Sharn III City of Monsters FREE VERSION

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sharn III City of Monsters Levels 5th to 9th adventure

Derek Ruiz (aka Elven Tower) enc
Ken Carcas
Cover Art:
DMs Guild Creator Resource - Eberron Scenes & Symbols Art Pack

Some illustrations from Eberron Guild Creation Resources
Weapon illustrations in Part 3 by Daniel F. Walthall
All other illustrations, maps, and pictures by Elven Tower

Playtest Team
Aurora Ayala, Jacky Rama, Kervin Ruiz, Román Huerga García, Sofía Compean, and Youxz Ortiz

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon
Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards
of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material
is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork con-
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All other original content material in this work is copyright (2018) by Derek Ruiz (aka Elven Tower) and published under the community Content Agreement
for Dungeon Masters Guild
Table of Contents
Table of Contents........................................3 This is a FREE preview. Keep reading and
get a taste of what this adventure is about.
A section of this adventure’s Part 1 and an
Introduction.................................................4 excerpt of the Creatures appendix is in-
Adventure Primer.......................................7 cluded. If you like it, you can purchase the
full adventure here.

Welcome to Sharn III– City of Monsters,

Part 1. Sharn’s Bridge...............................9 a Dungeons and Dragons 5e adventure
for the Eberron Campaign Setting. This
Part 2. Meeting the Boromars...............14 adventure is the third installment of intro-
ductury modules that showcase Sharn,
the City of Towers. The first adventure in
Part 3. Preparations................................19 the series is Sharn, The Missing Schema
and the second one is Sharn II, Council of
Part 4. Into Khyber’s Gate......................21 Roaches. This adventure can be played as
a stand-alone module too.
Part 5. Cavallah’s Lair.............................25
The fantasy elements that make Eberron
stand out from other settings are present
in this adventure: swashbuckling action,
Adventure Conclusion............................29
arcane ancient mysteries, and the perfect
mix of steampunk, science, and magic.

Appendix I - NPCs and Creatures.......31 This adventure is designed for four to

six 5th - 9th level characters and is opti-
Appendix II - Maps..................................33 mized for five 7th level characters.
Appendix III - Handouts.........................40
Appendix IV - Magic Items.....................42

Thank You Page.......................................43

Part 1. Sharn’s Bridge
TThe wise Sora Katra guides our footsteps. All
who stand in my way shall become statues in my hall.

Part 1. Sharn’s Bridge

- Harannia, Daask Second in Command
were represented by the dead councilors think of
The Setup revolution. There are also very strange rumors of
people transforming into giant cockroaches.
A few weeks after the events that transpired in ●● DC 16 – The Daask, a faction of monster immi-
Sharn II, Council of Roaches, the murderous grants from Droaam, has opposed the Boromars
agents of the Daask have turned overtly aggressive for years. They have taken advantage of the
over the past week. They have conducted many recent situation to increase the strength and fre-
raids and public attacks in several parts of the city. quency of their attacks. They recently destroyed
A very scandalous one in the Skyway ended up some businesses in the higher wards and the
with the death of several aristocrats. More than half Skyway.
of these attacks targeted holdings and businesses ●● DC 18 – All the dead council members were
which belonged to the Boromar Clan. The situation actually giant roaches in disguise. They had
is dire. control over the council for years. The Boromar
Clan and a group of adventurers killed a few and
If you are using the adventure hook Old Acquain- forced the rest to flee and hide. The Boromars
tances, then the party is well aware of the events are not the enemies. They have contained the
that lead to Sharn’s current state. If you are playing revolution, the Daask, and the animosities in the
this adventure as a stand-alone adventure and have city council for some weeks.
a new batch of PCs, the adventurers may attempt ●● DC 20 – The Daask have their main lair in Khy-
to find out some information about the recent ber’s Gate Ward, in The Cogs. Their leader is a
events. mysterious figure known as Cavallah. Cavallah’s
reputation extends from the Cogs to the lower
A character who wishes to know or remember wards of Sharn. She is both feared and respect-
additional information about Sharn’s recent polit- ed.
ical sphere must make an Intelligence (History)
check. The character remembers facts according Harannia and a group of monsters have taken over
to the next table. He remembers all the facts for the entrance bridge that leads to Wroann’s Gate
which DC he meets and exceeds. Alternatively, a Ward, thus stopping trade and travel. They took the
character may gather information by talking to peo- bridge two days ago. The adventurers are sent to
ple, buying a few drinks, offer a bribe, etc. He must disperse the Daask by either the Boromars or the
make a Charisma (Persuasion) check to get them Lord Commander of the Sharn Watch. Alternative-
to reveal what they know. The character rolls with ly, the adventurers may be travelers just arriving at
advantage if he is originally from Sharn: Sharn. These are the alternatives proposed by the
adventure hooks. This is not an exhaustive list. The
●● Everybody Knows – Sharn’s political scene is DM is free to modify these options and/or deter-
in turmoil. The city has been paralyzed for a few mine a different way for the PCs to approach the
weeks as new councilors are elected. There are situation in the bridge.
rumors of militant factions conducting attacks
on citizens.
●● DC 14 – There is word on the streets that the
Boromar Clan enacted a coup and murdered
half the city council. Councilor Ilyra Boromar
took over the council. Many city wards which
which is currently lowered. Each watchtower has
The Bridge two arrow slits on each side of the second story.

