Handout Self-Assessment

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Managing Your Design Career

with Diane Domeyer

Managing Your Design Career: Self-Assessment

Thinking through and documenting your career experiences is important when deciding on your next
opportunity. Take some time to ask yourself the following questions.

1. Reflect on your past accomplishments.

What projects did you excel at?

Did you get excellent feedback, a promotion, or a bonus for a past project?

Have you received any awards or been recognized for your work?

What did you thoroughly enjoy working on? Why?

Managing Your Design Career with Diane Domeyer

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What was the impact of your work? Did your contributions increase revenue, decrease costs, improve
brand impressions, or improve customer experience?

What did you contribute that set you apart from your peers?

2. Evaluate your skills.

What can you bring to a creative team or agency? After reflecting on your past accomplishments,
identify both your hard and soft skills. Consider these examples:

Hard skills: Design tools (examples: InDesign, Keynote, Photoshop, etc.), user experience, user
interface, programming languages (examples: CSS, HTML, JavaScript)

Soft skills: Communication, collaboration, problem-solving

Hard skills: Soft skills:

Determine your opportunities for growth.

What skills and talents do you think you could develop? Have you received feedback on areas for

Managing Your Design Career with Diane Domeyer

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Are there any new skills you want to learn? Consider both hard and soft skills.

3. Identify your passions and motivators.

What makes you motivated to come to work every day?

Do you enjoy your work? What would make you enjoy it more?

What are you passionate about? Can you find aspects of that in your job?

What aspects do you least enjoy in a job?

Managing Your Design Career with Diane Domeyer

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