works of salvation. Yet as Thou art kindness, 0 John; wherefore, I earnestly be­
possessed of a wealth of loving-kindness, 0 seech thee: Guide me by thy right acceptable
Christ God, have pity on me, and save me. prayers to the haven of life, for every day I am
cruelly engulfed by many passions and the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
abyss of life.
Thee do we magnify, 0 Theotokos, crying
In the loving-kindness ofThymercy, 0 Good
aloud: Rejoice, 0 stafffrom whence God sprang
Christ, Thou didst come to save Thy creature,
forth without seed and destroyed death on the
bowing down the heavens in Thy condescension;
wherefore, hymning Thine awesome dispensa­
tion, we cry unto Thee: Through the entreaties of
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
Thy forerunner, grant us cleansing of sins, in
sessional hymns of compunction, in Tone 11­
that Thou alone art full of loving-kindness.
"Have mercy on me," said David; and I cry
unto Thee: "I have sinned, 0 Savior! Cleanse Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
me of my sins through repentance, and have Who hath seen, who hath heard of a mother
mercy on me!" giving birth to her own Creator, without know­
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine ing man, and giving suck unto Him Who giveth
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. nourishment to all flesh? 0 the wonder! Thy
"Have mercy on me, 0 God, have mercy on womb hath been shown to be the throne of the
me!", David wept over his two sins; and I cry out cherubim, 0 gracious Theotokos. Pray for our
to Thee over my tens ofthousands oftransgres­ souls.
sions; he made his bed moist with tears, but I
shed nary a one. Wherefore, I am in despair, ODE I
and pray: "Have mercy on me, 0 God, according Canon of repentance, to our Lord Jesus Christ
to Thy great mercy!" and the holy martyrs, the acrostic whereof is:
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the "Thou accedest to my lamentations, 0 Savior':
God of Israel. the composition of Joseph, in Tone 11­
M artyricon: 0 Christ God Who, in that Thou Irmos: Taking up the hymnofMoses, cry aloud,
art good, hast made Thy saints to shine with 0 my soul: My Helper and Protector hath He
greater luster than gold, and hast glorified Thy been for my salvation! He is my God, and I shall
holy ones, entreated by them grant peace to our glorify Him!
lives, in that Thou lovest mankind, and set their Before our departure let us weep bitterly
prayer before Thee like incense, 0 Thou Who over ourselves, 0 brethren, that by goodly tears
alone restest in the saints. we, who are devoid of ought that is profitable,
may avoid torment at that time.


Ten thousands oftimes I vowed to repent, 0 Let me not be seen as desperate on the dread
Christ, but my soul is numb, and I fall into day, 0 Jesus, but, converting me before the end,
transgressions. Have pity on my weakness, 0 deliver me from cruel torments.
Savior. Martyricon: 0 passion-bearers of Christ,
Martyricon: 0 passion-bearers of Christ, who emulated well His sufferings, heal the
who endured the fire of torment, with divine grievous passions of my soul.
dew deliver from the fire of Gehenna me who M artyricon: That ye might be vouchsafed
wallow in grievous passions. eternal good things in the heavens, 0 passion­
Martyricon: Shown to be mighty in divine bearers, on earth ye steadfastly endured every
power over the enemy, 0 right laudable mar­ trial of the cruel.
tyrs of Christ, ye cast down their feeble force. Theotokion: As a mother thou givest suck to
Theotokion: 0 fire-bearing tongs, which the N ourisher of all, and in thine arms thou
Isaiah once beheld, burn up the base passions of bearest Him Who ever holdeth all things in His
my heart, and destroy them utterly, 0 Theotokos. hand.
Another canon, of the holy and most honorable Canon of the Forerunner
prophet, John the Forerunner, the acrostic Irmos: Establishing me upon the rock of faith,
whereof is "0 Baptist, accept this entreaty': the Thou hast enlarged my mouth against mine
composition of Joseph, in Tone 11­ enemies, for my spirit doth exult when I chant:
Irmos: Overwhelming power once laid low the There is none holy as our God, and none righ­
whole army of Pharaoh in the deep, and the teous save Thee, 0 Lord!
incarnate Word hath destroyed pernicious sin. Heal the stripes of my soul, 0 Forerunner of
All-glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He the Lord, and with thy divine mediation illu­
been glorified. mine my mind, which hath been obscured by
0 Baptist and Forerunner of Christ, pilot indifference; and deliver me from every machi­
my mind, which is ever overwhelmed by bodily nation of the adversary, I pray.
pleasures, and still the waves of the passions, Born in accordance with the providence of
that I may hymn thee in divine serenity. God, 0 all-wise prophet, thou didst free thy
Illumined with inconceivable enlighten­ mother from barrenness; wherefore, by thy
ment, like a star of great radiance thou didst mediation make my barren heart now fruitful,
advance before the noetic Dawn. Thereby, 0 0 Forerunner of the Lord, that it may put forth
Baptist, I pray: Let my heart be enlightened the virtues as shoots.
which hath been benighted by all the assaults of In thy love pray that those who with faith
the demons. serve thy temple may receive the heavenly life
In the river, 0 most wise one, thou didst of Him Who createth the divine abode; and by
once immerse the Abyss Who by grace doth thy mediation, 0 Baptist and Forerunner,
accomplish the drowning of all transgression. make them temples of the divine Spirit.
And I pray, 0 blessed one: By thy divine media­ Theotokion: Carried in the womb of thy
tion dry up the torrents of my transgressions. mother, 0 Forerunner, thou didst rejoice and
Theotokion: Thou wast the kinsman of the pay homage to the Lord, Who was borne in the
pure Virgin who gave flesh unto God; and we womb of her who is full of grace. Him do thou
who now dwell in thy divine temple honor thee entreat, that He deliver me from all tribulation.
with her, and we pray: Make us also temples of
the Holy Spirit. ODE IV
Canon of Repentance
ODE III I rmos: Foreseeing thy nativity from the Virgin,
Canon of Repentance the prophet lifted his voice in proclamation,
Irmos: By Thy compassion show forth my crying: I heard report of Thee, and I was afraid,
barren mind to be fruitful, 0 God, Thou Hus­ 0 Christ, for Thou hast come from Threman,
bandman of good things and Planter of from the holy mountain which 1s
blessings. overshadowed!
I have weighed my soul down with the Seeing me everywhere robbed and reduced
slumber of slothfulness. But rouse me, 0 Christ to penury, the enemy, the crafty deceiver, re­
unto the wakefulness of repentance, that I may joiceth, 0 Word. But deliver me from his male­
do Thy commandments. factions, 0 Lord ofglory, 0 Enricher ofthe poor.

I have defiled my hands and eyes, having Savior, with the light of the commandments
done those things which I ought not to have illumine me, in that Thou alone art the King of
done, 0 Lord; and I have turned Thy compas­ peace.
sions to wrath, squandering Thy long­ Mindlessly do I heap sins upon sins, and
suffering. But look down, 0 Good One, and there is no uplifting in my death. Woe is me!
have pity on me. How shall I appear before Christ?
M artyricon: How wondrous is our God in Misfortune hath smitten me like a ship, and
the saints who heeded Him, who overturned the I have cast overboard the freight Thou gavest
graven images down to their destruction, and me, 0 Compassionate One; and, now impover­
have inherited the broad expanse of paradise, ished, I cry: Disdain me not, 0 Christ!
from whence Adam was expelled of old. M artyricon: Having disdained base glory as
Martyricon: With the streams ofyour blood, worthy to be trampled underfoot, 0 passion­
0 blessed ones, ye put an end to the blood once bearers, abiding with Christ ye have been
offered to the demons, which was destructive vouchsafed the glory of heaven.
ruination for all men who offered it up in sacri­ Martyricon: Having cut your mind off from
fice; wherefore, ye are ever called blessed. the love of the flesh, 0 passion-bearers, with
Theotokion: Taught by the Spirit, in sacred faith ye lovingly embraced tortures, becoming
images and divers ways the all-glorious choir of Christ's.
the prophets depicted beforehand the mystery Theotokion: In the Spirit, 0 Theotokos,
of thee, which passeth understanding, 0 Theo­ Daniel beheld thee as the great mountain from
tokos, the end whereof we splendidly behold. whence the Stone was quarried Who crusheth
the graven images of the demons.
Canon of the Forerunner
Irmos: Thou didst come forth from the Virgin, Canon of the Forerunner
neither a mediator nor an angel, but Thyself Irmos: 0 Christ my Savior, enlightenment of
incarnate, 0 Lord, and hast saved me, the those who lie in darkness and salvation of the
whole man; wherefore, I cry to thee: Glory to despairing: rising early unto Thee, 0 King of
Thy power, 0 Lord! the world, may I be enlightened by Thy radi­
With thy right hand, thou didst bow the ance, for I know none other God than Thee.
head of Him Who bowed down the heavens and 0 Forerunner, who baptized Christ, the
conversed with men, 0 thou who art most rich. Stream of incorruption, in the torrents of the
Preserve me also thereby, maintaining my Jordan: Beseech Him to dry up the effluvia of
heart in humility. my passions, that I may inherit torrents of
The trackless desert had thee dwelling sweetness and the beautiful joy of the righ­
within it, 0 blessed Forerunner; wherefore, I teous.
cry unto thee: Keep safe my soul, which is Already I lament, and am constrained by
devoid of any divine activity. fear, and am ever stuck fast in perplexity,
Observing the law of God, thou was iniqui­ thinking upon the things I have done and the
tously slain; wherefore, I pray to thee: Set me terrible judgment which is to come. 0 compas­
aright, who ever commit iniquity and am led sionate Lord, have pity on me, through the
astray by the deceptions of the demons. entreaties of Thy Forerunner.
Having made thyself a temple for the King 0 Forerunner, who didst tell the people that
and Master, 0 Forerunner, thou hast now the law of salvation lieth in repentance for their
passed over to the divine habitations. Pray transgressions, thou didst stand before the law
thou that those who have raised up a divine and grace; wherefore, we entreat thee: En­
house unto thee may receive it. lighten us with examples of repentance.
Theotokion: Look down upon me who am Time to repent do Thou grant unto me who
ailing, 0 most immaculate one, and free me have wasted all the time I have despondently
from my grievous and nigh incurable passions, passed through, 0 Benefactor and Word, for
that I may magnify thee who hast magnified all Thou hast John, the great Forerunner and
humanity. universal preacher of repentance, entreating
Thee for this.
0DEV Theotokion: I have been done to death by
Canon of Repentance the assaults and pursuit ofthe deceiver, 0 most
Irmos: Dispelling the darkness ofmy soul, 0 my immaculate Mistress. Enliven me, 0 Theoto­

kos who gavest birth to the hypostatic Life ofall, ODE VII
that with piety I may hymn thee, the most Canon of Repentance
immaculate one. Irmos: Emulating the cherubim, the youths
danced in the midst of the furnace, crying:
ODE VI Blessed art Thou, 0 God, for in truth and
Canon of Repentance judgment Thou hast brought all these things up
Irmos: Stuck fast am I in the abyss of sin, 0 us because of our sins! All-hymned and all­
Savior, and tempest-tossed on the deep of life; glorious art Thou for all ages!
yet lead me up from the passions and save me, I have rejected Thy laws and made myself
as Thou didst Jonah from the sea monster. subject to irrational lusts, doing unseemly
Like the Canaanite woman of old do I cry things, 0 Christ, for I have become vain in my
unto Thee: 0 Son ofGod, have mercy and pity on mindlessness more than any other men on
me! For my soul suffereth in its grievous deeds, earth. But in Thy loving-kindness leave me not
and doth not itself desire to come to its senses. to perish, 0 Savior.
The tempest of countless passions vexeth Behold, I have been conceived in iniquities,
me. As once Thou didst rebuke the sea and save 0 Lord: like David I cry out, like the harlot I
Thy holy disciples, 0 Jesus Christ, so raise me weep, and like an offensive servant I have
up and save me. offended Thee, the only good God. But in Thy
M artyricon: The incorporeal angelic choirs loving-kindness leave me not to perish, 0 Sav­
marveled at your bodily endurance, 0 honored Ior.
athletes, and they praised Him Who granteth M artyricon: The martyric assembly of the
you power and the reward for your toils. passion-bearers struggled and were crowned as
M artyricon: Soaked by the streams of your martyrs by the life-bearing right hand of God;
own blood, your eyes plucked out, chilled by the for they truly loved God, Who created all things
perishing cold, 0 martyrs, ye passed over to the by His word. And rejoicing now in the heavens,
warmth of life, hymning Christ. they enjoy a divine inheritance.
Theotokion: Like a table, 0 most hymned Martyricon: Their eyes plucked out, their
one, thou didst hold the mystical Bread, of hands and feet severed, the right glorious ones
Whom those who eat will no longer hunger, ran right speedily to the heavenly course, tread­
knowing thee to be truly the Mother and N our­ ing on the feet of the one enemy. By their
isher of Christ, the God of all. supplications, 0 Word, save all who glorify
Canon of the Forerunner
Theotokion: The cherubim, the seraphim,
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call
the thrones, authorities and dominions ever
upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving­
glorify and hymn thy birthgiving, which is past
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God!
understanding, 0 most hymned Mary, for thou
0 voice who proclaimed the Word, accepting
alone gavest birth to God in the flesh. Him do
the cries of us all, ask that He grant forgiveness
thou entreat, 0 pure one, that we who honor
of sins unto those who hymn Him with faith.
thee with love may be saved.
Heal the broken state of my soul, loose the
burden of my sins, and by thy supplications Canon of the Forerunner
save me who am beyond hope, 0 blessed Irmos: The command of the iniquitous tyrant,
Forerunner. opposed to God, raised up a lofty flame; but
Entreat Jesus, Whom thou didst baptize Christ, Who is blessed and all-glorious, spread
with thy hand, 0 most glorious Forerunner, a spiritual dew upon the pious youths.
that from the hand of sin He deliver me who Having hewn down the wounds of my
ever lift up my hands unto Him. passion-plagued heart with thine axe of repen­
Theotokion: I am stuck fast in the slumber tance, 0 Forerunner, plant in their stead divine
of slothfulness, and the sleep of sin weigheth dispassion and the most pure fear of God, which
heavily upon my heart. But by thy vigilant remove me from all evil.
mediation raise me up, 0 all-pure one, and save As thou didst baptize in the streams of the
me. Jordan the Lord Who covereth His chambers
with the waters, beseech Him ever to give the
water of divine compunction to mine eyes, 0
glorious Forerunner.

Having preached the Lamb of God, Who Have pity on me, 0 Thou Who art full of loving­
taketh away the sin of the world, 0 glorious kindness, through the entreaties of him who
Forerunner, beseech Him to deliver me from baptized Thee.
the lot of the goats, and to number me among The torrents of the passions and the waters
the lambs at His right hand. of evil have entered in unto my soul, 0 blessed
Theotokion: A barren womb bore thee, 0 Forerunner. Haste thou quickly to rescue me,
Virgin, who didst bear in thy womb the Word 0 thou who in the river's streams did wash the
incarnate, Whom the great Forerunner, rejoicing, most tranquil Deep of dispassion.
acknowledged with godly leaps as the most holy Alas for me who have done much evil! Woe
and seedless Fruit, bowing down before Him. is me, who alone have angered the all-good God!
0 thou who didst baptize Christ, help me, and
ODE VIII by thy mediations grant me the remission of my
Canon ofRepentance transgressions and the cancellation of my
Irmos: Hymn and bless Him Who, on Mount debts.
Sinai ofold, prefigured the miracle ofthe Virgin Theotokion: 0 thou who gavest birth in the
in the bush for Moses, and exalt Him supremely flesh unto God Most High, raise me up from the
for all ages! mire of the passions which vex me, 0 all-pure
That Thou mightest deify us, in Thy mercy one, and with the divine virtues enrich me who
Thou becamest incarnate. This have I not am grievously and wholly impoverished, that,
understood, in thrall as I am to pleasures. But saved, I may hymn thee.
in Thy goodness convert me, 0 Christ, Thou
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
salvation of all.
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
0 Word, good Shepherd, turn Thou and save
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
my wretched soul, which hath become lost in
the mountains of transgression, and let not the
deceiving foe slay me utterly.
Canon of Repentance
Martyricon: "Let us stand manfully to­
Irmos: Who among mortals hath ever heard or
gether!" the comely athletes cried one to an­
seen such a thing as a virgin being found to have
other as they were cruelly wounded. "Behold,
conceived in her womb and given birth to a babe
Christ extendeth crowns of victory to us for all
without pain? Suchamiraclewasthine, Opure
Theotokos, and we magnify thee.
M artyricon: With your mighty pangs, as
0 how awesome is the tribunal at which I
with strong cords, did ye choke the serpent who
shall await judgment, 0 Christ; yet I in nowise
desired to deceive you with evil machinations;
feel terror thereof, spending all my time in
and ye have been shown to be inheritors of the
idleness. But convert me, 0 only Creator, Who
food of paradise.
converted the sinful Manasseh.
Theotokion: That God might deify us, He
Stanch the torrents of my boundless evils, I
took flesh of thy pure blood and became man, 0
cry unto Thee, 0 Christ, granting me outpour­
Virgin Theotokos. Him do thou ever entreat in
ings oftears which wash away the defilement in
behalf of those who honor thee.
which I wallowed in mine insanity; and in Thy
Canon of the Forerunner mercy save me, 0 Thou Who didst save the
Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace harlot who repented with all her soul.
divided its activity at the command of God, Martyricon: Shining forth upon us like the
consuming the Chaldmans, but bedewing the sun, the splendid memory ofthe divine passion­
faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works bearers sheddeth light upon all the ends of the
of the Lord! earth, and with the divine Spirit dispelleth the
Extend thy right hand unto me who lie on the gloom of the madness of idolatry and the dark­
ground, 0 Forerunner who, extending thy right ness of the soul-corrupting passions.
hand, didst wash the Undefiled One in the wa­ M artyricon: The honored regiment, the
ters. Deliver me from bodily corruption, cleans­ victorious army, the chosen company, the as­
ing me wholly with repentance; and save me. sembly of the holy martyrs, the divine choir
As thou hast time to repent, 0 my soul, have united themselves to the choirs of the
shake off the heavy sleep of slothfulness, and incorporeal ones. By their supplications, 0
hasten to keep watch, crying out to thy Master: Christ, grant us all a share of Thy kingdom.
- 110­

Theotokion: With the radiant effulgence of Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
Him Who shone forth upon us from thy womb prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
and destroyed the night of ungodliness, 0 usual psalms.
Mary, Virgin Mother, enlighten all who honor
Aposticha stichera ofcompunction, in Tone II­
thee with faith; and at the hour of condemna­
I have surpassed all in sin! From whom
tion, deliver them from the darkness which is
shall I learn repentance? If I sigh like the
devoid of light.
publican, I only burden the heavens; if I weep
Canon of the Forerunner like the harlot, I defile the earth with my tears.
Irmos: God the Lord, the Son ofthe unoriginate But grant me remission of sins, 0 God, and have
Father, hath revealed Himself to us incarnate mercy on me.
ofthe Virgin, to enlighten those in darkness and Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
to gather the dispersed. Wherefore, we magnify Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
the all-hymned Theotokos. glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Deliver me from the mire of sin, 0 only wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
sinless and greatly merciful Lord, through the wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
entreaties ofthe Baptist who to the whole world servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
proclaimed Thee the Lamb of God Who taketh guide their sons.
away the sins of men. Overlook mine iniquities, 0 Lord Who wast
Having thee as a fragrant rose, as a right born ofthe Virgin; and purify my heart, making
redolent cypress-tree, as a never-fading lily, as it a temple for Thy Holy Spirit. Turn not Thy
precious myrrh, 0 Forerunner of the Lord, face away from me, 0 Thou Who art possessed
running to thy protection I am delivered from of great and boundless mercy.
the stench of my deeds by thy supplications. Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
0 most blessed one, make me ever fruitful in our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
the virtues who am become barren through my do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
fruitless deeds, making me a child of the Lord, our hands do Thou guide aright.
a sharer in the divine kingdom and a dweller Taking up the Cross of Christ as a trophy of
with the council of the saints. victory, 0 holy martyrs, ye set at naught all the
From heaven grant remission of evils, cor­ power of the devil; and receiving heavenly
rection of life and deliverance from transgres­ crowns, ye are become bulwarks for us, praying
sions unto us who love thee, who honor thee to the Lord in our behalf.
with love and join chorus in thy divine temple,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
0 Forerunner of the Lord.
Rejoice, 0 Theotokos Mary, thou temple
Theotokion: Thou didst pay homage unto
indestructible and surpassing holy; as the
Him Who was borne in the womb of the Mother
prophet crieth out: Holy is thy temple, won­
of God and holdeth all things in His hand, 0
drous in righteousness!
prophet. With her pray that my lowly soul may
be saved, for every day it falleth into many Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
offenses. through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone II­ Martyricon: 0 passion-bearers of Christ,

W e offer Thee the cry of the thief, and we who dried up the torrents of deception with the
pray: In Thy kingdom have mercy upon us, 0 torrents of your blood, ye are glorified as is
Savior! meet.
I have surpassed the thief and the harlot in Glory ... : As it is written, even the rhetorical
my passions. 0 Savior, have pity on me who am mind of man is unable to hymn the one Prin­
self-condemned! ciple of the Godhead in three Hypostases.
0 Forerunner who immersed the Abyss of Now & ever ... : With songs ofpraise let us all
loving-kindness in the waters, by thy supplica­ unceasingly hymn her who, without being con­
tions decrease my passions. sumed, gave birth to the all-unoriginate God.