The entrance bridge is the only way inside Sharn When the adventurers approach, a group of mon-
from land. The road goes north and eventually sters patrols the bridge as if it were their own. They
reaches Breland’s capital, Wroat. The bridge cross- issue threats to any who dare approach the bridge
es over the chasm that surrounds Sharn. The place steps. There are bodies of dead civilians placed at
is just two hundred feet after the bridge, outside both ends of the bridge as a warning. A passive
the manifest zone, that allows flying vehicles to Perception score of 15 or higher or a successful
function. The bridge leads to Wroann’s Gate Ward DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check allows a char-
(Lower Tavick’s Landing). acter to notice that there are two goblins on each
tower’s second story behind the arrow slits and that
If the adventurers approach the bridge from inside all creatures appear to be following the commands
Sharn, they may get as close as two hundred feet of a hooded man near the west gate.
on any flying vehicle. (skycoach or soarsled). If they
approach the bridge from the east, they are part of The hooded figure is Harannia. There are 8
a caravan which cannot move any further because goblins (MM, p166), two in each tower behind the
of the Daask in the bridge. arrow slits, 6 gnolls and 1 gnoll pack lord (MM,
The bridge is 125 ft. long (Map A, Appendix II:
Maps). It features two watchtowers on each end. A merchant near the gate is trying to negotiate
The southwest watchtower is larger than the oth- with the hooded man through the gate bars with no
ers as it doubles as a barracks. There is a barred success. The adventurers may choose to attack or
portcullis-style gate on the west side of the bridge join the conversation. If the PCs approach, the mer-
General Features ●● You should not attempt to stop us. Instead, you
should follow the city’s directives. You must first
These are the general features of the fortified bridge. request an audience with the city council and
It is made of stone and it is 125 ft. long. It features then let them decide what to do.
three watchtowers and one larger barracks building.
Six brick pillars support the bridge. A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check re-
veals that Harannia is lying. She appears to be only
Terrain. Smooth cut stone blocks form the surface trying to buy time or send them away. However, the
of the bridge. The interior of the towers and barracks comment about the hostages appears to be true.

