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Drug Testing

Research article and Analysis

Received: 6 February 2013 Revised: 6 March 2013 Accepted: 6 March 2013 Published online in Wiley Online Library: 25 April 2013

( DOI 10.1002/dta.1479

Detection of diabetic metabolism disorders

post-mortem – forensic case reports on cause
of death hyperglycaemia
C. Hess,* K. Wöllner, F. Musshoff and B. Madea
Diabetic coma is the most severe form of hyperglycaemic metabolic disorders. The post-mortem diagnosis of this disorder of
glucose metabolism can be difficult and vague due to a lack of characteristic morphological findings. Six death cases caused
by diabetic coma are described with special focus on biochemical (and histological) findings. The possible glycaemia markers
glucose, lactate, HbA1c, fructosamine, anhydroglucitol, and ketone bodies were measured and the usefulness of these parameters
is evaluated and discussed. Estimations of glucose concentrations in vitreous humour or cerebrospinal fluid and of ketone
bodies in blood or other matrices are obligatory while measurements of HbA1c, fructosamine, or anhydroglucitol can only
provide additional information on the long-term adjustment of diabetes in the deceased. Lactate concentrations (addition of
glucose and lactate levels to form the sum formula of Traub) do not give more information than the glucose concentration itself
and can be therefore omitted. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: diabetes; post-mortem; ketoacidosis

Introduction autopsy. Vitreous humour (VH) from the right eye was cautiously
aspirated by puncture of the eyeball with a smooth syringe.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease with a disordered glucose metabolism Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was obtained by sub-occipital puncture.
and constant hyperglycaemia caused by either deficient insulin In addition to the presented case reports with death due to
secretion (Type 1) or a combination of insulin resistance and diabetic coma, control cases were measured. Information about
inadequate insulin secretion (Type 2). Diabetes mellitus is being the diabetes was taken from the health records or the court
underreported; it is thought that 8% of individuals have records. Anhydroglucitol concentrations were measured in non-
undiagnosed diabetes mellitus.[1] Diabetic coma is the most diabetic deceased (n = 88) and in diabetic deceased (n = 71).
severe form of a hyperglycaemic metabolic disorder. It can be Fructosamine concentrations were determined in 81 non-diabetic
differentiated between diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and non- deceased and 19 diabetic deceased.
ketoacidotic hyperosmolar crisis. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) For analyses, samples were centrifuged and the supernatants were
results from severe insulin deficiency and can be diagnosed taken for chemical-toxicological analyses. For lactate, concentrations
at autopsy despite unknown history of the disease. DKA goes were often higher than the calibration range. Samples then had to
along with high blood glucose levels and higher concentrations be diluted with sodium chloride solution (9 g/l) prior to analyses.
ketone bodies (acetone, acetoacetate, b-hydroxybutyrate) in Fructosamine was measured in femoral vein blood which was
blood. However, nearly one-third of all deaths from DKA occurred precipitated with acetone (1:1) and HbA1c was measured in whole
in individuals who had no known history of diabetes.[2] blood. Therefore, 20 ml of blood were fortified with 1 ml of a
The post-mortem diagnosis of glucose metabolism disorders haemolytic agent (sodium azide solution). After 5 min, haemolysis
can be difficult and vague caused by missing characteristic was complete. The sum formula of Traub was calculated by an
morphological findings. Therefore, histological and particularly addition of the concentration of glucose (mg/dl) and the half of
biochemical measurements have to complement autopsy and the concentration of lactate (mg/dl).
case history in case of fatal hyperglycaemic dysregulations.[3,4]
Six case reports are presented and discussed with special focus on
the usefulness of biochemical markers including glucose and lactate, Analytical methods
the sum formula of Traub, HbA1c, fructosamine, anhydroglucitol,
Glucose was determined by an enzymatic test from Labor und
and ketone bodies.
Technik (Berlin, Germany) on an Olympus AU 400 Immunoanalyzer.
Glucose is oxidized by the enzyme glucosedehydrogenase to
gluconolatone while added NAD is reduced to NADH, the amount
Material and methods
Samples for chemical-toxicological analyses * Correspondence to: Cornelius Hess, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of
Bonn, Stiftsplatz 12, 53111 Bonn, Germany. E-mail:
Forensic samples were obtained from autopsies at the Institute of
Forensic Medicine at Bonn, Germany. Blood was taken from the Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Bonn, Stiftsplatz 12,53111 Bonn,

femoral vein. Urine was gained by puncture of the bladder at Germany

Drug Test. Analysis 2013, 5, 795–801 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Drug Testing
and Analysis C. Hess et al.

