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¶ß±Ó¬Àfl¡±M√√¬ı˛ ¬Û±Í¬Sê˜ ( P.G.) 2. ¸±˜±øÊ√fl¡ ô¶¬ı˛ø¬ıÚ…±¸ øfl¡ ∑ ø˙鬱¬ı˛ ¸Àe ¸±˜±øÊ√fl¡ ô¶¬ı˛ø¬ıÚ…±À¸¬ı˛
ø˙鬱¬ı¯∏«±ôL ¬Û¬ı˛œé¬± ( Term End Examination ) ¸•Ûfl«¡ ¬ıÌ«Ú± fl¡èÚº 6 + 12
øάÀ¸•§¬ı˛, 2012 › Ê≈√Ú, 2013 What is social stratification ? Describe the
Education relationship between social stratification and
Ó‘¬Ó¬œ˚˛ ¬ÛS ( 3rd Paper : Sociological Foundations education. 6 + 12
of Education ) 3. ¸±˜±øÊ√fl¡ Œ·±á¬œ¬ı˛ ¸—:± ø√Úº ø˙鬱 õ∂øӬᬱÀÚ¬ı˛ ¬Ûø¬ı˛À¬ıÀ˙ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß
¸˜˚˛ – ‰¬±¬ı˛ ‚KI◊±¬ ۔̫˜±Ú – 100 Ò¬ı˛ÀÚ¬ı˛ Œ·±á¬œ¬ı˛ õ∂ˆ¬±¬ı ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 6 + 12
Time : 4 hours Full Marks : 100 Define social group. Discuss the impact of
[ ˜±ÀÚ¬ı˛ &èQ – 80% ] different groups on the environment of
educational institutions. 6 + 12
Weightage of Marks : 80%
¬¬Ûø¬ı˛ø˜Ó¬ › ˚Ô±˚Ô Î¬◊M√À¬ı˛¬ı˛ Ê√Ú… ø¬ıÀ˙¯∏ ˜”˘… Œ√›˚˛± ˝√√À¬ıº 4. ¬ı…øÓ¬Sꘜ ’±‰¬¬ı˛Ì ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±ÀÁ¡Ú ∑ øfl¡À˙±¬ı˛-øfl¡À˙±¬ı˛œ ¬ı…øÓ¬Sꘜ
’qX ¬ı±Ú±Ú, ’¬Ûø¬ı˛26√ißÓ¬± ¤¬ı— ’¬Ûø¬ı˛©®±¬ı˛ ˝√√ô¶±é¬À¬ı˛¬ı˛ Œé¬ÀS Ú•§¬ı˛ Œfl¡ÀȬ ’±‰¬¬ı˛Ì Œfl¡Ú fl¡À¬ı˛ ∑ ø˙é¬fl¡ ø˝√√¸±À¬ı ’±¬ÛøÚ øfl¡ˆ¬±À¬ı ¤˝◊√ õ∂fl¡±¬ı˛
ŒÚ›˚˛± ˝√√À¬ıº ά◊¬Û±ÀôL õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ˜”˘…˜±Ú ¸”ø‰¬Ó¬ ’±ÀÂ√º ’±‰¬¬ı˛Ì øÚ˚˛LaÌ fl¡¬ı˛À¬ıÚ ∑ 4 +7+7
Special credit will be given for precise and correct What do you mean by deviant behaviour ? Why
answer. Marks will be deducted for spelling
do the youth perform deviant behaviour ? How
mistakes, untidiness and illegible hand writing.
will you control such type of behaviour as a
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
teacher ? 4+7+7
ø¬ıˆ¬±· - fl¡ ø¬ıˆ¬±· - ‡
Group - A
Group - B
Œ˚ Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ¤fl¡øȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ ø√Ú – 18 × 2 = 36
Œ˚ Œfl¡±ÀÚ± øÓ¬ÚøȬ¬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ ø√Ú – 12 × 3 = 36
Answer any one question : 18 × 2 = 36
1. ¸±˜±øÊ√fl¡œfl¡¬ı˛Ì ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±ÀÁ¡Ú ∑ ¸±˜±øÊ√fl¡œfl¡¬ı˛À̬ı˛ ø¬ıøˆ¬iß Answer any three questions : 12 × 3 = 36
˜±Ò…˜&ø˘ øfl¡ øfl¡ ∑ ¤˝◊√ õ∂¸Àe ø˙鬱 õ∂øÓ¬á¬±Ú › ¬ı˛±À©Ü™¬ı˛ ˆ”¬ø˜fl¡± 5. ¸˜±Ê√ ¬Ûø¬ı˛¬ıÓ«¬Ú ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±ÀÁ¡Ú ∑ ¸˜±Ê√ ¬Ûø¬ı˛¬ıÓ«¬Ú ø˙鬱 ›
’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚ º 4 + 2 + 12 ¸—¶‘®øÓ¬¬ı˛ õ∂ˆ¬±¬ı ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚº 4 +8
What do you mean by socialisation ? What are
What do you mean by social change ? Discuss
the different agencies of socialisation ? In this
the role of education and culture in social
context discuss the role of Educational
Institution and State. 4 + 2 + 12 change. 4+8

