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24 runes and one blank rune make the set of runes. 24 runes r divided into 3 groups called aettir.

As you
move from group 1 to group 3 , you are moving from one level of competence ,knowledge or skill to the

1st group is called Freya's aett (group), 2nd hagal's aett, 3rd is tyr's aett.

Freya's has 8 runes, Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kaunaz, Gebo, and Wunjo.

Hagal’s has 8 runes: hagalaz, nauthiiz, isa, beta, eihwaz, pertho, algiz, sowelo.

Tyr's group: Tiwaz, berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, laguz, inguz, Dagaz, othila.

Total rune symbols

Freyr's Aett- Fehu
Freyr's Aett- Uruz
Freyr's Aett- Thurisaz
Freyr's Aett- Ansuz
Freyr's Aett- Raido
Freyr's Aett- Kaunaz
Freyr's Aett- Gebo
Freyr's Aett- Wunjo
Haegl's Aett- Hagalaz
Haegl's Aett- Nauthiz
Haegl's Aett- Isa
Haegl's Aett- Jera
Haegl's Aett- Eihwaz
Haegl's Aett- Perth
Haegl's Aett- Algiz
Haegl's Aett- Sowelu
Tyr's Aett- Teiwaz
Tyr's Aett- Berkana
Tyr's Aett- Ehwaz
Tyr's Aett- Mannaz
Tyr's Aett- Laguz
Tyr's Aett- Inguz
Tyr's Aett- Dagaz
Tyr's Aett- Othila

Each aett ends with a rune of positive nature and greater scope. Also each aett contain certain rune for
light : Kaunaz the torch, sowelo the sun, and Dagaz the day. The light becomes greater in power as you
progress through aettir one to 3.

Each aett has a rune referring to wealth: Fehu, nauthiiz, and Othila. Each aett has different emphasis.
Freya has 4 runes of danger or evil (Uruz, Thurisaz , Raido and Gebo). Hagal has three (Nauthiiz, Isa,
Pertho). And Tiwaz has only one (Laguz, the dangerous sea) .

Each group has its own concern: Freya's is concerned with love, happiness and enjoyment. Hagal's with
matters of achievement, power and success, tyr's with justice order and spiritual advancement. The
runes progress from personal, emotional concerns such as love and pleasure, through wordly concerns
of battle and achievement to spiritual concern such as justice and godliness.

Fehu - Meaning cattle: In olden days cattle meant wealth so this rune is of wealth. Income is coming.
Projects already underway will be successful. This is the time for making good investments and taking
constructive and cautious approach. This rune predicts good financial results and success in any matters
which has already begun.
Reversed: There may be frustration in finances, troubled relationships, separation, disagreements or
delays in projects. It also shows that the present approach will not work and it will be hard to

Freya/ Freya’s Ætt

Fehu: (F: Domestic cattle, wealth.)

Possessions won or earned, income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future.
Sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility,
creation/destruction (becoming).

Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to
keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness,
poverty, slavery, bondage

Tsaytorih : Fehu Todays rings with a note of flow, good luck, joy and prosperity. Wealth (money, love or
knowledge) needs to be shared and not hoarded. Be open to receiving abundance and giving in
abundance in order to become truly wealthy. If you’re looking for a promotion or job change, positive
outcomes are likely. In matters of the heart, there seems to be a new direction being set. Love
abundance means loving yourself as well as loving others. Be careful not to be overly reckless in love, to
look after the love that you have in your life, while allowing yourself to get “in flow” with love
circulation. Work with an abundance mentality to manifest abundance. Here is a number for attracting
money like a magnet. This sacred number has worked wonders for quite a number of people.


Chant as plain digits (unlimited) or write anywhere on the body (after bath), with a green pen. Do this
for 21 days.

