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THE BACHELOR by Natasha Kapeta

"Hey "My friend Sandy gave me a nudge with her elbow and
whispered "that's the guy ".
My eyes followed her and we landed on a man who had just sat on
the piano and started playing as the praise team sung.
"Wow!.. Now I see what the commotion is all about "I said as I stared
at him as he sung. He had a great voice and he sung so effortlessly.
His hair was shining black and seemed curled, he had a smooth
caramel completion and one dimple which went in as his mouth
moved. Ever since I returned, in fact even before I returned my
friends would call and tell me about him.all the girls in the praise
team had their eyes on him, even those in relationships, this had
been bringing a lot of tension in the group. Sandy had once told me
that he was so generous he would bring boxes of pizza whenever he
came for praise rehearsals and when it was someone's birthday he
would get them a cake so that the praise team would sing happy
birthday and celebrate together. I knew everyone in the praise team
cause I was once part of them but new people use joined, like the
same guy and others. I didn't know him because he had just
relocated from Lusaka because of his job and when he joined I was
Speaking of away, I had been in the UK studying to be a veterinary
doctor on a scholarship. I came from a poor family and the home we
stayed in didn't even have electricity, we used to fetch water at the
neighbor's house and our house had no window so we put
cardboards and covered them with curtains. It was a big house but it
was an unfinished house which had been abandoned years ago and
the owner seemed to have forgotten about it cause when we first
started staying there we used to pay rent but then he just stopped
coming to collect and years went on. Maybe he was dead.
Anyway ,i very much wanted to change the status of my family so I
studied hard, God had blessed me such that even when I didn't study
for hours on end, as long as I paid attention in class I would get
something and pass the tests.
My mother was also intent on seeing her children through school, I
had two elder siblings, a sister and a brother. My brother the first
born never went to college but just started working and moved to
Lusaka, he only called when he was sick and needed my mother to go
and sit by his bedside, which she always did no matter how much I
criticized. My sister went to college to get an advanced certificate in
psychology and counselling but she never really used it, she for
married to a businessman who bought her a car and she put it on a
taxi rank so that she could be having money. She used to send me
some money after pestering her for days on end and my brother in-
law would leave mom some money whenever he was in town, they
too stayed in Lusaka.
That leaves me, I didn't want to just get a job and start buying
groceries to my mother, I wanted to legally buy the house we were
living in and finish it up, it was the only house in the area which
wasn't finished and that made me feel bad. To support my education
mg mother had a vegetable garden at the back and she also kept
Luckily after passing my grade twelve exams with excellent results I
tried my luck and started applying for scholarships. I won one which
sent me to the UK to study veterinary medicine.
The university provided an allowance of £400 per month which was
roughly k6000 .I stayed in campus so had no worries about
accommodation, instead of using the money I had to buy airplane
tickets to visit home my mother suggested I stay put and save it so I
would send her k2000 per month because I wanted her to stop
struggling too much, she was growing old with her legs giving her
So I went to the UK but still stayed in touch with my friends from
home, mostly Sandra, she would keep me updated about everything
which was going on back home. When my graduation finally came I
had saved up enough money to get my mother a passport and
sponsor her travel to come and see me graduate, my sister also
pestered her husband for money, she already had a passport cause
once in a while she would go to Dubai and buy things for sale.
So I graduated and now I was back home, my mother was very proud
and relieved, all her children were now grown up. When I returned
home I found that the garden was still there and so were the
chickens .my mother had even bought two big solar panels and had
them installed so that we could at least have power in the house.
My mother was a Christian and she would never miss church without
a good reason so I had to follow in her footsteps.
So that Sunday I was at church with Sandy who was now teaching at
kansenshi basic school but still stayed with her parents. That Sunday
she showed me the infamous Gabriel and he was really handsome.
After church we went outside waiting for our other friends who were
having a praise team meeting .
"So what does he do to afford buying pizza willy nilly.? "I asked
Sandy, she was skipping out on the praise stuff that day because it
was my first Sunday at home and she wanted to spend it with me .
"He works for some mine in kitwe but stays here.. I hear he is some
kind of engineer... "She told me.
"Have you flirted with him yet? "I teased her.
"There is a long line my friend.. And he doesn't seem interested in
anyone.. He is friendly with everyone "
"Definitely a player... He wants them all "I said and we chuckled.
"Come on.. He is really just nice.. "She defended.
Just then Mark, the praise team chairman came our way.