- 111­

On ''Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the Of old, beholding Him Who was born of her
Cross, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: ((When from the womb hanging upon the Tree as one con­
Tree ... ':._ demned, between two thieves, the Virgin and
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, Ewe-lamb said, exclaiming: "0 my Son and
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee God, strange is this awesome mystery to be­
is forgiveness. hold, yet is none able to fathom the depths of
When Thou didst set upon the Cross, 0 Thy wisdom. I hymn Thy long-suffering!"
Word, the luminaries, not bearing to shine, Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
dimmed their rays; the earth quaked, and the prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
rocks split asunder; the majesty of the temple eth forever.
was rent in twain; the graves opened, and the "Where is the majesty of Thy countenance?
dead arose; hades released all who were below, Where hath the beauty of Thy comeliness hid­
and the demons were vanquished; and death denitself,OmySon? HowisitthatThou,OGod
was reckoned by all to be but sleep. Who in Thy good things hast wrought ineffable
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ things and art beauteous in good things, dost
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath for all men hang suspended upon the Tree,
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath inglorious and dishonored, bereft of form and
hoped in the Lord. beauty, 0 my Son?" the all-good Virgin cried
When the good-hearted thief beheld Thee, out, groaning and weeping.
the fruitful Vine, 0 Christ, he became a better
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
thief and more skilled, for with a few words he
The light of the sun and moon dimmed,
quite naturally stole the forgiveness of the an­
obscured by the noetic Light Who hung naked
cient offenses. Let us all, then, make haste to
upon the Cross; for that which is lesser is ever
emulate him, crying: Remember us also, 0
vanquished by the greater, and the lower giveth
Thou Who lovest mankind!
place to the higher. "How then can it not be
Stichos: From the morning watch until
fitting for perceptible radiance to hide itself
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
before the radiant Christ?" the all-pure one
the Lord.
asked the worthy bodies of light, when she
Truly Thy divine Cross shineth like a star in
gazed upon Thee.
the sky, 0 Christ, burning up the demons,
shedding light upon the faithful, and casting
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
shame upon the faces of those who crucified
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
Thee. By it Thou didst lead our first parents
forth from the slavery caused by the tree which
Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone II­
was the image of the Cross, and in the desert
0 Christ God my Savior, Who saved Peter in
didst cause [Thy people] to suck forth honey
the sea, save me by the power of the Cross, and
from a rock.
have mercy on me.
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from the Menaion; Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
or if there is no M enaion, these stichera of the eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
Theotokos, in Tone II: in the same melody- hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
iniquities. pity on us.
He Who in His loving-kindness clothed They who ever enjoyed Thy gifts cried out,
Himself in our nature through thee and under­ "Crucify Him!"; they who slew the righteous
went crucifixion and death for our sake, 0 ones asked that a malefactor be given them
Mistress, hath shown thee to be the intercessor instead of the Benefactor. But Thou didst keep
for all men, the great refuge of all, the helper of silence, 0 Christ, enduring their savagery, de­
all Christians. Wherefore, unceasingly entreat siring to suffer and thus save us, in that Thou
Him, that He send down the cleansing of trans­ lovest mankind.
gressions upon all, 0 Bride of God. Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
praise Him, all ye peoples. abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
- 112­

therewith; let reproach come upon them that Son and God, 0 all-pure one, thou didst groan,
prosper, and abasement on the proud. weeping and exclaiming: "Woe is me, 0 sweet
Martyricon: The choirs of the martyrs op­ Child! How dost Thou suffer unjustly, desiring
posed the tyrants, saying: "We fight for the King to deliver mortals, the descendants of Adam?"
ofhosts! And even ifye have subjected us to fire Wherefore, 0 all-pure Virgin, we entreat thee
and tortures, we will not reject the power of the with faith: Render Him merciful unto us.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec. Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Mel.: "When from the Tree- Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Enduring much pain in the crucifixion of thy Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon ofSupplication to the All-Holy Theotokos Now & ever ... : Have mercy, 0 pure one,
have mercy, for we derive no salvation from our
ODE I deeds. Wherefore, with ardent faith we cry out
Irmos: Come, ye people, let us chant a hymn to thee: Have mercy upon thy servants!
to Christ God, Who divided the sea and guided
the people whom He had led forth from the ODE IV
bondage of Egypt, for He hath been glorified. Irmos: I hymn Thee, for I heard report of
The discourse of mine acquisition is in Thee, 0 Lord, and was afraid; for Thou comest
nowise for hymnody, 0 most pure one, for the to me, seeking me who am lost. Wherefore, I
darkness of my sins doth cover me; yet accept glorify Thy great condescension toward me, 0
my limitations, 0 Theotokos. greatly Merciful One.
I finally flee from my countless sins to thy Disdain me not who am incurably ill and
protection, 0 all-pure one. Render our God and infirm, 0 Mistress; but grant unto me the oil of
Master easily reconciled with me, and save me, thy goodness, 0 Virgin, and enrich me with
0 pure one. thoughts of thee, as with incorruptible gold
Glory ... : Thou art my fervent mercy-seat, from God.
0 Mistress, and, fleeing to thee, I am saved I have been stripped bare of all good works
and obtain salvation of soul; for thou canst do and lie arrayed in evils more than all who fell
all things, in that thou art the Mother of the of old; but do thou now adorn me with good
God of all. deeds and deliver me from wickedness, 0
Now & ever ... : The deceiver of souls hath Bride of God.
lured me into the pit of destruction; but stretch Glory ... : In word and volition I have sur­
forth to me thy mighty hand, 0 Virgin Theoto­ passed the harlot in fornication and the publican
kos, and quickly lead me up to the light. in usury; yet before the end vouchsafe that I may
acquire the repentance of both, 0 Mistress.
Now & ever ... : I have dwelt in the desert of
Irmos: Establish us in thee, 0 Lord Who
grief and have withdrawn from thee, 0 Theoto­
hast slain sin by the Tree, and plant Thou the
kos. Who will give me wings, that I may fly and
fear ofThee in the hearts of us who hymn Thee.
go to thee, my hope, who savest me from faint­
Having fallen among many thieves, wretch
heartedness, wretch that I am?
that I am, I have been stripped naked, wounded
and left for dead; but disdain me not, 0 pure 0DEV
Theotokos. Irmos: 0 Lord, Bestower of light and Cre­
The serpent who wrought deception ator of the ages: guide us in the light of Thy
through the tree stripped Adam naked, and commandments, for we know none other God
hath now easily made my soul captive. Yet do than Thee.
I entreat thee, 0 Mistress: Have pity on me! In that the never-waning Light shone forth
Glory ... : I now bring my secret deeds before from thy womb upon those on earth, 0 Mistress,
thee, my true intercessor and protection, that illumine my fretid soul, and drive all the dark­
thy Son may not denounce them to me at His ness from my heart, 0 pure one.
righteous judgment.
- 113­

The cruel night of my wicked and evil deeds down into the pit of despair; wherefore, I cry out
covereth me, 0 Mistress; yet I cry out to thee: to thee alone: 0 Bride ofGod, my refuge, deliver
Guide me to the divine light of thy Son and me from the hands of this evil one!
Master, 0 most hymned one. Glory ... : 0 my Christ Who art Thyself the
Glory ... : 0 pure one, accept me as thy Son, Word, Who of old delivered the three youths
the Creator of all, accepted the prodigal son, for from the furnace, by the entreaties of Thy
I cry out with him: I have truly sinned! Save me, Mother who knew not wedlock, bedew me and
0 Mistress! deliver me from the flame which I have kindled
Now & ever ... : In that thou art merciful, 0 by my boundless evil deeds.
all-pure one, heal thou my heart, which hath Now & ever ... : Coming upon my material
been wounded by the assaults ofthe evil one, for heart, the corrupter hath slain it; but by thy
thou ineffably gavest birth to Him Who was divine power cause rain to fall upon me, 0
wounded in the flesh on the Cross. Mother who knewest not wedlock, and vouch­
safe that I may vanquish him, that I may cry out
OnE VI to thee with faith: Blessed art thou who gavest
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I birth to God in the flesh.
call upon the unfathomable abyss ofThy loving­ OnE VIII
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! Irmos: God, Who descended into the fiery
I have fallen into the pit of sin and, held fast furnace for the Hebrew children and trans­
by fear, I cannot lift my gaze to our unforget­ formed the flame into dew, hymn ye as Lord, 0
table God; yet do I cast myselfdown before thee, ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
0 Bride of God. Cruelly buried beneath my many evils and
By thine omnipotent supplication, 0 Virgin weighed down by the multitude thereof, I dare
Theotokos, pilot my heart, which hath been not in anywise lift up mine eyes to heaven, but
grievously covered by the waves of mine incom­ cry to thee: Have mercy upon me who have
prehensible transgressions. fallen, 0 only Theotokos!
Glory ... : In that thou art my confirmation, 0 I have fallen under the wrath ofthy Son and
Mistress, vouchsafe that I may behold the beauty
God, 0 pure one. Deliver me, and in the hour
ofthy glory when my soul shall be sundered from
when He shall hold trial, be thou my helper, 0
my flesh, that I may thus know remission.
all-pure one, and deliver me from standing with
Now & ever ... : By thy supplications to God
deliver thy servants, who have recourse to thee the goats on the left side.
with faith, from perils, misfortunes and Glory ... : 0 Maiden Bride of God, raise me
sorrows, 0 holy Mistress. up who have been spiritually slain by my count­
less sins, and by thine entreaty deliver me from
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , Now all the deception of the soul-corrupting enemy
& ever ... and murderer.
Sessional hymn, in Tone If- Now & ever ... : How hast thou besmirched
We magnify thee, 0 Theotokos, crying aloud: thy pristine beauty with evil, 0 my soul incor­
Rejoice, 0 rod from whence God, springing forth rigible in wickedness? How hast thou broken
without seed, hath destroyed death on the Tree! all thy promises to thy Creator and accepted
evils? Yet go thou and hasten with piety to the
OnE VII Theotokos.
Irmos: When the golden image was wor­
shipped on the plain of Dura, Thy three youths OnE IX
spurned the ungodly command, and, cast into Irmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us
the midst of the fire, bedewed, they sang: magnify in oneness of mind the Word of God,
Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers! Who from God came in His ineffable wisdom to
Gaping wide, the enemy now striveth to renew Adam who had grievously fallen into
devour me, for from every quarter he bringeth corruption, and Who became ineffably incar­
temptations and snares to bear upon me, nate of the holy Virgin for our sake.
wholly cutting off my progress; yet anticipat­ I have truly defiled my senses with grievous
ing my need, 0 Virgin Mother, deliver me from works and am wholly filled with shameful
his wicked assault. deeds; but cleanse me, 0 all-pure one, asking
The adversary defileth and vexeth my for me time for goodly compunction, that I may
senses and mind and doth strive to drag me unceasingly magnify thee.
- 114­

When the hidden deeds of everyone shall be the entreaties of her who gave Thee birth.
manifestly revealed, 0 Theotokos, do thou jus­ Now & ever ... : 0 Virgin who dost surpass all
tify me, for thou dost truly have power. Deliver noetic and material beings in glory and honor,
me from darkness, and by thy supplications except for God, disdain me not who have sur­
cause me to dwell in the land of light, where passed in transgressions all people, past and
there is ineffable joy. present, who have sinned on the earth; but by
Glory ... : I beseech Thee, 0 Word: Before thy supplication save me.
Thy final coming grant me fervent repentance,
tearful compunction, chastity and humility, Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and prostration.
divine love, and a place in Thy flock, through Trisagion through Our Father. And the rest as
usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone 1/­ God of Israel.
Thou didst work salvation in the midst of M artyricon: 0 Christ God Who, in that
the earth, 0 Christ God, and on the Cross didst Thou art good, hast made Thy saints to shine
stretch out Thine all-pure hands, gathering to more brightly than gold and glorified Thy holy
Thee all the nations, who cry: Glory to Thee, 0 ones: Entreated by them grant peace to our
Lord! lives, in that Thou lovest mankind, and set their
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and supplication before Thee like incense, 0 Thou
worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy. Who alone restest in the saints.
Just as the enemy made Adam captive by
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
the fruit ofthe tree, so didst Thou Thyselfmake
The Virgin, Thy Mother, 0 Christ, behold­
the enemy captive by the tree of the Cross and
ing Thee stretched out dead upon the Cross,
Thy suffering, 0 Lord; for Thou earnest as the
said, bitterly weeping: "0 my Son, what is this
Second Adam for this purpose, to seek out the
awesome mystery? How is it that Thou, Who
lost and bring life to the dead. Glory to Thee, 0
givest life everlasting unto all, dost willingly die
a violent death?"
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
Thee do we magnify, 0 Theotokos, crying
sessional hymns, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "As the
aloud: Rejoice, 0 staffwhence God sprang forth
well-spring of loving-kindness ... "­
without seed and destroyed death on the Tree!
For our sake Thou didst endure crucifixion
and death, 0 Jesus, Bestower of life, that in the
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
multitude of Thy compassions Thou mightest
sessional hymns, in Tone l i -
deliver the creation of Thy hands from condem­
The life-creating Cross of Thy goodness,
nation to death, in that Thou art the compas­
which Thou hast bestowed upon us, the unwor­
sionate God Who loveth mankind, and alone art
thy, 0 Lord, do we offer unto Thee in supplica­
without sin.
tion: Save Thy city, granting it peace for the
Like the thief do I confess and cry out to
sake ofthe Theotokos, 0 Thou Who alone lovest
Thee, the Good One: Remember me, 0 Lord, in
Thy kingdom! Reckon me with him, 0 Thou
Stichos: God is our King before the ages; He
Who didst willingly accept sufferings for our
hath wrought salvation in the midst of the
0 good Shepherd, Who hast enlightened Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
mortals and summoned sinners by the Cross, Preserved by the precious Cross of thy Son,
cut me not off from Thy flock, but seek me out 0 pure Mistress Theotokos, we all easily van­
who am lost, 0 Master, and number me among quish every attack of the enemy; wherefore, as
Thy flock, 0 Thou Who alone art good and lovest is meet, we bless thee as the Mother of God, the
mankind. only hope of our souls.
- 115­

ODE I manner past understanding thou didst contain

Canon to the precious & life-creating Cross of God in thy womb without suffering.
the Lord, the acrostic whereof is: "The setting Thou gavest birth unto the Lord and Bene­
up of the Cross is the fall of the demons': the factor, the deliverance from our sins, changing
composition of Joseph, in Tone II­ the mortality of our forefather Adam; and thou
Irmos: Overwhelming power once laid low the hast lifted our nature up to the heavens.
whole army of Pharaoh in the deep, and the
incarnate Word hath destroyed pernicious sin. ODE III
All-glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He Canon ofthe Cross
been glorified. Irmos: The desert, the barren Church of the
Of old, through the tree death befell the nations, blossomed like a lily at Thine advent,
first-created man, when he broke the first com­ 0 Lord; and therein hath my heart been
mandment; but the Immortal One, Who was established.
lifted up upon the Tree and tasted death, hath When Thou wast crucified, Thou didst
given immortality to all men. shake all creation, 0 Lord, but didst make
When the Cross was planted in the earth steadfast the faithful, who hymn Thy power
the arrogance of the enemy fell and was thus and Thine ineffable condescension, 0 Word.
destroyed; and man, who before was cast out, By Thy Cross Thou didst open paradise, 0
entereth again into paradise. Glory to Thee, Master, and didst lead therein the thief who
our only God, Whose good pleasure this was! acknowledged Thy kingship and the richness of
M artyricon: Slaughtered like lambs, as Thy divine loving-kindness.
reason-endowed sheep, your members M artyricon: In the noetic vales the martyrs
pitilessly severed, 0 all-praised martyrs, ye blossomed forth like fragrant roses: they have
offered yourselves as sheep unto Him Who was dispelled the fretor of deception and perfumed
slain, and now illumine the Holy Church of the the hearts of the faithful.
firstborn. Martyricon: 0 beacons for the whole world,
M artyricon: Ever making a mighty stand, 0 ye holy saviors of the faithful, with the radiant
wise ones, hewn down by the sword and cast beams of the Spirit enlighten all who bless you
into fire and water, ye brought low the wicked as is meet.
enemy; wherefore, ye were vouchsafed a good Theotokion: When she beheld the Bestower
end, 0 passion-bearers. of life uplifted upon the Tree, of His own will
Theotokion: The sacred choir of the proph­ dying and granting life unto all, the womb ofthe
ets called thee the impassable gate, the chosen most immaculate one was wracked with pain.
land and the unquarried mountain, 0 all-pure
Canon of the Theotokos
Mistress; for thou gavest birth to the Master of
Irmos: Establish us in thee, 0 Lord Who hast
all, Who of His own will deigned to be crucified
slain sin by the Tree, and plant the fear of Thee
in the flesh.
in the hearts of us who hymn Thee.
Another canon, of the all-holy Theotokos, in 0 Virgin, we all truly call thee the golden
Tonell­ censer, the jar of manna, the mountain of God
Irmos: Come, ye people, let us chant a hymn to and the divine and beauteous palace.
Christ God, Who divided the sea and guided the In that thou art the temple and sacred
people whom He had led forth from the bondage dwelling-place of the Word, 0 all-pure and
of Egypt, for He hath been glorified. Ever-virgin Theotokos, be thou for me the
Come, all ye faithful, and together let us cleansing of offenses.
chant unto the Theotokos; for she gave birth to Neither the tongue of mortals nor the mind
Christ in manner past all human understand­ of the incorporeal beings is able to describe thy
ing, and unceasingly prayeth that He save us birthgiving, 0 Theotokos, for thou gavest birth
all. to the Creator in manner transcending nature
He Who is the image ofthe Hypostasis ofthe and comprehension.
Father took on matter from thee, 0 Theotokos, 0 Virgin Theotokos, be thou the confirma­
and hath glorified our corrupted form and re­ tion and refuge ofthose who have recourse unto
stored it. thee with faith and declare thee to be the
As one higher in honor than the cherubim, Mother of God.
thou transcendest the circles of heaven; for in
- 116­