of which is proportional to the original glucose concentration and For the detection of the third ketone body, b-hydroxybutyrate
which can be detected photometically. LoQ is 3 mg/dl, linearity has to be transformed enzymatically into acetoacetate for 30 min
given up to 700 mg/dl, intra-day precision 1.56 % (at 96.7 mg/dl, at 45  C. Therefore, 1 ml of femoral vein blood was fortified
n = 20), 1,4 % (at 165 mg/dl, n = 20) and 0.83 % (at 236 mg/dl, with 10 mmol pyruvate, 0.5 mmol NAD and 10 ml of the enzymes
n = 20); inter-day precision 1.63 % (at 96.7 mg/dl, n = 20), 1.90 % b-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase.
(at 165 mg/dl, n = 20) and 1.28 % (at 236 mg/dl, n = 20). Afterwards, acetoacetate was decarboxylated for 60 min at
Lactate was determined by an enzymatic test LOX-PAP from 100  C in the head-space oven and could then also be detected
Labor und Technik (Berlin, Germany) on an Olympus AU 400 as acetone. Figure 1 shows the conversion of b-hydroxybutyrate
Immunoanalyzer. The test relies on the conversion of lactate and acetoacetate into acetone.
by the enzyme lactateoxidase to pyruvate. H2O2 which is The head-space conditions for the detection of acetone were as
also formed in this reaction oxidizes a colourant (4-Chinoimine follows: needle temperature 90  C, transfer temperature 90  C. The
colourant) and the colour change can be detected photometrically. head-space conditions for the detection of acetoacetate were as
LoQ is 1 mg/dl, linearity is given up to 200 mg/dl, cross reactivity follows: needle temperature 110  C, transfer temperature 115  C.
only with ascorbic acid > 20 mg/dl; intra-day precision 1,44 % The temperature of the injector was 150  C, temperature of the
(at 15,3 mg/dl, n = 20), 1,44 % (at 22,8 mg/dl, n = 20) and 0,67 % detector 250  C. Gaschromatographic separation was achieved by
(at 27,8 mg/dl, n = 20); inter-day precision 0,54% (at 15.0 mg/dl, the following temperature program: start: 40  C, hold 15 min; with
n = 20), 2.01 % (at 21.9 mg/dl, n = 20) and 1.31 % (at 24.4 mg/dl, 4  C/min to 200  C; hold 10 min; with 15  C/min to 230  C, hold 10 min.
n = 20). The following validation parameters were determined:
HbA1c was determined by an immunturbidimetric test from linearity: 0–3,000 mgl/l (acetone); 0–1000 mmol/l (acetoacetate);
Labor und Technik (Berlin, Germany) on an Olympus 400 AU 0–30,000 mmol/l (b-hydroxybutyrate); LOQ 0,6 mg/l (acetone);
Immunoanalyzer. The determination works without measurement 9,5 mmol/l (acetoacetat); 85 mmol/l (b-hydroxybutyrate). Precision
of the total haemoglobin level. Total haemoglobin and HbA1c data was in accordance with the guidelines.[8]
both bind with the same affinity to latex particles. A murinary The enzymes were obtained from Roche Diagnostics (Mannheim,
anti-human HbA1c antibody then binds to particle bound HbA1c. Germany, acetone, lithiumacetoacetate, sodium-b-hydroxybutyrate,
A polyclonal anti-mouse IgG-antibody then reacts with the anti- pyruvate, nicotinamideadenindinucleotide (NAD) and tert.-butanol
human HbA1c antibody and leads to agglutination. The measured were obtained from Sigma (Steinheim, Germany).
extinction is proportional to the bound HbA1c which is proportional Anhydroglucitol was detected by a validated liquid chroma-
to the percentage of HbA1c in the sample. The unit of HbA1c tography mass spectrometry after a protocol published by Hess
is given in mmol HbA1c / mol total haemoglobin. LoQ ist et al.[9] at our institute. For sample preparation, briefly, 50 ml of
10 mmol/mol, linearity is given up to 150 mmol/mol. No interferences serum were fortified with 10 ml of internal standard (200 mg/ml
are described by the manufacturer, intra-day precision is 7 % 1,5-Anhydro-D-[13C6] glucitol). Afterwards, the proteins were
(at 35 mmol/mol, n = 20), 1.36 % (at 80.7 mmol/mol, n = 20) and precipitated by addition of 200 ml of methanol. After 10 s vortexing
1.8 % (at 114 mmol/mol, n = 20); inter-day precision 1,82 % for 10 s and centrifugation for 10 min the supernatant was diluted
(at 36.5 mmol/mol, n = 20), 1.67 % (at 83.3 mmol/mol, n = 20) and 1:5 with acetonitrile. 10 ml of the extract were injected into the
1.58 % (at 116 mmol/mol, n = 20). The test is standardized to the IFCC chromatographic system. Chromatographic separation was achieved
reference method.[5] For HbA1c measurement, 20 ml of whole blood with a LunaW NH2 (150*2 mm, 3 mm particle size) analytic column
were fortified with 1000 ml of a haemolytic agent (sodium azide; Labor from Phenomenex (Aschaffenburg, Germany) and a NH2 (4*2 mm)
und Technik; Berlin, Germany). After 5 min, the sample is haemolyzed. precolumn. An isocratic flow (0.5 ml/min) with acetonitrile/water
The test is standardized to the IFCC reference method.[6] (80:20, v/v) for 6 min was used. Molecules were ionized by
Fructosamine was determined by the testkit from Labor und atmospheric pressure chemical ionization 8APCI) in the negative
Technik (Berlin, Germany). Fructosamine exists in the enaminolic mode. Optimized ion transitions in multiple reaction monitoring
form in an alkaline milieu. This form reduces nitro blue tetrazolium mode were 162.8–112.7 (target) und 162.8–101.0 (qualifier) for
to formazane. The kinetics of the colour formation (at 546 nm) then anhydroglucitol and 168.9–105.0 for the IS. LoQ was 0.55 mg/ml,
is proportional to the fructosamine concentration. LOQ is 10 mmol/l, linearity range was given up to 50 mg/ml, precision data was in
linearity is given up to 1000 mmol/l; glucose concentrations up to accordance with the guidelines.
800 mg/dl do not interfere; intra-day precision is 0,90 %
(at 286 mmol/l, n = 21), 0.70 % (at 270 mmol/l, n = 21) and 0.8 %
(at 521 mmol/l, n = 21); inter-day precision is 3.0 % (at 296 mmol/l,
n = 21), 1.4 % (at 273 mmol/l, n = 21) and 1.7 % (at 512 mmol/l, n = 21). Case reports dealing with hyperglycaemia
Ketone bodies were quantified according to the head space Case 1
gas chromatographic method with flame ionization detection
by Felby et al.[7] at our institute. Case history
For the detection of acetone, 1 ml of femoral vein blood was
According to information from his neighbours, a man (66 years)
fortified with 100 ml of the internal standard tert.-butanol
was straying on the street at 2 am wearing only a t-shirt and
(100 mg/ml) in a 20-ml head-space sample. Afterwards the sample
underwear. At 2.30 am his wife let him in to their shared flat;
was analyzed at a head-space temperature of 60  C, with a head-
afterwards he drank a glass of cola. Next morning the wife entered
space time of 20 min.
For the detection of acetoacetate, 1 ml of femoral vein blood was
fortified with the internal standard in a 20-ml head-space sample.
However, the sample was heated for 60 min at 100  C in the
head-space oven. At this temperature, acetoacetate decarboxlates Figure 1. Conversion of b-hydroxybutyrate (left) and acetoacetate(middle)

