Advisory No. JSP-01

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Republic of the Philippines nn DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT vA) Bureau of Local Employment Intramuros, Manila ADVISORY NO. JSP- Ol Series of 2018 TO: ‘ALL DOLE REGIONAL OFFICES, FIELD OFFICES, AND PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OFFICES SUBJECT: GUIDELINES ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF JOBSTART PEIS MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT AND EMPLOYER TRACKING REPORT 1. With the goal of providing efficient labor market information (LMI) and program monitoring and evaluation (MA&€) systems, the Bureau has developed the PEIS JobStart Monthly Progress Report and Employer Tracking Report Modules. 2. The PEIS JobStart Monthly Progress Report can be updated online through the PESO Employment Information System (PEIS) that can monitor the progress of the program monthly. while the Employer Tracking Report is a new module that can be used in tracking and monitoring the engagement with JobStart partner employers. Attached is the “Guidelines on the Monthly Progress Report and Employer Tracking Report” with their respective definition of terms, mode of input in PEIS, basis of reports and guide to target setting (Tab A). 3. The following are the new performance indicators: = Underwent one-on-one career coaching - JobStart trainees who were given one-on- one career coaching during LST. * Found job after LST (Track 2) - JobStart trainees who found immediate job/wage employment and have started work within 6 months after LST Recognition Ceremony. Not included in the list are JobStart Trainees who found job after they are placed under MOA (Track 1), after referral to other programs and trainees who were self-employed after LST. * Placed under MOA (Track 1) - JobStart trainees placed in a partner-employer under a JobStart Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) * Absorbed by Partner Employer - JobStart trainees hired by partner-companies! employers on either of the given stages: during technical training/internship and after completing technical training/internship + Found job in other employers/ companies - JobStart trainees placed under MOA who were hired by other companies! employers (not with the partner employer who provided the taining) on either of the given stages: during technical training/internship and after completing technical training/internship * Referred to other programs (Track 3) - JobStart trainees successfully referred to other government programs (e.g. PESO referral, GIP, livelihood assistance, free trainings). + Found job after referral to other programs - JobStart trainees successfully referred to other government programs and found job within 6 months after LST recognition ceremony. + Job Placement - Total number of JobStart trainees who found job after Life Skills Training, hired by partner employers, or hired by other employers/ companies in any given stage after LST recognition rites. The job placement can either be permanent, contractual, probationary or parttime. | + SelfEmployed - Total number of JobStart trainees who started their own businessfivelihood (e.g. sarisari store, online shop, food stalls) either after LST recognition rites, during/after technical training and internship of after referral to other programs. + Unplaced Trainees Still for Referral - Total number of JobStart trainees who are not yet placed under the three tracks (Placed under MOA, Found job after LST, Referred to other programs) or not self -employed and still for referral, * Completion Rate - Total number of JobStart trainees who were placed under the three tracks of JobStart: Found job after LST, Placed under MOA, and Referred to other programs. + Total Attrition - Total number of JobStart trainees who dropped out from the JobStart Program at any given stage: during LST, after LST, during Technical Training, and during Internship as confirmed by the JobStart trainee or when the JobStart trainee could not be contacted anymore after several attempts. * Attended Employers Forum - Total number of companies whose representative/s attended Employers Forum. + No. of Employers that submitted Internship Pledges - Total number of employers that submitted internship pledges for the JobStart Philippines Program through accomplishing the prescribed form, ie., Expression of Interest form. + Total No. of Submitted Internship Pledges Total number of internship pledges or slots open for internship positions as indicated on the prescribed form as accomplished by the participating employers for the JobStart Philippines Program. + Attended Employers Writeshop on Training Plan Development - Total number of companies whose representative/s attended Employers Writeshop. * No, of Employers who Submitted Training Plans - Total number of employers who already submitted to PESO initial draft of training plans duly signed by the employer. * No. of Training Plan Approved - Total number of reviewed, approvedi/signed training plans by the Regional Office. * No. of Signed MOA - Total number of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) duly signed by DOLE-RO and partner employers. * No. of Slots in the Signed MOA - Total number of positions/slots in the signed MOAs |. The PEIS JobStart Monthly Progress Report can be generated from PEIS based on the encoded and uploaded data by the PESO. Before generating the report, specify the period covered. The remarks, issues and recommendations in the report should be accomplished manually. All the data submitted from PESO will be considered final and official. If corrections or amendments should be made, the data should be changed through PEIS. Reports must be submitted following the Process Cycle Time Chart on Section 3 of the guidelines. . The Guideline’s Annex 1, JobStart Beneficiary Monitoring Chart, can be used as reference when accomplishing the monthly progress report. Submission of success stories can be attached in PEIS Monthly Progress Report using the form in Annex 2 that may be used as reference for publications. 6. In case the reported JobStart Trainees are hired by non-partner employers, the PESO personnel can fill-out the Employment Status Form in Annex 3 to report the employment of the trainee. The PESO can also send the draft employment letter template to the non-partner employer. 7. Monitoring of job placement either into wage employment or self-employment will be made for all JobStart Trainees who finished LST. From then onwards, within six (6) months from departure of the program (either right after LST, or during/after Technical Training and Internship), JobStart trainees placement to wage employment either with partner employer or non-partner employer shall be recorded. 8. JobStart trainees who finished LST and withdrew from the program are to be monitored within six (6) months after LST Recognition Ceremony. Wage employment or self-employment within the said period shall be recorded as job placement, 9. For 2018 National Roll-out implementers, the Regional Offices (ROs), Field Offices (FOs), and PESOs may set targets for Employer Engagement. This way, ROs can assist the FOs and PESOs while trying to reach their target for the Office Performance Commitment and Review (OPCR). 10. In this regard, may we request your JobStart focal person to fill-out the attached Employer Engagement Target Setting Form (Tab B) and send it through electronic mail not later than 25 May 2018. 11, For 2017 National Rollout implementers, the first report will be on 30 May 2018. For 2018 National Rollout Implementers, the first report will be on June 2018, 12. For information, reference, and appropriate action DOMINIQUE RUBIA-TUTAY Director IV 21 May 2018

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