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Assessment task


BSBMKG512 Forecast
international market and
business needs

Assessment Tasks
(Learner Copy)

Student Name

Unit Date Started

Unit Date Submitted

Name and Signature

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 May 2019
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BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
V3 Sept 2019
Assessment information

This book contains all of the assessment tasks required for completion of unit
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs Prior to commencing the assessments your
assessor will explain each assessment task to you. You will be given the opportunity to ask questions and to seek
clarification on any of the activities. Of course, your assessor will be available at other times to answer any of
your questions.


1. Collect market intelligence 1.1. Gather and document market intelligence through networking activities and
participation in activities such as trade fairs, conferences, and/or professional
development activities
1.2. Identify and access further sources of market intelligence
1.3. Evaluate commercial services providing market intelligence for value-for-
money and quality of market intelligence, and access as required
1.4. Collate and analyse market for relevance and applicability to the organisation's
international business activity and undertake an evaluation of marketing performance
2. Review current business 2.1. Confirm core activities, customer base, business values and current business
performance and capability direction
2.2. Identify current international marketing performance and effectiveness of past
international marketing or positioning
2.3. Review performance data from all areas of the business to identify
strengths, weaknesses and critical success factors relevant to international business
2.4. Identify and assess current capabilities and resources to identify areas for
improvement or exploitation within international markets
2.5. Identify under-performing products or services within international markets for
re-development or withdrawal
2.6. Confirm the strength and current competitive position of the business within
international markets
3. Evaluate the specific market 3.1. Identify and analyse trends and developments having an impact on
international business activity for their potential impact on the business
3.2. Gather and analyse comparative international market information as a
basis for reviewing business performance
3.3. Analyse the market performance internationally of existing and potential
competitors and their products or services to identify potential opportunities or threats
within international business markets
3.4. Identify and tap sources of intelligence for advance warning of new products,
services, technology or new international markets for the business
3.5. Identify and analyse the legal, ethical and environmental constraints of the
international market for their effect on international business activity
4. Document how business can 4.1. Identify, analyse and document poor/under-servicing of existing international
meet current and emerging needs of market needs by the organisation and/or its competitors
the target market 4.2. Identify changes in international markets that link positively to the
organisation's strengths or capabilities
4.3. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of forecasting techniques in
relation to the required outcome, and select technique/s in accordance with
organisational requirements
4.4. Forecast and justify emerging international market needs in terms of available
4.5. Identify the needs of the business in terms of changes required to improve
performance or to address an international market opportunity

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Required Skills and Knowledge
This section describes the skills and knowledge required for this unit.
Required skills
● analytical skills to evaluate current business performance
● culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people
with diverse abilities
● evaluation and assessment skills to gather and analyse international market and business
requirements when creating market forecasts
● forecasting skills
● literacy skills to write reports with complex ideas and concepts
● market analysis skills
● technology skills to use a range of software to create forecasts.
Required knowledge
● cultural, historical, political, economic and general knowledge of international events that may have
an impact on international business activity
● market analysis tools
● identification and overview knowledge of key provisions of relevant legislation from all levels of
government that affects business operations, codes of practice and national standards, such as:
● occupational health and safety
● privacy
● Trade Practices Act
● World Trade Organisation determinations
● software programs and electronic media available to conduct forecasting
● sources of external and internal information on international markets
● range of products or services marketed by business in international settings.

If at any stage of the assessments your assessor believes that the safety of anyone is in jeopardy, the
assessment will be stopped.

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Assessment Plan

Assessment Plan
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

Student’s name

Student’s ID No:
Assessment Activity Date Date Assessor sign once completed
commenced completed
Written Assessment 1:

Assessment 2: Task 1

Assessment 2: Task 2

Assessment 2: Task 3
Action Y N
RPL / Accelerated progression required
Language / Literacy / Numeracy support required
Student handbook supplied
Appeals process explained
Overview on assessment procedure explained
Questions asked by student and responses given by assessor

Student’s signature Date

Assessor’s signature Date

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Recognition of Prior Learning

RPL Evidence Guide

Students who require RPL or accelerated progression must produce verifiable documentary evidence of their
competence in the following competency standards:
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
Student’s name

Assessor’s name

Date enrolled

Please see your assessor for an RPL kit, to be completed and presented to your assessor with required evidence.
An appointment will then be set for a competency conversation. Your assessor will explain all evidence
requirements for this unit of competency.

