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Submitted to-alemayehu
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework


My name is Dawid MiftaI am fourth year garment engineering student, have under taken my internship
experience in Yirgalem Addis textile factory plc from a period of march 2016 to Jun 2016 under the
guidance of Mr. Alemayehu (academic Advisor) and Mr. Mesele company Advisor. I declare that my
work is original and Compiled according to the internship report writing guideline given by the institute –
industry linkage office of the institute. As the student`s academic advisor, I certify that the internship
report written by the student is has original work and compiled according to the guideline provided by the
institute`s linkage office as far as my Knowledge is concerned.

Name of the student:

Dawid Mifta _______________ _____________

Date Signature

Name of the Academic Advisor:

Alemayehu. _________________ _____________

Date Signature

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework


First of all, I would like to thanks my God which helps me to complete this project
successfully. And I would like also extend my gratitude to w/o Birtukan feredegn company
quality manager in the factory continuously supported, and w/t Masersha Quality control
and also my best friends to shape my academic exercise during internship stays.
moreover, my thank goes to management at the head quarter who accepted the curriculum of
the institute and permitted to practice in the YIRGALEM ADDIS TEXTILE FACTORY
PLC as part of my academic. Also I would like thank you all workers of a company and I
would thank you all operates for give some data and information about my project.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

In my internship experience in the first round I was generally visited the company, like work
flow of the company and organizational structure of the company. This would help me to be
easy for my internship. After this my second task was to make friendly for the operator,
supervisors and the managers. In the second task I was found the problem and study the case
of the problem. from this unit I was include the statement of the problem, methodology,
objective, data presentation, discussion and main finding, cause of the main defects, solution
and challenges that good performance work in this project.
Finally, I was including the work of experience gain from the internship, practical skill with
detail explanation. Generally this project would important to reduce the problem of the
company if they properly apply this project the most important solution or recommendation
was included in this project to us the company in order to solve the problem.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................................................................... iii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... iv
Chapter One.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. Back Ground of The YIRGALEM ADDIS TEXTILE PLC (company profile) ................................................ 7
1.2History & Background .............................................................................................................................................. 8
1.3Vision and Mission of the factory ........................................................................................................................... 12
1.3.1Mission ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
1.3.2. Vision ................................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.3.3Mandate Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 13
1.3.4 Objectives of Yirgalem Addis textile factory ...................................................................................................... 13
1.4 Their Products ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
1.5 Organizational structure ......................................................................................................................................... 15
1.6 Suppliers of the company’s .................................................................................................................................... 15
1.7 PROCESS FLOW OFTHE COMPANY................................................................................................................ 17
1.8 Garments Production Process:................................................................................................................................ 19
1.9 SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL AND THEIR MAIN SUPPLIERS ................................................................... 21
1.10 PRODUCT VARIETY AND STYLES WITH PICTURES ................................................................................ 26
1.11.1 Their Products Photos ....................................................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 30
2.2Objective ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
2.2.1GENERAL OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................................... 31
2.2.2 Specific objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 32
2.3 STETMENET OF THE PROBELEM ......................................................................................................................... 32
2.4SCOPE OF THE PROJECT: ..................................................................................................................................... 33
2.5 LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................................................... 33
2.6 CHALLENGES OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................................................. 36
2.7. METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................................................. 36
2.7.1 Primary Data collection ................................................................................................................................... 36
2.7.3 Data collection................................................................................................................................................. 37
2.7.4. Data presentation........................................................................................................................................... 40
2.7.5. Data analysis ................................................................................................................................................... 41
2.8 RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................................................................................... 43
2.9 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 46
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................................................... 47

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

3.1. BENEFITS GAINED FROM INTERNSHIP........................................................................................................... 47

3.1.1Practical skills ............................................................................................................................................... 47
3.1.2 Theoretical knowledge ................................................................................................................................ 48
3.1.3 Interpersonal communication skill .............................................................................................................. 48
3.1.4 Team playing skill ........................................................................................................................................ 49
3.1.5 Leadership skill ............................................................................................................................................ 49
3.2. RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................................. 49
3.3. CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................. 50
3.4REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................................... 51

Chapter One
1.1. Back Ground of The YIRGALEM ADDIS TEXTILE PLC (company profile)

Yirgalem Asfaw Alemu participated in taking over of Addey Ababa Yarn Factory Mill in
response to the notice by Privatization & Public Enterprise Supervising Agency. After the complete
scrutiny of all the bidders, PPESSA issued a letter of intent in her favor and purchase contract was
signed among the two parties. To perform the operations of the company a company was
incorporated under the law in the name of Yirgalem Addis Textile Plc with a paid -up capital of
11.00 million Birr.

To act in the right direction, Yirgalem Asfaw Alemu formed an advisory board. All the board
members were selected on the basis of their experience and background relating to textile &
business. Service of a qualified General Manager has been hired to handle the affairs of the

The manufacturing facility can be broken down into four main divisions;



Knitting & Dying


Diagram 1.1
Handing over the plant operation was done on August 13, 2010. After taking the necessary action,
production in the spinning division was started on August 17, 2010 and production of stock knit in
Knitting & dying division was started on August 20, 2010. Production in the blanket division was
started on September 04, 2010. However, for the garment division, management is planning to start
the production activity by 1st week of November.

Previous management had completely ignored the maintenance of machinery. Plant & machinery
installed in all the four divisions require were requiring immediate needs maintenance. This activity
has been started now. It would enable the machines to work at reasonable level of efficiency.
Imported spares are needed in all the divisions. The skill level of staff is low. To bring the machines
at good efficiency level & to improve the skill of local workforce, outside technical support was
needed. Management has short listed / selection of technical people from abroad for different areas.
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Two of the technical people selected arrived and already started working. Side by side, a detailed
list of imported spares is near to completion stage. These quick actions are to bring the normal
production level as early as possible.

Management is working in three directions simultaneously vise;

• Immediate actions
• Short term plan
• Long term vision

Immediate actions includes all those action needs to be taken within the 1stquarter of takeover of
the company such as house-keeping, patch-work of building maintenance, lighting, arrangement of
spare parts and technical help to maintain the existing machinery.

