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Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2

1.1 Steam ................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Steam Generator .................................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.0 Literature Review ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 Steam Generator (boiler) ...................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Steam Production ................................................................................................................. 5
3.0 Design Concept ............................................................................................................ 6
3.1 Rankine Cycle ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Steam Turbine Generator Design .......................................................................................... 7
3.3 Main Components in Design ................................................................................................. 8
3.3.1 Turbine Blade ..................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2 Heating (Boiling) Chamber ................................................................................................ 8
3.3.3 Steam Outlet & Water Inlet ............................................................................................... 9
3.3.4 DC Motor (Generator) ....................................................................................................... 9
4.0 Methodology ............................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Traditional Steam Power Plant ........................................................................................... 10
4.2 Scaled-Down Simplified Steam Turbine Generator .............................................................. 11
4.3 Workings of Steam Turbine Generator ................................................................................ 12
4.4 Energy Conversions ............................................................................................................ 13
5.0 Calculation ................................................................................................................. 14
5.1 Calculation of the desired rpm required to power up the 1V LED ........................................ 14
5.2 Calculation of Heat Loss through Conduction ...................................................................... 15
5.3 Calculation of Steam Quality and Moisture Content ........................................................... 17
6.0 Discussions ................................................................................................................ 18
7.0 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 19
8.0 References ................................................................................................................. 19

Steam Generator System

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Steam

Steam is a useful and powerful purveyor of energy. It is referred to as vaporized water. At

standard temperature and pressure, pure steam (unmixed with air, but in equilibrium with liquid
water) occupies about 1,600 times the volume of an equal mass of liquid water. In the
atmosphere, the partial pressure of water is much lower than 1 atm, therefore gaseous water
can exist at temperatures much lower than 100°C (212°F).

In common speech, Steam most often refers to the white mist that condenses above boiling
water as the hot vapour mixes with the cooler air. This mist consists of tiny droplets of liquid
water. Pure steam emerges at the base of the spout of a steaming kettle where there is no visible
vapour. Steam is said to be saturated if it is in equilibrium with liquid water. It is also said to
be superheated if it exists at a temperature higher than its boiling point at a given pressure.

Figure 1: Steam

For super heating to take place, one of the following two things must occur; either all the liquid
water must have evaporated or in the case of steam generators (boilers) the saturated steam
must be conveyed out of the steam drum before super heating can occur as steam cannot be
superheated in the presence of liquid water.
1.2 Steam Generator

Steam turbines are one of the oldest prime mover technologies in general production. A steam
turbine is a mechanically driven device that extracts thermal energy from a multistage
expansion of steam and converts it into rotary motion. Because of the rotary motion the turbine
generates, it is most commonly coupled with an electrical generator to create power.

The steam generator transfers the heat from the primary fluid to the secondary fluid. In the
secondary fluid steam is generated that drives the turbine to produce electricity. The resulting
thermal hydraulics establish the thermal performance of the steam generator. The first practical
electricity generating system using a steam turbine was designed and made by Charles Parsons
in 1884 and used for lighting an exhibition in Newcastle. Since then, apart from getting bigger,
turbine design has hardly changed and Parson's original design would not look out of place
today. Despite the introduction of many alternative technologies in the intervening 120 years,
over 80 percent of the world's electricity is still generated by steam turbines driving rotary

Figure 2: Steam Turbine Generator

Electrical energy generation using steam turbines involves three energy conversions, extracting
thermal energy from the fuel and using it to raise steam, converting the thermal energy of the
steam into kinetic energy in the turbine and using a rotary generator to convert the turbine's
mechanical energy into electrical energy as shown in Figure 2.
1.3 Objectives

1) Solve power system problems using the appropriate thermodynamics cycles.
2) Evaluate heat exchanger performance by using the concept of heat transfer.
3) To study the workings of a steam generator as a power generation system method.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Steam Generator (boiler)

The steam boiler or steam generator is connected to the consumers through the steam and
condensate piping. When the steam is provided to the consumers, it condenses. It can then be
returned to the feed water tank, from where it again is pumped to the steam boiler / steam
generator. It often happens that the condensate is not fully or partly recycled, and then a make-
up of fresh and pre-treated feed water is established.

Opposite the principle of the steam boilers, the water in the steam generators evaporates inside
the tube winded up into serial connected tube coils. The feed water is heated up to the
evaporation temperature and then evaporated. The intensity of the heat, the feed water flow
and the size/length of the tube are adapted, so that the water is exactly fully evaporated at the
exit of the tube. This ensures a very small water and steam volume (content of the pressure
vessel). Thus there are no buffers in a steam generator, and it is temporary overloaded i.e.
beyond its nominal steam capacity, a separate buffer tank should be provided (accessories),
(, 2009)
2.2 Steam Production

This is the amount of heat required to change the state of water at its boiling temperature, into
steam. It involves no change in the temperature of the steam/water mixture, and all the energy
is used to change the state from liquid (water) to vapour (saturated steam). The old term latent
heat is based on the fact that although heat was added, there was no change in temperature
(Spirax Sarco, 2009). However, the accepted term is now enthalpy of evaporation. The data
provided in the steam tables can also be expressed in a graphical form. Figure 3 illustrates the
relationship between the enthalpy and temperature of the various states of water and steam;
this is known as a phase diagram.

