Unit 1 To Unit 5 Bce Question Bank PDF

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Information Technology
Even Semester 2019-2020
Question Bank

Subject Name : Basic Computer Engineering (BT-205)

Year/Sem/Section : I/II/A1 TO A4
Prepared By : Kalyani Tiwari, Poorva Shukla

Unit – I(CO

1. Define register. Explain type of registers? Explain purpose of different types of register?
2. Write types of operating system? Differentiate between system software and application
3. Explain various types of memories & memory hierarchy?
4. Explain the classifications or different types of computers.
5. What are the components of computer (computer organization)?
6. Define computer and also write the advantages of computer?
7. What is CPU? What are the different components used in CPU and Also draw the block
diagram of computer?
8. Discuss generation of computer and write difference between them?
9. Discuss classification of computer?
10. Write short note on
a. Bioinformatics.
b. Remote sensing and GIS.
c. Healthcare.
d. e-business
e. Metrology and climatology.
11. Differences
a. Cache memory and RAM.
b. RAM and ROM.
c. Primary Memory and Secondary Memory.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Even Semester 2019-2020
Question Bank
12. Define operating system? Write Functions of Operating System?
13. Explain Process Control Block (PCB) with help of diagram.
14. Define instruction-set? Differentiate between RISC and CISC processor?
15. Explain working of Computer System with block diagram?
16. Explain Bus architecture? With its types
17. Write Applications of computer system in, Bio-Informatics?
18. What is cache memory? How it is different from primary memory?
19. What is deadlock? What are the necessary conditions for a deadlock to occur?
20. What is multiprogramming? State objective of multiprogramming. Whatis the difference
between internal and external fragmentation?
21. Write down the step wise process of MS word,MS Excel and PowerPoint..
22. Define algorithm with example? What is complexity in algorithm? Explain with example.
23. What is flow chart? Explain different symbol in flow chart?
24. Draw flowchart to display the greatest number from a given set of natural numbers
25. Differentiate between machine language, assembly language and high level language?
26. Differences
a. Top-down approach and Bottom-up approach.
b. OOP and POP.
27. What are salient featuresof object oriented programming? Explain.
28. What do you mean by data type? Explain various data types in C++?
29. What is array? Explain different types of arrays
30. What do understand by precedence and associativity of operator? List the operators available
in C++ with their associativity and other precedence.
31. Explain various control structure OR control statement in C++?
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Even Semester 2019-2020
Question Bank
32. Explain loop structures available in C++.
33. Explain the significance of array? What are different types of array?
34. Give tabular difference between structure, union and class.
35. What is function and how it is declared? or How to create functions in C++. Explain the
calling method of function.
36. Explain different types of parameter passing? or
Explain the followings
(a) Pass by value
(b) Pass by address
(c) Pass by reference
37. What is main drawback of structural programming? How does OOPs address this issue?
38. Write the program to check whether the given number is even or odd?
39. Write a program to initialize two values and perform arithmetic operations such as addition,
substations, multiplication and division?
40. Write a program to swapping of two numbers.
41. Write a program to find factorial of a given number.
Unit – III( CO

42. Explain the followings

a. Object as function arguments.
b. Dynamic initialization of object.
c. Copy constructor.
d. Data abstraction and Data encapsulation
e. Inheritance and polymorphism.
43. What is constructor? How many types of constructor are there in C++? Give examples of
each type.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Even Semester 2019-2020
Question Bank
44. Explain various structures in C++ with example.
45. Explain inheritance. Explain various types of inheritance.
46. What is class? Explain the structure of class with the help of an example. Differentiate
between class and structure.
47. Explain operator overloading with suitable example.
48. What is function overloading with its example.
49. What is constructor? Can a class in C++ have more than one constructor with the same
name? Justify your answer.
50. Write a C++ program to find second largest number in a given array of 100 integers.
51. Explain multilevel inheritance and multiple inheritances with example.
52. What is an abstract class? Explain with example.
53. Define data structure and describe the various operations associated with data structure.
54. Explain the following terms with suitable examples?
(i) Friend functions (ii) Virtual function
55. What is class and object in C++? Explain with example.
56. What is scope resolution operator?
57. What is a destructor?
58. Write a program to add two numbers using member functions of a class and display the
59. Find area of rectangle, circle, and triangle using concept of function overloading.
60. Write a program to find factorial of a give number using copy constructor.
Unit – IV( CO

61. What is computer network ?explain with its types (LAN,MAN,WAN).

62. Explain protocol.
63. Difference between LAN, MAN, WANS?
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Even Semester 2019-2020
Question Bank
64. Explain different topologies and write their advantages and disadvantages each topology?

65. Discuss OSI Model of networking? Draw with its layered architecture.

66. Explain TCP/IP reference model in detail.with the help of suitable block diagram?

67. Compare the OSI and TCP/IP models.

68. What is e-commerce? Explain role of networking in e-commerce?

69. What is network security?

70. What is virus, worm, Trojans, malware, spyware and antispyware software?

71. What is firewall? Explain with the help of block diagram.

72. Explain cybercrime?

73. Explain the debugging tools in computer network.

74. Determine the network configuration of your computer like ipaddress, macaddress, default
gateway etc.
75. Explain the working of following network device
 1. Router
 2. Bridge
 3. Repeater
 4. Gateways
 5. Hub
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of Information Technology
Even Semester 2019-2020
Question Bank
 6. Switch
 7. Node
 8. NIC(Network Interface Card)
Unit – V( CO

76. Explain data, information and knowledge?

77. Explain database with its example?
78. Explain DBMS (Data Base Management System)?
79. Explain file processing system? Also write advantages and disadvantages.
80. Difference between DBMS and file processing system?
81. What is data model explain two types of data models with an example.
82. . Explain and draw the architecture of database system?
83. What is data independence?
84. What is data dictionary?
86. Explain the key concept. Primary key, candidate key ,foreign key, composite key?
87. What is structured query language (SQL).also explain the DDL, DML operators?
88. What is cloud computing? Explain the services of cloud computing and also
Write their types.
89. How to define Schema using DDL Query.
90. How to retrieve data from schema using DML Query.
91. Write a query to delete duplicate row from the table.


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