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Ampicillin- NB: 100mg/k/d q 12 (up tp 1 wk) 375 mg tab

WEIGHT KILOGRAMS POUNDS Sulbactam q8 (1-4 wks) 375 mg vial

AT BIRTH 3.25 7 (unasyn) 50-100mg/kg/day q6-8 IV,IM (A250mg + S125mg)
3-12 MOS ( ) Age (mos) + 11 30-50 mkday q8 (oral) 750 mg vial
(A500mg+ S250mg) 250
1-6 YRS Age (yrs) X 2 + 8 Age ( yrs) X 5 + 17
( ) Bac-Ampicillin IN,CH: 25-50 mg/kg/day q 12 po 200, 400, 800mg tab
7-12 YRS Age ( yrs ) X 7 + 5
(Bacacil, A: 800-1600mg/k/d q 12h 200mg/5ml susp
HEIGHT centimeter Inches
AT BIRTH 50 20
AT I YR 75 30
2 -12 YR Age ( yr) X 6 +77 Age (yr) X 2.5 + 30 NB<2kg: 60mg/k/d q 12h IV/IM 500 mg,
BODY SURFACE AREA : Aztreonam (1st week) 1 g vial
√ ( ) ( ) (Azactam) 90mg/k/d q 18h IV/IM
(1-4 weeks)
NB>2kg: 90mg/k/d q 8h IV/IM
APGAR (1st week)
Sign 2 1 0 120mg/k/d q 6h (1-
Muscle tone active Some flex./ext limp 4wk)
(Acticity) IN,CH: 90-120 mg/k/d q 6-8h
Pulse >100 <100 No pulse Severe or life threatening infxn:
2 gms IV q 6-8 h
Reflex irritability Sneeze/cough Some grimace No response
Grimace or
avoidance Cloxacillin IN,CH: 50-100 mg/kg/d q6-8 po 250, 500mg cap
(Orbenin, A: 2-4g/d q 6 po 125mg/5ml susp
Color All pink Body pink, ext. blue/pale
(Appearance) blue Prostaphlin A) 250mg/5 ml susp
250 and 500 mg vial
Respiration Crying, Slow/irregular, absent
Oxacillin NB<1200g: 50 mkd q12 (0- 250mg vial
rhythmic ineffective
4wks) 500 mg vial
>1200g: 50-75 mkd q 8-12
(up to 1 week)
100-150mkd q6-8
NEWBORN RESUSCITATION ( Outside Delivery Room) (1-4wks) IM/IV over
1. Warm, Position, Suction, Dry, tactile stimulation 15-30 min
2. Oxygen (Blow by) IN,CH: 100-200 mkd q 6 IM/IV
3. Bag-Valve Mask Ventilation ( If heart rate < 100 Bmp or gasping (over 30 mins)
respiration 50-100mg/kg/day q6 IV
4. Chest compression ( if heart rate < 60-80 bpm after ventilation A: 2-12 g/d q4-6 IM/IV
intiated) (over 30mins)
5. Medication – Epinephrine (if heart rate continues to fall or Nafcillin NB: 40mg/k/d q12 IV (up to 1 250mg/5ml susp
remains < 80 bpm) (Vigopen) wk) 250 mg cap
60-80mg/k/d q 6-8h (1- 500 mg and
4wks) 1 g vial
SUMMARY OF ABC MANEUVERS IN,CH: 100-200 mg/k/d q 4-6h
Maneuver Child Infant Newly Born IV
1 – 8 years old <1 year old Pen V 50,000-100,000 U/kg/day q6 125mg/5ml
Airway Head tilt-chin lift Head tilt-chin lift Head tilt-chin lift (phenoxymeth high dose: 150,000-200,000 (200,000u/5ml)
( if trauma is ( if trauma is ( if trauma is yl-penicillin) U/kg/day q6 PO 250mg/5ml
present ,uses jaw present ,uses present ,uses (Megapan,Pantacillin, Sumapen, (400,000u/5ml)
thrust ) jaw thrust ) jaw thrust ) medoxypen) 500mg cap (800,000 u)
Breathing 2 breath at 1 to 2 breath at 1 to 2 breath at Aqueous Pen 50,000-100,000 U/kg/day q6 1,000,000 U/vial
Initial 1 ½ sec/ breath 1 ½ sec/ breath approximately 1 G meningitic dose: 200,000- 5,000,000 U/vial
sec/breath 400,000 U/kg/day q6 IV
Subsequent ≈20 breath/min ≈20 breath/min ≈20 breath/min n
PENICILLIN G (PENADUR) = Wt x 100 /600
FBAQ Heimlich Back blows and Back blows and Benzathine 50,000 u/kg single dose IM
maneuver chest thrusts chest thrsut 600,000-1.2 M u IM q3-4 wks 1.2 M & 2.4 M u vial
circulation (Rheumatic Fever prophylaxis)
Pulse check Carotic Brachial or Umbilical 1M and 5M u vial
femoral Crystalline NB: 50,000-100,000 u/kg q 6
Compression Lower half of 1 finger width 1 finger width IV/IM
landmarks sternum below below IN,CH: 100,000-250,000 u/kg q
intermammary intermammary 4-6 IM/IV
line line
Procaine 25,000-50,000ukd, IM q 12-24
Compression Heel of 1 hand 2 thumb- 2 thumb- Meningitic: 200,000-400,000
method encircled hands encircled hands Skin infxn: 150,000u/k/d x 10
( for 2 providers) ( for 2 providers) days
or 2 or 3 finger or 2 or 3 finger

