Exam - English7

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San Mateo, Isabela



Name: _______________________________ Score:______________

Grade & Section:______________________ Date:_______________

Test I
Identification A
Identify if the following expressions are Slang or Colloquial. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.
_________ 1. I wasn’t born yesterday. __________ 8. Y’all
_________ 2. Low key __________ 9. Hashtag
_________ 3. Frenemy __________10. Wanna
_________ 4. Dunno __________11. Break a leg
_________ 5. Bamboozle __________12. Buzz-off
_________ 6. Old as the hills __________13. Bite your tongue.
_________ 7. Bring home the Bacon

Identification B
Identify the modal verbs and main verbs. Underline the modal verb once and the main verb
1. We have to work faster, so we can meet the deadline.
2. I could stay longer, but Mom wanted me to come home right away.
3. Would you want to bring home some of the work.
4. I must do that to help out.
5. We ought to turn over this project tomorrow.
6. She can dance, and he can sing.
7. Mom may visit grandma at the hospital tonight.
8. It might rain tomorrow.
9. I must exercise daily.
10. Children must eat vegetable and drink milk.
11. I may go to the party or not.
12. He would like to join the math club.
13. You should listen to your elders.
14. I should wake up early to avoid being late.
15. I must review well for our exam tomorrow.

Identification C
Indicate where the stress falls in each word. Underline the stressed syllable.
1. beautiful 11. fourteen
2. inversion 12. complexity
3. newspaper 13. outreach
4. understand 14. biological
5. information 15. nationality
6. political 16. beefsteak
7. education 17. thanksgiving
8. generosity 18. himself
9. historical 19. twenty
10. yourself
Test II
Write the correct form of the verb for each sentence.
1. (be) No one ______ allowed to enter the premises.
2. (plan) Mrs. Santos and her husband _______ to attend.
3. (live) The poor in the cities ________ in slums.
4. (be) A number of people _________ planning to attend the conference.
5. (discuss) The book on animals _________ the very real danger of extinction.
6. (contain) The collection _________ a brief survey of Rizal’s work.
7. (be) The northernmost town in Luzon _________ Paoay.
8. (be) Virtually nothing _________ known about how folktales came about.
9. (approve) The teachers and students _________ of the new rule on uniforms.
10. (attend) Several students _________ readings at the library every Saturday.
11. (connect) The San Juanico bridge, as well as several other bridges, _________ Leyte to
Samar province.
12. (keep) A policeman at the intersection _________ the movement of vehicles under control.
13. (be) This batch of cute, little cupcakes _________ ready to be sold.
14. (be) The paper clips on those boxes _________ for the copy machine.
15. (dance) The lady in the white and red dress _________ for us every Tuesday.

Test III
Multiple Choice
Identify which type of writing is being described in each sentence. Write A if it is an Academic
Writing and L if it is a Literary Writing.
____ 1. It has a particular style of expression that researchers use.
____ 2. When Rina used precise words in a written report, she used a ________ form of writing.
____ 3. Informing the people with facts is its purpose.
____ 4. The content of this form of writing are the feelings, thoughts, and ideals of the writer.
____ 5. In this form of writing, we can use colorful words and adjectives.
____ 6. Notes, letters and journals are examples of what writing?
____ 7. Another of this are folktales, myths and legends.
____ 8. This writing aims to inform and is written clearly and concisely.
____ 9. This form of writing tells a story and is read for pleasure, and is written in a more
creative manner.

Test IV
Modified True or False (2 points each)
Write True if the statement is correct. If the statement is incorrect, encircle the word that made
it incorrect and write the correct word.
________ 1. A children genre of viewing are for children and are almost always educational.
________ 2. Fantasies are shows that are realistic with a lot of visual effects.
________ 3. Animated films are for toddlers and kids only.
________ 4. Horror films are intended to scare audiences, usually by employing supernatural
beings like ghosts.
________ 5. Drama shows are highly emotional and all endings are sad.
________ 6. News programs tells you about the things that happened today.
________ 7. Variety shows include games, songs and dance performances, and other segments.
________ 8. Comedy shows are highly informational and can be intended for children, teenagers,
or adults.

Test V
Sequencing Events
Sequence the following events in its proper order. Write numbers 1 – 10.
____ A man emerged from one of the halves, his name was Malakas
____ The bird pecked, and the bamboo split into equal halves.
____ A woman emerged from the other half, her name was Maganda
____ Malakas and Maganda had many children
____ The sky threw thousands of boulders at the sea.
____ Malakas got angry and out of fear, the children run away in different directions
____ Their children that fled to different directions became the different races that we know
____ The sea made big waves to hit the sky.
____ The bird got tired of flying and think of a way to have something to rest on.
____ The Land Breeze and the Sea Breeze had a son, a bamboo.

Test VI
Essay (3 points)
Read and answer the question briefly but meaningfully.
“Is it important for us to appreciate our culture and history as Filipinos? Why?”


“You don’t always get what you wish for; you get what you work for.”
Good luck and God bless!

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