ODE IV we led up out of the night of ignorance to Thy

Canon of the Cross Father, the Source of light.
Irmos: Thou didst come forth from the Virgin, Nailed to the Cross, Thou didst shake the
neither a mediator nor an angel, but Thyself foundations of the earth; and pierced by the
incarnate, 0 Lord, and hast saved me, the spear, Thou didst slay the serpent, the author of
whole man; wherefore, I cry to thee: Glory to evil, and didst pour forth streams of salvation
Thy power, 0 Lord! upon all, 0 Christ.
When Thou wast uplifted upon the Tree Thou couldst not bear to see lost that which
Thou didst abolish the rule ofthe cruel prince of Thou didst create with Thine own hands; and,
this world, and didst annul the curse. Where­ slain, Thou didst stretch out Thy hands upon
fore, saved by Thee, 0 only Lord, we glorify the Tree, 0 Word; and by the Tree Thou didst
Thee. bring life unto him who died of old.
Beholding Thee stretched out upon the · Martyricon: 0 friends of Christ, fervent
Tree, the sun hid its light, the mountains and helpers of men, precious flowers, all-adorned
rocks split asunder, and the veil of the temple vessels of the Spirit, wise passion-bearers: ye
was rent in twain, 0 Almighty One. are worthily called blessed.
Martyricon: Slain, ye utterly slew the en­ Martyricon: The choir of Thy holy athletes
emy; and lacerated with implements of iron, ye suffered lawfully, 0 only Bestower of the law;
stripped away the grossness of mortality as it they put the iniquitous to shame by Thy power
were a skin, 0 martyrs of the Lord, and were and, having finished their race, as martyrs
clothed in glory. received crowns.
Martyricon: With their severed heads the Theotokion: Thou wast shown to be incor­
martyrs beheaded the evil powers in awesome rupt even after giving birth, 0 pure one, for of
manner; and, rejoicing, they have inherited thee was born God incarnate. Yet when thou
lasting glory. didst see Him crucified, thou didst cry out from
Theotokion: Christ, the Effulgence of the pain in thy womb, unable to bear the sight.
Father, shone forth from thy womb, 0 Maiden
Canon ofthe Theotokos
who knewest not wedlock; and, crucified, He
Irmos: 0 Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of
enlightened the whole world, and destroyed the
the ages: guide us in the light of Thy command­
darkness of the demons.
ments, for we know none other God than Thee.
Canon of the Theotokos 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, have come to
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. know the Son Who was born, incarnate, of thee
Rain down upon me drops of compunction, without seed: true God and man by nature.
0 Mistress, removing all corruption from my Wherefore, we glorify thee.
heart and stanching the turbid torrents of my Ever fleeing with faith beneath thy protec­
mind. tion and help, 0 all-pure Virgin, because ofthee
0 all-pure one, disdain me not who have we are delivered from every grievous
been stabbed by the sword of the pleasures and circumstance.
lie wounded; and heal me with the spear and Deliver us from temptations, from the tem­
Blood of thy crucified Son and our God. pest of thoughts, from all wrath and every sin,
0 most immaculate one, who hast been from famine and plague, and from everlasting
enriched by dominion over all creation, with torment, 0 all-pure Virgin.
divine grace have pity on me who have been As thou art our intercessor, salvation and
sorely impoverished, that I may magnify thee the hope of Christians, 0 Mistress, save those
as my good intercessor. who ever hymn thee with faith and love, 0 most
Cool me with repentance, 0 Virgin, and send hymned Virgin.
down rain upon my heart, which hath dried up
under the burning heat of the passions, pouring ODE VI
out upon me the oil and healing of thy mercy. Canon of the Cross
Irmos: From the bellyofthe sea monster, Jonah
0DEV cried out: Lead me up from the abyss of hell, I
Canon of the Cross pray, that with a spirit of truth and in a voice of
Irmos: Thou art a Mediator between God and praise I may sacrifice to Thee, as to my
man, 0 Christ God; for by Thee, 0 Master, are Deliverer!

Jacob once laid his hands upon the heads of and pierced with a spear; wherefore, finding
his grandsons, prefiguring the Cross on which dispassion through thy precious suffering, I
Thou, 0 Word, didst stretch out Thy hands; and magnify thee.
Thou didst deliver mankind from the hand of The serpent which was lifted up by Moses on
the lying adversary, 0 Christ. a tree prefigured the divine lifting up of Christ,
When Thou wast crucified of Thine own Who slew the lying serpent and hath given life
will, 0 Christ our King, reigning sin was over­ unto all, who became dead through
thrown; and Adam, who once, ofold, was driven disobedience.
out of paradise, was brought to dwell therein Martyricon: By divine communion ye be­
again, hymning Thee. came children of the unoriginate Father, 0
M artyricon: With unwavering hearts let us saints, emulating the all-pure sufferings of the
hymn the truly beloved martyrs of the Lord, Son Who is equally without beginning; where­
sacred and beautiful in their wounds, who were fore, He calleth you brethren and heirs to His
adorned with celestial majesty. kingdom.
M artyricon: Keeping their lamp burning Martyricon: Hung upon crosses like your
continuously, the divine martyrs fed it abun­ Master, pierced by spears, run through with
dantly with their own blood, and, rejoicing, have swords, cast into fire and water, and broken on
obtained entry into the bridal-chamber of God. the wheel, the God-bearing martyrs rejoiced.
Theotokion: 0 most hymned one, we hymn Theotokion: As the pure one beheld hang­
thee as the one who gave birth to the all­ ing on the Tree the ripe Grapes which she had
hymned God, Who on the Tree destroyed the produced without being cultivated, the pure
adverse foe and delivered from corruption those one cried out: 0 my sweet child, pour forth the
who hymn His sufferings. juice which removeth the drunkenness of the
Canon of the Theotokos
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call Canon of the Theotokos
upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving­ Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! 0 Mistress, who art my might, hymn and
He Who of His own will created all things salvation, famous aid and unassailable bul­
deigned to make His abode within the womb of wark: Vanquish the demons who war against
her who knew not wedlock; and, in that He is me and who ever seek to slay me. Twice
full ofloving-kindness, He enriched with incor­ From Thy virgin blood thou gavest flesh
ruption those sick with corruption. unto God Who hath deified mankind, 0 Virgin;
0 all-immaculate One, who art more ex­ wherefore, by thy supplications deliver me who
alted and holy than the hosts on high, in super­ have been defiled by the passions and made
natural manner thou didst contain in thy womb corrupt by the wiles of the enemy.
the uncontainable Word. The furnace, 0 most immaculate one, pre­
0 Mistress, unto the ways of repentance figured thy birthgiving; for the flickering fire
guide me who have strayed from the path of life did not consume the youths, just as the Fire of
and often wander lost amid the trackless the Godhead did not consume thy womb.
wilderness of sin. Wherefore, we beseech thee: Deliver thy ser­
Disdain not our the entreaties of us, thy vants from everlasting fire.
servants, who set our hope on thee, 0 pure one;
for thou art the refuge and cleansing of men's ODE VIII
souls, 0 Mistress. Canon of the Cross
Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace
ODE VII divided its activity at the command of God,
Canon of the Cross consuming the Chaldreans, but bedewing the
Irmos: The command of the iniquitous tyrant, faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works
opposed to God, raised up a lofty flame; but ofthe Lord!
Christ, Who is blessed and all-glorious, spread By the blood which flowed from Thine incor­
a spiritual dew upon the pious youths. rupt side hath creation been sanctified, 0 Long­
The sword which before was unsheathed is suffering One, the rivers of polytheism were
now withdrawn for me since Thou, 0 compas­ dried up, and showers of piety have brought an
sionate Lord, wast lifted up upon the Cross end to the drought of deceptions.
- 118­

The sun was appalled by Thy crucifixion mine image, which hath been buried under
and hid its rays; the rocks split asunder, and wicked passions.
hades, below, was terrified; and the souls of the In Thy goodness Thou wast seen to be up­
righteous leapt up, trusting in their ultimate lifted upon the cypress, the pine and the cedar,
deliverance, 0 Word. that Thou mightest save mankind, 0 Master,
M artyricon: The remains of the passion­ Who art One of the Holy Trinity, possessed of a
bearers pour forth healings upon the faithful single Hypostasis in two natures.
and ever heal the ill affects of all but incurable Martyricon: Armed with the Cross as with
diseases; for "Wondrous art Thou in Thy holy a shield, 0 martyrs, ye were shown to be un­
martyrs!" we cry, 0 Lord. harmed by all the arrows of the author of evil;
Martyricon: 0 passion-bearers, ye stead­ wherefore, ye now trample him underfoot, ever
fastly braved the mouths of wild beasts, the mocking him as a bird of ill omen.
boiling of cauldrons, freezing cold and ice, the Martyricon: Gaping wide, the earth re­
burden of the heat of day, and violent death; ceived your blood, but heaven received your
wherefore, ye are glorified with Christ. divine spirits, and ye stand before the throne of
Theotokion: Thy Son, the Invisible One, God with the fiery ranks, 0 passion-bearing
desiring to receive flesh ofthy womb, 0 divinely martyrs, unshakable pillars of the Church.
joyous one, became visible, and accepted cruci­ Theotokion: Having supernaturally given
fixion, and was called accursed, delivering all birth to the Author of all creation, yet remain­
from the curse. ing virgin still, thou didst restore the corrupted
nature of our first father. And, beholding Him
Canon of the Theotokos
suspended on the Cross of old, thou didst cry
Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
out, 0 all-pure Virgin Mother.
0 unblemished Ewe-lamb, who gavest
birth unto the Lamb of God, the living and Canon ofthe Theotokos
abundant salvation ofus mortals: Spurn me not Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
who cry: Bless the Lord, all ye works ofthe Lord! Vouchsafe unto me the love of God for men,
0 all-pure one, thy divine Offspring hath 0 Maiden, who alone ineffably gavest birth
restored us and shown us all to be sons and unto God Who loveth mankind and took flesh
children of the day and light; and, saved, we cry from thee. And from the flame which is to come,
out: Bless the Lord all ye works of the Lord! and from all torment deliver me who glorify
0 pure one, from thy virgin womb thou thee with love. Twice
gavest birth to the living Water, and hast Having acquired thee alone as a sure inter­
poured forth remission upon the faithful from cessor, our hope, bulwark and trust, steadfast
thy well-spring of healings; wherefore, we all protection, an unassailable foundation, a haven
cry out: Bless the Lord, allye works of the Lord! safe from storms, and a mighty refuge, 0 most
Thou gavest rise to the ripe Grapes of life, 0 hymned one, we are all saved.
pure one; for thou art the vine which sweeteneth 0 Maiden who gavest birth to the divine
the earth with good things, and hymning thee, Light, enlighten my heart, which hath been
we cry: Bless the Lord, all ye works of the Lord! darkened by the many assaults of the passions
and the plots of the alien one, and ever let fall
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the upon me the drop which cleanseth me of the
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable defilements of sin, 0 Virgin.
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
ODE IX prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
Canon of the Cross usual psalms.
Irmos: God the Lord, the Son ofthe unoriginate
Father, hath revealed Himself to us incarnate Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone 11­
ofthe Virgin, to enlighten those in darkness and 0 Christ God, Thou hast shown the tree of
to gather the dispersed. Wherefore, we magnify Thy Cross to be a tree of life for us who believe
the all-hymned Theotokos. on Thee; and thereby Thou hast abolished the
By Thy wounds mend my broken and con­ dominion of death and brought life unto us who
trite state, 0 unfathomable Word, and by Thy have been slain by sin. Wherefore, we cry out to
suffering, 0 Lord God of my salvation, cleanse Thee: 0 Lord, Benefactor of all, glory to Thee!
- 119


Stichos: We were filled in the morning with having contended lawfully, ye have received
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were heavenly crowns: wherefore, ye are the boast of
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days hierarchs and the majesty of the Churches.
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou Mel.: "When from the Tree ... "­
guide their sons. When thou didst behold the most ripe
Having willingly impoverished Thyself for Grapes, which thou hadst borne in thine un­
the sake ofAdam's poverty, 0 Christ God, Thou tilled womb, suspended upon the Tree, 0 pure
didst come to earth and wast incarnate of the one, thou didst exclaim and cry out, lament­
Virgin; and Thou didst accept crucifixion, that ing: "0 my Child and Benefactor, exude the
Thou mightest free us from slavery to the en­ sweetness whereby all the drunkenness of
emy. Glory to Thee, 0 Lord! the passions is dispelled, being entreated in
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord Thy loving-kindness by me who gave Thee
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands birth!"
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
our hands do Thou guide aright. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
Martyricon: Every city and land honoreth through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
your relics, 0 passion-bearers and martyrs; for, Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone II­ Martyricon: As emulators of Him Who en­
W e offer Thee the cry of the thief, and we dured crucifixion, 0 martyrs, ye were shown to
pray: In Thy kingdom have mercy upon us, 0 share also in His glory.
Savior! Glory ... : Let the all-unoriginate Father, the
When Thou wast lifted up upon the Cross, 0 Son Who is equally without beginning, and the
Savior, Thou didst lift human nature up with Holy Spirit, be hymned in one worship and
Thyself, and it unceasingly hymneth Thee. glory.
With Thy spear Thou didst rend asunder Now & ever ... : When thou beheldest on the
the record of Adam's sin, entering him in the Cross the One to Whom thou hadst given birth
book ofthe living, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. without seed, 0 Maiden, weeping, thou didst
hymn His long-suffering.


On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera ofthe holy Held fast by a multitude of temptations,
apostles, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "When from the surrounded by the threefold billows of life, en­
Tree ... "- gulfed by the waves of evil circumstances, and
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, beset by griefs, I place all my hope on thee, 0
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee father Nicholas. By thy supplications unto God
is forgiveness. our Master, 0 blessed one, grant me the remis­
Like spiritual rivers .issuing forth sepa­ sion of all mine evils.
rately from Eden/0 wise ones/ye have watered Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
the whole earth/and, having ploughed it/have prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
sown the preaching of salvation and reaped eth forever.
right fruitful grain/the souls of the saved,/ Come, and with the light of grace illumine
laying them up in the noetic granaries/lik~ me who am beset by the darkness and gloom of
riches of great price/;6 disciples of the Lord. wicked thoughts and the deceptions of the de­
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ mons, am bestormed by carnal passions, and
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath am overcome by the law of sin; for, illumined
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath with divine effulgence, 0 right blessed Nicho­
hoped in the Lord. las, thou art a light amid the world.
From the darkness of passions and plea­
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
sures free my heart/which is sorely distressed
Like a great Sun, the Word, Who is equal in
by the passions/0 ye who are luminaries of the
honor with the Father and the Spirit, and Who
noetic East/all-radiant heralds ofthe Sun/who
in latter times shone forth upon the earth
announce unto all Hirnt\vho hath banishe'd the
through the divine Virgin Maiden, emitted you,
night of unbelief. /Him do ye entreat/that He
0 glorious apostles, like rays illumining with
enlighten also our mindsQin that ye were eye­
the light of Faith all men who languish in the
witnesses unto Him. ,
darkness of deception, with divine teachings
Stichos: From the morning watch until
lead them unto Him.
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
the Lord. I
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
Bearingtpe saving Wordt\vhich was written
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
by the Spirit;through the finger ofthe Father/ye
were truly shown to be divinely inscribed tab­
Aposticha stichera of the apostles, in Tone //­
lets of the new gracejinitiates of His mysteries/
Throughout the whole world Thou didst
and animate scrolls7wherefore, ye traversed all
magnify tl;le names ofThy preeminent apostles/
the ends of the earth/manifestly showing all
0 Savior /for they learned heavenly things and
men the Orthodox Faitl//and the path which
imparted ineffable healings unto mortals/:rhey
leadeth to the heavens.
who were fishermen healed diseases by their
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ handkerchiefs alone/they who were Jews the­
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera for ologized the doctrines of grace.J/For their sake,
Saint Nicholas, the great wonderworker, in the 0 Thou Who art full of loving-kindness, grant
't,;,/ .t'f"~"

same melody- us great mercy.

Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
iniquities. of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
Having lived bodily in Myra, thou wast look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
truly shown to be myrrh; and, anointed with eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
noetic myrrh, 0 holy Nicholas, hierarch of pity on us.
Christ, thou spreadest the sweet-smelling fra­ We, who are ever assailed by the actions of
grance of immortality upon those who with the unrighteous,bet truly find refuge in Thee,
, faith have recourse to thy protection, releasing Who art God/offer unto Thee the voice of Thy
them from perils, misfortunes and tribulations disciples/saying: Save us, 0 our Instructor, for
by thy supplications to the Lord, 0 father. we are p~rishing! /And we pray: Show now to
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; our enemies that Thou protectest men/and
praise Him, all ye peoples. savest them from misfortunes /through the

- 121­

supplications ofthe apostles/overlooking their drive away evil spirits and heal the infirm, 0
sins in Thy great goodness//0 Lord, glory ~€ to physicians of souls and bodies. Pray ye to the
Thee! Lord, that our souls may find mercy.
Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
Like a fruitful olive-tree did the Virgin put
abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Thee forth, theFruitoflife, to bearfortheworld
therewith; let reproach come upon them that
great and rich mercy as fruit.
prosper, and abasement on the proud.
M artyricon: Great is the glory ye have Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart...
acquired by faith; for ye not only vanquished Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
the enemy in your sufferings, but in death ye Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon ofSupplication to the All-Holy Theotokos Glory ... : Direct my whole life, 0 Virgin, my
hope and intercessor, delivering me from temp­
ODE I tations and the visitation ofnecessities, 0 Bride
Irmos: Come, ye people, let us chant a hymn of God.
to Christ God, Who divided the sea and guided Now & ever ... : In that thou didst bear the
the people whom He had led forth from the hypostatic Wisdom of God in thine arms, 0
bondage of Egypt, for He hath been glorified. Mother of God, pray thou that we be delivered
From cruel misfortunes, infirmities and from ignorance and error.
transgressions, 0 all-pure one, do thou now
save me who with my soul and mouth piously ODE IV

confess thee to be the Theotokos. Irmos: I have heard, 0 Lord, ofThy glorious
We have come to know the whole depth of dispensation, and I have glorified Thine unap­
grace which lieth in thee; wherefore, fleeing proachable power, 0 Thou Who lovest man­
earnestly to thy divine protection, 0 Theotokos, kind.
we are saved. 0 Mistress who gavest birth to God, grant
Glory ... : Entreat Him Who was incarnate of me release from the wounds of my soul and the
thine all-pure and precious blood, 0 all-pure one, defilements of the flesh.
in behalf of us who hymn thee, that we may be With faith and hope, 0 Virgin, make me
delivered from transgressions and bitter pain. steadfast, who have been defiled by the passions,
Now & ever ... : All of us, the faithful, have evil thoughts and the threefold waves of life.
acquired thee as our refuge, confirmation and Glory ... : By thy supplications deliver me
joy, the salvation of our souls, our hope and from the visitation of tempest and tribulations,
bulwark, 0 thou who art full ofthe grace ofGod. 0 only all-hymned Mother of God.
Now & ever ... : Rescue me who am battered
ODE III by the waves oflife, 0 Virgin, guiding me to thy
Irmos: Establish us in thee, 0 Lord Who harbor.
hast slain sin by the Tree, and plant Thou the
fear of Thee in the hearts of us who hymn Thee. 0DEV
By thy supplications, 0 pure one, render Irmos: 0 Lord, Bestower of light and Cre­
God, to Whom thou gavest birth, easily recon­ ator of the ages: guide us in the light of Thy
ciled with thy servants, who have recourse to commandments, for we know none other God
thy protections and worship thy birthgiving than Thee.
with faith. Having thee as an invincible weapon
0 all-hymned Virgin, hearken unto my against the divers temptations ofthe enemy, we
prayers, which issue forth from the depths of who acknowledge thee to be the pure Theotokos
my heart, and which I offer unto thee; and save are manifestly delivered from all affliction.
me from sufferings and perils.


More exalted than the cherubim, thou gav­ from all evil who cry out with faith: Blessed art
est birth to the fullness of the law: the only­ thou who gavest birth to God in the flesh!
begotten Son, God theWord incarnate. Him do 0 Mistress, thou art the goodly hope and
thou beseech in behalf of thy servants. helper of the faithful; and we now pray to thee,
Glory ... : As thou didst bear the Creator of that thou grant an abyss of mercy unto all who
all in thine arms, 0 pure one, by thine entreat­ set their hope on thee and cry out to thee: Blessed
ies render Him easily reconciled with us who art thou who gavest birth to God in the flesh!
now flee to thee with all our heart. Glory ... : Beset by the cruel darkness of life,
Now & ever ... : In oppression and pain of I have found no-one to share my suffering and
soul I offer entreaty unto thee, wretch that I am: pain. 0 Virgin, with thy radiance loose thou the
0 thou who alone gavest birth to the Word, the darkness of transgressions and illumine me,
Source of compassions, taking pity, save me! that I may hymn thee: Blessed art thou who
gavest birth to God in the flesh!
ODE VI Now & ever ... : Having been clothed through
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I baptism in the beautiful robe of the saving
call upon the unfathomable abyss ofThy loving­ commandments, I have besmirched it with
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! slothfulness, wretch that I am; and I now flee to
I know thee to be the haven of salvation, 0 thee, 0 Virgin, asking that through thee I may
Mistress, and sailing the seaoflife, which is full be clothed again in the vesture of salvation.
of great grief, I cry out to thee: Be thou the pilot
of my soul! ODE VIII
I have been stripped bare of the vesture of Irmos: God, Who descended into the fiery
my chastity and am afflicted; yet grant me a furnace for the Hebrew children and trans­
robe of joy, 0 Ever-virgin Mother who gavest formed the flame into dew, hymn ye as Lord, 0
birth to God. ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Glory ... : I have fallen away from a pure life My mind now faileth, having fallen into
and live in slothfulness, beguiled by the pas­ the abyss of dishonor, for I have been beset
sions; yet raise me up, 0 blessed Mistress, from every quarter by divers evils; yet do
bringing me back to the precepts of thy Son. thou, 0 Virgin, heal me, clothing me in the
Now & ever ... : Vouchsafe unto me thy light of dispassion.
mercy, 0 Theotokos who gavest birth to the all­ Having acquired thee through faith as a
merciful Word Who by His own blood hath steadfast tower and foundation of strength, a
delivered men from corruption. protector and helper, 0 all-pure one, we are now
saved, hymning thine Offspring and exalting
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , Now Him supremely for all ages.
& ever ... : Glory ... : 0 Theotokos, we know thee as a
ray and well-spring of immortality, for thou
Sessional hymn, in Tone If- gavest birth to the Word of the immortal Fa­
By thy supplications, 0 pure Ever-virgin, ther, Who delivereth from death all who exalt
vouchsafe me divine entry, and, having broken Him supremely for all ages.
asunder the bonds ofmy cruel passions, free me Now & ever ... : 0 pure one, thou dost ever
from the flame which is to come. pour forth streams of healings upon us, the
faithful, and taking abundant grace therefrom,
ODE VII 0 pure one, we hymn thine Offspring and exalt
Irmos: When the golden image was wor­ Him supremely for all ages.
shipped on the plain of Dura, Thy three youths
spurned the ungodly command and, cast into ODE IX
the midst of the fire, bedewed, they sang: Irmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us
Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers! magnify in oneness of mind the Word of God,
He Who became incarnate of thee, 0 Theo­ Who from God came in His ineffable wisdom to
tokos, and was nailed to the Cross hath rent renew Adam who had grievously fallen into
asunder the record of Adam. Him do thou now corruption, and Who became ineffably incar­
beseech, 0 Virgin, that they may be delivered nate of the holy Virgin for our sake.

- 123­

0 Maiden blessed by God, I have earnestly Glory ... : Looking upon those sick in soul
placed all my hope on thee: Save me, 0 Mother of and body and cast into cruel sufferings, 0 Mis­
the true Life, and pray thou, 0 pure one, that I tress, 0 Mistress, and healing them in thy
who with faith and love magnify thee with hymns compassion, grant release to those who are now
may be filled with everlasting sustenance. troubled by grief, that they may magnify thee
0 Virgin who wast shown to be the portal of with faith and love.
the divine Light, by thine immaterial light and Now & ever ... : The Son Whom the preeter­
radiance illumine the darkness of my soul, and nal Father begat of Himself made His abode
by thy mediations vouchsafe that I may be within thy womb, becoming perfect man, 0
delivered from eternal fire, that I may magnify Mother of God, and hath shown thee forth as a
thee unceasingly. well-spring of grace for us who worship thine
ineffable birthgiving with faith.

Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.

Trisagion through Our Father. And the rest as usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these The foregoing sessional hymn is repeated.
sessional hymns of the apostles, in Tone II­ Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
0 Christ God, Who in Thine ineffable love God of Israel.
for mankind didst make fishermen wiser than M artyricon: 0 passion-bearers of the Lord,
r hetors and didst send them forth as preachers blessed is the ground which was drenched in
throughout the whole world, for their sake your blood, and holy the temples which have
make steadfast Thy Church, and send down received your bodies; for ye rebuked the enemy
Thy blessing upon the faithful, 0 Thou Who at your trials, and preached Christ with bold­
alone restest in the saints. ness. Entreat Him, in that He is good, we pray,
Stichos: Their sound hath gone forth into all that our souls may be saved.
the earth, and their words unto the end of the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Through thee, 0 Ever-virgin Theotokos,
As disciples and eye-witnesses to the Wis­
have we come to share in the divine essence; for
dom of God, the divine apostles exposed the
unto us thou gavest birth to the incarnate God.
foolish wisdom of even the wisest r hetors as
Wherefore, we all piously magnify thee as is
foolish, by the simplicity of their preaching
making the nations wise, that they might hymn
the only Creator and Lord in Orthodox manner.
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- sessional hymns, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "The
Thee do we magnify, 0 Theotokos, crying well-spring of thy loving-kindness ... "­
aloud: Rejoice, cloud ofthe never-waning Light; Having sent Thy disciples into the world as
for thou didst bear Him Who is the Lord ofglory radiant beacons, 0 Word, Thou didst enlighten
in thy womb. all the earth, delivering all men from the dark­
ness of ignorance. Ever entreated by their
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these supplications, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind,
sessional hymns, in Tone //­ illumine my soul, which is in darkness, and
Fishing for the nations with the net of the save me.
Spirit, the fishermen taught the ends of the With rays of miracles, thou dost enlighten
earth to worship Thee, and the Father and the the whole world, dost dispel the gloom of tribu­
Spirit, 0 Christ God. For their sake make lations and repellest the attacks ofmisfortunes,
steadfast Thy Church, and send down Thy 0 Nicholas, in that thou art a most fervent
blessing upon the faithful, 0 only Merciful One intercessor.
Who lovest mankind.
Stichos: The heavens declare Thy wonders,
0 Lord.

Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ On earth, God hath shown thee to be a great
0 all-pure, holy and unwedded Theotokos, intercessor for the afflicted; wherefore, stand
who knewest not wedlock, with the apostles up for me day and night, preserving me from the
ever beseech thy Son, to Whom thou gavest temptations of the adversary.
birth in the flesh in manner transcending na­ Knowing thee to be a daystar, 0 father
ture, that He grant unto all who hymn thee Nicholas, let me be delivered by thy radiant
forgiveness of offenses, correction of life and beams from the darkness of temptations, from
release from the passions. misfortunes and every sin.
Theotokion: Deliver me from bodily pains;
ODE I heal the unmentionable sores of my soul; and
Canon of the holy apostles, the composition of rescue me from everlasting fire, 0 thou who
Theophanes, in Tone 11­ alone art full of the grace of God.
1rmos: Overwhelming power once laid low the
whole army of Pharaoh in the deep, and the ODE III
incarnate Word hath destroyed pernicious sin. Canon of the Apostles
All-glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He 1rmos: The desert, the barren Church of the
been glorified. nations, blossomed like a lily at Thine advent,
0 radiant apostles of the Savior, who 0 Lord; and therein hath my heart been
through faith became the lightning-bolts of the established.
divine Light, enlighten me, who have wholly Having acquired the Wisdom of God as your
become darkened by the blackness of pleasures Teacher through the Spirit, 0 saints, ye ren­
and have passed all my life in slothfulness. dered foolish the wisdom of the pagans, 0 right
Twice wondrous beholders of God. Twice
0 disciples and friends of Christ, deliver me Loose ye the barrenness of my soul, 0 most
who, because of mine affinity for evils, am lauded ones, and cause it to produce fruitful
become a friend ofthe enemy, and impel my soul acts in the virtues, in that ye are right blessed
toward the love of Him Who, in His goodness, eye-witnesses ofthe Word.
hath loved the human race. At the entreaties of Thine apostles, 0
0 my lowly soul, before my death haste thou greatly merciful Benefactor of all, heal me, who
to repent, and weep for thyself, who hast been have now been grievously wounded by the ven­
done to death, that He Who in His loving­ omous sting of the enemy.
kindness raised up Lazarus who was four days Theotokion: With all the apostles entreat
dead might raise thee up also, at the entreaties the ali-good God, 0 all-pure one, that we who
of the apostles. honor thee may be delivered from every harm,
Theotokion: 0 all-pure and all-immaculate evil circumstance and misfortune.
one, who gavest birth to the good God Who
Canon of Saint Nicholas
doeth good unto all who are held fast by corrup­
1rmos: Establish us in Thee, 0 Lord Who hast
tion: Entreat Him with the prophets, martyrs
slain sin by the Tree, and plant the fear of Thee
and apostles, that He deliver all from perils.
in the hearts of us who hymn Thee.
Another canon, of the holy myrrh-bearing As thou art a well-spring ofhealings, 0 holy
Nicholas, the great wonderworker, the acrostic one, cure thou the passions of my soul and
whereof is "Accept my loving entreaty, 0 preserve my life, keeping me, thy servant, free
Nicholas': the composition of Joseph, from harm.
in Tone 11­ Granting my mind recovery from defeat, 0
1rmos: Come, ye people, let us chant a hymn to great Nicholas, as mine intercessor save me
Christ God, Who divided the sea and guided the from the harm wrought by the enemy, visible
people whom He had led forth from the bondage and invisible, who wage war on me.
of Egypt, for He hath been glorified. He Who alone is good hath given thee to men
Ever standing before the divine throne of as a good helper; wherefore, I beseech thee: Free
grace, 0 Nicholas, pray that grace and mercy be me from all evils!
given to thy servants, who call upon thee with Theotokion: 0 most immaculate one, thou
faith. art my might, joy and gladness, a steadfast
bulwark and intercessor, delivering me from
temptations and misfortunes.


Canon of the Apostles Canon of the Apostles

Irmos: Thou didst come forth from the Virgin, Irmos: Thou art a Mediator between God and
neither a mediator nor an angel, but Thyself man, 0 Christ God; for by Thee, 0 Master, are
incarnate, 0 Lord, and hast saved me, the we led up out of the night of ignorance to Thy
whole man; wherefore, I cry to thee: Glory to Father, the Source of light.
Thy power, 0 Lord! The great Shepherd sent you forth, His
0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind, at the godly apostles, like sheep among wolves, trans­
divine entreaties of the apostles who preached forming them by the divine grace of baptism
Thee throughout the world, nourish with the and the goodness of your words. Twice
food of salvation me who am ever starving and With divine light ye illumined the hearts of
famished by hunger. Twice those who languished in the darkness of decep­
Into the sea of the world Thou didst ride all tion, 0 apostles; wherefore, I beseech you: En­
Thy glorious apostles like steeds, 0 Thou Who lighten me who have been benighted by dark
lovest mankind, and they roil its salty waters of pleasures, 0 divinely blessed ones.
bitter unbelief. 0 my wretched soul, before the end make
0 all-praised apostles, who announced haste and repent, crying out to the Lord: I have
Christ the Sun to those in darkness, enlighten sinned against Thee, 0 Master! For the sake of
me who lie in the darkness of sin, and restrain the apostles forgive and save me, in that Thou
the wicked thoughts of my heart. art full of loving-kindness.
Theotokion: 0 most hymned one who gavest Theotokion: With thy light illumine me
birth to the all-hymned God, with the apostles who lie in darkness, 0 abode of the Light, and
pray for those who hymn thee, that we may be with the apostles pray that by thy supplica­
delivered from sins, misfortunes and afflic­ tions He may deliver me from all need, 0 all­
tions. immaculate one.
Canon of Saint Nicholas Canon of Saint Nicholas
Irmos: I hymn Thee, 0 Lord, for I heard report Irmos: 0 Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of
ofThee, and I was afraid; for Thou comest to me, the ages: guide us in the light of Thy command­
seeking me who have strayed. Wherefore, I ments, for we know none other God than Thee.
glorify Thy great condescension toward me, 0 0 fulfiller ofthe law ofGod, entreat the good
greatly Merciful One. God, that I may observe the laws of God; and
Adorning thy cathedra with the virtues, 0 rescue me from the iniquitous foe and the harm
Nicholas, thou wast shown to be the precious wrought by the demons, 0 most blessed Nicho­
ornament of hierarchs; wherefore, I entreat las.
thee: Make beautiful the ugliness of my soul, As of old thou didst stand forth, delivering
and save me from the temptations of the world. the three youths, 0 holy one, so now by thy
Smooth thou the way which leadeth to supplications deliver me from every sin, 0 di­
heaven, 0 all-blessed one; let me ride lightly vinely wise Nicholas.
upon the waves of life; and steer me into the 0 great wonderworker, sacred minister of
harbor oflife, for I have been made rich by thee, Christ, surety of sinners: Entreat God, the Be­
the great intercessor, 0 Nicholas. stower of good, that He not put me to shame at
0 great Nicholas, who hearest words divine, the hour of judgment.
hearkening unto my words deliver me from the Theotokion: 0 pure one who gavest birth to
temptations ofthe enemy, from iniquitous men, the Lord, in that thou art good stand forth and
and from the evil circumstances which beset deliver me who am beset by many passions,
me. that, saved, I may hymn thee with soul, heart
Theotokion: 0 holy Mistress Theotokos, and tongue.
sanctify me night and day, and preserve and
guide me to salvation, for I have fallen into VI
many sins and am brought low by the assaults Canon of the Apostles

of the demons. Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call

upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving­

kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God!