Suggested evidence
▪ Letter from current/previous employer
▪ Answers to written questions
▪ Answer to oral questions
▪ Practical demonstration

Assessment plan agreed
Student handbook supplied
Support materials provided
Invoice supplied
Language / Literacy / Numeracy needs discussed
Special/particular needs discussed
Appeals process explained
Overview on assessment procedure explained
Pre-evaluation of job conducted
Copy of evidence provided
RPL Evidence Guide

Additional requirements

Student’s signature Date

Assessor’s signature Date

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Assessment 1 - Written assessment

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

Name of Student


Date of Assessment

Students are required to answer all the questions. All answers should be written in the spaces provided on the
questionnaire. You should use a blue or black pen to complete your answers. You may refer to your text to assist
you in answering the questions.

Q1. What do you understand by international trade and what are the factors that may have an impact on
international business activity?

 A1. International trade is the trade between different countries where the exchange of capital,
goods, and services take place across international borders and territories. Some of the factors
which may have an impact on international business activity are mentioned below
 Political and social uncertainties
 Economic factor
 Exchange rates
 Technology
 Competitive environment

Q2. What are market analysis tools? Give three examples where market analysis tools can be applied
with regards to international trade.
 A2. Advertise size, market trend, market development rate, market profitability, market
opportunity, industry cost structure, distribution channels, success factors are some of the
market analysis tools. Market analysis tools can be applied for observing people in market place
conditions to ascertain consumers behaviour, it can be applied for surveying the needs of
market value and needs of people for a certain products, market analysis tools can also be
applied in a bunch of people to launch product in a limited scale to gauge costumer response.

Q3. Workplace health and safety authorities in each state and territory and Safe Work Australia have
responsibilities for enforcing the OH&S legislation. They provide information and advice on safety and
health at work. OHS standards in the workplace are important to get right. Employees and
employers both have OHS rights and responsibilities. Give two responsibilities each for employer and
employee to ensure compliance with the Act.

Responsibilities for the employer are :
1. To provide as much information, instruction, training and supervision to workers so that they can
work safely.
2. To provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risk to health.

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Responsibilities for employee are:
1. Cooperate with anything the employer does to comply with OHS requirements.
2. Not to “deliberately or carelessly meddle with or abuse “ anything provided at the work place to

Q4. The Fair Trading Act 1989 allows to make provision with respect to certain unfair or undesirable
trade practices, to regulate the supply of goods and services, to provide for a commissioner for fair
trading and for related purposes. What is the principal objective of the Fair Trading Act 1989?
 A4. The principal objective of the Fair Trading Act 1989 is to protect consumers against
misleading and deceptive conduct, false and misleading representation, and unfair trading
practices. This act also help consumer to make firm choices about what they buy and overall it
helps to ensure fair competition in the market.

Q5. Which information processing guidelines are outlined in the Queensland Information Privacy Act
 A5. The Queensland Information Privacy Act 2009 gives a privilege to people to have their own
data gathered and took care of as per certain guidelines or 'protection standards'. The privacy
principles only apply to Queensland Government agencies. It doesn’t spread activities by
singular residents, protection part associations or the network area. These outlines are the
processing guidelines information.

Q6. Briefly explain why it is important that a manager understands ethical principles and behaves in an
ethical manner.
 A6. The arrangement of good and moral convictions that aides the qualities, practices, and
choices of a business association and the people inside that association is known as business
ethical principles. It is important for a manager to understand ethical principles because some
ethical principles for organizations are classified into law; ecological guidelines, the lowest pay
permitted by law, and confinements against insider exchanging and intrigue are largely
instances of the administration presenting least models for business ethics. This also helps a
manager to make better decisions in less time with business ethics as a guiding principle; which
increases productivity for a business. The ethical principles of a company are directly related
to profitability in both the short and long term. The reputation of a business in the surrounding
community, other businesses, and individual investors is paramount in determining whether a
company is a worthwhile investment. If a company is perceived to not operate ethically,
investors are less inclined to buy stock or otherwise support its operations so it is also important
to behave in an ethical manner to a manager.

Q7. What is the main objective of the Trade Practices Act 1974?
 A7. The main objectives of the Trade Practices Act 1974 are to anticipate hostile to focused
direct, in this manner empowering rivalry and proficiency in business, and bringing about a
more noteworthy decision for customers (and business when they are the buyer) in value,
quality and administration; and to protect the situation of buyers in their dealings with producers
and sellers, and business in its dealings with different business.

