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Journal of English and Education

Vol. 5 No. 1, April 2017, pp. 72 - 80



Dede Riska Ningrum First Received: 7 January 2017
English Education Department, Indonesia University of Accepted: 27 January 2017
Education Final Proof Received: 23 April 2017 Published: 29 April 2017

The aim of the study is to find out how teacher utilize Proximity in conducting classroom
management. The research was held in a junior high school in Lembang. The participants
of this study were two teachers of the school chosen, who are English teachers there. One
teacher is female and another is male. Both teachers teach 8 th grade. Three classes were
chosen as the object of observation. This study was conducted using one of the
Qualitative Research Design types, Case Study, as the research methodology. The data
were obtained through classroom observation and interview. The result of this study
shows that teachers utilized nonverbal communication in managing classroom. Among
those nonverbal cues, teacher’s proximity was one of them. It was found that teachers
should apply appropriate distance in certain situation. It was connected with the teachers’
characteristics, such as their mobility and understanding of students and the function of
the distance. Several recommendations are offered for future researchers. It is expected
the analysis to be more comprehensive because the limitation of participants. Last, it is
recommended for future research, teacher’s proximity can be studied more deeply.

Keywords: classroom management; nonverbal communication; teacher’s proximity;

distance; mobility

INTRODUCTION the teaching and learning process and to

As a teacher, conducting classroom optimize the learning outcomes.
management is a necessity. Classroom Creating a classroom that is supportive
management is one of the important factors in to learning needs good communication
order to achieve successful learning process. between teacher and students. This “concept
It is the techniques teachers use to maintain of communication involves not only the
control in the classroom. verbal message, but the nonverbal message as
Wong & Wong (2014) defined classroom well” (Uko, 2006).
management as all of the things that a teacher Verbal communication is the skill that
does to organize students, space, time, and needed in speaking and delivering
materials so that student learning can take information. A good verbal communication
place. While Sternberg & Williams (2002) skill is required for a teacher in order to
stated that classroom management is a set of deliver the material successfully. Fluency and
techniques and skills that allow a teacher to clearness of the words spoken are influential
control students effectively in order to create in the process of delivering information to the
a positive learning environment for all reader, in this case the students. Meanwhile,
students. in the classroom, a teacher sometimes uses
However, not all teachers have ability to hand gestures, eye contact, or mimics to help
manage and control the classroom well and him/her explaining the materials. Those
smoothly. For the students, lack of effective belong to nonverbal communication category.
classroom management can mean that The application of nonverbal
learning is reduced in the classroom. For the communication in classroom has been
teacher, it can cause unhappiness and stress analyzed by many researchers. Novianti
and eventually lead to individuals leaving the Patroli (2013) has conducted a research about
teaching profession. Therefore, understanding the use of gestures in teaching English to
classroom management is crucial to maintain young learners. Yongming Shi & Si Fan

Teacher’s proximity in conducting classroom management

(2010) analyzed the practice of nonverbal who are English teachers there. One teacher
communication in EFL classroom of Chinese is female and another is male. Both teachers
students. Dustin York also studied the effect teach 8th grade. Three classes were chosen as
of nonverbal behaviors in the classroom, the object of observation; two classes, 8B and
mostly about gestures and kinesics, and many 8D, were from female teacher and one class,
other researchers. All of the studies conducted 8G, was from male teacher.
mostly showed the positive effects of using
nonverbal communication in classroom. Research Design
In Indonesian setting, many teachers are This study was conducted using one of the
still lack of ability to establish effective Qualitative Research Design types, Case
classroom management, especially using Study, as the research methodology. Case
nonverbal strategies. The classrooms are study research is a qualitative research
often noisy and hard to handle. It is difficult approach in which the investigator explore a
to conduct the learning process successfully. bounded system (a case) or multiple bounded
This mostly happens in fresh graduate systems (cases) over time through detailed,
teachers, who still lack of experiences. They in-depth data collection involving multiple
tend to focus on what they say or deliver the source information (e.g., observations,
material (verbal), instead of how to say it interviews, audiovisual material, and
(nonverbal). Therefore, it is needed to analyze documents and reports), and reports a case
more on how nonverbal communication can description and case-based themes (Creswell,
be utilized in a classroom. 2007, 73 in Nur, F.A. 2010). Case Study
This research is focused on the research design was chosen because this study
application of one of nonverbal is aimed to find a particular case in a certain
communication types, which is Proxemics, in area with in-depth data collection techniques.
classroom. Proxemics is defined as the use
and perception of one’s social and personal Data Collection Techniques
space, such as in seating and spatial In conducting this study, some instruments
arrangements (Knapp, 1971 in Agnus, 2012). were used to collect the data. The instruments
This personal space can be wide or narrow, used are classroom observation and interview.
depends on how intimate the person with
another is. Classroom Observation
In the classroom, Proxemics can be used The first instrument was classroom
by teacher to manage the classroom. The observation. Classroom observation is
distance between teacher and students may conducted to see how Proxemics is used by
affect the process of teaching and learning in the teacher to run classroom management.
the classroom. In Indonesia, the research on The observation was a natural and objective
teacher’s proximity in the classroom is still observation, which involves observing the
not widely practiced, especially in the area behaviour in a normal setting; no efforts were
where this study is conducted. made to bring any type of change in the
Based on the background above, the behavior of the observed, and the observer as
purpose of this study is: To find out how an entity apart from the thing or person being
teacher utilize Proxemics in conducting observed. It was conducted four times in
classroom management. classroom at English subject; two times for
class 8G, one time for class 8B, and one time
METHODOLOGY for class 8D. The observation was recorded in
Research Site and Participants a form of video using mobile phone
This research was conducted in SMP Negeri application.
1 Lembang. The school was chosen because it
has sufficient facilities and infrastructures, Interview
and is easy to be reached. Moreover, Besides doing observation, there was also
researcher had been a pre-service teacher interview to support the data collected from
there. Thus, it was easier to conduct research observation. The interview was conducted to
there since researcher had been familiar with see how teacher understands about applying
the situation there. The participants of this Proxemics in order to manage the classroom.
study were two teachers of the school chosen, The interview was a guided-interview, in

