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On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 4 stichera, the compo­ Then, "0 gladsome Light... ". The Prokimenon,
sition ofour venerable father John ofDamascus, "The Lord is king... ': with its stichoi. And after
in Tone VI- "Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... ", the priest doth not in­
Stichos: From the morning watch until tone the litanies, but we chant the first sticheron
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in of the resurrectional aposticha-
the Lord. The angels hymn Thy resurrection in the
Gaining victory over hades, Thou didst as­ heavens, 0 Christ our Savior; and do Thou
cend the Cross, that Thou mightest raise up vouchsafe that we on earth may glorify Thee
with Thyself those who sit in the darkness of with a pure heart.
death, 0 Christ Who art free among the dead. 0
And these other stichera, of the Theotokos, in
almighty Savior, Who pourest forth life from
Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "Having placed all their
Thy light, have mercy on us!
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
Stichos: I shall commemorate thy name in
and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He
every generation and generation.
shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
As our timeless God of old promised with an
The foregoing sticheron is repeated.
oath to thy forefather Adam, so did He act in
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
latter times, 0 all-pure one, issuing forth from
praise Him, all ye peoples.
thy divine womb; for the Lord Who holdeth all
Today hath Christ risen as He said, having
the ends of the earth in His hand truly shone
trampled down death; and He hath granted joy
forth from thee. Him do thou render well­
to the world, that all of us, crying out, may thus
disposed toward me at the hour ofjudgment, 0
utter a hymn: 0 almighty Savior, Well-spring of
Virgin Mary, that I may obtain His kingdom
life, unapproachable Light, have mercy on us!
through the uplifting of the virtues and the
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
mortification of the passions.
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
Stichos: Hearken, 0 daughter, and see, and
eth forever.
incline thine ear.
Whither can we sinners escape from Thee
From afar off, with purity of mind, Isaiah
Who art over all creation, 0 Lord? Thou
foretold thee who wouldst give birth to the
dwellest Thyself in heaven. In hades Thou
Maker of all creation, 0 honored and all-pure
didst trample down death. In the depths of the
Virgin; for thou alone hast been shown to be
sea, there is Thy hand, 0 Master. To Thee do we
forever most immaculate. Wherefore, I pray
flee, and falling down before Thee, we pray:
thee: Cleanse thou my defiled soul, and show
0 Thou Who art risen from the dead, have
me to have a share in the divine effulgence and
mercy on us!
a place at the right hand ofthy divine Son when,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion- as it is written, He will sit to judge the whole
Meet it is in truth to bless thee, the Theoto­ world.
kos. For the Creator of all, entering into thine Stichos: The rich among the people shall
all-pure womb, became flesh, without changing entreat thy countenance.
in nature or merely appearing to have taken on The destruction of death hath been made
His dispensation of incarnation, but having manifest through thy birthgiving, for thou, 0
united Himselfhypostatically and rationally to Maiden, art the abode of Life incorruptible.
flesh with a soul, which He received of thee. Wherefore, I entreat thee: To gladness and life
Hence, we piously distinguish between both do thou raise me up who lie amid the hellish
revealed natures. Him do thou entreat, 0 all­ tomb of my passions, 0 Virgin; guide me to the
pure and honored one, that He send down upon blessed reward, and count me worthy of the
us peace and great mercy. divine joy which perisheth not, where delight is
everlasting and light is never-waning.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... :Dogmatic theotokion, in proceedeth from two different natures, being
the same tone- known in twoperfectnaturesindivisibly, and in
Come, all ye nations, and with a cry of both substances as to will and energy. Christ
rejoicing let us praise the all-holy Virgin and our God hath Himself given surety of the truth
Theotokos, the crucible of human nature, the of the dispensation of salvation, granting the
workshop of ineffable miracles; for new things world cleansing, peace and great mercy.
have come to pass through her: the Unoriginate
taketh on a beginning, the Word receiveth sub­ Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... ':
stance, God becometh man, that He might Trisagion, through Our Father ... , the resurrec­
make man divine, not by altering nature, but tional troparion, Glory ... , Now & ever ... , its
through enhypostatic union. For He alone theotokion. Little litany, and dismissal.


After the Introductory Psalm, the usual chant­ In Thy Cross do we boast, Christ, and we
ing from the Psalter. hymn and glorify Thy resurrection; for Thou art
our God, and we know none other than Thee.
On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 10 stichera. If the Stichos: IfThou shouldst mark iniquities, 0
Menaion hath a doxasticon, it is chanted on Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee
Glory.... If there is no doxasticon, we chant there is forgiveness.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... , the dogmaticon of the Continuously blessing the Lord, we hymn
tone. His resurrection; for, having endured the
Cross, He destroyed death by death.
The Resurrectional Stichera, in Tone VI­ Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
Stichos: Bring my soul out of prison, that I tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord, my soul hath
may confess Thy name. waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
Gaining victory over hades, Thou didst as­ hoped in the Lord.
cend the Cross, that Thou mightest raise up Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord; for Thou didst
with Thyself those who sit in the darkness of set at naught him who hath the might of death.
death, 0 Christ Who art free among the dead. By Thy Cross hast Thou renewed us, granting
0 almighty Savior, Who pourest forth life from us life and incorruption.
Thy light, have mercy on us! Stichos: From the morning watch until
Stichos: The righteous shall wait patiently night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
for me until Thou shalt reward me. the Lord.
Today hath Christ risen as He said, having Thy burial, 0 Lord, breaking the bonds of
trampled down death; and He hath granted joy hades, hath rent them asunder. By Thy rising
to the world, that all of us, crying out, may thus from the dead Thou hast enlightened the world.
utter a hymn: 0 almighty Savior, Well-spring of 0 Lord, glory be to Thee!
life, unapproachable Light, have mercy on us!
Stichos: Out ofthe depths have I cried unto And these stichera ofthe all-holy Theotokos, the
Thee, 0 Lord; 0 Lord, hear my voice. composition of Paul of Amorium, which are
Whither can we sinners escape from Thee chanted when there is no Menaion, or at Litia.
Who art over all creation, 0 Lord? Thou In Tone III-
dwellest Thyself in heaven. In hades Thou Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy,
didst trample down death. In the depths of the and with Him is plenteous redemption; and He
sea there is Thy hand, 0 Master. To Thee do we shall redeem Israel out of all his iniquities.
flee, and falling down before Thee, we pray: Beholding the infirmity of my body, the
0 Thou Who art risen from the dead, have suffering of my soul, and the affliction of my
mercy on us! heart, do thou vouchsafe me divine visitation, 0
Stichos: Let Thine ears be attentive to the most immaculate Virgin. Save me, I pray thee,
voice of my supplication. by thy fervent supplications.

Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; The angels hymn Thy resurrection in the
praise Him all ye peoples. heavens, 0 Christ our Savior; and do Thou
0 Mistress, I have surpassed all in mine vouchsafe that we on earth may glorify Thee
offenses. But having cleansed away the multi­ with a pure heart.
tude thereof, vouchsafe me to obtain mercy at Stichos: The Lord is King, He is clothed
the judgment of thy Son and God, which is to with majesty.
come, 0 pure Virgin. Having broken down the gates ofbronze and
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to shattered the gates of hades, as God almighty
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­ Thou didst raise up the fallen human race.
eth forever. Wherefore, we cry out together: 0 Lord Who art
Of the multitude of mine offenses do thou risen from the dead, glory be to Thee!
cleanse me who cry out, 0 pure one, and with Stichos: For He established the world
the sword of prayer cut down the confused which shall not be shaken.
movement of my senses, that with faith and Desiring to lift us up from our ancient cor­
love I may hymn thy seedless birthgiving. ruption, Christ was nailed to the Cross and laid
in the tomb; and with tears the myrrh-bearing
Glory ... : from the Menaion.
women sought Him, and weeping they said:
Now & ever ... : The dogmatic theotokion- "Alas, 0 Savior of all! How is it that Thou hast
Who doth not call thee blessed, 0 all-holy willed to make Thine abode in a tomb? And
Virgin? Who will not hymn thine all-pure having desired to dwell there, how is it that
birthgiving? For the only-begotten Son Who Thou hast been stolen away? How hast Thou
shone forth timelessly from the Father, came been moved? What place concealeth Thy life­
forth, ineffably incarnate, from thee, the pure bearing body? Yet, as Thou hast promised,
one; and being God by nature, He became man reveal Thyselfto us, 0 Master, and take from us
by nature for our sake, not divided into two the lamentation of tears!" And as they were
Persons, but known in two natures without weeping, an angel cried out to them: "Cease
confusion. Him do thou beseech, 0 pure and your weeping! Tell the apostles that the Lord is
most blessed one, that our souls find mercy! risen, granting purification and great mercy to
the world!"
Entrance. "0 gladsome Light... " And after the Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0
Entrance, the appointed server, having made Lord, unto length of days.
the usual bow to the superior, chanteth the daily 0 Christ, Who wast crucified as Thou didst
prokimenon, in Tone VI- desire, and madest death captive by Thy burial,
The Lord is King, He is clothed with Thou didst rise on the third day as God in glory,
majesty. granting the world never-ending life and great
Stichos: The Lord is clothed with strength mercy.
and He hath girt Himself.
Stichos: For He established the world Glory ... , from the Menaion, ifthere is a doxasti­
which shall not be shaken. con provided. If not, Glory ... , Now & ever ... :
Stichos: Holiness becometh Thy house, 0 Theotokion-
Lord, unto length of days. Christ the Lord, my Creator and Deliverer,
Who came forth from thy womb, 0 all-pure one,
Then the usual litany. ''Vouchsafe, 0 Lord... " and robed Himselfin me, hath freed Adam from
The litany: "Let us complete our evening the primal curse. Wherefore, like the angel do
prayer... ", and the rest. And after the exclama­ we unceasingly cry out to thee, 0 most pure one,
tion, we chant the sticheron idiomelon of the who art truly the Mother of God and Virgin:
feast ofthe church, and performing Litia in the Rejoice! Rejoice, 0 Mistress, thou intercession,
narthex, we chant the stichera of Paul of protection and salvation for our souls!
Amorium, or whatever the superior desireth.
And after the usual prayers, we enter the Then, "Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ... "
church proper, chanting the aposticha Trisagion through Our Father.
stichera, in Tone VI-

Resurrectional troparion, in Tone VI- Theotokion:

Angelic powers were upon Thy tomb, and 0 Thou Who hast called Thy Mother
those who were on guard became as dead. And blessed, Thou didst go to Thy suffering with a
Mary stood in thy tomb, seeking Thine all-pure free will, and didst shine forth upon the Cross,
body. Thou didst make hades captive without desiring to seek out Adam. And Thou didst say
being tested thereby. And Thou didst greet the to the angels: Rejoice with Me, for I have found
Virgin, granting life. 0 Lord Who art risen from the lost coin! 0 our God Who hast ordered all
the dead, glory be to Thee! things in Thy wisdom, glory to Thee!
And the rest of the service followeth in order.


The priest saith: Blessed is our God ... , and we ODE III
respond: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Irmos: My mouth hath been enlarged over mine
Thee. 0 heavenly King... , Trisagion through enemies, for my heart hath been made stead­
Our Father. Lord, have mercy (12 times). fast in the Lord.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... 0 come, let us worship .. . In that thou gavest birth to Life, 0 Theoto­
(thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, OGod... ); kos, enliven my soul, which hath been slain by
Psalm 69 (0 God, be attentive unto helping transgressions.
me.. .);andPsalm142 (OLord, hear my prayer). From every temptation preserve those who
Then, Glory to God in the highest... , and the have recourse unto thee, 0 Theotokos, our hope.
Symbol ofFaith (I believe in one God .. .). Glory ... : Save me from those perils which
rise up bitterly against me, 0 all-immaculate
Canon of supplication
Mother of my Lord.
to the All-holy Theotokos, in Tone VI
Now & ever ... : 0 thou who by thy divine
ODE I birthgiving dost grant salvation to the world,
Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though deliver me from misfortunes.
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto ODE IV
God a hymn of victory! Irmos: The prophet heard of Thine advent, 0
In that thou art possessed of abundant Lord, and was afraid, for Thou didst desire to be
divine grace, 0 Mother who knewest not wed­ born of the Virgin and reveal Thyself to men;
lock, disdain not those who have recourse and he said: "I heard report of Thee and was
unto thee, ever saving them from misfortunes afraid." Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
and tribulations. The strength of my soul hath grown weak
Lo! the time of despair hath arrived for me. through poverty, 0 Theotokos, and the cruel
Arise, 0 all-pure Mistress, and extend unto me darkness which ariseth from transgressions
thy helping hand; for thou hast filled the world hath fallen upon me; but as thou art the light­
with divine gladness. bearing cloud of God, look down and illumine
Glory ... : As thou art our ally, 0 Theotokos, me, I pray.
quickly grant thy mighty protection unto me As thou art a calm haven, 0 most immacu­
who am beset by perils, and preserve me un­ late one, transform the storms of mine evil
harmed by them. deeds and the tumult ofmy transgressions into
Now & ever ... : Death rusheth headlong the tranquility of salvation, for, roaring like
upon my soul, and the temptations ofthose who lions, they seek to slay me. Deliver me from
hate me have surrounded me like adders, to destruction by them, I pray.
destroy me; but do thou save me, 0 Theotokos.


Glory ... : As thou art steadfast salvation Then, Lord, have mercy! Thrice. Glory ... , Now
and invincible protection day and night, on land & ever... Kontakion, in Tone VI­
and at sea, and in every place, 0 Theotokos, 0 unashamed intercession for Christians,
save me; for after God it is in thee that we sure mediation before the Creator: Disdain not
Christians truly place our trust. the cries of entreaty of Christians, but, in that
Now & ever ... : From great and divers trans­ thou art good, come thou to the aid of us who cry
gressions and dangers thou dost ever save me; out to thee with faith: Haste thou to supplica­
wherefore, I entreat thee who gavest birth to tion and speed thou to entreaty, 0 Theotokos,
the Lord, and I hasten to thee, the invincible aid ever interceding for those who honor thee.
of the sorrowful: By thy supplications lead me
up from misfortunes! ODE VII
Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour
0DEV forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­
Irmos: 0 Christ Who shineth Thy light upon mand of God, which consumed the Chaldooans,
the world, illumine the heart of me who cry to prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art
Thee out of the night, and save me. Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
Unafraid of the assaults of men, we glorify 0 all-holy Virgin, do thou thyself free my
thee, the shelter of salvation, 0 most immacu­ soul from the temptations which have now
late Mother of the Word. surrounded it like fat bulls.
Having thee as an insuperable rampart, Earnestly defending those in misfortune
0 all-pure one, we are delivered from the upris­ and grief, 0 Theotokos, ever grant them joy.
ings of temptations and grief. Glory ... : As thou art an indestructible shel­
Glory ... : Rescue me from the tongue of evil ter for all, 0 Virgin, protect me who am wholly
men, 0 pure one, for they have sharpened it like overcome by grief and despair for my deeds.
a razor, to wreak bitter destruction upon my Now & ever ... : By thine intercesf?ion are we
soul. delivered from misfortunes and sorrows, and
Now & ever ... : Earnestly do I fall down we find great riches which are inexhaustible.
before thee, praying: As thou art the Mother of
my Creator, free me from the misfortunes ODE VIII
which encompass me. Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth
dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­
ODE VI sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with
Irmos: Slain by the monster ofsin, I cry to Thee, water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
0 Christ: Free me from corruption, as Thou soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt su­
didst the prophet. premely for all ages!
Tasting bitterness, I have become a Consumed am I by the afflictions of men, 0
stranger to divine sweetness, 0 all-pure one; Theotokos, and I pray: Deliver me from their
wherefore, I cry unto thee: Grant me thy help. vain counsel.
The darkness of the passions hath made me I have been vanquished in griefby my temp­
the slave of corruption; wherefore, free me, 0 tations, 0 Mistress, and I pray: Preserve me
Mistress who gavest birth to the Light. unharmed by them.
Glory ... : With faith and concord do I confess Glory ... : 0 pure one, save me from the lying
thee, 0 all-pure one, and, delivered from sorrow man, from his tongue, mouth and tyranny, and
by thee, I offer thee sacrifice. from all want.
Now & ever ... : The mouths of the unjust Now & ever ... : Led astray is my character,
have been opened against me, 0 Mistress; and, as I have no response, I cry to the Theoto­
wherefore, as thou art my helper, free me kos: Deliver me from all evils.
quickly from them.



ODE IX Glory ... : By thine entreaties, 0 most

Irmos: 0 Virgin who received the angel's salu­ hymned one, do thou grant freedom unto me
tation and gavest birth to thine own Creator, who have mindlessly become a slave through all
save those who magnify thee. manner of evil falls.
Be thou merciful unto me amid the griefs of Now & ever ... : Having acquired thee as my
life, 0 Theotokos, and save me from misfor­ hope and steadfast help, 0 pure one, I bring this
tunes who now flee unto thee. hymn to an end with faith, magnifying thee as
Truly thou, alone upon the earth and the the Theotokos.
sea, hast been shown to be an indestructible
shelter for those who flee to thee with unwaver­ Then, "It is truly meet ... ", and the rest as usual.
ing soul. Dismissal.


The priest saith: "Blessed is our God ... ': and we Now & ever ... : Theotokion: The noetic Sun
say: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to issued forth from thy womb, 0 Theotokos, and
Thee. 0 heavenly King... Trisagion through hath illumined us with the rays of the thrice­
Our Father... Priest: For Thine is the king­ radiant Godhead; and hymning Him, we
dom ... And we say: Amen. Lord, have mercy (12 piously call thee blessed.
times), Glory ... , Now & ever ... , 0 come, let us
worship (thrice). Psalm 50 (Have mercy on me, ODE III
0 God .. .) Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my
God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful
And then, the Canon to the Holy & Life-creating and established us on the rock ofthe confession
Trinity, the acrostic whereof is "I offer a sixth of Thee, 0 Good One.
hymn unto Thee, 0 Godhead': the composition Having adorned the ranks of heaven, 0
of Metrophanes, in Tone VI­ thrice-radiant God, Thou didst appoint them to
hymn Thee with thrice-holy voices. With them
ODE I accept us also, who hymn Thy goodness.
Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though Hymning the one, immutable, threefold,
it were dry land, and beholding the tyrant single Godhead, possessing the same form, we
Pharaoh drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us pray fervently unto Thee, that Thou now send
chant unto God a hymn of victory! down upon us forgiveness of our many sins.
Refrain: 0 all-holy Trinity our God, glory to Glory ... : 0 Father, unoriginate Mind,
Thee! 0 WordofGodoflikeform with Him, and Thou,
We hymn the three divine Hypostases, the 0 Spirit, divine, good and upright: In that Thou
immutable form of the single nature, the good art compassionate, preserve those who with
God Who loveth mankind, Who granteth us faith hymn Thy might.
cleansing of our transgressions. Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Having become
0 Transcendent One, 0 Lord thrice­ human in nature within thy womb, 0 pure one,
resplendent in Thy characters, Who art in a my God destroyed the field of death. He alone
single Godhead: Grant us understanding, and hath freed our progenitors from their former
vouchsafe us Thy divine radiance. condemnation.
Glory ... : Paul, who adorned the Church of
the nations as it were a bride, hath taught us to Lord, have mercy! Thrice
worship Thee, the one God in three Hypostases,
by Whom, through Whom and in Whom all Sessional hymn, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "Fulfill­
things have come into being. ing the dispensation concerning us... "­



Look down from heaven, 0 God our Master, peril and affliction.
and behold our lowliness; and in that Thou art Glory ... : Setting me aright with divine
compassionate, 0 all-good One Who lovest effulgences, and ever guiding me to please Thy
mankind, take pity on us: for from nowhere else Godhead in three Hypostases, 0 Sun of glory,
can we hope to receive the forgiveness of the make me to share in the divine kingdom.
evils which we have committed. Wherefore, be Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 immutable
Thou with us, and no one shall be against us. Word of God, Who beareth and preserveth all
with Thine almighty arm, protect and preserve
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
those who glorify Thee, through the supplica­
0 pure Mistress Theotokos, look down and
tions ofthe Mother ofGod, who gave Thee birth.
behold the pangs of our wounds; and take pity,
0 all-pure one, and heal the burning of our
conscience, bedewing it with thy mercy, and
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with
crying out to thy servants: I am with you, and no
the tempest oftemptations, fleeing to Thy calm
one shall be against you!
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One!
Grant wisdom and understanding unto
Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
those who hymn Thee, 0 thrice-radiant
Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
God-head, and vouchsafe that all may be illu­
in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
mined by the rays of Thine illumining beauty
festival in the Lord.
and goodness. Twice
Elevating the thoughts of those who hymn
Glory ... : 0 thrice-radiant, omnipotent and
Thee, 0 thrice-radiant Unity, quickly uplift
unapproachable Light, Who art indivisible in
also their soul and heart, and vouchsafe unto
Thine essence, illumine the hearts ofthose who
them Thy radiance and effulgence.
with faith praise Thy might, and give them
Change and transform me from all evil unto
wings to fly aloft to love divine.
virtue, 0 only undepictable and immutable
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: In thee did the
Trinity, and enlighten me with Thy rays.
Almighty Lord of all manifestly make His
Glory ... : Taking thought before, Thou didst
abode, 0 Ever-virgin; and He hath taught men
wisely form the ranks of the angels, the minis­
to worship the one, thrice-radiant form of the
ters of Thy goodness, 0 Unity in three Hy­
postases; and with them accept my praise.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Assuming cre­ Lord, have mercy! Thrice
ated human nature, God, Who by nature is
Sessional hymn, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "Fulfill­
uncreated and eternal, fashioned it anew in thy
ing the dispensation concerning us... "­
holy womb, 0 Ever-virgin Theotokos.
0 Father, Son and Holy Spirit, look down
upon us who worship Thee with faith, and who,
though we are clay, with the fiery beings glorify
Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls
Thy might, 0 Compassionate One; for we know
of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee,
no other God than Thee. And do Thou cry out
I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know
unto those who hymn Thee: I am with you, and
Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who
no one shall be against you!
calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.
Pondering the essence of the Godhead, Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
which is providential and salvific for all, which Look upon us, 0 most hymned Theotokos,
is thrice-radiant and one, 0 Master, we rise let enlightenment shine upon the hearts of the
early unto Thee, asking forgiveness for our falls benighted, and illumine thy flock, 0 all-pure
into sin. one; for whatsoever thou desirest, thou canst
0 God, consubstantial Trinity ­ do, in that thou art the Mother of thy Creator.
unoriginate Father, equally eternal Son, And do thou cry out unto those who pray to thee:
and Holy Spirit - make steadfast those I am with you, and no one shall be against you!
who hymn Thee, and deliver them from all



Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God,
forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­ upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze;
mand of God, which consumed the Chaldreans, but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the
prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­
Thou, 0 God of our fathers! nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call
0 thrice radiant Unity of Persons, instill thee blessed.
within me the firm resolve to keep and preserve Unable to gaze upon the beauty ofThy glory,
Thy divine commandments, and ever to hymn 0 Master, the ranks of the cherubim, covering
Thee with faith, singing: Blessed art Thou, 0 themselves with their wings, unceasingly utter
God of our fathers! hymnody to the Trinity, glorifying the tri­
0 ineffably single God, Who art hymned in hypostatic might of Thy single Godhead.
the infinity of Thy nature, yet bearest the num­ 0 never-setting Sun, impart Thine efful­
ber of a trinity of Persons, preserve us all from gence unto the hearts of Thy servants, and
divers temptations and evil circumstances. enlighten their souls, and deliver them from
Glory ... : Manifestly and simply setting their many transgressions, 0 Thou Who alone
forth that which is distinct within the immu­ art most merciful and in three Hypostases; and
table Form, we glorify Thee, 0 Trinity, the vouchsafe unto us Thine incorrupt life.
consubstantial and co-eternal God, Who art Glory ... : 0 Divinity Who art Light equal in
One in essence and unconfused as to the char­ honor, three-Sunned and luminous, illumine
acteristics of Thy Hypostases. those who hymn Thee with faith, deliver them
Now & ever ... : In His love for mankind, the from dark malefaction, and vouchsafe unto
transcendent God manifestly assumed our sub­ them Thy most splendid habitations, in that
stance from thy womb, 0 all-pure one, and hath Thou art all-good.
taught all to cry: Blessed art Thou, 0 God ofour Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thy Son wisely
fathers! formed man in the beginning, 0 Virgin, and
through thee renewed him who had become
ODE VIII corrupt, 0 most hymned one; and with the
Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth never-waning radiance of His divine light He
dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­ hath filled all those who with faith glorify thee
sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with as the true Theotokos.
water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt Then, the hymn ofGregory the Sinaite, which is
supremely for all ages! chanted every Sunday after the canon-
Quickly grant me cleansing of transgres­ It is truly meet to glorify Thee, the Word of
sions and deliverance from multifarious pas­ God, before Whom the cherubim tremble and
sions, 0 Trinity one in nature, Unity in three quake, and Whom the hosts of heaven glorify.
Hypostases, that I may glorify Thee for all ages. And with fear we glorify Christ, the Bestower of
0 thrice-radiant Unity, all-good Trinity, in life, Who rose from the tomb on the third day.
that Thou art a merciful God and art known as With divine songs let us all in godly manner
One Who willeth mercy, have mercy upon those hymn the Father, the Son and the Spirit divine,
who glorify Thy majesty. the Might in three Hypostases, the one King­
Glory ... : With faith let us glorify the Word, ship and Dominion,
the equally eternal Light begotten of eternal Whom all mortals hymn and the hosts of
Light of the Father, together with the Spirit, heaven glorify, the essential Unity in three
the Light which proceedeth from Light; and let Hypostases, Who is worshipped with faith by
us exalt Him for all ages. all.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, We magnify Thee, the Godhead, the Lord
thou gavest birth to the almighty Word, Christ of the cherubim, the incomparable divine
the Lord, the Physician of men, Who healeth Origin of the seraphim, the indivisible Trin­
the wounds of the first parents of all of us who ity in Unity.
exalt Him supremely forever.


I worship the unoriginate God the luminous and immutable habitation of Thine
Father, the Son Who is equally without be­ unapproachable glory.
ginning, and the Spirit. With hymns let us With fear let us glorify Christ the Bestower
honor the one indivisible and unified of life, Who became ineffably incarnate of the
Essence, the threefold Unity. Virgin, for the cherubim tremble and quake
Shine forth Thy dazzling lightning flashes before Him, and the angelic armies glorify Him.
upon me, 0 my God in three Hypostases, Thou
Creator of all, and show me to be a splendid, The rest ofNocturns, and the dismissal.


After the Six Psalms, we chant "God is the Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
Lord... ': in Tone VI, and sing the resurrectional whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
troparion, twice, and the theotokion, once (see Jonah prefigured Thy tomb, and Symeon
Great Vespers, p. 91). Then the usual chanting told of Thy divine resurrection, 0 immortal
of the Psalter. Lord; for Thou didst descend into the tomb as
one dead, demolishing the gates of hades,
After the first chanting of the Psalter, these and didst arise as Master, without corrup­
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone VI- tion, for the salvation of the world, 0 Christ
When the tomb was opened and hades wept, our God, Who hast enlightened those In
Mary cried out to the apostles who had hidden darkness.
themselves: "Come forth, ye laborers of the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
vineyard! Proclaim the tidings of the resurrec­
0 Virgin Theotokos, entreat thy Son, Christ
tion! The Lord hath risen, granting the world
our God, Who of His own will was nailed to the
great mercy!"
Cross and arose from the dead, that our souls be
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end.
0 Lord, Mary Magdalene stood before Thy
Then, "Blessed are the blameless in the way ... ':
tomb and wept aloud; and supposing Thee to be
followed by the troparia "The assembly of the
the gardener, she said: "Where hast Thou hid­
angels ... ". Little litany, and this hypacof, in
den our eternal Life? Where hast Thou laid
Tone VI-
Him Who sitteth upon the throne of the cheru­
Having, as God, broken down the gates of
bim? For those who guarded Him have become
hades by Thy voluntary and life-creating death,
as dead through fear. Either give me my Lord,
0 Christ, Thou didst open ancient paradise
or cry out with me: 0 Thou Who wast among the
unto us; and rising from the dead, Thou hast
dead and hast raised up the dead, glory to
delivered our life from corruption.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Songs ofAscent, in Tone VI,
Gideon prefigured thy conception, and the verses being repeated­
David recounted thy birthgiving, 0 Theotokos; Antiphon I
for the Word descended into thy womb like the I lift up mine eyes to heaven, to Thee, 0
rain upon the fleece, and without seed thou Word. Have pity, that I may live in Thee.
didst put forth Christ our God, the salvation of Have mercy upon us who are downcast, 0
the world, 0 holy ground, who art full of grace. Word, making us vessels useful to Thee.
Glory ... : The Holy Spirit is the Cause of all
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these salvation. And if He blow upon anyone as is
resurrectional sessional hymns, in Tone VI- meet, He quickly taketh him away from among
Life lay in the tomb, and a seal was affixed the things of earth: He giveth him wings, ma­
to the stone. Soldiers guarded Christ as they keth him grow and setteth him on high.
would a sleeping king, and the Lord arose, Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
invisibly smiting His enemies.


