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We have used Ansys Workbench 15.

To perform Fatigue Analysis on specimen, step by step

procedure is given as under

1. Open Ansys Workbench 15 and select Static Structural under Analysis System.

2. A project window will be open. First we have to feed Engineering Data. Select
Engineering Data.

3. Structural steel is already given as default material under Material Section. We can
choose other materials too by clicking on Engineering Data Sources and choose any
material other than structural steel. In general material, there are only two materials
Aluminum Alloy along with steel whose complete properties are given. For other
materials one has to feed all properties before choosing it as base material for his/her
model. We have select Structural Steel and suppress Aluminum Alloy for time being.

4. Click on Alternating Stress Mean Stress given below under Properties tab of structural
steel, we will find Endurance Limit 86.2 MPA on 10^6 cycles for steel on right side of
window. The chart we are seeing in screenshot is in Semi-Log form, we can alter chart
form from Semi-Log to Log-Log or linear under Interpolation option.
5. Now Open Geometry. A separate window of Design Modeler will open. We have
modeled or specimen on CREO design software so we will import it. To import Creo file,
one must save Creo design in IGS format. Click on file option and then on Import
External Geometry File. Select IGS file and then click on Generate. Our Specimen will
shape like this as seen below;

6. Close Geometry window and click on Model tab. A window name Mechanical will open.
In Mechanical window, we will mesh our specimen, apply boundary conditions and
perform desired analysis.
a) For Meshing, click on Mesh option given under Outline. Now click on Sizing and
select Relevance Center from Coarse to Fine. If one knows Stress Concentration
Area of his/her model, one can further refine that area. Expand Mesh option and
then click on Refinement option. Under this option, first select the given area in
Geometry option and then change refinement value from 1 to 3. Meshing will
look like this as given below;

b) For Boundary Conditions, select Static Structural under Outline tab. Click on
Support and select Fixed Support. Select Geometry where one wants to apply
fixed support. In our case, we have applied fixed support to left side of specimen.
Right part of our specimen will be subjected to Bending Force and Moment i.e
Dynamic Loading. Click on Load option and select Force and Moment.
Under Force option, select Geometry where one wants to apply force which in
our case is right face of specimen. We can apply force either in Vector form or in
Components form. We have select Components in option Define By. Then we
have applied Minus 800 N force in Y-axis which means that force is acting in
downward direction. (One can change the magnitude of force anytime in any
axis by following same criteria.)
To apply Moment, click on Moment option under Static Structural (A5).
Remaining process of selecting Geometry and imparting Magnitude of moment
in any axis is same as that of applying Force. We have applied 1000
moment in anticlockwise direction on X-axis.
Result will be shown as given below in an image; Left side is Fixed and Right side
is free and subjected under Force and Moment.
c) To perform Fatigue Analysis, Click on Green check button (Mechanical Wizard).
On right side a new window will pop up. Click on Choose Wizard and select
Fatigue Analysis. Right click on Fatigue Tool then click on Insert and choose Life
and Safety Factor. Again simple click on Fatigue Tool and select Type of Loading
as Fully Reversed. One can also select Zero Based Loading depending upon
requirements. Under Options Tab, select Mean Stress Theory as Goodman. One
can select Gerber or Soderberg in same way. Also Select Equivalent (Von Mises)
in Stress Component Tab.

7. In the end, click on Solve Option. Once Solved, tabs like Setup, Solution and Results in
main Project Schematic Window will be generated and solved automatically. We have
solved our case and found out that our specimen will fatigued after 2258.3 cycles from
center under -800 N force and 1000 anticlockwise moment in Y and X-axis

The reason why our part will break is because that Equivalent Stress (Von-Mises)
generated after applying loading comes out to be 427.49 MPa which is greater than
Endurance Limit value of 86.2 MPa. See Image below

Safety Factor found out to be 0.20.

To enhance Life and Safety Factor we will reduce value of Force and Moment and continue
to do so until our Equivalent Stress (Von-Mises) comes under Endurance Limit Value of 86.2

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