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SESSION: 2018 – 2019 (Spring)
B.Tech. and M.Tech.(Dual Degree): 8th. Semester

Course Code: EE 654 Course Name: Satellite Communication. Dept. Code: EE

No. of pages: Full Marks: 30 Duration: 2.0 Hours

Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks.

Q.No Answer All Questions. Marks

. Data not provided if any, may be suitably assumed.
Notations carry usual meaning.
1. (a). A stationary satellite has to be launched around Mars to establish communication system. If the period of 3
Mars around its axis is 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35.244 seconds, find the orbital distance of the satellite from
the surface of Mars and the velocity of the satellite.

(b). State Kepler’s laws on planetary motion. Is the velocity of a satellite constant in an elliptic orbit? Justify 2
your answer.

(c). Derive the expression for velocity of a satellite moving around the earth in an elliptic orbit and determine
the apogee and perigee heights for this satellite if the eccentricity of the orbit is 0.2 and major axis has a length 3
of 22500 km.

(d). Why microwave frequency is used for satellite communication? 2

2. (a). What are the different types of transponders used in satellite communication and what is the major 2
difference between them?

(b). A satellite SCPC channel can transmit 288 kbps. If a music signal with 15 kHz bandwidth is to be 2
transmitted through this channel, what is the maximum S/N ratio obtained at the receiver?

(c). An FM demodulator has an input carrier to noise ratio of 15 dB. If the modulation index used is 5, find the 3
demodulator output signal to noise ratio in dB. What is the FM improvement obtained?

(d) With block schematic representation, explain Telemetry, Tracking and Command in details. 3
3. (a). Six speech signals sampled at 8 kHz and coded with 8 bits, two audio signals sampled at 32 kHz and coded 4
with 12 bits are multiplexed, adding a sync word of 16 bits in each frame. Find the frame period, bits in each
frame, and the multiplexed data rate.

(b). An existing 60-channel FDM-FM system is modified to reduce its bandwidth to half of the original
bandwidth. To maintain the same transmission quality, the link carrier to noise ratio is increased by 6 dB. The 4
original test-tone rms frequency deviation is 273 kHz. Find the required FDM multichannel rms frequency

(c). Prove that [S/N] = [C/N] + improvement, with respect to single voice channel per carrier transmission via 2



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