Why Does A Bully

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Mary’s Academy
Guagua, Pampanga

(“Why Does A Student Bully A Fellow

Submitted by:
Claire Angela F. Cunanan
10 – OLP

Submitted to:
Ms. Elijah Sebastian

“School Bullying Is Nothing New”

.Bullying at school is an old problem and until recently, many took the “children will be
children” attitude toward the problem. But we all know that every school has the “Anti-
Bullying” project or law that every students must follow. Many students can’t avoid to bully
fellow students because they are jealous or they have a strong anger toward the student they
bullied. Even we have the anti – bullying law students are not good listener towards it they make
their own decision. They didn’t know that these law can help them and us to avoid hurting other
people feelings. We don’t know that the one that we bullied has a serious illness or problems that
can hurt him or her if we bully them. It can also go too depression and it may lead to suicide if
we don’t stop the bullying cases against our school.

Bullies and victims naturally occupy key positions in the configuration of bully/victim problems
in a classroom, but other students also play important roles. The "Bullying Circle" shows the
various ways in which most students in a classroom with bully/victim problems are involved in
or affected by them. Psychological research has debunked several myths associated with
bullying, including one that states bullies are usually the most unpopular students in school.

How common is bullying? A 2001 study by a psychologist students in grades six through 10
found that 17 percent of students reported having been bullied "sometimes" or more often during
the school year. Approximately 19 percent said they bullied others "sometimes" or more often
and six percent reported both bullying others and being a victim of bullying. This is a study from
other schools in United States. In our school they no reported cases against bullying but every
day we go to school others have bullied many fellow students but these who have been bullied
they don’t complain because they don’t want the situation to get worse. But this is wrong we
have the right to complain when we are bullied because we have the law and that student may get
expelled or punish by the school.

There are some inconsistencies of how students perceive bullying. The research found that
students perceive the bully as one who has characteristics such as feel superior, seeking the
attention of another, giving the way the victim behaved or look example of these are wearing
glasses, types of hairstyles or clothes, or act in a manner that makes others irritable. Moreover,
students perceived the way the victim look, talk or dress as an essential leading factor for

In my opinion students described a bully as one who is a coward underneath, lacks respect for
other people, wants to show power, wants to impress others, and wants to feel superior. Students
perceived victims of bullying as having low self-esteem, talking or sounding different than
others, shy, and having no friends. Both victims and bullies, male and female students, agreed
that being poor and fat were the main reasons for being bullied. Male students who are
physically weak and shorter girls were also perceived as the main reasons for being bullied.
The mission of any bullying programs is to prevent bullying before it occurs. However, the
research on preventing bullying is still emerging. In the light of increasing prevalence of bullying
in schools, schools must improve school climate by emphasizing on strengthening the
educational system to reduce the bullying. The school climate is defined as the physical
structure, social and emotional environment, including school safety measures, comfortable
means, and harmonic relationships between students and school staff. In this context, health and
well-being of students should be a priority to the mission of public education.

Bullying in schools is a widespread problem around the world, and no community is immune
from this problem, despite the anti-bullying initiatives that implemented almost everywhere.
Research on bullying has provided rigger evidence about the nature of bullying, the factors
contributing to bullying, the characteristics of a bully and the victim, the physical, social, mental
and academic consequences of bullying. Research also suggested many practical strategies that
help in preventing and reducing the incidence of bullying in schools. Effective prevention
bullying programs must define bullying in a clear way to the community and include as its core
team, students, school staff, parents and other community members. In order to have a safe
environment for students to learn, and to grow up, students must learn how to communicate with
each other, resolve conflicts effectively, and learn how to be empathetic to others.

I hope this research helps you a lot because we students must respect our fellow students, the
teachers, coordinators, and staff of our school. Bullying is the number problem that our school
wants to avoid. We have to cooperate to the projects of our school. Our school is our second
home, our teachers is our second parents and our classmate is like our siblings we should respect
one another and learn to communicate with others, be friendly and kind.

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