Figure 3: Temperature Enthalpy Phase Diagram

From figure 3, it can be seen that as water is heated from 0°C to its saturation temperature, its
condition follows the saturated water line until it has received all of its liquid enthalpy, hf,
(A - B).If further heat continues to be added, the water changes phase to a water/vapour mixture
and continues to increase in enthalpy while remaining at saturation temperature, hfg, (B - C).
3.0 Design Concept

3.1 Rankine Cycle

For this project, the steam generator will be operating via a simplified Rankine cycle with
steam as the main working fluid. The Rankine cycle describes performance of steam turbine
systems, though the theoretical principle also applies to reciprocating engines such as steam
locomotives. In general, the Rankine cycle is an idealized thermodynamic cycle of a constant
pressure heat engine that converts part of heat into mechanical work. In this cycle the heat is
supplied externally to a closed loop, which usually uses water (in a liquid and vapour phase)
as the working fluid. In an ideal Rankine cycle, the system executing the cycle undergoes a
series of four processes: two isentropic (reversible adiabatic) processes alternated with two
isobaric processes as shown in Figure 4:

I) Isentropic compression – The liquid

condensate is compressed adiabatically from
state 1 to state 2.
II) Isobaric heat addition – In this phase
(between state 2 and state 3) there is a
constant-pressure heat transfer to the liquid
condensate from an external source.
III) Isentropic expansion – Steam from the
boiler expands adiabatically from state 3 to
state 4 in a steam turbine to produce work.

IV) Isobaric heat rejection – In this phase the

Figure 4: T-S Diagram cycle completes by a constant-pressure

process in which heat is rejected from the

partially condensed steam.

3.2 Steam Turbine Generator Design

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 5: Steam Generator Design

Part # Description Function
1. LED Indicator To show that electricity is being generated by
the steam turbine
2. 12V DC Motor To convert the mechanical energy of the
steam to electrical energy to power the LED
3. Turbine Blade To capture the moving high pressure steam
into rotational energy and send it to the motor
4. Steam Outlet For the heated steam to exit the heating
chamber and be directed towards the turbine
5. Water Tank & To hold the water while its being heated
Heating (burning) Chamber (boiled) to be converted into steam.
6. Inlet for Water To fill up the water tank and chamber.
7. Metal Holder Acts to hold the heating chamber in place
while also dissipating heat before it reaches
the base.
8. Blowtorch As main source of heat to bring the water to
temperature to be converted into steam.
9. Base To hold all the components in place so it is
easily transported.

3.3 Main Components in Design

3.3.1 Turbine Blade

The turbines play an extremely important role in the design of the steam turbine generator. It
is the main component that comes in contact with the steam and converts it to rotational energy
which in turn converts it to mechanical energy at the turbine dynamo (DC motor). In our design
several designs were tested amongst which a 3D printed model, a cut out from an art card and
a modified food container. Finally, a modified piece of an aluminium can was chosen. It was
chosen because it was able to efficiently capture the steam and rotate at a higher rpm.

Figure 6: Turbine blade design

3.3.2 Heating (Boiling) Chamber

Another extremely important component of the design is the heating or boiling chamber since
the we are using the concept of a steam boiler generator. The boiling chamber is responsible
for holding the water and steam while its being heated. It has to be able to handle high pressures
on its walls exerted by the steam and also be able to handle the high temperatures of the
blowtorch. The design that was chosen was an old repurposed aerosol paint spray can because
of its ability to handle high pressure and temperature.

Figure 7.1 : Spray can before heating and use Figure 7.2 : After multiple use
3.3.3 Steam Outlet & Water Inlet

The steam outlet and water inlet is another crucial part of the design. The steam outlet is
responsible for directing the steam generated in the boiling chamber out towards the turbine
blades at desired pressure and direction. The water inlet is also important for allowing the
chamber to be filled with water and be sealed off during heating to prevent steam from escaping
in that direction. The materials chosen for these components was a pen due to its strength and
also appropriate diameter.

Figure 8.1: Standard pen before Figure 8.2: Inlet & Outlet highlighted

3.3.4 DC Motor (Generator)

The generator plays the role of a dynamo in this design. It acts to convert the potential energy
stored in the steam which is converted to rotational energy by the turbine blade. This
mechanical energy is transferred into the generator and consequently converted to usable
electrical energy, which ultimately is used to power the LED indicator. In our design a small
12V DC Motor is used in place of a traditional dynamo. It operates based on Lenz’ law from
the cutting action of electrical flux in the internal circuitry of the motor which results in
electricity being generated.

Figure 9: DC Motor

4.0 Methodology

4.1 Traditional Steam Power Plant

Figure 10: Real working steam plant.