Antiphon II Now & ever ... : Through the prayers of the

If the Lord were not among us, none of us Theotokos, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multi­
would be able to combat the warfare of the tude of our transgressions.
enemy; for they who conquer are lifted up from
Then, in Tone VI:
Have mercy on me, 0 God, according to Thy
Let not my soul be seized like a bird by the
great mercy; and according to the multit~de of
teeth of the enemy, 0 Word. Woe is me! How
Thy compassions, blot out my transgression.
shall I, who love sin, escape them?
Glory ... : From the Holy Spirit come deifica­ Then, this sticheron:
tion, goodwill, understanding, peace and bless­ Jesus having risen from the grave, as He
ing for all; for He worketh equally with the foretold, hath given us life eternal,* and great
Father and the Word. mercy.
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
Then, the Prayer: "Save, 0 God, Thy people ... ':
followed by the exclamation: "Through the mercy
Antiphon III
and compassions and love for mankind... "
They that hope in the Lord are fearsome to
the enemy and wondrous to all; for they direct
The Canons: of the Resurrection, with 4 tro­
their gaze on high.
paria; that of the Cross & the Resurrec~ion,
He who hath Thee, 0 Savior, as his Helper,
with 3 troparia; that of the Theotokos, w~th 3
the Portion of the righteous, doth not stretch
troparia; and that from the Menai?n'. wit~ 4
out his hands toward iniquities.
troparia. If a saint with 6 tropana ~s be~ng
Glory ... : The dominion ofthe Holy Spirit is
celebrated, then the Canon of the Cross &
over all. Him do the armies on high worship, as
Resurrection hath 2 troparia, as doth that of
doth every creature here below.
the Theotokos.
Now & ever ... : The foregoing is repeated.
Prokimenon, in Tone VI­
Canon of the Resurrection, in Tone VI­
0 Lord, stir up Thy might and come to save us.
Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though
Stichos: 0 Shepherd of Israel, attend, Thou
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh
that leadest Joseph like a sheep.
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto
God a hymn of victory!
Let every breath praise the Lord.
Stichos: Glory to Thy holy resurrection, 0
The appointed Resurrectional Gospel. Then,
0 good Jesus, with Thy hands which were
this resurrectional hymn, in Tone VI-
stretched out on the Cross Thou didst fill all
Having beheld the resurrection of Christ,
things with the good pleasure of the Father;
let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only
wherefore we all sing a song of victory unto Thee.
Sinless One. We worship Thy Cross, 0 Christ,
Cringing before Thee like a handmaid,
and Thy holy resurrection we hymn and glorify.
death was commanded to approach Thee, the
For Thou art our God, and we know none other
Master of life, Who through her granteth us
beside Thee, we call upon Thy name. 0 come,
endless life and resurrection.
all ye faithful, let us worship Christ's holy
Theotokion: Having received thine own
resurrection, for behold, through the Cross joy
Creator incarnate ofthy seedless womb in man­
hath come to all the world. Ever blessing the
ner past understanding, 0 pure one, as He
Lord, we hymn His resurrection; for, having
Himself desired, thou wast truly shown to be
endured crucifixion, He hath destroyed death
the Mistress of creation.
by death.
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
Psalm 50: "Have mercy on me, 0 God ... " Irmos: The children ofthose who were saved...
Glory ... : Through the prayers of the The Judge standeth as one condemned be­
apostles, 0 Merciful One, blot out the multitude fore the tribunal of Pilate, even though his
of our transgressions. judgment is iniquitous; and God, before Whom

the earth and the heavens tremble, is smitten in Theotokion: The miracle ofthy divine birth­
the face by an unjust hand. giving transcendeth every order of nature, 0
Thou didst stretch forth Thy divine hands pure one; for thou didst supernaturally con­
upon Thy most precious and Life-bearing ceive God in thy womb, and having given birth
Cross, 0 Savior; and didst gather the nations thou dost ever remain a virgin.
together to acknowledge Thee, 0 Master; and
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
they worship Thy glorious crucifixion, 0 Lord.
Irmos: Creation, beholding Thee ...
Stavrotheotokion: Pouring forth streams of
Having spent three days in the tomb, Thou
tears, the all-immaculate one stood by Thy
didst arise, granting life through Thy resurrec­
Cross, 0 Savior, beholding the drops of blood
tion unto those who before were dead; and
which poured forth from Thy side, 0 Christ, and
released from condemnation, they were filled
glorifying Thine incomparable mercy.
with joy and gladness, crying: Behold! Thou
Canon of the All-holy Theotokos, the acrostic hast come, 0 Lord our deliverance!
whereof is: "0 Mother of God, grant me bounte­ Glory to Thine arising, 0 our Savior, for as
ous grace" Almighty Thou hast delivered us from the cor­
ruption of hades and from death; and singing,
Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot ... we say: There is none more holy than Thee, 0
When Eve partook of the fruit of the forbid­ Lord Who lovest mankind!
den tree, she brought down the curse; yet when Theotokion: Thou didst see Him Who
thou gavest birth to Christ, the Firstfruits of was born of thee pierced by a spear, and
blessing, 0 pure one, thou didst annul it. wast wounded in heart, 0 all-holy and most
Having through the divine lightning given immaculate one; and filled with horror,
birth unto Christ the pearl, 0 pure one, with the thou didst say: How hath the all-iniquitous
light ofthy radiance drive away the darkness of nation rewarded Thee, 0 my Child?
my passions and the turmoil of transgressions.
Canon of the Theotokos
With spiritual eyes Jacob mystically fore­
Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee ...
saw the Expectation of the nations: God Who
The Good One, ineffably receiving my cor­
became incarnate of thee, and Who hath deliv­
rupt and mortal flesh from thy womb and ren­
ered us through thy mediation.
dering it incorrupt, 0 most pure Mother of God,
When there were no more princes from the
eternally bound it to Himself.
tribe ofJudah, 0 all-pure one, thy Son and God,
Beholding God incarnate of thee, 0 Virgin,
coming forth as Leader, hath now truly become
the choirs ofthe angels were filled with awe and
King over the ends of the earth.
fear, and with unceasing hymnody they honor
thee as the Mother of God.
Then, the canon from the Menaion, and the
The Prophet Daniel was filled with awe,
katavasia as prescribed by the Typicon.
beholding thee, 0 Mother of God, as the noetic
mountain from whence the Stone was quarried
not by man, which mightily demolished the
Canon of the Resurrection
temples of the demons.
Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my
Neither the words nor the tongue of man is
God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful
able to praise thee worthily, 0 Virgin, for
and established us on the rock of the confession
Christ, the Bestower of life, was well-pleased to
of Thee, 0 Good One.
become incarnate of thee without seed, 0 all­
Creation, beholding God crucified in the
pure one.
flesh, melted away in fear; yet it was held firmly
together by the sustaining hand of Him Who OnE IV
was crucified for our sake. Canon of the Resurrection
Wretched death, undone by death, lieth Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
lifeless, for unable to endure the assault of Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
divine Life, mighty death is slain, and resurrec­ in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
tion is given to all. festival in the Lord.


The Tree blossomed forth true life, 0 Christ; 0DEV

for the Cross was planted and, watered with the Canon of the Resurrection
blood and water which flowed from Thine incor­ Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls
rupt side, budded forth life for us. of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee,
No longer will the serpent falsely proffer I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know
deification, for Christ, the Deifier of human Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who
nature, hath now given me unhindered access calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.
to the path of life. The cherubim now withdraw from me, and
Theotokion: Truly ineffable and unap­ the flaming sword is now withdrawn, 0 Master,
proachable to those on earth and in heaven are since they beheld Thee, 0 Word of God, as the true
the mysteries ofthy divine birthgiving, 0 Ever­ God Who made a path to paradise for the thief.
virgin. No longer will I fear returning to the earth,
0 Christ, for in Thy great loving-kindness Thou
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
hast led me up, the forgotten one, from the earth
Irmos: Foreseeing Thy divine condescension ...
to the heights of incorruption, through Thy
0 Christ, we venerate Thy precious Cross,
the nails, the holy spear, the reed and the crown
Theotokion: Save those who with all their
ofthorns, whereby we have been delivered from
soul confess thee to be the Theotokos, 0 good
the corruption of hades.
Mistress ofthe world, for we have thee, the true
The tomb seized Thee Who of Thine own will
Theotokos, as an invincible intercession.
didst manifest Thyself as dead for our sake,
0 Savior, yet it was in nowise able to hold Thee,
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
0 Word; for as God Thou didst arise, saving our
Irmos: Isaiah, rising at dawn ...
Deceived in Eden into eating ofthe tree, our
Stavrotheotokion: 0 Ever-virgin Theotokos
progenitor fell into corruption, disobeying Thy
who gavest birth unto Christ, the Savior ofmen,
commandment, 0 ali-good Lord; yet, obedient
from misfortunes and torments deliver us who
to the Father, 0 Savior, by the Cross Thou didst
with faith flee to thy divine protection.
restore him again to his original beauty.
By Thy death, 0 Good One, the dominion of
Canon of the Theotokos
death hath been abolished, and Thou hast
Irmos: Christ is my power ...
poured forth a well-spring of life upon us and
Saved by thee, 0 all-pure one we hymn thee,
bestowed immortality; wherefore, with faith do
the most immaculate one; and piously chant­
we bow down before Thy burial and resurrec­
ing, we cry: Blessed art thou, 0 Ever-virgin,
tion, whereby, as God, Thou hast enlightened
who gavest birth unto God!
the whole world.
0 Virgin, most blessed one, thou gavest
Stavrotheotokion: The Lord and Creator of
birth to the Light unwaning Who shineth in the
all, Who dwelleth in the heavens, ineffably
flesh upon those in the darkness of life; and
made His abode within thy womb, 0 most
thou hast poured forth joy upon those who
immaculate one, and hath glorified thee as
hymn thee, 0 Ever-virgin.
more exalted than the heavens and holier than
Through thee, 0 most holy one, hath grace
the immaterial ranks. Wherefore, we on earth
blossomed forth and the law ceased its effect;
now call thee blessed.
for thou, 0 pure Ever-virgin, gavest birth to the
Lord Who granteth us remission. Canon of the Theotokos
Tasting of the tree showed me forth as Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the
mortal, but the Tree of life, Who revealed Him­ souls ...
selfthrough thee, 0 all-pure one, raised up the Resplendent in purity and light, 0 most
dead and hath made me an heir to the sweet­ hymned one, thou becamest the divine habita­
ness of paradise. tion ofthe Master; for thou wast shown to be the
only Mother ofGod, who didst bear Him in thine
arms as a babe.


Wearing the noetic beauty of thy most and the pure one said: 0 my Son and God, arise
comely soul, thou becamest the Bride of God, from the tomb!
sealed with virginity, 0 pure one, and illumin­
Canon of the Theotokos
ing the world with the light of purity.
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life ...
Let the assembly of the ungodly lament,
Moses, great among the prophets, prefig­
who openly refuse to profess thee the pure
ured thee as the ark, the table, the candlestand,
Mother of God; for thou hast been shown to us
the jar, describing in figures the incarnation of
as the gate of the light of God, dispelling the
the Most High which would be wrought in thee,
darkness of transgressions.
0 Virgin Mother.
Death is slain, and the corruption ofAdam's
condemnation is abolished, having been dashed
Canon of the Resurrection
against thy Fruit, 0 Mistress; for thou gavest
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with
birth unto the Life which delivereth from cor­
the tempest oftemptations, fleeing to Thy calm
ruption those who hymn thee.
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from
The law hath failed and the shadow hath
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One!
passed away; and in manner past understand­
Crucified, 0 Master, with Thy nails Thou
ing and comprehension the grace of God my
didst annul the curse against us; and pierced
Savior, Whose birth took place through thee,
in the side by the spear, Thou didst free the
hath been made manifest unto me, 0 greatly
world, rending asunder the record of Adam's
hymned Virgin.
Having been tripped by deceit, Adam fell Kontakion, in Tone VI-
headlong into the abyss of hades; but Thou, Raising up all the dead from the dark vales
Who art a merciful God by nature, didst go [of hades] with His life-creating hand, Christ
down to search for him and, lifting him upon God, the Bestower of life, granted resurrection
Thy shoulder, didst raise him up with Thyself. to the human race; for He is the Savior ofall, the
Theotokion: 0 all-pure Mistress who for resurrection and life, and the God of all.
men gavest birth to Christ, the Helmsman, Ikos: We, the faithful, hymn and bow down
allay the inconstant and grievous tumult of my before the Cross and Thy burial, 0 Bestower of
passions, and grant serenity to my heart. life, for as omnipotent God Thou didst bind
hades,O Immortal One. Thou didst raise the
Canon ofthe Cross & Resurrection
dead with Thyself, didst break down the gates
Irmos: Jonah was swallowed ...
ofdeath, and didst destroy the dominion ofhell,
The multitude ofthe Jews became slayers of
in that Thou art God. Wherefore, with love we
the prophets and the Messiah, for of old they
mortals glorify Thee Who hast arisen and cast
were not afraid to put to death the prophets, the
down the most destructive might of the enemy,
mystic rays of the Truth. And thus, moved by
and hast raised up all who have believed Thee
hatred, they have now slain the Lord Whom the
to have risen and delivered the world from the
prophets had proclaimed; yet His death hath
arrows of the serpent and the deception of the
become life for us.
enemy, in that Thou art the God of all.
Thou wast seized but not held in the tomb,
0 Savior; for even though Thou didst taste ODE VII
death ofThine own will, 0 Word, yet didst Thou Canon of the Resurrection
arise as God immortal, raising up with Thyself Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour
those held prisoner in hades, replacing the grief forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­
which the women felt before with joy. mand of God, which consumed the Chaldreans,
Stavrotheotokion: At the time ofThy suffer­ prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art
ing, the appearance of Thy flesh was ignoble Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
and poor beyond that of men, though through Lamenting at Thy passion, the sun cloaked
the Essence of the divinity it was shown unto itself in gloom, 0 Master, and that day,
David as comely in beauty. Yet by the rod ofThy throughout all the earth, light was darkened,
kingdom the might ofthe enemy was shattered; crying: Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers!


The uttermost depths were clothed in light ODE VIII

through Thy descent, 0 Christ; and our first Canon of the Resurrection
father was shown to be full of gladness, and, Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth
dancing, he leapt up, crying: Blessed art Thou, dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­
0 God of our fathers! sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with
Theotokion: Through thee, 0 Virgin water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
Mother, radiant Light hath shone forth upon soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt
the whole world; for thou gavest birth unto God, supremely for all ages!
the Creator of all. Him do thou entreat, 0 most The Jewish people, who of old were slayers
pure one, that He send down great mercy upon ofthe prophets, hath jealousy now made slayers
us, the faithful. of God, for they lifted Thee up upon the Cross,
0 Word of God. Him do we exalt supremely for
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection

all ages.
Irmos: 0 ineffable wonder! ...

Thou didst not leave the vault ofheaven, and,

0 strange image! He Who delivered Israel
descending into hades, Thou didst raise up with
from bondage to Pharaoh is of His own will
Thyselfall of man, who lay in the mire, 0 Christ;
crucified by them, and looseth the chains of our
and he exalteth Thee supremely for all ages.
offenses. Unto Him do we chant with faith: 0
Theotokion: From Light thou didst conceive
God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou!
the Word, the Bestower of light; and having
The impious children of the iniquitous cru­
ineffably given birth unto Him, thou hast been
cified Thee, the Savior, on Golgotha, but Thou
glorified. For the Spirit of God dwelt within
didst break down the brazen gates and bars,
thee, 0 Maiden. Wherefore, we hymn thee for
unto the salvation of us who chant: 0 God our
all ages.
Deliverer, blessed art Thou!
Theotokion: Having given birth to the Lib­
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection
eration of Eve from the ancient curse, 0 pure
Irmos: Fall back in awe and fear, 0 heaven ...
Virgin, thou dost release Adam; wherefore,
Every ear is filled with awe at how the Most
with the angels we hymn thee and thy Son, and
High willingly came to earth to destroy the
cry aloud: 0 God our Deliverer, blessed art
might of hades by His Cross and burial, and to
raise up all to cry: Ye children, bless; ye priests,
hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all
Canon of the Theotokos

Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace ...

The tyranny of hades hath ceased and its

The furnace did not consume the three
kingdom is henceforth set at nought; for He
youths who prefigured thy birthgiving; for,
Who is God over all cast down its might when
without consuming thee, the divine Fire made
the Cross was planted in the ground. Him do ye
His abode within thee, and hath taught all to
children, bless; ye priests, hymn; ye people,
cry: Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
exalt supremely for all ages!
Enlightened by thy luminous radiance, the
0 Thine ineffable love for mankind, 0
ends of the earth bless thee, 0 most pure
Christ, and Thine unutterable benefactions!
Mother, as thou didst foretell, and, chanting
For, seeing me perishing in the prison of hades,
with grace, they cry: Blessed art Thou, 0 God of
Thou didst deliver me, enduring Thy suffer­
our fathers!
ings. Wherefore, we bless Thee, the Master of
The most evil serpent sank his deadly fangs
all, and exalt Thee supremely for all ages.
into me; but thy Son hath broken them, 0
Mother ofGod, and given me the strength to cry: Canon of the Theotokos
Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers! Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth
Thou art the place where human nature is dew ...
purified, 0 thou who alone art blessed of God; Having arrayed thee like a queen in the
·for, bearing in thine arms God Who sitteth upon effulgence ofthe Spirit as in golden vesture, thy
the shoulders of the cherubim, thou criest: Son set thee at His own right hand, 0 all-pure
Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers! one. Him do we exalt supremely for all ages.


He Who by His will alone established the as God Thou hast given resurrection unto all who
world taketh flesh from thine all-pure womb, with faith and love magnify Thee.
desiring to form it anew from on high. Him do Let creation rejoice and blossom like a lily;
we exalt supremely for all ages. for Christ hath arisen from the dead as God. Let
That the Word might unite Himself unto us cry out: Where now is thy sting, 0 death?
me, a man, thou becamest the habitation of Where is thy victory, 0 hades? He Who hath
God, 0 all-pure one, manifestly shining forth in lifted up our horn hath cast thee down to the
the splendor of virginity. Wherefore, we hymn ground, in that He is full of loving-kindness.
thee for all ages. Stavrotheotokion: Thou bearest Him Who
The golden candlestand prefigured thee beareth all things, and holdest as a babe in
who ineffably received the unapproachable thine arms Him Who delivereth us from the
Light Who illumineth all things with His radi­ hands of the enemy who warreth against us, 0
ance. Wherefore, we hymn thee, 0 pure one, for all-pure Mistress; and thou seest Him uplifted
all ages. upon the Tree of the Cross Who hath raised us
up from the pit of evil.
Then we chant the Hymn ofthe Theotokos: "My
Canon of the Theotokos
soul doth magnify the Lord... ': with the refrain
Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God ...
"More honorable than the cherubim ... "
The Star which shineth forth out of Jacob
with the rays of divinity shone forth upon those
held fast in darkness; for through thee, 0 most
Canon of the Resurrection
pure one, did Christ God the Word become
Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God,
incarnate. And illumined by Him, with the
upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze;
armies of heaven we call thee blessed.
but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the
Strengthened by thy power and grace, I
Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­
have earnestly set forth hymnody for thee with
nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call
all my heart. Accept it, 0 pure virgin, bestow­
thee blessed.
ing on me thy greatly radiant grace out ofthine
While sharing in sufferings through Thy
incorrupt treasuries, 0 blessed of God.
sufferings, Thou didst remain untouched by the
Thou hast been manifestly shown to be the
passions, 0 Word of God; yet as Thou art suffer­
loom ofthe Divinity, whereon theWord wove the
ing for the passions, Thou dost loose man from
garment ofHis body, deifying my form, 0 Virgin.
the passions, 0 our Savior; for Thou alone art
And having clothed Himself therein, He hath
dispassionate and almighty.
saved all who magnify thee with pure thought.
Receiving the corruption of death, Thou
Resurrection hath now been given to the
didst keep Thy body untouched by corruption,
dead through thine ineffable and unutterable
nor didst Thou leave Thy life-creating and
birthgiving, 0 most pure Theotokos; for Life,
divine soul in hades, 0 Master; but having
clothing Himself in flesh through thee, shone
arisen as from sleep, Thou didst raise us up
forth upon all, and hath manifestly lifted the
with Thyself.
gloom of death.
Triadicon: 0 all ye men, with pure lips let
us glorify God the Father and the Son Who is After the katavasia, the little litany. Then,
equally without beginning, and let us honor the "Holy is the Lord our God!': thrice; and the
ineffable and all-glorious power of the most matins exapostilarion.
Holy Spirit; for Thou alone art the almighty and
On the Praises, 8 stichera, in Tone VI­
indivisible Trinity.
Stichos: To do among them the judgment
Canon of the Cross & Resurrection that is written. This glory shall be to all His
Irmos: Lament Me not, 0 Mother ... saints.
Even though Thou didst descend into the Thy Cross, 0 Lord, is the life and resurrec­
grave as one dead, 0 Bestower of life, Thou didst tion of Thy people; and we who set our hope
destroy the might ofhades, raising up with Thee thereon hymn Thee, our risen God. Have
the dead whom it had swallowed, 0 Christ; and mercy upon us!


Stichos: Praise ye God in His saints, praise While the tomb was sealed, how were the
Him in the firmament of His power. remains stolen, 0 ye Jews who set the watch
Thy burial hath opened paradise to the and affixed the seals? The King issued forth
human race, 0 Master; and, delivered from through doors which were closed. Either show
corruption, we hymn Thee, our risen God. Have Him as one dead, or worship Him as God,
mercy upon us! chanting with us: Glory, 0 Lord, to Thy Cross
Stichos: Praise Him for His mighty acts, and resurrection!
praise Him according to the multitude of His Stichos: I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my
greatness. whole heart, I will tell of all Thy wonders.
Let us hymn Christ Who is risen from the The myrrh-bearing women, lamenting,
dead, with the Father and the Spirit; and let us reached Thy Life-receiving tomb, 0 Lord; and,
cry out to Him: Thou art our life and resurrec­ bearing myrrh, they sought to embalm Thine
tion! Have mercy upon us! all-pure body. But they found aluminous angel
Stichos: Praise Him with the sound of seated upon the stone, who declared to them,
trumpet, praise Him with psaltery and harp. saying: "Wherefore weep ye for Him from
Thou didst rise from the tomb on the third Whose side life poured forth upon the world?
day, as it is written, 0 Christ, raising up our Why seek ye the Immortal One as though He
forefather with Thyself. Wherefore, the hu­ were one dead in the grave? Rather, make
man race glorifieth Thee and hymneth Thy haste, announce to His disciples the universal
resurrection. joy of His glorious resurrection!" 0 Savior Who
Stichos: Praise Him with timbrel and hast enlightened us thereby, grant us cleansing
dance, praise Him with strings and flute. and great mercy!
Great and awesome is the mystery of Thy
Glory ... : The matins Gospel sticheron.
resurrection, 0 Lord; for thus Thou didst
issue forth from the tomb, like a bridegroom Now & ever ... : Theotokion, in Tone!!­
from a wedding chamber, having destroyed Most blessed art thou, 0 Virgin Theotokos,
death by death, that Thou mightest free for through Him Who became incarnate ofThee
Adam. Wherefore, the angels join chorus in is hades led captive, Adam recalled, the curse
the heavens, and on earth men glorify Thy annulled, Eve set free, death slain, and we are
loving-kindness toward us, 0 Thou Who given life. Wherefore, we cry aloud in praise:
lovest mankind. Blessed art Thou, 0 Christ God, Who hast been
Stichos: Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, thus well-pleased, glory to Thee.
praise Him with cymbals of jubilation. Let
every breath praise the Lord. Great Doxology, and the resurrectional tro­
0 ye most iniquitous Jews, where are the parwn-
seals, and the silver coins which ye gave to the Having risen from the tomb, and having
soldiers? The Treasure hath not been stolen, burst the bonds of hades, Thou hast destroyed
but is risen, as One mighty. Ye are filled with the sentence of death, 0 Lord, delivering all
shame, who rejected Christ, the Lord of glory, from the snares of the enemy. Manifesting
Who suffered, was buried, and rose from the Thyselfto Thine apostles, Thou didst send them
dead. Let us worship Him! forth to preach; and through them hast granted
Stichos: Arise, 0 Lord my God, let Thy hand Thy peace to the world, 0 Thou Who alone art
be lifted high; forget not Thy paupers to the end. plenteous in mercy.

And the dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VI­ Glory ... : The Father, the Son, and the Holy
Remember me when Thou comest in Thy Spirit let us glorify, saying: 0 Holy Trinity, save
kingdom, 0 God my Savior, and save me, for Thou our souls!
Thou alone lovest mankind. Now & ever ... : 0 Virgin, who ineffably
By a tree was Adam deceived; yet again by conceived in the latter days and gavest birth
the Tree of the Cross was the thief saved, who unto Thy Creator: Save those who magnify
cried out: Remember me in Thy kingdom, 0 thee!
0 Bestower of life, Who hast broken down
the gates and portals of hades, Thou hast saved Prokimenon, in Tone VI­
all who cry out to Thee, 0 Savior: Glory to Thine 0 Lord, save Thy people, and bless Thine
arising! inheritance.
0 Thou Who by Thy burial hast made death Stichos: Unto Thee, 0 Lord, will I cry; 0 my
captive, and by Thy resurrection hast filled all God, be not silent unto me.
with joy: remember me, in that Thou art com­
passionate. Alleluia, in Tone VI-
The myrrh-bearing women who came to the Stichos: He that dwelleth in the help ofthe Most
tomb heard an angel cry out: Christ, Who hath High shall abide in the shelter of the God of
enlightened all things, is risen! heaven.
Together let us all hymn Christ, Who was Stichos: He shall say unto the Lord: Thou art
nailed to the Cross and hath delivered the world my helper and my refuge. He is my God, and
from beguilement. I will hope in Him.





On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ 0 all ye ranks ofthe angels, who ever dance
tance, the composition of Joseph, in Tone VI: round about the throne of the King of all, pre­
Spec. Mel.: "The angelic hosts ... "- serve us who call upon you with faith, and
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, deliver us from torments.
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
there is forgiveness. prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
Through thought of contrition grant me eth forever.
tears of repentance, 0 Savior, that I may wash The Father Who is God over all, the only
away the filth from my soul, which I have badly Word, and the Spirit, brought forth the hosts of
bemired, committing unrighteousness all the heavenly intelligences, formless and immate­
time, for for this I have her who gave thee birth, rial, to hymn the glory of the triple Sun.
and the angelic choirs, entreating Thy love for
mankind. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ 0 Theotokos, who at the sound of the
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath archangel's voice conceived in thy womb the
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath Word, Who with the Father and the Spirit is
hoped in the Lord. equally without beginning, thou hast been
Come, 0 my soul, and repent of the many shown to be more exalted than the cherubim,
sins thou hast committed in this life, and seraphim and thrones.
entreat the multitude of the heavenly
armies with sighs and tears, that time be Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
given thee for repentance, lest thou be sent the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
into the most accursed fire of Gehenna like
the barren fig-tree. Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone VI-
Stichos: From the morning watch until At Thy dread coming, 0 Christ, let us not
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in hear "I know you not." For we have set our hope
the Lord. upon Thee, 0 Savior. And even though in our
Not one of Thy commandments have I kept neglect we have not kept Thy precepts, yet take
on earth. When Thou shalt sit upon Thy throne, pity on our souls, we pray.
how shall I present myself to give answer and Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
incur condemnation for all that I have done in eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
knowledge or in ignorance, 0 my Christ? Where­ hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
fore, I cry out to Thee: Through the supplications of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
of Thy servants save me, the prodigal! look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ pity on us.
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera for Neither repentance nor tears have I ac­
the holy incorporeal angels of heaven, in the quired; wherefore, I beseech Thee, 0 Christ God:
same tone: Spec. Mel.: "On the third day ... "- Convert me before the end, and grant me com­
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, punction, that I may be delivered from tortures.
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
iniquities. abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Standing before Thy throne, the angelic therewith; let reproach come upon them that
hosts pray for the human race, 0 Christ; where­ prosper, and abasement on the proud.
fore, by their supplications grant peace unto all, M artyricon: Thy martyrs did not deny
and put down the audacity of the heathen. Thee, 0 Lord, nor did they depart from Thy
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; commandments. Through their supplications
praise Him, all ye peoples. have mercy on us.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- cast down the tyrants, our godless foes, 0 all­
Like the Archangel, we, the faithful, hymn pure Mistress, thou hope of Christians!
the bridal-chamber of heaven, the portal truly
sealed: Rejoice, thou for whose sake hath Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
sprung forth for us Christ, the Savior of all, the Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Bestower of life and God! With thy mighty arm Litany, and Dismissal.