"Lynn.. You're back "he said with a smile and shook my hand.
"Yes I am "
"I expect to see you for rehearsals on Tuesday "he said to me.
"Am not sure.. Am not part of the team anymore "
"You were part of it when you left and you're part of it now... Sandra
don't leave her behind when you come for rehearsals "he said and
walked to another group of youths.
"You heard the man "said sandy with my grin, she knew how much I
didn't want to rejoin the praise team. They had mini groups in there,
this group hating on another one and it was childish and petty.
"Is it still the same? "I asked her as we walked towards our two
friends Jessy and Mary.
"Of course it is.. But it's a bit better.. Most of those people you're
thinking of are married now and have stopped the praise team "she
informed me.
"Hey guys...can we go now? "I asked Jessy
"Hey.. Didn't you miss socializing? "This was Mary.
"Fine! "I groaned "what's on your to do list? "I asked them.
Mum would remain for meetings at church and I would just find
myself alone at home anyway. And we had no tv to keep me
"Gabriel just invited the praise team to his house... He is celebrating
a promotion "said Jessy
"Well am not a member so.. "
"That's a lie.. You heard what mark said.. He told you to come for
rehearsals on Tuesday "said Sandy and I glared at her.
"Member or not am dragging you with us "said Jessy as she got hold
of my hand.
Jessy was the first one I knew among my three friends but I found
myself bonding greatly with Sandy, that didn't mean Jessy wasn't
also my best friend, and she always good upset whenever I told
Sandy things before telling her. So despite my being unwilling and
reluctant, she dragged me to the small celebration.
.The house was newly built and the wall fence was so tall you
couldn't see the roof until you entered. He had a small pool on the
left and a beautiful green lawn surrounded by beautiful flowers on
the right. When we arrived we found some people were already
there. A braii stand had been brought out and five cases of
disposable drinks, big ones had been displayed just near where they
had put t-bone, big chicken pieces, sausages and some spices.
"How long has he been planning this? "I asked Mary
"He told us about the promotion on Sunday, said he had been
promoted on Friday.. "She responded as we went to get plastic
garden chairs and sat while Jessy went to grab some drinks for us.
Music was playing ,he hadn't brought the speakers outside but the
windows were open and the volume was up one could think it was
outside. Jessy came back and handed us drinks.
"More are there.. Once you finish you can go and grab another one
"she told us.
The praise team only had like twenty five members and only about
eighteen had made it to the party.
"I guess with the promotion he has enough money to spare ".I
commented as j looked around. Did he really stay alone in that big
house?? It didn't make much sense.
"He's just generous.. When you have a problem he is always ready to
help.. I once needed money for transport in the first month of work
and he just gave me a k500...just like that"said Mary.
I looked around to spot the guy while the ladies continued talking
about his good deeds and generosity, he was nowhere to be seen.
"Where is he anyway ?"i inquired
"Oh.. He is inside.. Some girls are making salads and he is there to
make sure they have everything.. There are two big cakes in there
too"said Jessy.
"Wow..this is really a party.. As if it wasn't a spur of the moment
kinda thing.. Anyway, tell me about you guys.. Who is single, who is
crushing and who is dating?"i asked, I wanted to catch up with what
everyone was up to.
"Well.."Jessy started "Mary hear is dating a guy from Catholic "
"Oh really??.. And how does granny feel about that? "I asked with a
smile. Mary was raised by her grandmother, her mother had her at
sixteen years old so they grew up more like sisters instead of mother
and child, even when you look at them you wouldn't guess that it
was mother and daughter, she took her granny like the mother and
her mother like an elder sister, even when she wanted to sneak away
from the house she would confide in her mother who would cover
for her.
"She doesn't know yet.. "Said Mary "but he is really great, am sure
she will understand "she said hopefully.
Her granny had been a Catholic nun but I don't know what
happened, we just knew that she returned, stopped being Catholic
and got married then joined our church which her husband
attended. She was now a widow but her husband had left her with
two houses, they lived in one and rented out the other one. Mary's
granny had hated everything to do with Catholics ever since she
returned from sisterhood but she refused to say what really
happened there and why she returned.
"Well am happy for you "I said and patted her hand "let's hope he's
not a player "
"He is really not... And it took him like three months to finally ask me
out even though I had been seeing the signs "said Mary.
"How about you Jessy? "I inquired and she took a sip of her drink,
she was hesitating and avoiding eye contact. I looked at Sandy and
she just shrugged."what's going on ladies? "I asked impatiently.