Ur- Meaning Wild Bison : In olden days bison hunt was time for all the young men to prove themselves.
So this rune is for challenges and changes. These changes sometimes may not be very good but they are
necessary. It shows the need to prove oneself. This rune tells us that eventually for getting success you
will be having great energy, stamina, health, strength and determination. However success will
completely depend on persistence and hard work. Thus, this rune tells us that we really have to put in a
brave effort and that not to give up.
Reversed: It shows weakness which can lead to illness or lack of stamina and determination. It also
shows inability to stick to one’s goals. There can either be delay or even sometimes unpleasant events.

Uruz: (U: Auroch, a wild ox)

Physical strength and speed, untamed potential. A time of great energy and health. Freedom, energy,
action, courage, strength, tenacity, understanding, wisdom. Sudden or unexpected changes (usually for
the better). Sexual desire, masculine potency. The shaping of power and pattern, formulation of the self.

Uruz Reversed or Merkstave: Weakness, obsession, misdirected force, domination by others. Sickness,
inconsistency, ignorence. Lust, brutality, rashness, callousness, violence.

Pronunciation of uruz is oo-ruz

Daily guidance: Today will be a day of strength and fearlessness - where you’ll develop a thick skin
towards negative people and have an increase in your immunity. There could be a strong, dominant
male role that pushes for change in the most unexpected ways. Draw within yourself the force of
honesty and raw strength to fight back in a non-rebellious way. Don’t fight the change, especially if it’s
coming in a natural way. Like a snake skin, peel away all those parts of you that don’t work for you -
accept your darkness and it’ll help you let go of attachments that don’t work for you . Affirm: I am
comfortable in my own skin. I accept all the dark parts of me.

Thorn- (giant) : As thorn protect the tree, similarly this rune is for protection. This rune is thought to
bring good luck, a lucky brake, generosity and assistance often form and unexpected source. Here is the
time to take the best possible advice and accept good fortune. It also guarantees us protection from bad
luck and problems.

Reversed: It often shows unwilling to change ones course of action even thought it can lead to conflict.
It is a warning to not be too stubborn or things will go out of our hands and this can result in undue
losses. It also predicts that run of good luck may be coming to an end.

Thurisaz: (TH: Thorn or a Giant.)

Reactive force, directed force of destruction and defense, conflict. Instinctual will, vital eroticism,
regenerative catalyst. A tendency toward change. Catharsis, purging, cleansing fire. Male sexuality,
fertilization. (Thorr, the thunder of God, was a Giant stock).
Thurisaz Reversed or Merkstave: Danger, defenselessness, compulsion, betrayal. Evil malice, hatred
torment, spite lies. A bad man or woman. Rape?

Daily Guidance: Today you may receive a stroke of unexpected good luck, usually from an equally
unexpected source, rather than someone you already know. You’ll be at the right place at the right time
and reap the long awaited benefits. Take care not to exhaust yourself in the process of your self-
assuredness. Avoid making any form of impulse decision as it could just flip back right at you in a
negative way. Its alright to ask and seek advice from someone who is impartial and wiser than you.

Ansuz: (A: The As, ancestral god, i.e. Odin) A revealing message are insight, communication. Signals,
inspiration, enthusiasm, speech, true vision, power of words and naming. Blessings, the taking of
advised. Good health, harmony, truth, wisdom.

Ansuz Reversed or Merkstave: Misunderstanding, delusion, manipulation by others, boredom. Vanity

and grandiloquence. (Odin is a mighty, but duplicitous god. He always has his own agenda.

Daily Guidance: Today you could engage in a lot of conversations or acquire knowledge or wisdom from
someone just through a conversation. Put your fears aside nd you’ll have the ability to sail through
whatever arises with absolute ease. Be mindful with your thoughts and deliberate over them especially
when its in combination of an advice received from a parent or parental figure. The advice will be true
and absolutely honest – you may just have to take it with a pinch of salt. It’ll help you have never
encountered before. You will find a guide/friend who will help you and from whom you’ll learn a great

Raidho: (R: Wagon or chariot.) Travel, both in physical terms and dose of lifestyle direction. A journey,
vacation, relocation, evolution, change of places setting. Seeing a larger perspective. Seeing the right
move for you to make deciding upon it. Personal rhythm, world rhythm, dance of life.
Raidho Reversed or Merkstave: Crisis, rigidity, statis, injustice, irrationality. Disruption, demotion,
delusion, possibly a death.

