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Name : Jefrey Hinampas Subject : Entrepreneurship

Gr. 11 – ABM CANTILLON Activity : #2

Felipe Enrique Lapuz Gozon

Atty. Felipe L. Gozon is the chairman, president, and CEO of GMA Network. He was credited f
or the success of GMANetwork in radio and TV broadcasting, filmmaking, and music recording.
He was Master Entrepreneur in 2004.Because of the leadership of Atty. Gozon, he made GMA
as one of the top networks in the country today. Currently,GMA had via-
satellite broadcasting in Asia and in other parts of the world. Inspired the successful story
about felife L .Gozon That Leaderships are made and non born. Leadership accomplishments
can be thought to anyone who is willing and given an chance to take an organisation. It is of
import have person to go on the ends of a company. There are some qualities a great leader
should hold: Be strong when you are hebdomad – This is really of import for developing a
leader. You need to give them the chance to turn strong and they will larn from their ain
experience in leading particularly when a leader is weak. He has no pick but to go strong. Be
brave when you are frightened – Hazards are really indispensable in concern. You need to be
brave to take hazards. In developing a leader. It might be hazardous because they might
neglect their undertakings but larning takes clip and person demands to see failure in order to
win. Be low when you are winning – Executive leaders don’t shout their success. Alternatively
they remain low and soundless. The more you show your accomplishments. The more people
will envy you and will seek to destruct you. The moral lesson I learned is that you don’t
necessitate to be avaricious and unrecorded elegant in life. You merely necessitate to remain
low. As a students , someday I will be a Good leader not a boss. Like Felipe Enrique Lapuz
Gozon said “The lessons he learned from his childhood and how he succeeded in life are good
subject matters to relay to children who want to become successful one day.”

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