Before any of them could respond a familiar voice called out to Jessy.
"Babe.. Come we take some photos.. Gabriel has a camera, it's snap
and give "he said and I looked at Jessy who was just looking down.
"Wow.. "Was all I could say.
When Jessy didn't get up or say anything the guy came closer.
"Jessy come on.. "He said then noticed me"Lynn.. Hi!.. Wow.. When
did you get back? "He asked as he looked at me.
"I arrived on are you George? "I asked with a smile.
"Am good.. UK really agreed with you.. You look great "he said and
put his hands in his pockets
"You don't look bad yourself "I replied and looked at Jessy.. "You
better go and take those photos "I said to her and she reluctantly
stood up.
"We'll catch up later "said George and they walked away.
"When did that happen? "I asked Mary and sandy
"I told her it was not wise to get married to your ex but she wouldn't
listen "said Mary
"Married?? "I thought I heard her wrong.
"Their engagement was announced in church about two weeks ago
"put in sandy
"But why hasn't she told me anything? "I asked as I looked at them
posing for photos at a distant.
"Probably because she's ashamed and afraid to face your.. She is
with your ex"said sandy
"Stop saying that.. George is not my ex.. We never ever dated "I said
to sandy.
"And yet he kissed you uncountable times and he has touched your
breasts "she pointed out.
"He was a friend with some benefits "I said in defence
"So are you saying that's not bothering you? "Asked Mary gesturing
to Jessy and George.
"Not at all.. "I said with a smile.
I didn't care whether George was dating or not .what I cared about
was Jessy getting married to him. The George I knew was a flirt who
wouldn't mind making out with someone else's girlfriend. That's why
I never attached myself to him. Yes we kissed w couple of times but
that was that, I knew a relationship with him would be a dead end
filled with arguments and breakups. I just prayed Jessy knew what
she was getting herself into.
When I was leaving for the UK George was in this first year at Apex
university where he wanted to pursue a degree in pharmacy. And
now he was working at Arthur Davison children's hospital.
Before the party could even end I dragged Mary and Jessy out of
When I got home I found mum plucking vegetables in the garden.
"Where have you been? "She asked as I joined her.
"Just catching up with my friends "I answered and bent over.
"Oh yes.. They have really grown...Jessy is a nurse at ndola central
hospital now "said mum.
"Yeah.. I have heard she is even engaged "I put in.
"Yes...her mother invited me over when the young man and his
people came "
My mother and jessy's mother were very close friends and if they
started explaining their complicated family tree one would find that
they were related.she was married to a drunkard who was never
Jessy was the first born in a family of four children, of the three
siblings one was in college, the other one in high school and the
youngest was in primary school.
"So what do you think about the man? "I asked mum, we were so
close and she always gave me her honest opinion.
"He is a member of our church.. "She said and I chuckled
"Is that the only advantage? "
"Maybe once they get settled and start having children he will be
more reserved.. Otherwise I think he has wandering eyes and if not
careful he will be having extra marital affairs "said mum "bana Jessy
also has them same thoughts but Jessy assured us that he has
changed "she said.
We finished with the vegetables and went back inside. Mum offered
to prepare supper while I sat writing and emailing application letters
.as I was busy on my laptop I heard mum talking to someone in the
kitchen and shortly Jessy appeared in my room.
"Hey "
"Are you too busy? "She asked and sat on a chair by my dressing
"Not really.. What's up? "I asked and stopped typing.
"I just wanted to talk to you.. About George.. I never planned for it to
happen.. And I would have called to tell you about it but I thought it
would be better if we talked in person.. I hope you are not too upset
"she explained.
"Come on Jessy.. We both know George and I never really dated.. We
were just fooling around.. And if you two are happy and right for
each other, then that's good.. Am happy for you "I told her and she
smiled with relief
That week was boring for me because all I did was type and send out
application letters hoping I would soon be called for a job interview
.on Tuesday I never went for rehearsals because I had gone into
town to buy some clothes and do my hair, by the time I got back it
was late and I was exhausted. But on Friday I had nothing on my
agenda. The rehearsals were usually from 16:30 to 18:00 because
they considered those who worked. Around 16;00 I went to church,
the caretaker knew me very well so she gave me the keys and I
opened the church .during my stay in the UK I had learnt some basics
on how to play the piano so I went to sit down on the piano and
started playing while humming,before I knew it I was lost in song. I
really loved music, it comforted me and cheered me up whenever I
was feeling down .as I finished the song and stopped playing the
piano I heard someone applaud. I looked up and around only to find
someone sitting on the very first bench. He stood up and walked
towards me.