Compression Approximately 1/3 Approximately Approximately 1st GENERATION
depth to ½ depth of 1/3 to ½ depth of 1/3 to ½ depth of
Cephalexin TD: 30-50 mg/k/d q6-8 (keflex)
chest chest chest
monohydrate OM: 75-100 mg/k/d 100mg/ml drops
125mg/5ml susp,
Compression 100/min >100min 120 events/min
250mg/5ml susp
rate ( 90
250, 500 mg 1 g cap
compressions /30
250, 500 mg pulvule
Cefalothin Na 80-160 mg/k/d q 6h 1g/vial
life threatening: up to 2g/k/d q4 (Keflin)
Compression 5:1 ( pause for 5:1 ( pause for 3 :1
ventilation ration ventilation until ventilation until Cefazolin NB: 40mg/k/d q 12 (1st wk) (Stancef)
trachea is trachea is 40-60mg/k/d q8-12 (1-4 wks) 500mg &
intubated) intubated) IM/IV over 15-30 min 1 g vials
IN,CH: 50-100mg/k/d q8 IM/IV
Cefaclor IN,CH: 20-40mg/kg/day po q8 250, 500 mg cap
(ceclor) A: 750mg-1.5g q8 125mg/5 ml susp
250mg/5 ml susp
Cefuroxime 100-150 mg/kg/d q8 IM/IV Zinacef:
PENICILLINS 10-15 mkday q12 oral 250mg, 750mg,
Amoxicillin 30-50 mg/kg/day q 8 po 250,500mg cap 250mg/kg/d q 6 IV (for bacterial 1.5g vial; 125mg/ml
(Amoxil, 100mg/ml drops meningitis) susp
Himox, 125, 250mg/5ml susp OM: 40mg/k/d q 12 125mg, 250mg,
Jamox) (Moxicillin, pediamox, >5 yrs: 30 mkd q 12 500mg tab
sumoxil,wyamox) >5 yrs: 40 mkd q 12 Zinnat: 125, 250mg
Amoxicillin- 30-50mg/kg/day q8 IV,PO Syrup: TID A: 250mg q 12 sachet susp.,
Clavulanic 156mg/5ml (125mg 125mg, 250mg,
Acid amox) 500mg coated tab
or Co- 312mg/5ml (250mg Cefetamet CH<12 yrs: 10 mg/kg q 12 (globocef)
amoxiclav amox) >12 yrs: 500 mg po q 12 250, 500 mg tab
Cap: 250mg/5ml susp
375mg/tab (250mg Cefoperazone CH: 100-150mg/k/d q 6-8 (cefobis)
amox) IM/IV 500 mg, 1 g vials
625mg/tab (500mg A: 2-12g/d IM/IV q 6-8
amox) Cefotaxime IN,CH: 50-100mg/k/d q 12-16h (Claforan)
Vail: A (gonorrhea): 500mg IM/IV SD 250mg, 500mg, 1 g
300mg/vial (250mg vial
500mg/vial (500mg Cefoxitin 80-160 mg/kg/day IM/IV q 4-8 (Mefoxin) 1 g vial
1.2g/vial (1g amox) 3rd GENERATION
Syrup BID Ceftriaxone 50-100mg/kg/day q12-24 IV (Rocephin)
457 mg/5ml (4oo mg (3rd gen) Typhoid:75-80mg/kg/day x IM: 250mg, 500mg,
amox) 228.5 mg/5 ml ( A: 1-4 g/d 1 g (inj. w/ lidocaine)
200 mg amox IV: 250mg, 500mg,
1 g (inj. w/ 1%
Ampicillin NB: 50-100 mkd q 6-8 IM/IV Syrup: water)
(Ampedia, (up to 1 wk) 125mg/5ml, 250mg/ml Ceftazidime NB<2000g: 100mg/k/d q12 (Fortum)
Ampicin) 100-200mg/k/d q8 (1-4 wk) cap:250mg, 500mg (3rd gen) (up to 1 week) 250mg,500mg
IN,CH: 100-200 mkd q 4-6 IM/IV vial: 100,125,500mg/vial 150mg/k/d q8 (1-4 wk) 1g, 2g vials
CH: 100-150 mg/kg/day q 8
Ampicillin- Ampi 250mg + cloxa 250 mg 250 mg cap A: 1-6 g/d q8 IM/IV
Cloxacillin Same as ampicillin 250mg/5ml syrup Cefixime 3-8 mkday q 12 Drops:20mg/ml
(pensyclox,Am 75, 250, 500 mg vial ( Tergecef Susp:100mg/5ml
piclox,Cloxami Drops:A60mg + C 30mg q 6 Zefral, Cap:100mg, 200mg
cin) Infant vials: A50mg + C25mg q8 Ultraxime)
Ceftizoxime (3rd CH: 40-80 mg/k/d q 6-12 (Tergecin) Strepto CH: 20-40mg/kg/d qd IM x 2mos 1 g vial
gen) A: 500mg-2g/d q 6-12h IM/IV 500mg mycin (max 1 g/d)
1 g vials 25 A: 15-25 mg/kg/d or 1 g daily,
Cefotaxime 100-200mg/kg/day q6-8 IV 250mg, 500mg, qd, IM
1g/vial Cloforan
Ceftazidime 90-150mg/kg/day q8 IV 250mg, 500mg, COLDS PREPARATION:
1g/vial Fortum
Phenylpropanolamine 1-3mos: ¼ ml q 8 Disudrin
MACROLIDES (decongestant) 4-6mos: ½ ml q 8 12.5mg/5ml syr
Azithromycin CH: 10mg/kg/day x 3 days or 250mg cap 7-12 mos: ¾ ml q 8 6.25 mg/ml drops
alternatively for 5 days w/ a 200mg/5ml powder 1-2 yr: 1 ml q 8
single 10mg/kg dose on day 1 for oral suspension 2-6 yr: ½ tsp q 8
then 5 mg/kg on D2-5 7-12 yr: 1 tsp q 8
Clarithromycin CH: 15mg/kg q12 po (Klaricid) 250mg tab Combined Prep: Rondec, Drixine, Sudafed, Dimetapp, Decolsin, Triaminic,
A: 500-1000 mg q12 125mg/5ml susp Tridecon
Severe infxn: 2 tab BID x 6-14 Brompheneramine 1-3 mos: 0.25 cc Dimetapp
days maleate, phenylephrine, 4-6 mos: 0.5 cc Per 5 ml syrup
Erythromycin IN,CH: 30-50mg/kg/day q6 (Erycin, Macrodin, phenylpropanolamine 7mos-2 yrs: 1 cc Per infant drop
po Ilosone 3-12 yrs: 1 tsp TID
15-30mg/k/d q6 SIV 125mg/5ml;
infusion 250mg/5ml) Iron Supplement
A: 1-2 g/k/d q6 po 100mg/2.5ml drops Dose: 3-5 mg/kg/day (maintenance)
1-4gkd q6 IV 250mg, 500mg cap 6 mg/kg/day ( therapeutic dose)
Int. antisepsis: 1 g/dose x 3 200mg/5ml susp preparation: drops 15 mg/ml
doses (1pm,2pm, 11pm) the day 400mg/5ml susp syrup 30 mg/5 ml
before sx 500 mg vial
Roxithromycin A: 1 tab BID po 15-30 min before
(Rulid, Macrol) meals
dose: 1-2 mg/kg/day
prep: 20 mg /5 ml syrup
Ciprofloxacin A: 500mg-1.5 g po q12 10 mg/ml drops
(Ciprobay) 100-200 mg as IV infusion for
30 min q12 Nifuroxazide (ercefuryl)
Norfolxacin UTI: 200-400 mg BID < 6 monts 1 tsp BID
GI infxn: 400 mg BID > 6 months 1 tsp TID
Gonorrhea: 800mg SD
Ofloxacin Inoflox, Qinolon Calcium Gluconate
Uncom. UTI 100mg BID po x 2-7 days Dose: 200-300
Compl. UTI, Pn, 200mg BID po x 7-14 days 100, 200mg tab Ex. WT x dose x prep
OM, sinusitis, skin 1.4 kg x 200 mg/ml = 290 mg/ml x 100mg /ml
& soft tissue infxn = 2.9 ml
Non- 300-600mg as single dose Naloxone
gonococcus 100-200mg BID x 7-14 days Dose: 0.1 mg/kg/dose IV/IM/SC
GI infection
200-300mg BID x 5-7 days Theophylline
prep: 80 mg/ml
26.7 mg/ml
dose: 2.5 mg/kg/dose q12

