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Weak eyesight have now became a common problem. Our lifestyle,

dietary habits and overuse of mobiles result in weak eyesight. There are
some effective home remedies for maintaining healthy eyesight.

1. Carrots are a good source of beta - carotene, antioxidants and fibres.

Beta carotene is a precursor for the production of vitamin A.
Deficiency of Vitamin A results in weak eyesight and other
problems of eyes. It neutralizes the free radicals present in the body
which is one of the main cause of weak eyesight.
2. Almonds are loaded with unsaturated fats (good fats), antioxidants,
and vitamin E. It helps in prevention of cataract and improves
eyesight. It is a healthy snack option. We should develop a habit of
eating almonds daily in the form of a snack.
3. Spinach is a good source of vitamins and minerals and
phytonutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin. These phytonutrients are
anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant in nature. It is very beneficial for
maintaining healthy eyesight.
4. Citrus fruits like orange, berries, kiwis, etc. are a very good source
of vitamin C. It removes the toxins from and maintains the health of
blood vessels present in eyes.
5. Indian gooseberry (Amla) is rich in vitamin C and iron. It improves
the functioning of the retina and promotes healthy capillaries. You
can either eat Amla daily or drink Amla juice.
6. Bilberry is rich in antioxidants like anthocyanosides. It improves
eyesight and repair damaged cell. It is also helpful in the prevention
of eye disorders like cataract and muscular degeneration.
7. Fennel is an herb which helps in promote healthy eyesight. A
decoction can be prepared from fennel seeds or it can be added in
tea also.

8. Honey is one of the best remedy for improving eyesight. Pour one
drop of honey in eyes like an eye drop. It causes burning in eyes but
helps in maintaining healthy eyesight or it can be added in juice or
smoothies in the place of refined sugar.

Lifestyle changes

 Wear anti- glares while using a computer, laptop or mobile.

 Practice yoga and eye exercises regularly.
 Avoid food which contains preservatives.
 Get proper sleep.
 Drink 8-10 glasses of water and stay hydrated.

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