Production bottle necks will be removed in short term plan, examples are simplex machine rebuilt
in spinning sections, installation of Stander in the dying section, replacing of old Galileo Machines
with new shuttle-less machines etc. Training of staff will also be focus point in the short term plan.
To establish a new customer base

1.2History & Background

Addey Ababa yarn factory was established in 1961 in Addis Ababa and started operations under the name
& style of “Lazard’s Cotton Factory”. The company was incorporated as a private factory by a Greece
citizen with a paid-up-capital of 1.2 million Birr. The Factory raised its capital to 2.2 million Birr and
expanded its business by Putting up a blanket unit in 1968. In 1975, the company was nationalized and
then administrated by National Textile Corporation. Knitting & Dying plant was installed in 1988. In
1992, the National Textile Corporation was dissolved and by law Adie Ababa Yarn Factory was
restructured as an autonomous state enterprise with an Authorized Capital of 7.82 million Birr and Paid-
up-capital of 5.175 million Birr. In 1999, the Mill No. 1, was given on lease to Turkish investor and
commenced its operations under the name & style of “Addis Izmir Textile Factory”.

In 2009, it was decided to privatize Mill No. 1 and Bid Documents were made available by a
notification number 001/2009-2010. In response to the bid notice Yirgalem Asfaw Alemu
submitted a proposal to acquire the affair of Addis Ababa Yarn Factory (No. 1). The Privatization
& Public Enterprise Supervising Agency selected Yirgalem Asfaw Alemu among all the
bidders. PPESA issued letter of intent in their favor and Sales agreement among the two parties was
signed on June 17, 2010 for sale of the said unit. The agreed value of all fixed assets at Mill No. 1
was 30.00 million Birr, out of which 35% had already been paid and rest will be paid in next five

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

The said unit is located in south of Addis Ababa at Debrezeit Road, Nifas Silk Lafto Sub-city.
Location of the factory can be stated ideal from all points of view such as; availability of labor,
market access, communication & transport etc. The total area of land occupied by company is
45,000 square meters. Face of facility is on main Debrezeit road and on the left side it is linked on
road going to Red Cross, whereas on the back side there is 80 ft wide road. The picture below
shows the location of the plant Was found completelycannibalized. Remaining two machines
needed small maintenance. To overcome the bottleneck, new management again took prompt action
and one machine is running and maintenance work on the other is on its way.
In the Ring Spinning sub-section total 23 machines are installed, out of which only none (9) were
found in working condition at the time of takeover. Out-of- these 23 machines, 11 machines can
produce fine count and remaining 12 machines are able to produce only coarser counts. Ring
section was also given its due attention by --the new management and three out of 14 stopped
machines already started working. Remaining 11 machines need imported spares additional spares
for which quotations has been called for. Maintenance activity of these machines will be completed
by End November. It would also help eliminate the limitation of producing fine and coarser counts
on specific machines.


At present both, fine & courser, types of yarn produced by the Ring Spinning section is sold in
hanks only. There are 36 reeling machines. Reeling section also needs maintenance. This
maintenance is also underway.

Cone winding machines again need major repair & rebuild. Maintenance work for these machines
has been planned. Management wants to complete this task before December 31st 2010 to overcome
the bottleneck in next half of the year under review.
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Air-conditioning plant is not in repairable condition and without air-conditioning good quality
yarn production is not possible. By having the air-conditioning unit productivity of the plant will
also have improved by 30%.

The Blanket section was installed in 1968 with machines from Varimex, Befama & Majed
(Poland), Rolando, Somit & Galileo (Italy) and Arachne (Czechoslovakia). The weaving section
consists of 14 Galileo weaving machine one direct warping and one sectional warping machine. In
1991 five weaving machine from Sourer, France, was also added to this section. Small repair was
needed by these weaving machines and this activity has been completed in the last two months. In
the raising sub-section Machines were in better condition comparatively. However, some electrical
work was required.

Garment division is comparatively in much better condition. It comprises of various machines
from Brother, Daewoo, Juki, Pifpaf, Neehi, Remoldi, Sunstar etc. There are four cloth spreading /
cutting machines and 140 sewing machines. These machines were purchased in 1988 and 2002.
Embroidery machines not in production for last 4 to 5 years due to software problem. This problem
is expected to resolve shortly.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Flow chart


There are three boilers to serve the dying section. Capacity of two boilers is 5 tons/hour and one
boiler is 2 tons/hour. Out-of-these three boilers only one, having capacity of 5 ton/hour, is in
working condition. These boilers are not energy efficient due to lack of maintenance. All the
boilers need to be maintained with outside support. One Expert from abroad already selected and
expected to arrive in October. Heavy leakage was reported in steam pipes and corrective action has
already been taken.

It is important to mention here that two accidents of boiler have been taken place during the
previous administration time. New management had investigated the reason that these accidents
have been taken place due to skill of boiler operators and by not putting necessary gauges on the
boiler. Expert from abroad is coming with training materials for boiler operators and required

The factory has its own water well which is used for industrial water supply. The capacity of
underground reservoir is 150 meter cube. The facility had also water connection from municipality.
To treat the water for dying, one softening plant is in place.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Manufacturing facility had power supply by EELCO. The power is supplied by national grid of
15Kva line. Total connected load is 2289 KW by three connections. On each connection two
transformer of 315 KW are installed.

Seven (7) compressors are installed to take care of compressed air requirement in spinning,
knitting, dying & blanket divisions. Out-of-these, two compressors are from Ingersoll Rand, One
each by This and Atlas Copco, Ebova, Meiji, & MGM. Only three compressors are in working
conditions. The three compressors in working condition are enough to take care of compressed air
demand of all divisions.

One mechanical workshop and one electrical workshop also exist. Fire fighting equipment’s are
also installed to take-care the emergency situation.

Quality Control
Quality control laboratory in spinning and dying sections are equipped with necessary equipment’s.
Laboratory in spinning is equipped with, yarn measuring equipment’s, cotton ring frame count
tester, drawing count tester, digital strength testing unit, reel measuring apparatus, and balance.
Dying laboratory also equipped with sample testing machine, dryer, rubbing testing unit, sample
extractor, light box, shade testing computer, washing machine, electric heater and balance. Status of
quality control equipment’s is satisfactory to perform the required functions.

Factory building & Plant Layout

The total area of land is 45,000 square meters. Total covered area of building occupied by all of
four divisions is around 22,056 square meters. At the time management found the building again in
rough condition. Patchwork, paint and maintenance of the building have also been started. Separate
team had also been hired under the general service to keep the factory clean.
Management is also planning to build storage area adjutant to spinning & dying to reduce double
handling. The following table shows the breakup of total covered area.