Teacher’s proximity in conducting classroom management

which the questions are set to reach the collection techniques and data analysis that
intended answers. It was conducted at school, was used in conducting the research.
in break time, one time for each teacher. The
interview was recorded in a form of audio
using mobile phone application. RESULTS
In conducting the interview for this In order to try to answer the research question
study, there were 11 questions which were above, a data collecting process was
asked to the teachers to confirm the data conducted. The data were collected through
gained from the classroom observation. The classroom observation and interview. Below
questions were divided into three parts; are the findings from each instrument.
questions related to 1) Classroom
Management, 2) Nonverbal Communication, Classroom Observation
and 3) Teacher’s Proximity and Mobility. The first instrument is classroom observation.
Data Analysis As mentioned in Chapter III, the participants
The data was collected through the research were two English teachers; one female teacher
instruments above. Those data collected then that will be referred as teacher A, and one
was analysed to interpret the results of the male teacher that will be referred as teacher
research. The data from classroom B. The observation was conducted four times,
observation was analysed through some steps, for three different classes. The classes were
which were: transcribing data from the video 8B and 8D, from teacher A, and 8G, from
recording, categorizing data based on teacher B. From the classroom observation,
Nonverbal behavior and Proxemics, and both teacher A and B showed some nonverbal
interpreting data based on the aims and the behaviors. The observation was categorized
theory. The data from interviews was also into several parts of classroom activities,
analysed through some steps. The steps were: which are lecture, group works, and
transcribing data from the audio recording, individual works/test. Below are the lists of
categorizing data, and also interpreting data nonverbal behaviors that occurred in the
based on the aims and the theory. After all the classroom, including proxemics.
data had been analyzed, the data triangulation
was then needed to be conducted, in order to Teacher A
compare and contrast data obtained from each Figure 1 lists the result of observation of
of the data collection techniques, whether all Teacher A’s strategies in classroom. Figure 2,
the data from all sources were likely to lead to , Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6
the same conclusion. show how the nonverbal strategies were
This chapter has presented the research conducted by the teacher.
site and participants, research design, data

Teacher’s nonverbal strategies:

- Hand gestures, such as pointing, raising hand, etc.
- Eye contact
- Facial expressions, such as smiling
- Proximity, including mobility in the classroom

Teacher’s proximity:
- Explaining material from the front of the class.
- Walking around when students were doing task. Teacher reached every row
in the classroom.
- Approaching students when they asked about the task individually.

Figure 1. Observation on teacher A in class 8B and 8D

Teacher’s proximity in conducting classroom management

Picture 2. Teacher’s hand gesture; raising hand to invite students’ participation.

Picture 3. Teacher’s proximity; checking on student’s work.

Picture 4. Teacher’s hand gesture; pointing at student to participate.

Picture 5. Teacher’s proximity; explaining material from in front of the class.

Teacher’s proximity in conducting classroom management

Picture 6. Teacher’s proximity; checking on student’s work at the back rows.