ODE I evils by my many bitter falls. 0 pure one,

Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though extend to me a helping hand, and save me.
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh Glory ... : Break through the darkness ofmy
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto transgressions, 0 Virgin, and shine upon me
God a hymn of victory! the light ofdispassion, 0 pure one who ineffably
Drive the cloud of the passions from my gavest birth to the intangible Sun.
mind, 0 pure one, and shine light upon me, 0 Now & ever ... : Having cleansed me oftrans­
all-pure one who gavest birth to the Son, the gressions and defilement with the fire of the
Effulgence of the Father, that I may hymn thee. fear of God, 0 Maiden, clothe me in the radiant
Come, ye people, and like Gabriel let us cry vesture of the virtues and set me among the
aloud to the Virgin with reverence ofsoul: Truly choirs of the saints.
adorned art thou, 0 pure one who gavest birth
to Joy! Rejoice, all-pure one! ODE IV
Glory ... : The Son Who was dispassionately Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
begotten of the Father before time began didst Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
thou in latter days bear in thy womb, 0 all-pure in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
one, giving birth to Him as both God and man. festival in the Lord.
Now & ever ... : Without corruption thou With thy radiance dispel the gloom of my
gavest birth to the one God, and didst remain a many transgressions, 0 all-immaculate Mistress
virgin after giving birth, as thou wast before who gavest birth to the Light, Who hast shone
birthgiving, 0 all-pure one; wherefore, we, the upon the faithful the Sun of righteousness.
faithful, cry out to thee: Rejoice! In mine affliction I now set my hope on thee,
0 all-pure one. Let me not depart from thee
ODE III untreated, but rather rejoicing, having received
Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my salvation.
God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful Glory ... : 0 all-pure one, grant thy rich
and established us on the rock of the confession compassions unto us who with faith and love
of Thee, 0 Good One. have recourse to thy temple, and deliver us from
There are none as immaculate as thee, 0 all­ all temptations and sorrows.
pure Theotokos, who gavest birth to the Creator Now & ever ... : The Word made His abode
and Master of all things; wherefore, all of us, the within thee, 0 all-pure Mistress, delivering the
faithful, cry out to thee in thanksgiving: Rejoice! world from the mindlessness of the passions,
The cruel waves ofthe passions buffet me, 0 and vouchsafing the kingdom of heaven unto
pure one, and I am truly cast into the abyss of those who hymn thee.



0DEV Then, Lord, have mercy! Thrice. Glory ... , Now

Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls & ever... Sedation, in Tone VI-
of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee, The attacks of the adversary assail thine
I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know inheritance, 0 Mistress. Set at naught their
Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who machinations, and cast their prideful arro­
calleth all forth from the darkness of sin. gance down to the ground; for thou art the ally
With the divine radiance of Him who shone of those who entreat thee with faith.
forth from thy womb do thou illumine my soul
which sleepeth in darkness, 0 Virgin, and drive ODE VII
away the darkness of sin, illumining me with Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour
thy light. forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­
Heal thou my soul, which hath fallen among mand of God, which consumed the Chaldooans,
thieves, 0 good one, pouring forth the oil of prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art
mercy and the wine of thy tenderheartedness Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
upon my wounds, granting me abundant Shedding unapproachable light upon me
understanding. who am in the darkness ofignorance, 0 all-pure
Glory ... : Heal thou infirmities of flesh and one, guide me to the Light, that I may piously
soul for us who have recourse to thee, 0 most cry out to thy Son with faith: Blessed is the God
hymned one; for thou art the strength of those of our fathers!
who flee beneath the shelter ofthy supplication, Drive the cloud of gloom from my soul, 0
0 Theotokos. Theotokos, illumining me with the light of the
Now & ever ... : The Holy Spirit of God, Creator of all; for thou art the receptacle of the
dwelling within thy womb, 0 all-pure and pure preeternal Light Who shone forth dispassion­
one, overshadowing thee showed thee to be the ately from the Father.
habitation of the Trinity, for at the Father's Glory ... : Incline thyselfto our pleas, 0 pure
good pleasure thou didst conceive the Son and Theotokos, and in thy mercy be thou moved to
give birth unto Him. entreat God, rendering Him merciful to us who
ever set our hope on thee, 0 good one.
ODE VI Now&ever... : Grantcleansinguntomewho
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with am defiled by the passions of wicked deeds, 0
the tempest of temptations, fleeing to Thy calm pure one, and send me tear-drops to wash away
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from the evil shame of my sin, the outpouring offilth.
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One!
Dispel the gloom of mine accursed soul, and ODE VIII
shine upon me the light which shone forth from Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth
thy womb and hath illumined all human dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­
nature, 0 all-pure one. sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with
Deliver me from the assault of enemies water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
visible and invisible, 0 pure one, and grant me soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt
the mighty shelter of thine aid; for to thee, 0 supremely for all ages!
Virgin, have I now fled. 0 Maiden who gavest birth to the Master of
Glory ... : He Who created all things became all in the flesh, rescue me from the violence of
incarnate through thy holy womb in latter days the passions, and unite me to the Creator of all
and, setting aright human nature, which had by love, that I may hymn Him forever.
grievously fallen through Adam, He hath re­ By thy visitation, 0 Maiden, raise me up who
stored the world. lie upon the bedofpain, andgranthealthofbody
Now & ever ... : The majesty of the angels and soul unto me who hymn Christ forever.
hymned thee, 0 all-immaculate one, and Glory ... : With the dew of thy supplica­
I beseech thee: Drive from me the unseemly tions quench thou the flame of my pas­
fantasies of the demons, preserving my heart sions, 0 Mistress, and save me, as before
in peace. thy Son saved the children who exalted
Him supremely forever.

Now & ever ... : I fear not the treachery ofthe world through thy birthgiving, having borne
foe, setting my hope and expectation upon thee, the Well-spring of blessing. Wherefore, prais­
0 good one; for thou dost ever help, saving those ing thee, the most hymned one, all of us, the
who praise thee from misfortunes. faithful, ever bless thee with thanksgiving.
Glory ... : Thy womb became a receptacle of
ODE IX the Light Who shone forth from the Father
Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God, before time began, 0 most hymned Theotokos;
upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze; wherefore, we all glorify thee, the Theotokos,
but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the and magnify Him as thy Son and God.
Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­ Now & ever ... : When the divine Spirit had
nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call come upon thee, thou gavest birth in time to the
thee blessed. timeless Son who shone forth from the Father;
From all manner of evils deliver me who wherefore, with tongue and heart all of us, the
have recourse to thee with faith, 0 all-pure faithful, confess thee to be the Theotokos who
Virgin, and grant health and deliverance from knewest not man.
the wicked unto me who flee to thy protection,
0 Maiden, that I may ever glorify thee with Then, It is truly meet ... , and a prostration.
cries ofthanksgiving. Trisagion through Our Father. Troparion, and
Thou hast abolished the curse of grief, 0 the rest as usual. Dismissal.
pure one, and hast poured forth joy upon the



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone VI­ sessional hymns, in Tone VI-
I think upon the dread day, and I weep over Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have mercy on
my wicked deeds. How shall I answer the us, for at a loss for any answer, we sinners offer
immortal King? With what boldness shall I, the Thee this prayer as to our Master: Have mercy
prodigal, lift mine eyes to the Judge? 0 compas­ on us!
sionate Father, only-begotten Son and Holy Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine
Spirit: Have mercy on me! anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath.
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, for on Thee have
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. we set our hope. Be not exceeding wroth with
In the vale of weeping, in the place which us, and be not mindful ofour iniquities; but look
Thou hast appointed, rebuke me not, 0 Merci­ down now, in that Thou art full of
ful One, when Thou shalt come to render just lovingkindness, and deliver us from our en­
judgment, neither shame me before the angels; emies. For Thou art our God, and we are Thy
but take pity on me, 0 God, and have mercy on people. We are all the work of Thy hands, and
me. we call upon Thy name.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- God of Israel
With heart and mouth let us hymn aloud the Martyricon: Ever enlightened by Thee, and
all-glorious Mother of God, who is holier than having extinguished the lamp of the infidels,
the holy angels, confessing her to be the Theo­ like lamps the saints always shine forth light
tokos, in that she truly gave birth to God incar­ upon the righteous. Through their supplica­
nate, and prayeth unceasingly in behalf of our tions, 0 our Savior, light Thou my lamp, and
souls. save me, 0 Lord.

Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- ofglory, stand with the angels before God in the
Standing in the temple of Thy glory, we highest.
think we are standing in the heavens. 0 Theo­ M artyricon: 0 honored great-martyrs, who
tokos, gate of heaven, open unto us the doors of once drowned the noetic Pharaoh in the deep of
thy mercy! your blood, ye have passed over to the promised
land of heaven, glorifying Christ.
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these Theotokion: With the martyrs, the divine
sessional hymns, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: prophets and all the angels entreat the Creator
"Hope ... "­ of all, 0 pure one, that He save those who with
I am in awe of the dread day of Thy coming, faith glorify and magnify thee.
0 Christ, I fear the implacable judgment, and
tremble, for I have committed a multitude of Another canon, of the holy incorporeal angels
offenses. But converting me before the end, of heaven, the acrostic whereof is "This is the
save me, in that Thou art a merciful God, sixth hymning of the noetic beings': the
through the supplications of Thine angels, 0 composition of Theophanes, in Tone VI­
only Compassionate One Who lovest mankind. Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though
0 soul who hast spent thy whole life in it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh
slothfulness, unmindful of the day of dread drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto
judgment: Come to thy senses, and take repen­ God a hymn of victory!
tance to thyself; and turn and cry out to Christ: I praise the beauteous majesty of the heav­
0 Compassionate One, at the hour of condem­ enly choirs, and cry out: I entreat Thee, 0
nation be not mindful of our many offenses! Christ, Who alone art compassionate, that I
may be illumined by their radiant lightning.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ Twice
0 good Theotokos, hope, protection and ha­ 0 Thou Who by Thy word and the most Holy
ven of those who trust in thee, and intercessor Spirit adorned all things and the angelic choirs
for the world: With the incorporeal ones ear­ which Thou didst create, Thou hast created
nestly entreat the loving God to Whom thou them to hymn Thee as the Cause of all, in that
gavest birth, that our souls may be delivered Thou art almighty.
from every threat, 0 only blessed one. Theotokion: Having received thy Creator
ineffably incarnate ofthy seedless womb, as He
ODE I Himself desired, 0 pure one, thou hast truly
Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ
been shown to be the Mistress of creation.
and His holy martyrs, the acrostic whereof is

"Accept Thou the weeping of mine eyes,

0 Christ': the composition of Joseph,
Canon of Repentance
in Tone VI- Irmos: Making steadfast the thoughts of my
Irmos: The sensual Pharaoh was drowned with soul, establish me upon the firm rock of Thy
all his army, and Israel, crossing through the Faith, 0 Lord; for I have Thee as my refuge and
midst of the sea, cried aloud: Let us chant unto confirmation, 0 Good One.
the Lord God, for He hath been glorified! I promised Christ to repent, yet in nowise do
Treating me with the oil of mercy, who have I cast off evil deeds. What shall I do, who am
fallen into the hands of thieves and been half beset by great blindness? 0 Son of God, have
slain by soul-corrupting wounds, 0 Christ, pity on me!
have pity on me, that I may glorify Thee. Having wasted my life in slothfulness,
I have sinned greatly, and become a den of wretch that I am, I consider the long-suffering
thieves. 0 Christ Who wast born in a cave, of God; and I am afraid that the severing of
grant me an outpouring of tears, and cleanse death will suddenly overtake me.
me, that I be a temple for Thy Holy Spirit. Martyricon: Desiring persecutions, pangs
Martyricon: Having like youths cast down and tribulations as though they were food, the
the enemy, 0 athletes, ye have truly been martyrs rejoiced, looking toward everlasting
adorned with divinely plaited wreaths, and, full delight with their neotic eyes.

Martyricon: All-wisely making your minds Canon of the Angels

steadfast upon the firm rock of piety, 0 holy Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
martyrs, in your strength ye were undaunted Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
by multifarious wounds. in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
Theotokion: Thou hast been revealed to us festival in the Lord.
as a new tree ofparadise, 0 pure one, having in Possessed of a nature immune to corrup­
thy midst the Tree ofwhich Adam, having eaten tion, Thy most divine and honorable intelli­
thereof, escapeth the mortality brought about gences stand round about Thy throne, having
by the evil one. inherited Thee as a well-spring of immortality,
0 Thou Who lovest mankind. Twice
Canon of the Angels Sanctified by the Holy Spirit, the assem­
I rmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my blies of the angels remain immune to evil,
God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful deified for the primal and good ascent.
and established us on the rock of the confession Theotokion: The curse of our first mother
ofThee, 0 Good One. hath been annulled because of thee, 0 most
He Who by His will created every rational immaculate one; for for us thou gavest birth
being out of nothingness is worshipped in three to the ever-flowing Well-spring of blessing,
Persons with thrice-holy hymns, and is eter­ 0 all-pure one.
nally glorified. Twice
0 Master ofall things, Who lovest mankind, 0DEV
now pouring forth and richly exuding good upon Canon of Repentance
all things, Thou hast shown forth the choirs of Irmos: 0 Christ Who shineth Thy light upon
the incorporeal angels through their partaking the world, illumine the heart of me who cry to
in the good. Thee out of the night, and save me.
Theotokion: Because of thee hath release 0 Christ Who didst spring forth from the
been given us, 0 Theotokos; for the Master of root ofJesse, cause the uprisings ofmy passions
the law, incarnate ofthee, endured suffering for to wither away, and plant the fear of Thee
our sake, and hath delivered all men. within me.
Let us acquire sighs like the publican's, and
ODE IV set aside all evil deeds, that we may escape
Canon of Repentance everlasting sighing.
Irmos: Thy virtue hath covered the heavens, 0 Martyricon: Wounded by divine desire for
Christ, and all things have been filled with Thy Thee, 0 Lord, Thy martyrs rejoiced when they
praise, 0 Lord. were wounded by tortures.
Condemn us not, who have sinned greatly Martyricon: Suffering in body, 0 martyrs,
against Thee; but in Thy wonted mercy have ye cried out from the ends of the earth, and
pity on us, 0 Master. Christ hearkened to your voice.
0 Savior Who art the way of life, vouchsafe Theotokion: Let us hymn the Theotokos, the
that I may never follow the deadly ways of sin. gate of heaven, through which all sinners pass
M artyricon: With your burning wounds ye by the entry of repentance.
quenched the fire, 0 martyrs who suffered, and
through the dew of the divine Spirit ye re­ Canon of the Angels
mained unconsumed. Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls
Martyricon: Having richly inherited it by of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee,
the shedding of your blood, ye manifestly de­ I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know
light in the torrent of divine sustenance, 0 Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who
martyrs. calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.
Theotokion: Having wasted my life in sloth­ Beholding Thee, our God and Creator, sit­
fulness, 0 all-pure one, I flee to thine aid. Have ting upon the throne of the cherubim, 0 Thou
pity, and save me! Who seest all things, by signs the prophet
learned Thy majesty and dominion. Twice

Daniel beheld Thee, Who united Thyself to ODE VII
human form, surrounded by myriads of myri­ Canon of Repentance
ads and thousands of thousands of angels, 0 Irmos: 0 Lord God of our fathers, Who hear­
Master, and he learned the mystery of the kened to the hymnody of Thy venerable chil­
dominion of Thy glory. dren and bedewed the burning furnace: blessed
Theotokion: Thy Son was shown to be art Thou!
comely in beauty more than the children of I have been blinded in mind by grave evil,
mortals, 0 most immaculate Mistress; for the and have not looked upon the light of repen­
Word is God over all, even though He received tance. 0 Christ my Savior, save me!
human nature of thee. Trusting in thy lovingkindness, I fall down
before Thee, 0 Compassionate One, and ask for
ODE VI remission of mine evils. Disdain me not, 0
Canon of Repentance Master!
Irmos: Slain by the monster ofsin, I cry to Thee, M artyricon: 0 my Christ, Who dost invest
0 Christ: Free me from corruption, as Thou with heavenly glory those who suffer for Thee in
didst the prophet. the world: By their supplications save me.
0 Christ Who gavest eyes to the blind, open Martyricon: As divine keepers of the righ­
Thou the eyes ofmy soul, that I may behold Thy teous law, ye spat upon unjust edicts, suffering
light and be delivered from the darkness of the lawfully with faith.
passions. Theotokion: Thou gavest birth to the Mas­
Make my soul full ofthe life-creating waters ter Who assumed the guise of a servant, 0
of repentance, 0 Compassionate One, granting Maiden. Him do thou entreat, 0 pure one, that
me rivers of tears. He free me from slavery to the passions.
M artyricon: Like lilies of the valley the
martyrs emit healings and fill with fragrance Canon of the Angels
the hearts of all the pious. Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour
Martyricon: Released from a corruptible forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­
body by tortures, 0 saints, ye bound yourselves mand of God, which consumed the Chaldreans,
to the Master with love and heart. prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art
Theotokion: 0 holy Mother of God, by thy Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
supplications purify my heart, which hath been Drawing nigh to the ineffable glory of
defiled by unclean deeds. Christ, all the holy angels are made luminous
by the beauty of the Almighty, and with love
Canon of the Angels they ever sing unto Him: Blessed art Thou, 0
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with God, forever! Twice
the tempest oftemptations, fleeing to Thy calm Noetically revolving round about Thee, 0
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from Master, the angels eternally receive Thine
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One! effulgence past understanding, ever chanting
Beholding with purity of mind Thine angels and saying: Blessed art Thou, 0 God, forever!
radiantly descending upon the ladder, 0 Mas­ Theotokion: The incorporeal archangel
ter, from afar Jacob learned most clearly of Thy said: "0 blessed one, the Lord is with thee!" For,
coming in the flesh. Twice desiring to restore corrupted nature, He made
Israel Thy favored one, 0 Master, rejoiced, His abode within thy womb, 0 blessed one who
perceiving the splendid and divine array of the gavest birth to God in the flesh.
angels, who join chorus in goodly ranks and
stand round about Thine ineffable glory. ODE VIII
Theotokion: The Maiden and Mistress hath Canon of Repentance
been shown to be a mountain truly higher than Irmos: In the furnace Thy venerable children
the heavenly mountains, the angelic hosts; for emulated the cherubim, chanting the thrice­
she contained the radiance of Thy divinity. holy hymn: Bless, hymn and exalt the Lord
supremely for all ages!


In my conduct I have emulated the rich ODE IX

man's lack of mercy. Overlooking mine impov­ Canon of Repentance
erished mind, 0 Christ, send me not into the Irmos: 0 Virgin who received the angel's salu­
unquenchable fire, who stand before the gates tation and gavest birth to thine own Creator,
of repentance corrupted by evil. save those who magnify thee.
From this life send me not, who am unpre­ Having maintained his chastity, Joseph
pared, into the wintry sabbath, the idle lack of was appointed distributor of grain; but I, who
good deeds, 0 Compassionate One Who commit fornication, am beset by a famine of
easeth the winter of sin; but grant me divine virtuous deeds.
conversion. Repenting like Peter, 0 Christ, I offer up
Martyricon: Trampling down deceptive tears; I sigh like the publican, and like the
falsehood by faith, the martyrs endured the prodigal son I cry out from the depths of my
threefold waves of tortures in every way, bless­ heart: I have sinned! Forgive me!
ing, hymning and exalting Christ forever. Martyricon: With Christ as your ally, ye
M artyricon: Extinguishing the burning cast down the evil of the enemy, 0 all-wise ones,
flame of torments with the dew ofpatience, ye and received crowns of victory from on high.
utterly consumed the tinder of ungodliness, Martyricon: Through the Holy Spirit the
afire with the zeal of divine love, 0 holy and holy memorial of all the martyrs sanctifieth
right victorious martyrs. those who hallow it in Orthodox manner.
Theotokion: As higher in honor than the Theotokion: 0 thou who gavest birth to the
angels, and having been magnificently sancti­ Light of dispassion, enlighten me who have
fied, 0 Virgin Theotokos, thou gavest birth to been benighted by sins, that I may hymn thee,
the all-holy God; wherefore, sanctify my soul. 0 pure Ever-virgin.

Canon of the Angels Canon of the Angels

Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God,
dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­ upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze;
sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the
water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­
soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt su­ nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call
premely for all ages! thee blessed.
As of old Thou didst protect Elisha, Thy In that for Thy prophet David Thou didst
favored one, with armies of incorporeal beings, cause Thine angel, who was cutting down Thy
0 Christ, so now encompass the Church which people, to desist, so, in that Thou art compassion­
exalteth Thee supremely, forever. Twice ate, 0 Christ, grant peace to all the Churches,
0 divine chief commanders, as ye stand easing the temptations which now afflict them,
before the dread throne, pray that those who in that Thou art greatly merciful. Twice
with love glorify and exalt Christ for all ages Seeing the afflictions of Thy people, 0
may be delivered from transgressions. Christ Master, as the Physician of souls and
Theotokion: 0 divinely joyous one, with the bodies heal them, through the entreaties ofThy
divine Gabriel we cry "Rejoice!'' to thee, the ministers, who now stand round about Thee,
Mother and Virgin; for for us thou gavest birth the King of all, and with constant cries glorify
in the flesh to the Word of God, Whom we exalt Thee as God.
supremely for all ages. Theotokion: Honoring now thine all­
glorious birthgiving, 0 Virgin Mother, the
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the principalities, archangels, dominions and
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable seraphim, the powers, authorities, thrones
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. and cherubim ever reverently glorify thee.

Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a

prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
usual psalms.

Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone VI- have mercy on me.

Findingme stripped bare ofthe virtues, the Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
enemy wounded me with the arrow ofsin; but do our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
Thou, as the Physician of souls and bodies, heal do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
the wounds of my soul, 0 God, and have mercy our hands do Thou guide aright.
upon me. M artyricon: All creation celebrateth on the
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with memorial of Thy saints, 0 Lord: the heavens
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were rejoice with the angels, and the earth maketh
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days merry with men. By their supplications have
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years mercy on us.
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
guide their sons. 0 Theotokos, thou didst receive the angel's
As the Physician of souls and bodies, 0 words, wast shown to be the throne of the
Savior Who grantest forgiveness of offenses cherubim, and bore in thine arms the Hope of
unto those who ask, heal the sores of my heart, our souls.
which have grown on me because of my many
offenses, ever granting me tears of repentance. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
Give me release from my debts, 0 Lord, and through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VI­ Martyricon: 0 passion-bearers who

Remember me, 0 God my Savior, when underwent every trial of wounds, ever heal the
Thou shalt come in Thy kingdom, and save me, stripes and sores of the believers.
in that Thou alone lovest mankind. Glory ... : Let us worship the Holy Trinity,
Overlook what I have done in knowledge Who is hymned by the armies ofthe angels, and
and in ignorance, 0 Jesus Who lovest mankind, let us cry out: Save Thou our souls!
and vouchsafe unto me the portion ofthe saved. Now & ever ... : 0 Theotokos, deliver me from
0 Christ Who enlightened the angelic everlasting fire and the torments which await
choirs, by their entreaties enlighten the eyes of me, that I may call thee blessed.
my heart.



On ''Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of repen­ mine eyes unto Thee, and cry: Set the feet of my
tance, the composition of Joseph, in Tone VI: soul upon the rock of repentance; show me how
Spec. Mel.: "For the wretchedness of life ... "­ to walk the straight way which leadeth to the
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, gates ofsalvation; and reject not the groaning of
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee my sorrowful heart, 0 thou who art the greatest
there is forgiveness. of all who have been born.
Who doth not weep for me, who in intemper­ Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
ance have broken the commandment of the praise Him, all ye peoples.
Most High? I have come to dwell in hades 0 Baptist and Forerunner of the Savior: Be
instead of paradise through the sight of the thou a helper unto me who have sunk in the
sweet food which brought about death, and mire ofimpure thoughts; extend to me the hand
because ofit I have become a stranger to life and which touched the head of the Incorrupt One;
the glory of God. Yet accept me the penitent, 0 strengthen me that I may valiantly do the
Lord, for the sake of Thy great mercy, in that works of repentance, which thou didst preach;
Thou art merciful and lovest mankind. and vouchsafe that I, thy servant, may enter
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ into the kingdom, which thou wast the first to
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath proclaim, 0 blessed one.
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
hoped in the Lord. prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
Behold my sorrow and pain, and the count­ eth forever.
less multitude of my transgressions, the afflic­ 0 Baptist of Christ, who by thy birth didst
tion of my soul and the delusion of my mind. loose thy mother's barrenness and thy father's
Attend unto the cry of one who is accursed and tongue, rid thou my childless heart offruitless­
condemned, 0 Lord, and grant me a contrite ness, and quickly remove all the irrationality of
spirit and a humble heart; and give me a well­ my soul, for thou wast the voice of the Word,
spring of tears and forgiveness for my many announcing repentance, which do thou vouch­
transgressions, in Thy great mercy. safe that I may ever achieve, who in my slothful­
Stichos: From the morning watch until ness have withdrawn from God.
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in
the Lord. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
0 God, Who desirest that all men be saved: 0 all-holy Virgin, show forth upon me, the
Look down and hearken unto my supplication, wretched one, the depths of thy love for man­
and reject not my tears as shed in vain. For kind, the abyss of thy lovingkindness, and the
who hath come to Thee weeping and hath not countless compassions of thy goodness. Mow
been saved straightway? Who hath not cried down the stubble of sin, granting me chastity,
out fervently unto Thee and not been hear­ and preserve undefiled my body and soul, 0
kened to straightway? 0 Master, be Thou thou who gavest birth to the Savior.
quick to save all who entreat Thee, for Thou art
invincible in mercy. Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera for Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone VI-
the holy & great John the Forerunner, in the At Thy dread coming, 0 Christ, let us not
same tone- hear "I know you not." For we have set our hope
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, upon Thee, 0 Savior. And even though in our
and with Him there isplenteous redemption; neglect we have not kept Thy precepts, yet take
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his pity on our souls, we pray.
iniquities. Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
Disdain me not who have strayed from the eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
path oflife, 0 Forerunner ofthe Savior. I lift up hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands


of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid Martyricon: 0 martyred passion-bearers,

look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our citizens ofheaven, who suffered on the earth, ye
eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take endured many torments. By their supplica­
pity on us. tions and entreaty, 0 Lord, preserve us all.
Neither repentance nor tears have I ac­
quired; wherefore, I beseech Thee, 0 Christ Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
God: Convert me before the end, and grant me N o one who hath recourse to thee, 0 all-pure
compunction, that I may be delivered from Virgin Theotokos, departeth from thee
tortures. ashamed; for he asketh grace and receiveth a
Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have gift for his profitable petition.
mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
therewith; let reproach come upon them that Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
prosper, and abasement on the proud. Litany, and Dismissal.




ODE I In thee have I placed my trust, 0 pure and

Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though all-pure one. Let not my hope in thee be disap­
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh pointed. In that thou art the merciful Mother of
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto God Who loveth mankind, deliver me from the
God a hymn of victory! snares of the enemy.
Bent low by a multitude of temptations and 0 all-pure Mary Mother of God, portal of
grievous acts, I bow before thee the neck of my salvation through which the Creator ofall alone
soul and body, 0 pure one, and cry out to thee did pass, open now unto me the divine gates of
with fervor: Do thou set me aright! repentance.
0 most immaculate Maiden, mighty help of Glory ... : 0 pure one, be thou a refuge and
the faithful and hope of Christians: Free me haven for me who am ever bestormed by the
from the carnal lusts and passions which war threefold waves ofthe passions on the sea oflife,
against me! 0 only Ever-virgin.
Glory ... : 0 all-pure one, thou luminous Now & ever ... : 0 Mary Mother of God,
guide ofthose in darkness, having given birth to illumine my soul, which hath been grievously
the noetic Light, illumine my soul and sanctify benighted by many sins, wounded by the darts
my mind, dissolving the gloom of passions and of the evil one, and fallen ill.
Now & ever ... : With the light of the holy
Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
commandments of Him Who became incarnate
Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
ofthee, 0 Mistress Theotokos, dispel the dark­
in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
ness of my soul, which hath been cast into
festival in the Lord.
darkness by the onslaughts of unseemly
As thou art my strength, refuge, insuper­
able rampart and advocate before God, 0 all­
pure one, free me from everlasting flame and
ODE III Gehenna.
Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my 0 most pure Mary, dispel thou the tumult of
God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful the passions of my mind and the storm of
and established us on the rock of the confession temptations, in that thou gavest birth to the
of Thee, 0 Good One. Source of dispassion, 0 Ever-virgin Mother.

