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Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 1

Professional Project (BUSN20019)

Assessment Task-2
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 2

Executive Summary

The increase in competition has enabled business firms to increase their size. Under such a
situation, it becomes important for them to hire more employees as a result of which team work
is encouraged. However, the size of the teams is found to have an influence on the employee and
organizational performance. The aim of this research is to identify the impact of team size on the
employee and organizational performance with a particular focus on the chemical industry of
Australia. The researcher has employed an inductive approach and an explanatory research
design for this research. The interpretevism philosophy has been used as the case study strategy
has been used and secondary data have been collected that is qualitative in nature. The analysis
of data has been conducted using the ethnographic content analysis technique. The findings of
this research signify that team size is found to have a direct impact on the attitudes and
behaviours of the employees that are a part of the firms operating in the Australian chemical
industry. The employees are found to be highly focused towards the completion of their tasks
thus working in teams motivates them to work towards the achievement of the organizational
goals and objectives.
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 3

Table of Contents

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 2

1. Overview of the Profession and Research Introduction ............................................................. 5
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Problem Definition ................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 Justification of Relevance ..................................................................................................... 6
1.4 Aim and Objectives ............................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Research Questions ............................................................................................................... 7
2. Literature Review........................................................................................................................ 7
2.1 Importance of Teamwork in Organizations .......................................................................... 7
2.2 Impact of Team Size on Organizational Performance and Employees ................................. 8
2.3 Teamwork System in Chemical Industry .............................................................................. 9
3. Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 Research Approach ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Research Design .................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 Research Philosophy ........................................................................................................... 11
3.4 Research Strategy ................................................................................................................ 11
3.5 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 11
4. Findings and Analysis ............................................................................................................... 12
5. Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 14
6. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 15
7. List of References ..................................................................................................................... 18
8. Appendix: Professional Project Logbook ................................................................................. 21
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 4

List of Figures
Figure 1: Revenue Graph of Chemical Industry in Australia ....................................................... 12
Figure 2: Employment Growth in Chemical Industry .................................................................. 13
Figure 3: Employment Ratios of Chemical Sector of Australia ................................................... 14
Figure 4: Import and Export Ratios of Chemical Industry ........................................................... 14
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 5

1. Overview of the Profession and Research Introduction

The profession that has been selected by the researcher is strategic manager through which the
researcher is capable of understanding the main skills and knowledge that is needed to
effectively manage a team or a department. The management field is very crucial within the
organization as it is the basis of developing objectives and goals as well as the strategies for the
accomplishment of the goals. The current research project focuses on critically discussing the
influence that the size of a team may have on the employees and also the performance of the
organization. For this purpose the researcher has opted to study the Australian chemical industry
to better understand the influence and the change within the organization’s performance. The
report includes an analysis of the problem, research objectives, a detailed literature review,
analysis of the data collected and how these findings may be relevant.

1.1 Background

The present study is emphasizing on the team size impact on employee and performance of
organization in the chemical industry of Australia. It has noticed that there are different aspects
in the management process that directly influence the efficiency and effectiveness of a company.
These aspects are mostly related to the formation and execution of human capital in the
organization structure. It is required that the employee arrangement must be according to the
nature of a business in order to get favorable outcomes (Menz, 2012). According to the study,
one of the significant factors for the optimistic progress of an organization is team work. The
businesses usually formulate teams to increase the productivity as well as strength of a firm. It is
because team based activities are beneficial to complete work on time with high efficacy.
Similarly, the size of team is also matter for the development of an organization. Since, large size
teams are ineffective and vain to accomplish profitable outcomes (Vaccaro, Jansen, Van Den
Bosch &Volberda, 2012).

According to the previous research, the success and growth of a firm and its employee is highly
dependable on the strength of team members. Consequently, large size teams are only feasible to
run retail and marketing activities. In the field of manufacturing, chemical and mining the
implementation of small teams is beneficial to control the high performance by managers. Such
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 6

industries have huge organization structure as well as complicated functions. That is why the
division of work into small group of people is helpful to achieve of goals on time. It is because
managers can easily pay individual attention on the practices of each team member if a size is
small and convenient to handle by single person (Cha, Kim, Lee &Bachrach, 2015).