1.3Vision and Mission of the factory

"To produce and sell different count yarns, Blanket, knitted fabrics and apparels products
which can satisfy the customers’ need and expand the market share, there by generating
sustainable profit and benefiting all stake holders."

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

1.3.2. Vision
To be nation’s leading Yarn, Blanket, Apparels and Knitted fabrics Manufacturer that can satisfy
customers' needs. The factory has

 Ambitious Management and Shareholders,

 Competent and skilled human resource,

 Loyalty and honesty to customers,

 Strong team sprite

1.3.3Mandate Analysis
Yirgalem Addis Textile factory previously known as Adey Ababa Yarn factory is established
in manufacturing and selling different count reeled yarn, knitted dyed and bleached fabrics,
blanket and different apparels for global market. In this regard to effectively achieve the
objectives, the mandate of the factory should include the production and distribution of lint
cotton having its own farm and/or ginning

1.3.4 Objectives of Yirgalem Addis textile factory

1. To manufacture yarn, blanket and knitted fabrics from cotton, synthetic fibers a filament.

2. To produce different articles of cloth for personal and house hold use from all kinds’
cotton yarn cloth and knitted fabrics.

3. To render yarn, fabrics and thread bleaching and stone washing services.

4. To sell the above-mentioned products locally and abroad.

5. To engage generally in any other related trade or business activities to attain its purpose.

1.4 Their Products

 T-Shirts, Polo Shirt, Uniforms,  100% cotton Knit garment
children wear, Blanket. such as crew neck t-shirt, polo
 Stock net shirt and under wears
 Dyed knit fabrics
 Sport wear

 Woven garments like work

wear and Military uniforms
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 Stone washed garments  Pants, shorts & trousers,

 Embroidered Garments 
 Woven Blanket
 uniform,
 overcoat, gown & overalls
 Non- woven blanket
 shits, blouses & skirts,  Kids garments etc.


 retailer/ whole seller
 Private/ and government organization
 Single / personal customers who buy from our company shop
 Work flow: use the company detail and explore company division
 From spinning
 Knitting
 Dyeing
 Blanket
 Garment

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

1.5 Organizational structure

1.6 Suppliers of the company’s

 Local suppliers

 MAA Garment and Textile Factory (Mekelle)

 Adama spinning Factory Adama development plc. (Adama)

 Saygin Dima Textile s.c (Addis Ababa, sebeta)

 Ayka Addis Textile and investment group (Addis Ababa)

 Bezema chemical Factory (Addis Ababa)

 Hail Garment(Addis abab,lebu site)

 Foreign suppliers

 Prime Traders(Pakistan)

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 Jindal woolen industries limited (india)

 Onursah muhe ndislik (turkey)

 MH Ningbo Industry Co; Ltd (China)


 Kinbake Development Co; Ltd (China)

 SPI Equipments India PVT. Ltd (India)

 FUAN WANGWANTONG Electric Machinary CO; Ltd (China)

 TIA Technologies Zur industries Abwassen Behandlung (Germany)


 Local customer

 retailer/ whole seller

 Private/ and government organization

 Single / personal customers who buy from our company shop

 Coca cola

 Ethiopian Military(For Blanket Factory)

 BRR Seller

 Foreign customer

 Italy

 Bangladesh

 products of the company are including

 T-Shirts, Polo Shirt, Uniforms, children wear, Stock net, Blanket etc.

 Stock net

 Dyed knit fabrics

 100% cotton Knit garment such as crew neck t-shirt, polo shirt and
under wears

 Sport wear
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 Woven garments like work wear and Military uniforms

 Stone washed garments

 Embroidered Garments

 Woven Blanket (Zemenay)

 Non- woven blanket (Adeymeskerem)

 shits, blouses & skirts,

 Pants, shorts & trousers,

 uniform,

 overcoat, gown & overalls

 Kids garments etc.
 Ladies knit garment

 Men’s singles

 Dyed knit fabric

 Baby’s knit garment









 Spinning department

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 cotton

 Knitting yarn

 acrylic fiber waste

 polyester filaments

 Dying department

 Dye stuff

 Blanket

 Wool

 Cotton

 West cotton fabric

Garment department
 Cutting section

 chalk

 sticker number

 stationary paper

 pencil

 pen

 Sewing section

 size label

 care label

 heat transfer label

 buttons with lane (size is determine by lane)

 zipper

 snap button

 rivet (coin pocket button)

 eyelet (cape hole)

 visor
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 buckle

 tape (silicone tape and twill tape)

1.8 Garments Production Process:

Stepwise garments manufacturing sequence on industrial basis is given below:
Design / Sketch

Pattern Design

Sample Making

Production Pattern


Marker Making






Pressing/ Finishing

Final Inspection


Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework


SL Job Operation Method

01 Design/Sk It is given by buyers to manufacturers containing Manual
etch sketches including measurements of particular
02 Basic Basic block is an individual component of garments Manual
Block without any style of design (without Allowance,
Style, Design)
03 Working When a pattern is made for a particular style with Manual
Pattern net dimension regarding the basic block along with
allowance then it is called working pattern.
04 Sample To make a sample, this will be approved by buyer. Manual
Garments After
making a sample, it is sent to buyer for approval to
rectify the faults
05 Sample Approved After rectifies the faults, sample is Manual
again sent to buyers. If it is ok then , then it is
called approved sample
06 Fabric Costing Making Charged Trimmings Profit Manual
07 Making allowance with net dimension for bulk Manual
Productio production
n Pattern
08 Grading If the buyer re quires different sizes, so should be Manual
grade as S,M, L, XL, XXL
09 Marker Marker is a thin paper which contains all the Manual
Making components for different sizes for a particular style
of garments
10 Fabric To spread the fabrics on table properly for cutting Manual
11 Cutting To cut fabric according to marker dimension Manual

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

12 Sorting & Sort out the fabric according to size and for each Manual
Bundling size make in individual bundles
13 Sewing To assemble a full garments Manual
14 Ironing & After sewing we will get a complete garment which Manual
Finishing is treated for example extra loose thread cutting
15 Inspection Should be approved as initial sample Treated by Manual
Polyethylene bag

16 Packing with steam ironing & also several finishing Manual

processes are done
17 Cartooning After packing, it should be placed In cartooning Manual
for export
18 Dispatching Ready for export Manual

Table 1.1 operation break dawn


Due to the Industrial development policy of Ethiopia, the new entrant of textile mills plays great
role in global and local market. The textile factories such as Adama Spinning factory, Ayka Addis,
Else Textile, SigenDima Textile factory and other factories which are in pipe line for the production
of textile have huge production capacity. Most of old factories are also under renovation and
expansion which increase the total production capacity of the nation. This textile industry
development implies the increase of the demand on lint cotton.
A. woven fabrics

B. Awassa, dire dawa, almeda, akaki, kombolcha textile factories.

C. lint cotton

 Middle and upper awash large state farms and other private companies.