and can be detected as acetone in the chromatogram. into acetone (right) during sample preparation. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Drug Test. Analysis 2013, 5, 795–801
Drug Testing
Detection of diabetic metabolism disorders post mortem – forensic case reports on cause of death hyperglycaemia and Analysis

the kitchen at 8 am where her husband was sitting on a chair and

Table 1. Glucose and lactate concentrations and the sum formula of Traub in VH and CSF, HbA1c, fructosamine, anhydroglucitol, and ketone body levels in all cases presented (VH: vitreous humour, CSF:
mumbling something incomprehensible. The door of the flat was

333 (VH), 286 (CSF), 169 (FVB)

open; again he was only wearing his t-shirt and underwear. He
wanted to stand up; however, he fell down to the floor. Lying on


< LoD (VH), 383 (CSF)

the floor, he was unresponsive and only slightly breathing. His wife

222 (VH), 99.6 (FVB)

did not alert the emergency service; however, she called their son,
who immediately phoned the emergency doctor. Upon arrival, the
emergency service ascertained the death of the man. The wife

512 (FVB)

110 (FVB)
128 (FVB)
seemed to have had drunk alcohol when the police arrived and
could not present a good reason for not having called the
emergency service. She informed the police about her husband’s

diseases: he was suffering from lung disease and diabetes. The week
prior to his death he had refused to eat and to take his medication.