Part 1. Sharn’s Bridge

floor is made of wooden planks. No surface is consid-
ered difficult terrain. The distance from the highest If the adventurers refuse to leave the area, Ha-
part of the bridge to the bottom of the chasm is 200 rannia pulls back her hood and reveals her identity.
feet. Harannia does not immediately use her petrifying
gaze ability, hoping to be scary enough to make
Doors. External doors are made of reinforced metal. them leave. Harannia knows that her small force
Soldiers can also place a steel bar from the inside at the bridge can be defeated but she is counting
that blocks the door from being opened. Otherwise, a on the monstrous nature of her group to deter all
person can bypass the lock with a successful DC 16 aggression. Harannia reminds them that ten people
Dexterity (Thieves Tools) check. are held hostage and that her goblins can kill them
as soon as she commands it.
Light. The outside areas are subject to the lighting
changes of the day and night. Inside the towers, there Harannia will continue trying to prevent open con-
are torch sconces placed every 10 feet on the walls. flict for as long as she can. Harannia loves this even
No torches are lit. more than actual fighting. She may also command
a goblin in the barracks to bring a hostage by an
chant backs away after Harannia threatens him. arrow slit for the adventurers to see. This may well
Due to her hood, the adventurers may not initially become a hostage negotiation scene. Roleplay this
notice Harannia’s true nature. A passive Percep- negotiation but take into account that Harannia will
tion score of 16 or higher or a successful DC 16 not leave the bridge willingly, nor will she release
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals the slithering SIDEBAR 1
snakes on Harannia’s head.
Roleplaying Harannia
Harannia is intelligent and charismatic. She
Harannia is a female medusa. She is Cavallah’s
recognizes the adventurers as potential threats and
Second-in-Command (2iC). Harannia grew up in the
will try to defuse the situation. She may say the
harsh lands of what is now known as Droaam. She
grew up under the rule and guidance of the Daugh-
ters of Sora Kell. Among the three, Harannia always
●● Please do not rush to action. We are holding ten
followed the voice of Sora Katra. When she sent
merchants hostage to guarantee our safety and
monsters to Sharn almost a decade ago, Harannia
the safety of all those who currently surround
was one of the first to travel. Her utmost priority is to
the bridge.
achieve Sora Katra’s vision of Khorvaire, dominated
●● We are only claiming what’s ours. The Boromars
by monsters. Harannia obeys Cavallah’s orders with-
killed several of our councilors and now we’re
out hesitation. Both of them are extremely intelligent
taking control of Tavick’s Landing while the new
beings but Harannia accepts that Cavallah has more
ones are elected.
information and follows direct orders from Sora Ka-
●● The Cogs have been oppressed for far too long.
It is only fair that the lower wards of Tavick’s
Landing be assimilated into a grand Lower
Harannia is an accomplished swordsman and a dan-
Ward. The future councilors will support our
gerous opponent in battle, but she despises open con-
frontations. She shines in verbal arguments, intimida-
●● These merchants do no good to Sharn. We’ve
tion, espionage, and blackmail. Her voice is soft and
identified many of them as foreign agents from
sweet and her face is handsome by human standards.
Aundair and Karrnath. They are here to bring
Harannia has a strong sense of self-preservation and
chaos to our city.
will flee to fight another day if able. She carries a
Necklace of Shalla which she can use to teleport away 6
from danger.
all prisoners. But she may agree to release a few of
them if the characters offer something in return. Location Descriptions
The ten hostages are held in the south room in A1. Bridge Gate
Area A6. A character may attempt to slip inside
Area A6 from the trapdoor on the roof. It is locked. The wall is 30-feet tall. It features a barred gate that
A successful DC 16 Dexterity (Thieves Tools) the soldiers can open or close instantly by pulling
check allows a character to open the lock and slip a lever inside Area A3, it is currently lowered. A
inside. There are two goblins in the room but the character may disrupt the gate’s machinery to hold
place is otherwise unguarded. the gate stuck open or closed with a successful DC
14 Dexterity (Thieves Tools) check. Alternatively, a
If the characters initiate a fight, Harannia immedi- character my lift the barred gate with sheer strength
ately starts using her petrifying gaze ability against with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
the party. Harannia can choose not to target her check.
allies. Notice that this encounter may play out
differently depending on where the PCs are. If they A2. Northwest Watchtower
approached from the city (west), they can’t access
the bridge or perform melee attacks on Harannia The northwest watchtower is mainly used for food
and the gnolls because of the lowered gate. But and weapons storage. Its only outside door Is
they can enter any of the west watchtowers if they locked. Stairs lead up to the second floor (Area A5)
bypass the locked doors (See General Features
sidebar). On the other hand, if the characters
A3. Main Tower - Barracks
approach from the road (east), they can engage Ha-
rannia and the gnolls in melee combat but will not
This tower is larger than the rest. The first floor
be able to enter the tower with the hostages easily
features the commander’s desk and a side room
because of the gate.
with supplies and a bookcase with the commander’s
records and other varied books. The main area also
When the battle begins, Harannia issues orders
doubles as a kitchen every night after the day-shift
to kill the hostages. One of the goblins in Area A6
comes back from patrol. Stairs lead up to the sec-
uses his first turn to go to the room with the prison-
ond floor (Area A6)
ers. He kills a hostage in cold blood in his second
round and one more every round thereafter. The
goblin kills all ten hostages by round 11 unless he A4. East Watchtowers
is stopped. The Daask are merciless killers, but
as the DM, you can choose to reduce the speed at The two eastern watchtowers are open to the road.
which the goblin kills the hostages to allow the PCs There is no gate preventing an intruder from ac-
to rescue more of them. If the goblin kills a hostage cessing the bridge. Nor is there much protection for
every other round, the kill count is halved. the actual tower doors, but they are locked. Stairs
lead up to the second floor (Area A5)
This is a dynamic encounter which may start and
end in very different ways, depending on the play- A5. Watchtower 2nd Level
er’s decisions. It could be an all-out open fight on
the bridge or the PCs may decide to hide in one The second level of the three smaller towers fea-
of the towers to find a more defensible position. tures some storage space for supplies and weapons.
In any case, if Harannia suspects that they will Sometimes, the soldiers use this place for visitors
lose the encounter, she will activate her Necklace when there is a need for more sleeping cots. There
of Shalla and teleport back to the Daask lair in are two arrow slits on each wall, except the one
Khyber’s Gate. Any goblins remaining will flee or where the stairs are. Additionally, there is a trap
surrender if Harannia teleports away. The gnolls door on the ceiling to access the tower’s roof. The
are overcome by their blood thirst and fight to the roof is open to the elements and is seldom used
death. for anything. The trapdoor is locked; a successful
DC 16 Dexterity (Thieves Tools) check allows a
character to open the lock and access the trapdoor.
There are two goblins in each of the towers armed