D. combed and carded yarns

 dire dawa and kombolcha textile factories are suppliers of

E. blanket raw materials

 gitanjali, exigent, listerhills fibers, Bradford, euro vesta trading etcfor.

F. Chemical and dyestuffs.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 Gerimex, bezema, beisterfeldafrogermen chemicals, ageca (Ethiopia)

etc. G.Spare part sipply.
 Texagent, Reiter, cross roll, MV automation, tricone enterprise mechano
9india laratechetc

Main customers of the Company/End users of its products

Main and Top customer or End User
According to marketing and sells department research, the customers are categorized in to three
direct shop customers, company customers, and wholesaling customers. The following customers
are only two of them company customers and wholesaling customers but direct customers are
difficult to describe.
Company customers
AYKA Addis textile
ADMAS garment plc
Ten Birds Garment
BRR textile and readymade cloths retailer plc

 BELEH trading
Luna export slaughter house
Concept international
East Africa bottling share company
Wholesaling customers

Graphics design and printing room

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework


printer Hp 2
design place machine 1

Computer hp dell 1
Total 4

Table 1.2

Printing area


heat press machine 9

print ink dryer 4

print garment drier 1

total 14

Table 1.3
Embroidery room

embroidery machine tajima (the new one) 3 (1 new,2 not working)

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework


Cutting room

sewing section


Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework


single needle sewing machine Daewoo, juki 55
cover stitch sewing machine juki, brother 29
over lock sewing machine juki, brother 51
bar tack sewing machine Daewoo, juki 4
button hole machine Daewoo, juki 4
special sewing machines surba 3
not functional different sewing Daewoo, 31
machines brother...
juki new machines juki 93
total 270

Finishing room


electric hand iron 3

electric iron without steam 2

electric iron with steam 10

Boiler KMS 2

total 17


Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Show room

Print ink reparation & darkroom

Maintenance room



T-Shirts, Polo Shirt, Uniforms, children wear, Stock net, Blanket etc.
 Stock net
 Dyed knit fabrics
 100% cotton Knit garment such as crew neck t-shirt, polo shirt and under wears
 Sport wear
 Woven garments like work wear and Military uniforms
 Stone washed garments
 Embroidered Garments
 Woven Blanket
 Non- woven blanket
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 shits, blouses & skirts,

 Pants, shorts & trousers,
 uniform,
 overcoat, gown & overalls
 Kids garments, socks etc.

1.11.1 Their Products Photos


v shape

Blanket Lady-Body-Vest

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Lady-Pajama Lady-Sleeveless

Lady-Tshirt-Color Men-singlet-color-2

Men-t-shirt Men-singlet-white Men-polo-shirt-4

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

V-shape-Strip Lady-T-shirt-3

Fig 1.11

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework




The concept of quality as we think of it now first emerged out of the Industrial Revolution. Previously
goods had been made from start to finish by the same person or team of people, with handcrafting and
tweaking the product to meet 'quality criteria'. Mass production brought huge teams of people together to
work on specific stages of production where one person would not necessarily complete a product from
start to finish. In the late 1800s pioneers such as Frederick Winslow Taylor and Henry Ford recognized the
limitations of the methods being used in mass production at the time and the subsequent varying quality of
output. Borland established Quality Departments to oversee the quality of production and rectifying of
errors, and Ford emphasized standardization of design and component standards to ensure a standard
product was produced. Management of quality was the responsibility of the Quality department and was
implemented by Inspection of product output to 'catch' defects.

Application of statistical control came later as a result of World War production methods. Quality
management systems are the outgrowth of work done by W. Edwards Deming, a statistician, after
whom the Deming Prize for quality is named.
Quality, as a profession and the managerial process associated with the quality function, was
introduced during the second-half of the 20th century, and has evolved since then. Over this period,
few other disciplines have seen as many changes as the quality profession.
The quality profession grew from simple control, to engineering, to systems engineering. Quality
control activities were predominant in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. The 1970s were an era of
quality engineering and the 1990s saw quality systems as an emerging field. Like medicine,
accounting, and engineering, quality has achieved status as a recognized profession

In the early days quality was restricted to inspection. In the 1920’s statistical theory began to be
applied effectively to quality control. Work of Stewart, Deming, Juan, Dodge and Rooming lead the
foundation of statistical process control (SPC). Feigenbaum used the term “total quality” for the
first time, and referred to wider issues such as planning, organization and management
responsibility. Ishikawa explain how “total quality control” in Japan was different, it meaning,
“Companywide quality control” and describing how all employees, from top management to the
workers, must study and participate in quality control.
"Quality" is defined as that combination of design and properties of materials of a product which
are needed for the intended end use and level of the market in which it is sold.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

"Requisite Quality" is defined as the design and composition of a product, which has been
thoroughly proved by adequate development work, in order to establish its reliability under the
conditions to which it 1will be subjected in use and to avoid producing too high a grade of product
for the intended market. In garment industries quality is ultimately a question of customer
satisfaction. Good Quality increases the value of a product or service, establishes brand name, and
builds up good reputation for the garment manufacturer, which in turn results into consumer
satisfaction, high sales and foreign exchange for the country. The perceived quality of a garment is
the result of a number of aspects, which together help achieve the desired level of satisfaction for
the customer. Therefore quality control in terms of garment, pre-sales service, posts -sales service,
delivery, pricing, etc are essentials for any garment exporter.
Quality has been defined by different quality Gurus/professionals and organizations:

 Quality is neither mind nor matter, but a third entity independent of the two, even though
Quality cannot be defined, you know what it is. (Persia, 1974)
 Quality is fitness for use. (Juan, 1974)