Chloramphenicol NB<1200g: 25mkd q 24h (pediachlor, ANALGESICS DOSE PREPARATION

(0-4 wks) chlormycetin,
Aspirin 65-130 mg/kg/d q 4-6 h 80 mg, 325 mg tab
>1200g: 25-50mkd q12-24h, IV Chloramol,
Thrombolytic 3-5 mg/k/day
over 15-30 min (1st week) chlorambid)
RHD activity 75-100mg/k/day
IN,CH: 50-100 mkd q6 po 125mg/5ml susp
Kawasaki 80-100 mkd q 6h x 2wks
IM/IV 250mg, 500mg cap
then 3-5 mg/kg x 6-8 wks
1 g vial
Diclofenac CH: 50 mg tab BID during or 25, 50 mg tab
Clindamycin NB<1200g: 10mg/k/d q 6 (dalacin-C)
after meals 100 mg tab (SR)
(1st 4 wks) 150mg, 300mg cap
A: 75-100 mg daily 25mg/ml (3ml) amp
1.2-2kg: 15mg/k/d q8 150mg/ml amp
Mefenamic Acid 6.5 mg/kg/dose q 6 h 50 mg/5ml susp
>2g: 15mg/k/d q8 or
(ponstan, tynostan)
20mg/k/d q6
250, 500 mg tab/cap
IN,CH: 10-40 mg/k/d q6
Paracetamol 10-15 mg/kg/dose q 4-6 h 150mg/ml (2ml amp)
Imipenem- IN,CH>3mos: 15mg/k/d q6 (Tienam)
125, 250 mg susp
Cilastatin A: 1-2 g IV infusion 500 mg imipenem
325, 500 mg tab
*Crea clearnce of 15ml/min 500 mg cilastatin, 1
120, 250/5ml syrup
should not receive unless amp
60mg/0.6 ml drops
hemodialysis is instituted within
48 hrs
Co-trimoxazole 5-8 mg/k/d q 12 (Bactrim, Septrin,
(SMX-TMP) Microbid) Aminophylline 3-5 mg/kg/dose or 25mg/ml (10ml) amp
40mg+200mg/5ml 0.6-0.9 mg/k/hr 80mg/15ml syr (nuelin)
Triglobe: LD: 5-7 mg/k/dose 125, 250 mg tab (nuelin,
45mg+205mg/5ml MD: 3-5 mg/k/dose q 6 hr + 2 phenedrine)
Bacidal or 3 cc IVF to run for 120mg tab (tedral)
80mg+400mg/5ml 20-30 min
160mg+800mg forte Ipratropium + 7 yrs, A: 2-10gtts (0.1-0.5 ml) MDI: 20mcg I + 50 mcg
tab Fenoterol 3-6x daily ( min interval: 2 F/10ml
80+400mg tab/cap (Berodual) hours) 250mcg I + 500 mcg F/
160mg+800mg tab 20ml inhalant
Salbutamol 0.1-0.15 mkd po q 6-8 or 2.5 ml 2mg/5ml syrup
tsp q 6-8 ( 6 mos-3 y/o) or 5 ml (activent, librentin,
AMINOGLYCOSIDES q 6-8 hrs ventolin)
recommended dose: 0.1-0.3 1mg/5ml expector
Amikacin (Amikin, NB: 15 mkd q12 (1st wk) 250mg/ml, (2ml) vial
mg/k/d 2mg tab
Pediakin) 15-22.5 mkd q8-12 125mg/ml, (2ml) vial
2.5mg/2.5ml neb or
(1-4 wks) IM/IV (over 1-2h) 50 mg/ml (2ml) vial
Nebulizer 0.01 ml/kg (max 1 ml) in 3ml 5mg/2.5 neb
IN,CH,A: 15 mkd div q8 IM/IV
NSS or 5-10gtt in 2ml NSS q6 200ug rotacap
(over 30-60 min)
LD: 10 mg/k/dose
Gentamicin NB: 20mg/2ml amp
5mg/ml resp soln
(Garamycin, <1200g: 2.5 mg/kg q 14-18 h (0- 60mg/1.5 ml amp
0.5mg/ml (2ml)amp
Servigenta, 4 wks) 80mg/2ml amp
Terbutaline 0.1-0.18-5 mkd po q 8 or 0.075 0.5mg/ml (1ml) amp
Progara) <1200g: 5 mkd q 12 (1st wk);
mg/k dose q 6 hr; or 1 mcg SC 1.5mg/5ml syr (betalin,
7.5 mkd q 8 (1-4 wk) IM/IV
to rpt prn after 20 min once bricanyl, pulmoxel,
(over 1-2 h)
daily terbulin)
2.5 mg tab
5-8 mkd q8 IM/IV (over 1-2 h) 5
Nebulizer 0.01 ml/kg (max of 1 ml in 3 ml 5 mg tab (ER)
NSS or 5-10 gtt in 2 ml NSS) q 2.5mg/ml (2ml) neb
A: 3.5 mkd q 8 IM/IV (over ½-2h)
6 0.5mg/d turbohaler, 100
Netilmycin 2.5mg/kg/dose q8 IV,IM 25mg/ml (2ml amp)
(Netromycin) 50mg/ml (2ml amp)
Ketotifen 6mos-3 yrs: 1 drop BID or 0.25 (zaldec, Zadilen)
100mg/ml (1.5 or 2
ml syr BID 1mg cap
ml vial)
>3 yrs: 5 ml syrup BID 1mg/5ml syr
Clenbuterol <6 mos: 1 ml drops spiropent
Tobramycin 6-7.5mg/kg/day q8 IV,IM 10mg/ml
6-24 mos: 2 ml drops
( Nebcin) 40mg/ml (2ml amp)
1-2 yrs: 5 ml syr
2-4 yrs: 7.5 ml
4-6 yrs: 10 ml
6-12 yrs: 15 ml
INH 5- IN,CH: 10-20 mg/kg/d 50mg/ml (trisovit)
10 (max: 300mg/d)qd 100mg/m l(nicetas,pyrifort) MUCOKINETICS
A: 8-10 mg/kg/d (max 300mg/d), 150mg/5m l(Odinah)
Ambroxol HCl <1 yr: 12 mg/day 15,30mg/5ml syr
pre-breakfast 200mg/5ml
(bronchopront, 0.5ml BID (<6 mos) 6mg/ml drops
(pyridoxine: 10mg/100mg INH to (comprilex,Trisofort)
Mucosolvan, 1ml BID (7-12 mos) 15mg/2ml inhl’n
prevent S/E) 100,300,400 mg tab
Mucovent, 1-2 yr: 15mg/day or 1.25mg BID soln
RIF IN,CH: 10-20 mkd, OD 1-pre or 2 100 & 200mg/5ml
Muxal,Venteze CH: 1.2-1.6 mg/kg/d 15 mg/2ml amp
10-15 post meal 150, 300, 450, 600mg cap
Therasolvan, 5-10 y/o: ½ tsp BID-TID
A: 600mg/d single daily dose 600mg vial
Zobrixol) CH>10 yrs, A: 1 tab TID or 1 tsp TID
(max 600mg/d)
Bromhexine HCl <2 yrs: ¼ tsp TID-QID Bisolvon 8mg
PZA CH: 30-35 mkd (max 2g/d) qd po 250mg/5ml
2-5 yrs: ½ tsp TID-QID tab, 2 mg/ml
15-30 A: 20-35 mkd po before meals 500mg/tab
5-10 yrs: 1 tsp TID-QID soln, 0.8 mg/ml
CH> 10 yr, A: 2 tsp TID-QID elixir, 4 mg amp
EMB 15mg INH +125mg EMB/5ml 100mgtab (pyrifort,trisovit) Bronkose,
15-25 150mg tab (pyrina) mucolyptus,
A: 15-25 mg/kg/d qd, po (not 325mg, 400mg mucuspel
>1.5g) 4mg/5ml syr,
125mg/5ml 500mg tab 8 mg tab
Carbocisteine <2 mos: 0.25 ml QID 100, 250 mg/5ml ANTI-ULCER
(Aflema, 2-6 mos: 0.5 ml QID susp
Ameuslyn,Bronch 7-12 mos: 1 ml QID 50mg/ml drops Antacid 2-4 tabs chewtab QID Chewable tabs
otus, Flemex, 1-3 yrs: 5-7.5 ml TID 500 mg cap 1 hr after meals or 250 and 500 ml susp
Laxobron,Kramov 4-7 yr: 7.5-10 ml TID 40 mg/ml drop 2-4 tsp QID susp
on, Simbron, 8-12 yr: 10-15 ml TID Cimetidine ( 5-7.5mg/kg/dose q 6 po/IV or 200,400,800 mg tab
Solmux) A: 1 capsule or 30 mll TID Solmux: 250mg/5 tagamet) 10-20 mg/kg QID 100mg/ml (2ml) amp
Solmux: 1-3 yrs: 2.5 ml TID ml 100mg/5ml syrup
4-7 yrs: 5 ml TID 500 mg/5ml Ranitidine 2-4 mg/k/dose BID po or 75,150, 300 mg tabs
8-12 yrs: 7.5 ml suspension (Zantac) 1 mg/k/dose TID, IV 150mg/5ml syrup
50mg/2ml amp
Loviscol <3 mos: 0.3 ml TID 50 mg/ml drop ANTI-SPASMODIC
3-6 mos: 0.6 ml TID 100mg/5ml, Bentyl 2.5-10 ml TID 10 mg tab
7-12 mos: 0.9 ml TID 250mg/5ml susp 10mg/5ml syrup
13-24mos: 1.2 ml TID Dicycloverine IN: 0.5-1 ml gtt or ½ tsp syr Relestal: 5 mg/ml drops
1-3 yrs: 1-1 ½ tsp TID HCl, Simethicon QID/TID 10mg/5ml syrup
4-7 yrs: 1 ½ tsp TID 1-5 yrs: 2.5-5ml TID/QID
8-12 yrs: 2-3 tsp TID 6-12 yrs: 5 ml
Mucolytic + expectorant: bromulex, mucolex, bisolvon (bromhexine HCl), Hyoscine-N- butyl IN: ¼ amp TID IM, SC or slow 10 mg tab
Bronchicum, Cheryl IP (Guaifensin + Ipecac) bromide IV 5 mg/5 ml syrup
Antitussive: Bractus, Sinecod (Butamine citrate), Robitussin AC (Guaifenessin+ (buscopan) CH, A: 1-2 tabs 3-5 x daily 20 mg/ml amp
codeine phosphate + pheniramine maleate), Pertix, Protussa, Tuscalman Berna
Dextromethorphan 1-2 tbsp 3-4 hrly or 5mg/5ml syr ANTI-FLATULENT
HBr 1-2 tabs q 4 hr 10 mg tab Dimethyl-polysiloxane A: 1-2 tab TID po 40 mg tab
(max: 12 tabs/day) Disflatyl, Gascon
Expectorant + antitussive: mucolexin (Dextromethorphan + guiafenesin + Na
citrate), mucobran (Guiafenesin + Na citrate) ANTI-HELMINTICS
Albendazole Zentel
STEROIDS Nematode 400 mg po 200 mg/5ml syr
Budesonide C: 200-400 mcg BID initial 200mcg/dose Capillariasis 200 mg BID x 10days 400 mg tab
(budecort) MD: 100-200 mcg BID misthaler Strongyloidiasis 400 mg q day x 3 days
(max: 800 mcg daily) 200mcg turbohaler Mebendazole 200 mg po BID x 3 days or 100, 500 mg tab
A: 400-800 mcg BID 250mcg/ml respul (Antiox) 500 mg po one dose 100 mg/5 ml susp
MD: 200-400 mcg BID Piperazine (Expelin, 75 mg/kg (max: 3.5g/d) q day 1.25 mg/5 ml syr
Dexa- 0.023-0.33 mkd po 0.5 mg, 4mg tab Aloxin) x 2 days (for ascariasis only) 62.5 mg/5 ml syr
methasone 0.5-1 mkd (max 16mg/d) in 4 div 5mg/ml amp(1ml) Pyrantel Pamoate 11 mg/kg/day (max 1 g) x 3 Combantrin
doses, IV (for  ICP) 4mg/ml vial(2ml) days 250, 500 mg tab
Hydrocortisone LD: 10mg/k/dose 50mg/ml, 2ml vial 125, 250 mg/5ml
MD: 4-8mg/k/dose 125mg/ml, 2ml vial Quatrel:
Status 10-20 mkd q 6 then 4 mkd q 4 100 mg/5 ml
Asthmaticus until (+) response 100 mg tab