Teacher B and Figure 9 show how teacher B conducted

Figure 7 lists the result of observation of classroom management using nonverbal
Teacher A’s strategies in classroom. Figure 8 strategies.

Teacher’s nonverbal strategies:

- Pointing
- Eye contact
- Facial expressions, such as smiling
- Proximity, including mobility in the classroom

Teacher’s proximity:
- Explaining material from the front of the class.
- Walking around when students were doing task. Though, teacher B did not
reach until the back row in the classroom.
- Approaching students when they asked about the task individually.

Figure 7. Observation on teacher B in class 8G

Picture 8. Teacher’s proximity; explaining material from in front of the class.

Teacher’s proximity in conducting classroom management

Picture 9. Teacher’s hand gesture; pointing at student to participate.

Interview For me, Classroom Management is important

The data from interview supported the data to control students’ behavior in teaching and
gained from the classroom observation. learning process so that students are
Hence, the discussion below presents the data disciplined, orderly, and follow the lesson with
from interview result, in order to answer the fun so that the learning objectives are achieved
research question of this study about
Teacher’s Proximity in managing classroom.
Teacher B also answered:
This research employed guided-interview, in
Classroom Management is important to
which the questions are set to reach the control the class so that students are
intended answers. It was aimed to see how disciplined, and follow the lesson well.
teacher understands about applying Teaching and learning process will be fun so
Proxemics in order to manage the classroom. that the learning objectives are achieved well.
It was also aimed to strengthen the data from
classroom observation to be analysed more For the second question, both teachers
deeply. said that they had difficulties in managing
The interview session was conducted on classroom. The difficulties are mostly about
May, 19th 2017. As stated in Chapter III, noisy, not conducive, and unruly class.
there were 11 questions which were asked to Then, for the third question, in their
the teachers to confirm the data gained from opinions, a good Classroom Management is:
the classroom observation. The questions  Planned well learning, by making good
were divided into three parts; questions lesson plans and learning scenarios.
related to 1) Classroom Management, 2)  Implement learning in an orderly,
Nonverbal Communication, and 3) Teacher’s disciplined, and fun way to achieve
Proximity and Mobility. learning objectives. Each class is unique;
For the first part, there were three it needs understanding, skill and patient
questions related to Classroom Management; in teaching. Learn from experienced
the importance, difficulty, and characteristics teachers to understand individual
of good Classroom Management. The
students and their respective class
questions are:
1. What is the importance of Classroom
 Evaluate from every teaching and
Management for you?
learning activity.
2. Have you ever had difficulty managing
your classes? If so, what difficulties do
The second part of interview question
you often face?
was related to Nonverbal Communication,
3. In your opinion, what is good
consisted of two questions, those are:
Classroom Management like? 4. Do you use nonverbal communication in
the classroom? If so, what do you use
From the first part of question, teacher A
most often? (E.g. hand gestures, eye
and B mostly had similar opinion. For
contact, etc.)
question number 1, teacher A answered:

Teacher’s proximity in conducting classroom management

5. What is the benefit you get from using  Learning atmosphere is more fun and
the nonverbal communication in not stressful.
classroom?  Children/students are not afraid to ask
For the forth question, both teachers questions or try to answer, and do
answered that they most often use eye contact, classroom exercises.
facial expression, and hand gestures/touch.
Teacher A gave examples in how she use For the eighth and ninth question, they
nonverbal strategies, such as: said that they quite often do mobility in the
 Greet students with smiles, pleasant classroom. The situations are at the time when
facial expressions. the child or student is doing the exercises or group
 Touch the shoulders of students while work.
asking about learning difficulties. For the tenth question, teacher A said
 Thumbs up to praise and appreciate the use of mobility and proximity is to ask
students’ work. about the difficulties that students face. Teacher B
added that when the distance is nearer, it is easier
For the fifth question, teacher A to explain to the students the material.
answered that the benefit of using nonverbal For the last question, teacher A said that:
communication is that it creates fun and I feel the need to do mobility in the classroom
intimacy between teachers and students. While to control the students, help the students in
teacher B said it makes easier to deliver the doing the work, etc. So that all students feel
material with the help of nonverbal cared for and the class becomes conducive.
Hope the learning objectives can be well
The last part was related to Teacher’s
Proximity and Mobility, consisted of six
While teacher B answered that:
questions. This part was the main point that I feel the need to do mobility in the classroom
was aimed to answer the research question. to check on the students’ work, help the
The questions are: students, and answer the questions more
6. In your opinion, does the distance clearly.
between teachers and students in the
classroom affect classroom management?
If so, how much does it affect you? ANALYSIS
7. From your experience, is there any From the data collected, it can be seen that
difference when the distance between teachers utilized nonverbal communication in
teachers and students is near or far? managing classroom. Among those nonverbal
8. How is your mobility in the classroom? cues, proxemics or proximity was one of
How often do you move in the them. Proximity was used quite often through
classroom? classroom activities.
9. Under what circumstances do you feel Teacher’s nonverbal communication
the need to move in the classroom? And creates a comfortable and relaxing
in what situations does it take close or atmosphere for them and this enables them to
distant distances to the students? have self-confidence which also leads to an
10. What is the use of teacher’s mobility in increase in the participation and contributions
each of these situations? to the lesson. When students participate in
11. Why do you feel the need to move in the the lesson, they are more likely to ask
classroom? questions which also increase their
understanding of the topics. Teachers are
For the sixth question, both teachers recommended to be aware of the importance
answered that the distance between teacher and of the nonverbal communication and use it in
student can affect classroom management. favour of students to create a more
Teacher A added that the effect is quite large. motivating, comfortable, confident
For the seventh question, teacher A environment in class for a better classroom
answered that there are differences in terms of management.
distance. The difference (if the distance is near): From classroom observation results, it
was shown that in certain situations, teachers

