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Proposed Design of Wind Power Plant Chapter I: Problem and Its Background 1

for Bauan Batangas

Cuenca, S. B., Daño, J.E. P.,Macalalad, M.L. V., Macatangay, V.M., Tenorio, N.


As the global population continues to grow and more countries begin have

developed lifestyles, the demand for energy will increase at an even steeper rate. With the

need to combat climate change while also producing more power, better solutions than

what are already present will be needed. The world is fast becoming a global village due

to the increasing daily requirement of energy by all population across the world while the

earth in its form cannot change. The need for energy and its related services to satisfy

human social and economic development, welfare and health is increasing. All societies

call for the services of energy to meet basic human needs such as: health, lighting,

cooking, space comfort, mobility and communication and serve as generative processes.

Securing energy supply and curbing energy contribution to climate change are the

two-over-riding challenges of energy sector on the road to a sustainable future. It is

overwhelming to know in today’s world that 1.4 billion people lack access to electricity,

while 85% of them live in rural areas. As a result of this, the number of rural communities

relying on the traditional use of biomass is projected to rise from 2.7 billion today to 2.8

billion in 2030 (Kaygusuz, 2012).

In the Philippines, as energy is vital to the economic growth of the country, the

local government has continuously acknowledged the need of supporting laws and

ordinances. The Republic Act No. 9513 or the Renewable Energy Act of 2008 states the

government’s commitment to accelerate the utilization of renewable energy (RE)

resources in the country. This is to effectively reduce harmful emissions and achieve

economic development while protecting health and environment. Renewable energy is an

essential part of the country’s low emission development strategy and is vital to addressing

challenges of climate change, energy security, and access to energy.

In spite of the outstanding advantages of renewable energy sources, certain

shortcoming exists such as: the discontinuity of generation due to seasonal variations as

most renewable energy resources are climate-dependent, that is why its exploitation

requires complex design, planning and control optimization methods. Fortunately, the

continuous technological advances in computer hardware and software are permitting

Proposed Design of Wind Power Plant Chapter I: Problem and Its Background 2
for Bauan Batangas
Cuenca, S. B., Daño, J.E. P.,Macalalad, M.L. V., Macatangay, V.M., Tenorio, N.
scientific researchers to handle these optimization difficulties using computational

resources applicable to the renewable and sustainable energy field.

In recent decades, society has been looking to make a transition using less fossil

fuels and more renewables. Wind energy can fill that role for society by generating clean

and renewable energy. As technology and infrastructure improve, wind power will be able

to produce on large scales covering large portions of the population. This system is already

being proven in smaller countries. More and more of the global population is beginning to

live in urban areas over outside of the cities. This creates an issue for wind as the best

areas for generation are far outside of the cities, creating the need for longer transmission

lines. Wind cannot be generated at all times as the wind does not always blow or can blow

too hard in the case of strong storms. With inconsistent production and needed

development in storage technology, the wind may leave some people in the dark. While

the wind does have many promising aspects looking toward the future, development is

needed to make wind a real component of the future energy market. With government

subsidies fueling further development in the industry, wind may become a major

contributor sooner rather than later.

Wind is an attractive energy source for the future because of its renewable nature.

Once the turbines are in place, no greenhouse gases are released during the electricity

production process. Being a clean energy source will make wind important moving forward

as climate change continues to become a prominent issue. The wind is a plentiful resource

that will be around forever. As long as the sun shines, causing the wind to blow, then

electricity can continue to be produced. The overall potential for wind power is around

twenty times the current energy usage rate. Although this amount will never be reached

due to technology limitations and that not all wind can be harvested, there is still

tremendous room for growth in the wind industry that can make wind a major component

of the energy market. Turbines make efficient use of space as they can be placed on farms

or out in the ocean, making use of areas that would not have been used otherwise.

Because of this efficient use of space and the clean, renewable nature of it.

By now wind would have made great strides to being a major component of the

energy market had it not been for economic constraints. Compared to the fossil fuel

sources, wind energy is still expensive. The high price relative to the other sources is a
Proposed Design of Wind Power Plant Chapter I: Problem and Its Background 3
for Bauan Batangas
Cuenca, S. B., Daño, J.E. P.,Macalalad, M.L. V., Macatangay, V.M., Tenorio, N.
result of the wind industry not being as developed as some of the traditional sources for

energy. Most of the infrastructure needed for traditional sources is already in place, such

as refineries and power plants, making it easy to expand. For the wind market to expand,

all new infrastructure is needed. Turbines must be built and the wind farms need to be set

up. The production and installation of the turbines is what drives the price of wind so high,

as operational costs are rather low. As more turbines are put in place and technology

improves, the price for wind energy will decrease and has been for the past years.

In line with these insights, the researchers decided to propose a wind turbine

power plant located at Bauan, Batangas as a solution to the increasing demand of

electricity in the entire municipality. This proposal will also aim to resolve the certain issues

in the limited source of energy supply and power outages in the community.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study was to design and develop a wind power plant

that will generate sufficient electricity for the people of Bauan, Batangas. Specially, the

project attempts to attain the following objectives:

1. Gather data of the demand profile of the consumers of Bauan, Batangas for

five years (2015-2019).