Shock 50 mg/kg initial then 50-75 mkd ANTI-DIARRHEALS

q6 Nifuroxazide <6 mos: 2 tsp daily 200 mg cap
Prednisone CH: 1-2 mg/k/d q 6 5 mg tab ( Ercefuryl) >6 mos: 3 tsp daily 220mg/5ml syr
P: 40-60 mkd po ( for neoplasm) A: 1 cap QID
Paromomycin + Humagel
kaolin + pectin 150 mg cap
ANTI-HISTAMINES Bacterial diarrhea <3 yrs: 1 tsp q 4 h 50mg/5ml susp
Acrivastin 1 tab TID po 8 mg cap semprex 4-14 yrs: 1 tbsp q 4h
Chlorpheniramine 0.35 mg/kg/day or 4 mg tab Ameobiasis 25mg/kg q 6-8 hr x 5 days
(Antamine) 0.2 mg/kg/dose 10 mg/ml (1 ml) amp Dysentery 35-60 mg/kg x > 6 doses
Clemastine 2-6 yrs: 2.5-5ml BID 0.5mg/ml syr Pre-op 35 mg/kg x 4 consec days
(Tavergyl) 6-12 yrs: 5-10 ml BID 1mg tab Hepatic coma 75mg/kg
>12 yrs: 7.5 ml BID or 2mg/2ml amp Taeniasis 20-50 mg/kg/day x 5 days
½ tab to 1 tab BID po or Giardiasis 20-30 mg/kg/day x 5-8 days
0.025 mg/k IM
Diphenhydramine 3-5 mg/kg/day q 6 po, IM, IV 25mg, 50mg cap OPTICAL ANTI-INFECTIVES:
(Benadryl) 12.5mg/5ml syr Chloramphenicol 1 gtt 2-4x/day (1 gtt/hr for acute 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%
50mg/ml (1ml) amp solution ointment cases) Apply inside surface of 5 ml drops
Hydroxyzine HCl 10 mg OD or 0.2 mg/syrup lower lid 0.1%,0.5%
(Iterax) 1 mg/k/day BID 10, 25 mg tabs 3.5 g tube
Mequitazine ½- 2 tabs/day accdg to age 5 mg tab Framycetin solution 1-2 gtts q 1-2h or 1-2 gtts 3-4x/day 0.5% 2.5ml
(primalan) 2.5mg/5ml syr ointment (acute) drops, 0.5% 2.5
Terfenadine 15-30 mg BID 30mg/5ml syr 2-3 application daily or at bedtime g tube
(Teldane) 60mg tab Sulfacetamide 1-2gtts into lower conjunctival sac 10% 15% 5ml
2-3h drops
ANTI-CONVULSANTS Tobramycin 1-2 gtts q4 3mg/ml
Carbamazepine LD: 10-20 mg/kg Tegretol 100mg/5ml Solution ointment ½ in ribbon into conjunctival sac 2- (0.3%),5ml
MD: 5 mg/kg/day syr 3x/day 3mg/g (0.3%)
200mg tab 3.5g tube
Clonazepam IN,C <10 yrs: 0.01-0.03 Rivotril 2mg tab
>10 yrs: 1- 2 mg/k/d AMEOBICIDES
MD: <10 y: 0.05 -0.1 mkd Diloxanide furoate 20mg/k/day po TID x 10 125mg/5ml
10-16y: 1.5 - 3 mkd (furamide, elizol) days
A: 2-4mg/k/d Etofamide CH: 15-20ml/kg/day or 2 100mg/5ml susp
Diazepam (anxionil, mg-0.3mg/k/dose 10mg/2ml amp (kitnos) tsp TID x 3 days 200mg tab
trazepam, valium) 0.2-0.4 mg/kg/dose 2mg, 5 mg tab A: 5 tabs BID x 3 days or 500 mg forte
Diphenyl-hydantaoin LD: 10-15 mg/kg/dose Dilantin 125, 1 forte tab BID
MD: 4-8 mg/k/d q 8h 30mg/5ml susp
*push DW before and after 30, 100 mg cap EAR PREPARATIONS:
100g/2ml amp 1. Antiseptics with corticosteroids
Phenobarbital LD: 10-20 mg/k/d 16.25mg Polymyxin Cortisporin 3-4 gtts tid-qid 5ml drops
MD: 5-10 mkd 32.5mg,65mg B+Neomycin+HAA
97.5mg tablets Fluocinolone acetonide + Aplosyn, 3-4 gtts tid-qid 5 ml drops
Sedation/sleep: 2-3 mkd q 8-12 Na luminal: polymyxin B + neomycin Synalar
130mg/ml amp Triamcinolone acetonide + kenacomb 2-3 gtts tid-qid 7.5ml
Long term anti- start at 1.5 mkd q 12  to 4-6 15,30,60,100 mg tab neomycin + gramicidine + drops
convulsant mkd q 12 or as single daily 20 mg/ml syr nystatin
dose HS 2. Anti-Infectives and Antiseptics
gr ¼ = 15 mg Chloramphenicol Chloromycetin 2-3 gtts bid-qid (5%) 5ml
gr ½ = 30 mg Polymycin B + glacial acetic Aerosporin 3-4 gtts tid 10ml
gr 1 = 60 mg
acid drops
Valproic acid 15 mg/kg/d div q 8-12 by 5- Depakene
Polymycin B + lidocaine Lignosporin 3-4 gtts tid 10ml
10 mg/kg/day weekly (max: 250mg/5ml susp
30 mg/kg/d q 8) 250mg tab
3. Miscellaneous
Antipyrine + Auralgan Moisten cotton plug with 10ml,
Benzocaine + solution then insert into 15ml
Dimenhydrinate 5mg/k/d QID Dramamine
glycerine dehydrated meatus tid-qid drops
2-6 yrs: 2.5 ml BID-TID 12.5mg/5ml syr
Dousate sodium otosol Fill ear canal wit soln & (0.5%) 10
6-8 yrs: 5-10 ml BID-TID 50 mg tab
stay in position for 4-5 ml drops
8-12 yrs: 10-20 ml BID-TID Emes: 50 mg tab
min then insert a cotton
Infant: ¼ supp Vomex: 50 mg supp
wool plug x 2
1-6 yrs: ½ supp
consecutive nights
6-12 yrs: 1 supp BID/TID

Betahistine A: 1-2 tab TID po with meals Serc, mension
6mg tab (mesylate)
8, 16 mg tab
Meclezine HCl 12.5-50 mg/k/day TID/BID Bonamine 25 mg tab
<6 mos: 0.5 ml daily Bonadoxine 8 mg/ml
2-6 yrs: 3 ml or drops
1-2 tabs daily


Metoclopramide 0.5 mg/k/day Plasil
<1yr: 1 mg BID 5 mg/5ml syrup
1-3 yrs: 1 mg BID-TID 10 mg tab
3-5 yrs: 2 mg BID-TID 10 mg/2ml amp
5-14 yrs: 2.5 mg TID
ANTI-FUNGAL supine position
Amphotericin B NB: 100ug-1mg/kg/d over 6 hrs 5mg/ml(10ml)vial 9 mo Pivots when Uses immature Says ―mama, Starts exploring
during 1st 4 wks of age sitting, crawls pincer grasp, dada‖ environment,
IN,CH: 50mg well, pulls to probes with indiscriminately, plays gesture
1st day: 0.1mg/kg for 2hrs (test reconstituted with stand, cruises forefinger, holds gestures, waves games (e.g., pat-
dose) 10cc sterile water bottle, throws bye-bye, a-cake)
2nd day: 0.25mg/k (increment of to make 5mg/ml objects understands ―no‖
0.125-0.25mg/kg),  to 1 mg/k/d 12 Walks alone Uses mature Uses two words Imitates actions,
as single infusion over 6-8h Dose: 0.5- mo pincer grasp, other than comes when
0.7mg/k/day can make a mama/dada or called,
TD: 20-30 mg/k/day crayon mark, proper nouns, cooperates with
LD: 6mg/k OD releases jargoning (runs dressing
MD: 3 mg/k OD voluntarily several
Candida unintelligible words
Fluconazole(diflucan) together with tone
50, 150, or inflection), one-
200mg/cap step command
2mg/mlvial with gesture
Griseofulvin CH: 7.25 mg/kg/d OD,po 330 mg tab 15 Creeps up Scribbles in Uses 4–6 words, 15–18 mo: Uses
A: 0.33-).66g/d OD, po mo stairs, walks imitation, builds follows one-step spoon and cup
Ketoconazole CH: 5-10 mkd q12-24, po 200mg tab back-wards tower of two command without
A: 200-400 mg OD, po independently blocks in gesture
Nystatin NB: 100,000 units/ml imitation
(Mycostatin) <2kg: 200,000-400,000 u/d susp 18 Runs, throws Scribbles Mature jargoning Copies parent in
q 4-6h po mo objects from spontaneously, (includes tasks (sweeping,
>2kg: 400,000-800,000 u/d 500,000 u tab standing builds tower of 3 intelligible words), dusting), plays in
q 4-6h 100,000 u without falling blocks, turns 2–3 7–10 word company of
vaginal tab pages at a time vocabulary, knows other children
IN,CH: 400,000-800,000 u/d q 4- 5 body parts
6 h, po 24 Walks up and Imitates stroke Uses pronouns (I, Parallel play
mo down steps with pencil, you, me)
A: 800,000-2,000,000 u/d q 4-6h, without help builds tower of 7 inappropriately,
po blocks, turns follows two-step
pages one at a commands, has a
time, removes 50– word
shoes, pants, vocabulary, uses
ANTI-VIRAL etc. two-word
Acyclovir 200 and 400 mg tab sentences
Premature 10mg/kg as 1hr IV infusion 3 yr Can alternate Copies a circle, Uses minimum of Group play,
of 12hrs x 10-21 days 250mg/ml (5ml) inj feet when undresses 250 words, 3–word shares toys,
going up steps, completely, sentences, uses takes turns,
10mg/kg as 1hr IV infusion of pedals tricycle dresses partially, plurals, knows all plays well with
Term 8 x 10-21 days dries hands if pronouns, repeats others, knows
reminded, two digits full name, age,
2-12 yr: 20mg/kg (max:800) unbuttons gender
Varicella-Zoster qid x 5 days 4 yr Hops, skips, Copies a square, Knows colors, Tells ―tall tales,‖
>12 yrs: 800mg po 5x/day x 7 alternates feet buttons clothing, says song or poem plays
days going down dresses self from memory, cooperatively
steps completely, asks questions with a group of
Encephalitis 10mg/kg as 1 hr IV infusion of catches ball children
8hrs x 4-21 days 5 yr Skips Copies triangle, Prints first name, Plays
Amantadine HCl CH: 5-8 mkd po (max150mg) 100mg tab alternating ties shoes, asks what a word competitive
bid or tid 50mg/ml feet, jumps spreads with means games, abides
A: 200mg OD ir BID over low knife by rules, likes to
obstacles help in
Inosiplex <6mos: 1 ml q 3-4hrs (Immunosine) household tasks
6-12mos: 1.5ml q3-4 500mg tab
1-2yrs: 2ml 250mg/5ml
2-6yrs: 3ml Age Cal per kg
6-12yrs: 5ml Prot g/kg
A: 1 tab 0.5 mos 115 3.5
Methixoprinol LD: 100mg/kg/day (Isoprinosine) 6-11 mos 110 3.0
Linosine MD: 50mg/kg/day 500mg tab 1-2 yrs 110 2.5
250mg/5ml syr 3-6 yrs 90-100 2.0
Ribavirin CH: 15mg/kg/d in 3 or 4 div 200mg cap 7-9 yrs 80-90 1.5
(virazole) doses 20mg/ml syr
10-12 yrs 70-80 1.5
A: 800mg/day (1st day LD of 100mg/ml amp
1600mg) q6 6g/vial aero 13-15 yrs 55-65 1.5
16-19 yrs 45-50 1.2
Furazolidone 5-8mg/k/day QID 50mg/15ml,
(furoxone) NOT FOR G6PD 16.6mg/5ml
100mg tab Age Normal respiratory rate
Metronidazole Flagyl <2 mo <60
Ameobiasis IN,CH: 35-50 mkd q8 x10 days 2-12mo <50
A: 750mg TID po x 5-10 days 250mg, 500mg 1-5yo <40
Trichomoniasis tab 6-8y/o <30
C: 5 mkd q8 x 7 days 125mg/5ml
A: 250mg TID x 5 days susp
Giardiasis 5mg/ml(100ml)vi
C: 15 mkd q8 x 5 days al
A: 250 mg TID x 5 days 1g suppository
Anaerobic Infxn:
NB: 15mkd (initial) then 7.5 mkd -- NORMAL RESPIRATORY RATES IN CHILDREN
q12 IV Age (yr) Respiratory Rate (breaths/min)
CH: 30 mkd (max 4g/d) q6 po/IV 0–1 24–38
A: 500mg q6 po/IV or 300mkd (max 1–3 22–30
4g/d) q6 po/IV 4–6 20–24
Intestinal 7–9 18–24
Antisepsis A: 750mg x 3 doses 1 day before sx
10–14 16–22
Tetracycline 25-50 mg/kg/day div q6 po 250, 500mg cap
14–18 14–20
Vancomycin NB<1.2kg: 15mg/k/d OD 500mg/vial
>1.2kg: 20mkd q12 (1st wk)
Age Normal heart rate
30mkd q8 (1-4wks)
IN,CH: 40mg/k/d q6-12h NB 110-150
A: 2mg/d IV q6-12h 2y/o 85-120
4y/o 75-115
>6y/o 60-110