Q8. Business information is an indispensable managerial resource. The amount of business information
available is increasing in step with advances in information and communication technologies.
International trade can also be facilitated with the right information collected from internal and external
sources. Give three examples each for sources of internal information and external information for
international markets.
 A8. Sources of internal information refer to the sources that are obtained within the
organization. The sources of internal information for international markets are accounting
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
V3 Sept 2019
information (Trading Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheets of different years), salesmen’s
reports, statistics in relation to advertisement expenditure, transportation costs etc.

External sources are of colossal significance and utility on the off chance that where research
needs detailed and intensive examination. The sources of external information for international
markets are dealers, consumers, trade associations etc.

Q9. As the new product project advances through the structured process, financial forecasts are an
important metric that gatekeepers will review and scrutinize. Again, profitability is the goal of all
companies and new product development efforts are an effective path to achieving revenue growth.
Historical Trend Analysis is a forecasting tool widely used. Explain how this tool can be applied to
forecast international market needs.

 A9. The historical trend analysis forecasting tool helps to determine the accuracy and power
required of the techniques, and hence governs selection for a business. This tool also helps to
know the availability of data and the possibility of establishing relationships between the factors
depend directly on the maturity of a product. Forecast helps to determine what it can and
cannot do for a business currently, and which techniques are suited to their needs of the
moment. The forecasts could prompt choices that diminish future amazement, yet it could
likewise motivate the association to settle on choices that have better results so this tools can
be applied to forecast international market needs.

Q10. Trade is increasingly global in scope today and as a result, consumers and businesses now have
access to the very best products from many different countries. Give two reasons which may affect the
range of products or services marketed by business in international settings.
 A6. There are many reasons which may affect the increase range of product or services
marked by business in international settings among them in my point of view economical factor
and political factor affect the most because if a country is economically weak the per capita
income of that country is definitely low and how to market the product to those countries it is
probably not going to be a good market to sell. And also some countries have different political
aspects where laws will greatly affect your ability to do business in them or prohibit it altogether.
Some political factor may also include expensive licensing and permit for the product of other
countries so economical and political factor may affect the range of product or services
marketed by business in international settings.


1st Attempt

Total questions Result

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Student’s signature Date

Assessor’s signature Date

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
2nd Attempt

Total questions Result

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

Student’s signature Date

Assessor’s signature Date

Assessment 2
Task 1 Collect market intelligence
Instructions to Candidate
This activity is related to the unit of competency BSBMKG512A Implement international market and
business needs In particular, you will be required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge in relation
to this unit of competency.
You may refer to your training materials and other research if required. The activity may be completed in
the workplace or a simulated workplace.

Performance objective
Candidates will need to demonstrate an understanding of the activities and identification methods
required to collate and evaluate market intelligence data.

Assessment description
For this report each candidate is required to select an organisation that has information on their
international marketing activities readily available.
Candidates are welcome to select their own organisation, the organisation for which they work, an
organisation they are familiar with, or an organisation suggested by the facilitator.

The organisation selected for this report will be used for subsequent Assessment Tasks as the project

The report should address the collection and documentation of market intelligence, the evaluation of
commercial market intelligence services, an analysis of market for relevance and applicability to the
organisation’s international business activities and an evaluation of marketing performance.

1. Select an organisation for which you can access the information required. The organisation may
be one with which you are familiar, for example, your own workplace or another as negotiated with your
facilitator. The organisation you select here will be used in subsequent Assessment Tasks.
2. Identify the organisation and the target market/s it operates:
3. Identify sources of market intelligence relevant to your chosen organisation, including
detail of any:
✔ Internal and external information on international markets
✔ Business advisory services
✔ Databases
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
V3 Sept 2019
✔ Financial institutions
✔ Government organisations and advisory committees
✔ Internet sources
✔ Official statistics
✔ Professional/trade associations and publications
✔ Networking opportunities
✔ Trade fairs, conferences and/or professional development opportunities
4. Evaluate commercial services that provide market intelligence, in terms of their value for money
and the quality of their market intelligence
5. Gather, access and document market intelligence from a range of sources.
6. Collate and analyse market data for relevance and applicability to the organisation’s internal
business activity.
7. Evaluate the market performance of the organisation
Compile a report that addresses and evaluates all of the points above and includes:
✔ Comparative analysis
✔ Competitive analysis
✔ Life cycle models
✔ Product portfolio analysis
✔ SWOT analysis
✔ Value chain analysis
Ensure that:
✔ The reports content, format and the level of detail meet standard conventions for reporting
✔ The report is delivered to meet the deadline set by your facilitator