The team size is not only influential for organization but it is also affected for the employee
performance, particularly in chemical industry. It has observed from the practices of different
organizations especially related to chemical and manufacturing industry that employees feel
comfortable in small group of people. They find small teams easy to communicate and
collaborate in different tasks. It is possible to build equal value for each team member if the size
is small. Otherwise, in large teams there are the chances of conflict and miscommunication
between the members. This is the big issue for managers in order to continue positivity among
employees (Shin, Kim, Lee &Bian, 2012).

1.2 Problem Definition

The current problem studying in the research is related to the impact of team size and strength on
the growth of an organization as well as employee productivity. It has illustrated that large size
of organizations usually develop teams in their internal operations. The purpose behind this
concept is to increase the work efficiency and accomplish goals on time. These teams execute
and perform under the supervision of managers in order to get support and guidance for
organizational objectives (Bak, Vogt, George &Greentree, 2013). Teamwork and its
management are very important for organizations in chemical industry. It is because these
organizations are large in size as well as multiple projects to conduct at a time. However, the size
of teams is really matter in such industry due to the direct impact on the human productivity and
organization achievement (Heaton, (2012).

1.3 Justification of Relevance

The researcher has selected the current due to its suitability with his current field of education i.e.
management. The team work is directly associated with the duties and roles of managers. It is
because managers are responsible to handle and supervise the actions of each team member.
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 7

Moreover, the management also pays attention on the accomplishment of organizational goals
while the execution and supervision of team members. The efficiency and progress any size of
team is dependent on the role of managers (Menz, 2012). That is why the researcher has chosen
this topic to analyze the actions of managers during the management of different team sizes
under the consideration of business progress and employees’ stability.

1.4 Aim and Objectives

The main purpose behind the carrying out of the current research is to evaluate the association of
employee and organization performance with team size. This subject is particularly examining in
the chemical industry of Australia due to its team oriented working system. Accordingly, the
current research has some objectives to cover in analysis which are as follows,

 To assess the impact of team size on the motivation and enthusiasm of employees.
 To evaluate influence of team size on the growth of organization in chemical industry.
 To analyze why small teams are more favorable for managers than large teams.
 To assess the contribution of teamwork in the development of chemical industry.
 To determine the appropriate team size for the achievements of goals in the industry.

1.5 Research Questions

 What is the impact of team size on the motivation and enthusiasm of employees?
 How does team size influence the growth of organization in chemical industry?
 Why small teams are more favorable for managers than large teams?
 What are the contributions of teamwork in the development of chemical industry?
 What can be the appropriate team size for the achievements of goals in the industry?

2. Literature Review

2.1 Importance of Teamwork in Organizations

It has evaluated that for the augmentation of organization performance and productivity most of
the industries use the concept of teamwork. It is now common practice among organizations in
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 8

the global market. The formation of team based work is beneficial to execute multiple projects
and programs at the same time. Since, it helps to divide tasks between different group of people
according to their capabilities and skills. Furthermore, teamwork also diffuse burden from a
single person because members work in coordination and collaboration (Salas, Shuffler, Thayer,
Bedwell&Lazzara, 2015). The management of business progress and goals achievement is also
easy under the system of teamwork. Since, each manager gets specific team to handle and
supervise which eventually lower the tension and stress of management. That is why the
organizations with large size and complex structure prefer to conduct projects in different teams.
The teamwork is also significant to generate unity among employee by collaborating them in
single mission. This is effective to enhance the growth and feasibility of any organization.
However, the size of teams in terms of range of people is considerable for the business
development. It has both positive and negative impact on the organizational performance and
achievement of objectives (Carmeli, Gelbard, & Reiter‐Palmon, 2013).

2.2 Impact of Team Size on Organizational Performance and Employees

The previous research has found that effectiveness of team is highly dependable on its size.
Since, small groups of people are useful to practice quality and creative work in the business. In
such, members are more comfortable and connected with each other due to the chance to make
direct communication. In addition, the small size of teams is easy to manage by single leader. In
contrast, the management of large teams is not a simple job to perform by individual manager. It
is because in large teams chances of conflicts and arguments are very high. The employees
usually show disagreement with each other opinions. This causes destruction and damages in the
successful progress of an organization (Herrmann & Herrmann-Nehdi, 2015). The size of teams
is directly associated with their presentation and performance in the accomplishment of
organizational goals. Therefore, the dimension of teams is required to develop according to the
nature of projects and managers’ strengths. The size should be reasonable to maintain in any kind
of external as well as internal situation (Proehl, 2013).