Autopsy findings
Two days later, an autopsy took place revealing pale mucous
membranes and organs; dry tissues; yellow skullcap; moderate and

non-stenosing coronary artery sclerosis; concentric increase of the
thickness of the left heart chamber; chronic obstructive lung disease



(COPD) with chronic pulmonary emphysema; arteriosclerosis;

cerebral oedema; atrophy of a frontal lobe. Disease history and
the yellow skullcap gave hints to perform toxicological analyses.
Histological results

Glomerulosclerosis; glycogen nephrosis; arteriosclerosis; microvesicular



hepatic steatosis.
The results of the toxicological analyses are shown in Table 1.

Case 2



Case history
A man was found dead in his truck. His jeans were dragged down
to the lower legs. He was a type 1 diabetic and had injected his

insulin only irregularly.
Autopsy findings
Four days later an autopsy took place revealing melaena in the



small intestine; scratches in the oesophagus; coffee-ground like
particles in the stomach; aspiration of gastric fluid in the medium
bronchi with acute lung emphysema; plethora of the internal

organs; pale kidneys; moderate lung oedema; severe cerebral




oedema; initial fatty degeneration of the liver; reduced pancreas;

and initially trabeculated bladder. The disease history resulted in
toxicological analyses.



Histological results
Glomerulosclerosis; slight glycogen nephrosis; microvesicular
cerebrospinal fluid, FVB: femoral vein blood)


steatosis of the liver; pancreas completely autolytic.


The results of the toxicological analyses are shown in Table 1.

Case 3


Case history
A man (73 years) was found dead at home lying in front of an

open window. He had had adiposity, hypertension, and had worn


a cardiac pacemaker.
Autopsy findings
Case no.

Three days later, an autopsy took place. It revealed a muscular

increase in the size of the heart (700 g); moderate coronary

sclerosis; muscular thickening of the oesophagus; liquid gastric

Drug Test. Analysis 2013, 5, 795–801 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Drug Testing
and Analysis C. Hess et al.