Daily Guidance: You could find yourself travelling short or long distance, for self rejuvenation, relaxation
or to be with family/friends. It can also be that you’re spiritually travelling or growing in phases for your
soul. You’re slowly knowingly or unknowlingly being directed to your soul path. Don’t question it.
Financially if you’re in the stock market or into buying or selling stocks, it’s a profitable time. If you’re in
middle thoughts about a decision, follow what your heart says. Have faith

Kenaz: (K: Beacon or torch.) Vision, revelation, knowledge, creativity, inspiration, technical ability. Vital
fire of life, harnessed power, fire transformation and regeneration. Power to create your own reality,
the power of light. Open to the new strength, energy, and power now. Passion, sexual love.

Kenaz Reversed or Merkstave: Disease, breakup, instability, lack of creativity. Nakedness, exposure, loss
of Illusion and false hope.

Daily Guidance: Today is a day of Strength, energy and power. It could be the renewal of good health
and strong powers of recuperation, especially with a very good attitude. You’ll have respite from
worried, trials that areeasily manageable. You could also have good things coming your way in the most
unexpected way. Something new, something that you haven’t done before.

Gebo: (G: Gift) Gifts, both in the sense of sacrifice and of generosity, indicating balance. All matters in
relation to exchanges, including contracts, personal relationships and partnerships.

Gebo Merkstave (Gebo cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition):

Greed, loneliness, dependence, over-sacrifice. Obligation, toll, probation, bribery.

Daily Guidance: Today looks like a lucky day, signifying fortuitous outcome to any undertaking made
during this time. It indicates a partnership of some sort either in business or in love, which will prove
into a conversion of a long term relationship. Listen to your intuition. You could also give or receive a gift
of generosity. IT could be an emotional gift given in love or a material gift of a timely nature, such as
money coming to you or any item that you’ve been needing for a while. There will also be a relief from
your trobles and it comes with a time of peace and contentment.

Wunjo: (W or V: Joy) Joy, comfort, pleasure. Fellowship, harmony, prosperity. Ecstasy, glory, spiritual
reward, but also the possibility of going “over the top”. If restrained, the meaning is general success and
recognition of worth.

Wunjo Reversed or Merkstave: Stultification, sorrow, strive, alienation. Delirium, intoxication,

possession by higher forces, impractical enthusiasm. Raging frenzy,

Daily Guidance: Today you may receive a stroke of unexpected good luck, usually from an equally
unexpected source, rather than someone you already know. You will be in the right place, at the right
time and reap the long awaited benefits. Take care not to exhaust yourself in the process of your own
self-assuredness. Avoid making any form of impulsive decisions as it could just flip back right at you in a
negative way. If you land up doing so it’ll only show stubbornness because of the attitude of “iam right
you are wrong “ mindset. It is alright to ask help and seek advice from someone who is impartial and
wiser than yourself.

Hagall- (Hail Storms) (Tower) : Just as a hailstorm can create damage, this rune represents external
circumstances that can cause a problem. Some kind of crisis if disruption. Their may be bad news from
some authority or the establishment or government. Any kind of impersonal disruption. An unpleasant
surprise etc.

Reversed : There is no reverse.

Daily Guidance: There is an elemental disruption which could be good or bad, and can be influenced by
external forces. Be mindful if you’re planning to a risky decision, its better to wait than do something in
haste. It’s okay if there are delays of some kind, as delays and limitations are necessary for you to learn
from. Avoid fighting against circumstances, as they will pass- as its only temporary.
Nied- (Necessity) (Wheel of Fortune) : This rune is of the cycle of time which cannot be hurried, but have
to be worked out in its own time. There is often delay, constraint and limitation. Do not try to hurry
things. No quick results are possible, but if you have patience result will definitely come. A long standing
problem or illness may continue but will patience and determination it will go. This is no time to take
any new responsibilities. Just carry on the work as best as you can and wait for results.