In thatye bear the Water oflife, 0 disciples Theotokion: Ineffably giving birth without
of the Savior, give drink to my soul, which tasting of wedlock, thou wast not consumed by
withereth away under the burning heat of sin, the fire of the Godhead, 0 Virgin; wherefore, 0
I pray. Twice pure one, pray with the apostles that He free
As noetic heavens, 0 divinely radiant me, who glorify thee, from the everlasting
apostles, ye declared the ineffable glory of God. flame.
Pray ye that all of us may also receive it.
Canon of Saint Nicholas
Tempest-tossed on the cruel deep, I come to
Irmos: When the golden image was worshipped
Thee Who art the Helmsman of all, 0 Christ.
on the plain of Dura, Thy three youths spurned
For the sake of Thine apostles pilot me to the
the ungodly command, and, cast into the midst
harbor of salvation.
of the fire, bedewed, they sang: Blessed art
Theotokion: With all the hosts on high, with
Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
the prophets, apostles and martyrs, entreat thy
Every day I experience the fire of tempta­
Son in our behalf, 0 Bride of God.
tions, 0 father Nicholas; I pass among snares
Canon of Saint Nicholas like a bird, and hasten under thy compassion­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. ate protection. Preserve me untouched by
0 Nicholas, primate of the people of Myra, harm, entreating the good God and Lord.
with thy good works thou didst perfume the Swiftly hearkening to my words, 0 father
assemblies of the faithful. Deliver me from Nicholas, haste thou to come to the aid of me
fretid transgression. who am bestormed by the tribulations and
Having acquired a heart more brilliant than necessities of life and the affliction of the de­
the sun, 0 father Nicholas, wholly enlighten mons, that, saved, I may hymn thine
me, dispelling the darkness oftemptations and intercession.
tribulations. 0 father Nicholas, who of old appeared in a
As one possessed of the broad expanse of dream to the emperor, delivering the innocent
mercy, 0 Nicholas, deliver me from all straits, who were set to be executed, ever deliver me
and strengthen me to walk the narrow path from the assaults which beset me, from sick­
which leadeth to the Lord. ness of body and pain of soul.
Theotokion: Every hour I call upon thee, 0 Theotokion: Thee alone do I have as a
all-pure one, that I may find thee to be a helper helper, 0 all-pure one; thee do I declare to be the
rescuing me from all affliction and dreadful preserver of the life of all. Disdain me not, thy
torments. servant, 0 thou who alone art the intercessor
for the world, but save me who chant: Blessed is
ODE VII the God of our fathers!
Canon of the Apostles
Irmos: The command of the iniquitous tyrant, ODE VIII
opposed to God, raised up a lofty flame; but Canon of the Apostles
Christ, Who is blessed and all-glorious, spread Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace
a spiritual dew upon the pious youths. divided its activity at the command of God,
Having first been ignited by the fire of the consuming the Chaldceans, but bedewing the
divine Spirit, 0 apostles, ye quenched the burn­ faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works
ing coals of deception and enkindled the love of of the Lord!
God in the minds of all the faithful; wherefore, The all-holy Spirit, in material form de­
we honor you aloud. Twice scending on you in the guise of fire, made you
Ye hated the world and those in the world, torches burning up ungodliness and enlighten­
and ye loved Christ, Who in the world united ing all the pious, 0 divine apostles of the Word.
Himselfto the flesh of men. Him do ye beseech, Twice
0 divine apostles, that He free me from all evils 0 Compassionate One, I pray: Heal Thou
in this life. my heart, which is bestormed by the passions
0 righteous Judge Who knowest the hearts and is not set aright. And at the entreaties of
of men, Who alone knowest my secret offenses: Thine apostles, enlighten my soul, and direct
At the hour of judgment condemn me not, nei­ my mind, which hath inclined unto evil.
ther send me into the fire, through the supplica­ Sigh, 0 my soul, shed tears in earnest, and
tions of Thine apostles. weep for thyself before the end, lest inconsol­
- 127­

able lamentation overtake thee; and cry out to At the prayers of Thine apostles, 0 Lord,
the Lord: Save me, 0 Merciful One, at the return me who am condemned, who am incorri­
supplications of Thine apostles! gible, who have ignored Thy precepts and, sick
Theotokion: The furnace which once failed of mind, have followed the beguilements of the
toburn the children prefigured thy birthgiving, demons.
0 most immaculate Virgin; wherefore, I be­ I possess a soul which is incorrigible, a
seech thee: With the apostles and all the proph­ conscience buried under transgressions, a
ets, pray that I be delivered from the fire of heart defiled and a mind bemired, 0 Thou Who
Gehenna. lovest mankind, yet I cry unto Thee: For the
sake of the apostles have pity on me in Thy
Canon of Saint Nicholas
Irmos: God, Who descended into the fiery fur­
Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, the apostles
nace for the Hebrew children and transformed
preached thy Son-God and man-throughout
the flame into dew, hymn ye as Lord, 0 ye
the whole world; wherefore, with them make
works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
entreaty, that those who magnify thee with
0 divinely wise father Nicholas, who re­
faith may be delivered from torments on the
ceived from God the authority to loose and to
dread day of judgment.
bind, by thy supplications loose the bonds of
mine evils, and bind me to the divine love ofthe Canon of Saint Nicholas
Master Who desired to become man. Irmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us magnify
Visit me day and night with thy divine pres­ in oneness of mind the Word of God, Who from
ence, smoothing the way for my lowly soul, 0 God came in His ineffable wisdom to renew
holy Nicholas; and preserve me unwounded by Adam who had grievously fallen into corruption
the temptations ofthe evil one, which assail me. through eating, and Who became ineffably in­
Grant me a hand to stretch forth for the help carnate of the holy Virgin for our sake.
of God, and preserve me from the cruel expecta­ I know thee to be a standard for the priest­
tion of the enemy, 0 Nicholas who once didst hood and model of meekness, 0 wise Nicholas.
deliver the youths from bitter death, that I may By thy supplications still thou the stqrm of
honor thee as my good intercessor. passions and misfortunes which assaileth me
When Thou shalt sit on Thy dread throne to all the days of my life, and keep me unharmed,
judge the world, 0 God, enter not into judgment 0 most sacred father.
with Thy servant, but, through the supplica­ As a most sacred vessel deemed worthy of
tions ofNicholas, vouchsafe unto me the portion the divine Myrrh which is mercifully poured
of the saved. forth upon the earth, perfume the hearts of us
Theotokion: By thy birthgiving, 0 Theoto­ all, 0 wise one who wast the chief hierarch of
kos, thou didst supernaturally magnify us who the people of Myra, dispelling the stench of
have been brought low by great and unimagin­ temptation by thy supplications.
able evils. Wherefore, we pray to thee, 0 all­ Bring peace to my soul, which is sorely
pure one: Magnify thy rich mercies within us. vexed by the invisible horde; and allay for me
the countless temptations which the deceiver
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
hurleth at me day and night, showingthyselfto
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
be my good intercessor, 0 Nicholas.
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
The dread day of the Master approacheth
OnE IX and draweth nigh. What then shalt thou do, 0
Canon of the Apostles my soul, being possessed of a multitude of sins.
Irmos: God the Lord, the Sonoftheunoriginate Haste thou before it is too late, and cry out
Father, hath revealed Himself to us incarnate earnestly to the Lord: Through the supplica­
ofthe Virgin, to enlighten those in darkness and tions of Thy holy hierarch Nicholas, save me!
to gather the dispersed. Wherefore, we magnify Theotokion: Have pity, have pity on me, 0
the all-hymned Theotokos. Lord, when Thou shalt come to render judg­
0 glorious apostles, blessed apostles, dis­ ment, and condemn me not to the fire, neither
ciples of the Savior, most wise preachers: De­ rebuke me in Thine anger; for the Virgin who
liver me from all harm, from all wrath, from all gave Thee birth, the multitude of the apostles,
sin, from every evil circumstance, and from and the glorious Nicholas entreat Thee, 0
divers perils. Twice Christ.

Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ", and a Who art God, offer unto Thee the voice of Thy
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the disciples, saying: Save us, 0 our Instructor, for
usual psalms. we are perishing! And we pray: Show now to
our enemies that Thou dost protect men and
Aposticha stichera of the apostles, in Tone If- savest them from misfortunes through the
Throughout the whole world Thou didst supplications ofthe apostles, overlooking their
magnify the names ofThy preeminent apostles, sins in Thy great goodness. 0 Lord, glory be to
0 Savior, for they learned heavenly things and Thee!
gave ineffable healings unto mortals. They who Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
were fishermen healed diseases by their hand­ our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
kerchiefs alone; they who were Jews theolo­ do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
gized the doctrines of grace. For their sake, 0 our hands do Thou guide aright.
Thou Who art full of loving-kindness, grant us Martyricon: The multitude of Thy saints
great mercy. entreateth Thee, 0 Christ: Have mercy and
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with save us, in that Thou lovest mankind!
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years All of my hope do I set on thee, 0 Mother of
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy God; keep me under thy protection.
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
guide their sons. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
We, who are ever assailed by the actions of through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
the unrighteous, yet truly find refuge in Thee, Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone 11- M artyricon: 0 ye faithful, together let us
W e offer Thee the cry of the thief, and we hymn the passion-bearers of the Lord, who
pray: In Thy kingdom have mercy upon us, 0 finished the race and kept the Faith.
Savior! Glory ... : Let us hymn the uncreated Trin­
Passing over the ends of the world, 0 all­ ity, preaching the Son, Who in activity is equal
wise apostles, ye delivered men from the dark­ with the Father, and the Spirit.
ness of deception and impiety. Now & ever ... : 0 all-pure Virgin, thou art
With the net ofgrace ye wisely drew all men the boast of the apostles, the adornment of
forth from the depths of vanity, 0 disciples of athletes and the salvation of the world.
the Savior.


On "Lord, I have cried .. . ': 3 stichera of the When the Virgin beheld Life dying on the
Cross, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "When from the Tree, His side painfully pierced by a spear, she
Tree ... "- exclaimed, weeping: "0 my Son and God, how
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, hath the ungrateful assembly rewarded Thee?
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee Woe is me! My womb, which did not suffer the
is forgiveness. pangs of childbirth, is wracked with pain, be­
When Thou wast nailed to the Cross, 0 holding Thee suffering them, 0 Master!"
Savior, the sun saw and dimmed its rays in fear Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
of Thee, and the veil of the temple was rent in prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
twain; the earth quaked, and the stones like­ eth forever.
wise split asunder with trembling, unable to When the Maiden who knew not man beheld
bear the sight of their Creator and God suffer­ her Son taken down from the Tree, laid simply,
ing unjustly upon the Tree of His own will and as a man bereft of breath, upon the ground, she
reviled by men. clasped Him to her bosom and, kissing His
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ mouth and eyes, exclaimed to Him in wonder:
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath "How can I be unmoved when I see Thee now,
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath bereft of voice, Who givest life unto all?"
hoped in the Lord.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Wholly cast down to the ground, wholly
When the unblemished Ewe-lamb beheld
wounded, the most wicked serpent was brought
her Lamb of His own will led as a man to the
low by a strange fall when Thou wast uplifted
slaughter, she said, lamenting: "Dost Thou has­
upon the Tree, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind.
ten now to leave me childless who gave Thee
And Adam was loosed from the curse; he who
birth, 0 Christ? What is this that Thou hast
before was condemned became saved. Where­
done, 0 Deliverer of all? Yet do I hymn and
fore, we also pray: Save us all, 0 Compassionate
glorify Thine utter goodness, which passeth
One, and vouchsafe us Thy kingdom!
understanding and recounting, 0 Thou Who
Stichos: From the morning watch until
lovest mankind."
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
the Lord.
Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
When the Cross was set up and Thou wast
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
pierced in the side with a spear, 0 Sinless
Savior, the sun hid itself, unable to bear the
Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone II­
sight; the earth trembled, and the rocks split
0 Christ God my Savior, Who saved Peter in
asunder in fear when Thou wast reviled. And
the sea, save me by the power of the Cross, and
all creation cried out to Thee: Glory to Thy
have mercy on me.
crucifixion whereby Thou hast saved all men, 0
Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
Word Who lovest mankind!
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
Then the stichera ofthe saint, from theMenaion; hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of the of their masters, as· the eyes of the handmaid
Theotokos, in Tone II: in the same melody- look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; pity on us.
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his They who ever enjoyed Thy gifts cried out,
iniquities. "Crucify Him!"; they who slew the righteous
Beholding Thee lifted up upon the tree of ones asked that a malefactor be released unto
the Cross, 0 Jesus, she who knew not wedlock them instead ofthe Benefactor. But Thou didst
wept and said: "0 my sweet Child, wherefore keep silence, 0 Christ, enduring their sav­
hast Thou forsaken me who alone gave Thee agery, desiring to suffer and thus save us, in
birth? 0 unapproachable Light of the all­ that Thou lovest mankind.
unoriginate Father, haste Thou and glorify Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Thyself, that those who glorify Thy divine suf­ mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
ferings may receive divine glory!" abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; therewith; let reproach come upon them that
praise Him, all ye peoples. prosper, and abasement on the proud.
- 130­

M artyricon: Having hated the pleasures of all-immaculate Mother, standing forth and la­
life, the passion-bearers were vouchsafed the menting, exclaimed: "0 my sweet Child, light of
good things of heaven and have made their mine eyes, woe is me! How hast Thou suffered
abode together with the angels. By their suppli­ to be nailed to the Cross between two evildoers,
cations, 0 Lord, have mercy and save us. 0 Thou Who hast suspended the earth upon the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­
When iniquitous men raised Thee, the Life Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
of all, up upon the Tree, 0 Savior, Thy pure and Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy granting the raiment of incorruption to me who

Theotokos have been stripped naked by my manifold evil
ODE I Thou gavest birth to the all-honored Word of
Irmos: Once, almighty power overwhelmed God, 0 Mistress. Him do thou earnestly be­
the whole army of Pharaoh in the deep, and the seech, that He have pity on my lowly soul, which
incarnate Word destroyed pernicious sin. All­ is beset by the indignity of pleasures.
glorious is the Lord, for gloriously hath He been Glory ... : Heal thou the wounds of my soul,
glorified. 0 all-pure one, and with thine effective therapy
God chose thee as beauteous, all-comely, cure my lowly heart, which hath been afflicted
immaculate among women, and made His abode by the venom of the serpent.
within thine immaculate womb. Him do thou Now & ever ... : As thou hast boldness before
beseech, 0 most immaculate one, that He deliver thy Son, 0 Mistress and Mother, beg help for
all who hymn thee from the disgrace of sins. thine oppressed people and cast down the arro­
According to the psalm, thou dost stand as gance of the iniquitous.
Queen at the right hand of the King Who shone
forth from thy womb, 0 pure one. Him do thou ODE IV
beseech, 0 most immaculate one, that on the Irmos: Thou didst come forth from the
day of retribution He set me to stand on the Virgin, neither a mediator nor an angel, but
right side. Thyself incarnate, 0 Lord, and hast saved me,
Glory ... : Othou whogavestbirth totheRain the whole man; wherefore, I cry to thee: Glory to
of heaven, thou hast renewed the nature of man Thy power, 0 Lord!
which hath become dry because of unseemly Let fall upon me a drop of compunction, 0
deeds; wherefore, I pray: Show forth the dry Mistress, easing all the burning heat of my
furrows of my soul to be fertile, 0 Bride of God. heart and dispelling my grief and the buffeting
Now & ever ... : We who were slain by the assaults.
tree of knowledge have been called to life ever­ Disdain me not, who have been pierced by
lasting by Christ God, the Tree of life, Who the sword of pleasure and lie in my wounds, 0
blossomed forth from thee, 0 pure one, in man­ all-pure one, but heal me with the spear and
ner past understanding. Entreat Him with blood of thy crucified Son and our God.
boldness, that our souls be saved. Glory ... : 0 thou who hast been enriched by
all the edification of the Master, vouchsafe
ODE III divine grace unto me who am grievously impov­
Irmos: The desert, the barren Church ofthe erished, that I may magnify thee as my good
nations, bloomed like a lily at Thine advent, 0 helper, 0 most immaculate one.
Lord; and therein hath my heart been estab­ Now & ever ... : Christ, the Effulgence ofthe
lished. Father, shone forth from thy womb, 0 Maiden
Issuing forth from thy womb, 0 all-pure one, who knewest not wedlock, and, crucified, hath
the Creator clothed Himself in me, a man, enlightened the whole world and destroyed the
darkness of the demons.

- 131­

grantest life everlasting unto all dost of Thine
Irmos: Thou art a Mediator between God own will die a shameful death upon the Cross?"
and man, 0 Christ God; for by Thee, 0 Master,
are we led up out ofthe night ofignorance to Thy
Father, the Source of light. Irmos: The command of the iniquitous ty­
0 all-pure one who gavest birth to the Way rant, opposed to God, raised a lofty a flame; but
of life, direct me not to the narrow path, for Christ spread a spiritual dew upon the reverent
unknowingly I have stumbled headlong into a youths: He Who is blessed and most glorious.
trackless waste and the brink of grievous falls. As thou art my strength and song, my salva­
Having mindlessly estranged myself from tion, firm help and invincible bulwark, 0 Mis­
the understanding of God, I have lived prodi­ tress, vanquish the demons which war against
gally, lost in the far country ofthe passions; yet, me, ever seeking to slay me.
having brought me back, 0 pure Virgin, save Giving flesh to God of thy virginal blood, 0
me by thy consolation. Virgin, thou hast deified mankind; wherefore, I
Glory ... : With thy living waters give drink pray thee: by thy supplications deliver me, who
to thy servant who burneth with the flame ofsin have been defiled by the passions and corrupted
and am consumed by the assaults of the by the wiles of the enemy.
demons, 0 all-pure Virgin Mother. Glory ... : The furnace prefigured thy birthgiv­
Now & ever ... : Lo! thou didst have Christ ing, 0 most immaculate one, for it did not con­
God in thy womb in manner past recounting, 0 sume the children, just as the unbearable Fire did
all-pure Theotokos, as Isaiah proclaimed, and not consume thy womb. Wherefore, we entreat
thou gavest birth to Him supernaturally, 0 thee: Deliver thy servants from eternal fire.
Theotokos. Now & ever ... : Remaining a virgin, thou
alone didst show forth an all-pure conception
ODE VI and an incorrupt birthgiving, for thou didst
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I conceive Christ, Who is God over all and became
call upon the unfathomable abyss ofThy loving­ man, 0 pure one, for the salvation and deliver­
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God! ance of the faithful.
Let me not be shown to be a delight for the
demons at the judgment which is to come, 0 ODE VIII
Mistress, but directing upon me a gaze ofrecon­ Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace
ciliation, entreat the Judge, thy Son. divided its activity, consuming the Chaldmans
Having driven Thee away with my wicked at the command of God, but bedewing the
thoughts and mine impure acts, 0 Lord, I bring faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye
before Thee Thy Mother to make supplication. works of the Lord!
Have pity and save me! Be zealous for good works, 0 my soul, with­
Glory ... : From condemnation, 0 Mistress, drawing from evils with care for godly acts,
deliver me who have condemned myself having the Theotokos praying for thee, the
through my transgressions, for thou gavest unashamed helper of all, in that she is merciful
birth to the Judge and God of all, 0 all-hymned and loving.
one. Thou hast broken the bonds of men's an­
cient condemnation; wherefore, I beseech thee,
Now & ever ... : Beseech Jesus the Savior to
0 Theotokos: Loose all the evil bonds of my
Whom thou gavest birth supernaturally in the
heart, binding me with the divine love of the
flesh, 0 all-pure Virgin Mother, that thy ser­ Creator, 0 all-pure one.
vants be delivered from misfortunes. Glory ... : Having given birth to the Efful­
Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , Now gence of the Father's glory, 0 Theotokos, illu­
& ever ... mine my heart, which hath become downcast
because ofthe infamy ofmy transgressions, and
Sessional hymn, in Tone II: Spec. Mel.: "As thou show me forth to share in everlasting glory, that
art full of loving-kindness ... "­ I may glorify thee with faith.
Thy Virgin Mother, beholding Thee, Now & ever... : Through thee, 0 Theotokos,
0 Christ, stretched out dead upon the Tree, hath the true Sun ofrighteousness been revealed
said, weeping bitterly: "0 my Son, what is this to us, illumining all things with rays of divinity.
strange mystery? How is it that Thou Who Him, the Most High incarnate, do we hymn.