2. To determine the demand forecast for the next 10 years (2020-2029).

3. To prepare the power plant design plans and specifications

3.1 General Description of Project

3.2 Floor Plan

3.3 Design computation

4. To specify the number and size of generating units for the next 10 years

4.1 Unit commitment schedule, estimated collective demand system

capacity and plant use factor

4.2 Specifications of generators, transformers, switchgears, circuit

breakers and other monitoring equipment/ devices

5. To conduct economic study of the proposed power plant

5.1 Depreciation schedule (SLM)

5.2 Return of Investment (ROI)

Proposed Design of Wind Power Plant Chapter I: Problem and Its Background 4
for Bauan Batangas
Cuenca, S. B., Daño, J.E. P.,Macalalad, M.L. V., Macatangay, V.M., Tenorio, N.
Conceptual Framework

This project study focused on the design and forecast a wind power plant with the

assistance of data from the Technical Services Department. It covered the analysis of

existing energy demands. It also contained the load forecasting for the demand for the

next ten years.

To design a Wind Power Plant

To gather data of the demand profile of the consumers of Bauan Substation for 5
years (2015-2019)

To predict the future demand of Bauan Substation for the next 10 years (2020-2029)

To prepare the power plant design plans and specifications

 General description of the project

 Floor plans
 Design computations

To specify the number and size of generating units for the next 10 years:

 Unit commitment schedule, estimated collective demand system

capacity and plant use factor
 Specifications of generators, transformers, switchgears, circuit
breakers and other monitoring equipment/ devices

To conduct economic study of the proposed power plant

 Depreciation schedule (SLM)

 Return of Investment (ROI)and other monitoring equipment/ devices

Figure 1.1 Paradigm of the Study

Proposed Design of Wind Power Plant Chapter I: Problem and Its Background 5
for Bauan Batangas
Cuenca, S. B., Daño, J.E. P.,Macalalad, M.L. V., Macatangay, V.M., Tenorio, N.
Important activities would include putting up design and analysis of the

components. It would provide the preparation of the power plant design plans and

specifications indicates the general description of the project, floor plans and design

computations. It also would include the specification of the number and size of generating

units for the next 10 years like the unit commitment schedule, estimated collective demand

system capacity and plant use factor; and specifications of generators, transformers,

switchgears, circuit breakers and other monitoring equipment/ devices.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focused mainly on the assessment of wind power plant. This includes

the load survey, future load prediction or forecasting and effectiveness of the proposed

project to the society.

The design will be properly evaluated in accordance with the principle of wind

power plant. The system will be designed for MW to supply the needs of the people in

Bauan, Batangas.

Significance of the Study

The main significance of this study is to share the knowledge, ideas and process

regarding load survey and power plant. It can also be used to appreciate the importance

of load survey, load forecasting and renewable energy

Bauan, Batangas. The study can benefit the residents of Bauan, Batangas. The

research study can be a basis for the total load the town has and the possibility of building

wind farm to their place. The design can help the local government to consider wind as

source of electrical energy in the place.

Batangas State University. This research study will give more acknowledgement

for the university since, the proposed project will be a great help for the community and

this will be another achievement for Batangas State University.

Electrical Engineering Department. This study can also be an achievement for

the department. The university will give credits to the department for a well-done research

that boost the research and extension service of the university. Also, this can be a way to

encourage other students to take the program.

Proposed Design of Wind Power Plant Chapter I: Problem and Its Background 6
for Bauan Batangas
Cuenca, S. B., Daño, J.E. P.,Macalalad, M.L. V., Macatangay, V.M., Tenorio, N.
Power Plant Engineering Students. This could be used as a reference to those

who will take the power plant engineering course. It could give them better understanding

on load surveying, load forecasting and power plant designing.

Future Researchers. The study is also beneficial to the future researchers that

has something to do with wind farm system. This could give knowledge to those who have

a related study of what principles are used in the project.

Definition of terms

For clear and better understanding of the study, the following terms used in the

study were defined:

Circuit breaker. An automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect

an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or

short circuit.

Electrical Energy. Energy that is caused by moving electric charges. Since the

electric charges are moving, this is a form of kinetic energy. The faster the electric charges

are moving the more electrical energy they carry.

Electricity. This refer to the flow of electrical power or charge. Electricity is both a

basic part of nature and one of the most widely used forms of energy.

Energy Source. This refer to a substance that is converted by process into usable


Generator. A device that converts mechanical energy into electrical power for use

in an external circuit.

Load forecasting. A technique used by power or energy-providing companies to

predict the power/energy needed to meet the demand and supply equilibrium.

Power station. Referred to as a power plant and sometimes generating station or

generating plant, is an industrial facility for the generation of electric power. Power stations

are generally connected to an electrical grid.

Renewable energy. Energy that is collected from renewable resources, which are

naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves,

and geothermal heat.

Proposed Design of Wind Power Plant Chapter I: Problem and Its Background 7
for Bauan Batangas
Cuenca, S. B., Daño, J.E. P.,Macalalad, M.L. V., Macatangay, V.M., Tenorio, N.
Switchgear. Composed of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers

used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. Switchgear is used both to de-

energize equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults downstream.

Transformer. A passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one

electrical circuit to one or more circuits. A varying current in any one coil of the transformer

produces a varying magnetic flux, which, in turn, induces a varying electromotive

force across any other coils wound around the same core.

Voltage. Is the electromotive force or the electric potential energy difference

between two points per unit of charge, expressed in volts (V). Voltage, along with current

and resistance, is used to describe the behavior of electrons.

Wind turbines. Often grouped together into a single wind power plant, also known

as a wind farm, and generate bulk electrical power. Electricity from these turbines is fed

into a utility grid and distributed to customers, just as with conventional power plants.

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