You must provide a written report that:
✔ Meets standard business report writing conventions in terms of:
o Content
o Format
o Level of detail
✔ Addresses all of the requirements outlined in step 2-7 of the procedure
✔ Is delivered by the deadline set by your facilitator
Your assessor will be looking for evidence of:
✔ The identification, documentation and analysis of market intelligence
✔ Your knowledge of marketing analysis tools
✔ Culturally appropriate and sensitive communication skills (the ability to relate to people from
diverse backgrounds)
✔ The literacy skills necessary to write reports with complex ideas and concepts
✔ Your marketing analysis skills
✔ An understanding of the international cultural, historical, political and economic factors that may
impact on international activity
✔ Your knowledge of relevant legislation from all forms of government that affect business, codes
of practice and national standards

For assessor use only:

Did the candidate Feedback Yes/No
Identify the organisation and the target market/s it operates
Identify sources of market intelligence relevant to your chosen
organisation, including detail of any:
Internal and external information on international markets
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
V3 Sept 2019
Business advisory services
Financial institutions
Government organisations and advisory committees
Internet sources
Official statistics
Professional/trade associations and publications
Networking opportunities
Trade fairs, conferences and/or professional development
Evaluate commercial services that provide market intelligence,
in terms of their value for money and the quality of their market
Gather, access and document market intelligence from a range
of sources
Collate and analyse market data for relevance and applicability
to the organisation’s internal business activity.
Evaluate the market performance of the organisation
Compile a report that addresses and evaluates all of the points
above and includes:
Comparative analysis
Competitive analysis
Life cycle models
Product portfolio analysis
SWOT analysis
Value chain analysis
Ensure that the reports content, format and the level of detail
meet standard conventions for reporting writing
The report is delivered to meet the deadline set by your
Met standard business report writing conventions in terms of:
Level of detail
Address all of the requirements outlined in step 2-7 of the
Deliver by the deadline set by your facilitator
Identify, document and analyse market intelligence
Use culturally appropriate and sensitive communication skills
(the ability to relate to people from diverse backgrounds
Use the literacy skills necessary to write reports with complex
ideas and concepts
Use marketing analysis skills
Have an understanding of the international cultural, historical,
political and economic factors that may impact on international
Display knowledge of relevant legislation from all forms of
government that affect business, codes of practice and national

Assessment 2
Task 2 – Review current business performance and evaluate marketing
opportunities in international markets

Performance objective
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
V3 Sept 2019
Candidates need to review the current performance and international position of a business, identify the
direction of the business and analyse the business’ market strengths and capabilities. The identification
and evaluation of trends that impact the business needs to be considered, along with the need to
identify and analyse any legal, ethical and environment constraints

Assessment description
Write a report using the same organisation you selected for Assessment Task 1. Building on the
feedback you received for the last assessment, you are required to review the business’ performance
and capabilities in its current market.

1. Review your Assessment Task 1, applying feedback from your facilitator
2. Use the modified report from Assessment Task 1 to construct Assessment Task 2
3. Review current business performance and capability by:
✔ Confirming the core activities, customer base, business values and current business direction of
the organisation
✔ Identifying current international marketing performance and the effectiveness of past
international marketing or positioning
✔ Reviewing performance data from all areas of the business to identify strengths, weaknesses
and critical success factors relevant to international business activity
✔ Identifying and assessing current capabilities and resources in order to identify areas for
improvement or exploitation within international markets
✔ Identifying under-performing products and services within international markets for
redevelopment or withdrawal
✔ Confirming the strength and current competitive position of the business within international
4. Evaluate opportunities in a specific international market by:
✔ Identifying and analysing trends and developments that impact international business activity for
their potential impact on the business
✔ Gathering and analysing comparative international market information as a basis for reviewing
business performance
✔ Analysing the international market performance of existing and potential competitors and their
products or services in order to identify potential opportunities or threats within international business
✔ Identifying and tapping sources of intelligence for advance warning of new products, services,
technology or new international markets for the business
✔ Identifying and analysing the legal, ethical and environmental constraints of the international
market for their effect on international business activity
Ensure that:
✔ The reports content, format and level of detail meet standard conventions for report writing
✔ The report is delivered to meet the set deadline (as established by the facilitator)

You must provide a written report that:
✔ Meets standard business report writing conventions in terms of content, format and level of
✔ Addresses all of the relevant requirements outlined in step 2-4 of the procedure
✔ Demonstrates that you have reviewed current business performance and capability
✔ Evaluates the specific international market in question
✔ Is delivered on time (set by the facilitator)