ODE IX He vouchsafe the kingdom on high unto all who

Irmos: Our God and Lord, the Son of the honor thee.
unoriginate Father, hath revealed Himself to Glory ... : As thou art the Mother ofthe Good
us incarnate ofthe Virgin, to enlighten those in One and art wholly good, bless thou my lowly
darkness and to gather the dispersed. Where­ heart, which is oppressed by attacks of plea­
fore, let us magnify the all-hymned Theotokos. sure, and lead me through the portals of good
Having tasted of the food mingled with unto repentance.
death, Adam was seized by bitterness through Now & ever... : Thou Who wast suspended
the tree; but thy Son Who was nailed to the aloft, dead, upon the Cross hast therewith slain the
Tree, 0 all-pure one, hath poured forth the serpent. Wherefore, I cry out to Thee: Have mercy,
sweetness of immortality. Wherefore, we 0 Word, upon my soul which hath been slain by my
praise thee. wicked deeds, and give life to it through the suppli­
Thou art the Queen, having in manner past cations of her who gave Thee birth.
recounting given birth to Christ, the King and
Lord, Who hath destroyed the realm of death. Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
Him do thou earnestly entreat, 0 Maiden, that Trisagion through Our Father. And the rest as
usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these We bow down before Thine all-pure image,
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone If- 0 Good One, asking forgiveness for our trans­
Thou didst work salvation in the midst of gressions, 0 Christ God; for of Thine own will
the earth, 0 Christ God, and on the Cross Thou wast well-pleased to ascend the Cross in
didst stretch out Thine all-pure hands, gath­ the flesh, that Thou mightest deliver that
eringto Thee all the nations, who cry: Glory to which Thou didst create from slavery to the
Thee, 0 Lord! enemy. Wherefore, we cry out to Thee in
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and thanksgiving: 0 our Savior, Who earnest to save
worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy. the world, Thou hast filled all with joy!
Just as the enemy made Adam captive by the Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
fruit of the tree, so didst Thou Thyself make the God of Israel.
enemy captive by the tree of the Cross and Thy Martyricon: Having Thee Who clothed the
suffering, 0 Lord; for Thou earnest as the Second sky in clouds as their vesture in the world, the
Adam for this purpose: to seek out the lost and saints endured torments at the hands of the
bring life to the dead. Glory to Thee, 0 Lord! iniquitous, and abolished the deception ofidola­
try. By their supplications free us also from the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
invisible foe, 0 Savior, and save us.
The Virgin, Thy Mother, 0 Christ, behold­
ing Thee stretched out dead upon the Cross, Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
said, bitterly weeping: "0 my Son, what is this Standing before Thy Cross, she who gave
awesome mystery? How is it that Thou, Who birth to Thee without seed was unable to watch
givest life everlasting unto all, dost willingly die Thee suffering unjustly, 0 Christ, and she la­
a violent death?" mented and, weeping, cried out to Thee: "How is
it Thou sufferest, 0 my Son most sweet, Who by
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these nature art dispassionate? I hymn Thy surpass­
sessional hymns, in Tone l i - ing goodness!"
The life-creating Cross of Thy goodness,
which Thou hast given unto us, the unworthy, After the third chanting of the Psalter, these
0 Lord, do we offer unto Thee in supplication: sessional hymns, in Tone If-
Save Thy city, granting it peace for the sake of Like the thief do I confess and cry out to
the Theotokos, 0 Thou Who alone lovest Thee, the Good One: Remember me, 0 Lord,
mankind. in Thy kingdom! Reckon me with him, 0
Stichos: God is our King before the ages; He Thou Who didst willingly accept sufferings
hath wrought salvation in the midst ofthe earth. for our sake.

0 good Shepherd, Who hast enlightened from everlasting fire, 0 thou who alone art full
mortals and summoned sinners by the Cross, of the grace of God.
cull me not off from Thy flock, but seek me out I flee now beneath thy goodness, 0 all-pure
who am lost, 0 Master, and number me among Virgin Mother: Deliver thy servant from pain of
Thy sheep, 0 Thou Who alone art good and soul, from spiritually corrupting passions and
lovest mankind. everlasting fire.
0 Mistress, thou art my fervent sanctuary:
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
unto thee do I flee and am saved, and acquire
Preserved by the precious Cross of thy Son,
salvation ofsoul. For thou canst save all, in that
0 pure Mistress Theotokos, we all easily prevail
thou art the Mother of God.
over every attack ofthe enemy; wherefore, as is
meet, we bless thee as the Mother of God, the
only hope of our souls.
Canon of the Cross
ODE I 1rmos: Establishing me upon the rock of faith,
Canon of the precious & life-creating Cross, Thou hast enlarged my mouth against mine
the acrostic whereof is "When the Cross was enemies, for my spirit doth exult when I chant:
planted, the deception of the demons fell': the There is none holy as our God, and none righ­
composition of Joseph, in Tone 11­ teous save Thee, 0 Lord!
Irmos: Traversing the impassable, uncommon Hanging upon the Tree, the incorrupt
path of the sea dryshod, Israel the chosen cried Grapes-Jesus, the Deliverer of our souls­
aloud: Let us chant unto the Lord, for He hath exuded the divine sweetness which gladdeneth
been glorified! the hearts of men and which by grace taketh
Thou didst accept crucifixion, being igno­ away the drunkenness of evil.
miniously pierced with nails, 0 Word, desiring OfThine own will Thou wast raised up upon
to honor all men who glorify Thy voluntary the Tree, 0 Jesus, and didst foil all the malefac­
sufferings. tions of the devil; and Thou didst raise up men
Thou didst stretch out Thy hands upon the who had fallen into destruction through their
Cross, 0 Savior Who stretched out the sky like depraved minds, 0 greatly Merciful One.
a skin, and thereby didst embrace the nations Martyricon: Enkindled by the fire of divine
and men who glorify Thy voluntary sufferings. love, the valiant ones were undaunted by the
M artyricon: Shouldering their cross, the fire and unafraid of death, trusting that they
passion-bearers earnestly followed the would receive gifts of immortality, endless joy
crucified Christ, conforming themselves to His and never-waning light.
divine sufferings. M artyricon: Having dyed an all-splendid
M artyricon: Beholding your sufferings, the robe in their own blood and clothed themselves
angelic hosts sang, but the multitude of the therein, and holding the divine Cross in their
demons lamented, 0 victorious martyrs who hands like a scepter, the passion-bearers ever
gaze upon God. reign with the Lord.
Theotokion: The word of the honorable Theotokion: The ranks of incorporeal be­
prophet hath been fulfilled, for a sword pierced ings honor thee, for thou, 0 Maiden Bride of
thy heart, 0 Mistress, when thou didst see thy God, gavest birth to the incarnate Master Who
Son nailed to the Cross. by the Tree hath released all who were bound
and hath bound the faithful to His love.
Another canon, of the all-holy Theotokos,
in Tone 11­ Canon of the Theotokos
1rmos: Come, ye people, let us chant a hymn to 1rmos: Same as the foregoing.
Christ God, Who divided the sea and guided the Unto the King, Who is without beginning
people whom He had led forth from the bondage and Who had received flesh from thee, 0 Virgin
of Egypt, for He hath been glorified. Mother, thou gavest birth. Entreat Him as the
0 Maiden, who gavest birth to the Source of One Who loveth mankind, that He save thy
dispassion, heal me who am wounded by the servant from all tribulation and the damnation
passions, and rescue me from the everlasting which is to come.
fire, 0 thou who alone art full of divine joy. Resolve the perplexity of my heart, heal my
Deliver me from bodily illness, and cure the wounds and rid me of festering corruption by
unseemly passions of my soul, and rescue me thy divine power; and grant me a stream of

compunction, 0 thou who gavest birth to the Word of God; and I pray: Heal the pangs of my
Source of everlasting life. lowly soul, and deliver me from grievous
0 Theotokos, heal my soul, which hath be­ condemnation.
come sick through despondency and the as­ Rain down upon us the riches of thy mercy,
saults of the demons; grant tears of repentance as is thy wont, 0 Virgin, ending our infirmities
to my heart, and plant therein the fear of my and loosing the divers passions ofour souls; and
Master, 0 all-pure one. free my heart from the bonds of sin and from
Having wasted my life in slothfulness and many pangs.
defiled my heart with the passions, I come to I have defiled my soul with the passions; but
thee in compunction of soul, 0 Mistress, and do thou, who becamest the most pure dwelling­
pray: Have pity and save me, making me stead­ place of the All-pure One, 0 Theotokos, cleanse
fast by models of repentance. me, guiding me to the light of repentance and
rescuing me from the fire which is to come.
OnE IV Enlighten my mind, 0 all-pure Mistress, I
Canon of the Cross pray thee; and still the waves of my passion­
Irmos: Thou didst come forth from the Virgin, plagued heart, putting down carnal desires and
neither a mediator nor an angel, but Thyself leading me to the divine haven.
incarnate, 0 Lord, and hast saved me, the
whole man; wherefore, I cry to thee: Glory to 0DEV
Thy power, 0 Lord! Canon ofthe Cross
Thou wast suspended upon the Tree, 0 Irmos: The Sun-the live Coal which was
Almighty, Who suspended the earth upon the revealed beforehand to Isaiah-shone forth
waters; and, pierced in the side by a spear, Thou from the Virgin's womb, granting the enlight­
didst pour forth blood and water for the salva­ enment of divine knowledge to those gone
tion of all. astray in darkness.
When Thy side was pierced, it healed my Having accepted the Cross in Thy loving­
sickness; when thou wast smitten on the cheek kindness, 0 Master, Thou didst draw me forth
by the hand of man, I received freedom; and by from the abyss of evils, and by sitting with the
Thy tasting of gall, 0 Christ, we have been Father Thou didst honor me, who of mine own
delivered from the sweet taste of the fruit in will have become dishonored.
Eden. Crowned with thorns, 0 Word who
Martyricon: Having been lashed by the crownest the whole world with flowers, Thou
whips of the deceiving serpent, ye heal the dost hew down the thorns of my passions at the
stripes of our hearts, ever pouring forth grace root, and plantest the understanding of Thee
from the well-springs of the Savior, 0 divine within me.
martyrs. Martyricon: Arrayed ofyour own will in the
M artyricon: Bloodied by your wounds, strength of your weakness, 0 holy martyrs,
stretched out upon crosses, and maimed, ye fortified, ye destroyed the might of the demons
dealt a blow to the whole body of the enemy, 0 therewith.
most honored passion-bearers who behold God. Martyricon: Having struggled greatly upon
Theotokion: The Most High became incar­ the earth, 0 saints, ye have found great glory in
nate ofthine all-pure blood; and beholding Him, the heavens, and deliver from great misfor­
unjustly suspended upon the Tree, 0 all-pure tunes us who honor you.
one, thou didst groan, weeping, and didst mag­ Theotokion: He Who in the heavens is
nify His loving-kindness. divinely borne upon the shoulders of the cheru­
bim, and who truly sat upon thine arm, 0 all­
Canon of the Theotokos
pure one, when He was crucified delivered all
Irmos: I hymn Thee, 0 Lord, for I heard report
from corruption.
ofThee, and I was afraid; for Thou earnest to me,
seeking me who have strayed. Wherefore, I Canon of the Theotokos
glorify Thy great condescension toward me, 0 Irmos: 0 Christ my Savior, enlightenment of
greatly Merciful One. those who lie in darkness and salvation of the
I truly hymn thee, 0 most hymned one, who despairing: rising early unto Thee, 0 King of
supernaturally gavest birth to the all-hymned the world, may I be enlightened by Thy radi­
ance, for I know none other God than Thee.
- 135­

0 most immaculate Mistress Theotokos, kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God!

who gavest birth to the hypostatic Life of all, I flee now unto thee, 0 all-hymned one.
enliven me who have been done to death by the Save and preserve me by thy supplications; for
assaults and pursuit ofthe deceiver, that I may whatsoever thou desirest, thou canst do, in that
piously hymn thee, the most hymned one. thou art the Mother of Him Who strengtheneth
As the Virgin Mother of the Lamb and all.
Shepherd, shepherd me whose conduct is 0 Virgin Theotokos, save thy servant, who
wrongful, and vouchsafe that on the day of am bestormed by the tempest of griefs and am
judgment I may be reckoned with the lambs on overwhelmed by the battery ofthreefold waves.
the right hand of God, that I may hymn thy Vouchsafe thy loving-kindness unto me who
saving grace. am an object of pitilessness and malice; and
By thine entreaties, 0 Maiden, deliver me, rescue me from the retribution which lieth
I pray, from the darkness of the passions, from before me and from everlasting fire.
temptations caused by the assaults of the alien 0 most immaculate one who, having con­
one, and from the everlasting torments which ceived, gavest birth to the all-pure Lamb Who
await sinners. taketh away the sins of the world, cease not to
0 Bride of God, in whom dwelt the one pray to Him, that He grant me the forgiveness
divine Word Who enlighteneth the whole world: ofmy sins.
Shine upon me the radiance oftrue repentance,
and illumine me with beams of salvation, dis­ ODE VII
pelling the darkness of my passions by thine Canon of the Cross
entreaties, I pray. Irmos: The command of the iniquitous tyrant,
opposed to God, raised up a lofty flame; but
Christ, Who is blessed and all-glorious, spread
Canon of the Cross
a spiritual dew upon the pious youths.
Irmos: Hearkening to the sound of the cries of
When Thou wast uplifted upon the Cross, 0
entreaty which issue forth from a soul in pain,
Word Who art the resurrection and uplifting of
0 Master, deliver me from my grievous sins, for
all, Thou didst raise me up who had fallen
Thou alone art the Cause of our salvation.
through disobedience; and Thou didst cast
Having given Thy shoulders over to stripes,
down the adversary who caused me to fall,
Thy cheek to buffeting, and Thy face to spitting,
showing him to be wholly impotent and dead.
0 Savior, Thou didst save me who have sinned
Glory to Thy dominion!
greatly against Thee in knowledge and in
By Thy nails Thou didst transfix the sins of
our forefather; and, beaten with the reed, thou
Thou wast led like a lamb to the slaughter,
didst sign a writ of manumission for all men.
0 Christ my God, leading back to life those who
Glory to Thy suffering, whereby we have been
had been slain by the poisonous bite of the
delivered from the darkness of the passions!
noetic wolf. Glory to Thy crucifixion!
M artyricon: The right victorious great mar­
Martyricon: Observing the laws ofthe Mas­
tyrs of Christ were dismembered by the hands
ter, the martyrs utterly rejected the iniquitous
of vile murderers, yet in spirit they remained
counsel of the violators of the law; and, dying,
inseparable from God, felling and slaying the
they received the life which is to come.
deceiving enemy with the sword of valor.
Martyricon: Having arrayed yourselves,
M artyricon: Possessed of the invincible
rejoicing, against the adverse princes, 0 saints,
might of the crucified Christ, the invincible
ye vanquished them with the weaponry of God,
army utterly destroyed the army of perdition;
and have received from Him crowns of victory.
and, having suffered, they received crowns of
Theotokion: That He might deify man, 0
victory and a blessed life which cannot be
Virgin, God was born ofthee, and crucified, and
tasted death, by His Cross slaying him who of
Theotokion: 0 Virgin, thou wast shown to
old brought death upon me.
be the animate palace of the King and the fiery
Canon of the Theotokos throne, on which, having sat, He raised all men
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call up from the primal fall and honored them by
upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving- sitting with the Father.

- 136­

Canon ofthe Theotokos ation hymn the Lord and exalt Him su­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. premely for all ages!"
0 pure one, who for us gavest birth to the
Canon of the Theotokos
hypostatic Life Who manifestly destroyed
Irmos: God, Who descended into the fiery fur­
death by His death, slay thou the passions ofmy
nace for the Hebrew children and transformed
soul, and grant me a fountain of tears, that I
the flame into dew, hymn ye as Lord, 0 ye
may ever glorify thee.
works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Hope unashamed, certain trust, an unas­
0 all-pure Virgin, refuge and helper of
sailable rampart, protection and helper, 0 most
Christians, disdain me not who am surrounded
immaculate one, be thou unto me who set my
by evils and am ever beset by misfortunes and
hope on thee; and guide me to the light of
the many onslaughts of the wicked demons.
repentance and compunction, 0 pure one.
Forget not the cry ofthose who pray to thee,
That thy servant may be delivered from all
0 awesome intercessor, but by thine entreaties
the evil of the demons, from grief and damna­
rescue them from all pain and every threat; for
tion, and from everlasting fire, entreat thy Son,
thy maternal supplication inclineth God to
that I may ever glorify thee with faith.
Thou alone hast been shown to be the one
Still now the tempest ofmy passions, 0 pure
whose conception wasall-pureand whose birth­
and blessed Maiden, and vanquish all the incor­
giving was incorrupt, so that thou didst remain
poreal foes who pitilessly assail my poverty,
a virgin; for thou didst conceive Christ, the God
that I may hymn thee with faith.
of all, Who became man, 0 pure one, for the
At the hour of mine end, 0 only Theotokos,
salvation and deliverance of the faithful.
intercessor for the faithful, rescue me from the
furnace of temptations, the flame of sins and
the fire of the passions, from Gehenna and the
Canon of the Cross
assaults ofthe demons.
Irmos: The thrice-blessed youths, disdaining
the golden image and beholding the immutable
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
and living image of God, chanting in the midst
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
of the flame: Let all existing creation hymn the
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Disobedient men, who without compunc­
tion wrought all manner ofiniquities, raised up OnE IX
upon the Tree between two malefactors Thee, Canon of the Cross
Who dost justify sinners, crucifying Thee, 0 Irmos: Every tongue is at a loss how to praise
Compassionate One; but all creation glorifieth thee as is meet, and even an intelligence from
Thee as Lord and Master, hymning Thy long­ above the world is in doubt how to hymn thee,
suffering. 0 Theotokos; yet, as thou art good, accept our
Nailed to the Tree, Thou didst bloody Thy faith, for thou knowest our longing inspired by
fingers, 0 Christ, and Thou didst bring an end God; for thou art the intercessor of Christians,
to the blood sacrificed of old to the demons unto and we magnify thee.
the damnation of those who offered it up. Of old, Isaac was bound, that he might
Wherefore, all creation glorifieth Thee, hymn­ provide an image of Thy suffering; and as a
ing Thy love for mankind, 0 God of all. symbol of remission [Abraham] freed the lamb
Martyricon: The immeasurable quantity of who was caught in the thicket, and then truly
your blood quenched the fire ofungodliness and released the involuntary sacrifice. For when
did away with the deception of pagan polythe­ Thou wast sacrificed ofThine own will, we were
ism, 0 saints; and it hath illumined all the freed from evils.
faithful, who chant: Let all creation hymn the Glory to Thy loving-kindness, 0 only loving
Lord and exalt Him supremely for all ages! Lord Christ, Who art comely in beauty more
Theotokion: The unblemished Ewe-lamb, than the sons ofmen, yet wast bereft ofform and
the adornment of the prophets and martyrs, beauty when Thou wast hung upon the tree of
beholding Thee lifted up upon the Tree like a the Cross, transforming the ugliness of the
lamb, 0 Word Who art without beginning, whole human race into beauty!
wept bitterly and said: "Let all existing ere­


Martyricon: Ye were shown to be divine Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
inhabitants of the heavenly Sion and fellow prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
citizens equal in honor with the angels, 0 mar­ usual psalms.
tyrs; and ye illumine with splendor the Church
of the firstborn, 0 saints, shining with light Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone fl-
divine, wearing your torments as crowns. O Christ God, Thou hast shown the tree of
Martyricon: 0 holy martyrs and beloved Thy Cross to be a tree of life for us who believe
friends ofthe Lord Who all-gloriously loved you: on Thee; and thereby Thou hast abolished the
Deliver me from the friendship of the deceiver, dominion of death and brought life unto us who
which is of the flesh; and ask that sanctifica­ have been slain by sin. Wherefore, we cry out to
tion, enlightenment and the remission oftrans­ Thee: 0 Lord, Benefactor of all, glory to Thee!
gressions be given to all who keep your memory. Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
Theotokion: The beauty of the heavenly Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
orbs left its usual course when they beheld glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Thee, the Sun of righteousness, uplifted upon wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
the Cross of Thine own will; and with the wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
virginal disciple the Virgin exclaimed, weeping servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
and crying aloud: "Woe is me! What is this guide their sons.
strange sight?" Having willingly impoverished Thyself for
the sake ofAdam's poverty, 0 Christ God, Thou
Canon of the Theotokos
didst come to earth and wast incarnate of the
Irmos: God the Lord, the Son ofthe unoriginate
Virgin; and Thou didst accept crucifixion, that
Father, hath revealed Himself to us incarnate
Thou mightest free us from slavery to the en­
ofthe Virgin, to enlighten those in darkness and
emy. Glory to Thee, 0 Lord!
to gather the dispersed. Wherefore, we magnify
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
the all-hymned Theotokos.
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
In manner past understanding and re­
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
counting thou gavest birth to the only greatly
our hands do Thou guide aright.
merciful Lord Who loveth mankind. Him do
M artyricon: Having suffered like Christ
thou beseech, 0 Virgin, that at the dread hour
even unto death, 0 passion-bearing martyrs,
of judgment He deliver thy servant from ever­
your souls are in heaven, in the hand of God,
lasting fire.
and your relics are venerated throughout the
0 Bride of God, from heaven grant remis­
world. The priests bow down, and all of us, the
sion of evil unto us who hymn thee, who glorify
people, cry aloud, rejoicing: Precious in the
thee with faith, and ever hasten to thy divine
sight of the Lord is the repose of His saints!
protection; and deliver us from the despotic
passions, from torments and judgment. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
The fruit of sin which brought death upon When the unblemished Ewe-lamb beheld
me was beautiful to behold, yet most bitter to her Lamb of His own will led as a man to the
taste; yet because I ate of it to satiety, I await slaughter, she said, lamenting: "Dost Thou has­
the dread judgment. But rescue me therefore, ten now to leave me childless who gave Thee
0 all-holy Virgin Mother. birth, 0 Christ? What is this that Thou hast
In that thou didst bear the Good One and art done, 0 Deliverer of all? Yet do I hymn and
wholly good, 0 all-pure one, bless my lowly glorify Thine utter goodness, which passeth
heart, which hath been restrained by the bars of understanding and recounting, 0 Thou Who
the pleasures; and lead me through the beauti­ lovest mankind."
ful doors unto repentance.
Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.

