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The AAoternol.

Newborn ond Child Heolth ond Nuir;tion

(MNCHN) core pockoges of services consist of inlerventions thct
will be delivered for eoch life sfoge, pre- pregnoncy, pregncncy,
delivery, postpcrlum ond newborn period- Mosl of ihese services
require minimol cosls ond con be delivered by heoilh workers
os pori of iheir rouline funclions ond moy olso require odditionol
lroinings ond ofher logislics. According lo the dolo golhered by
the Field Heolth Services lnformolion Syslem (FHSIS) of Guezon
Province in yeor 2AV.19.617 or 41.42% oul of ihe 47,366 *oiol
eligible populoiion hove oilended four or more prenolol visils in
vorious heolth fociliiies; ll,O9O or 23.41%, were given two doses
of Tetonus Toxoid while 18,799 or 39 6996 pregnonl women were
given more ihsn lwo doses of lhis: complele lron wilh Folic Acid
supplementotion occounts lo 46.8196 or 22,17A pregnoni women; in
lhe posi-porium core, women who seeks of leosl lwo posl porlum
visii is 24,71O or 52"17% of the lolol eligible populolion: post*porlurn
women given complete lron is 19,445 or 41.0596 while those who
were given vilomin A is 22,641 or 47.80%: posl-porium women
who iniiioled breostfeeding is 25,5O5 or 55.8496 .For lhe number of
infonls seen in heolth focililies, 49.60% or 25,139 oul of 46.655 of
lhe eligible populolion were recorded, ln cdd;lion, the dqta reveois
ihql ihe number of infonts who undergone newborn screening lesf
is 5,820 or 26.5O96 of the 22,131 tolal numbers of live birlhs ond
Fully Immunized ChiJd occounls to 56.9O% or 26,546 of the ioiai
eligible populotion.

These reolities will serve os o guide lo the Provinciol Health

Office in lhe implemenfotion of Guezon's Firsl 1OO0 Doys of Life
Progrom. Under lhis componenl, ihe {ollowing projecis ond oclivilies
will Lre implemenled,

Troininqs ond seminors on CMMNC ond EINC;

Conduci of ioboroiory work*ups cnd rolofing ullrasound;
Provision of MCHCN pockoge: Co) cccess to comprehensive
onlenoiol core services; (b) focility bosed birlhs otlended
by skilled heollh profesEioncls; (c) immediole poslportum
ond post*nolol core by skilled heolth professionols to include
iniliolion of breostfeeding ond immunizotion:
ll SlrenElhening the Newborn Screening prog.om ond
Exponded Progrorn on lmmunizotion;

t U Heollh Educotion Advococy;

Environmentcl Sonitotion ; ond
g Ailocqtion of Torgel Clienl Lisl lo eoch priority municipolily


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