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Human Factors
Revision Questions & Answers

1)What Is Human Factors?

-Human Factors is about people: it is about people in their working and living
environments, and it is about their relationship with equipment, procedures, and
the environment.

2)List Two Types Of Resoursce?

-they are classified into renewable and non-renewable resources.

3)List Six Reasons Why Smart People Do Mistakes?

-Excessive Workload
- Lack of Situation Awareness
- Excessive Stress, Fatigue
- Diminished Attention
- Poor Teamwork

4)Describe How To Avoid Erros In Human Factors?

-Human error is a mistake made by a person that results in any unfavourable
outcome. Humans are imperfect and our fallibility is universal. It is the nature of
humans to misjudge and to make errors. Thus, it is necessary to recognize our
human limitations and design our work and its tasks to provide error prevention
and mistake proofing so that people can still do their work error-free.

5)List Two Types Of Organisational Structures?

-Matrix Structure.
-Divisional Structure.
6)What Are The Effects Of Excessive Stress, Fatigue, Uncertainty?

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