- 138­

On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone 11­ Martyricon: Broken, 0 martyrs,ye broke all
W e offer Thee the cry of the thief, and we the power of the enemy and have received
pray: In Thy kingdom have mercy upon us, 0 crowns of victory.
Savior! Glory ... : Enlightened by the sprinkling of
Thou didst uproot the thorns of evil when of the divine Blood, we, the faithful, honor the one
Thine own will Thou didst wear the crown of Godhead in three Persons.
thorns, 0 long-suffering Master. Now & ever ... : Beholding Christ hanging
When Thou wast crucified on Golgotha, 0 like a lamb upon the Tree, the most immaculate
Sinless One, Thou didst crush the head of the one, lamenting and weeping, magnified Him.
serpent and save all men.

- 139­

On "Lord, I have cried ... ", these stichera of the Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatictheotokion, in
holy martyrs, hierarchs & the venerable, in Tone the same tone-
II: Spec. Mel.: "When from the Tree ... "- The shadow of the law passed away when
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, grace arrived; for, as the bush wrapped in flame
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee did not burn, so the Virgin gave birth and yet
is forgiveness. remained a Virgin. In place of the pillar offire,
Giving your flesh over to wounds and endur­ the Sun of righteousness hath shone forth.
ing most bitter torments and violent death, 0 Instead of Moses, Christ is come, the salvation
all-praised martyrs, ye put the tyrants to of our souls.
shame and truly abolished the worship of idols,
preaching Christ, the one God and Master. Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
Intercede before Him with the angelic hosts, 0 the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
glorious ones who have been crowned.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
Aposticha sticheron, in Tone II-
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath
Martyricon: Great is the glory ye have
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
acquired by faith; for in your sufferings ye not
hoped in the Lord.
only vanquished the enemy, but in death ye
The foregoing sticheron is repeated.
drive away evil spirits and heal the infirm, 0
Stichos: From the morning watch until
physicians of souls and bodies. Pray ye to the
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
Lord, that our souls may find mercy.
the Lord.
Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast
Ye showed yourselves to be divine preach­
chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord
ers of the Word Who appeared on earth, and
Nekrosimon: Every man fadeth like a
taught piety unto all, setting forth Orthodoxy in
flower and passeth by like a shadow, and is no
divine words, whereby ye drove heresy far from
more; but when the trumpet shall sound, in the
the Church of Christ. Wherefore, ever dwelling
midst of an earthquake all the dead shall arise
in the habitation of God, 0 blessed ones, as
to meet Thee, 0 Christ God. Then, 0 Master, do
sacred ministers of the Trinity, lead into it all
Thou settle in the abodes ofthe saints the souls
of Thy servants whom Thou hast taken from
Then these other stichera, ofthe martyrs, in the among us.
same tone- Stichos: Their souls shall dwell amid good
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, things.
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; Nekrosimon: Woe is me! What a struggle
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his iniqui­ the soul will have when it is separated from the
ties. body! Alas! How many tears will it then shed?
Having hated the pleasures ofthe earth, the Yet there will be none to have mercy on it!
passion-bearers were vouchsafed the good Raising its eyes unto the angels, it will pray in
things of heaven and became fellow citizens vain; stretching forth its hands to men, it will
with the angels. By their supplications, 0 Lord, find none to help. Wherefore, my beloved,
have mercy and save us. mindful that our life is short, let us ask ofChrist
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; rest for the departed and great mercy for our
praise Him, all ye peoples. souls.
When the holy martyrs pray for us and
hymn Christ, all deception ceaseth, and the Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
human race is saved by faith. Save thy servants from misfortunes, 0
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to Theotokos, for we all flee unto thee after God, as
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­ to an indestructible rampart and protection.
eth forever.
The choirs of the martyrs opposed the ty­ Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
rants, saying: "We fight for the King of hosts! Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
And even ifye subject us to fire and tortures, we Litany, and Dismissal.
will not deny the power of the Trinity!"


Canon of Supplication to the All-Holy 0 Mistress who knewest not wedlock, hav-
Theotokos ing conceived God in thy womb, deliver us all
ODE I from perils and grief.
Irmos: Come,yepeople,letuschantahymn Glory ... : We, the faithful, have acquired
to Christ God, Who divided the sea and guided thee as an invincible rampart and a mighty
the people whom He had led forth from the hope amid danger, 0 pure one.
bondage of Egypt, for He hath been glorified. Now & ever ... : Having acquired thy suppli­
Thou art the well-spring of Life, 0 pure cation as a firm foundation, 0 Mistress, we are
Virgin Mother, having. given birth to the delivered from divers sorrows.
Source, Lord and Life of all, bedewing those
who glorify thee with faith. 0DEV
We who confess thee to be the Theotokos, 0 Irmos: 0 Lord, Bestower of light and Cre­
all-pure one, have thee as an intercessor and a ator of the ages: guide us in the light of Thy
firm foundation which enricheth us, and we are commandments, for we know none other God
saved from the threefold billows of life, 0 most than Thee.
immaculate Virgin. 0 Theotokos, we, the faithful, know the Son
Glory ... : As thou gavest birth to the Well­ Who was incarnate and born of thee without
spring of life, 0 Maiden, heal me who am seed to be truly God and man by nature. Where­
wounded by the passions, and rescue me from fore, we glorify thee.
everlasting fire, 0 thou who alone art full of the Ever fleeing with faith beneath thy protec­
grace of God. tion and help, 0 all-pure Theotokos, we, the
Now & ever ... : As the refuge of the faithful faithful, are delivered by thee from every griev­
and the mighty help ofthose who have recourse ous invasion.
unto thee, 0 Ever-virgin, save us from all want Glory ... : 0 all-pure Virgin, deliver us from
and the harm of the adversary. perils, the tempest of evil thoughts, from all
wrath and every sin, from famine and plague,
ODE III and from everlasting torment.
Irmos: Establish us in thee, 0 Lord Who Now & ever ... : As thou art our helper and
hast slain sin by the Tree, and plant Thou the salvation, the hope of Christians, 0 Mistress,
fear ofThee in the hearts of us who hymn Thee. save those who ever hymn thee with love and
0 Virgin, we truly call thee the golden cen­ faith, 0 most hymned Virgin.
ser, the jar ofthe Manna, the divine mountain,
the all-comely palace. ODE VI
As thou art the temple and sacred dwelling­ Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin,
place oftheWord, 0 Theotokos, be thou ever for I call upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy
me the cleansing away of transgressions, 0 all­ loving-kindness: Lead me up from corruption,
holy Virgin. 0 God!
Glory ... : Neither the tongue of mortal man He Who made all things by His will, having
nor the mind of the incorporeal beings can willingly made His abode within the womb of
describe thy birthgiving; for in manner tran­ her who knew not wedlock, hath enriched with
scending nature and understanding, 0 Theoto­ incorruption those afflicted by corruption, in
kos, thou gavest birth to the Creator. that He is full of loving-kindness.
Now & ever ... : 0 Virgin Theotokos, be thou Thou art more exalted and holy than the
the confirmation, refuge and protection ofthose hosts on high, 0 most immaculate one, having
who have recourse to thee with faith and con­ supernaturally contained the infinite Word
fess thee to be the Mother of God. within thy womb.
Glory ... : 0 Mistress, to the paths of repen­
ODE IV tance guide me who am lost on the path of life
Irmos: I have heard, 0 Lord, of Thy glorious and have often wandered into sins as into track­
dispensation, and I have glorified Thine unap­ less wastes.
proachable power, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. Now & ever ... : Disdain not the entreaties of
Thee have we Christians acquired as our thy servants who set their hope on thee, 0 pure
great help, 0 Theotokos. Rescue us from cruel one, for thou art the refuge and cleansing of our
misfortunes. souls, 0 Mistress.

- 141­

Then, "Lord, have mercy!': thrice. Glory ... , Now Having given birth to Christ our God the
& ever.·· Author of life, 0 pure and blessed Virgin Mis­
Sessional hymn, in Tone II- tress, thou alone hast raised up those slain and
Thou didst conceive the Word without seed cast down into the dust of death and corruption.
and gavest birth to the one Christ; for thou didst Glory.··: 0 pure Mistress, deliver me from
bear a new Child, thy Creator. Wherefore, we everlasting fire and condemnation, and rescue
magnify thee, 0 Theotokos. me from corrupt men who seek to trip my heels,
that I may ever bless thee whom all creation
calleth blessed in manner divine.
Now & ever ... : Through thee, 0 pure Virgin,
Irmos: When the golden image was wor­
did the All-divine One become visible in the
shipped on the plain of Dura, Thy three youths
likeness of the flesh. Him do thou unceasingly
spurned the ungodly command, and, cast into
beseech, that He have mercy upon us who live
the midst of the fire, bedewed, they sang:
Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers! in evil and tremble in the expectation of ever­
By the power of the all-holy Spirit thou lasting torment.
gavest flesh to the noetic Son Who is of the same
nature as the Father, 0 Mistress full of the grace ODE IX
of God. Wherefore, unceasingly entreat Him Irmos: 0 ye faithful, with hymns let us
that He have pity upon those who chant: Blessed magnify in oneness of mind the Word of God
art thou who gavest birth to God in the flesh! Who from God came in His ineffable wisdom t~
0 pure Virgin who knewest not wedlock, 0 renew Adam who had grievously fallen into
holy and blessed one, thou setting aright of the corruption, and Who became ineffably incar­
fallen and deliverance of sinners: Save me, 0 nate of the holy Virgin for our sake.
save me, prodigal though I am, for I cry out to Vouchsafe unto me God's love for man 0
thy Son: Blessed art thou who gavest birth to Maiden who alone ineffably gavest birth to God
Who loveth mankind, Who borrowed flesh from
God in the flesh!
thee, and deliver me from the coming flame and
Glory ... : As thou art a sure haven an
awesome Intercessor, an impregnable bulwark
' all torment, for I glorify thee with love.
Having acquired thee as a mighty helper,
for those who languish in want and are
our hope and bulwark, our foundation and
temp~st-~ossed in grief, 0 Theotokos, by thy
steadfast protection, an invincible confirma­
supplications to thy Son save thy servants from
tion, a harbor unbeset by storms and a refuge of
multifarious temptations.
strength, 0 all-hymned one, we are all saved.
Now & ever ... : 0 Theotokos who art the sole
Glory ... : 0 all-hymned Virgin, Mother of
hope and help ofthe faithful, haste thou to help
the Light, drive away the clouds from my soul,
thy servants who are overwhelmed by sorrows,
and grant that I may gaze in purity upon the
who are thus at a loss amid their pain, and flee
saving beauty which shone forth ineffably from
to thee with love of soul.
thine all-holy womb to enlighten the nations.
Now & ever ... : 0 Virgin Maiden Who gavest
ODE VIII birth to the divine Light, illumine my heart
Irmos: God, Who descended into the fiery which hath been darkened by many passion~
furnace for the Hebrew children and trans­ and the assaults of alien thoughts, ever
formed the flame into dew, hymn ye as Lord, 0 granting me tear-drops which cleanse away the
ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages! defilements of sin.
. As thou gavest birth to the Wellspring of
hfe, the Water of life, 0 Virgin Theotokos, Then, "It is truly meet ... ': and a prostration.
bedew my soul, which is being laid waste by the Trisagion through Our Father. And the rest as
flame of sin, that I may glorify thee for all ages. usual. Dismissal.


After the first chanting of the Psalter, these N ekrosimon: Remember the souls of Thy
sessional hymns of the martyrs, in Tone //­ servants, 0 Lord, in that Thou art good, and
Having as their vesture Thee Who dost insofar as they have sinned in this life, forgive
clothe the sky with clouds, in the world the them; for no-one is sinless save Thee, Who alone
saints endured torments at the hands of the art able to give rest to those who have reposed.
iniquitous, and set at naught the falsehood of
the idols. By their supplications, 0 Savior, free Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
us from the invisible foe, and save us. 0 Mary, Virgin Theotokos, who gavest birth
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the to Christ, the Deliverer and Savior, with the
God of Israel. apostles, martyr and prophets, the venerable
0 ye apostles, martyrs and prophets, ye and the hieromartyrs, entreat His goodness,
venerable and righteous, who ran the race well that He grant us cleansing of sins and great
and kept the Faith: As ye have boldness before mercy
the Savior, entreat Him in our behalf, in that He
is good, we pray, that our souls may be saved. ODE I
Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast Canon of the holy martyrs, hierarchs, the
chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord. venerable & the departed, the acrostic whereof
Spec. Mel.: "As the well-spring of loving­ is "I bear praise unto the close servants of
kindness ... ": 0 Bestower of life, Who as God God': the composition of Joseph, in Tone 11­
hast dominion and authority over all the living Irmos: Taking up the hymn ofMoses, cry aloud,
and the dead: Accept the entreaty of Thy ser­ 0 my soul: My Helper and Protector hath He
vants; show forth Thy mercy, 0 Thou Who been for my salvationl He is my God, and I shall
lovest mankind, and in Thy loving-kindness glorify Him!
grant remission unto the souls whom Thou hast Cruel banishments and grievous wounds
taken to Thyselfbecause of their hope in Thee, did ye patiently endure, 0 athletes, and by
in that Thou art good. divine power ye drove all deception from the
ends of the earth.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
The ministers and holy hierarchs of God,
All of thy most glorious mysteries are be­
manifestly shining with noetic light, guided the
yond comprehension, 0 Theotokos; for, thy pu­
fullness of all the pious to the light of piety.
rity sealed and thy virginity intact, thou art
Humbling the prideful mind, 0 venerable
known to be a true Mother, having given birth
ones, ye passed over to the good land; and
unto God. Him do thou entreat, that our souls
having been exalted by your godly ideals, ye
be saved.
ever help all the lowly.
Nekrosimon: Thy faithful servants whom
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
Thou hast transported from transitory things,
sessional hymns, in Tone II­
0 our ali-good God, do Thou show forth as
0 Christ God Who, in that Thou art good,
sharers in the most radiant light and everlast­
hast made Thy saints to shine with greater
ing gladness, in that Thou art God.
1uster than gold and hast glorified Thy holy
Theotokion: The honored women, who
ones, entreated by them grant peace to our
struggled mightily in asceticism, cast down the
lives, in that Thou lovest mankind, and set their
enemy by their patience; and, rejoicing, they
supplication before Thee like incense, 0 Thou
stand before thee, 0 Theotokos.
Who alone restest in the saints.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Another canon, of the departed, we chant
God of Israel. when there is no Menaion, the acrostic
0 passion-bearers ofthe Lord, blessed is the whereof is "I weave a second hymn for the
ground which drank your blood, and holy the dead': in Tone 11­
temples which have received your bodies; for ye Irmos: Let us chant unto the Lord Who by His
rebuked the enemy at your tribunals, and divine command dried up the impassable and
preached Christ with boldness. Entreat Him, turbulent sea, and guided the people of Israel
in that He is good, we pray, that our souls may across it on foot, for gloriously hath He been
be saved. glorified!
Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord. God of Israel.
- 143­