content with little black flakes; little melaena in the small Case 6
intestine; few mucous membrane erosions; cerebral and lung
Case history
oedema; signs of COPD; crackling noise of lung tissue while
palming; minimal pulmonary sclerosis. Pictures from the scene A female diabetic (58 years) left her work because of nausea and
of death showed pills and blisters with the drugs torasemide indisposition. She was found dead in her bathroom by her
and glimepiride (antidiabetic medication). Since no obvious neighbour who had not seen her for 8 days. The woman had been
cause of death was assumable, a toxicological analysis took place. living very isolated and talking confusedly and was suffering
from a schizophrenic disorder and alcoholism. An autopsy was
Histological results
conducted to exclude third party negligence.
Glomerulosclerosis; advanced artherosclerosis; focal nephritis;
macrovesicular steatosis of the liver; autolysis of the pancreas. Autopsy findings
The results of the chemical toxicological analyses are shown in Five days later, an autopsy took place. It revealed a fatty liver with
Table 1. fibrosis and two cherry-sized haemangiomas; chronically calcificated
pancreatitis; cerebral atrophy. The suspected cause of death was
Case 4 cardiac infarction.
Case history Histological results
A man (57 years) was suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes Advanced putrefaction; glomerusclerosis; artherosclerosis; Armanni-
mellitus and prostate cancer. According to his doctor, he was also Ebstein-cells (glycogen nephrosis); macrovesicular fatty liver disease.
suffering from depression. He was found dead in his bed by his wife. The results of the toxicological analyses are shown in Table 1.
Autopsy findings
Six days later, an autopsy took place. It revealed an atrophy of Discussion
cerebral tissues; cerebral and lung oedema; plethora of the internal
Six cases of death due to diabetic ketoacidosis are presented. On
organs; narrowness of a fat-marbled pancreas; prostate with small
the basis of these cases, several biochemical parameters are
lumps and calcifications in the passage to the semen vesicles; signs
discussed in the following section.
of COPD; crackling noise of lung tissue while palming; and fatty
In the case of a suspected diabetic coma post-mortem, knowledge
degeneration of the liver. Calcifications of small vessels pointed
about existing diabetes mellitus, its duration and course, its
to a long-lasting diabetes mellitus.
therapy and the therapeutic discipline of the patient is important.
Histological results Symptoms prior to death pointing to diabetic ketoacidosis are
polyuria or dysuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, abdominal pain,
Advanced autolysis; hlomerulosclerosis of the kidneys; microvesicular
emesis, fever, dyspnoea, hypotonia, tachycardia, and neurologic
steatosis of the liver; advanced atherosclerosis, especially of the
deficits. Physical signs are dehydration, dry mucosal membranes,
coronary arteries.
and the so-called Kussmaul-respiration (fast and deep breathing
The results of the toxicological analyses are shown in Table 1.
with a smell of acetone).[10]
At autopsy, fatty degeneration of the kidneys with a yellow-
Case 5 reddish cloudiness of the renal parenchyma can be noted. Further
Case history specific diabetic organ changes are diabetic glomerulosclerosis
Kimmelstiel-Wilson or a fatty liver.[11] All of the presented cases
A son found his mother (80 years) dead in the corridor in front of the (cases 1–6) showed a fatty liver. Beckmann[12] also showed this
bathroom, lying in a prone position. Two days earlier, he had talked finding; however he associated this fact to a higher incidence
to her for the last time. The deceased was diabetic. A few weeks of obesity in diabetics. Most of the described cases showed
prior to her death, she had fallen from a ladder and since then arteriosclerotic changes in peripheral, coronary, iliac or cerebral
had suffered from back pain and dizziness. She did not have any arteries.[13] Xanthochromia of the cranium is a relatively frequent
fractures; however, her doctor gave her some ‘injections’ in the weeks autopsy finding in diabetics.[14]
before her death. Two days prior to her death she was suffering from Histological examinations often provide helpful results such as
dizziness, had problems with her hearing and went to her doctor glycogen accumulation in the kidneys with so-called Armanni-
again. Further illnesses were known: hypertension; noticeable Ebstein cells, which are very specific for a long-lasting hyperglycaemia
problems with the thyroid gland and urinary incontinence. with glucose concentrations > 500 mg/dl.[12] Figure 2 shows
Autopsy findings typical histological findings of case 6.
Biochemical measurements complete the range of findings.
Eight days later, an autopsy took place revealing a thrombus at After death, blood glucose concentrations alone do not have
the wall of the right carotid artery; arteriosclerosis of the arterial high validity. The maximum concentration at the moment of
circle at the brain base; no cerebral oedema; no signs of recent death decreases rapidly (about 13 mg/dl per hour[15]), so that
or older cerebral infarction; strong coronary sclerosis without the absolute blood glucose concentration does not give any
recent or older infarctions. indication of its concentration at the moment of death. Glucose
underlies anaerobe glycolysis so that lactate concentrations
Histological results
increase until ten hours after death with 10–15 mg/dl/h.[16]
Glomerulosclerosis; arterial sclerosis; slight glycogen nephrosis; According to Traub’s hypothesis,[17,18] the combined concentrations
slight microvesicular keratosis of the liver; autolysis of the pancreas. of glucose and lactate in vitreous humour (VH) or cerebrospinal

The results of the chemical analyses are shown in Table 1. fluid (CSF) can better indicate high glucose concentrations ante Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Drug Test. Analysis 2013, 5, 795–801
Drug Testing
Detection of diabetic metabolism disorders post mortem – forensic case reports on cause of death hyperglycaemia and Analysis

Figure 2. Typical pathomorphological observations post mortem in case 6: upper left: A shrunken kidney of a diabetic; upper right: Armanni-Ebstein-
cells in the kidney (x 400); bottom left: A diabetic glomerulosclerosis Kimmelstiel-Wilson (x 100); bottom right: glycogen accumulation in a diabetic liver.

