Lesson Plan - Comparison & Contrast

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Detailed Lesson School: San Francisco NHS Grade Level: 11

Plan Teacher: Learning Areas:

(Senior High Teaching Date: February 18, 2020 Quarter: 3rd

School) Time: 1:00PM – 2:00PM


A. CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner realizes that information in a written text may be
selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.

B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern

of development focusing on information selection, organization, and development.

C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES: The learner distinguishes between and among patterns

of development in writing across disciplines.

RWS11.1. Reading and Thinking Strategies across


1. Reading and Writing Skills by Marella Therese A. Tiongson & Maxine Rafaella C.

A. Learning Activities


“Good morning Class” “Good Morning Ma’am”

“Please pick up the pieces of paper under your chair

and arrange your chair”

“Let us pray first” Arvin please lead the prayer “Classmates let us pray”

(Prayer Done)

(Checking of attendance, count off)

“So how was your weekend?” “ It’s ok Ma’am, bonding with the family”

“That’s good! Have you enjoyed your weekend “Yes, Ma’am”

bonding with your family?

“That’s good to know.

B. Reviewing previous lesson


Anybody from the class who can do the recap of the (Chorus answer: It was about definition)
discussion we had last meeting?

Thank You Class!,

So what is Definition Miss Chela Mae Orillo? “ Ma’am, a definition is a statement of the meaning
of a term.”

Very Good. Thank You Miss Orillo.

What are the two important concepts with defining

& what are techniques that can be used in a definition

How about Miss Jerylle Almazan, can you answer my “Ma’am,the two important concepts are
question? denotation & connotation. The techniques are
analysis, collocation, comparison, contrast,
etymology, exemplification, extended definition,
function, negation and synonyms.

Very good!.Thank You Miss Almazan.

Alright class, I have an illustration here and I want “Yes, Ma’am”

you to tell anything about the illustration, is it clear?

C. Establishing a purpose of the lesson


What can you say about the picture?

Yes, Mr Chamver Bual? “Ma’am, it is a picture of an apple and orange fruit.”

Thank You, Mr Bual

Do you know their similarities and differences? “Ma’am, There similarities are they grow on trees, they

Yes, Miss Angeline Cayson? are fruit, they are round and can be made into juice.

The’re differences of the apple is red or green, Orange is

color orange. Apple is smooth skin while orange is

rough. Then apple is not citrus fruit while orange is


Very Good, Miss Cayson.Thank You

Then that would be our lesson for today

D. Presenting New Lesson


Alright class, For this afternoon, our discussion will
be An Introduction to Comparison and Contrast.
Who can give me a short or brief definition of
Comparison and Contrast? In your own understanding

Any volunteer? How about you Miss ______? Comparing is showing similarities and
Contrast is showing differences between two
things that are related.

Very Good Miss _____Thank you.

Comparison entails dealing with the similarities or
Likeness of at least two subjects while Contrast,
On the other hand, is tackling the differences between or
among topics.

There are types of comparison,

1. Analogy is a common technique that writers
use to demonstrate comparison and contrast. It delves
beneath the surface differences of at least two subjects
expose unperceived and unsuspecting similarities and/or
differences. It is often used when a foreign or abstract
concept is compared with a much more familiar term
for readers to better understand the author’s intended

For example: Just as a Caterpillar Comes out of its

Cocoon, So we Must Come out of our Comfort Zone.

So, anyone has an idea of what does this analogy

Any volunteer? Or I will call someone?

Yes, Miss Loremae Eludo? Ma’am, The example analogy tell us that just

like a cocoon, we people need to out in our

comfort zone to express who really we are

Thank You for your idea Miss Eludo.

We all know what happens to a caterpillar

when the time comes that they would be going
out of their cocoons– they become a beautiful
butterfly. The phenomenon is similar to that of
a person going out of his or her comfort zone.
Their comfort zone, if it is called as “comfort” zone,
can be similar to that of a cocoon because it limits
the person to become more beautiful than he or
she was before.
2. Simile – is done when there is direct compa-
rison and contrast is used.
Example: Life is like a box of chocolates, you
never know what you’re going to get.

3. Metaphor – is done when there is an indirect

comparison between or among objects.
Example: The inside of the car was a refrigerator.
4. Oxymoron - happens when two seemingly
opposite terms are juxtaposed next to-or near
each other in a single expression.
Example: My room is an organized mess,
or controlled chaos, if you will.
5. Personification – is done when non – humans
(animals,inanimate objects,abstractions) are
assigned human characteristics and/or actions.
Example: The wind yells while blowing.

E. Developing Mastery


All right class, I will divide you into 2 groups. In the left side
is the Group 1 then in the right side is GROUP 2. I will show “Yes Ma’am”
some examples of analogy and its types. Your answer should
be analogy,simile,metaphor,oxymoron or personification.
The first group who can race their hands and answer
immediately and give the correct answer will get a points.
Is that clear? Are you ready?
(The teachers will post the examples) (The learners will now perform the task)

And the winner is GROUP ________. Congratulations!

So how do you find the activity? Did you understand now about

Comparison and contrast and the types of analogy?

Yes, Miss Chela Mae Orillo? “Ma’am we enjoy the activity and the same

Time we now understand our topic today”

Thank You Miss Orillo.

B. Now, Get ¼ sheet of paper. Let’s have a 10 items quiz. Write “Yes, Ma’am”

your answer only. Is that clear?

F. Assignment


For your assignment, please read about Exemplification.

That would be our topic next meeting. Is that clear? “Yes, Ma’am”

All right, That’s all for today, class. Before you leave,

Kindly pick up the pieces of paper under your chairs.

Please stand.

Good bye, class. See you next meeting. Good bye, Ma’am

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