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Expressing Yourself with “Hay”

The tiny verb hay packs a powerful punch in Spanish. Depending on the context in
which you use it, this little three-letter word is a universal sentence starter that can
take on any of the following meanings:

There is . . .

There are . . .

Is there . . . ?

Are there . . . ?

Take a look at just how versatile this mighty hay can be in the following examples:

Hay un libro en la mesa. = There is a book on the table.

Hay veinticinco estudiantes en la clase. = There are 25 students in the class.

¿Hay un libro en la mesa? = Is there a book on the table?

¿Hay veinticinco estudiantes en la clase? = Are there 25 students in the class?

Translate the following sentences into Spanish using the puny but powerful hay.
Here’s an example to get you started:

There are a lot of boys in the class. = Hay muchos chicos en la clase.

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