Glory ... : 0 pure and most immaculate one, lowly one, 0 Mistress, and beyond expectation
as thou wast the receptacle of purity which save me; for thou art my hope and protection,
accommodated the habitation of God, do away the life and light of my heart, and my confirma­
with the defilement and impurity of my soul. tion, 0 Theotokos.
Now & ever ... : 0 Maiden, I beseech thee, who
alone art pure, who alone art undefiled: By thy Then, Lord, have mercy! Thrice. Glory ... , Now
supplications cleanse thou my soul, which hath & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone VI­
been defiled and bemired by lustful passions. 0 all-holy Virgin Mother, thou art truly the
strength of the helpless; wherefore, we, the
0DEV lowly, are exalted by thee, and in thee are we
Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls borne aloft. Thou art the protection of all and
of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee, their mediatress before God.
I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know
Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who
Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour
calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.
forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­
Defiled in mind and bemired by many falls,
mand of God, which consumed the Chaldreans,
0 Mother of God, I entreat thee, who alone art
prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art
undefiled: Have pity and save me by thy
Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
We ever have thee as our cleansing before
With thy divine effulgence, 0 good one, illu­
God, 0 all-immaculate one; wherefore, ask thou
mine my soul, which hath been benighted by
that all who confess thee truly to be the Theoto­
pleasures, and guide it to the path of salvation, 0
kos be delivered from dread torments beyond.
thou who alone gavest birth to Christ the Savior.
Raise me up, who am stuck fast in slothful­
Glory ... : Loose thou the bonds ofmy sins by
ness, to the doing of godly works, 0 all-pure one,
thy mediation and aid, 0 Virgin, and fill my
strengthening me against the enemy who ever
wretched soul with divine tranquility, and
wage cruel war against me, and against those who
deliver it from darkness.
would lead me astray with adverse thoughts.
Now & ever ... : Having now acquired thee
Glory ... : Leave me not to perish, 0 Virgin,
alone as my divine refuge, 0 good one, I cry to
neither allow me to fall prey to the evil serpent
thee, falling down with faith: Thou art my help!
who ever thirsteth for my destruction; but grant
Be thou also my shelter of salvation, 0 Mistress
me thy rich mercy.
of the world, and save me.
Now & ever ... : Fail not in thine entreaty of
our God Who loveth mankind, 0 most immacu­
late and pure one, that we may receive complete
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with
forgiveness, and may obtain the good things of
the tempest oftemptations, fleeing to Thy calm
heaven prepared for the just and joy which
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from
cannot be taken away.
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One!
Guilty of sin, wretch that I am, I have been ODE VIII
grievously wounded. To thee who art merciful, Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth
0 Mother of God, do I flee, praying: Set at dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­
naught my falls into transgressions. sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with
0 portal of grace who hast opened unto the water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
faithful the gates of heaven, open unto me the soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt
radiant door of repentance, and deliver me from supremely for all ages!
the gates of death. Show forth my barren heart as laden with
Glory ... : 0 Mother of God who gavest birth the fruit of good works, 0 most pure one,
to the Source ofdispassion, render me steadfast, entreating God by thy birthgiving.
who am brought low by the passions and the Make supplication unto God, 0 Virgin full of
assaults of the adversary; for unto thee have I the grace of God, that He save our souls and
fled, who art the comforter of my wretched soul. deliver us from accepting the passions and from
Now & ever ... : Look down upon me, the the evil temptation of the demons.

Glory ... : I flee to thy protection, 0 most Virgin who gavest birth to Christ the Helms­
immaculate one, and set thee forth as the man. Extend to me thy helping hand, and save
intercessor for my life. Deliver me, 0 Maiden, me, 0 thou who alone art the salvation of those
from dread condemnation, from trial and ever­ who with faith call thee blessed.
lasting fire. 0 bridal-chamber and throne of Him Who
Now & ever ... : Make steadfast my soul, reigneth, mountain ofGod, chosen city, garden of
which hath been shaken by the evil of the foe, 0 paradise, most radiant cloud ofthe Sun: illumine
pure Virgin, and rescue me from fiery torment my soul, driving away the cloud of my many sins,
and the painful lot of the goats. 0 thou who art full of the grace of God.
Glory ... : 0 pure and divine chosen Virgin,
ODE IX portal of the Light: open thou the gates of my
Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God, soul, locking the door of sin, that the hand ofthe
upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze; deceiver not seize me, dragging me cruelly into
but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the the dread torment of perdition.
Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­ Now & ever ... : Arise, 0 my soul, and be thou
nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call watchful in prayer and in care for that which is
thee blessed. most good, driving away the sleep of despon­
The turbulence of the passions doth trouble dency, ever having the pure and most compas­
and engulf me in pleasures, 0 all-immaculate sionate Mother of God as thy vigilant ally.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns of repentance, in Tone VI­ sessional hymns, in Tone VI­
I think upon the dread day, and I weep over 0 my soul, how long shalt thou labor for sin
my wicked deeds. How shall I answer the in despondency; how long shalt thou, sick, fail
immortal King? With what boldness shall I, the to go to the Physician? Arise then from the evils
prodigal, lift mine eyes to the Judge? 0 compas­ thou hast committed, and cry unto the Lord,
sionate Father, only-begotten Son and Holy saying: 0 Savior, Hope of the hopeless and Life
Spirit: Have mercy on me! of the despairing, raise me up, and save me?
Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine Stichos: 0 Lord, rebuke me not in Thine
anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath. anger, nor chasten me in Thy wrath.
In the vale of weeping, in the place which Grant unto me the vigilance of the wise
Thou hast appointed, rebuke me not, 0 Merci­ virgins, 0 Lord, and enlighten the lamp of my
ful One, when Thou shalt come to render just soul with the oil ofThy compassions, that I may
judgment, neither shame me before the an­ chant unto Thee the angelic hymn: Alleluia!
gels; but take pity on me, 0 God, and have Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
mercy on me. God of Israel.
Martyricon: Having endured the struggle of
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- martyrdom, the saints receive from Thee the
Open unto us the doors of repentance, 0 honors of victory; they set at naught the inten­
blessed Virgin Theotokos. Let not those who tions of the iniquitous, and have received
trust in thee perish, but may we be delivered by crowns of incorruption. For their sake be Thou
thee from misfortunes, for thou art the salva­ entreated, 0 God, and grant us great mercy.
tion of the human race.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ valiant athletes, the destroyers ofthe alien one,
0 good Virgin Theotokos, thou hope of the those who suffered patiently and have received
world, we entreat thine intercession, which from God crowns of victory.
alone is mighty: Take pity on us, a people bereft M artyricon: Holding forth, 0 wise ones,
of an intercessor; beseech the merciful God, with the boldness of the Word of God ye van­
that our souls be delivered from every threat, 0 quished the orators; and having endured every
thou who alone art blessed! kind of wound, ye have been greatly glorified.·
Theotokion: Thou hast been shown to be the
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these gate of Life, 0 pure one who by thy birthgiving
sessional hymns, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: hast shut the gates of death. Thou hast been
('Hope ... "­ shown to be the chosen ground whereby our
As thou didst point out the ways of life unto human substance hath been lifted up from
the people, 0 John, crying out: "Set your hearts earth to heaven.
aright for the Lord!", by thy supplications save
my greatly sinful soul, bring my hardened mind Another canon, of the holy & great John the
to compunction, and deliver me from the tor­ Forerunner, the composition of Theophanes,
ment to come, 0 Forerunner of the Savior. in Tone VI-
The tempest of the passions and the cruel Irmos: The sensual Pharaoh was drowned with
threefold waves of transgressions have all his army, and Israel, crossing through the
drowned me in the depths of despair, 0 Word; midst of the sea, cried aloud: Let us chant unto
but stretch forth to me Thy mighty right hand, the Lord God, for He hath been glorified!
and save me, as Thou didst Peter, from the The divine angel announced thy birth before­
depths of my cruel iniquities, through the sup­ hand to thy father, 0 angel of God. With him be
plications of Thy Forerunner. thou mindful of us, that on the day ofjudgment
we may find mercy, 0 holy Forerunner.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- As the beauteous scion of the desert, 0
The Son and Word of God, Who was begot­ Forerunner of Christ, uproot the slothfulness
ten of the Father before the ages without which continually springeth up within me, and
mother, thou didst bear in times past, incarnate cause me to produce the fruits of repentance.
of thy pure blood without the aid of man, 0 A childless womb all-gloriously giveth birth
Theotokos. Him do thou entreat, that we be to thee as fruit, showing hearts which before
granted remission of sins before the end. were unfruitful to be right fertile. But I cry out
to thee with faith: 0 Baptist, uproot my fruit­
ODE I less thoughts!
Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ Theotokion: Unceasingly doth the wicked
and His holy martyrs, the composition of enemy lay traps for me with cunning. 0 most
Joseph, in Tone VI- immaculate one, rescue me from his pursuit,
Irmos: A helper and protector hath He been and instruct me how to do the divine will of the
unto me for my salvation. He is my God, and I Master, 0 Theotokos.
shall glorify Him. He is the God of my fathers,
and I shall exalt Him, for gloriously hath He ODE III
been glorified. Canon of Repentance
0 Jesus my Deliverer, as Thou didst deliver Irmos: On the rock of Thy commandments, 0
from many transgressions the harlot who once Lord, establish Thou mine unsteady heart, for
made goodly repentance, I beseech Thee: De­ Thou alone art our holy Lord.
liver me also from my countless evils, in that When I must needs stand before Thee and
Thou art merciful. be judged, 0 only easily reconciled Lord, look
Sailing this cruel sea oflife in vain thoughts, upon me with the eye of Thy mercy.
0 Jesus, I have fallen into many floods. Deliv­ Accept me who sigh like the publican from
ering me from them, save me. the depths ofmy soul, and grant me repentance,
Martyricon: Let us joyously honor the 0 Savior, which delivereth me from every sin.



M artyricon: By the flow of your all-holy Martyricon: 0 ever-blessed martyrs, who

blood, 0 saints, the abominable blood which with divine navigation sailed the rolling deep,
once was offered to the demons in pagan the waters of perdition, ye reached the safe and
temples did cease. stormless haven of the kingdom of heaven.
M artyricon: Strengthened by the all-holy Martyricon: As luminaries of piety and
Spirit, 0 holy ones, ye demolished the perni­ lamps of truth, with the light of your struggles
cious temples, making all steadfast in the ye destroyed the greatly painful darkness of
Faith. ungodliness, and with rays ofmiracles ye dispel
Theotokion: 0 all-holy one, thou didst con­ the gloom of suffering.
ceive Him Who upholdeth the whole world; Theotokion: Of old, the prophet foresaw
wherefore, I beseech thee: Deliver me from thee as a seven-branched lampstand bearing
every torment which holdeth me. the Fire of the knowledge of God, 0 Maiden,
enlightening those who languish in the dark­
Canon of the Forerunner ness of ignorance. Wherefore, I cry out to thee,
Irmos: Making steadfast the thoughts of my 0 most immaculate one: Enlighten me, I pray!
soul, establish me upon the firm rock of Thy
Faith, 0 Lord; for I have Thee as my refuge and Canon of the Forerunner
confirmation, 0 Good One. Irmos: I heard report of Thee and was afraid; I
Grant that I, who have strayed from the understood Thy works and was in awe, 0 Lord.
path, may now return; and extend thy hand to Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
me who ever navigate the deep of evils, 0 With the effective medicine of thy prayers,
blessed Forerunner. 0 Forerunner, heal my heart, which hath been
I live my life in slothfulness, and the time wounded by highway robbers, I pray thee.
when I shall be cut down draweth nigh. By thy Cast down the sin which yet liveth within
supplications grant that I may arise, 0 ever­ my soul, 0 Forerunner, and grant that I may
glorious Forerunner, lest I be cast into the now arise, who fall headlong into pleasures.
inextinguishable fire as barren. Thou hast been shown to be a harbor for us
· The dread day is at hand, and I am laden who are tempest-tossed on the deep of the storm
with grievous burdens. Lift them from me, 0 of life, and bring us all into tranquillity, 0 thou
Baptist of the Lord, by thy pure entreaties. who art most rich.
Theotokion: Thou hast been shown to be Theotokion: She who gave Thee birth en­
the throne of God, on which Christ sat in the treateth Thee with the Forerunner, saying:
flesh and raised up from the primal fall those "Condemn me not, 0 Lord, according to my
who hymn thee with joyful voices. deeds, but show Thyself to be most merciful, 0
most Compassionate One!"
Canon of Repentance 0DEV
Irmos: The prophet heard of Thine advent, 0 Canon of Repentance
Lord, and was afraid, for Thou didst desire to be Irmos: Enlighten me who rise at dawn out ofthe
born of the Virgin and reveal Thyself to men; night, I pray, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, and
and he said: "I heard report of Thee and was guide me in Thy precepts; and teach me to do
afraid. Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord! Thy will, 0 Savior.
Grant me streams of tears which dry up the 0 Christ, I am Thy slothful servant, who
well-springs of my passions, wash away the mire have hidden Thy talant and am confounded by
of every sin, and quench the everlasting and the evil deeds of my passions; wherefore, send
inextinguishable flame of the fire of Gehenna, 0 me not into the fire.
Compassionate and greatly Merciful One. Though I became Thy child through grace,
The sores of my soul continually itch with 0 compassionate Christ, yet have I enslaved
love of pleasures, and I remain unhealed, not myself to the enemy and have departed from
desiring to come to my senses. What shall Thee, living prodigally; wherefore, turn and
become of me? What shall I do? 0 compassion­ save me.
ate Christ, heal and save me!

Martyricon: The martyrs stood before the Martyricon: Having cultivated the furrows
tribunal, arrayed in the armor of faith; where­ of your souls with the plough of many pangs, 0
fore, the cruel apostate was unable to wound all-wise ones, with the divine seed of faith ye
them with arrows of falsehood. manifestly produced the most fruitful grain of
M artyricon: Wounded, the bodies of the martyrdom.
martyrs slew all the wiles of the enemy; and in Martyricon: With your wounds ye wounded
joy they passed over to the life which waxeth not him who wounded us, 0 pious warriors; where­
old, having received crowns of victory. fore, having passed over to life, ye now heal the
Theotokion: 0 pure guide of all, thou im­ sufferings of men.
passable gate, open unto me the gates of true Theotokion: Thou wast shown to be the
repentance, I pray, and show me the path of temple of God, 0 most immaculate one; and
penitence. making His abode within thee in sanctity, He
deified the human essence and made the faith­
Canon of the Forerunner ful into temples for Himself.
Irmos: I rise early unto Thee, 0 Word of God,
Who, in Thy loving-kindness, didst immutably Canon of the Forerunner
debase Thyself and didst dispassionately sub­ Irmos: The uttermost abyss of sins hath en­
ject Thyselfto sufferings. Grant peace unto me gulfed me, whose billows none can withstand;
who have fallen, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind. and like Jonah I cry to Thee, 0 Master: Lead me
Thou wast the temple of the divine Trinity, up from corruption!
0 Forerunner; and, assembled in this thy holy Thou didst spring forth as an offshoot of a
temple, with fervent entreaty we beseech thee: root, 0 prophet, and didst show hearts barren of
Deliver us from temptations and tribulations, all goodly knowledge to be right fruitful for the
0 most lauded one. praise of God.
I, who have estranged my mind from every Crush the evil one speedily beneath our feet,
virtue, now entreat thee, 0 blessed one who and by thine intercessions direct our noetic foot­
walked a strange path in this life: Join me to the steps toward the path of peace, 0 Forerunner.
Lord of all, making me better by thine excellent Surround thy flock with righteousness, 0
gifts. prophet, delivering us from every attack of the
0 prophet who immersed the Abyss of demons and from everlasting torment.
lovingkindness in the streams ofthe Jordan, by Theotokion: Hymnody of thanksgiving do
thy supplications dry up the torrents of my we now offer unto thee, 0 Virgin; for saved from
passions now, giving me springs of tears. the ancient curse by thee, 0 pure one, we
Theotokion: All-adorned with divine rays, produce every blessing like fruit.
0 Virgin, thou gavest birth unto Him Who is
comely in beauty. Wherefore, ever entreat ODE VII
Him, that He save from corruption those who Canon of Repentance
glorify thee with faith and love. Irmos: We have sinned, we have committed
iniquity, we have dealt unjustly before Thee.
OnE VI We have neither done nor acted as Thou hast
Canon ofRepentance commanded us. But forsake us not utterly, 0
Irmos: With all my heart I cry out to the compas­ God of our fathers.
sionate God, and He heard my cry from the I who have sinned beyond measure look
uttermost depths of hades, and hath led my life upon Thine immeasurable mercy. I know Thy
up from corruption. lovingkindness; I know Thy long-suffering and
Let me not be seen as a joy to the demons on forbearance. Grant me fruits of repentance, 0
the dread day, 0 Christ Jesus, lest I then hear compassionate Christ, and save me.
the voice sentencing me to the fire of Gehenna. Heal the incurable sufferings ofmy heart, 0
The enemy of the righteous hath drowned Compassionate One, grant the severance of my
me in the depths of transgressions, but I flee to debts, and ease my heavy burden, that in com­
the abyss of Thy compassions, 0 Jesus, crying: punction I may ever glorify Thee, the God of our
Guide me now to the harbor of life! fathers.

M artyricon: Bound, beheaded, consumed Christ, and with him cry out: 0 only Merciful
by material fire, cast to the lions as food, One, speedily have mercy upon me!
stretched on the wheel, the divine and sacred I pray that mine end may be good, and that
athletes did not deny Thee, our living God. I may bring an end to my wicked deeds. Yet my
M artyricon: Ye were parted from your bod­ intention is not sincere, for my heart is hard­
ies, yet were shown to be unseparated from ened. Have pity on me, 0 Word of God.
God, 0 martyrs, because of your divine union Martyricon: 0 passion-bearers, ofyour own
with Him Who united Himself to us incorrupt­ will ye offered yourselves as chosen and un­
ibly. Him do ye ever beseech, that we be deliv­ blemished sacrifices unto the only-begotten
ered from all want. Word Who sacrificed Himself for our sake, and
Theotokion: Without seed thou didst put ye abolished all the sacrifices of the demons.
forth Him Whom the Father began incorrupt­ M artyricon: The severing of your tendons,
ibly, and thou didst remain a virgin even after the uprooting of your teeth, the cutting off of
giving birth, as thou wast before birthgiving. your hands, the fracture of your members, and
Wherefore, thou art unceasingly blessed and every other torture did ye valiantly endure, 0
glorified, 0 all-pure one, as the Mother of God. martyrs, hymning Christ, the only Judge ofthe
Canon of the Forerunner Theotokion: For us thou gavest birth to
Irmos: The children in Babylon did not fear the the Ancient of days as a little babe, Who
flame of the furnace, but, cast into the midst of showeth us new paths on earth and reneweth
the fire, bedewed, they sang: Blessed art Thou, our nature which hath waxed old, 0 un­
0 Lord God of our fathers! wedded and blessed one.
As the voice of the Word, 0 Baptist, accept
now our cries, and deliver thy people from Canon of the Forerunner
sufferings and misfortunes, from many evil Irmos: The blessed youths in Babylon, braving
circumstances and everlasting torment. danger for the laws of their fathers, reviled the
With thy hand thou didst point to the Lamb mindless command of the ruler, and, united by
of God Who taketh away the sins of the world, the fire which burned them not, they chanted a
0 prophet. Him do thou ever beseech, that He fitting hymn unto the Almighty: Hymn the
take away my grievous offenses and difficult Lord, ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all
times, and vouchsafe me life. ages!
0 my soul, haste thou and, abandoning the Thou didst behold the Holy Spirit descend­
darkness of irrational deeds, cry out: Have pity ing in the form of a dove upon the Word as He
on me, 0 Jesus, through the entreaties of the was baptized, 0 blessed one, and wast vouch­
Baptist, and rescue me from the mire of my safed to hear the voice of the Father, saying:
deeds! "This is my Son, Who is equally enthroned with
Theotokion: Unto Him, before Whom the Me, to Whom all creation doth sing: Hymn the
ranks ofheaven stand with trembling, and Who Lord, 0 ye works, and exalt Him supremely for
in His goodness united Himself unto men, didst all ages!"
thou give birth, 0 pure one. Him do thou Having consumed the flammable passions
earnestly entreat, that He have pity on thy of my mind with the fire of thy prayers, 0
servants. prophet, light again the lamp of my heart,
which had gone out, that, seeing clearly, I may
ODE VIII chant unto the Creator of the light of the com­
Canon of Repentance mandments: Hymn the Lord, ye works, and
Irmos: Let every creature that hath breath exalt Him supremely for all ages!
hymn, bless and supremely exalt for all ages I am the wretched servant who hid the
Him Whom the armies of heaven glorify and talant which I received from Thee to invest.
before Whom the cherubim and seraphim What shall I do when Thou comest to render
tremble. judgment, trying the deeds of each man? But
Having sinned more than David, I gaze have pity on me through the entreaties of Thy
upon the great mercy of Thy compassions, 0 Forerunner, and send me not into the fire who

cry: Hymn the Lord, 0 ye works, and exalt Him Canon of the Forerunner
supremely forever! Irmos: Come, ye faithful, and with minds up­
Theotokion: Maintain my mind in humility, lifted let us delight in the hospitality of the
0 Maiden full of the grace of God, who by thy Master and the feast of immortality in a high
birthgiving hast crushed the uprising of the place, learning from the Word, Whom we mag­
demons. Raise me up from the dung-hill of the nify, and Who hath ascended.
passions, and with thy grace fill me, who hun­ Cure thou my mind, which hath been griev­
ger and chant: Hymn the Lord, 0 ye works, and ously infected by the love of life's pleasures, still
exalt Him supremely for all ages! the tempest which vexeth me greatly, and show
me the straight ways of repentance, 0 Forerun­
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the ner of the Lord.
Magnificat], with the refrain: "More honorable Thou wast seen standing between the Old
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. and theNew Covenants, 0 prophet, causing the
former to cease and revealing the latter as light.
ODE IX Quickly guide us to walk therein with a godly
Canon ofRepentance conscience, that we may be delivered from ever­
Irmos: Ineffable is the Offspring ofthe seedless lasting darkness.
conception, and incorrupt the Fruit of the The dread judgment will be a day full of
Mother who knew not man; for the birthgiving wrath, a day of darkness for those whose works
of God restoreth nature. Wherefore, in Ortho­ are dark, 0 Baptist and Forerunner of Christ.
dox manner all of us, the generations of men, Then by thy supplications from all condemna­
magnify thee as the divine Bride and Mother. tion deliver us who honor thee.
0 Jesus Who lovest mankind, Thou alone Theotokion: Thou wast shown to be holier
knowest our infirmity, for Thou didst clothe than the cherubim, 0 Virgin, for thou gavest
Thyselftherein in Thy lovingkindness, desiring birth to the all-holy God. Sanctify us all, who day
to cleanse it. Wherefore, cleanse my wicked and night hallow thee with holy voices and faith.
defilements and the sores of mine evils, and
save me. Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
Like the harlot I offer Thee tears, 0 Thou prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
Who lovest mankind; like the publican I cry out, usual psalms.
groaning, unto Thee: Cleanse and save me! And
like the Canaanite woman I exclaim: Have Aposticha stichera of repentance, in Tone VI-
mercy on me, as Thou didst the penitent Peter, Finding me stripped bare of the virtues, the
and vouchsafe me forgiveness! enemy wounded me with the arrow ofsin; but do
M artyricon: Wrestling in the flesh with the Thou, as the Physician of souls and bodies, heal
incorporeal prince of this world, by your the wounds of my soul, 0 God, and have mercy
struggles of suffering ye cast him down, and upon me.
have worthily received crowns of victory. Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
Wherefore, pray ye earnestly for all who praise Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
you with faith, 0 holy ones. glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
Martyricon: With the holy blood of Thy wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
saints Thou didst sanctify the earth, 0 Lord, wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
and didst unite their spirits to the spirits of the servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
holy hosts, 0 most Holy One; and by them Thou guide their sons.
dost ever sanctify those who hallow Thee with As the Physician of souls and bodies, 0
true faith. Savior Who grantest forgiveness of offenses
Theotokion: We offer unto thee the cry ofthe unto those who ask, heal the sores of my heart,
archangel, 0 most pure and blessed one: Re­ which have grown on me because of my many
joice, thou who contained the uncontainable offenses, ever granting me tears of repentance.
God! Rejoice, annulment of the curse and in­ Give me release from my debts, 0 Lord, and
duction of blessing! Rejoice, thou who alone have mercy on me.
openest the gate of paradise!

Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands Great gifts wast thou vouchsafed, 0 pure
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of Virgin Mother of God, for thou gavest birth in
our hands do Thou guide aright. the flesh to One of the Holy Trinity-Christ, the
Martyricon: 0 Lord, if we did not have Thy Bestower of life-unto the salvation of our
saints as advocates and Thy goodness having souls.
mercy upon us, how would we dare to hymn
Thee, Whom the angels glorify without ceasing. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
0 Thou Who knowest the hearts of men, spare through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
our souls! Hour, and Dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VI­ Martyricon: Having endured threefold
Remember me, 0 God my Savior, when waves of sufferings, 0 passion-bearers, ye now
Thou shalt come in Thy kingdom, and save me, heal the infirmities of men; wherefore, ye are
in that Thou alone lovest mankind. called blessed.
0 Christ Who accepted the lamentation of Glory ... : 0 Thou Who by the prophets art
Peter, accept also my repentance; and grant me glorified in the simple and unconfused Trinity,
forgiveness of mine offenses. save me by the entreaties of the Forerunner!
0 Baptist and Forerunner of the Lord, who Now & ever ... : 0 mighty intercession for
preached repentance to men, pray that I may those who find themselves amid tribulations,
repent with all my soul. intercede for me, who partake of the pleasures
of life, and save me, I pray thee.



On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the "I am crucified, nailed to the Tree like a
Cross, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "On the third man, and am placed in a tomb as one dead, 0
day ... "- pure Virgin Mother. But as God I will rise again
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, in glory on the third day!"
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee
there is forgiveness. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
When Thou wast crucified, 0 long-suffering The Virgin, Thy pure Mother, beholding the
Lord, Thou didst shake the whole earth, mak­ most iniquitous men who unjustly nailed Thee
ing steadfast the hearts of the faithful; where­ to the Tree, was wounded in her womb, 0
fore, we hymn Thee and with love worship Savior, as Symeon foretold.
Thine unapproachable power.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath
hoped in the Lord. Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone VI-
Spat upon and smitten on the cheek, 0 Thy Cross is life and help for Thy people, 0
Savior, Thou didst smite the evil ofthe venom­ Lord; and trusting therein, we hymn Thee, our
ous foe, taking away the fall which Adam God Who wast crucified in the flesh. Have
endured, who was abducted because of his mercy on us!
transgression. Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
Stichos: From the morning watch until eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
the Lord. of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
The sun was darkened, the whole earth look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
quaked, and the stones split asunder, when eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
they beheld Thee suspended unjustly upon the pity on us.
Tree, setting aside Thine own will, 0 Savior. Thy Cross, 0 Lord, hath opened paradise to
the human race; and delivered from corruption,
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ we hymn Thee, our God Who wast crucified in
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera of the flesh. Have mercy on us!
the Theotokos, in Tone VI, in the same melody- Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his therewith; let reproach come upon them that
iniquities. prosper, and abasement on the proud.
Standing once with the virginal disciple at M artyricon: They who suffered for Thy
the foot of the Cross during the crucifixion, the sake, 0 Christ, endured many torments and
Virgin cried, weeping: "Woe is me! How is it have received perfect crowns in the heavens.
that Thou sufferest, 0 Christ, Thou dispassion Let them pray in behalf of our souls.
of all?''
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
praise Him, all ye peoples. Beholding our Life hanging upon the Tree,
"Mindful of Thy seedless conception and all­ the most immaculate one cried out, lamenting
pure birthgiving, I marvel greatly. How hast maternally: "0 my Son and my God, save those
Thou been thus well-pleased to die like a male­ who hymn Thee with love!"
factor, 0 Savior?", the all-pure one cried out.
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­ Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
eth forever. Litany, and Dismissal.





Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
God a hymn of victory! festival in the Lord.
In every way I lament my vile life and the The ranks of angels and the armies of the
multitude of mine abominable sins. How shall hosts of heaven are in awe of the might of thy
I confess to thee, 0 pure one? I am at a loss and Son, 0 pure one. But I am in despair, stuck fast
filled with fear. Yet help me, 0 Mistress. in my lack offear.
How shall I begin to speak ofmy wicked and All the earth hath been amazed and aston­
grievous falls, plagued as I am by the passions? ished, beholding me committing evil, wicked
Woe is me! What shall I do? Yet before the end and vile acts, and it marvelleth at the great
take pity on me, 0 Mistress. lovingkindness of thy Son.
Glory ... : I ever contemplate the hour of Glory ... : I have wickedly defiled the temple
death and the dread tribunal, 0 all-pure one, of my body, and the temple of the Lord which
yet am I grievously led astray by my most men enter with trembling; for although I am a
wicked habits. But do thou help me. prodigal, I enter it without shame. Woe is me!
Now & ever ... : The corrupter of the good, Now & ever ... : 0 Mistress, show me not, 0
seeing me now stripped naked of godly virtues, show me not to have wandered away from the
fallen far away from God and become a stranger tabernacle ofthy Son, though I am in every way
to Him, striveth to devour me. But do thou unworthy, but wash me clean of the defilement
prevent him, 0 Mistress. of my transgressions.


Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls
God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee,
and established us on the rock of the confession I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know
ofThee, 0 Good One. Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who
I have vilely besmirched my soul with mine calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.
evil and abominable deeds, plagued as I am by With thy divine effulgence, 0 good one, cure
the passions, 0 Mistress Theotokos. Where my soul of the passions which the corrupter
then shall I go, who am wholly stuck fast in hath sown therein, and deliver me from his
despondency? bitter captivity, for he laugheth, beholding me
Though created in the image of God, I have helpless.
bemired my prodigal self by mine overweening Adam broke the only commandment of thy
will, 0 pure one, and through my likeness, in Son, 0 Virgin, and was driven into exile. How
works, in word and thought, I have committed shall I lament the infinitude of my transgres­
unseemly deeds. sions, who am a criminal and have fallen away
Glory ... : There is no other man who hath from Him?
committed such unseemly acts, nor any other Glory ... : Shown of old to be a murderer and
born into the world as benighted in mind as I, fratricide, Cain was cursed by God. What shall
0 good one; for I have defiled my divine baptism. I do, who am most arrogant? I have now
Now & ever ... : I have reached the end of brought death upon my soul, and am not
mine evils, 0 all-holy Virgin. Quickly help me, ashamed.
for heaven and earth cry out bitterly because of
my vile and wicked deeds.