mortem. A number of cut-offs for the determination of a diabetic variable renal glucose barrier (about 180 mg/dl).[23,24] During
coma for this ‘sum formula of Traub’ have been described: > diabetic coma, values > 500 mg/dl were detected.[32] Other studies
410 mg/dl,[19] >427 mg/dl,[20] >450 mg/dl[21] or >650 mg/dl[22] quoted that urine concentrations > 100 mg/dl indicate abnormal
in VH and >362 mg/dl,[20] >400 mg/dl,[23] >415 mg/dl,[19] blood glucose concentrations.[33] Unpublished results of our
>422 mg/dl[21] or >500 mg/dl[24] in CSF. However, some authors[25] research group demonstrate that glucose concentrations in urine
asked themselves, due to the fact that lactate concentrations are only of low significance in the post mortem detection of
increase after death in diabetic metabolism disorders, whether diabetic coma. Urine glucose weakly correlates with glucose
the sum formula of Traub does not result in an overestimation of concentrations in VH (R2 = 0,682; p < 0,0001; n = 20) and in CSF
diabetic metabolic disorders with a fatal outcome. In a collective (R2 = 0,260; p = 0,036; n = 17). High glucose concentration,
of 80 deceased, glucose concentration in VH and in CSF correlated however, were only demonstrated in cases of diabetic coma, so
well (R2 = 0,922). The inclusion of lactate concentrations did not that high urine glucose concentrations can be indicative of
lead to a better correlation (R2 = 0,815), which leads to the diabetic coma. Conversely, low urine glucose concentrations are
conclusion that glucose but not lactate concentrations are not a criterion to exclude diabetic coma.
influenced differently after death. Palmiere et al.[25] showed the The determination of the HbA1c is also of importance for the
same phenomenon for a bigger collective (n = 470) and proposed post-mortem diagnosis of fatal diabetic coma. HbA1c is stable
glucose concentration cut offs of > 180 mg/dl in VH or > 144 mg/dl for several weeks after death.[23,34] HbA1c concentrations of
in CSF. All six cases in our study revealed concentrations above this diabetics after death conform to concentrations in living diabetics
cut-off and above the proposed cut-offs for the sum formula of and are 8.7–15.4%[33,35] or 7.5–19.6%.[34] HbA1c concentrations
Traub. Therefore, the sum formula of Traub does not provide correlate with glucose concentrations in VH (R2 = 0.499; p < 0.0001;
more information than the glucose concentration itself. Glucose n = 63) or in CSF (R2 = 0.419; p < 0.0001; n = 36) after death. High
concentrations of non-diabetic deceased in VH were 20 mg/dl HbA1c concentrations (> 10%) correlate even better.[36] HbA1c
(mean value),[26] 30–80 mg/dl,[27,28] 4–60 mg/dl,[17] 0–75 mg/dl[29] concentrations are only influenced by hyperglycaemia lasting
or 0–108 mg/dl,[18] so that a cut-off of 180 mg glucose per dl for 12 h minimum[34]; short hyperglycaemias do not have an effect
promises good sensitivity. Palmiere et al.[30] showed vitreousglucose on HbA1c. Therefore, it does not allow a conclusion on the actual
concentrations in 12 cases of DKA always > 342 mg/dl. Zilg et al.[31] glucose concentration prior to death; however, it gives information
postulated that after an initial decrease in VH-glucose concentrations about the glycaemic status during the weeks prior to death. In
during the early post-mortem phase they remained constant all of the six described cases (74–108.9 mmol/mol equivalent
while lactate concentrations increased. The decrease of glucose to 8.9–12.1 %), the HbA1c levels were higher than reference
concentrations is probably due to the metabolic activity of the values. Palmiere et al.[30] showed HbA1c-concentrations in blood
surviving hyalocytes and the inner retina cells. Our cases show of 12 cases of DKA from 49 mmol/mol to 121 mmol/mol.
that the sum formula of Traub in cases of diabetic coma is Similar to HbA1c, fructosamine represents a long time glycaemic
basically composed of the glucose concentration while, for other marker for the last 1–3 weeks before measurement. Our data
causes of death, the lactate concentrations overbalance. showed a difference in blood fructosamine concentrations between
Glucose concentrations in urine are less reliable. Glucose is diabetics (mean value 138 mmol/l; 12.3–513 mmol/l; n = 19) and
reabsorbed in the renal tubuli. Although glucose is detectable non-diabetics (mean value 78,4 mmol/l; 11.6–286 mmol/l; n = 81).
in patients with high blood glucose concentrations, it does not Fructosamine-concentrations > 300 mmol/l in blood, > 100 mmol/l

give indications for blood glucose concentrations below the very in VH and > 150 mmol/l in CSF were only detected in diabetics

Drug Test. Analysis 2013, 5, 795–801 Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Drug Testing
and Analysis C. Hess et al.

and are indicative of diabetic illness, not of a lethal diabetic coma. References
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