Age Gross Motor Visual- Language Social/Adaptive preterm (# of days -14) x 15 + BW 9gms
Motor/Problem term (# of days -10 x 20 + BW 9 grms
Solving At birth 3.25
1 mo Raises head Birth: Visually Alerts to sound Regards face 3-12 mo Age in months + 9
from prone fixes 2
position 1-6y/o (age in yrs x 2) + 8
1 mo: Has tight 7-12 y/o (age in yrs x 7) – 5
grasp, follows to 2
2 mo Holds head in No longer Smiles socially Recognizes Length
midline, lifts clenches fists (after being parent Ave BL 50 cm (20 in)
chest off table tightly, follows stroked or talked 1 y/o 75 cm
object past to) 3y/o 3 ft.
midline 4y/o BL x 2
3 mo Supports on Holds hands Coos (produces Reaches for >2y/o (age in yrs x 5) + 80
forearms in open at rest, long vowel sounds familiar people or
prone position, follows in circular in musical fashion) objects,
holds head up fashion, anticipates
steadily responds to feeding
visual threat
4 mo Rolls over, Reaches with Laughs, orients to Enjoys looking
supports on arms in unison, voice around
wrists, and brings hands to
shifts weight midline
6 mo Sits Unilateral reach, Babbles, ah-goo, Recognizes that
unsupported, uses raking razz, lateral someone is a
puts feet in grasp, transfers orientation to bell stranger
mouth in objects
= WBC (% neutrophils + % bands) x 1000
Holiday Segar
BW (kg) Fluid volume
1-10 y/o 100 ml/kg
11-20 1000 ml+ 50 ml/kg for each kg > 10kg
>20 1500+ 20 ml/kg for each kg > 20 kg
Fluid Balance
Ludans method <15 kg >15 kg
<2 y/o >2 kg TFB=Total fluid intake – total fluid output
TFI – ( TFO + (BSAxIWL))
mild 50 30
TFI = parenteral (IVF/meds) + oral
moderate 100 60 TFO= IWL (400-700/m2) + urine output+ vomitus/ NGT output
¼ PLR ¾ D50.9 6-7 hrs TFR = BSA x IWL + ½ U.O in 24 hours(if with diuretics )
severe 150 90 If w/o diuretic use BSA x IWL + U.O in 24 hours
1/3 PLR x 1 hr
2/3 D5 0.3 or 0.9 6-7hrs
For every degree rise in temperature add 12% Of maintenance

IVF components (meq/L)

Na K Cl base Mg Albumin Transfusion
D5LRS 130 4 109 28 -
D5 0.3 Nacl 51 - 51 - - Dose: 0.5 -1 gm/kg
D5 0.45 Nacl 75 - 75 - - Preparation: 20% 10 gm
D5 0.9 NaCl 154 - 154 - - 25 % 12.5 gm
D5 mannitol 49 25 19 20 -
D5 NR 140 5 98 50 - Transfuse 1 vial to run for 2 hrs at 6-7 gtts/min
D5 NM 40 13 40 16 - After 1 vial give furosemide (1 mkdose)
D5 IMB 25 20 22 23 - Give 2 vial then furosemide
Mobitor VS q 15 mins while ongoing Infusion
NP 30 20 25 23 -
D5NSS 150 - 150 - -
D5W - - - - - IVIg Computation

# of vials needed = WT. x Dose (2g/kg)

WHO treatment plan (CDD) preparation(g/ml)
Ex. 12 kg
Plan A
Age in yrs. Give every after BM # of vials needed = 12 kg x 2g/kg
<2 50-100 ml (2-3oz) 2.5 g
2-10 100-200 ml (2-3 0z) = 9.6 vials or 10 vials
>10 As much as tolerated Infusion Rate:
0.01-0.02 ml/kg/min for the first 30 mins. Via infusion pump if no adverse
reactions noted, may increase to maximum of 0.04 ml/kg/min
Plan B Ex: 12 kg wt
Age Weight Ml in 4 hours Infusion rate of 0.01
<4 mo <5 kg 200-400 12 kg X 0.01 x 3o mins = 4 ml
4-11 5-7.9 400-600 * give for ml to run for 30 mins watchout for nausea, vomiting, chills fever,
dyspnea, malaise, hjeadache etc.
12-23 mo 8-10.9 600-800
2-4y/o 11-15.9 800-1200
2. increase to infusion rate 0f 0.02 x 60 mins
5-10 16-29.9 1200-2200 12 x 0.02 x 60 = 15 ml to run for 60 min
10-15 y/o >30 2200-4200
3. remaining to run for 14 hours
Plan C
Age 30 ml/kg 50 ml/kg IVIg Preparation Available
<12 mo 1 hr 5 hrs
>12 mo 30 mins 2 ½ hours 10 ml (500mg/vial)
Using PLR for 4-6 hrs 20 ml (1000 mg/vial)
50 ml (2500 mg/vial)
100 ml (5000 mg/vial)
Sodium (Na) 200 ml ( 10000 mg/vial)
Normal value: 135-145 meq/L
A. To compute for deficit
Desired Na (140 meq/l) - actual Na x 0.6 x Wt.
Ex. 140-121 x 0.6 x 10 kg Haesteril 6%
= 114 meq <10 kg = 10 cc/kg
B. To compute for maintenance <20 kg = 20 cc/kg
Required K= deficit + maintenance > 20 kg = 30 cc/kg/hr
Wt. x 4 (constant)
Ex. 4x 10 kg = 40 meq Ex: WT: 72.9 kg IVF: 3cc/kg/hr
C. required sodium for 24 hours 72.9 kg x 3 cc/kg/hr x 24 hrs = 720 cc
Add desired + maintenance total IVF/day – 720 cc = 4528.8 ml
Ex : 114+ 40 meq = 154 meq 72.9 = 218 cc/hr = 54-55gtts/min (IVF) (-) 7-8 gtts/min (haes)
Running rate : < 0.5 meq/l/hr 4 4
(increased running rate can lead to osmotic demyelination) = 47-48 gtts /min (IVF rate)
Na correction: ½ by 1 day the rest over 24-48 hours
Hook D5 0.9 Nacl/ D50.3 to run at47-48 gtts/min
Potasium (K) Hook 6% haesteril as drip to run at 7-8 gtts per min
Normal value: 3.5-4.5 meq/l
Excahnge Transfusion
A. To compute for deficit
(Desired – actual) x wt. X 0.3 total vol (ml) = Wt (kg) x 2 x 85 (bld vol)
Absolute vol. of RBC’s needed
B. Maintenance wt. x2 x 85
Wt x 4 meq 2
Absolute vol. (ml) of RBC needed
Running rate : 0.25-0.5 meq/m2/hr WTx2x85 = 0.7
IVF correction should not exceed 40 meq/L _____ 2________
Actual vol. (ml) of FFP needed
ECG : tall/peaked T waves ; prolonged PR interval, decreased ST wave ; = Wt. x 2 x 85 – actual vol of RBC needed
diappearance of P wave