Now & ever ... : I have wholly emulated the Despise me not who am besmirched with
cruel Esau in gluttony and eating to satiety, and the mire of my transgressions, 0 good Mistress,
have defiled my soul by drunkenness and my life for, seeing me in despair, the most evil enemy
with intemperance. Who will not weep for me, mocketh me; but do thou thyself raise me up
who am plagued by the passions? Woe is me! with thy mighty hand.
Glory ... : Awesome is the tribunal, 0 mine
ODE VI insensate soul who art rife with the passions,
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with and endless and terrible are the torments; yet
the tempest oftemptations, fleeing to Thy calm fall down now before the Mother of thy Judge
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from and God, and be not downcast.
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One! Now & ever ... : A slave of the passions, I
My life is prodigal, my soul defiled, my way have been bemired in a multitude of boundless
of living wholly accursed. I have grievously evils and have defiled my soul, body and mind;
besmirched my whole body with evils. Where­ wherefore, 0 all-pure one, with the light of thy
fore, haste thou to help me, 0 Virgin. radiance quickly lead me to the sweetness of
Mine end lieth before me, and I cannot bear dispassion.
it, 0 good one. My conscience denounceth me,
for all my wicked deeds and my prodigal life ODE VIII
confront me, and I fear the judgement of thy Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth
Son, 0 pure one. dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­
Glory ... : Burning of my flesh, the dreadful sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with
river of fire which cannot be quenched, and the water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
insatiable worm await me; but dispel them by soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt
thy supplications, 0 all-pure one. supremely for all ages!
Now & ever ... : I am held fast now by 0 Virgin Mother, who gavest birth to God
trembling, 0 good one, and I fear the pursuit of Who is One of the Trinity and didst bear Him
the evil one; for before the end the corrupter in thine arms, quench thou the fiery furnace
desireth to slay me, holding me wholly captive, of the passions, and bathe my soul in streams
stripped naked of the virtues. of tears.
I fear the arrival of death, 0 all-pure one,
Then, Lord, have mercy! Thrice. Glory ... , Now and am now wholly afraid of the judgment
& ever ... : thereof, for I have committed evils and am in
Sedalion, in Tone VI- nowise ashamed. In thy supplications take pity
The hope, bulwark and refuge of thy people on me before the end, 0 Virgin.
art thou, 0 Virgin, from whom the Savior of all Glory ... : 0 Mistress, grant me unceasing
was born without pain, and thou hast saved groans and give me showers of tears to wash
those who set their hope on thee; for thou didst away my many transgressions and cleanse
weep for thy Son at the foot of the Cross. Him mine incurable sores, that I may receive life
do thou now beseech, that He deliver from everlasting.
corruption all who hymn thee. Now & ever ... : I confess to thee the multi­
tude of mine evils, 0 Mistress, for no one else in
ODE VII the world hath so angered thy God, Son and
Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour Lord; wherefore, quickly move Him to mercy
forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­ toward me, 0 Virgin.
mand of God, which consumed the Chaldmans,
prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art ODE IX
Thou, 0 God of our fathers! Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God,
Seven times seven hath the evil one fanned upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze;
a flame for me with the passions, and he ever but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the
striveth to slay my heart with thoughts offorni­ Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­
cation; wherefore, with the streams of my tears nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call
extinguish it, 0 Mother of God, and save me. thee blessed.

Knowing the might of thy great supplica­ the tyranny of the demons, and leave me not in
tion, 0 all-pure one, lo! I approach thee with their clutches, 0 good and all-immaculate one.
great fear and love; for thy maternal pleas to Now & ever ... : I await the compassionate
thy Son are truly able to accomplish much, for Judge, thy Son Who loveth mankind, 0 pure
by lovingkindness is He inclined to mercy. one. Disdain me not, but render Him well­
Take the choirs of the archangels and the inclined toward me, that at His all-pure
multitude ofthe heavenly armies ofmy Creator, tribunal He may set me at His right hand, 0
the assemblies of apostles and prophets, the most immaculate one, for I have set my hope on
martyrs, the venerable and the hieromartyrs, 0 thee.
pure one, and make supplication for us to God.
Glory ... : Let me obtain thine aid now and at Then, It is truly meet ... , and a prostration.
that hour when my spirit shall depart, 0 pure Trisagion through Our Father.... Troparion,
one, and, rescuing me quickly, deliver me from and the rest as usual. Dismissal.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these passions through the supplications ofthe Theo­
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone VI- tokos, 0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind.
Thy Cross, 0 Lord, hath been sanctified; for Stichos: God is our King before the ages; He
thereby are healings wrought for those who are hath wrought salvation in the midst of the
made sick by sins. Wherefore, we fall down earth.
before Thee, crying: Have mercy on us! 0 Lord, the Jews condemned to death Thee,
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and the Life of all; they who crossed the Red Sea by
worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy. the staffofMoses nailed Thee to the Cross; they
No sooner was the tree ofThy Cross planted who sucked honey from the rock offered Thee
in the ground, 0 Christ our Lord, than the gall. Yet Thou didst endure, that Thou might­
foundations of death were shaken; and Thou est free us from slavery to the enemy. 0 Christ
Who slewest hades with love dismissed its our God, glory to Thee!
trembling minions. Thou hast shown us Thy Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
salvation, 0 Holy One; and we glorify Thee, 0 God of Israel.
Son of God. Have mercy on us! M artyricon: While the choirs ofthe incorpo­
real ones stood by, holding trophies of victory,
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion- and tyrants and kings were amazed, the all­
Thou art the hope, help and haven of thy wise ones showed forth athletes' opposition at
people, 0 Virgin, for from thee was truly born the tribunal and the wounds of torture in their
the salvation of the world. As thou didst weep martyrdom, and they cast down the apostate by
at the Cross of thy Son and God, thou savest their confession of Christ. 0 Lord Who
those who place their trust in thee. Him do thou strengthened them, glory to Thee!
now beseech, that He deliver from corruption
all who hymn thee. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion-
Standing before the Cross, the Mother who
After the second chanting of the Psalter, these knew not wedlock cried out unto Him to Whom
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone VI- she had given birth without seed: "A sword hath
Today the words of the prophets are ful­ pierced my heart, 0 my Son, for I cannot bear to
filled; for, lo! we worship at the place where Thy see hanging upon the Tree Thee before Whom
foot stood, 0 Lord; and tasting of the Tree of all things tremble, as Thou art Creator and
salvation, we have received freedom from sinful God. 0 long-suffering Lord, glory to Thee!"

After the third chanting of the Psalter, these Theotokion: "0 Master, enduring suffering
sessional hymns, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "Hav­ upon the Cross, Thou dost mediate dispassion
ing set aside ... "­ for all descended from Adam; and beholding
When creation beheld Thee nailed of Thine Thee, the earth quaked," thou didst cry out, 0
own will to the Cross for our sake, 0 Christ, it Mistress, lamenting maternally.
quaked with fear; the sun wholly darkened its
light; the stones split asunder; and the divine Another canon, ofthe Theotokos, in Tone VI­
veil of the temple was rent in twain as a rebuke Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
to the cruel and iniquitous Jews. The Lord, Who stretched out the sky and
In Eden the tree brought corruption upon founded the earth, having issued forth in the
the first of our race, but the tree of the Cross flesh from thee, 0 most holy Virgin, showed us
blossomed forth life at the place ofthe skull; for an earthly heaven.
the malice of the enemy was trampled under­ 0 pure one, who didst conceive God Who
foot. And Adam received mercy when Christ became a man for our sake, entreat Him, that
was nailed to the Cross, crying out: "I have on the day ofjudgment He have pity on us who
found paradise, 0 blessed Tree!" have sinned greatly against Him.
The Sun Who shone forth with most bril­
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­ liant rays from thy holy womb, 0 Mistress,
0 Christ, the Ever-virgin Maiden who gave illumineth the whole earth; wherefore, enlight­
Thee birth, beholding Thee uplifted upon the ened, we honor thee, the Mother of God.
Cross for our sake, was wounded in heart and With the light ofthe holy commandments of
soul by the sword of grief, and wept, lamenting Him Who became incarnate of thee, 0 Mistress
maternally. By her supplications, have mercy Theotokos, dispel the darkness of my soul and
on us. the gloom of unseemly thoughts.

Canon of the precious & life-creating Cross,
Canon of the Cross
the acrostic whereofis "Nailed to the Tree,
Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my
Thou savest me, 0 Savior': the composition of
God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful
Joseph, in Tone VI- and established us on the rock of the confession
Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though of Thee, 0 Good One.
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh The Cross was planted in the earth, decep­
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto tion fell, and creation quaked; and hearts
God a hymn of victory! shaken by the assaults ofthe enemy were made
Extending Thy hands upon the Cross, 0 steadfast by faith.
Master, Thou didst embrace rejected men and Possessed by the devil, unrighteous men
lead them to Thy Father, in that Thou art His condemned to death Thee, the only Righteous
beloved and consubstantial Son. One, Who dostjustify mortals and rescue them
Thou wast raised up upon the Cross like a from the unrighteous hand of the deceiver.
lamb, 0 Word, seeking Thy lost sheep; and Martyricon: The deceiver, bringing all his
having found it, Thou didst number it among malice to bear, contended against the saints;
those who had not strayed. 0 Jesus, glory to but he was vanquished, seeing the warriors of
Thy might! divine radiance refuse to submit.
Martyricon: 0 right glorious passion­ Martyricon: The comeliness ofthe bodies of
bearing martyrs, desiring the life of heaven ye the passion-bearers of Christ was altered by
died on earth, enduring many tortures and wicked wounds, yet the splendor of their efful­
divers perils, 0 right blessed ones. gence shone forth all the more through the
M artyricon: Standing up for Christ, Who is activity of the Holy Spirit.
more just than all, at the unjust tribunals, 0 Theotokion: "0 my Son, I understood that I
athletes, in God ye endured every unjust trial, was to give Thee birth Who art comely in beauty
which justified you. more than all men. How now art Thou crucified,


0 Christ, bereft of all beauty?", the Virgin said, Canon of the Theotokos
weeping. Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Let us all hymn the holy Virgin, the temple
Canon of the Theotokos of God, radiantly blessing her, deified because
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. of her, and delivered from evils.
Holding in thine hands Christ Who uphold­ We bless the Virgin as the door leading to
eth all things, 0 pure Theotokos, from the divine entry, the divine paradise, the noetic
hands of the wicked devil and all harm deliver place of sanctification, and the beauty of Jacob.
us who hymn thee. Christ hath shown thee to be a right calm
By thy supplications deliver us from de­ harbor for those who in purity of mind invoke
monic turmoil, from unjust men, from all temp­ thee, the true Theotokos, with faith and love, 0
tations and corrupting infirmities, 0 most im­ most immaculate Mistress.
maculate Virgin Mistress. 0 all-pure Mary, thou wast the most pure
Behold, all generations call thee blessed, 0 and spacious receptacle of the indwelling of
Maiden who under time supernaturally gavest God, and hast washed the defilement and mire
birth in the flesh to the timeless Word, yet from my soul.
remained virgin.
0 Virgin who gavest birth to God Who OdeV
loveth mankind, at the hour of His dread com­ Canon of the Cross
ing deliver from all condemnation me, thine Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls
unprofitable servant. of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee,
I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know
OnE IV Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who
Canon of the Cross calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.
Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my 0 Christ Who dost clothe the sky in clouds,
Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out of Thine own will Thou wast nailed, naked, to
in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping the Cross, covering the nakedness of mine evil
festival in the Lord. and enlightening my form, adorning it with the
Beholding Thee, the never-setting Sun, robe of incorruption, 0 Master.
crucified upon the Tree, the sun grew dark with As the true sweetness of our souls, Christ,
fear, and all creation, hymning Thee, was re­ the true Vine, was crucified on the Cross, exud­
leased from dark deception. ing the wine which doth abolish all the drunk­
The violators of the law bound thy hands, 0 enness of the deception of the adversary.
Savior, and all who were bound with unbreak­ M artyricon: Replete with sacred wounds,
able bonds were released; the enemy was adorned with crowns, and standing before God
bound, and falsehood was put to shame. Who suffered in the flesh, 0 athletes of Christ,
Martyricon: With the outpouring of your ye ask remission for our transgressions.
blood, 0 martyrs, ye drowned the tyrannical M artyricon: Looking toward the glory, life
Pharaoh who wickedly boasted beyond mea­ and true joy of heaven, 0 passion-bearers, ye
sure, and ye have passed over, rejoicing, to the endured every threefold wave of torment,
good land. strengthened by the suffering of the Master.
M artyricon: Soaring over the snares of the Theotokion: "0 Christ, I who in my womb
enemy on the wings of the Spirit, 0 athletes, contained Thee, Whom naught can contain,
rejoicing, ye hastened to where are the primal gave birth unto Thee without pain; but now I
goodness, life and never-waning light. experience pain, seeing Thee crucified, 0
Theotokion: When thou didst behold Him Christ!", the all-pure Virgin said, weeping.
crucified and pierced in His all-pure side with
the spear for our sake, 0 Mistress, thou wast
wounded with the sword of the sufferings of
Him Who was incarnate of thee.


Canon of the Theotokos Canon of the Theotokos

Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
The Lord, Who by His word created all Christ, Who is fire, did not consume thy
things and Who alone feedeth them in His wise womb when He issued forth from thee in the
providence: As He desireth, in His compassion flesh. Him do thou beseech, 0 pure one, that
He took form of thee, 0 all-pure one, and those who hymn thee with faith may be deliv­
became ineffably flesh. ered from fire and every torment.
Behold, 0 Virgin, the God, Master and Lord 0 most immaculate one, I hymn thee, the
of all was conceived in thy womb, as the proph­ majesty of the holy angels, and I pray: Drive
ets said; and thou gavest birth to Him ineffably, far from me the repulsiveness of the phan­
remaining an incorrupt virgin after giving tasms of the demons, preserving my heart in
birth, 0 pure one. tranquillity.
0 Mary, Mistress of all, in that thou art He Who is the Only-begotten of the Father,
merciful deliver me from dreadful captivity, I and is the one Person in two natures, Who alone
pray, and rend asunder the record of my sin united Himself to fleshly form in thy womb,
with the spear of Him Who became incarnate of issued forth from thee without seed, and pre­
thee. served unharmed thy precious virginity, 0
By thy mediation and intercession loose the most immaculate one.
bonds of my sin, 0 Virgin, for thou art the hope Wash away the multitude of my sins with
of the desperate, who hasten to thy divine the magnitude of thy mercy, 0 good one, and
protection. save me, thy servant, who flee unto thee and
with faith entreat thy mercy.
Canon of the Cross ODE VII
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with Canon of the Cross
the tempest oftemptations, fleeing to Thy calm Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One! mand of God, which consumed the Chaldceans,
Thou wast crowned with thorns, 0 Long­ prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art
suffering One, cutting down the thorns of the Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
passions; and when Thy side was pierced by the When Thou wast buffeted, Thou didst smite
spear, Thou didst slay the most wily serpent, the venomous malice of the serpent; and when
who made us mortal. Thou wast suspended upon the Tree, 0 only
Thou wast lifted up upon the Cross, laying Mighty One, Thou didst enlighten all to cry:
low the power of the enemy; and Thou didst Blessed art Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
accept buffeting, freeing me from hitter slavery. Having tasted of the Tree, Adam, the first
I worship Thy long-suffering, 0 Compassionate man, found death; but when Christ, the new
One! Adam, died on the Tree, He granted us immor­
Martyricon: Protected by the Cross, the tal life, slaying the greatly crafty servant.
athletes toppled the evil walls of deception and, Martyricon: Enduring suffering, 0 mar­
adorned with crowns of victory, pass over to tyrs, ye were borne up to the Lord by your
make their abode in the heavenly city. Where­ torment, and ye stood on the firm rock of faith,
fore, they are called blessed. casting down all the wicked malice ofthe enemy
Martyricon: All-gloriously scaling the at the behest of God.
heights of torments, 0 saints, ye brought low Martyricon: Illumined by your sufferings,
the wicked uprisings ofthe enemy on earth, and 0 athletes, ye shine forth more brightly than
received crowns from on high. the sun; and ye destroyed all the powers of
Theotokion: "0 Effulgence of the Father, darkness, chanting to Christ: Blessed is the
how hast Thou been lifted up upon the Cross, God of our fathers!
illumining all things and laying low the author Theotokion: "When Thou wast suspended
of darkness?", the all-pure Mistress exclaimed, upon the Cross, Thou didst alter all creation, 0
weeping maternally. Thou who art immutable in Thy divinity," the

Virgin said to her Son. And seeing these the heavenly temple, hymning Christ forever.
things, she wept, marveling at Thy great long­ Theotokion: Jacob beheld thee beforehand,
suffering. 0 Virgin, as the ladder leading up to the heights
of heaven us who have plunged headlong into
Canon of the Theotokos the abyss of evils; wherefore, we bless thee, the
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. pure one, forever.
The Uncircumscribable One, Who sittethin
the bosom of the Father, now sitteth, circum­ Canon of the Theotokos
scribed, in thy bosom, 0 all-pure one, clad in thy Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
form, that as the new Adam He might save We confess thee to be the true Theotokos,
Adam. and with the angel with faith we cry out to
Cease not to entreat our God Who loveth thee "Rejoice!"; for for those on earth thou
mankind, 0 most immaculate one, that we inay alone gavest birth to Joy, 0 joyous, pure and
receive the ultimate forgiveness of evils, and blessed one.
may obtain the good things prepared in the The divinely sounding harp of thine ances­
heavens for those who love Him. tor prefigured thee, who bore God in the flesh,
We bless thee, 0 all-immaculate one, who as the all-holy ark, 0 most immaculate one.
gavest birth to the blessed Lord, Who with Him do we exalt supremely forever.
divine blessings crowneth human nature, and 0 divinely joyous Maiden who knewest not
maketh new what before had grown old. wedlock, haven and hope ofChristians amid the
Enriched at the havens of thy salvation, 0 storm, deliver thy servants from perils, suffer­
pure one, we are saved from the storm; and ings and afflictions, and from everlasting fire.
holding our faith in thee to be the strength of When Thou shalt come in glory to judge all
our soul. we cry: Blessed art thou who gavest men, 0 Master, number me, a sinner, with the
birth to God in the flesh! lambs on Thy right side, through the entreaties
of Thy Mother, that I may glorify Thee for all
ODE VIII ages.
Canon of the Cross
Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­ Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable
sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt su­ OnE IX
premely for all ages! Canon of the Cross
Uplifted upon the Tree in humility of heart, Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God,
0 God Most High, Thou didst humble the most upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze;
prideful serpent, and didst raise up Adam, who but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the
had been brought low by the passions, 0 Com­ Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­
passionate One. nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call
Given gall to eat when Thou wast uplifted thee blessed.
upon the Tree, Thou didst transform the an­ 0 Lord of times and seasons, at noon Thou
cient bitterness, 0 compassionate Master, wast uplifted, crucified, upon the Tree in the
sweetness of all, Who art hypostatic Life. midst of the earth, 0 only Long-suffering One,
M artyricon: Ye did not bend your knee setting aright him who in the midst of paradise
before graven images, 0 most praised ones, but suffered the fall through the corrupting fruit.
were sacrificed like unblemished lambs; and ye The Cross was lifted up, and the tyrant was
brought low the might of the evil one, hymning dealt a mortal wound to his soul; those bound
Christ forever. were released from corruption, and under­
M artyricon: Ye were shown to be temples of standing was planted in all men; the enemy
the living Spirit, 0 martyrs, and ye cast down stood by, paralyzed, and all men were filled
the temples of the idols and were caught up to with joy.


Martyricon: The earth was conjoined with Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
the heavens, for Christ was sacrificed on the prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
Cross, 0 martyrs ofthe Lord; and He drew unto usual psalms.
Him the multitude ofyou who endured a multi­ Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone VI­
tude of extreme torments, and caused you to I trust in the Cross, 0 Christ, and, boasting
shine forth with the multitude of His divine therein, I cry out: 0 Lord Who lovest mankind,
ministers. cast down the pride of those who do not confess
M artyricon: Shining with immaterial light, Thee to be both God and man!
ye became gods by adoption, 0 martyrs of the Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
Lord, making your abode in the mansions ofthe Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were
firstborn, full of eternal glory; wherefore, we, glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days
the faithful, honor you as is meet. wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
Theotokion: "An awesome birthgiving did I wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy
endure, 0 long-suffering Master, when in servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou
strange manner I gave birth to Thee. For when guide their sons.
creation beheld Thee crucified of Thine own will Protected by the Cross, we set ourselves
upon the Tree, it was filled with fear," of old the against the enemy, undaunted by his wiles and
immaculate one wept, crying out maternally. treachery; for the prideful one hath been set at
Her do we magnify. naught and trampled underfoot by the power of
Christ Who was nailed to the Tree.
Canon of the Theotokos Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
When He became incarnate, the Son and do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of
Word of God Who is without beginning became our hands do Thou guide aright.
the Son of the Virgin; and at the good pleasure Martyricon: The memory of the martyrs is
of the Father and by the activity of the divine a joy to those who fear the Lord; for, having
Spirit, He hath wholly restored my corrupted suffered for the sake of Christ, they have re­
form. ceived crowns from Him; and they now pray
Arise, 0 my soul, and be vigilant in prayer with boldness in behalf of our souls.
and in all good things; cast off the idleness of
sleep with fervor, ever having as a watchful Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
protector the pure Mother of God, whom we Mel.: "Having set aside ... "­
glorify. When of old ·the undefiled ewe-lamb, the
0 most immaculate Theotokos, thou art the unblemished Mistress, beheld her Lamb upon
hope, protection and joy of the faithful; where­ the tree ofthe Cross, she exclaimed maternally,
fore, I beseech thy compassions: Enlighten my and marveling cried out: "0 my Child most
soul, which the gloom of many sins and evil sweet, what is this new and all-glorious thing
thoughts have darkened. that I see? How hath the ungrateful assembly
0 holy and divinely joyous Virgin: Open given Thee over to the tribunal of Pilate and
unto me the gates of light, lest the night of sin condemned to death the Life of all? I hymn
cover me; and guide my life to the right calm Thine ineffable condescension, 0 Word!"
harbor of the divine precepts of Him Who be­
came man through thee. Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.




On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VI­ M artyricon: Sharing in the sufferings ofthe
Remember me, 0 God my Savior, when Savior, 0 passion-bearers, together ye partake
Thou shalt come in Thy kingdom, and save me, of divine effulgence, deified in partaking
in that Thou alone lovest mankind. thereof.
Thou wast willingly lifted up upon the Tree, Glory ... : Lift me up from the depths of sin,
0 only greatly Merciful One, and didst call forth 0 my Christ, Who, though One of the Trinity,
those who had stumbled into the abyss of evils. didst endure crucifixion of Thine own will.
The earth quaked and the sun hid its light, Now & ever ... : Standing before the Cross, 0
beholding Thee, the Sun ofrighteousness, upon Virgin Mother, and beholding thy Son suffering
the Tree, suffering of Thine own will. of His own will, thou didst magnify Him.



On "Lord, I have cried ... ", 3 stichera ofthe holy We, the faithful, have now acquired thee as
apostles, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "On the third a calm haven, an unassailable rampart, a pillar
day ... "- of strength, a door to repentance, and the guide
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, and bulwark of our souls, 0 holy hierarch.
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee
there is forgiveness. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Ye became ministers of the great mysteries Envying thy flock, 0 all-pure one, the
of God, 0 theologians and disciples who beheld wicked adversary ever striveth to make it his
God, and have received the grace of healings; food; but do thou, 0 Theotokos, deliver us from
and ye cure the diseases of all men. his harm.
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
hoped in the Lord.
Y e are the great refuge and protection ofour Aposticha stichera of the holy apostles, ~n
souls and the expulsion of evil spirits, 0 Tone VI-
apostles ofthe Lord who beheld God; wherefore, Once, the apostles trolled the depths of the
we ever honor you. sea with nets, 0 Lord, and likewise the heights
Stichos: From the morning watch until ofthe kingdom for the sake oftheir doctrines. In
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in the first, they skillfully tested the unfathom­
the Lord. able depths; and in the other they attained
From every evil circumstance, from harm through faith Thine infinite bosom, and they
wrought by the demons, from transgressions proclaimed Thy timeless Son to the world. By
and wretched captivity, deliver those who their supplications and those of all the saints,
honor you with faith, 0 divine and blessed have mercy on us.
apostles. Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
aion; or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
the holy & great Nicholas the wonderworker, in look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
the same melody- eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, pity on us.
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; Once, when Thy disciples were tempest­
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his tossed in a boat, 0 Christ, they cried out: "0
iniquities. Master, save us! We are perishing!" And we
0 blessed Nicholas, have pity on me who fall now cry aloud: 0 our Savior Who lovest man­
prostrate, I beseech thee, and enlighten the kind, deliver us from our tribulations, we pray!
eyes of my soul, that I may gaze with purity Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
upon the compassionate Bestower of light. mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
praise Him, all ye peoples. therewith; let reproach come upon them that
As thou hast boldness before God, 0 holy prosper, and abasement on the proud.
one, deliver me from the enemy who seek to M artyricon: Thy Cross was the invincible
oppress me. 0 blessed hierarch Nicholas, save weapon of the martyrs, 0 Lord; for they looked
me from harm and deliver me from men of upon imminent death, foreseeing the life which
blood. is to come, and they were strengthened by hope
Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to in Thee. By their supplications have mercy on
prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­ us!
eth forever.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
I lift up the eye of my heart unto thee, 0 Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Mistress. Disdain not my meager sighing at the Litany, and Dismissal.
hour when thy Son shall come to judge the
world, but be thou my protection and helper.




the acrostic whereof is: "0 all-holy one, accept the lamentation of John':
the composition of Hieromonk John

ODE I thine eyes to the divine Bride and Maiden who

Irmos: A helper and protector hath He been alone saveth thee.
unto me for my salvation. He is my God, and I Now & ever ... : In desperation and contrition,
shall glorify Him. He is the God of my fathers, I hasten and fly to thy fervent supplication, 0
and I shall exalt Him, for gloriously hath He Mistress: Save me, thy servant, 0 pure one!
been glorified.
How can I, who am wholly sunk in the ODE IV
passions, wretch that I am, and am clothed in Irmos: The prophet heard of Thine advent, 0
impurities, approach thee, 0 pure one? Yet, Lord, and was afraid, for Thou didst desire to be
taking pity, save mine accursed soul, 0 all-pure born of the Virgin and reveal Thyself to men;
Theotokos. and he said: "I heard report of Thee and was
Arising out of the depths of shame, 0 my afraid. Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
lowly soul, cry aloud with fervor to her who I shall rightly be judged by thy Son for my
alone is pure: Have mercy on me, 0 all­ words and deeds, 0 all-immaculate Theotokos.
immaculate and pure Maiden, and deliver me May I find thee at that hour to be a refuge and
from the passions! most mighty ally, saving me from all torments.
Glory ... : I have been engulfed by a storm of My life is vile, my character is rendered
perils and sins; but extend now thy helping impure through sins, and I am wholly sunk in
hand unto me, 0 pure one, and deliver me from the passions. 0 pure one, cleanse me of the
the indignity of the passions, that I may ever defilement of my transgressions, and make me
glorify thee. as white as snow by thy mediation before our
Now & ever ... : Deliver me from the cruel tender-hearted God.
tempest of sin, whereby I have been wholly Glory ... : I am bound all over by the bonds of
defiled, 0 Theotokos. As I flee unto thee, mine offenses, and am unable to move toward
lighten now the burden of my transgressions. the paths ofrepentance. Stretch forth thy hand,
0 all-immaculate one, and direct me to the path
ODE III which leadeth me to the way of salvation.
Irmos: On the rock of Thy commandments, 0 Now & ever ... : By thy supplications free me
Lord, establish Thou mine unsteady heart, for from cruel torments, from the outermost dark­
Thou alone art our holy Lord. ness and Gehenna, 0 Virgin; for thou hast the
0 all-immaculate one, make me young who will and power so to do, 0 thou who gavest birth
have aged through the shameful passions ofsin, to the Lord Who alone is all-good.
easing the bonds of my transgressions.
Cleanse me of the mire and filth of sin, 0 0DEV
Theotokos, and make a divine temple ofme who Irmos: Enlighten me who rise at dawn out ofthe
flee to thee who art pure. night, I pray, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, and
Glory ... : Awake thou from the sleep of guide me in Thy precepts; and teach me to do
despondency, 0 my wretched soul, and lift up Thy will, 0 Savior.