with shortbows. They can shoot through the arrow
slits and benefit from three-quarters-cover. Developments
After the Daask monsters are dispersed or killed,
A6. Main Tower 2nd Level the bridge can start working again as usual. The
city watch takes over the bridge and tries to speed
The second level of the larger barracks watchtower
up the backlog of travelers and customs of the last
features a small armory and two sleeping quarters
three days. If you used the adventure hook, ‘Duty
for the garrison. Each sleeping quarter features
Calls’, Lyan ir’Talan, the Lord Commander shows
four double bunk beds.

Part 1. Sharn’s Bridge

up and pays the characters the amount they agreed
There are two goblins armed with shortbows.
upon before the adventure began.
They can shoot through the arrow slits and benefit
from three-quarters-cover (+5 AC and Dexterity
Elric Boromar appears and asks the party to follow
saving throws). There are ten hostages in the south
him. He represents the Boromar Clan, which is the
chamber. Their hands and feet are bound but the
main faction who oppose the Daask in Sharn. He
goblins did not gag them. When the battle begins,
has important information about the Daask and a
one the goblins will kill one hostage per round, roll
good deal to offer.
1d10 to determine which hostage dies each round.
If the party played through Sharn II, Council of
Here’s a list of the hostages:
Roaches, they already met Elric and might already
1. Hallar Steadfast (Hah-Lar Sted-Fast).
be working with the Boromars.
Dwarf Merchant
2. Icepick (Ice-peek). Warforged traveler.
Elric explains that the Daask have suddenly be-
3. Haldin d’Jorasco (Hall-Deen D-Joh-Rahs-
come a terrible threat to the City of Towers. A meet-
Ko). Halfling innkeeper
ing with his older cousin, Saidan, and the politician,
4. Yalla (Yah-Lah). Human traveler
Ilyra Boromar, is necessary.
5. Timotto (Tee-Moh-To). Half-elf sailor
6. Tim Garlic (Tim Gar-Lic). Human farmer
Proceed to Part 2. Meeting the Boromars.
7. Josephine Aender ( Joh-Seh-Feen En-Der).
Elf perfume dealer
8. Logan Jin (Lo-Gan Jeen). Human contractor Adjusting the Encounter
9. Farwick (Far-Weak). Dwarf merchant
10. Veff. Gnome artificer Level 5 – Remove 2 gnolls and Elric Boromar helps
Level 6 – Remove 2 gnolls
Treasure Level 7 – As written
The monsters have a few objects of value among Level 8 – Add 2 gnolls
them. Collectively they have 50 gp, 2 potions of Level 9 – Add 4 gnolls
healing, a spyglass, and an assortment of mundane
weapons. There are a few additional rewards if the
party manages to save certain hostages.

