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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT GAGS Saieme vs [[ A Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 20) Fluid Mechanics ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. 0. Note: Answer FIVE full questions, choosing one full question fr modi Module-1 1 & Define compressibility of a fluid. Derive an expression for sity of a fluid undergoing isentropic compression. (04 Marks) b. A thin horizontal plate of area A is placed midway in jght “I between two horizontal plane surfaces. The gap is filled with a liqui ‘The plate requires a force F to move with a constant velocity V. The gay ith another liquid of viscosity 4 and the same plate is placed ata distanct wall and parallel to it. Experiments indicate that for the same velocity required was same. Prove that Hy (o7 Marks) A U-tube manometer is used to measure the pretyre of}pil of specific gravity 0.85 lowing in a pipeline. Its left end is connect the right limb is open to the atmosphere. The centre of the pipe is the level of mercury in the right limb, If the difference of mercury level in| ibs is 160 mm, determine the absolute pressure of oil in the pipe. Take a re = 100 kPa. (05 Marks) 2 Derive an expression for the dé cope of pressure from free surface of liquid of an inclined plane surface sul in ie, (08 Marts) b. A wooden cylinder of 5 jty 0.6 and circular in cross section is required to float in oil of specific gravity 0. HBNLD ratio for the cylinder to float with its longitudinal axis vertical in oil, the ipight of the cylinder and D is its diameter. (08 Marks) allt an foc equcns wee 4248 9, al be weeds malate, iy draw diagonal rs es nthe remaining bak jon in three dimensional Cartesian coordinates for a steady (06 Marks) acceleration of a fluid in x, y and 2 directions. Differentiate tive acceleration. (05 Marks) function ¢ is given by an expression ¢=~2in(x? +y*). Show that ic fe case of Nid flow. (05 Marks) oR for discharge through a triangular notch, (06 Marks) A pump has tapering pipe running full of water. The pipe is placed vertically with the diamgier at the base and top being 1.2m and 0.6m respectively. The pressure at the upper 19240 mm of Hg vacuum, while the pressure at the lower end is 15 KN/m. Assume the loss to be 20% of the difference in the velocity head. Calculate the discharge. The flow tically upwards. The difference of elevation is 3.95 m. (10 Marks) 2 ay teeing ene, pea pana Nee: |. On competing your answers, compa 10f2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT 4 Modute-3 5 &. Prove tat the velocity distribution across a cross section of a circular pipe during vigg fluid flow is parabolic in nature. Also show thatthe maximum velocky isin the centre Pipe and is equal to twice the average velocity. a Water at 15°C flows between two parallel plates ta distance of 1.6 mm apart, Deter ) Maximum velocity if) Pressure loss per unit length it) Shear sess a the plate ifthe average velocity is 0.2 avs. Viscosity of wis at 139% is 0.01 poise. Take unit width of the plate ) OR 6 a Derive Darcy-Weisbach equation for determining loss of head due t b, An oil of specific gravity 0.7 is flowing through a pipe of diame 500 litres. Find the head loss due to friction and power requigeshlO' length of 1000 m. Take kinematic viscosity of oil = 0.29 stol a 7a. Whats the meaning of boundary layer separation? Whgdfs the’ f pressure gradient on boundary layer separation? (08 Marks) Using Rayleigh’s method, show that the power P d@jelopelllpy a hydraulic turbine is given wy repro’ SEL where p= densi > rotational speed of turbine in rpm, D = diameter of the runner, H= wor 8 a. The rate of discharge Q of a centrifug eependent upon density of the fluid p, pump speed N in rpm, diameter of Pressure P, viscosity of the fuid w. Using ‘ Pt ‘king Ham's x - theorem met nv. (08 Ma Bucking, theo Q=ND dats aisr| (8 Marks) b. A kite 0.8m x 0.8m weigt attached to the kite mal 24.525 N when the an angle of 12° to the horizontal. The string of 45° to the horizontal. The pull on the string is Je at a speed of 30 knvhe. find the corresponding coefficient of drag ar ity of air = 1.25 kg/m’, (08 Marks) 9. Show thatthe velod gta Sound wave in a compeesible Mid medium is given by c= e ° whore les of elasticity and density ofthe fluid respectively, (08 Marks) Caen Md mach number of a supersonic aieraft flying at an altitude of 1000 mperatre s 280 K. Sound ofthe aeraf is heard 2.15 seconds after the ft on the head of an observer. Take y= 1.41 and R = 287 Jikgk. (08 Marks) oR 10 Define stagnation temperature of « fluid. Show that the stagnation temperature and static snpetures are related by Barf J where = ratio of specie eas, m= mach 2 ber. (08 Marks) sition the applications and limitations of computational fluid dynamics. (08 Marks) 2o0f2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Viuresource Go Green initiative

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