On the day of judgment reveal thyself, 0 ODE VII

Mistress, and stand as advocate for me, freeing Irmos: We have sinned, we have committed
me from torments and fire, that, saved, I may iniquity, we have dealt unjustly before Thee.
hymn thine invincible grace. We have neither done nor acted as Thou hast
Seeing that I have wandered away from thy commanded us. But forsake us not utterly, 0
protection, 0 Mistress, the enemy hath cast my God of our fathers.
soul into the depths of transgressions, and be­ Knowing thee, as the merciful and right
holding me he laugheth; but do thou help me. loving Virgin Mother, to be wholly pure, I flee to
Glory ... : Cause thou mine accursed and thee, wretch that I am. Turn me not away from
passion-plagued soul to arise, I beseech thee, 0 thee ashamed, 0 most immaculate one.
pure and all-immaculate one, and remove from Awake, 0 passion-plagued soul! Arise, 0
it the weight of its many sins. wretched one! Beat thou thy breast, and from
Now & ever ... : I offer thee entreaty from thine innermost depths send forth fountains of
my defiled and impure lips, 0 all-immaculate tears, that the Mother of Christ God may have
one: Take pity on me by thy supplication, I mercy upon thee who art accursed.
beseech thee. Glory ... : Of old I became a temple of God
through divine baptism, but I have wholly de­
ODE VI filed myself, wretch that I am, and am griev­
Irmos: With all my heart I cry out to the ously brought low through a terrible fall. Yet do
compassionate God, and He heard my cry from thou raise me up, 0 all-immaculate one, thou
the uttermost depths of hades, and hath led my hope of the despairing.
life up from corruption. Now & ever ... : A dense cloud hath covered
Accept me who am prodigal and all­ my heart, and darkness and gloom hath come
accursed, 0 Master Christ, and free me from upon my passion-plagued soul. 0 Bride of God,
torments through the supplications of her who illumine me with rays ofrepentance, that I may
gave Thee birth, and deliver me from standing glorify thee.
on Thy left side.
The dark fear of hell embraceth me, 0 pure ODE VIII
one, and the lot of the goats doth terrify me. Irmos: Let every creature that hath breath
Deliver me therefrom, 0 all-pure Theotokos, I hymn, bless and supremely exalt for all ages
pray thee. Him Whom the armies of heaven glorify and
Glory ... : Mortifying the passions of my before Whom the cherubim and seraphim
flesh, 0 pure Mistress Theotokos, impart life to tremble.
mine all-wretched soul, and guide me to the The river of fire terrifieth me, and thick
straight path. darkness causeth me to quake; the worm and
Now & ever ... : Though I am a fool, yet do I
the gnashing of teeth fill me with horror.
offer thee the supplication of a servant, and I 0 Virgin, at that hour let me find thee to be a
flee to thy compassionate lovingkindness. Turn mighty ally.
me not away ashamed, 0 pure one. Let me not become fuel for the fire, 0 Lord,
neither let me hear Thy voice pronounce sen­
Then, Lord, have mercyI Thrice.
tence, for I have Thy pure Mother entreating
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone VI­
Thee. By her supplications have mercy on me,
I offer thee groaning from my heart and the I cry to Thee.
depths of my being, 0 all-immaculate one, Glory ... : Make me to hear the divine voice,
asking thy right conciliatory aid. Have mercy and show me to share a place with the elect, 0
upon my most passionate soul, and move the Christ; let me not occupy a place oflamentation,
most merciful God to pity, that He deliver me for I have the Theotokos beseeching Thee for
from damnation and the lake of fire, 0 thou who this.
alone art blessed.


Now & ever ... : Send streams of tears now ofGehenna terrifieth me. What shall I do? I know
down upon me, and cause groaning to erupt not, accursed and condemned as I am. Therefore,
within me from the depth of my soul, 0 pure I flee unto thee and cry out with fervent compunc­
one, that I may ever fall down before thy protec­ tion: Disdain me not, 0 all-pure one!
tion and receive the remission of my sins Glory ... : Beholding the judgment-seat, I
through thy supplication. think upon thy judgment, 0 my Christ, whereat
I, who am condemned, shall be rightly judged
ODE IX for my deeds. Yet shall I have an advocate in
Irmos: Ineffable is the Offspring ofthe seedless that hour-Thy Mother, the divine Bride­
conception, and incorrupt the Fruit of the entreating Thy great compassions.
Mother who knew not man; for the birthgiving Now & ever ... : Noeticallytouchingthyfeet,
of God restoreth nature. Wherefore, in Ortho­ 0 most immaculate one, I beseech thee: Accept
dox manner all of us, the generations of men, my lamentation, hearken to my hymnody, and
magnify thee as the divine Bride and Mother. grant me remission of transgressions through
The day ofjudgment terrifieth me, 0 Virgin; thy supplications, I pray thee, that I may mag­
the gnashing of teeth filleth my heart with nify thee with love.
dread, and the place where the goats stand doth
horrify me; but let me find thee, the Theotokos, Then, It is truly meet... Trisagion through Our
to be my help amid evils when I shall be judged. Father... Troparion, and the rest as usual.
Trembling doth now seize me, and the horror Dismissal.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these fish, and brought them to Thy goodness.
sessional hymns of the apostles, in Tone VI­ Wherefore, for their sake we cry out to Thee, 0
As Thou didst come into the midst of Thy Christ: Grant great mercy to Thy people!
disciples, 0 Savior, bestowing Thy peace upon Stichos: The heavens declare the glory of
them, come also unto us, and save us. God, and the firmament proclaimeth the work
Stichos: Their sound hath gone forth into all of His hands.
the earth, and their words unto the ends of the The twelve apostles, twelve times radiant,
world. have appeared to the earth like the sun. For
The choir of Thy disciples enlightened the their sake Thou didst cause the planter of de­
whole world; for having once been fishermen, ception to wither up, and for their sake Thou
they became fishers of men. For their sake, 0 dost illumine the souls ofThy servants. Save us
God, have mercy on us! for their sake, in that Thou art full of
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Great are the multitudes of my transgres­ God of Israel.
sions, 0 Theotokos. Unto thee have I fled, 0 Martyricon: The memory ofThy saints hath
pure one, in need of salvation. Visit mine ailing appeared today like paradise in Eden, 0 Lord;
soul, and entreat thy Son and our God, that He for therein all creation rejoiceth, and by their
grant me remission of the evils I have commit­ supplications Thou grantest us peace and great
ted, 0 only blessed one. mercy.

After the second chanting of the Psalter, these Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
sessional hymns, in Tone VI- 0 most holy Theotokos, forsake me not dur­
Sent to the ends of the earth, 0 Savior, Thy ing my lifetime, nor entrust me to human inter­
disciples piously fished for the nations as for cession; but do thou thyself help and have
mercy on me.


After the third chanting of the Psalter, these Another canon, of the holy Nicholas the
sessional hymns, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "Hav­ wonderworker, the acrostic whereof is ''Accept
ing set aside ... "­ my sixth hymn, 0 Nicholas", the composition
Like lightning hath the saving proclama­ of Joseph, in Tone VI-
tion of Thine all-wise disciples gone forth into Irmos: The sensual Pharaoh was drowned with
all the earth, 0 Christ, and enlightened those in all his army, and Israel, crossing through the
darkness and evil, making us children of the midst of the sea, cried aloud: Let us chant unto
day and the light; wherefore, all creation pi­ the Lord God, for He hath been glorified!
ously glorifieth Thee. 0 all-wise father, who dwellest joyfully in
Trading their boats for the net of the divine the heavens: By thy mediation dispel every
Faith, the fishermen drew all men forth from vexation of the evil one from the hearts of those
the depths ofvainglory and unto God gave those who together hymn Thee with faith on earth.
who are pious and ever magnify Him. 0 father Nicholas, those who with faith
have recourse to thy holy protection do thou
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ strengthen now against the harmful passions,
0 holy Mistress, Mother of Christ our God, the corrupting foe and all the malice of the
as thou gavest birth ineffably to the Creator of deceiver.
all, with the sacred apostles ever entreat His With the therapy of thy supplication, 0
goodness, that He deliver us from the passions Nicholas, cure us who have been wounded by
and grant us remission of sins. invisible darts, that we may walk the paths of
the Lord in health.
Theotokion: The Son Who is equally eternal
Canon of the holy, glorious & most lauded
with the Father in latter times desired to make
apostles, the composition ofTheophanes,
His abode within thy womb, 0 Theotokos, for
in Tone VI- the regeneration of us, the faithful; wherefore,
Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though we hymn thee.
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto ODE III
God a hymn of victory! Canon of the Apostles
0 divinely eloquent ones, who became a Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my
light unto the world, illumine us with splen­ God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful
did radiance; and deliver us from the night of and established us on the rock ofthe confession
the passions and the gloom of of Thee, 0 Good One.
temptations, 0 divinely blessed ones. Twice The divine Spirit, smelting your tongues at
With honor the Spirit set you as honored His dread coming, through you, 0 glorious
princes throughout the whole world, 0 disciples apostles, restoreth to life broken men. Twice
of the Lord; wherefore, as ye vanquished the What mercy shall I, who sin in mind, find on
prince of the air, deliver the faithful. the day of judgment? Wherefore, I cry unto
Like coals burning with immaterial fire, Thee: For the sake ofThy disciples, have pity on
0 all-wise ones, utterly consume my material me, who am self-condemned!
passions, guiding me to the light of dispassion 0 glorious apostles, who emulated the sav­
and life. ing sufferings of Christ, as physicians heal ye
Theotokion: Through the supplications of the cruel temporal passions of my soul.
the apostles, prophets and martyrs, and of the Theotokion: For the sake of the Theotokos
pure one who gave Thee birth, 0 Lord Jesus, and Thine apostles, 0 Christ, convert me, the
King of all, have pity on those who have sinned sinner; have mercy on me, as Thou art God, and
against Thee. free me from everlasting fire, 0 Savior.


Canon of Saint Nicholas Thou didst demolish the temples of perdi­

Irmos: Making steadfast the thoughts of my tion, 0 favorite of Christ; wherefore, I entreat
soul, establish me upon the firm rock of Thy thee with faith, 0 Nicholas: Destroy thou the
Faith, 0 Lord; for I have Thee as my refuge and evil idols of my mind!
confirmation, 0 Good One. Through righteous works thou becamest as
Thou didst manifestly receive victory over fragrant myrrh, 0 divinely wise one, and didst
the soul-corrupting passions, 0 most blessed adorn thy throne in Myra, 0 holy hierarch
Nicholas. By thy supplications deliver us who father Nicholas.
are ever badly vanquished by them. Theotokion: 0 unwedded Mistress, blessed
Having mortified thy carnal members by Theotokos: From all harm save those who hymn
asceticism, thou didst pass over to the life which thee, 0 only helper of men.
waxeth not old, 0 wise one. Pray thou that we
who praise thee joyfully may likewise receive it. 0DEV
Cease not to visit us from the heights of Canon of the Apostles
heaven, 0 holy hierarch, by thy supplications Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls
unto God dispelling all the difficulties of life. of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee,
Theotokion: Ever driving all gloom from our I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know
souls by thy supplications, 0 pure one, beseech Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who
the Deliverer, that He grant us remission of calleth all forth from the darkness of sin.
SillS. 0 disciples of the Word, who manifestly
traveled the way which leadeth to life with the
OnE IV exceeding narrow tread of temptations and
Canon of the Apostles
tribulations: Smooth ye the path of my soul.
I rmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
0 apostles of Christ, ye luminaries of the
. in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
divine East, deliver me from the darkness of
festival in the Lord. the passions and the gloom of pleasures,
0 right calm havens, harbors safe from temptations, evil circumstances, tempest and
storms, to the tranquil haven steer me who am misfortunes.
tempest-tossed by the threefold waves of griev­ 0 apostles, ye scrolls who beheld God, pray
ous transgressions. Twice that I may be enrolled in the Book of Life, by
Sigh, 0 my soul! Shed tears, 0 my soul! My your supplications rending asunder the evil
lowly heart hath in nowise cleaved unto the record of my sins.
Good One, that God may deliver thee from the Theotokion: By the entreaties to thy Son of
coming flame and torment. thee and the divine apostles, 0 only most hymned
Entreat the Savior and Lord, 0 most Maiden, save me who trust in thee, 0 my salva­
blessed apostles who were the high priests of tion and hope, the unashamed hope of all.
men, that He save us from evil temptations, in
that He loveth mankind. Canon of Saint Nicholas
Theotokion: 0 all-pure Virgin, immaculate Irmos: 0 Christ Who shineth Thy light upon
Virgin, with the apostles make entreaty for us, the world, illumine the heart of me who cry to
that we may be delivered from grievous tempta­ Thee out of the night, and save me.
tions and misfortunes. By thy mediations, 0 Nicholas, earnestly
wake me who am stuck fast by the slumber of
Canon of Saint Nicholas slothfulness.
Irmos: I heard report of Thee and was afraid; I Entreat Jesus the Savior, 0 holy hierarch
understood Thy works and was in awe, 0 Lord. Nicholas, that He deliver me from everlasting
Entreating our God, the Bestower of good torment.
things, 0 holy Nicholas, heal mine uncorrected By thy supplications, 0 holy hierarch
heart, which hath been wounded by the Nicholas, preserve me from the hindrances of
deceiver. the world and from the vexation ofthe demons.


Theotokion: He Who hath granted us exist­ prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art
ence made His abode within thee, 0 Theotokos. Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
Him do thou entreat, that He save us. Drawing all men forth from the depths of
deception with the hook ofthe word, 0 apostles,
ODE VI ye brought them to the Word Who was slain for
Canon of the Apostles our sake, chanting unto Him: Blessed is the God
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with of our fathers! Twice
the tempest oftemptations, fleeing to Thy calm Having conversed directly with Him Who
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from revealed Himselfin a material body, 0 apostles,
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One! ye were enlightened by His luminous brilliance;
0 glorious ones, ye truly and manifestly had wherefore, enlighten me who cry: Blessed is the
honorable laws in your souls, like tablets God of our fathers!
graven by the Spirit, and thereby abolished the Entreat the good Shepherd, 0 divine dis­
law in the Scriptures, saving the world. Twice ciples, that He seek me who am lost among the
0 sinful soul who insanely enslaveth thyself mountains of disobedience and save me who
to evil habits, turn and convert, and cry out to earnestly cry out: Blessed is the God of our
the compassionate Lord: For the sake of the fathers!
apostles, 0 Word, save me! Theotokion: With the prophets, apostles
At Thine awesome and dread coming, num­ and martyrs entreat Him to Whom thou gavest
ber me among Thy chosen sheep at Thy right birth, 0 Virgin, that He deliver me from the
hand, through the supplications of Thy divine evils ofearth; and vouchsafe that I may share in
preachers, 0 innocent Lamb Who wast slain the good things of heaven, 0 Mistress.
for all.
Theotokion: The choir of incorporeal Canon of Saint Nicholas
servants entreateth Thee, 0 all-beginningless Irmos: 0 Lord God of our fathers, Who hear­
Son of God, and with her who gave Thee birth kened unto the supplication of Thy venerable
the assembly of the disciples entreateth Thee: children and bedewed the burning furnace:
Grant Thy mercies unto Thy people! blessed art Thou!
With the power of God thou didst trample
Canon of Saint Nicholas hordes of heretics underfoot, 0 all-blessed
Irmos: Slain by the monster of sin, I cry to Thee, Nicholas, and thou didst save thy flock from
0 Christ: Free me from corruption, as Thou their deceit.
didst the prophet. 0 father Nicholas, who appeared to those at
Possessing thee as a noetic lamp, 0 Nicho­ sea, thou didst also feed thy suffering city. By
las, creation is enlightened with rays of innu­ thy supplications deliver me from soul­
merable miracles. corrupting famine.
0 Nicholas, tireless advocate for those who By thy supplications, 0 father Nicholas,
have recourse unto thee, deliver me from the make steadfast those who call upon thee for aid,
evil sleep of slothfulness. stilling the evil storm of the demons.
Of old, 0 wise one, thou didst deliver those Theotokion: 0 Mistress of all men, holy
who were unjustly to be put to death. In like Theotokos, by thy supplications utterly free me
manner deliver me also from misfortunes and from slavery to the passions.
transgressions, 0 Nicholas.
Theotokion: 0 only pure and joyous Virgin, ODE VIII
help me who am ever tempest-tossed by the Canon of the Apostles
perils of life. Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth
dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­
ODE VII sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with
Canon of the Apostles water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt su­
forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­ premely for all ages!
mand of God, which consumed the Chaldreans,

With the scythe of your prayers mow down Preaching throughout the world God Who
all the tares of my mind, 0 divine husbandmen, entered into fellowship with men and deified
apostles of the Savior, that I may produce as their mortal substance beyond compare, ye
grain the fruit of salvation. Twice freed all from ungodly deception; wherefore, ye
With the plough of the word ye cultivated are ever blessed, 0 divine apostles. Twice
men's hardened hearts, 0 ye who beheld God; 0 apostles who depicted the suffering of
and, having sown precious doctrine therein, ye Christ in divers bodily sufferings, mortify the
reaped the saved an hundredfold. passions of my flesh and bring to life my soul,
Having lulled the malice of the enemy to which is ailing, afflicted and dying.
sleep, ye fell into sleep like that ofthe righteous, Be Thou the path guiding me to the inerrant
becoming unsleeping advocates for us, 0 dis­ path of Thy commandments, who have fallen
ciples of the Word, for all ages. into the abyss ofsin, who have become lost, have
Theotokion: By the supplications of the taken evil paths, and am afflicted, 0 Thou Who
prophets and martyrs, of Thine apostles and lovest mankind.
her who ineffably contained Thee in her womb, Theotokion: The choir of the angels and
the Virgin who knew not man, 0 Lord, deliver archangels, authorities and powers, principali­
me from the unquenchable fire. ties, dominions, cherubim, seraphim and
thrones, with the assembly of the apostles and
Canon of Saint Nicholas her who gave Thee birth, beseech Thee, 0 only
Irmos: In the furnace Thy venerable children King: Save Thy servants!
emulated the cherubim, chanting the thrice­
holy hymn: Bless, hymn and exalt the Lord Canon of Saint Nicholas
supremely for all ages! Irmos: 0 Virgin who received the angel's salu­
Known to the whole world, thou didst tation and gavest birth to thine own Creator,
appear hastening to the heights of the most save those who magnify thee.
radiant life, 0 God-bearing Nicholas, enlight­ 0 Nicholas, adornment of holy hierarchs
ening those in darkness with divers miracles. and well-spring of miracles, entreat God Who
Fill with grace those who keep divine vigil loveth mankind, that we may find remission of
and honor thee, 0 Nicholas; and lull to sleep the SillS.
malice of the adversaries who assail us, 0 As of old thou didst deliver the prisoners
blessed one. from death, so do thou deliver us from the
0 holy hierarch Nicholas, who crushed all temptations of life, 0 Nicholas.
the snares of the enemy with the might of the Thou wast buried in Myra ofLycia, 0 Nicho­
Spirit, by thy supplications deliver me from las, and thou dost always pour forth myrrh, 0
them, piloting my life, 0 divinely wise one. Nicholas, ever dispelling the fretid stench ofthe
Theotokion: 0 Theotokos, we hymn thee for passions.
whose sake the curse was annulled and bless­ The coming of the Creator is nigh at hand.
ing hath come upon all who acknowledge thee to Be not idle, 0 my soul, but cry out: Through the
be the only unwedded Mother of our God. supplications of Nicholas, 0 Christ, save me!
Theotokion: 0 most hymned one, who gav­
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the est birth to the Savior, enlighten the blinded
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable eye of my heart, that, saved because of thee, I
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. may hymn thee.

ODE IX Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ': and a
Canon of the Apostles prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God, usual psalms.
upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze;
but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the Aposticha stichera ofthe apostles, in Tone VI­
Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­ Wisely transforming the tempest of de­
nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call monic delusion into tranquillity, 0 apostles of
thee blessed.

Christ, ye guided the whole world to the Ortho­ Martyricon: Our God hath made wondrous
dox Faith, and pray now in behalf of our souls. His chosen saints. Rejoice and be glad, all ye,
Stichos: We were filled in the morning with His servants, for for you have crowns and His
Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were kingdom been made ready! We pray you:
glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days Forget us not!
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou 0 most hymned Theotokos, thou art the
guide their sons. surcease of those who sorrow and recovery of
0 ye faithful, with hymns let us fittingly the sick. Save thy city and people, 0 pacifica­
honor the memory of the all-wise disciples of tion of adversaries, calm ofthe tempest-tossed,
Christ our King; for in the world they pro­ 0 only intercessor of the faithful!
claimed faith in the Trinity.
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of Hour, and Dismissal.
our hands do Thou guide aright.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VI­ Martyricon: Approaching the fire of tor­
Remember me, 0 God my Savior, when ment, 0 martyrs, ye received from God a divine
Thou shalt come in Thy kingdom, and save me, dew which cooled you.
in that Thou alone lovest mankind. Glory ... : Worshipping the holy and wor­
Traversing the world like mystical rays, 0 shipful Trinity, 0 ye faithful, let us cry out
glorious apostles, with faith ye enlightened the together: By the entreaties ofthe apostles, save
human race. us all!
0 enlightened apostles of the Lord, like Now & ever ... : 0 Theotokos, who in manner
clouds ye rained down upon the world the water past recounting gavest birth to the Word Who
of divine knowledge. with the Father is equally without beginning,
entreat Him, that our souls may be saved.




On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera of the away from thy face, for thou, 0 Theotokos, art
Cross, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "On the third my hope and intercessor. Wherefore, hearken
day ... "- unto mine entreaties, and in thy great mercy
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, cleanse me of all defilement.
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
there is forgiveness. prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord abid­
0 my long-suffering God Who lovest man­ eth forever.
kind, greatly merciful and compassionate, how Open unto me the gates of repentance,
didst Thou endure to be slain and put to death grant me a well-spring of tears, and bestow
on the Tree for the human race? I glorify Thy upon me compunction and a chaste heart, 0 all­
lovingkindness. holy one; for thee alone do I call mine excellent
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ intercession, and on thee do I set mine every
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath hope. Reject me not, who am put to shame, 0
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath Mistress, but in thy great mercy accept and
hoped in the Lord. save me.
Thou didst endure smiting, crucifixion and
mockery, 0 Long-suffering One, desiring to Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
deliver all from the deceiver; and Thou didst Mel.: "On the third day ... "­
bear them all, 0 only all-goad Bestower of life. Seeing Thee nailed to the Tree, the all-pure
Stichos: From the morning watch until one cried out: "0 my Son and God, what is this,
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in the all-glorious and strange report ofThee, that
the Lord. Thou endurest in Thy great mercy?"
Thou didst ascend the Cross, 0 Shepherd,
and stretch forth Thine arms, crying out: "Come Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
unto Me and be enlightened, 0 men who have the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
been benighted by deception, for I am the
Light!" Glory to Thee, 0 only Bestower of light! Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone VI-
Thy Cross is life and help for Thy people, 0
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ Lord; and trusting therein, we hymn Thee, our
aion; or ifthere is no Menaion, these stichera of God Who wast crucified in the flesh. Have
the Theotokos, in Tone VI: Spec. Mel.: "The mercy on us!
accursed ... '~ Stichos: Unto Thee have I lifted up mine
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, eyes, unto Thee that dwellest in heaven. Be­
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; hold, as the eyes ofservants look unto the hands
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his of their masters, as the eyes of the handmaid
iniquities. look unto the hands of her mistress, so do our
Raise up my soul, which is bowed down and eyes look unto the Lord our God, until He take
bent low under the heavy burden of my trans­ pity on us.
gressions, 0 Virgin, for thou hast the Savior, Thy Cross, 0 Lord, hath opened paradise to
Who raiseth up those who have been cast down the human race; and delivered from corruption,
and respondeth readily to thy maternal bold­ we hymn Thee, our God Who wast crucified in
ness. And in thy great mercy rend asunder the the flesh. Have mercy on us!
record of my sin by thy mediation. Stichos: Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have
Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations; mercy on us, for greatly are we filled with
praise Him, all ye peoples. abasement. Greatly hath our soul been filled
Look upon me, who am brought to despair therewith; let reproach come upon them that
by sins, am defiled by iniquities, and have prosper, and abasement on the proud.
spurned the precepts of God; and turn me not


Martyricon: Thy martyrs, 0 Lord, did Standing once with the virginal disciple at
not deny Thee nor depart from Thy com­ the foot of the Cross during the crucifixion, the
mandments. By their supplications have Virgin cried, weeping: "Woe is me! How is it
mercy on us. that Thou sufferest, 0 Christ, Thou dispassion
of all?"
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
Mel.: "On the third day ..."­ Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
Litany, and Dismissal.




ODE I Behold, all the evils of the enemy have

Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though rained upon me like wounds, weighing me
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh down; they have rendered me fretid and cause
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto my soul to fall.
God a hymn of victory! Glory ... : A vast multitude are my trans­
0 Virgin, accept mine entreaty, which I gressions; wherefore, falling down before thee
make bold to offer thee from an unworthy with faith, 0 all-holy one, I, the lowly one, cry
mouth and defiled lips; and shine thou the light aloud: At the dread hour entreat Him to Whom
of compunction upon thy servant, 0 pure one. thou gavest flesh.
By thy supplications grant me showers of Now & ever ... : 0 holy Theotokos, as thou
tears, 0 pure Virgin Mother, that I may weep hast maternal boldness before God, rescue me
fervently for what I have done on earth, and who am deserving of all condemnation, and
through thee may escape every torment. make me to dwell in His mansion.
Glory ... : Rejectnotmylamentation, Othou
who gavest birth to the Source of ODE IV
lovingkindness, but look upon me with thy Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
merciful eye, 0 good Theotokos, and cure the Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
passions of my soul. in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
Now & ever ... : Weep with groaning, 0 my festival in the Lord.
soul, and bewail thyselfin every way, falling down Grant me a well-springoftears, 0 Mistress,
before the Mother of God and saying: Deliver me, that I may wash away the defilement of my
the guilty one, from dreadful torment! lowly soul and regain the beauty which I lost
through the lying counsel of the serpent.
ODE III 0 my compassionate God, 0 God Who lovest
Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my mankind and willest mercy, pour forth Thy
God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful mercy now upon me; for Thy Mother, my hope
and established us on the rock of the confession and ally, entreateth Thee.
of Thee, 0 Good One. Glory ... : Taking pity, 0 all-immaculate
There is none that hath sinned as I have, one, save me, the terrible prodigal one, who
becoming a slave to the evils of unbridled have mindlessly and shamelessly sinned
thoughts, 0 all-holy and pure one; but, setting against thee; and free me from Gehenna.
my hope on thee, I pray: Rescue me from them!