The small and medium size teams are easy to modify during organization changes. Their
acceptance level is higher than large group of people. Since, in large teams members usually
follow own beliefs and values regarding work environment. Therefore, they show resistance and
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 9

negligence towards new implementation. Comparatively, employees in small size of teams are
closer with each other. That is why they easily adopt changes through mutual understanding. For
that reason, individuals with small teams association are more enthusiastic and satisfy with their
jobs than those who are the part of large group of people (Schippers, West & Dawson, 2015).

The participation in small teams is also beneficial for career development. Hence, employees get
prominent chances to increase their personal abilities along with organization evolution. That is
why most of the people avoid working in large size of groups or teams. Another drawback of
large teams is the presence of high diversity in terms of human capital. It is good to attain
innovation and productivity in the work process but inefficient to build management
effectiveness. The high level of diversity is difficult to manage under standardized policies and
objectives (Erkutlu, 2012). The formation of multiple small teams in large size of organizations
such as manufacturing, chemical and mining are profitable to complete a project in a single
approach. It helps to save time for future developments as well as supports management in
critical evaluation of work progress (Drouin &Bourgault, 2013).

2.3 Teamwork System in Chemical Industry

The structure of organizations in chemical industry is very huge and composed of multiple
functions. That is why this industry is highly dependent on the team work and process. In every
chemical firm there are teams to perform different tasks. These teams usually create on the basis
of project length and complexity. In chemical industry the formation of small size teams are
more feasible due to the involvement of more technical people. Hence, the groups in chemical
firms are mainly based on engineers that work together in stressful situation. The pressure to
complete tasks on time with new specifications is the cause of problems between team members.
Thus, engineers contradict with each other on different matters as well as final decision (Heaton,

It has seemed that in Australia chemical industry has achieved growth due to the formation of
multiple teams in single business system. The organizations have developed small teams in each
division which has helped to sustain the efficiency of entire organization as well as employees.
Since, workers are happy to perform in small size teams because of a chance to present
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 10

individual perception (Bieringer, Buchholz & Kockmann, 2013). On the other hand it has noticed
that the small teams usually develop due to the existence of large of people in the single
company. That is why management set up teams to reduce their burden and tension regarding
work management. Under teams of engineers the implementation of new techniques and
procedures is easy for management. The managers combine engineers and other team members
in the process of changes. However, these activities are difficult to execute in large size groups,
especially in the challenging chemical industry. The assessment of small teams is effortless and
less time taking due to limited number of people. That is chemical industry prefer to set small
group of people in order to run error free evaluation of employees’ performance (Niskanen,
Louhelainen & Hirvonen, 2014).

3. Methodology

3.1 Research Approach

The research approach is the source to develop the structure of entire research process according
to the identified objectives and variable. Hence, there are two types of research approaches i.e.
Inductive and Deductive. The deductive approach mainly use for the studies that are based on
hypothesis, whereas inductive is suitable for the researches that are based on research question
and objectives (Creswell, 2012). Accordingly, the appropriate approach for current research is
Inductive. It is because there are research objectives to perform study instead of hypothesis.
Moreover, the collection of data is based on the qualitative analysis and secondary data.

3.2 Research Design

The research design is considered as the strategy that use in the process of study to address the
research problem. It helps researchers to find logical and reasonable components regarding
research topic. There are three types of research design i.e. Descriptive, Explanatory and
Exploratory. The selection between these designs varies according to the theme and targets of the
study (Yin, 2013). For current study, the suitable research design is Explanatory due to the aim
to study the effects and causes of team size on the employees and organization. The explanatory
research design is fit to study the relationship of different variables under qualitative method.
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 11

3.3 Research Philosophy

The research philosophy actually use for the collection of data in order to generate final findings.
Thus, interpretivism, realism and positivism are the three different research philosophies. The
selection between these philosophies varies according to methods of research. The execution of
data collection techniques is also dependent on the research philosophy (Creswell, 2012).
Therefore, interpretivism philosophy is the best to conduct data collection process in present
study due to the presence of qualitative investigation. Moreover, the research is also based on
particular context i.e. chemical industry. That is why interpretivism philosophy has chosen to
find the association of identified variables.