 Quality means conformance to requirements. (Crosby, 1979)

 [Quality is] a system of means to economically produce goods or services which satisfy
customers' requirements. (Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, 1981)
 Quality refers to the amounts of the unpriced attributes contained in each unit of the priced
attribute. (Loffler, 1982)
 "Quality is the customer's opinion." Quality means best for certain conditions... the actual
use and the selling price. (Feigenbaum, 1983)
"Quality itself has been defined as fundamentally Relational: 'Quality is the ongoing process of
building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating, and fulfilling stated and implied


The overall objectives of the study are to increase quality of the product and to minimize the problems of
quality defects that affects the designed product to reduce rework product quality with effective utilization
of resources (raw material, labor force, time and power consumption) and to satisfy customer needs, in
Yirgalem Addis Textile factory plc.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

2.2.2 Specific objectives

 To remove wastage.
 To reduce the output of B-grade in the line.


Technical problems like Maintenance problems, Power interruption, AND Management problem
also Lack of efficient supervisor, Improper working conditions on the operator, High
temperature, Poor machine layout, Unsuitable chairs and table,
Operator’s problem, some operates low of skilled, inexperienced and also Carelessness to the
work such as Improper garment shape due to manual cutting (spreading machine is not working at
the moment), Needle hole or needle mark by Improper needle size for the fabric damaging of
Broken stitch by Breaking of sewing thread,
Open seam by Improper seaming ,jumping machine, breakage of stitched thread, Miss alignment of
the fabric layers, Operator carelessness during stitching, Thread braking during stitching ,Badly
seat pocket made by the Operator, Skip stitch by Machine problem, The m/c is not threaded
correctly, The needle is inserted incorrectly in to the needle bar, The needle is bent so the s/t is not
straight on the fabric, Dirt in needle hole, If the thread take up spring is not adjust correctly, Slack
or tight stitch by tension due to adjustment problem,
Seam puckering by High tension of sewing thread, lower thread are too tight (are not correctly
balanced), The s/t is too long for the type of fabric, When the presser foot pressure is high so it
holds the top ply and the lower ply will be feed easily, High stitch per inch, If the feed dog teeth are
not fully rise &parallel to the top of throat plate, Un matched sewing thread and fabric shade by
Work handling problem.

Seam puckering refers to the gathering of a seam during sewing, after sewing, or after laundering,
causing an unacceptable seam appearance. Seam puckering is more common on woven fabrics than
Knits; and it is prominent on tightly woven fabrics. Puckering is usually caused by one or more of
the Following conditions:
• Yarn Displacement (structural jamming of fabric yarns).
• Tension Puckering (excessive thread tension and recovery).
• Machine puckering (uneven ply feeding).

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework


This project is studied in Yirgalem Addis textile factory plc Garment department at Sewing
 To identify the most occurring defects in sewing section

 To determine the operation (machine) which defects are frequently occur

 To standardized the product quality

 To reduce the output of B-grade in the line





Quality checking




If a product fulfils the customer’s expectations, the customer will be pleased and consider that the
product is of acceptable or even high quality. If his or her expectations are not fulfilled, the
customer will consider that the product is of low quality. This means that the quality of a product
may be defined as “its ability to fulfil the Customer’s needs and expectations”.
Quality needs to be defined firstly in terms of parameters or characteristics, which vary From

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

product to product. For example, for a mechanical or electronic product these Are performance,
reliability, safety and appearance. For pharmaceutical products, Parameters such as physical and
chemical characteristics, medicinal effect, toxicity, Taste and shelf life may be important. For a
food product they will include taste, Nutritional properties, texture, and shelf life and so on
According to the American Society for Quality, “quality” can be de-fined in the following ways:

 Based on customer’s perceptions of a product/service’s

 And how well the design matches the original
 The ability of a product/service to satisfy stated or implied

 Achieved by conforming to established requirements within

an organization.

As early as the 1950s, Japanese companies began to see the benefits of Emphasizing quality
throughout their organizations and enlisted the Help of an American, W. Edwards Deming, who is
credited with giving Japanese companies a massive head start in the quality movement. His
Methods include statistical process control (SPC) and problem-solving Techniques that were very
Effective in gaining the necessary momentum to change the mentality of organizations needing to
produce high-quality products and services. Deming believed that 85 percent of all quality
problems were the fault of management. In order to improve, management had to Take the lead and
put in place the necessary resources and systems. For example, consistent quality in incoming
materials could not be expected when buyers were not given the necessary tools to under-stand
quality requirements of those products and services. Buyers needed to fully understand chow to
assess the quality of all incoming Products and services, understand the quality requirements, as
well As be able to communicate these requirements to vendors. In a well-managed quality system,
buyers should also be allowed to work closely with vendors and help them meet or exceed the
required Quality requirements .According to Deming, there were two different concepts of Process
improvement that quality systems needed to address:
(1) Common (systematic) causes of error, and
(2) Special causes of error.
Systematic causes are shared by numerous personnel, machines, or Products; and special causes are
associated with individual employees or equipment. Systematic causes of error include poor