"That was beautiful. ."he complimented and came to stand leaning
on the piano.
"Thank you "I responded and moved away from the piano.
When I was leaving for school I had left only a keyboard but
apparently Gabriel had bought a piano and some drums.
"Do you wish to join the praise team? "He asked and sat on the piano
as he started playing a more upbeat tone.
"Am skeptical... But my mother thinks it will be good for me"I
answered and looked at the time. These people still operated on
Zambian time.
"She's right.. The people are very friendly you will feel like they're all
your best friends and very easy to talk to... Plus I can tell you really
love singing "he said.
"I may love singing but I highly doubt the friendly part.. "
"Hey...don't judge before you get to know them "he said with a
As we were talking Mark entered and walked our way.
"Lynn!!.. So great of you to finally join us "he said with a big smile
and put his backpack on the bench.
"Well I almost went back ..everyone is late "I responded and he
"You know how it is.. But no worries, when they disciplinary gets
here.. Who is also late.. He will punish them and himself.. But as we
wait I can start teaching you some new songs you might not be
familiar with "he said.
Mark was very friendly and I liked him, but like a brother.he had
been in my mother's baptism class but school was keeping him so
busy he would kiss some classes. To make up for it he would come
home in the evenings so that my mother can teach him and that's
how we knew each others, he was really nice and always talked to
me like I was his sister, he may have been the only guy in the praise
team who didn't bounce around from girl to girl. He had stuck to ine
girlfriend for years and soon they would probably get married.
So he started teaching me some new songs whole Gabriel played the
piano and backed him felt good to sing again in church and
while we were singing other people came and joined in until we were
enough to start actual group rehearsals.
After we were done Mark asked me to remain behind.
"I want to give you then new songs so that you can learn the lyrics on
your own time before the next rehearsals "he said.
So I remained behind but told the girls to wait for me outside. I sat
on a bench waiting for mark who was talking to the youth convenor.
"I thought you were a new member "Gabriel sat next to me.
"I am.. "
"And yet you know half the people in the team.. And you seemed
very comfortable "he commented and I couldn't help smiling.
"I was a part of them but I left years ago.. "
"And now you are back "
"Yeah..home sweet home "I said with a sigh.
"I didn't get your name "he said but before I could respond Mark
called out to me.
"Lynn.. Follow me"he said and I got up and followed him.
About a week later I was called for a job interview, I was very
optimistic and couldn't wait to start working, staying at home was
really boring and I wanted to save up enough money quickly so that I
could buy the house. After the interview I decided to buy some
groceries for home. I made my way into shoprite and started
shopping absent mindedly. Being back home was great and all but I
was feeling out of place, all my friends were working and had
something going for them. For a minute I regretted turning down the
job offer in the uk but I wanted to come home and be with my
mother, she had lived alone for long enough and I didn't want her to
feel abandoned.
I was on my way out of the store when I bumped into Gabriel.
"Hey.. Lynn right? "He asked with a smile
"Yeah.. Hi"I responded as I walked out to them car park and he
followed behind.
"Do you need a ride home? "He asked
"Not really.. Am good "I said and busied myself on the phone. I never
liked getting too friendly and personal with the guys in the praise
team. Even George when I left he wasn't in the praise team but had
joined later.
"Are you sure?? Am heading home right now and I wouldn't mind
dropping you off "
"Thanks but no thanks.. Am good.. Bye"I said and hurried out of the
car park. I walked to them bus station and got on a bus heading
home. It started off quite alright but was stopped by the traffic police
and we had to park on the size of the road. All these passengers for
out and started demanding for their money from the conductor, it
was really a sight and I didn't want to be part of it so I just stood
watching a few steps away.
As if I was being mocked Gabriel pulled over right in front of me.
"Are you sure you don't need that ride? "He asked and gave me a
teasing smile. I groaned and he opened the front door for me. I put
the groceries in their back and sat in front, my eyes never leaving my
"That's really rude.. The least you can do is make small talk "he said
and I looked at him.
"What do you wanna talk about? "I asked him and put my phone
"I hear that you went to the uk to study medicine... How was it?? "He
"Who told you that? "I asked
"Is it important? "
"To me it is... "I insisted.
"Fine.. I asked Jessy and she told me "
"Are you two close? "I asked and a smile came on his face
"Are you jealous?? "He asked and I couldn't help laughing.