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Your assessor will be looking for:
✔ A detailed analysis of international markets and the business including the collection of market
intelligence, the review of current business performance and capability and the evaluation of specific
international markets
✔ A knowledge of marketing analysis tools
✔ Your ability to evaluate current business performance
✔ An evaluation and assessment of international markets and business requirements when
entering new markets
✔ Your ability to produce written reports with complex ideas and concepts
✔ Your marketing analysis skills
✔ A knowledge of:
o The cultural, historical, political and economic climate of international markets
o Market analysis tools
o Key provisions of relevant legislations from all forms of government that affect business
operations, codes of practice and national standards, such as occupational health and safety, privacy
and the Trades Practices Act.
o The sources of external and internal information on international markets

For assessor use only:

Did the candidate Feedback Yes/No
Prepared a report that includes three sections, as follows:
A preliminary project scope for D.A Garden Supplies that,
through consultation with relevant personnel:
Identifies the human, financial and physical resources required
and available
Identifies any external market research assistance that will be
Provides possible research locations
Describes your planned research methodologies
Explains the sample size and nature of your sample
Documents the time required and available
Data gathering approaches
Discussed the types of data required for this research noting
what combinations of data will be best in this research
Identified and evaluated at least three suitable data gathering
methods for this research project, describing why each of these
methods were chosen
Identified the sources of the required data and explain why
these were chosen
Quantified the required data, explaining your reason
Identified and evaluated each of the four data processing
methods and determine the most appropriate method/s for this
Submitted a final revision of the draft objectives:
Discussed the changes to the draft research objectives in the
light of new information from the scoping
Provided a preliminary project scope addressing all the points
listed in the procedure
A discussion on data gathering approaches that address all
points listed in the procedure
Complied with key provisions of relevant legislation, including
but not limited to:
Ethical practices
Anti-discrimination legislation and principals of equal
opportunity, equity and diversity
Trade Practices Act
Privacy laws
Codes of Practice

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Submitted application of market research principals and
practices, including:
Data processing methods and data analysis techniques
Design of samples
Development and use of hypotheses
Roles and uses of qualitative and quantitative research
Use of survey instruments
Submitted application of project planning principals and
practices including:
Consultation and stakeholder involvement
Gaining approvals
Scoping practices
Submitted application of statistical methods and techniques
Demonstrated organisational and time management skills to
develop complex market research plans including time lines
and options:
Demonstrated research and data collection skills to determine
organisational market research requirements

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Assessment 2
Task 3 – Forecast international market and business needs

Performance objective
The candidate must demonstrate the ability, knowledge and skills to forecast international market and
business needs. Collect market intelligence, review current business performance and capability,
evaluate specific markets and document hw business can meet current and emerging needs of the
target market.

Assessment description
Using the same organisation selected for Assessment Task 1 and 2, and building on the feedback
received, the candidate is to write a report on how the business can meet current and emerging needs
of the target market by:
✔ Identifying, analysing and documenting poor or under-serviced international market needs
✔ Identifying changes in international markets that link positively to the organisation’s strengths or
✔ Considering the advantages and disadvantages of forecasting techniques in relation to desired
✔ Forecasting and justifying emerging international market needs
✔ Identifying the needs of the business
Present a full report to class. The report and presentation will integrate the previous two assessments
tasks and the feedback previously received, into a single report which is a holistic forecast of
international market and business needs for the selected organisation.

1. Review and modify the reports created for Assessment Task 1 and 2 by applying the feedback
from your facilitator.
2. Document how this organisation can meet the current and emerging needs of the target market
o Identifying, analysing and documenting poor and under-serviced existing international market
o Identifying changes in international markets that link positively to the organisations strength or
o Considering the advantages and disadvantages of forecasting techniques in relation to the
desired outcome
o Forecasting and justifying emerging international market needs
o Identifying the needs of the business
3. Write a report that integrates Assessment Task 1 and 2 as well as all the points listed above.
4. Present your report to your assessor
5. Prepare and deliver a 15-20 minute presentation based on your report
Ensure that:
✔ The reports content, format and level of detail meet standard conventions for report writing
✔ The report and presentation are delivered to meet the set deadline (as set by your facilitator

