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AmiBroker Read Me
AmiBroker 5.40 Read Me ( May 6, 2011)

Version 5.40 brings hundreds of improvements including

Fully Multi-threaded charting. Massively parallel AFL execution (each chart pane runs in separate thread)
allows to maximize speed and utilisation of modern multi-core / multi-CPU computers. For example on 8-core
Intel i7 CPU your charts will run upto 8 times faster than in version 5.30. The AFL engine has been
completely rewritten from ground up to allow multiple instances of the engine running simultaneously. This
enables not only multithreading but also enhances responsiveness of entire application, as even badly-written
user formula used in a chart is not able to lock or slow the rest of the program. Multi-threading is ON by
default. It can be turned off by unchecking "Multi-threaded charts" box in Tools->Preferences, "AFL" tab but it is
strongly discouraged. Multi-threading should be ON if you want AmiBroker to operate at full speed.
12 new AFL functions
DateTimeAdd - adds specified number of seconds/minutes/hours/days to datetime
HMA - Hull Moving average
FIR - Finite Impulse Response filter
PercentRank - calculate percent rank
Lookup - search the array for bar with specified date/time
FirstVisibleValue - get first visible value of the array
LastVisibleValue - get last visible value of the array
InGICS - check if given symbol belongs to specified GICS category
GicsID - get information about GICS category
PlaySound - play .WAV sound file
ShellExecute - execute external program / file
_DT - synonym of StrToDateTime
Quote Editor improvements and fixes: allows user to turn on/off time shift and editing timestamps down to
milliseconds, fixed handling of 12 hour (AM/PM) regional setting
Charting improvements: better looking value labels, low-level gfx functions speeded up 4 times.
Charting-related changes
Data Window and data tooltip readout is immediate and does not require extra AFL execution (values
required to display them are stored in RAM during normal chart refresh and available without need to re-
run the formula). Tooltip variable is now obsolete. To display custom values in tooltips without plotting a
line you can use Plot() with styleHidden flag.
Interpreation display does not require AFL execution
Inserting indicator and resetting parameters are orders of magnitude faster
chart zoom setting is now saved in a layout file and restored when layout is loaded
OLE interface improvements (new IsBusy method of Analysis object and Import method refreshes UI
AFL engine improvements:
added warnings that detect potential user mistakes - such as assignment within conditional expression
or redundant calls to Plot() function
added extra checks for invalid parameter values for many functions and array subscript == Null -
appropriate error message is displayed
PlotText optimized to conserve memory and reduce execution time by skipping invisible parts
Account manager fixes
improved compatibility with Windows 7 (high-DPI aware manifest, compatibility with Internet Explorer 9)
64bit-specific fixes (including fixing problems with 3rd party DLLs)
new appearance themes and many other improvements and fixes

Complete list of changes is available in the ReleaseNotes.html document.

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AmiBroker Readme file:///D:/Program Files (x86)/AmiBroker/ReadMe.html


For latest news, patches and updates please check out AmiBroker web site at:

Buy AmiBroker on-line at:

Visit support section of AmiBroker web page at:

Check AmiBroker mailing list at:


AmiBroker is supplied along with some example files:

example quotation database (located in /data subdirectory) that contains the components of Dow
Jones Industrial Average
example ASCII import format definition files (with .format extension) and import.types file for
different data sources including Yahoo Finance,, Metastock and Supercharts
ASCII files (in the /Formats subdirectory)
example broker.sectors and files
AFL files (located in /AFL subdirectory) include examples of custom indicator formulas, trading
systems and commentaries written in AmiBroker's own language
Script files (located in /Scripts subdirectory) that demonstrate how to use AmiBroker's OLE
Automation interface for data import and export. For details consult supplied HTML files.

For more examples check out AmiBroker web page.



AmiBroker is a comprehensive share manager, allowing you to study and predict trends in the market
and to maintain a portfolio of shares. It incorporates a powerful set of technical analysis tools, OLE
automation interface with rich command set and several options for quotation data import. All these
features are available from clean and user friendly interface.

Minimum Requirements to use AmiBroker

Hardware requirements:

Pentium-compatible processor 450 MHz or higher

128 MB RAM
32 MB hard disk space
256 color graphics card (high color recommended), 800x600 minimum resolution
sound card (for Say() and PlaySound() commands)

Supported operating systems:

Windows 7 (any edition)

Windows Vista (any edition)
Windows Server 2008 (any edition)
Windows XP (any edition)
Windows 2000
Windows Millenium
Windows NT 4.0 SP 3 (or higher) + Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher installed
Windows 98SE
Windows 98
Windows 95 OSR 2 + Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher installed
Windows Windows 95 + Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher installed

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AmiBroker Readme file:///D:/Program Files (x86)/AmiBroker/ReadMe.html

Distribution guidelines

You are allowed to distribute the unregistered copies of AmiBroker under following conditions:

You will notify the that you are distributing the unregistered copies of AmiBroker
prior to the start of distribution
You make reasonable effort to verify that you are distributing the latest version

Updates via Internet

If your machine is set up for Internet access, you can download updates to AmiBroker, when they are
available through the AmiBroker web site .


AmiBroker is a trademark of Janeczko. Intel, Pentium are registered trademarks

of Intel Corporation. Internet Explorer, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT and Windows 2000, Windows
XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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