Reversed : There is no reverse.

Daily Guidance: You may find yourself enmeshed in delays, constrainst, ill health or oppression – though
it maybe tiresome it will all ease and work out in good time. No amount of haste or worry will cause
things to move faster. Meeting this emotional challenge head-on and conquering your fears can be
catalyst that drives you to overcome whatever obstacles that may appear in your path later.

Is (Ice) (Hermit) : This is rune of cooling down so that relationships or projects cannot be revived.
Everything is frozen. The advice here is so tight and wait or move on to something more warmth and
enthusiastic. Whatever is your question the answer the end and that to move on. In relationships also it
indicates end.

Reversed : There is no reverse.

Daily Guidance: -
Jara (Year) (Emperor and harvest) : This is a rune for harvest. With it comes a just and deserved result, a
plentiful harvest. It can also signify completion of formalities in legal and business matters. This is the
year for reaping rewards for all your past works.

Reversed : There is no reverse.

Daily Guidance: Today is day for reaping rewards for efforts done in the past. These rewards will be
karmic in nature- good deed returned for good deed done. Or it can be money due, that’s being
returned. If you’re stuck in legal matter ( housing, finance or divorce), there could be delays or change
in judgment. Take a second opinion on a legal council. Avoid speaking ill of others, before gaining your

Yr- (A Yew tree) (Fool) : As bows are made of yew trees, this is a rune of successful defence against
danger. Like a short arrow target will be achieved and the results are certain. This rune implies
protection against danger. Even some bad goings will turn out to be in favour like a blessing in disguise.

Reversed : There is no reverse.

Daily Guidance: Today will be a day of great power, to be able to handle the effect changes that are
occurring in your life. If there is any opposition in any matter, you’ll be able to oversome it swiftly. If
you’ve been overwhelmed with worry and tension, relax a bit, as your body and mind has been taling a
toll. Over-working never does any good. You may feel like you’ve been procrastinating or not getting
motivation to get a hob done – try and start with a tiny step. Know that you cant control everything that
happens in your life – so let the anxiousness, over worry, feeling of helplessness not get on you.
Everything isn’t all that bad as it seems.
Peorth- (Secrets) (Death) : With this rune secrets may be revealed and the hidden will come to light. A
lost article may be found. It also indicates success in risky, speculative and gambling ventures. It is very
lucky and can lead to some unearned money.

Reversed : Unpleasant secrets may be revealed. There may be betrayal, loss or disappointment. Money
will not be replayed within time period. There is also no luck so refrain from speculative ventures. There
could even be unpleasant psychic manifestations.

Daily Guidance: Today is indication that something that has remained hidden is about to come to light.
This something is usually positive such as new opportunities or perhaps a retrieval of an object thought
to be lost for good. It can also be a disclosure of a secret one which you have been trying very hard to
keep to yourself. There can be unexpected gains and surprises especially in the form of inheritances or
unearned gain of money – be cautious of where you’re getting it from. Watch out for impulsive sexual
encounters, it may not go in the direction that you seek. Work on enhancing your intuitions, it’ll help
you get closer to messages.

Eoth- (An elk) (Temperance) : Good fortunes comes with this rune. It shows optimism, protection,
assistance in need. Beginning of new relationship, career, activity or interest. It is a rune of great
confidence and abilities and also protection and misfortune.

Reversed : When this rune is reversed the person can be victimised by someone in a position of power.
Deception may be involved. Many a times this deception may be because of greed leading him to take
unwise risks or believing in suspicious deals.