A steam/thermal power station uses heat energy generated from burning coal to produce
electrical energy. This type of power station is widely used around the world. This power
station uses the Rankine cycle. This is the cycle of the steam produced in the boiler, then taken
to the Steam turbine (prime mover). From the turbine the steam is cooled back to water in the
Condenser, the resulting water is fed back into the boiler to repeat the cycle. Because of the
abundance of fuel (coal), this kind of power station can be used to produce large amounts of
electrical energy. In most countries these power stations are used as base load power stations.
This is because steam power stations are slow to start and cannot be used to cater for peak loads
that generally occur for a short duration.

4.2 Scaled-Down Simplified Steam Turbine Generator

Figure 11: Proof of concept Steam Generator

In this design, the main inner workings are similar to that of a real power plant however it is
scaled down and simplified. Using the principle of the Rankine Cycle where water is heated to
steam and is used to move the turbine blade resulting in electricity production. However, the
condensation and cooling of the steam stage is not present but instead upon using the steam, it
is simply released to the surrounding. This is due to the complexity of recapturing the steam
and creating a closed loop system. Due to time and budget constraints we were unable to re-
create the condensation and feed water stage of a steam power plant. Due to its small size and
low water usage, we saw it fit to simply just refill the chamber whenever it was depleted of
water. Additionally, the model would only be running for a few minutes at a time instead of 24
hours like a real steam plant, hence, it is sustainable to not have to re-use the steam in the
4.3 Workings of Steam Turbine Generator

Similar to that in a real steam power plant, we use natural gas (fuel) to boil the water in the
form of a blowtorch which uses a propane gas. In a real power plant, coal is used due to its
abundance and low cost. The water present in the boiler drum changes to high pressure steam.
From the boiler the high pressure steam passed to the super heater where it is again heated up
to its dryness. This superheated steam strikes the turbine blades with a high speed and the
turbine starts rotating at high speed. A generator is attached to the rotor of the turbine and as
the turbine rotates it also rotates with the speed of the turbine. The generator converts the
mechanical energy of the turbine into electrical energy. After striking on the turbine the steam
leaves the turbine and enters into the condenser.

Water is
boiled and Steam
converted Exits Boiler
into steam

Steam hits
Electricity turbine
generated blades and
rotates it

Rotation of
to motor Steam released to
the surrounding

Figure 12: Workings of the simplified steam turbine generator

4.4 Energy Conversions

As per the rule of conservation of energy, in a steam power plant, energy only changes from
one form to another because energy can neither be created or destroyed. The energy starts in
two places; fuel in the form of chemical energy while the water (steam) in the form of potential
energy. These two come together, where water is heated by heat energy of the oxidation of fuel
and this consequently changes water to steam energy. This steam energy is then used to move
the rotors of the turbine in the form of rotational/mechanical energy. And finally, the
mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy in the generator.

Figure 13: Stages of energy changes

5.0 Calculation

5.1 Calculation of the desired rpm required to power up the 1V LED

It was found that the DC motor needs to rotate at a speed of 5km/h in order to power up the
1V LED. This speed is converted to rpm as shown below:
5𝑘𝑚 1000𝑚 1ℎ
𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = × ×
ℎ 𝑘𝑚 3600𝑠
𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 = 1.389

It is known that the tangential velocity, v is equivalent to radius of the shaft times with
the angular velocity of the shaft. Assuming the radius of the shaft is 0.5cm (5×10-3m),
the angular velocity is hence calculated as:
𝑣 = 𝑟𝜔 ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ (1)

𝜔= ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ (2)
1.389𝑚 1
𝜔= ×
𝑠 5×10<= m

𝜔 = 277.8

The angular velocity, 𝜔 is converted to rpm as below:

𝑟𝑎𝑑 1𝑟𝑒𝑣 60𝑠
𝑁 = 277.8 × ×
𝑠 2𝜋 𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝑁 = 2652.79 𝑟𝑝𝑚
This means that the steam turbine with a shaft radius of 0.5cm has to rotate at 2652.79
rpm in order to generate enough power to light up the LED.

5.2 Calculation of Heat Loss through Conduction

Based on figure 14 below, we can obtain the specification of dimensions necked in spray
paint can.

Figure 14: Specification of dimensions necked in spray paint can

The material used for necked in spray

paint can is an aluminium, based on the
figure X below we can notice that the
thermal conductivity for aluminium is
205 (W/m.K). The application use in this
assignment are liquid inside and gas at
atmospheric pressure outside the spray
paint can. We can obtain the overall heat
transfer coefficient are 15-70 (W/m2. K).

Figure 15: Overall Heat transfer Coefficient
Table Chart Pipes and Tube

5.3 Calculation of Steam Quality and Moisture Content

6.0 Discussions
7.0 Conclusion

This project presented a successful design, fabrication and testing of the steam generator. The
burner used produced sufficient heat at a temperature of 300oC to convert water into pure
steam. The steam is delivered to the turbine to rotate it and generates enough power to light up
the LED. The efficiency of the boiler obtained is 99.99% at 300oC. Some recommendations
and safety precautions are; An alternative source of gas for heating. When cost is not a
constraint stainless steel should be used as it possesses better material property requirements
that mild steel. An emergency stop should be provided.

8.0 References


[6] Gordon and Yon, Engineering Thermodynamics, 4th Edition

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