Now & ever ... : Having given birth to the Then, Lord, have mercy! Thrice. Glory ... , Now
Life ofall, thou hast destroyed the field ofdeath; & ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone VI­
wherefore, I cry out to thee: I have sinned! Save 0 pure and glorious Virgin, thou glory of
me, by thy maternal entreaties, 0 pure one! the angels, who alone art blessed: when thou
didst stand at the foot of the Cross of thy Son
0DEV and God, unable to endure the malice of the
Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls enemy thou didst cry aloud, lamenting with
of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee, sighs: How can He Who loveth mankind bear
I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know the abuse of all these men?
Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who
calleth all forth from the darkness of sin. ODE VII
0 pure one, have mercy on me who have set Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour
all my hope on thee, and take pity, overlooking forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­
all the grievous passions ofmy soul, for I cry out mand of God, which consumed the Chaldreans,
to thee with faith. prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art
Save me from the passions, from tribulation Thou, 0 God of our fathers!
and harm, and from the wicked adversaries; 0 my soul, awake from all the evils thou
and deliver my lowly soul from their treachery, hast done! Why sleepest thou still? Wherefore
0 Virgin, that they may not say: We have liest thou in the slumber of despondency? Cry
prevailed over him! aloud to the Theotokos: 0 all-holy one, help me!
Glory ... : Having been shown to be pure in I venerate the image ofthy countenance, yet
body and soul, 0 all-pure one, free thou my soul I dare not lift mine eyes unto thee, 0 all-holy
from defilement, granting me to live a pure life; one. I pray that I may receive the forgiveness of
and guide me in doing the divine will ofthe Lord. my debts, and that in purity I may behold thine
Now & ever ... : Thee alone do I have as a all-pure icon.
refuge and my reconciliation with God - I Glory ... : To thine aid, 0 Theotokos, do I flee
who have wasted my whole life in many and fall prostrate, begging to receive forgive­
transgressions. ness. Disdain me not, 0 Mistress, but taking
pity, save me.
ODE VI Now & ever ... : I have defiled my soul and
Irmos: Beholding the sea of life surging with mind with the multifarious evils of the cor­
the tempest oftemptations, fleeing to Thy calm rupter of souls, 0 all-pure one, and I beseech
haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from thee: Disdain not thy servant, but rescue me
corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One! from his temptations.
0 Mistress, accept my little sighs and the
lifting up of my hands as a sacrifice of sweet ODE VIII
savor, and vouchsafe that I may behold thy Irmos: The blessed youths in Babylon, braving
countenance with a pure conscience. danger for the laws of their fathers, reviled the
Disdain not my words of supplication, 0 mindless command of the ruler, and, united by
good Mistress, Mother ofthe merciful God Who the fire which burned them not, they chanted a
shone forth from thy womb; but grant me divine fitting hymn unto the Almighty: Hymn the Lord,
remission before the end. ye works, and exalt Him supremely for all ages!
Glory ... : Utter wretch that I am, through Having sinned beyond measure and defiled
fornication have I brought myself low and es­ my body with sins, fool that I am, I consider the
tranged myself from God. But do thou beseech day of implacable judgment, and at a loss and
Him to save me, 0 good one, for to thee have I afraid, I amfilled with fear and trembling, andfall
fled. Clothe me in my former vesture. down before thy compassion, 0 Mistress. Spurn
Now & ever ... : Jesus, Who is fire, did not me not, but behold my sorrow, and deliver me
consume thy womb when He issued forth from from all condemnation to multifarious torments.
thee in the flesh. Him do thou entreat, 0 pure Having spurned the divine law, wretch that
one, that He deliver from fire and all manner of I am, I lie wholly in slothfulness. But, looking
torment those who hymn thee with faith. upon me, arise quickly, 0 all-pure one, and

cause me to receive the portion of the saved; me from the debts of darkness, overlooking all
that, rejoicing, I may cry unto thee: Rejoice, 0 that I have committed in knowledge or in igno­
joy of the world, only intercessor for those who rance, day or night, 0 all-pure one; that, rejoic­
with faith invoke thy steadfast protection. ing, I may offer thee a hymn of thanksgiving.
Glory ... : Woe is me, 0 my soul! How can I Rescue me from all manner of tribulations, 0
stand, in fear and trembling, before the dread Maiden, and set my feet upon the rock of divine
tribunal, where even the angels shall be afraid salvation; for, having now acquired thee as an
and quake? But, as thou hast the Theotokos as invincible intercessor, I trust that I may pass
a good ally, bend thy knees and lift up thy through the wall of separation thrown up by
hands, crying: Direct thy merciful gaze upon me disobedience when the fruit ofthe tree was eaten.
and have pity in that hour, 0 Virgin! Glory ... : I beseech thee, who gavest birth to
Now & ever ... : Show forth now the sure the merciful Judge and Master: accept the bold­
might ofthine aid, for like one in thy debt is thy ness of my defiled lips and my wretched hymn­
Son moved by thy maternal pleas, 0 Virgin. ody, and abhor me not, though I have sinned
Wherefore, come now in mine hour ofneed, that more than all other men; for I, thy servant, have
I not depart unprepared, but may live on, 0 all­ thee as my helper after God.
hymned and pure Theotokos. Now & ever ... : In that thou art more exalted
than all creatures, thou didst conceive in thy
OnE IX womb the incarnate God, 0 Theotokos. Him do
Irmos: Lament Me not, 0 Mother, beholding in thou earnestly entreat, 0 pure one, that He
the tomb the Son Whom thou didst conceive in release thy servant from all care, that I may
thy womb without seed; for I shall arise and be glorify thee with a free praise.
glorified, and as God everlasting shall I exalt
with glory those who magnify thee with faith Then, It is truly meet ... , and a prostration.
and love. Trisagion through Our Father... Troparion,
That I may receive the glory of heaven, I and the rest as usual. Dismissal.
pray to thee, 0 Virgin: Absolve me, and deliver



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec.
sessional hymns of the Cross, in Tone VI- Mel.: "0 hope of the world ... "­
Today the words of the prophets are ful­ 0 Virgin Theotokos, only unblemished
filled; for, lo! we worship at the place where Thy Ewe-lamb, beholding Him Who became incar­
feet stood, 0 Lord; and tasting of the Tree of nate of thy precious blood hanging of His own
salvation, we have received freedom from sinful will upon the Cross, thou didst cry out with
passions through the supplications ofthe Theo­ bitter tears, 0 Maiden: "0 mine innocent Son, I
tokos, 0 Thou Who alone lovest mankind. hymn Thine awesome dispensation!"
Stichos: Exalt ye the Lord our God, and
worship the footstool of His feet, for it is holy. After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
No sooner was the tree ofThy Cross planted sessional hymns, in Tone VI-
in the ground, 0 Christ our Lord, than the Thy Cross, 0 Lord, hath been sanctified; for
foundations of death were shaken; and Thou thereby are healings wrought for those who are
Who slewest hades with love dismissed its made sick by sins. Wherefore, we fall down
trembling minions. Thou hast shown us Thy before Thee, crying: Have mercy on us!
salvation, 0 Holy One; and we glorify Thee, 0 Stichos: God is our King before the ages; He
Son of God. Have mercy on us! hath wrought salvation in the midst of the


0 Lord, the Jews condemned to death Thee, By Thine honored Passion Thou didst honor
the Life of all; they who crossed the Red Sea by the dishonored nature of men; wherefore, hon­
the staff of Moses nailed Thee to the Cross; they oring Thee with fear, we magnify and glorify
who sucked honey from the rock offered Thee Thy might with faith; for gloriously hast Thou
gall. Yet Thou didst endure, that Thou might­ been glorified.
est free us from slavery to the enemy. 0 Christ By Thy blood, 0 Word, Thou didst stanch
our God, glory to Thee! the unrighteous outpouring of blood and
cleanse human nature of evil defilement, 0
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion: Spec. Almighty; wherefore, saved, we glorify Thy
Mel.: "0 hope of the world ... "­ might.
Standing before the Cross of Him Who past Martyricon: The right laudable opposition
understanding painlessly became incarnate of of the martyrs truly vanquished the bestial
her, the Virgin Mother cried out, shedding shedder ofblood; it tamed the nature of fire with
maternal tears: "I cannot bear to see Thee the dew of divine grace, and stilled the terrible
hanging, dead, 0 my Son and God, Who givest storm of polytheism.
breath unto those who live on earth!" Martyricon: Having dried up the down­
pours of deception with the showers of your
After the third chanting of the Psalter, these blood, ye pour forth showers of healings upon
sessional hymns, in Tone VI­ the world and repel the flame of ungodly pas­
0 Cross, expeller of the demons, physician of sions. Wherefore, we are blessed, 0 martyrs.
the ailing, strength and preserver ofthe faithful, Theotokion: When the Maiden who knew not
true boast of the Orthodox, confirmation of the wedlock, the adornment of the faithful, beheld
Church of Christ: Be thou for us a bulwark, Thee, Who art comely in beauty, bereft of come­
rampart and protector, 0 blessed Tree! liness and form when Thou suffered, she ex­
In Thy mercy and lovingkindness Thou claimed maternally and glorified Thee with love.
wast lifted up upon the tree of the Cross and
wast pierced in the side by the spear; and Thou Another canon, of the all-holy Theotokos, the
didst rend asunder the evil record ofour sins, in acrostic whereof is the [Greek} alphabet, in the
that Thou art God almighty. Wherefore, we same tone-
piously hymn Thine ineffable dispensation, 0 Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Word." 0 all-pure Virgin, gracious and glorious
Martyricon: Illumined by Thee, like lamps Mary, Mediatress of joy, impart grace with
the saints ever continually shine forth light divine grace unto those who hymn thee, that we
upon the righteous, extinguishing the lamps of may send up to thee hymnody of thanksgiving.
the ungodly. At their supplications, 0 our 0 thy mysteries, 0 Mother of God! For thou
Savior, light Thou my lamp and save me, 0 my hast been shown to be the Mistress of creation,
Lord! bearing in thine arms Him upon Whom the
armies of heaven dare not gaze. Wherefore, we
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­ call thee blessed.
0 most holy Theotokos, forsake me not dur­ The whole human race hath been con­
ing my lifetime, neither entrust me to the inter­ demned to mortal corruption through our first
cession of men, but do thyself help and have mother's tasting of the tree; but it hath been
mercy on me. restored by thee, 0 pure one, in that thou gavest
birth to Life incorruptible.

Canon of the precious & life-creating Cross,

in Tone VI- Canon of the Cross
Irmos: The children of those who were saved Irmos: Creation, beholding Thee, Who sus­
have concealed beneath the earth Him Who of pended the whole earth without support upon
old covered the pursuing tyrant with the waves the waters, Thyself suspended upon Golgotha,
ofthe sea; but let us chant unto the Lord like the was seized with great awe, crying out: None is
maidens: Gloriously hath He been glorified. holy save Thee, 0 Lord!

Beholding Thee, Who suspended the whole 0 Good One, entering into fellowship with those
earth unsupported upon the waters, lifted up who are in hades, in that Thou art Almighty.
upon the Tree, Thy side pierced, 0 Lord, the sun Desiring to save [our first parents], Thou
grew dark, understanding Thee to be the en­ wast slain, dead upon the Tree, 0 Lord, pushing
lightenment of all. away the unrestrained outstretching of their
The evil-doer who of old wounded Adam in hands toward the fruit ofthe tree; and from Thy
paradise is wounded by Thy nails, 0 Long­ side Thou pourest forth remission upon the
suffering One; and having been wounded, he bound.
remaineth forever incurable; but we, the faith­ Thou didst endure suffering, 0 All-good
ful, have found the healing of all wounds. One, that Thou mightest loose us from the
M artyricon: When the angelic choir beheld irrationality of the passions; Thou didst eat
the flock of the martyrs scattered for the Lamb gall, 0 Master, pouring forth divine sweetness
Who was slain, they marveled at how, being upon me; and Thou wast slain, granting me life.
material, they vanquished the immaterial foe, Martyricon: Bearing the fire of divine love
receiving crowns of victory. in a rational soul, the passion-bearers of Christ
Martyricon: Invested with thepowerofHim quenched the flame of the all-iniquitous ones
Who alone is mightiest of all in strength, the and showed themselves to be radiant beacons.
saints wrestled with the enemy and trampled Martyricon: Having separated themselves
his feeble power underfoot, receiving crowns from carnal friendship, the divine friends ofthe
from God. King of all hastened mightily to every torment,
Theotokion: When thou didst behold Him and prevailing, they were crowned with glory.
to Whom thou gavest birth wounded by the Theotokion: "I gave Thee birth without
spear, thou wast wounded in heart, 0 all-pure suffering. How it is that I now see Thee partak­
and most immaculate one; and, marveling, ing of suffering? How dost Thou endure this?",
thou didst say: "How hath the all-iniquitous the Virgin cried. "0 my Son, Who art without
assembly repaid Thee, 0 my Child?" beginning, I glorify Thy long-suffering!"

Canon of the Theotokos Canon of the Theotokos

Irmos: Same as the foregoing. Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
The enemy of old through deception be­ 0 thou who, alone among all generations,
guiled me with the desire for godhood, so that I art chosen and all-pure, 0 honored and unde­
must needs depart from Eden, 0 Mother ofGod; filed one who art resplendent in the virtues:
the serpent brought me down to the earth; but With thy radiance enlighten those who hymn
Christ took pity upon me and, receiving flesh thee.
from thy womb, refashioned it. Of thy pure blood, 0 pure Virgin Mother,
To the Prophet Ezekiel of old, 0 Maiden, thou gavest birth unto God, the Savior Who
thou didst appear as the portal of life through delivereth from evils all who hymn thee, 0
which the Lord incarnate alone passed; and He Maiden full of the grace divine.
kept thee closed, 0 pure one, in that He is the The nature of the immaterial beings doth
Most High. minister in sanctity to thy divine Offspring,
The condemnation ofthe ancient curse hath 0 pure one, and the assembly of men hymn­
been lifted by thy mediation, 0 Mother of God; eth thee with love. With thine effulgence
for, having appeared to thee, 0 all-pure one, the illumine us.
Lord hath poured forth all blessing in abun­
dance upon all, in that He is all-good. 0DEV
Canon of the Cross

ODE IV Irmos: I rise early unto Thee, 0 Word of God,

Canon of the Cross

Who, in Thy loving-kindness, didst immutably

Irmos: Foreseeing Thy divine condescension

debase Thyself and didst dispassionately sub­

upon the Cross, Habbakuk cried out in awe:

ject Thyself to sufferings. Grant peace unto me

Thou hast cut down the dominion ofthe mighty,

who have fallen, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind.

Thou wast seen dead at the place of the OnE VI
skull, slaying hades by the suffering of Thy Canon of the Cross
flesh; and hanging there, Thou wast bereft of Irmos: Jonah was swallowed, but was not held
form or comeliness, 0 Christ, desiring to make fast in the belly of the monster; for, serving as
me beautiful, in that Thou lovest mankind. an image of Thee, Who didst suffer and wast
Desiring to nail the passionate disposition given over for burial, he issued forth from the
of the first Adam, Thou wast transfixed with whale as from a bridal chamber. And he said to
nails; and pierced by a spear, Thou turnest the watchmen, the vain and false guardians: Ye
away the fiery sword, that it might not deny have forsaken His mercy!
entry to Thy servants. Ofold, when he crossed His arms in blessing
Martyricon: Following the sufferings ofthe his grandsons, Jacob prefigured the Cross;
Master, the choirs ofthe martyrs were nailed to wherefore, 0 Most High Who didst mount upon
trees and their hands were severed; but by their the Cross, Thou savest humanity from the an­
feet they were divinely directed to the way of cient curse, and now pourest forth blessing
honorable martyrdom. upon those who bless Thee, 0 only blessed and
M artyricon: Humbling yourselves in emu­ all-blessed Creator.
lation, with perfect mind and the humility of Prefiguring Thy suffering, 0 Word, ofold the
heart of Him Who hath exalted all, ye utterly great Moses uplifted a brazen serpent upon a
cast down the mind of the prideful one who tree, delivering those who looked upon it from
exalted himself in audacity, 0 martyrs of the venomous sting of the serpent; for when
Christ. Thou wast crucified, 0 Master, all of us, the
Theotokion: Thou didst spring forth from faithful, were delivered from the serpent's harm.
the root of Jesse, 0 Virgin, and receiving the Martyricon: Ofold, the godly and honorable
Planter of the world in the flesh, thou didst put athletes suffered as though it were others suf­
forth like a flower Him Who by the divine fering, looking forward to everlasting rewards
planting of the Cross dried up the offshoots of and joy. By their supplications, 0 compassion­
ungodliness. ate Christ, deliver from temptations, sins and
evil circumstances those who hymn Thee.
Canon of the Theotokos M artyricon: The honorable and divine
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. passion-bearers caused the torrents of decep­
The ladder extending up to the highest, tion to cease by the streams of their blood, and
which appeared symbolically unto Jacob, re­ were truly shown to be well-springs pouring
vealed the truly extraordinary nature of thy forth the water of the knowledge of God upon
birthgiving, 0 Bride of God; for through thee the faithful. By their supplications, 0 Savior of
did God in His divine condescension truly come the world, rain down remission, life, the wash­
to dwell with us, and hath given life unto men. ing away of sins, and great mercy upon all.
Delivered by thee from the grief of our first Theotokion: The Ewe-lamb, seeing the
mother, we have been filled with comfort, 0 Chief Shepherd and Master uplifted upon the
Theotokos who gavest birth to the Gladness of Tree, cried out, weeping maternally: "What is
all, the universal Joy; wherefore, 0 most this new mystery, 0 my Child? How hast Thou,
hymned one, by thy supplications preserve Who art immortal in essence, received death,
from tribulations those who hymn thee. desiring to deliver men from corruption?"
Of old Moses beheld the bush unconsumed
by fire, and was mystically taught thine image Canon of the Theotokos
by divine vision, 0 most immaculate Virgin; for Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
the Creator, making His abode within thee, did The images ofthe law and the predictions of
not consume thee, the highest of all created the prophets clearly revealed thee, 0 Theoto­
beings, 0 Bride of God. kos, who wast to bear the Deliverer ofthe world,
the Benefactor of all creation, Who in many and
divers ways worketh good for those who glorify
thee with faith and love, 0 pure Mistress.


0 only Theotokos, those who by the decep­ God, who art all-adorned as with magnificent
tion of the murderous enemy were of old sepa­ golden ornaments, for the salvation of us who
rated from the first-given divine food of cry out to thee: Blessed is the Fruit ofthy womb,
paradise, thou didst lead again into paradise 0 pure one!
when thou gavest birth to the Lord and Savior, Having found thee like arose among thorns,
Who endured crucifixion and burial in His di­ 0 all-pure one, with the fragrant beauties of
vine power. spiritual graces the Master hath filled us, who
He Who by His divine will and creative cry out to Him in compunction: 0 God our
power brought all things out ofnon-existence, 0 Deliverer, blessed art Thou!
pure one, passed through thy womb, both God The divine prophets, perceiving all the
and man; and with divine radiance, 0 pure signs ofthy divine birthgiving, 0 pure one, cried
Mistress, He illumined those who were before out gloriously: God shall come forth from a
in the darkness of ignorance. virgin to save those who cry: 0 God our Deliv­
erer, blessed art Thou!
Canon of the Cross ODE VIII
Irmos: 0 ineffable wonder! He, Who in the Canon ofthe Cross
furnace delivered the venerable children from Irmos: Fall back in awe and fear, 0 heaven; and
the flame, is laid in the grave, dead and devoid let the foundations ofthe earth be shaken! For,
of breath, for the salvation of us who chant: 0 lo! He Who dwelleth in the highest is numbered
God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou! among the dead and sojourneth as a stranger in
When the council of the Jews condemned a small tomb. Ye children, bless; ye priests,
Thee to the Cross, the earth, beholding this, hymn; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all
was stricken with fear and the sun hid its rays; ages!
but those in darkness beheld the light, chant­ By Thy suffering on the Cross Thou
ing: 0 God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou! didst drain the cup which Thou didst desire,
0 Savior, of Thine own will Thou didst 0 Christ, Who pourest forth upon me
endure mockery, being beaten with a reed and springs of remission from Thy life-bearing
crowned as a king with thorns, 0 Christ God, for side, for the sake of the rib of Adam who had
the salvation of us who chant: 0 God our Deliv­ died. And I hymn Thee, 0 Christ, chanting:
erer, blessed art Thou! Ye priests, bless; ye people, exalt Him su­
M artyricon: Ye were bound, 0 most lauded premely for all ages!
martyrs, manifestly loosing all the bonds of the When the iniquitous men condemned Thee
devil's deception; and ye endured torments and to be crucified between two malefactors, 0 Lord
an unjust death, desiring the life ofheaven, and Jesus, Bestower of life, the earth quaked, and
crying out: 0 God our Deliverer, blessed art all chanted with fear: Ye children, bless; ye
Thou! priests, chant; ye people, exalt Him supremely
M artyricon: Ye stood in the midst of the for all ages!
flame, 0 most lauded martyrs, manifestly M artyricon: Your death was precious in the
burning up deception; and unconsumed by the sight of God, 0 athletes; for having partaken of
dew of divine grace, ye cry out, chanting: 0 God many sufferings, ye were shown to share in the
our Deliverer, blessed art Thou! honored sufferings of Christ, crying out in one­
Theotokion: Seeing Thee Who desired to be ness of mind: Ye children, bless; ye priests,
crucified, 0 Son without beginning, the Theoto­ chant; ye people, exalt Him supremely for all
kos cried out: "I am now overwhelmed by grief ages!
of soul, for Thou diest, Who givest life to those M artyricon: 0 martyrs, the weapons ye
who chant: 0 God our Deliverer, blessed art used against the hordes ofthe enemy were truly
Thou!" not fleshly, but were the hope, faith and truth
which ye received from God; and ye have joined
Canon of the Theotokos the choirs of the angels, crying out to the Mas­
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. ter: Ye priests, bless; ye people, exalt Him
Thy Son and Lord desired Thee, 0 Mother of supremely for all ages!

Theotokion: "0 Most High, Son Who art my passions? How hast Thou, Who drank
without beginning, Thou didst endure to be vinegar, mixed for us the cup of gladness?
spat upon, derided and crucified, and mock­ M artyricon: Cast and held fast in prisons,
ingly beaten with a reed," the Theotokos cried your members cruelly severed, grievously
out; "I glorify the long-suffering of Thee Whom stretched on the wheel, and thrown to the wild
the children bless, the priests hymn, and the beasts as food, 0 all ye athletes, ye did not deny
people exalt supremely for all ages!" Christ, the Master of all.
M artyricon: The most radiant and right
Canon of the Theotokos renowned memory of the athletes shineth forth
Irmos: Same as the foregoing. more brightly than the rays of the sun: it ever
Thou hast now been foreseen by the divine enlighteneth the souls of the pious, driveth
Daniel as the unquarried mountain, 0 Maiden, away the darkness of passions and tempta­
for from thee was cut Christ, the Rock, alone tions, and dispelleth the most profound gloom
without the hand of man, 0 Virgin. Bless Him, ofthe demons.
ye children; praise Him, 0 priests; exalt Him Theotokion: Thou bearest Him Who bear­
supremely, ye people, for all ages! eth all things, and holdest in thine hands, as a
With hymns the heavenly warriors ever babe, Him Who hath delivered us from the hand
glorify thy birthgiving, 0 pure, Ever-virgin ofthe adverse foe, 0 all-pure Mistress; and thou
Maiden, and with us they joyously hymn thee as beholdest Him Who hath delivered us from the
the Mother ofGod, whom the children bless, the yoke of evil uplifted upon the tree of the Cross.
priests praise, and the people exalt supremely
for all ages. Canon of the Theotokos
With the rays ofthy light, 0 pure Theotokos Irmos: Same as the foregoing.
Mary, make radiant those who now acknowl­ Unto us thou hast supernaturally appeared
edge thee to be the true Theotokos; for thou, 0 as the Mediatress of everlasting joy and life, 0
Virgin, wast shown to be the habitation ofLight pure Theotokos who gavest birth to the Savior
for those who cry out with faith: Rejoice, 0 of all, Who manifestly wipeth ever tear from
blessed and all-glorious one, for all ages! every mortal face, and hath grantedjoy unto all.
Chanting, David, thine ancestor, foretold
We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the thee in signs as the ark, and Moses as the golden
Magnificat}, with the refrain: "More honorable jar of the divine Manna, 0 Theotokos; for thou
than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations. alone didst contain Him Who is ever in the
bosomoftheFather. Wherefore, weglorifythee
OnE IX with hymns.
Canon of the Cross Thou wast truly more highly exalted than
Irmos: Lament Me not, 0 Mother, beholding in all creation, for thou gavest birth unto God in
the tomb the Son Whom thou didst conceive in the flesh; wherefore, 0 Mistress, we, who hope
thy womb without seed; for I shall arise and be to receive salvation through thee, have thee as
glorified, and as God everlasting shall I exalt an intercessor, a sure hope and a firm bulwark.
with glory those who magnify thee with faith
and love. Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ", and a
That Thou mightest deliver from corruption prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
him who became corrupt by eating of the sweet usual psalms.
fruit of the tree, 0 only Savior, Thou wast
crucified in the flesh and deigned to die, in that Aposticha stichera of the Cross, in Tone VI­
Thou art good. 0 Jesus, we unceasingly hymn I trust in the Cross, 0 Christ, and, boasting
Thy great lovingkindness and power. therein, I cry out: 0 Lord Who lovest mankind,
0 how didst Thou endure pain, stretched cast down the pride of those who do not confess
out upon the Cross, releasing me from cruel Thee to be both God and man!
pangs, 0 Savior? How didst Thou, Who wast Stichos: We were filled in the morning with
crowned with thorns, burn up all the thorns of Thy mercy, 0 Lord, and we rejoiced and were


glad. In all our days, let us be glad for the days M artyricon: All creation doth celebrate the
wherein Thou didst humble us, for the years memory of Thy saints, 0 Lord: the heavens
wherein we saw evils. And look upon Thy rejoice with the angels, and earth maketh
servants, and upon Thy works, and do Thou merry with men. By their supplications have
guide their sons. mercy on us.
Protected by the Cross, we set ourselves
against the enemy, undaunted by his wiles and Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Stavrotheotokion­
treachery; for the prideful one hath been set at "As a man I was nailed to the Tree and died;
naught and trampled underfoot by the power of as one mortal I was placed in a tomb. But as God
Christ Who was nailed to the Tree. I shall rise again in glory on the third day, 0
Stichos: And let the brightness of the Lord pure Virgin Mother."
our God be upon us, and the works of our hands
do Thou guide aright upon us, yea, the work of Then, "It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
our hands do Thou guide aright. through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VI­ M artyricon: Delighting in your torments,
Remember me, 0 God my Savior, when 0 passion-bearers, ye have been vouchsafed
Thou shalt come in Thy kingdom, and save me, the delight ofparadise, praying unceasingly in
in that Thou alone lovest mankind. behalf of the world.
Stretching forth Thy hands upon the Tree, Glory ... : Rescue us, Thy servants, from all
Thou didst embrace the nations, who hymn Thy torment, 0 Lord-Father, Son, and Spirit
lovingkindness, 0 Christ our God. equally enthroned.
Thou wast nailed to the Tree of Thine own Now & ever ... : Seeing Thee stretched out
will, and by Thy power didst perfectly break the upon the Cross, the Virgin sighed, weeping.
sting of the prideful one, 0 Christ. Through her supplications save us, 0 Lord.




On "Lord, I have cried ... ': 3 stichera ofthe holy Thy martyrs did not deny Thee, 0 Lord, nor
martyrs, hierarchs and the venerable, in Tone did they depart from Thy commandments.
VI: Spec. Mel.: "Having set aside ... "- Through their supplications have mercy on us.
Stichos: If Thou shouldest mark iniquities, Stichos: 0 praise the Lord, all ye nations;
0 Lord, 0 Lord, who shall stand? For with Thee praise Him, all ye peoples.
there is forgiveness. The foregoing sticheron is repeated.
Walking in the footsteps ofthe sufferings of Stichos: For He hath made His mercy to
Christ, the whole company of the martyrs went prevail over us, and the truth of the Lord a bid­
down mightily to many struggles. They con­ eth forever.
fessed Him as God before ungodly tyrants and 0 martyred passion-bearers, citizens of
iniquitous kings, and endured many tortures, heaven, who suffered on the earth, ye endured
hoping to receive heavenly honors. These they many torments. By their supplications and
now behold, rejoicing, and they stand with all entreaty, 0 Lord, preserve us all.
the choirs of the incorporeal hosts before the
Lord. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Dogmatic theotokion-
Stichos: For Thy name's sake have I pa­ Who doth not call thee blessed, 0 all-holy
tiently waited for Thee, 0 Lord; my soul hath Virgin? Who will not hymn thine all-pure
waited patiently for Thy word, my soul hath birthgiving? For the only-begotten Son Who
hoped in the Lord. shone forth timelessly from the Father, came
0 most sacred shepherds, ye were emula­ forth, ineffably incarnate, from thee, the pure
tors of the Christ, the Chief Shepherd, and one; and being God by nature, He became man
preserved utterly unharmed the divinely cho­ for our sake, not divided into two Persons, but
sen flock, the divine treasures of piety, driving known in two natures without confusion. Him
away the wild wolves; and ye brought them well do thou beseech, 0 pure and most blessed one,
into the fold of heaven. As ye make your abode that our souls find mercy!
there, remember those who praise you with
love, and pray ye with boldness unto Christ in Then, 0 gladsome Light... ; the prokimenon of
behalf of our souls. the day; and Vouchsafe, 0 Lord...
Stichos: From the morning watch until
night, from the morning watch let Israel hope in Aposticha stichera, in Tone VI­
the Lord. M arty rica: They who suffered for Thy sake,
0 all ye venerable fathers, who lived in 0 Christ, endured many torments and have
holiness, ye vanquished the demons; and extin­ received perfect crowns in the heavens. Let
guishing torments of conscience, ye valiantly them pray in behalf of our souls.
endured the burning of the passions, 0 blessed Thy Cross was the invincible weapon of the
ones, and rejoice now with the heavenly hosts; martyrs, 0 Lord; for they looked upon immi­
for in the flesh ye emulated the life of those nent death, foreseeing the life which is to come,
incorporeal beings. With them entreat Christ, and they were strengthened by hope in Thee.
the all-good God, that we who honor you may By their supplications have mercy on us!
find deliverance from our falls. Nekrosimon: Thy creating command was
my beginning and foundation; for, desiring to
Then the stichera for the saint, from the Men­ fashion me into a living being out of that which
aion; or if there is no Menaion, these stichera of is invisible and that which is visible, Thou didst
the martyrs, in the same tone & melody- form my body out of earth, and didst give me a
Stichos: For with the Lord there is mercy, soul by Thy divine and life-creating breath.
and with Him there is plenteous redemption; Wherefore, grant rest unto Thy servants, 0
and He shall redeem Israel out of all his Christ, in the land of the living, in the habita­
iniquities. tions of the righteous.


Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- Then, Now lettest Thou Thy servant depart ...
0 Christ, through the prayers of her who Trisagion through Our Father... Troparia.
gave Thee birth, of Thy martyrs and apostles, Litany, and Dismissal.
the prophets and holy hierarchs, the venerable,
the righteous and all the saints, grant rest to
Thy departed servants.




everlasting torment.
ODE I Glory ... : Restrain me who am besotted with
Irmos: A helper and protector hath He been the bitterness of lusts, 0 Mistress, granting me
unto me for my salvation. He is my God, and I the divine sobriety of repentance and saving
shall glorify Him. He is the God of my fathers, convers1on.
and I shall exalt Him, for gloriously hath He Now & ever ... : 0 Theotokos who ineffably
been glorified. gavest birth to the Lord and Creator of all
Reject me not, 0 good one, neither abomi­ things, entreat Him to save thy flock.
nate nor despise me who with fervor hasten
beneath thy lovingkindness, 0 pure one, but ODE IV
grant that I may share in the grace which Irmos: The prophet heard of Thine advent, 0
resideth in thee. Lord, and was afraid, for Thou didst desire to be
0 good Theotokos, helper of the sorrowful, born of the Virgin and reveal Thyself to men;
accept the sighing which issueth forth from my and he said: "I heard report of Thee and was
soul, and deliver me from all the shameless afraid. Glory to Thy power, 0 Lord!
evils I have grievously committed. Constantly picking at the sores brought
Glory.. .: Before thee do I fall down, 0 good upon my soul by sensuality, and in pain from
one, thou intercessor for the troubled. From the stripes they cause me, I lie insensate and
everlasting fire, from darkness and the abyss unhealed. 0 Theotokos, have mercy and heal
deliver me who have lived my whole life in evil. me, and save me by thy supplications.
Now & ever ... : Woe is me! How can I who The darkness of sin hath covered my soul, 0
have sinned before Thee without measure Theotokos, so that I go about in the light as
entreat Thee, 0 my Jesus? Yet do I offer Thee though it were night, not knowing the com­
as mediatress the pure one who gave Thee mandments of Christ. 0 thou who gavest birth
birth. Have mercy and save me! to the divine Light, have mercy upon me and
enlighten me, I pray.
ODE III Glory ... : The Word of the living God
Irmos: On the rock of Thy commandments, 0 descended into thy womb, 0 Virgin Mother and,
Lord, establish Thou mine unsteady heart, for receiving my substance through thine all-pure
Thou alone art our holy Lord. blood, He cometh forth in two natures, but a
I fall down before thee, 0 Mother of the single hypostasis. Him do thou beseech, that
Word. In thy compassion accept me, and by thy He save our souls.
fervent entreaties grant forgiveness of trans­ Now & ever ... : I have avidly gone through
gressions unto me who beseech thee. the desires of the body and all the pleasures,
Have mercy upon me, 0 Mistress, have and have become wholly corrupt, vile and
mercy upon me, and deliver me from all wicked­ abominable. 0 all-pure Theotokos, have mercy,
ness, from the oppression of the demons and and save me in thy lovingkindness.


0DEV but are freed from cares by Thee: for Thou art
Irmos: Enlighten me who rise at dawn out ofthe our Savior, Creator and God.
night, I pray, 0 Thou Who lovest mankind, and
guide me in Thy precepts; and teach me to do ODE VII
Thy will, 0 Savior. Irmos: We have sinned, we have committed
I have kindled for myself the fire of Ge­ iniquity, we have dealt unjustly before Thee.
henna, doing that which is shameful, and have We have neither done nor acted as Thou hast
grievously brought upon myself the wrath of commanded us. But forsake us not utterly, 0
God. Help me, 0 pure one, and forsake me not. God of our fathers.
Though I am ever asking the remission of When mine accursed soul will have to
my transgressions, yet do I never cease to endure separation from my body, there will be
commit the most wicked deeds, 0 all-pure one, no one to deliver or comfort it. Then do thou
and I offend thee. 0 purification ofthe faithful, stand forth, 0 Mistress, and deliver me from the
have pity on me! oppression of the demons.
Glory ... : 0 pure one, entreat Jesus, to I fall down before thee and offer thee fervent
Whom thou gavest birth through thy blood­ tear-drops. I know thy love for mankind, I know
perfect man and true God-that we be thy long-suffering and guilelessness: have
delivered from everlasting fire. mercy now upon me, 0 pure one; forgive me and
Now & ever ... : 0 impassable gate, open save me.
unto me the portals of true repentance, I pray, Glory ... : 0 Virgin, have mercy on my
and show me the path ofpenitence, 0 pure one, wretched soul which is beset by the passions.
thou guide of all. Look upon the tumult ofmy passions, look upon
the inconstant burning of my flesh, and grant
ODE VI me thy saving help and salvation.
Irmos: With all my heart I cry out to the Now & ever ... : The Son and Word, Who is
compassionate God, and He heard my cry from consubstantial and equally unoriginate with the
the uttermost depths of hades, and hath led my Father, received of thee flesh like thine, though
life up from corruption. immutably noetic and animate in a way He
Waves ofshameful thoughts now engulfme; Himself knew; and therein He hath refashioned
yet do thou guide me to the calm harbor of true our nature into somethinghigher, 0 pure Virgin.
repentance by thy lovingkindness, 0 Mistress.
Having acquired thee as our hope and insu"' ODE VIII
perable rampart, our steadfast intercessor, 0 Irmos: Let every creature that hath breath
Maiden, we are delivered from transgressions hymn, bless and supremely exalt for all ages
and grievous passions, and from all harm. Him Whom the armies of heaven glorify and
Glory ... : 0 pure Virgin Theotokos, I fall before Whom the cherubim and seraphim
down before thee and cry out in lamentation: tremble.
Deliver my wretched soul from the judgment I am at a loss when I consider my acts, and
which is to come, and from everlasting fire. I tremble before the dread tribunal of the
Now & ever ... : In thy supplications thou art Judge. What answer shall I give at that time,
the strength ofthose who are faint of soul, 0 all­ wretch that I am? 0 Mistress of the world, be
pure one; wherefore, disdain me not, but heal thou my helper.
me who am sick of soul. Turn not thy face away from me, 0 Mistress,
when I gaze upon thine image, but be merciful
Then, Lord, have mercy! Thrice. Glory ... , Now unto me, and avert from me the sentence which
& ever ... : Sedalion, in Tone VI- will be pronounced.
In the lovingkindness of Thy compassions Glory ... : 0 Bride of God, Mary who knewest
Thou didst come down to earth, 0 Christ, and, not wedlock, deliver me, thy servant, from all the
becoming incarnate of the Virgin, Thou didst harm of the wicked one, I cry to thee, and at the
sanctify all on earth and call them all to heaven; coming trial stand before me as advocate, 0 thou
wherefore, trusting in Thee, we no longer sin, who alone art the intercessor for Christians.


Now & ever ... : That He might deify men, 0 me, the vain one, and the retribution of hell to
Mistress, thy Son manifested Himself as a per­ receive me; but as thou gavest birth to God the
fect man through thee; wherefore, beseech Judge, 0 pure Virgin, deliver me from all
Him, that He show me forth as wholly purified, torment.
a partaker in His divine kingdom. Glory ... : The time of my life have I wasted
in evils. I have drawn nigh unto the gates of
ODE IX hell, but in nowise desire to enter therein. Help
Irmos: 0 Virgin who received the angel's salu­ me, 0 good Theotokos, for I have set my hope on
tation and gavest birth to thine own Creator, thee.
save those who magnify thee. Now & ever ... : 0 right loving Mistress,
Thou alone art the intercessor for men, 0 adornment of the angels and glory of the mar­
all-pure one; thou art the bulwark of Chris­ tyrs, with them pray that we find mercy and
tians, 0 pure one. Thee do I now set before remission of our debts, and help us all to finish
Christ as a mediator for me, the lowly one, that well the race of our life in doing good.
by thy supplications He may have mercy on me,
the accursed. Then, It is truly meet ... , and a prostration.
I have done the deeds of the night, and the Trisagion through Our Father... Troparion,
night of tortures is rightly now about to cover and the rest as usual. Dismissal.



After the first chanting of the Psalter, these After the second chanting of the Psalter, these
sessional hymns of the martyrs, in Tone VI- sessional hymns of the martyrs, in Tone VI-
Ever enlightened by Thee, and having ex­ While the choirs of the incorporeal ones
tinguished the lamp of the infidels, like lamps stood by, holding trophies of victory, and
the saints always shine forth light upon the tyrants and kings were amazed, the all-wise
righteous. Through their supplications, 0 our ones showed forth athletes' opposition at the
Savior, light Thou my lamp, and save me, 0 tribunal and the wounds of torture in their
Lord. martyrdom; and they cast down the apostate by
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the their confession of Christ. 0 Lord Who
God of Israel. strengthened them, glory to Thee!
Having endured the struggle ofmartyrdom, Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
the saints receive from Thee the honors of God of Israel.
victory; they set at naught the intentions of the The memory of Thy saints hath appeared
iniquitous, and have received crowns of incor­ today like the garden of paradise in Eden, 0
ruption. For their sake be Thou entreated, 0 Lord; for therein all creation rejoiceth, and by
God, and grant us great mercy. their supplications Thou grantest us peace and
great mercy.
Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion­ Stichos: Many are the tribulations of the
0 Thou Who called Thy Mother blessed, righteous, and the Lord shall deliver them out
Thou didst go to Thy suffering with a free will, of them all.
and didst shine forth upon the Cross, desiring to Nekrosimon: Truly all things are vanity; life
seek out Adam. And Thou didst say to the is but a shadow and a dream: for in vain doth
angels: Rejoice with Me, for I have found the every mortal disquiet himself, as the Scripture
lost coin! 0 our God Who hast ordered all things hath said. When we acquire the world, then
in Thy wisdom, glory to Thee! shall we make our abode in the grave, where
kings and paupers alike are found. Wherefore,
grant rest to Thy departed servants, 0 Christ
God, in that Thou lovest mankind.

Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion- In the chambers of heaven the valiant mar­
I offer thee sighs from the heart and inner­ tyrs always beseech Thee, 0 Christ. Grant that
most parts, and I beseech thy help, which easily the faithful whom Thou hast translated from
reconcileth, 0 most immaculate one, as saith the earth may receive everlasting good things.
the Scriptures. Have mercy on my most Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
passion-fraught soul, and entreat the greatly Thy servants.
merciful God, that He deliver me from judg­ 0 Thou Who hast adorned all things, Thou
ment and the lake of fire, 0 only blessed one. didst form man's living substance midway be­
tween lowliness and majesty; wherefore, grant
ODE I rest to the souls of Thy servants, 0 Savior.
Canon of the holy martyrs, hierarchs, the Glory ... : In the beginning Thou didst set me
venerable and the departed, the composition to be a dweller and husbandman in the garden
of Joseph, in Tone VI- of paradise; yet Thou didst eject me, who broke
Irmos: The sensual Pharaoh was drowned with Thy commandment; but grant rest to the souls
all his army, and Israel, crossing through the of Thy servants, 0 Savior.
midst of the sea, cried aloud: Let us chant unto Theotokion: He Who of old fashioned our
the Lord God, for He hath been glorified! first mother Eve from Adam's rib is clothed in
Having enlightened those in darkness with flesh through thine all-pure womb; and
your radiant intelligence and put to shame the therewith He destroyed the might of death, 0
impious tyrants, 0 martyrs, ye manifestly be­ pure one.
came victors, and have passed over to the never­
waning Light. III
Resplendent in the beauties of the virtues, Canon ofAll Saints
0 holy hierarchs of Christ, ye choir of the Irmos: Making steadfast the thoughts of my
venerable, 0 only triumphal procession of the soul, establish me upon the firm rock of Thy
prophets and all the righteous, ye have entered Faith, 0 Lord; for I have Thee as my refuge and
the mansions of heaven. confirmation, 0 Good One.
All the multitude of women who joined Subjected to bodily pangs, the athletes
themselves unto Christ have with manly labors looked forward, rejoicing, to a painless reward;
trampled underfoot him who by grievous decep­ and they now allay our many pangs with grace.
tion brought death upon Eve; and they are Driving away the beasts of evil with stead­
blessed with divine hymns. fast mind, the divine hierarchs delivered the
Glory ... Nekrosimon: 0 Christ Who in the godly children of Christ unharmed by their
beginning formed man out of the earth, in the malice.
habitations of the righteous, in places of ease, Having mortified carnal-mindedness, the
grant rest to the souls ofThy servants, we pray, choir of the venerable, willingly bowing under
in that Thou art ali-good. the yoke of the Lord, received life everlasting.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thou hast been Glory ... Nekrosimon: From everlasting
shown to be more sacred than the cherubim and fire, 0 Christ, deliver those who have passed
the seraphim, 0 pure one who gavest birth to from this life in piety, and grant them remission
the Author of creation. Him do thou unceas­ of debts and eternal delight, 0 Good One.
ingly entreat, that He have pity on thy ser­ Now & ever ... : Theotokion: The women who
vants, who glorify thee. loved Christ, surrounding thee who ineffably
gavest birth unto Him, 0 most holy Mistress,
Another canon, ofthe departed, the composition dance with joyful mind.
of Theophanes, in Tone VI-
Irmos: Traversing the deep on foot, as though Canon of the Departed
it were dry land, and seeing the tyrant Pharaoh Irmos: There is none as holy as Thee, 0 Lord my
drowned, Israel cried aloud: Let us chant unto God, Who hast uplifted the horn of Thy faithful
God a hymn of victory! and established us on the rock of the confession
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the of Thee, 0 Good One.
God of Israel.

Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Canon of the Departed

God of Israel. Irmos: Christ is my power, my God and my
Having suffered lawfully and been adorned Lord, the honored Church doth sing, crying out
by Thee with crowns of victory, Thy martyrs, 0 in godly manner with a pure mind, keeping
Bestower of life, earnestly ask that everlasting festival in the Lord.
honor be given unto the faithful who have Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
passed away. God of Israel.
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of Revealing knowledge greater than wisdom
Thy servants. and the most perfect goodness of spiritual gifts,
Having first with many miracles and signs 0 Master, Thou didst unite the choirs of the
instructed me, the lost one, in latter times Thou martyrs to the angels.
didst abase Thyself as One compassionate; and Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
having searched, Thou didst find and save me. Thy servants.
Glory ... : They who come to Thee from the Grant that those who have passed over to
one who poureth forth unstable corruption do Thee may receive Thine all-pure glory, 0
Thou cause to dwell joyously in the eternal Christ, where are the dwelling-places of those
mansions, 0 Good One,justifyingthem by faith who are glad and the voice of pure rejoicing.
and grace. Glory ... : They who hymn Thy divine might
Theotokion: There is none as immaculate as do Thou receive, taking them from this earth
thee, 0 all-pure Mother of God; for thou alone and making them children of the Light, and
didst conceive in thy womb the true God Who is cleansing them ofthe darkness of sin, 0 greatly
from before the ages, Who hath destroyed the Merciful One.
power of death. Theotokion: The Master chose thee as the
all-pure receptacle, the immaculate temple, the
OnE IV most holy ark, the virginal place of sanctity, the
Canon ofAll Saints beauty of Jacob.
Irmos: I heard report of Thee and was afraid; I
understood Thy works and was in awe, 0 Lord. 0DEV
Standing fast, the passion-bearers beheld Canon ofAll Saints
the prideful one trampled under their feet; and Irmos: 0 Christ Who shineth Thy light upon
in thanksgiving they glorified the Creator of all the world, illumine the heart of me who cry to
things. Thee out of the night, and save me.
Armed with the splendors of words, the Clothing yourselves in vesture woven of
holy hierarchs save men from the darkness grace from on high, 0 athletes, ye stripped the
of heresies, leading them to the light of enemy naked.
understanding. We honor the holy prophets, the divinely
The venerable ones, consuming the mate­ wise hierarchs, and the venerable who were
rial passions with an ardent understanding of well-pleasing unto God.
God, v•1ere sho\vn to be burning coals, and are In psalms and hymns let us praise the
greatly glorified. company of women, for they were well pleasing
Glory ... Nekrosimon: 0 Lord Who hast do­ unto God.
minion over the living and the dead, unto those Glory ... Nekrosimon: Enroll Thy servants
whom Thou hast taken to Thyself grant rest in the mansions of Thy righteous ones, 0 Lord,
with all who have been well-pleasing unto overlooking the offenses they committed in this
Thee. life.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 all-pure one, Now & ever ... : Theotokion: Thou wast
the Lord Who ineffably clothed Himself in flesh shown to be she who delivereth us from all the
from thee hath taken to Himselfthe company of harm of the enemy, 0 Mistress, entreating
women who struggled manfully. Christ, Who alone is compassionate.


Canon of the Departed Canon of the Departed

Irmos: With Thy divine light illumine the souls I rmos: Beholding the sea oflife surging with the
of those who with love rise at dawn unto Thee, tempest of temptations, fleeing to Thy calm
I pray Thee, 0 Good One, that they may know haven I cry unto Thee: Lead up my life from
Thee, 0 Word of God, to be the true God Who corruption, 0 greatly Merciful One!
calleth all forth from the darkness of sin. Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the God of Israel.
God of Israel. Nailed to the Cross, Thou didst gather to
Sacrificing themselves to our glorious God Thee the choirs of the martyrs who emulated
as a sacred wholeburnt offering and the first­ Thy suffering, 0 Good One; wherefore, we be­
fruits of human nature, the martyrs ever win seech Thee: Grant rest unto those who have
salvation for us. passed over to Thee.
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Thy servants. Thy servants.
Vouchsafe a sojourn in heaven and gener­ When in awesome manner and with inef­
ous gifts unto Thy faithful servants who have fable glory Thou shalt come to judge the whole
fallen asleep, 0 Lord, granting them deliver­ world, 0 Deliverer, be Thou well-pleased that
ance from transgressions. thy faithful servants, whom Thou hast taken
Glory ... : 0 only Compassionate and Im­ from the earth, may meet Thee in splendor on
mortal One, Who alone art by nature the Be­ the clouds.
stower of life and the truly unfathomable Abyss Glory ... : 0 Master, Who art the well-spring
ofgoodness: Vouchsafe Thy kingdom unto those of life, cause Thou to dwell amid the food of
who have fallen asleep. paradise Thy servants, who with divine cour­
Theotokion: 0 Mistress of the world, He age have departed unto Thee in faith; and lead
Who was born of thee became the might, song up those who were in chains.
and salvation of those who perished, delivering Theotokion: Having broken the command­
from the gates of hades those who bless thee ment of God, we returned to the earth; but
with faith. because of thee, 0 Virgin, we have been el­
evated from earth to the heavens, shaking off
ODE VI the corruption of death.
Canon ofAll Saints
Irmos: Slain by the monster of sin, I cry to Thee, ODE VII
0 Christ: Free me from corruption, as Thou Canon ofAll Saints
didst the prophet. Irmos: 0 Lord God of our fathers, Who hear­
Ye engulfed the noetic foe with the outpour­ kened to the hymnody of Thy venerable chil­
ing of your divine blood; and ye watered the dren and bedewed the burning furnace: blessed
hearts of the faithful, 0 passion-bearers. art Thou!
Having crucified yourselves to the world Let us honor with hymns the passion­
and the passions, 0 venerable ones, and ye holy bearers of Christ, who quenched the flame of
hierarchs, ye have been vouchsafed divine cruel ungodliness with the showers of their
glory. blood.
As is meet, we bless the choir ofthe prophets Having destroyed the winter of heresies,
and the assembly of honorable women, who the right glorious hierarchs proceeded, rejoic­
contended well. ing, to the springtime of God.
Glory ... Nekrosimon: With Thine elect give By patience the ascetics inherited the rich
rest to the souls who have fallen asleep in times grace of the Spirit and destroyed a multitude of
past, 0 God, overlooking their transgressions. demons.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 thou who Glory ... Nekrosimon: Vouchsafe, 0 Com­
gavest birth to Christ in the flesh, slay thou the passionate and greatly Merciful One, that those
passions of my flesh, 0 Virgin, and give life to who have passed from this life may inherit the
my soul by thy mediation. paradise of Thy sustenance.


Now & ever ... : Theotokion: He Who showed 0 all ye glorious prophets and hierarchs, ye
thee to be a virgin even after giving birth, 0 venerable and righteous ones, ye multitudes of
pure one, saved the choirs of holy women who martyrs and women: Preserve your whole flock
followed thee. unshaken by the demons.
Glory ... Nekrosimon: We hymn the righ­
Canon of the Departed teous of ages past and the divinely eloquent
Irmos: The Angel caused the furnace to pour prophets, and we cry out with compunction: By
forth dew upon the pious youths, and the com­ their supplications, 0 Word, grant rest unto
mand of God, which consumed the Chald~:eans, those who have fallen asleep in faith.
prevailed upon the tyrant to cry out: Blessed art Now & ever ... : Theotokion: The choir of
Thou, 0 God of our fathers! women loved thee as the full and proximal
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the beauty of God, 0 Virgin, and in thy train they
God of Israel. were brought before the Master of all, blessing
Delivered from the first crime by Thy blood, thee together, 0 all-pure one.
the martyrs, stained with their own blood,
manifestly prefigure Thy sacrifice. Blessed art Canon of the Departed
Thou, 0 God of our fathers! Irmos: From the flame didst Thou pour forth
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of dew upon the venerable ones, and didst con­
Thy servants. sume the sacrifice of the righteous one with
Thou didst slay savage death, 0 life­ water; for Thou, 0 Christ, dost do all things
creating Word. Accept those who have soever Thou desirest. Thee do we exalt su­
departed in faith, who hymn Thee, 0 Christ, premely for all ages!
and say: Blessed is the God of our fathers! Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the
Glory ... : 0 most divine Master, Who God of Israel.
breathed Thy divine breath into me, a man, Mightily showing forth struggles, ye
vouchsafe Thy kingdom unto those who have received crowns of victory, 0 martyrs and
passed from this life, 0 Savior, that they may passion-bearers, crying out to Christ: We su­
hymn Thee and say: Blessed is the God of our premely exalt Thee, the Lord, forever!
fathers! Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of
Theotokion: Thou wast the most exalted of Thy servants.
all created beings, 0 all-immaculate one, The faithful, who in sacred manner have
having conceived Him Who broke down the forsaken the things ofthis life and have meekly
gates of hades and shattered its doors; where­ gone to Thee, the Master, do Thou receive, in
fore, we, the faithful, hymn thee as the Mother that Thou art full of lovingkindness, granting
of God. peace unto those who supremely exalt Thee, the
Lord, forever.
ODE VIII Glory ... : Be Thou well-pleased, 0 Savior,
Canon ofAll Saints that all who have fallen asleep in the past may
Irmos: In the furnace Thy venerable children now dwell in the land of the meek, justifying by
emulated the cherubim, chanting the thrice­ faith in Thee and by grace those who supremely
holy hymn: Bless, hymn and exalt the Lord exalt Thee, the Lord, forever.
supremely for all ages! Theotokion: We all call thee blessed, 0 all­
Wounded in their valor by threefold waves blessed one, for thou didst truly give birth to the
of torments, the divine martyrs, passing into good Word, Who becamefleshforour sake. Him
profound peace by grace, attained the kingdom do we exalt supremely for all ages.
on high.
The venerable and most wise hierarchs, We then chant the Hymn of the Theotokos [the
shining like the sun, enlighten the whole world Magnificat}, with the refrain: ((More honorable
with the rays of their teachings and the splen­ than the cherubim ... ': and make prostrations.
dors of healings.


ODE IX taken away. Cause them to dwell where Thy

Canon ofAll Saints light shineth, 0 Savior.
Irmos: 0 Virgin who received the angel's salu­ Theotokion: 0 pure one, we know thee to be
tation and gavest birth to thine own Creator, the holy tabernacle, the ark, the tablets, the law
save those who magnify thee. and grace; for for thy sake remission hath been
Ye were brought to the Master as pure given to those justified by the blood of Him Who
sheep, 0 passion-bearing martyrs. Him do ye became incarnate ofthy womb, 0 most immacu­
entreat, that He save our souls. late one.
As shepherds ye tended the faithful in the
fields of piety, 0 holy hierarchs, and dwell now Then, "It is truly meet to bless thee ... ", and a
in the fold of God. prostration. Litany, exapostilarion, and the
Let us bless the choirs ofthe venerable with usual psalms.
the holy hierarchs and prophets, and the
women who suffered mightily. On the Praises, these stichera ofthe martyrs, in
Glory ... Nekrosimon: 0 greatly Merciful Tone V-
One, vouchsafe that the departed may receive All creation celebrateth on the memorial of
the eternal gladness ofwhich the councils of the Thy saints, 0 Lord: the heavens rejoice with the
saints partake. angels, and the earth maketh merry with men.
Now & ever ... : Theotokion: 0 Virgin who By their supplications have mercy on us.
gavest birth to the Light, enlighten my soul, 0 Lord, if we did not have Thy saints as
driving away the darkness of my slothfulness advocates and Thy goodness having mercy
and sin. upon us, how would we dare to hymn Thee,
Whom the angels glorify without ceasing. 0
Canon of the Departed Thou Who knowest the hearts of men, spare
Irmos: It is not possible for men to behold God, Thou our souls!
upon Whom the ranks of angels dare not gaze; The memory of the martyrs is a joy to those
but through thee, 0 most pure one, hath the who fear the Lord; for, having suffered for the
Word appeared incarnate unto men; and mag­ sake of Christ, they have received crowns from
nifying Him with the armies of heaven, we call Him; and they now pray with boldness in behalf
thee blessed. of our souls.
Stichos: Wondrous is God in His saints, the Our God hath made wondrous His chosen
God of Israel. saints. Rejoice and be glad, all ye His servants,
Hope strengthened the choirs of the mar­ for for you have crowns and His kingdom been
tyrs, and enkindled thereby they took wing to made ready! We pray you: Forget us not!
the love of Thee, thereby depicting beforehand Nekrosimon: Of old, the eating ofthe tree in
the truly unshakable rest which is to come, Eden became infirmity for Adam when the
which do Thou vouchsafe unto the faithful de­ serpent spewed forth its venom; for for this
parted, 0 Good One. cause did universal death come about, devour­
Stichos: Grant rest, 0 Lord, to the souls of ing man. But the Master came, and cast down
Thy servants. the serpent and hath given us resurrection.
Be Thou well-pleased, 0 Christ, that those Unto Him, therefore, let us now cry out: Have
who have departed in faith may receive Thy pity on those whom Thou hast taken to Thyself,
radiant and divine effulgence, granting them 0 Savior, and, as Thou lovest mankind, grant
rest in the bosom of Abraham, and vouchsafing them rest with the saints.
them everlasting blessedness, in that Thou
alone art merciful. Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
Glory ... : As Thou art good and full of W e have come to know God Who was incar­
lovingkindness by nature, the Willer of mercies nate of thee, 0 Virgin Theotokos. Him do thou
and the Abyss ofcompassion, those ofthis place entreat for the salvation of our souls.
of affliction and the shadow of death Thou hast


Aposticha stichera of the departed, in Tone VI: Knowing Thee to be, in Thy divine power,
Spec. Mel.: ((Having set aside ... "­ the Lord of the living and Master of the dead, 0
0 greatly merciful Master, Who hast un­ Christ, we beseech Thee: With Thy chosen ones
approachable lovingkindness for us and an grant rest unto Thy faithful servants who have
inexhaustible well-spring of divine goodness, departed unto Thee, the only Benefactor, 0
when those on earth depart unto Thee cause Thou Who lovest mankind, in a place ofcomfort,
them to dwell in the beloved and desirable amid the splendors of the saints; for Thou art
habitations, granting them possession which the One Who will est mercy, and as God Thou
abideth forever. For Thou didst shed Thy savest those whom Thou didst create according
blood for all, 0 Savior, and hast redeemed the to Thine image, 0 only greatly Merciful One.
world with a life-bearing ransom.
Stichos: Blessed are they whom Thou hast Glory ... , Now & ever ... : Theotokion-
chosen and taken to Thyself, 0 Lord. Thou wast shown to be a receptacle ofdivine
Of Thine own will Thou didst endure a majesty, 0 all-pure one, for thou didst contain
vivifying death, didst pour forth life, and gavest God and gavest birth unto Christ in two natures
the faithful eternal food. Among them number but a single Hypostasis, 0 Mother who knewest
those who have fallen asleep in the hope of not wedlock. 0 pure one, entreat thine only­
resurrection, by grace forgiving all their of­ begotten and firstborn Child, Who preserved
fenses, in that Thou alone art sinless and alone thee an unblemished virgin even though thou
art good and lovest mankind; that Thy name, 0 gavest birth, that He grant rest amid light and
Christ, may be hymned by all, and we may incorrupt blessedness unto those have fallen
glorify Thy saving love for mankind. asleep in the Faith.
Stichos: Their souls shall dwell amid good
things. Then, ((It is good to give thanks ... " Trisagion
through Our Father ... Troparion. Litany. First
Hour, and Dismissal.



On the Beatitudes, these troparia, in Tone VI­ Nekrosimon: Those who in faith have de­
Remember me, 0 God my Savior, when parted from temporal things do Thou number
Thou shalt come in Thy kingdom, and save me, with all the saints and righteous, 0 Word, that
in that Thou alone lovest mankind. we may glorify Thee.
Undaunted by fire, the sword, or the sav­ Glory ... : Triadicon: We glorify the Father,
age onslaught of wild beasts, 0 glorious the Son and the Holy Spirit, saying: 0 Holy
passion-bearers, ye have been vouchsafed life Trinity, save Thou our souls!
everlasting. Now & ever ... : Thou hast been shown to be
0 Thou Who lovest mankind, and Who hast blessed among all generations; for in truth thou
glorified the prophets and teachers, the vener­ didst ineffably give birth to our blessed God, 0
able and the righteous, by their supplications all-pure one.
save Thou our souls.

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