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Slepe ~eli~ne prirubnice se koriste za Blind steel flanges are used for closing the
zatvaranje krajeva cevovoda ili za zatvaranje ra~vi. pipeline ends or for closing tube branches. They
One se koriste i pri ispitivanju cevnih zatvara~a. are used in testing the tube valves, as well. Blind
Slepe ~eli~ne prirubnice se spajaju zavrtnjevima sa steel flanges are bolted to pipeline, branches or
prirubnicama cevovoda, ra~vi ili cevnih zatvara~a tube valves flanges with a gasket between them.
sa zaptiva~em izme|u.
The measures of the flanges comply to
Mere prirubnica odgovaraju standardu za corresponding standard in view of their nominal
nazivni pre~nik i pritisak, a priklju~ne mere diameter and pressure and in-built measures of the
prirubnica su prema JUS M.B6.011 i DIN 2501. flanges are according to JUS M.B6.011 and DIN
Slepe ~eli~ne prirubnice izra|uju se od
^.0361 ili nekog drugog ~elika sa sli~nim Blind steel flanges are fabricated of
osobinama za radne temperature do 120°C. Za ^.0361 or other type of steel with similar
temperature iznad 120°C primenjujemo druge characteristics for operating temperatures up to
odgovaraju}e ~elike. 120(°C). For temperatures above 120(°C) other
corresponding steels are applied.
Naru~ivanje se vr{i opisno dostavljanjem
podataka o nazivnom pritisku i nazivnom pre~niku You can order by describing the goods, and
cevi. submitting the data on the nominal pressure and
nominal diameter of the tube.

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