●● If the characters save Icepick, they gift the party

a golden necklace worth 300 gp.
●● If the characters save Haldin d’Jorasco, he offers
the healing services of House Jorasco and may
help turn a petrified party member back to nor-
mal at no cost.
●● If the characters manage to save Veff, the artifi-
cer gifts the party a wand of enemy detection.
●● If the characters manage to save Timotto, he
offers the party a free ride with his crew on the
Lyrandar flying ship, Thunderstorm.
●● If the characters manage to save Josephine
Aender, she gifts the party a box of expensive
perfumes worth 200 gp.
Goblin Mage
Small humanoid (goblinoid), neutral evil

Armor Class 14 (leather armor)

HP 17 (5d6)
Speed 30 ft.


8 (-0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 8 (-1)

Skills Arcana +4, Stealth +2

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages Common, Goblin
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Nimble Escape. The goblin can take the Disengage or Hide

Medium humanoid (medusa), chaotic neutral
action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Spellcasting. The goblin mage is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its HP 127 (17d8 + 51)
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit Speed 30 ft.
with spell attacks). The goblin mage has the following wizard
spells prepared:
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, shield, magic missile
2nd level (3 slots): mirror image, misty step, silence Damage Resistances poison
Condition Resistances poisoned
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Perception +4, Stealth +5
Actions Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Languages Common
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) pierceing damage. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Petrifying Gaze. When a creature that can see Harannia's

eyes starts its turn within 30 feet of the Harannia, Harannia
can force it to make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw if
the Harannia isn't incapacitated and can see the creature. If
the saving throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly
petrified. Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to
turn to stone and is restrained. The restrained creature must
repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn, becoming
petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success. The
petrification lasts until the creature is freed by the greater
restoration spell or other magic.
Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the
saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it
can't see Harannia until the start of its next turn, when it can
avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at Harannia in the
meantime, it must immediately make the save.
If Harannia sees itself reflected on a polished surface within
30 feet of it and in an area of bright light, Harannia is, due to
its curse, affected by its own gaze.

Multiattack. Harannia makes either three melee attacks —
one with its snake hair and two with its shortsword — or two
ranged attacks with its longbow.
Snake Hair. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6)
poison damage.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) pierceing damage.
Harannia Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 150/600
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8+2) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
9 poison damage.
Appendix II - Maps
Sharn’s Bridge dm map

Sharn’s Bridge pc map

Thank You
Wow! You got this far. I want to thank you wholeheartedly for purchasing and using
this adventure. When I learned to play Dungeons and Dragons so many years ago, I
came across the Eberron Campaign Guide for 3.5 ed. The book enthralled me. We
played Eberron campaigns for over twelve years. I played all those awesome games
with my relatives and close friends. Some people left and some others joined but I
treasure all those memories the same. Eberron means a lot to me. It has a place in my

I am serious about all of my RPG creations but this was also a labor of love. I love the
setting and rejoice with the ability to create content for others to use. I trust that you
can see in these pages the love and care I have for Eberron. There is more to come be-
cause this is the second installment of a trilogy of loosely related Sharn adventures.

If you enjoyed this preview, consider purchasing the full product here. The full adven-
ture features over 40 pages of content. It includes detailed maps of the different wards
of Sharn, all map files from the module, PDF with clickable index and hyperlinks, and
printer-friendly Version.


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