3.4 Research Strategy

The strategy of research actually uses to gather primary or secondary information of the study
from different sources. The research strategy helps to develop appropriate and logical conclusion
of the study. There are two types of research strategies i.e. Quantitative and Qualitative. The
implementation of strategy is based on the purpose and types of study (McNabb, 2015). For
current research Qualitative strategy is appropriate due to the use of different case study to gather
in-depth data. In addition, the secondary data will be collected in order to answer the identified
aims and objectives of the study. The main sources from which the secondary information will
be retrieved include a wide range of academic journal, company case studies pertaining to the
chemical industry of Australia, previous researches, books and government websites.

3.5 Data Analysis

The data analysis is the most crucial part of the research because it supports to find useful data
and also helps to convert it into valuable information. Therefore, it is necessary to use techniques
and sources that help to find accurate results (McMillan & Schumacher, 2014). Accordingly, the
current study is based on qualitative strategy that is why different ethnographic content has used
to extract useful data. Hence, multiple sources such as case study, reports and other relevant
information tool have used to make critical discussion about the topic. This has supported to
increase the reliability of data that gathered from secondary sources.
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 12

4. Findings and Analysis

It has analyzed from the research that the chemical industry in Australia has achieved optimistic
growth in last few years. It has regained some of profitability and market share in the
international market. However, it is still under unstable situation as mentioned in the figure
number 1. The chemical industry of Australia has slow progress and weak position in the world
trade of chemical products (Pabby, Rizvi &Requena, 2015).

Figure 1: Revenue Graph of Chemical Industry in Australia

(Source: Pabby, Rizvi &Requena, 2015).

Besides slow progress and vulnerable conditions the chemical industry of Australia is still higher
in employment ratio. Recently, thousands of people have been hired in the industry in order to
increase the production as well as sales efficiency of the firms. The figure number 2 is the
evidence of employment enhancement within chemical manufacturing organizations in Australia.
This process generated positive impact on the economic conditions of the country. The purpose
behind the excessive hiring is to increase the number of teams in the organization to complete
tasks on time (KPMG, 2015).
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 13

Figure 2: Employment Growth in Chemical Industry

(Source: KPMG, 2015).

The augmentation in the number of teams in chemical industry has supported to speed up their
manufacturing and sales process. Though, most of the firms have formed teams in small sizes
because of the need to perform all parts of projects simultaneously (Borys, 2012). In addition to
this, the presence of huge number of employees in the company is also the cause of team
formation. Therefore, these small teams are effective to increase the employees focus and
productivity which are necessary in chemical sector. The development of small groups of
chemical engineers team in the industry has helped to find innovative solutions to increase the
effectiveness of each chemical manufacturing and trade organization. Accordingly, the industry
has received significant improvement but is still unable to match international competition
(Strategy, 2015).

As presented in the figure number 3 that chemical industry has large range of employees. That is
why it has required for firms to make proper division of work. The small size teams have proven
effective for chemical industry because employees are more happy and comfortable in their work
(Australian Government, 2016). The members of the companies are active in their
responsibilities and satisfy with their roles. Similarly, small teams are easy to manage by
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 14

management in terms of human capital performance and attainment of organizational goals. That
is why Australian chemical industry has found opportunity to grow in the future (Wittcoff,
Reuben &Plotkin, 2012).

Figure 3: Employment Ratios of Chemical Sector of Australia

(Source: Australian Government, 2016).

According to the research, the implementation of multiple is ineffective for the chemical industry
in order to maintain their financial stability. Since, the development small teams have raised the
need of excessive management. Therefore, organizations have hired mangers and leaders to
supervise the practices of teams. This has resulted into increase in the expanses of salary and
wages (Borys, 2012). For that reason, the chemical industry of Australia is unable to design and
develop new projects. The country is importing more than exporting (refer the figure number 4)
due to the shortage of chemical manufacturing (Australian Government, 2016).

Figure 4: Import and Export Ratios of Chemical Industry

(Source: Australian Government, 2016).