PG-ARTS-307-P [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-307-P
3 PGED-3(PT/5/III) PGED-3(PT/5/III) 4

6. ø˙鬱 õ∂¸Àe ¸˜±Ê√Ó¬ÀN¬ı˛ ¸—:± ø√Ú º ø˙鬱 õ∂¸Àe ¸˜±Ê√Ó¬ÀN¬ı˛ ø¬ıˆ¬±· - ·

¬Ûø¬ı˛øÒ ’±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚ º 4 +8 Group - C
Define Sociology of Education. Discuss the scope Œ˚ Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ‰¬±¬ı˛øȬ õ∂Àùü¬ı˛ ά◊M√¬ı˛ ø√Ú – 7 × 4 = 28
of Sociology of Education. 4+8
Answer any four questions : 7 × 4 = 28
7. ’±Ò≈øÚfl¡œfl¡¬ı˛Ì ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±ÀÁ¡Ú ∑ ø˙鬱¬ı˛ ˜±Ò…À˜ ’±Ò≈øÚfl¡œfl¡¬ı˛Ì
øfl¡ˆ¬±À¬ı ˝√√˚˛ ∑ 4 +8 11. ¸˜±ÀÊ√¬ı˛ ‰¬˘˜±ÚÓ¬±¬ı˛ Ò±¬ı˛Ì±øȬ ø¬ı¬ı‘Ó¬ fl¡èÚ º 7
What do you mean by modernization ? How does State the concept of Social mobility. 7
modernization happen through education ? 12. 츘±Ê√ ¬Ûø¬ı˛¬ıÓ«¬ÀÚ ¬Ûø¬ı˛¬ı±˝√√œ¬ı˛ ˆ”¬ø˜fl¡±˚˛ ø˙鬱±À˘±‰¬Ú± fl¡èÚ º
4+8 7
8. ø˙鬱¬ı˛ ¸˜±Ê√ øÚ˚˛Lafl¡ ˜Ó¬¬ı±√ ø˝√√¸±À¬ı ¤ø˜˘ ≈√‡«±˝◊√À˜¬ı˛ ˜Ó¬¬ı±√ "Education as a vehicle for Social Change" —
¬ı…±‡…± fl¡èÚº 12 Discuss. 7
Discuss the view of Emile Durkheim as a theory
13. ø˙鬱 õ∂øӬᬱÀÚ Ê√±øÓ¬-∆¬ı¯∏À˜…¬ı˛ õ∂ˆ¬±¬ı ¸—Àé¬À¬Û ¬ıÌ«Ú± fl¡èÚº 7
of social determinants of education. 12
Discuss in brief about the Caste-disparity in
9. ø˙鬱¬ı˛ ¸˜¸≈À˚±· ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±ÀÁ¡Ú ∑ ø˙鬱¬ı˛ ¸˜¸≈À˚±·
educational institution. 7
øÚ˚˛LaÌfl¡±¬ı˛œ õ∂ˆ¬±¬ıfl¡&ø˘ øfl¡ øfl¡ ∑ 4 +8
14. ’‡G ˜±Ú¬ıÓ¬± Ó¬N ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±ÀÁ¡Ú ∑ 7
What do you mean by Equality of Educational
Opportunity ? What are the factors of Equality of What do you mean by Integrated Humanist
Educational Opportunity ? 4+8 View ? 7

10. Œfl¡±ÀÚ± ø˙鬱 õ∂øӬᬱÀÚ¬ı˛ ¬Ûø¬ı˛˜G˘ ¬ı˘ÀÓ¬ øfl¡ Œ¬ı±Á¡±˚˛ ∑ ø˙鬱¬ı˛ 15. Œ¸±ø¸›À˜ø¬∏C ¬ÛXøÓ¬ øfl¡ ∑ 7
Œfl¡f&ø˘ÀÓ¬ ’±√˙« ¬Ûø¬ı˛˜G˘ ·Í¬ÀÚ¬ı˛ Ê√Ú… øfl¡ øfl¡ ¬ı…¬ı¶ö± ŒÚ›˚˛± What is Sociometry method ? 7
õ∂À˚˛±Ê√Ú ∑ 4 +8 16. Â√±S-ø¬ıÀ鬱Àˆ¬¬ı˛ fl¡À˚˛fl¡øȬ fl¡±¬ı˛Ì ά◊À~‡ fl¡èÚº 7
What is meant by climate in an educational
Mention some causes of Student Unrest. 7
institution ? Discuss the ways for developing an
ideal institutional climate in centres of learning.


PG-ARTS-307-P [ P. T. O. PG-ARTS-307-P

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