"You're kidding right??.. Why would I be jealous? "I asked with
"Am close to everyone in the praise team.. "He said
"I see.. Good for you I guess.. "I said with no interest and looked out
the window.
"Am sensing some hostility from there something I should
know?? "He inquired.
"Look.. I just got back home and am trying to settle in.. I don't need
the drama which comes with being a praise member.. No offence but
I don't wanna be bestys with you.. Or anyone else in praise for that
matter.. So I would really appreciate it if you stopped trying to get to
know me"I spoke out.
"Wow.. You're one blunt lady.. I don't think anyone has ever said
anything like that to me before "
"Well there's a first time for everything "I said and looked away.
The rest of the drive was filled with awkward silence until he
dropped me off at home.
"Thanks for the ride "I said and got my stuff.
"Anytime.. "He said, but this time he didn't smile.
I kinda felt bad for telling him off like that and maybe I hurt his
feelings but I preferred people knowing where I stand instead of
acting to be something I don't wanna be. I just joined the team
because I loved singing, I didn't wanna attract any attention to
myself, but we don't always get what we want.
Initially, the rules for the praise team dictated that a new member
had to attend rehearsals for at least a month before he or she could
start singing in church. But after having gone for the rehearsals for
only two weeks Mark decided that I was ready to sing in church.
"Lynn will be the lead singer for this one.. Her vocals are on point
and she is the only female managing to hit the high notes without
going off key "he announced on Friday after we were done with the
There was some murmurs and whispers of complaint.
"Is there anyone who would like to challenge her for the spot and
give it one last shot?? "Asked Mark when he heard the whispers "as
you know we will have a visiting praise team here on Sunday and we
need to put on our best performance.. So if anyone thinks they can
handle it please step forward "he said with authority but no one
raised there hand or stepped forward. "I guess it's settled.. Lynn has
the spot.. "Concluded Mark.After the closing prayer I remained
behind to have a quick talk with Mark.
"I think you made a mistake.. Your people are not happy "I told mark.
"That should teach them to take music seriously.. I always tell them
to work on their voices.. Anyway, that aside.. You're doing great but I
need you to he in perfect sync with the piano.. "He said to me.
"We're singing that song on Sunday... Are you saying I have to remain
behind a d rehearse more? "I asked in disbelief, I was already tired.
"No.. Of course not.. But tomorrow before the youth Bible study you
can go through the song.. Just come about an hour early.. Gabriel has
agreed to meet up with you "he informed me and my eyes wandered
to Gabriel but he wasn't looking at me, he was talking to some girl
who was smiling sheepishly.
"Okay.. Tomorrow I will be here by 14:00hrs "I told him.
The youth Bible study usually started around 15:30.
I walked out of the church and found Jessy waiting for me.
"Hey.. "She smiled "congrats on getting the spot, you deserve it"she
said as we started walking home.
"Are you sure? "I asked doubtfully
"Yes.. I mean there are some girls who can hit those notes but they
are lazy and don't take it seriously.. "She said and I just
nodded." official engagement party is next month and I
was hoping you would help me plan it.. As my best friend "she said to
"That's really thoughtful of you and am really honoured but don't
you think you should pick maybe Mary or Sandy?? I don't even have
a job yet "I told her.
I knew that if I was to help her plan it I had to help her with money
"Don't be silly.. You're my best friend and money or not I want you to
help me plan it.. Tomorrow morning am going to meet up with the
card designer, I want you to come with me m. Then later on we can
go to the tailor to check on my dress "she was speaking with
excitement. She sounded so happy and I failed to turn her down.
"OK ok.. I will be there.. But only the card guy.. I have to come early
for rehearsals and I need rest so you will have to go to the tailor
without me... But take pictures and send them to me "I told her and
she smiled broadly
"This is gonna be so much fun.. Am glad you came back in time "she
When I got home and started going through my emails I found one
from one of the places I had been called for an said I was
one of the three finalists for the job and I had to go in on Monday
morning for my final evaluation before they could make a decision. I
was so excited I even told mum about it.
"That's great...I will be praying for you to be chosen "she said
happily. "And your sister called.. She said if there is nothing by month
end you should travel to Lusaka and get your luck there "she told me,
I frowned and mum laughed "let's just pray you find a job before
The problem with my sister was that she was a socialite, she had two
kids, both boys and was rarely home. She always called for me to go
and stay with her so that she could be leaving everything in my laps
while she went out socializing.yes she would give me clothes, shoes
and hair and makeup she wasn't using anymore but I was grown now
and didn't wanna play maid to her.