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Product/service design, materials not suited for their use, improper Bills of lading, and poor
physical conditions. Special causes of error
Include lack of training or skill, a poor lot of incoming materials, or Equipment out of order
For every industry or business, to get increased sales and better name amongst consumers and
fellow Companies it is important to maintain a level of quality. In the garment industry quality
control is practiced Right from the initial stage of sourcing raw materials to the stage of final
finished garment. For textile and Apparel industry product quality is calculated in terms of quality
and standard of fibers, yarns, fabric Construction, color fastness, surface designs and the final
finished garment products. However quality Expectations for export are related to the type of
customer segments and the retail outlets. There are Number of factors on which quality fitness of
garment industry is based such as – performance, reliability, Durability, visual and perceived
quality of the garment. Quality needs to be defined in terms of a particular Framework of cost.
The national regulatory quality certification and international quality Programmed like ISO 9000
series lay Down the broad quality parameters based on which companies maintain the export
quality in the garment and apparel industry. Here some of main fabric properties that are taken into
consideration for garment Manufacturing for export basis: like Overall look of the garment, Right
formation of the garment, Feel and fall of the garment, Physical properties, Color fastness of the
garment, Finishing properties, Presentation of the final produced garment.
There are certain quality related problems in garment manufacturing that should not be over looked:
Sewing defects -Like open seams, wrong stitching techniques used, same color garment, but Usage
of different color threads on the garment, miss out of stitches in between, creasing of the Garment,
erroneous thread tension and raw edges are some sewing defects that could occur so should be
taken care of Color Effects Color defects that could occur are difference of the color of final
produced, Garment to the sample shown, accessories used are of wrong color combination and
mismatching of dye amongst the pieces.
Sizing defects -Wrong gradation of sizes, difference in measurement of a garment part from other,
For example- sleeves of ‘XL’ size but body of ‘L’ size. Such defects do not occur has to be seen
too. Garment defects -During manufacturing process defects could occur like faulty zippers,
irregular, Hemming, loose buttons, raw edges, improper button holes, uneven parts, inappropriate
trimming, and difference in fabric color.
Quality control is done through line checkers and end line checkers. There is only 1line checkers
per a line whom spine around the line to check and control the quality of each part produced.
Checking is done randomly with in an interval they check the product if there is a mistake they give
an order to be Rework at the station before moving to the next operation in order to prevent damage
at the source. End line checkers are responsible to inspect the final garment for approval. There are
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

2 end line Checkers per a line they have to report amount of rework and its reason per day and per
production. Problems that are not detect by the line checkers will be detected here and will be send
back to the station where the problem happens this is done by the supervisors. In addition to these if
the problem happens at most they will order to take action at the station weather to show the
operator or to change the operator from the station. When there is misunderstanding between
supervisor and end line checkers the production manager and the quality department will decide on
the matter. The garment that is quality approved by end line checkers it will be pass to packaging


While doing the study there were some challenges like lack of information from quality control
team. And there is less recorded information regarding defect history or any statistical information
on frequencies of brake down or the remedy taken.
 Difficulties to get the sewing machine power consumption.

 Lack of computer and internet access to write and search important information for our
 Asking different operators and mechanics to overcome the problems.
 Using our own money to uses computer in internet cafe for write and connection.
 lack of knowledge of operators and managers
 absence of machine manuals
 the long chain of management structure challenges me specially it takes Me more time to
get information
 Accuracy and reliability of information (I get different answer for the same Question

In order to gather the required data for this project, the document review, observation and
Interviews were used. The document review included the performance reports and registers of the
Yirgalem Addis textile factory plc. The daily activities were observed and registered by myself.
The company advisors and individual employees in the factory were interviewed independently on
the overall situation and conditions of the working environment

2.7.1 Primary Data collection

 Interview: done with the company adviser, quality checker/inspector and supervisor how to improve
quality and how can be prepared inspection format
 Observation: bundle transportation, fabric defect, spreading defect, and cutting defect can be
collected by physical/direct observation.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 Secondary Data

Internet: I used internet for the experience of other garment factory; the method of quality control
and quality requirements.
Academic books: can help to organized and analysis data.
Hand out: To collecting data for the project work we check or refer handout.

2.7.3 Data collection

Sewing Defects: These defects are usually caused by Errors arising from wrong functioning of
sewing Machines.
Seaming defects: These defects are usually caused by Errors arising from the interaction of the
operator and Machine in the handling of garment.
Placement Defects: These defects are usually caused by errors arising in marking and cutting as
well as Sewing operations in the sewing room or a Combination of these

Fabric defects: These defects are usually caused by Errors arising from the fabric processing like
knitting and dyeing.
Embroidery defects: are usually caused By errors arising from the embroidery processing of the

The fabric used by Yirgalem Addis textile factory plc is mostly a knitted fabric unless special order
is given. The following data were collected from the section through by observation, interviewing
different Workers and experts’ in different working positions in the quality inspection on sewing
 Open seam

 broken stich
 Skip stich

 Dirty spot
 Needle mark

 Color variation

 Bottom hem variance

 Puckering

 Twisted

 Fabric fault
2.7.4. Data presentation
Defect A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Total %
Brocken 18 17 20 16 15 14 16 17 14 13 17 19 13 16 12 14 15 13 17 12 13 11 14 18 10 14 388 16.24
Skip 13 10 9 8 9 11 12 14 13 14 15 14 10 14 10 9 8 9 13 11 14 13 15 16 14 13 311 13
Dirty spot 12 11 10 9 10 11 14 13 9 14 10 8 17 9 14 11 12 13 10 14 10 12 12 13 7 9 294 12.3
Twisted 12 10 11 13 9 7 8 10 12 13 14 8 14 13 14 15 16 7 8 6 9 8 17 12 13 14 293 12.2
Open 11 12 13 10 9 14 10 8 9 11 10 13 14 12 8 9 8 7 13 8 13 14 10 12 15 10 283 11.85
Puckering 10 9 12 14 9 10 12 13 17 8 7 11 12 10 13 8 9 10 10 12 14 10 10 9 8 7 270 11.3
Needle 9 9 8 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 8 7 9 9 6 7 7 8 7 9 5 6 7 9 9 189 7.9
Color 9 8 6 7 8 7 7 8 5 4 7 6 5 5 7 5 8 9 9 7 8 5 9 7 6 8 180 7.5
Bottom 9 7 6 8 9 7 6 8 6 7 8 9 6 8 4 6 7 5 7 6 6 7 9 7 4 7 170 7.1
Fabric 3 2 4 5 3 2 3 4 3 6 4 2 5 3 4 2 3 4 3 2 4 2 3 3 4 3 86 3.6
Total %
















2.7.5. Data analysis 3.6

In the company ordered polo shirt, normal polo shirt and normal t-shirt 3000pc.

