Classwork On The Characteristics of Living Things-2

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Classwork: Characteristics of Living Things

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Part I
1. Get together with your team members. Assign one member to read the activity and write
the answers that all the members agreed on.

2. All of the team members will help to create a list of 7 questions that must be asked in
order to determine whether something is alive or not. Be sure to think about the 7
characteristics of living beings when you design your questions.

i) Are they organized?

ii) Does it reproduces?

iii) Do they respond to stimuli?

iv) Are they homeostatic?

v) Do they grow and develop?

vi) Do they adapt and evolve?

vii) Does they acquire materials and energy?

Part II
1. Use the seven questions that you just created to determine whether or not the following
things are living or nonliving. Be sure that when you answer each of the questions for
both things in the table below, you include some evidence as to whether that thing fulfills
that characteristic of life or not.
Example: a rock does not reproduce – this would be insufficient
A rock does not reproduce because more rocks are not produced from one “parent”
rock. A rock may break apart, but this is not offspring, only fragments of the original.
– this provides an explanation of why you think the rock does not reproduce.
Hummingbird Thunderstorm
i. Hummingbirds are organized by levels of i. Thunderstorms are not organized because
hierachchy, this a an animal and the are a they are not organized by the levels of
life so they have atoms and all hierachchy, it is not a living thing.

Ii Hummingbirds are produced from one Ii Thunderstorm cannot reproduce because

parent hummingbird and they create a copy they aren’t living things. They don’t have a
of themselves, the bird has a DNA and that DNA.
allows organisms to produce.

iii. Hummingbirds can respond to stimuli iii. Thunderstorms react by chemical

because they have an instinct, the stimuli reactions they don’t act by stimuli.
make them to look how to survive, for
example if they are hungry they can go to
search for food.

iv. Yes because they regulate themselves for iv. Thunderstorms do not act for themselves
surviving. For example surviving from the therefore they don’t have the ability to
cold. regulate

v. Hummingbirds can grow and develop v. Thunderstorm can’t grow and develop
because they can increase their size, or their because they can’t increase her size or the
number of cells. I can prove it because the number of cells bye themselves.
don’t die as when they were conceive.

vi. Yes, hummingbirds adapt and evolve vi. Thunderstorms don’t act by themselves
through the years, so they can keep so they cant evolve, although their intensity
reproducing. can change because of the environment.

vii. Yes, hummingbirds eat so they receive Vii Thunderstorms do not have the
materials and this is called cellular necessity to nature themselves because they
respiration. are not made of cells.

Your conclusion is: Your conclusion is:

Hummingbirds are living things. Thunderstorms aren’t a life.

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