ISMS - Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties

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Title (Acts, Regulations, Contracts & Internal

Item No. Requirement From Accountable Entity (Within Organization)


Internal to Organization
1 Organization's Data protection Investors Board
2 Employee Data Protection Employees Board
3 Organizations Information Assets protection Investors Board
4 Intellectual property protection Board Specific Department/Function

External to Organization

1 Client Non-Disclosure Agreement Customer/Client Specific Department/Function

2 Solid Waste Management Act Govt Bodies Admin/Facilities

3 IT Act Govt Bodies Board

C - Contractual
L - Legal
R - Regulatory & Statutory
I - Internal Requirement
Type Applicable Sections or Provisions Issuing Entity

I Infosec Policies Organization

I Infosec Policies Organization
I Infosec Policies Organization
I Infosec Policies Organization

C All provisions on the NDA dated 2013 March 31 Customer/Client

Section 17: The components of the Local Government Solid Waste

L Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Management Plan
R All sections in the act including the amendments Govt of XXX
Applicable from (Start Date) Applicable Till (End Date) Evidence of Compliance (Permit No. / Output documents )

1/1/2010 Perpetual Audit Reports, Security Incidents and Awareness Programs

1/1/2010 Perpetual Audit Reports, Security Incidents and Awareness Programs
1/1/2010 Perpetual Audit Reports, Security Incidents and Awareness Programs
1/1/2010 Perpetual Audit Reports, Security Incidents and Awareness Programs

1/1/2010 31/12/2016 Signed agreement, no violation to date

1/1/2010 31/12/2016 No penalties

1/1/2010 31/12/2016 Audit Reports, Security Incidents and Awareness Programs

Compliance Requirements (e.g.
frequency of review, reportorial Applicability (validity) Status (compliant?) Reviewed By Reviewed On (Date)
requirements, etc.)

Quarterly Audit Perpetual Yes PR 20/4/2014

Quarterly Audit Perpetual Yes PR 20/4/2014
Quarterly Audit Perpetual Yes PR 20/4/2014
Quarterly Audit Perpetual Yes PR 20/4/2014

5 years after end of

Copy of signed NDA Yes PR 20/4/2014
1 year after end of
Yes PR 20/4/2014
Quarterly Audit Perpetual Yes PR 20/4/2014

Next review is due in 2nd quarter

Next review is due in 2nd quarter
Next review is due in 2nd quarter
Next review is due in 2nd quarter

Next review is due in 2nd quarter

Contract renewal is due in Dec 14

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