Daily Guidance: Today signifies a fortunate new influence entering your life, often through unconscious
emotions or instincts. This influence could be a new career opportunity or course of study. You could
also find a new friend/meet an old friend that is outgoing, generous and fun to be around. Today you
will also be protected from any misfortune; you’ll receive a premonition if any such scenario is to arise-
best to follow your intuition.
Sigel- (Sun) : This rune is for achievement and victory. It indicates complete victory and defeat of your
enemies. Success is assured and thus you can take things lightly. It is a rune of health, wealth, energy
and light.

Reversed : There is no reverse.

Daily Guidance: Today will be a day of great power, to be able to handle the effect changes that are
occurring in your life. If there is any opposition in any matter, you’ll be able to overcome it swiftly. It
you’ve been overwhelmed with worry and tension, relax a bit, as your body and mind has been taking a
toll. Over- working never does anyone any good. You may also feel like you’ve been procrastinating or
not getting motivation to get a job done – try and start with a tiny step. Know that you cant control
everything that happens in your life – so let the anxiousness, over worry, feeling of helplessness not get
to you. Everything isn’t all that bad as it seems.

Tir- (Sky God) (Victory) : This is a rune of war god and often used as a amulet during battle. It gives great
will power, strength and energy in battle and conquest.

Reversed : There is a lot of impatience and often a lack of effort. Victory is unexpected. There is lack of
energy, stress, blockages and failure due to lack of determination and persistence.

Daily Guidance: Today will be a day of victory or success in any competition, and the need to be
proactive and competitive will permeate your life. You are or about to take up a cause which is based on
fair play over the unjust and you’ll be ready to fight it no matter what the odds. Somehow you’ll get an
extra push of motivation, strength of will to stand up, voice out and overcome any obstacles. There
could be rekindling of any old relationship – whether its professional, friends or matters of the heart, do
be mindful of the intentions as its not necessarily that one will be honest about they’re in for. Help will
be given to those who ask for it.
Beore- a birch tree (Empress) : This is a fertility rune, indicating the birth of a child, a project, phase in
life, ideas or ever harvest. This a good time for beginning a project or schemes. It is a rune of happy
family occasions.

Reversed : It leads to family problems, due to friction and disagreements. Sometimes there could be an
unfortunate occasion such as illness or bad news within the family. However the discord at home is a
warning and can be remedied. This rune can also indicate problems in fertility and miscarriage or
abortion. In business it indicates delays and problems in current situation.

Daily Guidance: Today is the of birth, new beginnings and the family- representing your mother or
children; indicating an event that will bring joy to the family. Home is heart where the heart is. Go into
matters at this time with care and awareness. It can also show tangible results especially where there
are new projects involved. New beginnings – new project, new romance, new work – it will bring lots of

Eoh- (Horse) : Because horse was the only means of transport in olden days, this rune is for changes and
travel. The change can be relocation of home or career, in another town or another country. Some kind
of major change is involved. It can even indicate long distance traveling. This is the time to make drastic
changes in your successful lifestyle or occupation. However changes under this rune will always be

Reversed : It indicates unplanned, undesirable and unanticipated long journeys. Something drastic can
happen and change under this reverse position may not be for the better.

Daily Guidance: Today there will be physical movement- changes within yourself, change of country ,
travelling or change of residence. This change will be for good, even though it’s an anticipated one. It’ll
be bringing in gradual development and steady progress. A person with good judgment and common
sense will aid you in whatever is troubling you at this time.
Mann- (Mankind) : This is the rune of mankind or society so it represents genuine assistance from an
outside source that may or may not be known. Any professional help under this rune can be relied upon.
It is the rune of the mind, the ability to think things out and succeed. It is also the rune of creative
thinking so this is the time to find creative ways of living and solving problems.

Reversed : There is usually some kind of obstruction or sabotage of plans. This may come externally
from bad advice or from someone out to disrupt. It can also be self criticism and self sabotage that
creates failure. It shows inability to act or lack of confidence.

Daily Guidance: Today is a day of interdependence, and you can expect to receive some sort of aid or
co-operation regarding the problem at hand. This aid could very well come in the form of good advice,
and it will be totally honest and unbiased. You could also feel that you’ve blown some matter out of
proportion and could feel like giving up altogether. Seek advice and adopt a more positive, progressive
attitude. If you’re intending to start or implement any new project it’s a good time. Take special care
and be modest.

