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One of the advantages of centrifugal pumps over positive displacement pumps is an ability to operate with a
wide flow range. Since a centrifugal pump operates at the intersection of a pump curve and a system curve,
varying the system curve easily changes the pump's operating point (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Flow control of the

centrifugal pump by the discharge valve

The convenience and simplicity of such flow control by throttling the discharge valve comes at a price,
because a pump is forced to run either to the left or right of its BEP. However, the real danger of operating
the pump too far off-peak comes from suction side considerations. Too far to the right, and you could run
out of available NPSHa, causing cavitation problems. Too far to the left, and flow recirculation at the
impeller eye will cause noise, vibrations and damage. Flow must be limited on both sides of the BEP (see
Figure 2).
Figure 2. Pump operating range
has limits


Consider the first limitation: high flow. A centrifugal pump stops pumping when liquid turns to vapor, or
vapor locks. This happens when the pressure somewhere inside the pump drops below liquid vapor pressure.
Vapor pressure depends on the temperature. Water turns to vapor at 212-deg F at atmospheric pressure,
when water boils in an open pot. If the pot is closed, the water would reach higher pressure before it boils,
which is how a pressure cooker works.

Conversely, if the pressure were reduced (such as in a vacuum), water would boil at a lower temperature. At
room temperature, it will boil if the absolute pressure is less than about 0.4-psia. Water has low vapor
pressure; other substances may have high values and, while numerically different, work similarly.

Consider three examples of a tank providing different suction heads as a function of the tank pressure:

Figure 3a. Tank open to atmosphere

Figure 3b. Pressurized tank

Figure 3c. Vacuum at the tank surface

To avoid cavitation, the value of the suction pressure does not matter. It does matter how much higher it is
over vapor pressure of the liquid being pumped, which is where the concept of NPSH comes into play.
Available NPSH (or NPSHa) is simply a difference between this total suction head, as discussed above, and
vapor pressure-expressedas head-in feet.

As suction pressure decreases (NPSHa reduced), incipient bubbles grow and eventually vapor lock the pump
inlet (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Development of cavitation

The value of this NPSHa, at which a pump losses 3 percent TDH in excess of vapor pressure, is called net
positive suction head required (NPSHr). It is the NPSH required to maintain
3 percent TDH loss, per the Hydraulic
Institute's specifications.

NPSHr = (Hsuction - Hvapor), required to maintain 3 percent TDH loss

Pump manufacturers establish NPSHr with tests, and may vary from one pump design to another.

NPSHa must be greater than NPSHr for a pump to perform properly, i.e. deliver a TDH, at a given flow. The
NPSHa margin (M=NPSHa-NPSHr) is important and needs to be at least 5-ft if possible (see Figure 5).
Figure 5. Ample margin of NPSHa
is important for a complete range of operation-not just at a single rated flow point

When a centrifugal pump operates below a certain flow point, flow recirculation in the impeller eye starts.
This depends on several design factors, but recirculation generally begins below 80 to 60 percent flow, then
becomes quite severe below 40 to 20 percent and appears as surge: violent, low frequency sound,
accompanied by strong low frequency vibration of the pump and piping.

Figure 6. Problems arise when

pump operates at too low flow
In addition to obvious mechanical problems with recirculation, the flow undergoes a complex vortexing
motion at the impeller inlet (eye), with localized high velocities of the vortex causing horseshoe-looking
cavitation damage, usually on the "blind" side of the blade, in contrast to to high-flow cavitation. Radial
thrust load skyrockets at low flow, causes deflection of the shaft and leads to seal leaks, bearing life
reduction and even shaft breakage.

Troubleshooting methods and failure analysis techniques help to pinpoint cavitation. High flow cavitation
indicators are different from low flow recirculation damage. The

side of the blades, the extent and

shape of the cavitation trough, can be helpful in determining the causes of each individual problem.

It is all about balance: reconciling the fact that centrifugal pumps operate at a wide flow range with the need
to limit operation to a somewhat restricted region, and only operate outside this region for a short time.

Recognizing this conflicting dilemma, API-610 states 60 percent as allowable minimum flow (70 percent
preferred) and 120 percent allowable maximum flow (110 percent preferred), which balances versatility with

In politics, being neither too far to the left nor to the right is good for the public. Similarly for pumps, it is
best to stay close to the BEP center.

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