Trampling down death by Thy death, Thou Be Thou well-pleased that those who have
didst pour forth the eternity oflife divine, which fallen asleep in the Faith may with Thy martyrs
do Thou bestow upon the souls of the departed, be illumined by the splendor of Thy beauty, 0
0 Good One, at the entreaties of Thy martyrs, Thou Who art rich in mercy, for Thou art our
granting them remission of transgressions. God, and there is none righteous save Thee, 0
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of Lord.
Thy departed servants. Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
0 Christ, Who ever pourest forth rich Thy departed servants.
mercy, in that Thou art full of loving-kindness In that Thou art compassionate, vouchsafe
grant a place of ease in Thy dwelling-place, in that Thy servants may dwell in a place of
Thy wondrous tabernacle, unto Thy servants coolness, in the bosom of Abraham Thy chosen
who ever piously accept Thee. one, for They cry out to Thee: Thou art our God,
Glory ... : Thou wast stronger than death, 0 and none is righteous save Thee, 0 Lord.
Christ; wherefore, binding it, Thou didst de­ Glory: Thy lamp-bearing servants, who by
liver us, and hast now, as God, delivered the Thy will Thou didst translate from among fleet­
departed from its prison. Grant that they may ing things, 0 Master Who alone lovest man­
share in Thine effulgence. kind, do Thou cause to dwell in the bridal­
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Making my chamber of heaven, entering therein with the
wavering mind steadfast, 0 Mother of God, wise virgins.
strengthen me with the divine precepts of Now & ever ... : Theotokion: In giving birth to
Him Who was born of thy sanctified womb the Bestower oflife, thou didst raise me up, who
and hath abolished the dark kingdom of was slain and given back to the earth; and from
hades, 0 Mistress. the uttermost depths of hades thou didst lead
me forth, who glorify thee, the Theotokos, with
faith and honor thee, the most hymned one, 0
Canon ofAll Saints
all-pure one.
Irmos: By Thy compassion show forth my bar­
ren mind to be fruitful, 0 God, Thou Husband­
man of good things and Planter of blessings.
Canon ofAll Saints
Aflame with the fire of the love of Christ,
Irmos: Foreseeing thy nativity from the Virgin,
0 passion-bearers, ye quenched the burning
the prophet lifted his voice in proclamation,
of torments with the dew of the all-accom­
crying: I heard report of Thee, and I was afraid,
plishing Spirit.
0 Christ, for Thou hast come from Threman,
0 most holy hierarchs of Christ, and ye
from the holy mountain which 1s
honored assemblies of the venerable, in behalf
of us all entreat God Who loveth mankind.
The right glorious passion-bearers, who
The most sacred choir ofthe divine prophets
emulated well the sufferings of Christ, rejoiced
was magnified, and the multitude ofthe women
when they were racked by many tortures, look­
who suffered manfully hath received glory.
ing forward to their heavenly rewards; and
N ekrosimon: Dying on the Cross, 0 Christ,
having received them, they are ever called
Thou didst grant immortality unto the dead.
Grant that they who have departed unto Thee
Keeping the laws of the Spirit, 0 ye pri­
in faith may also receive it.
mates of the Churches, like most excellent pi­
Theotokion: With all the prophets and the
lots ye all-wisely guided the people into the
sacred women do thou now earnestly entreat
divine harbor; and having turned away from
Him Who was born of thee, 0 Virgin, that He
the tumults of life, ye have passed over to the
have pity on us.
tranquillity of Life.
Canon of the Departed Ye showed yourselves to be sojourners on
Irmos: Establishing me upon the rock of faith, the earth, 0 fathers, turning your life unto
Thou hast enlarged my mouth against mine heaven with pious mind, and taming the pas­
enemies, for my spirit doth exult when I chant: sions ofthe flesh with the pangs ofasceticism by
There is none holy as our God, and none righ­ the power of Christ.
teous save Thee, 0 Lord! The honorable women, desiring a godly
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the death, and truly asking thee to pray for endless
God of Israel.

life, 0 all-pure Mistress, have through thee Loving Thee, 0 Compassionate One, the val­
been vouchsafed it; and they pray to thy Son iant passion-bearers, subjected to tortures,
and God in our behalf. spurned all earthly things by rejecting the flesh.
Nekrosimon: Vouchsafe life everlasting, 0 0 holy hierarchs, prophets, and ye God­
Master, unto the great multitude of those who bearing venerable ones, ye enlighten the world
worshipped Thee in the Orthodox Faith, and with the rays of the Spirit, dispelling the dark­
whom Thou hast taken away from this transi­ ness of the passions.
tory life, reckoning them among the multitude The venerable fathers, prophets and hier­
of the saved. archs, and the ever-glorious women earnestly
Theotokion: The Prophet Habbakuk saw pray to Thee, the Master of all, in our behalf.
thee as the mountain overshadowed by the Nekrosimon: We beseech Thee, 0 Word:
virtues, whence God ineffably appeared, Who Enrolling those Thou hast taken from among us
covered the heavens with virtue and saved the in the choir of Thine elect, show them to be
human race from corruption, 0 Theotokos. sharers in the higher life.
Theotokion: 0 all-pure Virgin Mother, thou
Canon of the Departed
boast of the martyrs, the venerable and the
Irmos: I hymn Thee, 0 Lord, for I heard report
righteous, free us from all the tyranny of the
ofThee, and I was afraid; for Thou comest to me,
evil one.
seeking me who have strayed. Wherefore, I
glorify Thy great condescension toward me, 0 Canon of the Departed
greatly Merciful One. Irmos: 0 Lord, Bestower of light and Creator of
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the the ages: guide us in the light of Thy command­
God of Israel. ments, for we know none other God than Thee.
In Thy great love for mankind, and at the Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
entreaties of the chosen martyrs, 0 Christ, God of Israel.
vouchsafe Thy glory, which is past understand­ From the dark chambers of hades Thou
ing, unto Thy servants, who live by hope, love didst lead forth and rescue us who had been
and an Orthodox understanding. given over to death and corruption, 0 Good One,
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of enrolling us in the armies of the holy angels.
Thy departed servants. Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
In that Thou art possessed of an ever­ Thy departed servants.
flowing torrent of sweetness, 0 Lord, ever give As Thou didst come to save us with Lazarus,
drink unto the elect; and in Thine ineffable 0 Christ, in the bosom of Abraham, receive now
loving-kindness, 0 Christ, with them Thou dost those who have passed over to Thee in piety, in
feed by the rivers of remission those who have that Thou art good.
now departed unto Thee. Glory ... : Thou didst first bring an end to my
Glory ... : Thou art Lord of the living and long and lengthy battle for Thee, the Mediator
hast dominion over the dead, 0 Master, and by and Advocate of reconciliation, 0 Master. In
Thy power Thou dost raise up the dust in the Thy pity grant rest now to Thy servants.
earth; wherefore, those who have passed over to Now & ever ... : Theotokion: They who trust
Thee, 0 Savior, do Thou cause to dwell in Thy in thee find safety beneath thy protection, 0
courts. Mother ofGod; for thou gavest birth for us to the
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thou didst Bestower of life, Who by His will imparteth life
mend the broken state of Eve and annul the unto us.
ancient curse; for thou gavest birth to the Cre­
ator, Who is able to set us aright who have been ODE VI
cast down by transgressions, 0 Theotokos, only Canon ofAll Saints
Mother of God. Irmos: Stuck fast am I in the abyss of sin, 0
Savior, and tempest-tossed on the deep of life;
0DEV yet lead me up from the passions and save me,
Canon ofAll Saints as Thou didst Jonah from the sea monster.
Irmos: Dispelling the darkness ofmy soul, 0 my Arrayed in strength of heart against the
Savior, with the light of the commandments enemy, the athletes cast him down and have
illumine me, in that Thou alone art the King of received crowns of victory from God; and they
peace. now pray earnestly in behalf of all mortals.

Saved from all wrath, tribulation and the 0 radiant hierarchs, ye venerable and righ­
assault of the enemy by their entreaties, with teous, 0 right glorious multitude of hiero­
faith let us honor the holy hierarchs of God and martyrs, and sacred company of holy women
bless His venerable ones. who shone forth in suffering and asceticism:
The godly choir of women suffered, and Ever make entreaty unto God, that He have
pleased God in fasting, and hath received the mercy on us.
heavenly kingdom. At their supplications have The multitude of the martyrs entreateth
pity on Thy world, 0 God. Thee, 0 Christ our Benefactor. From all woes,
Nekrosimon: 0 Christ, Bestower of life, tribulations, grievous perils, all transgres­
Who fashioned man out of earth, give rest unto sions, and from harm, do Thou save me who am
those whom Thou hast taken from us, granting perishing, 0 Word.
them remission of evils, in that Thou art full of Nekrosimon: Where the light of Thy counte­
loving-kindness and lovest mankind. nance shineth, 0 Christ, whence all sickness,
Theotokion: 0 holy Theotokos, sanctify our sighing and grief are fled, and where the assem­
thoughts, strengthen our mind, and preserve blies of the saints now join chorus, do Thou
unharmed by the arrows of the enemy us who number the souls of all who have departed unto
glorify thy mighty works, 0 most hymned one. Thee, overlooking all their transgressions, in that
Thou alone art merciful, 0 Thou lovest mankind.
Canon of the Departed
Theotokion: With the martyrs and the vener­
Irmos: Whirled about in the abyss of sin, I call
able fathers, with all the prophets and holy
upon the unfathomable abyss of Thy loving­
women, 0 all-pure one, entreat Him Who alone
kindness: Lead me up from corruption, 0 God!
resteth in the saints, that He sanctify all of us who
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
forever glorify thee with holy voices, 0 pure one.
God of Israel.
Unto those whom Thou hast taken from the Canon of the Departed
earth by Thine all-accomplishing will, 0 Thou Irmos: The command of the iniquitous tyrant,
Who lovest mankind, do Thou vouchsafe inef­ opposed to God, raised up a lofty flame; but
fable and divine radiance where the choirs of Christ, Who is blessed and all-glorious, spread
the martyrs are. a spiritual dew upon the pious youths.
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Thy departed servants. God of Israel.
The foregoing is repeated. 0 Lord Who art everywhere present, Thou
Glory ... : 0 Master, vouchsafe that those didst come down to save the human race, which
who have departed this life, and have passed was led astray of old; wherefore, the martyrs
over to Thine ineffable light, may be illumined entreat Thee: Unto those whom Thou hast
with the beauty of Thy glory. translated from the earth, 0 Savior, grant rest
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thou didst show in the land of the meek.
thyselfto be the deliverer ofthose who call upon Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
thee, 0 all-pure Mistress who gavest birth to Thy departed servants.
God, Who hath dominion over life and death. Only Thou art free among the dead, 0
Christ, and Thou didst shake off the mortality
ODEVII of death. Deliver Thy servants now from the
Canon ofAll Saints mortality of sin, 0 Master, showing them to be
Irmos: Emulating the cherubim, the youths heirs of Thy kingdom.
danced in the midst of the furnace, crying: Glory ... : In Thy great and ineffable loving­
Blessed art Thou, 0 God, for in truth and kindness and the unfathomable depths of Thy
judgment Thou hast brought all these things love for mankind, 0 Christ, grant remission of
upon us because of our sins! All-hymned and transgressions unto the departed, and show
all-glorious art Thou for all ages! them to be cleansed by Thy grace.
The saints cast down the enemy by their Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thou wast a
patience, enduring every temptation of cruel lamp of divine glory, 0 Virgin, for through the
tortures, for they truly loved God Who suffered Spirit thou didst bear Effulgence: Him Who
for our sins. At their supplications, 0 Word, appeared to us in the flesh and with the radi­
from perils and misfortunes save all of us who ance of His divinity destroyed the gloom of
glorify Thee. hades, 0 divinely joyous one.

ODE VIII immortality, and everlasting joy, which Thou

Canon ofAll Saints dost vouchsafe unto those who have now fallen
Irmos: Hymn and bless Him Who, on Mount asleep, in that Thou art merciful.
Sinai ofold, prefigured the miracle ofthe Virgin Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Great and awe­
in the bush for Moses, and exalt Him supremely some is the mystery of thy birthgiving, 0
for all ages! Mother of God, for thou gavest birth unto God
The streams of your blood sanctified all Whom death could not abide and the grave did
creation and manifestly dried up the effluvia not corrupt; wherefore, all of us, the nations of
of deception, 0 passion-bearers of the Lord; the earth, glorify thee, 0 all-pure one.
and they give drink in abundance to the souls
of the faithful. We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
With the assembly of holy hierarchs and Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
women, and the glorious prophets, the choir of than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
ascetics hath appeared, which is equal to that of
the angels; for on earth they lived the life of the ODE IX
angels through the Spirit. Canon ofAll Saints
0 passion-bearers of the Lord, ye primates Irmos: 0 ye faithful, in unceasing hymnody let
and prophets, ye multitude of the venerable, us magnify her who supernaturally conceived
and holy women: From the arrows ofthe enemy in the flesh of her womb the Word Who shone
deliver all of us who praise you. forth from the Father before time began.
Nekrosimon: Those whom Thou hast taken Shown to be mighty against the passions
from us, 0 Savior, do Thou cause to dwell in the and powerful against the enemy, 0 passion­
bosom of Abraham, and give them rest with all bearers, having contended lawfully ye took the
the elect, granting remission of their sins unto prize and were crowned by God.
all, in that Thou art most compassionate. As godly sacred ministers and emulators of
Theotokion: 0 pure Theotokos, with all the the good Shepherd, 0 divinely glorious pri­
holy prophets and martyrs, with the venerable, mates, ye tended His sheep in holiness.
the hieromartyrs and the holy women, beseech With the venerable, the ascetics and the
the Savior to have pity on us. sacred prophets let us honor the multitude of
women who suffered and cast down the enemy
Canon of the Departed
by fasting.
Irmos: Once, in Babylon, the fiery furnace
Nekrosimon: The all-glorious multitude of
divided its activity at the command of God,
Thy saints unceasingly entreateth Thee, 0
consuming the Chaldffians, but bedewing the
Lord: Show forth as sharers in everlasting life
faithful, who chant: Bless the Lord, all ye works
those in the Faith, whom Thou hast brought
of the Lord!
over to Thyself, 0 Christ.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Theotokion: 0 pure Virgin Mother, who
God of Israel. n-•::n:rac:d· "h~-ri-h in i-"ha .flach i-n. i-"ha r>
E)Ll. U.L~
V Vt..:JU LJ.L.L~

By Thy condescension Thou didst show us

loving God, with all the saints ever entreat
the death of our enemies, in that Thou art
Him, that He save us from misfortunes.
immortal; and by Thy divine power thou didst
reveal to us entry into life, which Thy martyrs Canon of the Departed
have now received as is meet, 0 Immortal One. Irmos: Thee do we magnify, 0 blessed and most
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of pure Theotokos, who through thy virginal
Thy departed servants. womb ineffably didst make God incarnate, the
Vouchsafe that the departed may delight in Luminary Who shone forth before the sun and
Thy noetic beauty, cleansing them ofthe shame hath come to us in the flesh.
of ignominious sin, in that Thou lovest man­ Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
kind; for Thou alone wast revealed as foreign to God of Israel.
sin, 0 Master. 0 Ruler Who hast authority over the living
Glory ... : Nekrosimon: Thou hast set aright and the dead: Unto those who have passed over
us who had fallen into the dust of death, 0 to Thee from life do Thou grant the inheritance
Christ, by Thy death granting life, the food of of heaven and the splendor of the saints and
Thine all-glorious passion-bearers, 0 Master.


Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of glorify the Mother of the Light, for she gave
Thy departed servants. birth to our salvation; and let us cry out "Re­
0 Word, Who of old bestowed upon me most joice!" to her who alone gave birth to the chief
essential life, and now givest it well to me again: Cause of all: God Who is before time. Rejoice,
In that Thou art merciful, cause Thy departed thou who hast restored Eve who gave birth!
servants to dwell in the longed-for bosom of Rejoice, all-pure Virgin, who knewest not
Abraham our ancestor. wedlock!
Glory ... : 0 my Savior, Thou art wholly most
splendid delight, Thou art wholly desire which Aposticha stichera of the departed, in Tone II:
cannot be satisfied! Give the torrents of Thy Spec. Mel.: "When from the Tree ... "-­
sustenance and the water ofremission as drink By Thy life-bearing death Thou didst stem
to those who have fallen asleep, and who un­ the onslaught of death and corruption, 0 Mas­
ceasingly glorify Thee. ter; Thou hast poured forth life everlasting
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: We, the faithful, upon all and given resurrection unto mortals
now bless thee as is meet, 0 Theotokos, follow­ who have died. Wherefore, we pray to Thee, 0
ing thy divinely inspired words; for unto mor­ Savior: Grant rest unto those who have de­
tals thou alone gavest birth to God, Who de­ parted unto Thee with faith, and vouchsafe
stroyed the power of death, 0 Virgin Mother. them Thine incorruptible glory, 0 Thou Who
lovest mankind.
Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a Stichos: Blessed are those whom Thou hast
prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord.
usual psalms. That Thou mightest enable men to share in
Thy divine kingdom, 0 Christ, Thou didst en­
On the Praises, these stichera ofthe martyrs, in dure crucifixion, and didst willingly accept
Toneii­ death. Wherefore, in Thy loving-kindness show
y e suffered for Christ even unto death, 0 forth as sharers in Thy kingdom those who with
passion-bearers and martyrs. And though your faith have passed over to Thee; and vouchsafe
souls are in the heavens, in the hand of God, Thy sweet beauty unto them.
your relics are venerated throughout the whole Stichos: Their souls shall dwell amid good
world. Priests and all the people bow down things.
before them, and we cry out, rejoicing: Precious Desiring to save Thy creation, rejoicing
in the sight ofthe Lord is the death ofHis saints. Thou didst work the truly awesome mystery of
Every city and land honoreth your relics, 0 Thy dispensation, in that Thou art all-goad; and
passion-bearers and martyrs; for, having suf­ with Thy precious blood as a ransom Thou didst
fered lawfully, ye have received heavenly redeem the whole world. Wherefore, we pray:
crowns: wherefore, ye are the boast ofhierarchs Vouchsafe deliverance with all the saints unto
and the majesty of the Churches. those who have passed on to Thee with faith.
0 holy martyrs, taking up the Cross of Stichos: Their memory shall be unto gen­
Christ as an ensign of victory, ye set at naught eration and generation.
all the power of the devil; and receiving heav­ Standing before Thy dread, terrible and
enly crowns, ye are become bulwarks for us, awesome throne, 0 Christ, those who have died
praying to the Lord in our behalf. from the beginning of time will await Thy just
Nekrosimon: Woe is me! What manner of sentence and receive divine justice. Then, unto
struggle will the soul have when it is parted Thy servants who have passed on to Thee in
from the body! Alas! How many tears will it faith, 0 Savior, grant rest where the choirs of
then shed? But there will be none to have mercy the saints are, and the joy is ineffable.
on it! Raising its eyes unto the angels, it will
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
pray in vain; stretching forth its hands to men,
When my soul must needs sever its fleshly
it will find none to help. Wherefore, my beloved,
bond and depart this life, then stand before me,
mindful that our life is short, let us ask ofChrist
0 Mistress. Set at naught the counsels of the
rest for the departed, and great mercy for our
incorporeal foe, and crush the jaws ofthose who
seek to slaughter me without pity, that, unhin­
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- dered, I may elude the myriad princes of dark­
Come, and with unceasing hymns let us all ness who inhabit the air, 0 Bride of God.
Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion through Our Father ...

Troparion. Litany. First Hour, and Dismissal.


On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone 11­ In that Thou lovest mankind, 0 Lord, we
W e offer Thee the cry of the thief, and we pray: Number among all Thy saints all Thy
pray: In Thy kingdom have mercy upon us, 0 servants who have departed in the Faith.
Savior! Glory ... : 0 transcendent Trinity, have pity
Having emulated the su~ferings of Christ, 0 on those who worship Thee, ever delivering
martyrs, ye ever heal the divers sufferings of them all from the deceit and wiles ofthe enemy.
men. Now & ever ... : Disdain not the entreaties of
The apostles, prophets and righteous teach­ Thy servants, 0 most immaculate one, saving
ers were well-pleasing to the Creator of all. us from all misfortunes and tribulations.


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