Serum K if > 6.5 meg/l Mannitol (20%)

Mgt: glucose 0.5 – 1 g/kg + insulin 0.1-0.2 units/ kg over 30 minutes Dose: 0.3-0.5 g/kg
20 g/100ml x 0.5 (wt)/ X = x
x= 0.5 (wt) (100)
20 gm
X = ________ ml q 6-8 hrs

Ex. 44kg dose 0.3 g/kg

202/100ml x15/x = x (20g) = 15 x 100
x= 1500/20 = 75 ml q6

Aminosteril Feeding

Bicarbonate Correction Rate: 0.5-2 grms/ kg/day

Ex. Wt x rate x prep. = ml/day
Total Bicarbonate correction 10 kg x 0.5 grms x 6 grms
= Wt. x 0.3 x base excess kg.day 100 ml
5 gms x 100 ml = 83 ml/day
Calcium Gluconate day 6 grms
Preparation 10% calcium gluconate = 83 ml = 3.45 ml/hr
= 10 g = 100 mg Div doses
100 cc ml

maintenance = 150-200 mkday

Ex. Wt x desired ( 4.1 x 200 = 820mkday)
= 100 = 8.2 ml div into doses
X ml

Blood Transfusion

FWB: 10 cc/kg 4-6 hours

PRBC: 10 cc/kg 4 hours
Plt Conc: 1 unit/7 kg fast drip
FFP: 10 – 15 cc/kg 2-4 hrs
Cryoppt: 1unit/5 kg

How to compute ANC

Croup Scoring

ABG Respi. Stridor none 0
audible stridor 1
pH 7.35- 7.45 when agitated 2
pCO2 35-45 at rest 3
pO2 80-100 severe 4
HCO3 22-26 Cough none 0
O2sat 94- 100%
when agitated 1
BE +/- 2
croup like at rest 2
Urine Anion Gap severe 3
= urine Na + Urine K – U Cl - U HCO3 retraction rest 0
(+) = low H+ secretion and low ammonium excretion mild 1
(-) = urinary bicarbonate loss moderate 2
severe 3
Nutrition Dyspnea none 0
TCR = IBW x RDA for age or mild 1
TCR = holiday segar method (in kcal/kg) moderate 2
CHON : 2 gm/kg/day severe 3
Fats: 40% color normal 0
CHO: 60 % cyanosis at room air 1
divided into 3 meals and 3 snacks cyanosis w/02 2

WT. x 0.5 /kg = x (gm)
x (g) x 100 ml/10 gm = x (cc)
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalorathy (Sarnat Scoring)
To order: start intralipid 10% give __ cc
to run for 1 hr. (as test dose) then 14 cc to I II III
run for 20 hrs via infusion/syringe pump level of conciusness alert lethargy coma
* insert another line muscle tone normal or hypertonic hypotonic failed
* intralipid should not be mixed with electrolyte containing IVF myoclonus + + -
Lipid seizure - + +
Dose: 0.5 - 2 suck reflex active weak absent
Wt x dose x 100/ 20 (if 20% prep) moro reflex exagerated inc. -
* add additional amount of D5W total of 24 cc to run at 1 cc/hr for 24 hrs via syringe grasp N or inc exag. -
dolls eye N overactivity dec. 0r -
* wrap tubing with carbon paper
respi. reg. varies apneic
Gomez Classification CR N or tachy brady brady
Actual wt. x 100% pupils dilated reactive aniso aniso
Ht. for age reactive nonreact.
97-100% normal
76-96% 1 deg. Mal.
61-75% 2 Deg. Mal WBC Count Mean % PMNs
rd 3
<60% 3 deg mal. Preterm 0–25 WBCs/mm 57%
Term 0–22 WBCs/mm 61%
Child 0–7 WBCs/mm 5%
Waterlowe Classification

Stunting : actual wt. x 100% GLUCOSE

Ideal Ht. for age Preterm 24–63 mg/dL 1.3–3.5 mmol/L
Term 34–119 mg/dL 1.9–6.6 mmol/L
> 95 % normal Child 40–80 mg/dL 2.2–4.4 mmol/L
90-05% mild
80-90% mod
Preterm 55%–105%
Wasting: Actual wt. x 100%
Ideal wt for ht Term 44%–128%
Child 50%
> 90 % normal
80-90% mild
Normal range 5–30 U/L (or about 10% of serum
Desired - lowest x 1 Preterm 65–150 mg/dL 0.65–1.5 g/L
Highest – lowest Term 20–170 mg/dL 0.20–1.7 g/L
Child 5–40 mg/dL 0.05–0.40 g/L
D10 – D5 = 5 = 0.11 = D10 CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; PMNs, polymorphonuclear lymphocytes; WBC, white
50-5 45 blood cell.
Modified from Oski FA: Principles and Practice of Pediatrics, 3rd ed. Philadelphia,
D7.5 – 5 = 2.5 = 0.055 = D7.5 JB Lippincott, 1999.
50-5 45

D12.5-5 = 7.5 = 0.166 = D12.5

50-5 45
Ex. 59 cc x 0.11 = 6.49 (D5050) * †
Measurement Transudate Exudate
59 - 6.49 = 52 cc
Specific gravity <1.016 >1.016
Reticulocyte Index Protein (g/dL) <3.0 >3.0
RI = actual Hct. X Retic. Ct. Fluid : serum ratio <0.5 >0.5
desired hct 10 LDH (IU) <200 >200
normal value: 1-1.5 normal Fluid : serum ratio (isoenzymes <0.6 >0.6
> 1 inc. erythropoeisis, inc BM activity, hemolysis not useful)
‡ 3 3
< 1 dec. erythropoeisis, BM failure WBCs <1000/mm >1000/mm
RBCs <10,000 Variable
Hypoglycemia Glucose Same as serum Less than serum
pH 7.4–7.5 <7.4
normal glucose value (mg/dl) LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; RBCs, red blood cells; WBCs, white blood cells.
premature 20-60 Note: Amylase >5000 U/mL or pleural fluid : serum ratio >1 suggests pancreatitis.
newborn: *
Location Rate Compressions:
1 day 40-60 (per min) Ventilation
>1 day 50-90 Infants 1 fingerbreadth below >100 5:1
child 60-100 intermammary line
fasting 70-105 Children 2 fingerbreadth below 100 5:1
2 hours PP <120 (<8 yr) intermammary line
Older Lower half of stemum 100 15:2
Treatment : 2 ml/kg of D10 (bolus) children
IV bolus (>8 yr)

6 x factor = 6 x 0.11 Gestational Weight ETT Size (mm) ETT Depth of Insertion
= 0.66 cc Age (wk) (g) (cm from upper lip)
order: 5.3 cc of present IVF (or D5W) + 0.7 cc of D50-50 to make D10 as bolus 24 700 2.5 7
26 900 2.5 7
28 1100 2.5–3.0 7
30 1350 3.0 7
32 1650 3.0 7
34 2100 3.5 8
36 2600 3.5 8
38 3000 3.5–4.0 9


Preterm Infants Term Infants
15–20 g/kg/day 10 g/kg/day
Maintaining 50–75 kcal/kg/day
Adequate 115–130 kcal/kg/day (may be up to 150 100–120 kcal/kg/day Pls. prepare the following :
growth kcal/kg/day for VLBW infants) - French 5 feeding tube #2
- 3 way stopcock
- syringe connector
- sterile bottle 1L
Test Prerenal Renal - betadine and alcohol
- sterile cotton
FENa <1% >3%
- sterile gauze #2
BUN/Cr ratio >20 :1 <10 : 1
- suture with needle
Urine specific gravity >1.015 <1.010 note: give calcium gluconate 10%
0.7 ml + 0.7 ml sterile water IV
push every 10 exchanges
> give furosemide after exchange