Teacher’s proximity in conducting classroom management

utilize proximity naturally. When the classroom by using proximity. This was not
students were doing group work or individual only on how teachers utilize proximity, but
work, teacher walked around to check on also on why they apply proximity and for
students’ doing. In that activity, the distance what purposes. Based on the analysis of the
between teacher and students was nearer, findings and the discussions in chapter IV, the
compared to when teachers were doing conclusions can be drawn as follows.
lecture or explaining material. Teacher’s Regarding on how teachers utilize
proximity in those activities affected the proximity in the classroom, this study
teaching and learning process. By doing that, revealed that both teacher A and B used
teachers were able to control the classroom proximity strategy in certain situations. As
and make the class more conducive. stated in Chapter II, in this study the focus of
It is shown that teacher’s proximity can proximity being discussed was on distance
draw student’s attention more easily. and mobility.
However, in the present study, it was found Both teachers utilized proximity, in
that teachers also should apply appropriate terms of distance and mobility, quite often.
distance in certain situation. It was connected Teacher’s proximity was utilized in certain
with the teachers’ characteristics, such as activities. Some activities need short distance
their mobility and understanding of students or near proximity, such as in doing group
and the function of the distance. work and individual work. However, in other
The interview results, moreover, showed situation, such as lecture or explaining
that teachers considered nonverbal materials, the front or middle position of the
communication, especially proxemics or classroom is best suited, in order to reach out
proximity, important in managing the every corner of the classroom, so that all the
classroom. Distance and mobility in the students will get the same attention from the
classroom affected the teaching and learning teacher.
process. Teacher’s proximity strategy aims to
When the distance between teacher and make students more comfortable in learning
students are nearer, the learning atmosphere process, and the class can be controlled well
is more fun and not stressful. Students are not and will be more conducive. Good teachers
afraid to ask questions or try to answer, and master learning materials and are able to
do the classroom exercises and tasks. manage classroom or conduct classroom
However, in other situations, such as management well. If necessary, consult with
explaining material or lecture, teacher needs counseling teachers to address problematic
to reach out every row of the class. Thus, students in learning. Therefore, teacher needs
standing in front of the class or in the middle to understand the class’ and students’
of the class will be the most suitable characteristics in order to apply this strategy
proximity strategy in that situation. successfully, so that the learning objectives
The need to do mobility in the classroom can be achieved well.
is to control the students, help the students in Our findings are useful for raising
doing the work, answer the questions more teachers’ awareness of what works and what
clearly, etc. So that all students feel cared for does not. They also provide practical and
and the class becomes conducive. By utilizing proven approaches that can be implemented
proximity and mobility, it is hoped that the with students. However, each student is
teaching and learning process can be different and teachers may find the present
successful and the learning objectives can be research useful in analyzing their own
well achieved. practices and devising tailored management
approaches for their students.
If teachers have an awareness of their
students’ strengths, weaknesses and needs,
DISCUSSIONS they are better equipped to develop teaching
This study was aimed to answer a research and learning strategies and, subsequently,
question, which is “How does teacher use behaviour management strategies that are
Proxemics in conducting classroom appropriate and effective.
management?” This question was directed to For future research, teacher’s proximity
find out teachers’ strategies in managing can be studied more deeply. For example, in

Teacher’s proximity in conducting classroom management

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