Due to this 3000pcs have 500 defects, so this 500 defects 400 are back to the original by using
rework and 100pcs are given b-grade .so due to this b-grade the price are less than the original price

Normal price due to b-grade price of the product

Jersey polo shirt=160ETbirr/pc 130ETbirr\pc

Normal polo shirt=130ETbirr/pc 95ETbirr/pc

Normal t-shirt=58ETbirr 42ETbirr/pc

Due to the company ordered 3000pcs

1500pc=jersey polo shirts……………………………….275defect……………50pcB-gread

750pc=normal polo shirts………………………………125defects………………….35pcB-gread

750pc=normal t-shirt……………………………………100defect…………………..15pcB-gread

So, the company sells the b-grade t-shirts in the total to express in the percent
Jersey polo t-Shirts/pc=160-130/160*100=18.75% loss to sell.
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Normal polo shirts/pc=130-95/130*100=26.9%loss to sell

Normal t-shirt/pc=58-42/58*100=27.58%loss to sell

Due to B-grade

1pc jersey polo shirt=160-130=30(ET birr)

50pc jersey polo shirt=?
=50pc jersey polo shirt*30ETbirr/1pc jersey polo shirt


1pc normal polo shirt=130-95=35ETbirr

35pc normal polo shirt=?
=35pc normal polo shirt*35ETbirr/1pc normal t-shirt


1pc normal t-shirt=58-42=16ETbirr

15pc normal t-shirt=?
15pc normal t-shirt*16ETbirr/1pc normal t-shirt


Total loss of due to quality

=240ETbirr+1225ETbirr+1500ETbirr =2965ETbirr/3000pcs

For the rework the main solution is giving training for the operators. If we give training they won’t let
the product go without fixing the problem, even the operator can do every operation by taking
responsibility. The type of training they should be gain is.
 The operator should have an idea about the operation cost and how rework can affect the
operation cost.
 They have gain training on haw to keep products before it move to next operation.

 They should gain training on quality cost.

So, giving training for operators is essential in the product to produce with good quality and at
maximum efficiency. Also In the factory operator can do overtime and the payment is done in the
form of project allowance. This payment is not acceptable by the operator; they need the payment
done in the form of incentives. Due to this most operator are not willing to do in motivation and if it

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

change the rework product decrease and increase productivity. But from the human mistake rework
should be below 1%

The company should be full fill the following point in order to be competitive among the local markets
and international markets as well.
 Technical problems like Maintenance problems,

I recommended that after observe, record and analyze the problems and loss of the product of the company
are as follows:

 The company should have to order spare parts to their suppliers within a short lead time.
 Safety materials have to be given to daily operators and maintainers.
 The company performs breakdown maintenance this days, but it is more advisable to use
preventive maintenance instead of breakdown maintenance for effective production process.
 Monthly salary of operators and maintainers should have enough to their satisfaction.
 The company should record data’s not only about the downtime but also reasons that cause
 Down time, that is worn out parts and failure frequency of parts must be recorded so that reliability
and availability of each parts can be calculated.
 Since motivation is the one that uses to upgrade organizations profitability through employee
satisfaction and giving the care to the materials from failed they should have a motivation program.
 Management problem good efficient supervisor, the company is used to capacity planning
 Improper working conditions on the operator, working temperature, Poor machine layout,
Unsuitable chairs and table,
 The chair placing place should be covered by the soft material and making suitable
for the operator.
 The other solution is changing the chair by ergonomically designed ones. This needs
much capital.
 Prepare good working area
 Used by air conditioning (AC) to reduce temperature
 Good machine lay out to prepare
 To used comfortable chair and table
 Operator’s problem, some operates low of skilled, inexperienced and also Carelessness
 The company must prepare a trainee program for the operators
 The operators avoid carelessness at the work

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 Minimizing broken Stitches due to abrasion

 Use a higher performance thread

 Use a larger diameter thread on operations where excessive abrasion is occurring

 Make sure stitches are balance properly,

 Use a Magic air entangled thread in the Looped due to its lower seam profile making
it less Susceptible to abrasion
 Monitor the Finishing Cycle for compliance to specie


 Use a higher performance thread.

 Use a larger diameter thread on operations, where the thread is being cut.

 Make sure the proper Stitch balance is being used.

 Use needles with the correct needle point


 Use a higher performance and has greater resistance to chemical degradation.

 It is recommended to go to larger thread sizes when the

 Denim Garments will be subject to Harsh Chemical Washes.

 To achieve the best laundering results make

 sure that the water temperatures and PH Levels are

 correct and that the proper amounts and sequence of
 Chemical dispersion are within guideline
 Monitor the drying process, cycle times, and temperatures to make sure they are
correct so that the best possible garment quality can be achieved.
 Minimizing Skipped Stitches:

 Use core spun thread.

 Use minimum thread tension to get a balanced stitch.

 Use the ideal foot, feed and plate that help to minimize flagging.

 Training sewing operators NOT to stop on the thickness.

 Make sure the machine is feeding properly without stalling.

 Make sure the machine is not back feeding.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 Check the upper thread is correctly run

 Insert the needle correctly in to the needle bar

 Replace the bent needle with new straight need

 Open seam

 Align the fabric correctly

 Operators must be take carful during s/t

 Replace the thread with good quality

 Make straight the spool thread to the needle

 Loose the tension of the spring on the bobbing case by means of the tension screw
 Seam puckering

 Normal tension thread is used due to stitch formation

 Proper tension of the of lower upper thread bobbin

 Adjust the presser foot pressure by the pressure adjustment on the presser foot bar.

 Adjust the stitch length at the required level

 Color version

 One batch fabric shade is used for same garment in every part.

 Shade is marking each part due to fabric cutting.

 Fabric fault

 Use a fabric fault detector.

 Air humidification

The company should be full fill the following point in order to be competitive.

 They should be overcome on the testing of raw materials before they receive and
start their production process.
 They should be allocated quality control personal in production department.
 The company should be full fill the training center, because it is the back bone of
once company for producing god quality production.
 They should represented/assign qualified, experienced and skill full maintenance
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 The company should be produced products based on the customer order and follow
market study
 The finished items store should be stored in proper air conditioned room and they
must use a good material handling system
 Motivating of the operators starting in design to finishing

2.9 Conclusion
Yirgalem Addis textile factory plc is one of the oldest textile factories in Ethiopia. There are four
main departments in this company. Which is Spinning, blanket, knitting & dying and also garment.
The Fabric whichproduced100%cotton.
Quality can be defined as Fitness for use, Degree of perfection, Conformation to specification and
standards, something that goes beyond the product to customer satisfaction.
Quality products will need to meet the following requirements, Use quality raw materials, Use quality parts
and components, Quality in assembling process, the product should be reliable and conform to set
standards and specifications, Product should be aesthetic. So quality is important to the customer in
Lost per year the company lost without Power consumption, Labor and Chemical cost this because
do not get net cost the company. The main defects where create some of in spinning and most of
during weaving in some case the life time of the yarn is the cause of this defects
Generally the road to business growth is; Clear Vision, Customer Satisfaction, Leadership, Focus
on Quality, Process Orientation, and Continuous Improvement
High quality of product increases the company which leads the company to be more profitable. The final
goal of any garment production is to meet customer expectations, to be able to exist in the industry today
The company gains the following advantages when it produces highly quality products: - for example
Increase productivity of the machine, Increase quality of the production and Good relationship
between the customers and the company.
When we are producing a quality production, we will not have re process which means there is no
additional cost, during stitching fabric frequently breakage of sewing thread is one of the great