WEEK OF AGE ( for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)
Weight (g) Phototherapy (mg/dL) Transfusion (mg/dL) Pre hydration:
Consider Exchange - D5W 750 ml to run for 1 hour alternate with D5 0.3 Nacl 750 ml to run for 1 hour
500–1000 5–7 12–15 for 2 doses
1000–1500 7–10 15–18 - Ondansetron (zafran) 8 mg/4ml, 4 mg +50 ml D5W to run for 30 mins
1500–2500 10–15 18–20 - cyclphophamide 1gm (1000 mg) + 100 ml D5W to run for 1 hour
>2500 >15 >20
Post chemo/ cyclophosphamide hydration
Weight (g) Phototherapy Transfusion (mg/dL) Consider Exchange - ondansetron 4mg + 50 ml D5W for 30mins
(mg/dL) - Prednisone 20 mg OD after breakfast
500–1000 5–7 12–15 - TPR q4 and record pls.
- I and O q shift
1000–1500 7–10 15–18
- limit sodium intake to 2 g/day
1500–2500 10–15 18–20 - maintain on heplock after 10 hrs. therapy
>2500 >15 >20
Materials for Triple Intrathecal (TIT)

> NPO temp. For 4-6 hours

> secure consent
> prepare the ff. materials:
- sterile gloves size_______
- sterile eyesheet
- sterile cotton balls
- sterile gauze
- sterile water 50 ml #1
- tuberculin syringe #3
Disturbance Primary pH Expected Compensatory - 2.5 cc syringe #1
Change Response > sterile needle g 23 or ___
Acute ↑ PaCO2 ↓ pH ↑ HCO3 by 1 mEq/L for
respiratory each 10 mmHg rise in
acidosis PaCO2
Acute ↓ PaCO2 ↑ pH ↓ HCO3 by 1–3 mEq/L for
respiratory each 10 mmHg fall in
alkalosis PaCO2
Chronic ↑ PaCO2 ↓ pH ↑ HCO3 by 4 mEq/L for
respiratory each 10 mmHg rise in ACID PHOSPHATASE
acidosis PaCO2 (Major sources: prostate and erythrocytes)
Chronic ↓ PaCO2 ↑ pH ↓ HCO3 by 2–5 mEq/L for Newborn 7.4–19.4 U/L 7.4–19.4 U/L
respiratory each 10 mmHg fall in 2–13 yr 6.4–15.2 U/L 6.4–15.2 U/L
alkalosis PaCO2 Adult male 0.5–11.0 U/L 0.5–11.0 U/L
Metabolic ↓ HCO3 ↓ pH ↓ PaCO2 by 1 to 1.5 × fall in Adult female 0.2–9.5 U/L 0.2–9.5 U/L
acidosis HCO3
Metabolic ↑ HCO3 ↑ pH ↑ PaCO2 by 0.25–1 × rise in ALANINE AMINOTRANSFERASE (ALT)
alkalosis HCO3 (Major sources: liver, skeletal muscle, and myocardium)
Neonate/infant 13–45 U/L 13–45 U/L
Adult male 10–40 U/L 10–40 U/L
Adult female 7–35 U/L 7–35 U/L

(Major sources: skeletal muscle and myocardium)
10–24 mo 3.4–11.8 U/L 3.4–11.8 U/L
2–16 yr 1.2–8.8 U/L 1.2–8.8 U/L
Lumbar Tap Orders Adult 1.7–4.9 U/L 1.7–4.9 U/L
Please secure consent
Prepare the ff materials: ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE
Sterile gloves size _____ (Major sources: liver, bone, intestinal mucosa, placenta, and kidney)
Disposable needle q 23/24 Infant 150–420 U/L 150–420 U/L
Sterile Specimen bottles #4
2–10 yr 100–320 U/L 100–320 U/L
Eye sheet
Sterile gauze/cotton Adolescent males 100–390 U/L 100–390 U/L
Betadine/Alcohol #1 Adolescent females 100–320 U/L 100–320 U/L
Secure ___________ for sedation Adult 30–120 U/L 30–120 U/L
For HGT prior to LT

Post Lumbar Tap Orders AMMONIA

(Heparinized venous specimen on ice analyzed within 30 min)
>Flat on bed for 4 hours Newborn 90–150 μg/dL 64–107 μmol/L
>NPO temp for 2 hours then may feed once 0–2 wk 79–129 μg/dL 56–92 μmol/L
fully awake with aspiration precaution >1 mo 29–70 μg/dL 21–50 μmol/L
>Monitor VS q 15 min x 1 hour, q30 mins x
Adult 0–50 μg/dL 0–35.7 μmol/L
2 hours then q 1 till stable
>Send CSF Specimen to the lab as ff:
bottle #1 : GS/CS; AFB
#2 : RBC, WBC, diff ct. (Major sources: pancreas, salivary glands, and ovaries)
#3 : protein/sugar Newborn 5–65 U/L 5–65 U/L
#4 phadebact ( test for strep B, H. I influ, strep Pn, N meningitides) Adult 27–131 U/L 27–131 U/L


Not significant <1 : 80
Blood transfusion Orders Likely significant >1 : 320
Patterns with clinical correlation:
 Secure and transfuse (blood product ) to run for hours properly typed and x Centromere—CREST
matched Nucleolar—Scleroderma
 IVF to KVO while ongoing transfusion then Homogeneous—SLE
 Resume present IVF once transfusion is finished
 watch out for any untoward signs and symptoms such as fever, chills, ANTISTREPTOLYSIN O TITER
rashes, DOB, tachycardia
(4-fold rise in paired serial specimens is significant)
 hook plain NSS while on BT to run at KVO
Preschool <1 : 85
 monitor vs q 15 minutes while ongoing BT
School age <1 : 170
 give paracetamol __ mg SIVP 1 hr prior to BT
Older adult <1 : 85
 Inform PROD once blood product is available
 For repeat CBC 6 hours post BT (optional) NOTE: Alternatively, values up to 200 Todd units are normal.
 Furosemide at 0.5- 1 mg/kg/dose mid
For BMA Orders (Major sources: liver, skeletal muscle, kidney, myocardium, and erythrocytes)
Newborn 25–75 U/L 25–75 U/L
 prepare the ff Materials Infant 15–60 U/L 15–60 U/L
 gloves size_____ 1–3 yr 20–60 U/L 20–60 U/L
 eye sheet 4–6 yr 15–50 U/L 15–50 U/L
 sterile cotton #1 7–9 yr 15–40 U/L 15–40 U/L
 sterile gauze # 2 10–11 yr 10–60 U/L 10–60 U/L
 glass slides #20 12–19 yr 15–45 U/L 15–45 U/L
 syringe 10 cc #2
 5cc syringe #1 BICARBONATE
 betadine #1 Newborn 17–24 mEq/L 17–24 mmol/L
 lidocaine 2% #2 2 mo–2 yr 16–24 mEq/L 16–24 mmol/L
 70% alcohol >2 yr 22–26 mEq/L 22–26 mmol/L
 secure consent pls. and post BT (depends sa AP)

For exchange transfusion orders [7]


Pao2 Paco2 HCO3 Newborn, >1 day 50–80 mg/dL 2.8–4.5 mmol/L
pH (mmHg) (mmHg) (mEq/L) Child 60–100 mg/dL 3.3–5.6 mmol/L
Newborn (birth) 7.26–7.29 60 55 19 >16 yr 74–106 mg/dL 4.1–5.9 mmol/L
Newborn (>24 hr) 7.37 70 33 20
Infant (1–24 mo) 7.40 90 34 20
Child (7–19 yr) 7.39 96 37 22 HEMOGLOBIN A1 C 5.0–7.5% total Hgb
Adult (>19 yr) 7.35–7.45 90–110 35–45 22–26 Adult <2.0

BILIRUBIN (TOTAL) Newborn 100–250 μg/dL 17.9–44.8 μmol/L
Cord Infant 40–100 μg/dL 7.2–17.9 μmol/L
Child 50–120 μg/dL 9.0–21.5 μmol/L
Preterm <2 mg/dL <34 μmol/L Adult male 65–175 μg/dL 11.6–31.3 μmol/L
Term <2 mg/dL <34 μmol/L Adult female 50–170 μg/dL 9.0–30.4 μmol/L
0–1 days
Preterm <8 mg/dL <137 μmol/L
Term <8.7 mg/dL <149 μmol/L Conventional Units Sl Units
MAGNESIUM 1.3–2.0 mEq/L 0.65–1.0 mmol/L
1–2 days
METHEMOGLOBIN <1.5% total Hgb
Preterm <12 mg/dL <205 μmol/L OSMOLALITY 275–295 mOsm/kg 275–295 mmol/kg
Term <11.5 mg/dL <197 μmol/L
3–5 days
Preterm <16 mg/dL <274 μmol/L
Term <12 mg/dL <205 μmol/L
Quantitative 0.5–3.0 mg/dL 5–30 mg/L
Older infant
Preterm <2 mg/dL <34 μmol/L LACTATE
Capillary blood
Term <1.2 mg/dL <21 μmol/L
Newborn <27 mg/dL 0.0–3.0 mmol/L
Adult 0.3–1.2 mg/dL 5–21 μmol/L Child 5–20 mg/dL 0.56–2.25 mmol/L
BILIRUBIN (CONJUGATED) Venous 5–20 mg/dL 0.5–2.2 mmol/L
Arterial 5–14 mg/dL 0.5–1.6 mmol/L
Neonate <0.6 mg/dL <10 μmol/L
Infants/children <0.2 mg/dL <3.4 μmol/L LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE (AT 37°C)
(Major sources: myocardium, liver, skeletal muscle, erythrocytes, platelets, and lymph
Preterm 6.2–11 mg/dL 1.6–2.8 mmol/L 0–4 days 290–775 U/L 290–775 U/L
Full term <10 days 7.6–10.4 mg/dL 1.9–2.6 mmol/L 4–10 days 545–2000 U/L 545–2000 U/L
10 days–24 mo 9.0–11.0 mg/dL 2.3–2.8 mmol/L 10 days–24 mo 180–430 U/L 180–430 U/L
2–12 yr 8.8–10.8 mg/dL 2.2–2.7 mmol/L 24 mo–12 yr 110–295 U/L 110–295 U/L
Adult 8.6–10 mg/dL 2.2–2.5 mmol/L >12 yr 100–190 U/L 100–190 U/L