You must provide a written report that:
✔ Meets standard business report writing conventions in terms of:
o Content
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
V3 Sept 2019
o Format
o Level of detail
✔ Identifies the organisation and the target market it operates in
✔ Identifies relevant sources of market intelligence
✔ Evaluates commercial services that provide market intelligence
✔ Documents, collates and analyses market intelligence for relevance and applicability
✔ Evaluates the business’ performance in international markets
✔ Reviews current business performance and capability
✔ Evaluates the specific market
✔ Identifies, analyses and documents poor or under-serviced existing international markets
✔ Identifies changes in international markets that link positively to the organisations strength or
✔ Consider the advantages and disadvantages of forecasting techniques in relation to the
required outcome
✔ Forecast and justify emerging international market needs
You must deliver a presentation that:
✔ Meets standard presentation guidelines in terms of structure, professional delivery and
supporting material
✔ Is 15-20 minutes in length, unless otherwise specified by the facilitator
✔ Clearly outlines the key points in your report
✔ Presents a framework for the ongoing review of business performance capability
Your assessor will be looking for:
✔ An ability to forecast international market and business needs including:
o The collection of market intelligence
o The review of current business performance and capability
o The evaluation of specific international markets
✔ A knowledge of marketing analysis tools
✔ Culturally appropriate communication skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and
people with diverse abilities
✔ The evaluation and assessment skills needed to gather and analyse information on international
✔ The literacy skills necessary to write reports with complex ideas and concepts
✔ Knowledge of:
o The cultural, historical, political and economic climate that impact international business activity
o Key provisions of relevant legislation from all forms of government that affects business
operations, codes of practice and national standards
o The source of external and internal information on international markets
o A range of products or services marketed by businesses in international settings

For assessor use only:

Did the candidate Feedback Yes/No
Identify an issue or problem at your workplace, or at a suitable
organisation, in which market research could be used to identify
a solution.
You will need to document the consultation process your use
during this project, including details of:
Who you consulted, including their name and role
When you consulted them and what the consultation related to
(e.g. finalising the research needs, gaining approval to move
from proposal to scope stage etc.)
How the consultation was done (i.e. where, when and how)
Prepare a proposal for your proposed research that includes:
An explanation of the identified issue/problem and what the role

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
market research can play in identifying and underlying causes
and resolving it
What the research needs of your workplace/organisation are
based on an analysis of the organisation’s enterprise planning
and performance documentation
Prepare a preliminary project scope for your research that:
Identifies the human, financial and physical resources required
and available
Identifies any external market research assistance that will be
Describes possible research locations
Describes your planned research methodologies
Explains the sample size and nature of your sample
Documents the time required and available
Discuss your project scope with your manager/the organisation
owner, document their feedback and use this to finalise your
project scope.
Prepare a Market Research Plan for approval that includes:
A description of the problem or issue to be addressed
The research objectives
The finalised project scope
A description of the research methods and sources of data
The types of data required to inform objectives
Combinations of types of data to best inform objectives
Identifying and evaluating suitable data gathering methods
Quantifying required data
Identifying and evaluating suitable data processing methods
A feasibility report
A detailed project plan including time lines, key milestones and
cost estimates
Have your research plan approved (in writing) by your
manager/ the organisation owner.
Provide a market research plan that includes points listed in
step 5 and 6 of the procedure and the following appendices:
The proposal
The preliminary project scope
Feedback received on the preliminary scope
Documentation regarding your consultations
Compliance with key provisions of relevant legislation, including but
not limited to:
Ethical practices
Anti-discrimination legislation and principals of equal opportunity,
equity and diversity
Trade Practices Act
Privacy Laws
Codes of Practice
Application of market research principals and practices,
Data processing methods and data analysis techniques
Project design to meet given budgets and other resource
Design of samples
Development and use of hypotheses
Role of research in enterprise development
Roles and uses of qualitative and quantitative research
Use of survey instruments
Application of project planning principals and practices
Consultation and stakeholder involvement
Development of time lines, budgets and other implementation
Gaining approvals
Needs analysis
BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs
V3 Sept 2019
Scoping practices
Application of statistical methods and techniques
Financial skills to set and manage market research budgets
Negotiation skills to gain approvals from senior management
Organisational and time management skills to develop complex
market research plans including timelines and option
Research and data collection skills to determine organisational
market research requirements

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019
Final Assessment Record

Final Assessment Record

BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business

Student’s name
ID No: Date of Signature of Assessor S US
Written: Assessment 1

Assessment 2: Task 1

Assessment 2: Task 2

Assessment 2: Task 3
Assessor’s comments:

Competent Not yet Competent

Assessor’s name

Assessor’s signature

Student’s signature


BSBMKG512 Forecast international market and business needs

V3 Sept 2019

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