5. Discussion

The assessment on the teamwork of Australian chemical industry can be additional explained
that size of team has huge impact on the employees and organization. Both perform differently
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 15

under the implementation of team based system. Consequently, the execution of team work is
feasible to manage the huge work force. As mentioned by Carmeli, Gelbard, & Reiter‐Palmon
(2013), the team based operations are effective to sustain the productivity of employees. It is
because in large organization employees feel comfortable in working with specific group of
people. It provides them a chance to show their skills and capabilities in the work. That is why
the employees of chemical industry prefer to perform their task in a team.

However, it has noticed from the above findings that employees in chemical industry are more
interested towards small size of teams than large size. Even the managers are also in a favor of
formation of small teams. It is because they find small group of people easily to handle and
monitor on daily bases. Like the study of (Proehl, 2013) has presented that small size teams are
easy to supervise for managers. They can keep clear focus on the performance of each person in
the team without any confusion. On the other hand, employees believe that in small there is
better chance to communicate and interact with each, which is necessary for the progress of an
organization. The workers find more value in small group of people rather than large one.

The above data has shown that the reason behind the creation of multiple teams in Australian
chemical industry is the presence of huge number of employees. Recently, the industry has
provided jobs to numerous people in the local society. This has helped to improve the economic
conditions of Australia but unfortunately developed the burden on the firms. As now
organizations have to run multiple teams in order to maintain the effectiveness in the business.
However, for the management of teams it is necessary for the firm to hire multiple managers
which is costly and pressure on financial growth (Wittcoff, Reuben &Plotkin, 2012). Similarly,
Niskanen, Louhelainen&Hirvonen (2014) has presented that the implementation of teams has
both negative and positive impact on the chemical firms. Though, the integration of small teams
is ineffective to sustain the feasibility of an organization. The small teams help to generate
innovative solutions but also create load on the expenses of a business.

6. Conclusion

It has concluded from the entire research process that team size has direct impact on the attitude
and actions of employees. Likewise, it is also influence the performance and development of an
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 16

organization. Accordingly, it has found that employees feel more comfortable and relax while
working in a team, especially in small size. The teams with limited number of people are
effective to increase the energy and motivation of employees. Since, employees feel more
valuable and focused in the small teams rather than large. For that reason, workers in the
chemical industry in Australia is showing positive effects on the growth of the industry. The
employees in this industry are highly focused towards their professional duties. That is why each
chemical organization makes multiple teams to perform different tasks. It is also useful to
conduct detailed and critical assessment of employees’ practices and achievement of goals.

In contrast, the existence of small teams in the chemical industry is futile for the financial
progress of the companies. Since, the organizations have to spend huge amount of money on the
salaries and wages of managers. This has resulted disruption in the creation of new projects in
the industry. The organizations are more focused on the management of teams rather than
innovative developments in the industry. That is why the export ratio of chemical sector in
Australia is continuously decreasing. Furthermore, it has assessed that small size of teams is
suitable for the achievement of goals in the firm. It is because small teams are easy to manage by
management in the huge size of organization in terms of employee ratio. Therefore, almost every
chemical organization is performing tasks under the framework of small teams. Though, this
approach is not favorable for the monetary performance of an organization.

It is recommended for current as well as future management professional that the team should be
formed according to the feasibility of an organization. The team based is good but must be set to
enhance the efficiency of the firm rather than financial burden. Therefore, it is required to hire
limited in the company according to the exact need of the industry. This would be helpful to con
control the costs of human capital. Moreover, the management must train to handle large size of
teams in an efficient manner. It is beneficial for the firms to spend their money in future
developments of the business which are necessary for financial as well as market growth. The
chemical industry of Australia is required to make critical calculations about their requirements
regarding human capital in order to overcome this extra employment. Every step in the
teamwork must be set according to the nature and conditions of the industry.
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 17

During the execution of this research the author has faced restriction in the gathering of data.
Since, most of the journal papers and online websites were required charges to access
information. This was impossible to perform because the budget of the study was limited.
Another biggest limitation was time that has allotted for the completion of entire research. It was
limited to cover all aspects of the studied topics and unable to collect large amount of
information. Therefore, for the future researchers have a scope to make further assessment in the
same topic. They can study this topic in other industries of Australia such as retail industry. They
have a chance to find new variables that create association of team size with employee and
organization. Moreover, the future authors can use the findings of current research for their
collection of secondary data.
Team Size Affect on Employee and Organization Performance 18

7. List of References

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8. Appendix: Professional Project Logbook

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