0–90 days 10–85 U/L
3–12 mo 9–128 U/L
1–11 yr 10–150 U/L
>11 yr 10–220 U/L


Newborn <36 hr 4.20–5.48 mg/dL 1.05–1.37 mmol/L Cholesterol (mg/dL) LDL (mg/dL) HDL
Newborn 36–84 hr 4.40–5.68 mg/dL 1.10–1.42 mmol/L (mg/dL)
1–18 yr 4.80–5.52 mg/dL 1.20–1.38 mmol/L Desirabl Borderli High Desira Borderli High Desirab
Adult 4.64–5.28 mg/dL 1.16–1.32 mmol/L e ne ble ne le
Child/ado <170 170–199 >200 <110 110–129 >130 45
Newborn 98–113 mEq/L 98–113 mmol/L Adult <200 200–239 >240 <100 100–159 >160 45
Child/adult 98–107 mEq/L 98–107 mmol/L

(see Lipids)
(Other laboratories may have different 0–0.5 mg/dL
reference values)
(Major sources: myocardium, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and brain)
Newborn 10–200 U/L 10–200 U/L
Man 15–105 U/L 15–105 U/L
Woman 10–80 U/L 10–80 U/L PHENYLALANINE
Preterm 2.0–7.5 mg/dL 121–454 μmol/L
Newborn 1.2–3.4 mg/dL 73–206 μmol/L
Adult 0.8–1.8 mg/dL 48–109 μmol/L
Cord 0.6–1.2 mg/dL 53–106 μmol/L PHOSPHORUS
Newborn 0.3–1.0 mg/dL 27–88 μmol/L Newborn 4.5–9.0 mg/dL 1.45–2.91 mmol/L
Infant 0.2–0.4 mg/dL 18–35 μmol/L 10 days–24 mo 4.5–6.7 mg/dL 1.45–2.16 mmol/L
Child 0.3–0.7 mg/dL 27–62 μmol/L 24 mo–12 yr 4.5–5.5 mg/dL 1.45–1.78 mmol/L
Adolescent 0.5–1.0 mg/dL 44–88 μmol/L >12 yr 2.7–4.5 mg/dL 0.87–1.45 mmol/L
Man 0.7–1.3 mg/dL 62–115 μmol/L
Woman 0.6–1.1 mg/dL 53–97 μmol/L POTASSIUM
Newborn 3.7–5.9 mEq/L 3.7–5.9 mmol/L
ERYTHROCYTE SEDIMENTATION RATE (ESR) Infant 4.1–5.3 mEq/L 4.1–5.3 mmol/L
Term neonate 0–4 mm/hr Child 3.4–4.7 mEq/L 3.4–4.7 mmol/L
Child 4–20 mm/hr Adult 3.5–5.1 mEq/L 3.5–5.1 mmol/L
Adult (male) 1–15 mm/hr
Adult (female) 4–25 mm/hr PREALBUMIN
Newborn 7–39 mg/dL
1–6 mo 8–34 mg/dL
6 mo–4 yr 2–36 mg/dL
4–6 yr 12–30 mg/dL
6–19 yr 12–42 mg/dL
Newborn 25–200 ng/mL 20–200 ng/mL
1 mo 200–600 ng/mL 200–600 ng/mL
Conventional Units Sl Units
2–5 mo 50–200 ng/mL 50–200 ng/mL
PYRUVATE 0.3–0.9 mg/dL 0.03–0.10 mmol/L
6 mo–15 yr 7–140 ng/mL 7–140 ng/mL
Adult male 20–250 ng/mL 20–250 ng/mL FACTOR
Adult female 10–120 ng/mL 10–120 ng/mL
FOLATE (SERUM) Preterm 130–140 mEq/L 130–140 mmol/L
Newborn 5–65 ng/mL 11–147 nmol/L Older 133–146 mEq/L 133–146 mmol/L
Infant 15–55 ng/mL 34–125 nmol/L
2–16 yr 5–21 ng/mL 11–48 nmol/L
>16 yr 3–20 ng/mL 7–45 nmol/L TOTAL IRON-BINDING CAPACITY (TIBC)
Infant 100–400 μg/dL 17.9–71.6 μmol/L
γ-GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE (GGT) Adult 250–425 μg/dL 44.8–76.1 μmol/L
(Major sources: liver [biliary tree] and kidney)
Cord 19–270 U/L 19–270 U/L TRANSFERRIN
Preterm 56–233 U/L 56–233 U/L Newborn 130–275 mg/dL 1.30–2.75 g/L
0–3 wk 0–130 U/L 0–130 U/L 3 mo–10 yr 203–360 mg/dL 2.03–3.6 g/L
3 wk–3 mo 4–120 U/L 4–120 U/L Adult 215–380 mg/dL 2.15–3.8 g/L
3–12 mo boy 5–65 U/L 5–65 U/L
3–12 mo girl 5–35 U/L 5–35 U/L
1–15 yr 0–23 U/L 0–23 U/L UREA NITROGEN
Adult male 11–50 U/L 11–50 U/L Premature (<1 week) 3–25 mg/dL 1.1–8.9 mmol/L
Adult female 7–32 U/L 7–32 U/L
Newborn 4–12 mg/dL 1.4–4.3 mmol/L
GLUCOSE (SERUM) Infant/child 5–18 mg/dL 1.8–6.4 mmol/L
Preterm 20–60 mg/dL 1.1–3.3 mmol/L
Newborn, <1 day 40–60 mg/dL 2.2–3.3 mmol/L
Adult 6–20 mg/dL 2.1–7.1 mmol/L

0–2 yr 2.4–6.4 mg/dL 0.14–0.38 mmol/L

2–12 yr 2.4–5.9 mg/dL 0.14–0.35 mmol/L

12–14 yr 2.4–6.4 mg/dL 0.14–0.38 mmol/L

Adult male 3.5–7.2 mg/dL 0.20–0.43 mmol/L

Adult female 2.4–6.4 mg/dL 0.14–0.38 mmol/L


Preterm 13–46 μg/dL 0.46–1.61 μmol/L

Full term 18–50 μg/dL 0.63–1.75 μmol/L

1–6 yr 20–43 μg/dL 0.7–1.5 μmol/L

7–12 yr 20–49 μg/dL 0.9–1.7 μmol/L

13–19 yr 26–72 μg/dL 0.9–2.5 μmol/L

(Thiamine) 5.3–7.9 μg/dL 0.16–0.23 μmol/L

(Riboflavin) 4–24 μg/dL 106–638 nmol/L


Newborn 160–1300 pg/mL 118–959 pmol/L

Child/adult 200–835 pg/mL 148–616 pmol/L

(Ascorbic acid) 0.4–1.5 mg/dL 23–85 μmol/L

(1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin 16–65 pg/mL 42–169 pmol/L

<11 yr 3–15 mg/L 7.0–35 μmol/L

>11 yr 5–20 mg/L 11.6–46.4 μmol/L


70–120 mg/dL 10.7–18.4 mmol/L

Age specific blood cell indices

Age Hb (g%) Ht WBC Plt
26-30 wk 13.4 41.5 4.4 254 (180-327)
28 wk 14.5 45 - 275
32 wk 15 47 - 290
Term ( cord ) 16.5 51 18.1 ( 9-30) 290
1-3 D 18.5 56 18.9 (9.4-34) 192
2 wk 16.6 53 11.4 (5-20) 252
1 mo 13.9 44 10.8 (4-19.5) -
2 mo 11.2 35 - -
6 mo 12.6 36 11.9 (6-17.5) -
6 mo - 2 yr 12 36 10.6 (6-17) 150-350
2 - 6 yr 12.5 37 8.5 (5-15.5) 150-350
6 – 12 yr 13.5 40 8.1 (4.5-13.5) 150-350
12 – 18 yr
Male 14.5 43 7.8 (4.5-13.5) 150-350
Female 14 41 7.8 (4.5-13.5) 150-350
Male 15.5 47 7.4 (4.5-11) 150-350
Female 14 41 7.4 (4.5-11) 150-350

Age Wbc
Birth 9-30
12 hrs 13-38
24 hrs 9.4-34
1 wk 5-21
2 wk 5-20
1 mo 5-19.5
6 mo 6-17.5
1 yrs 6-17.5
2 yrs 6-17
4 yrs 5.5-15.5
6 yrs 5-14.5
8 yrs 4.5-13.5
10 yrs 4.5-13.5
16 yrs 4.5-13
21 yrs 4.5-11

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