Lagu- (Water) : This is a rune of creativity and psychic. It is time of creative imagination and also
developing psychic abilities. Painting, writing, music, all forms of art come under this rune and any
artistic project will succeed. Imagination and psychic powers, dreams and visions are stimulated by this
rune. This rune also advices to go with the flow and if done there will be success.

Reversed : Confusion, wrong decisions and poor judgments. Lack of creativity. Fear, avoidance,
withering. Madness, obsession, despair, sickness, suicide.

Daily Guidance: If you don’t follow your intuition, then today is a good day to follow it. Listen to your
intuition when you have a question. Today you’ll be guided and protected by higher powers; and your
inner guidance could protect you from a potentially hazardous situation or bad offer. For women – no
matter what trouble comes to you, you’ll know how to tackle it. For men – you have a strong &
important woman right behind your back, giving you the support you need. Time is changing to favor
Ing- (The god Ing) : This is a rune for completion, bringing things to a successful end. With this rune
there is always a relief that comes from achievement, the feeling of fulfilment after a major project is
over. The completion can refer to a situation as well and can mean the ending of one phase of life and
the beginning of a new one. Whatever is underway will come to a successful end.

Reversed : There is no reverse.

Daily Guidance: Today, indicates the power you hold to make things happen, completion of long
standing projects, and successful solution based discussions to problems at hand. There will be also
some relief that comes from a positive accomplishment, where your mind will be free of anxiety. You
may also have a day with unexpected surprises/news/milestones such as a new job
confirmation/promotion/successful child conception/birth of a child/bonus dues/clearance of a medical
instance etc. You will be undergoing an ending of an old phase in life, for a new beginning to arise which
will be rather exciting and adventurous. It’ll be your lucky day.

Daeg- (Day) (Strength and ships coming home) : This is a rune of daylight and growth even though it can
be a bit slower growth like in nature. Any illness will be healed. Circumstances will change for better. It is
the rune of health, light, realisation, energy, cheerfulness and a positive attitude that leads to success.

Reversed : There is no reverse.

Daily Guidance: Today is a day about money in some form – inheritance, trusts, pension funds, delayed
payments coming through etc. Your hard work will eventually pay off and you will get what you deserve.
You may also unexpectedly receive a helping hand from older people or perhaps old friends.
Othel- (Ancestral Property, Possession) : This is the rune of possession, the things that money can buy.
Especially property, land, buildings, long term investments, trusts and funds. The property is often
ancestral. It is the rune of hard work and persistence. Long term efforts that leads to steady income and

Reversed : It indicates failures or long term delays. Sometimes no movement of anything will lead to lots
of frustrations. Rushing things will not help and will cause damage. Here people or establishment will
work against you and appealing for help will not be a wise idea.

Daily Guidance: Today is all about possessions and a representative of things that money can buy (ladies
hold your purse strings) – land, building, car, interior exoenses or even a luxury holiday. This money, can
also be in the form of inheritance, trusts, bonus, stalled returns or pensions funds. You could be a hard
worker, materialist that prefers working long and hard to fulfill materialistic wishes and dreams, you’ll
feel super good today once you get to buying what you aimed for. Your third eye chakra could be rather
enhanced today, where you’ll gain wisdom, ideal or vision inspired by the past. You could also receive
help from older people, old friends or someone who is intuitively guided.

Blank Rune Daily Guidance: Today is a day of having total trust in yourself and in offering of the
universe. Whatever happens, always happens for the good- and it’ll show you, your path to true destiny.
We must accept the cycle of Karma and the responsibilities for one owns action (good or bad).
Something unexpected is going to come to you, the good or bad is dependent on your past behaviors.
What is meant to be, it’ll happen and there is no escape to it. Things that are hidden will also surface
and arise. Acknowledge it.

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