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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Information Technology
Even Semester 2019-2020

Subject Name : Basic Computer Engineering (BT-205)

Year/Sem/Section : I/II/A1 TO A4
Prepared By : Kalyani Tiwari, Poorva Shukla

Question Bank
Unit – I(CO
1. Define register. Explain type of registers? Explain purpose of different types of register?
2. Differentiate between system software and application software?
3. Explain various types of memories & memory hierarchy?
4. Explain the classifications or different types of computers.
5. What is CPU? What are the different components used in CPU and Also draw the block
diagram of computer?
6. Define operating system? Write functions of Operating System?
7. Explain working of Computer System with block diagram?
Unit-II (CO
8. Define algorithm with example? What is complexity in algorithm? Explain with example.
9. What is flow chart? Explain different symbol in flow chart?
10. Differences
a. Top-down approach and Bottom-up approach.
b. OOP and POP.
11. What are salient features of object oriented programming? Explain.
12. What do you mean by data type? Explain various data types in C++?
13. What is array? Explain different types of arrays
14. Explain various control structure OR control statement in C++?
15. Explain loop structures available in C++.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Even Semester 2019-2020
16. Explain the significance of array? What are different types of array?
17. What is function and how it is declared? or How to create functions in C++. Explain the
calling method of function.
18. Explain different types of parameter passing? or
Explain the followings
(a) Pass by value
(b) Pass by address
(c) Pass by reference
Unit – III( CO
19. What is constructor? How many types of constructor are there in C++? Give examples of
each type.
20. Explain inheritance. Explain various types of inheritance.
21. What is function overloading with its example.
22. Explain multilevel inheritance and multiple inheritances with example.
23. What is an abstract class? Explain with example.
24. Define data structure and describe the various operations associated with data structure.
25. Explain the following terms with suitable examples?
(i) Friend functions (ii) Virtual function
26. What is class and object in C++? Explain with example.
27. What is scope resolution operator?
28. What is a destructor?

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