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

This internship is such a wonderful that make me to gain valuable experience and to expand our
personal network. It will definitely help in deciding a career choice as well as getting experience in our
future career. Our internship gave me the opportunity to apply our theoretical knowledge learned with
the class room to real-world activity. It also gives me an in-depth analysis of what it really likes to
work within our field of study and it benefited in that we were able to see all the different areas and we
were given a chance to create new relationships with both organization and staffs.
Before doing our internship we were not sure what we wanted to do when we graduated, so we thought
some real-life experience that would help to set our future activities and we get more experience in our
field of study.

Garment is such a broad field of study. There is so much we can do with this field. After doing my
internship we found that we wanted to work more in our career goal before but our internship makes to
like and do more and also expanded our personal network in this field. This internship helps us to
apply our theoretical knowledge on to the real work.
Employers are usually more concerned with our work experience than our qualification and this
internship are often the only way to get work experience we need to secure a job. In more competitive
job market it is essential to set us apart from others. Generally the overall benefits that I have gained
from this internship are;

3.1.1Practical skills
During the internship period we have advanced our previous practical skill and we have gained many
new knowledge and skills regarding the working principle and parts of the machines. As a result, using
the new skills and knowledge we could know how work is done. The basic practical skills I improved
The internship problem has many purposes to achieve it is intended to help students gain and important
skills in terms of all aspects these are:
 Improving practical skills
 Up grading theoretical knowledge
 Improving leader ship skills:-skill to guide control monitor peoples.
 Understanding about work ethics, punctuality, responsibility, honesty.
 I learn observing and controlling of the quality of the product.
 I see different types of garment products and how to make them.
 I learn to attend safety precaution to produce products and also to be safe from hazards.
 I learn how to make marker for different types of products
 I know how to spread fabrics on the spreading table.
 I learn how to cut the lay/number of plies by using straight knife and band knife machines.
Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

 I know how to make ticketing and bundling process.

 I know the operators are the main catalyst in garment industries.
 I learn how to produce products produced in the fore factory.
 I learn experience more than learning. .
 When I was working in my company I tried to get all knowledge available in the factory to
sharpen my theoretical knowledge. This program has helped me to know: - Work flow of the
company production, Preparation of office works, Engineering problems and their solutions,
Form work of the factory & how to prepare work schedule of the company.
 The works I was executing as assistance as shift leader engineer has given me clue how to
discharge my carrier in the future after graduation. These tasks were; Supervise works under
execution, Order works, check the flow process, Check works after completion and Discuss on
3.1.2 Theoretical knowledge
As we know practical skills cannot be attained without having theoretical knowledge. Practical aspects
are done as a reflection of theoretical understandings. Knowing this we have tried to relate each and
every practical skill with the theoretical knowledge that we have already acquired. This helped us to
develop our theoretical knowledge. In addition it helped us to get theoretical knowledge that we will
get in the future class.
In general, during this internship period, we have advanced our theoretical knowledge and we have
gained many new theoretical knowledge and skills for developing our second task.
3.1.3 Interpersonal communication skill
Since Garment is a broad industry so that it requires a joint effort to work with employer. But the
environment by itself forces someone to develop interpersonal communication skill. Moreover in
order to share experience with coworkers someone needs to have good communication skill and
approach. Having this nature the internship program helps us to develop our interpersonal
communication skills.

Generally it helps me;

To be good listener and speaker

Be polite

Attack ideas not people

Think legally

Avoid faulty generalization

Avoid confusing Respect others etc.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

3.1.4 Team playing skill

Since internship is done in group it needs cooperation of individuals in the crew. When work is done
in group, different ideas will be raised at the beginning and through discussion that idea will come to
one conventional idea. For this to happen one must have good team playing skill and tolerance.
Moreover, we have learned how to convince someone with opposite idea and how to accept ideas that
are supported with convincing evidences.
3.1.5 Leadership skill
Someone needs a high level commitment and ability to lead the workers of the company. The
organization’s internship supervisor is the one who is in charge of controlling each and every worker
and work flow in the crew. Even if the organization’s internship supervisor is above all of us there are
some responsibilities given for each individual.

What I understand is that, if someone is expected to be effective in the leader ship position, then the
following traits must be achieved;
 good decision making ability
 administration skill
 being confident on things done
 create smooth relation with the workers but never cross the line
 good speaking and convincing abilit

The company should introduce CAD software which can help them to facilitate the working time and
reduced the labor force who work in pattern making and marker making. And for quality different
type of testing equipment is necessary. So, they should have to by testing equipment.

The main profit of the company is heavy duty this section can produce different tent and different
knitting products. But the garment section due to different problem still not becoming profitable this
shows us to work on the garment section can make the company profitable. So, different research is

There are a lot of workers skilled on different sewing machine. The worker can work average about
14 years in the company, this is the good thing but when the company buys different machinery,
before they buy the machine skill labor is required.

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

Generally an internship is an interesting engineering capacity building program and must be
continued for the future with an improved cooperation of universities and governmental and non-
governmental organizations. Internship makes the interns to compare the student life and the real
world life and helps them to develop new and real knowledge, build practical skill, upgrade and apply
theoretical knowledge and so on.

Internship also makes benefit able for the three parties involved in the program. These parties are
universities, students and hoisting companies. The students are benefited by acquiring skills and
knowledge and work experiences for the future to be hired in the companies they are hoisted. The
universities are benefited by achieving their goals i.e. the university’s graduate their students with a
full capacity to compute on the world market. Whereas hoisting companies are benefited from getting
experienced workers for their company. Means they get workers who they teach themselves

Quality improvement in sewing section by minimizing rework

1. The Indian Textile Journal, January 2013.
2. Journal of textile and apparel technology and management, volume 6, issue 1,
spring, 20
3. Handout
4. )
5. Company document


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