The following day I woke up early morning, did the chores and made
breakfast for my mother. Since there was no water at our place and
luckily mum thought I was too big to be moving around with a bucket
of water in my head she paid someone to fetch water for us.
"Once I yet my first salary am paying the council to come and
connect water here "I told mum and she smiled.
"I know you have big plans.. Hopefully God will see you through..
"She said.
By the time Jessy came to pick me up I had already bathed and was
just waiting for her. The designer stayed in northrise so we had to go
there. There was a variety of designs and they were all great.
"What do you think? "Jessy asked me.
"It's just an engagement party.. Most people don't even have them..
So I suggest you just go with something simple and adorable.. You
can then go crazy on the wedding and kitchen party invites "I told
her my honest opinion "plus you will save some money "I added and
she nodded.
"You're right.. We should just get something simple but cute "she
agreed and picked a card with white and pink flowers drawn on it.
After picking the card design we parted ways, she went to see the
tailor in town and I went home. Mum wasn't around when I for there
so I started preparing lunch. Jessy kept on sending me pictures of
different dress designs ,she had bought the material and taken it to
the tailor but wasn't set on the design yet.
"Just pick something you will be comfortable in... "I typed when she
asked for my opinion. "And make sure the dress design will be
complimented by whatever hairstyle you willing have "I reminded
By the time mum got back I was almost done. We ate, I did the
dishes then went to bath again before heading out for my final
Gabriel was already there when I reached.
"You're late "he said to me and I looked at the time, I wasn't late.
"No.. You're early "I responded as I watched his fingers stroking the
keys on the piano. He stopped playing and took a deep breath.
"Alright.. Let's get started...first do some warm ups.. Follow the keys I
will be playing "he instructed and I started warming up .
After the warm ups he started playing the song, we were good but
we were not great. Suddenly he stopped.
"Ok this isn't working "he said
"Maybe am just not ready.. "I told him and he shook his head.
"You're ready.. But just stop looking at me.. Focus on the sound of
music and just forget that am there one playing it.. You're holding
back because you're too conscious of the person playing the piano..
Just pretend am not here "he advised.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes then started singing, letting
everything else just fade away and focusing on the song, I imagined
myself in front of God's throne and singing to him. By the time the
song ended Gabriel was applauding.
"Wow!!.. That was perfect.. Let's go again "he said with a big smile.
We were half way into our rehearsal when the door opened and we
were joined by one of the girls from the team ,she was the one who
had been smiling sheepishly at Gabriel.
"Carol!!.. Hey.. Welcome "said Gabriel
"Am I late? "She asked and put her handbag on the bench
"No.. No.. Am almost done "he said to her then turned to me "I hope
you don't kind cutting our rehearsal short, Carol wants me to he
teaching her some basics of playing the piano.. Besides, we have
already perfected the song, you're now in sync with the piano "he
told me.
"Alright.. I guess I'll just go and wait for the Bible study to start "I said
and headed outside to the shelter which we used to have our Bible
study in, I had like 45 minutes before the time for the Bible study so I
decided to pass the time by browsing in order to distract myself from
the fact that my rehearsal time had been hijacked by Carol.. But then
again if it wasn't for me she would have been the lead singer so it
was fair in the end.

In my entire young life I had never broken up with any guy. In college
while boys were fighting over my friends I was struggling to even get
one guy to notice me. I tried everything I could think of, I asked
Google for answers and yet nothing seemed to work, it was very
frustrating. I always told myself that if I managed to catch a guy's eye
I would be faithful and stick to him, being there best girlfriend a man
would ever ask for .I was almost giving up on men when finally a guy
started noticing me. At first I didn't think much of it but George
would always find himself siting next to me in church, he even
started texting me and taking an interest in my personal life. I didn't
think much of it because I knew that he had once fooled around with
Lynn and she was my very best friend. When I noticed that George
was showing interests I casually asked Lynn how she felt about him
and she had told me there was absolutely nothing between them. So
when he finally asked me out I didn't hesitate to say yes.
Months passed and before I knew it he was talking about marriage, I
couldn't believe it, a guy was actually in love with me and wanted to
marry me. To me it was a miracle.
I knew what my friends thought about George, but if he was a player
who was just stringing me along why would he ask me to marry
him?? I knew he had changed.
When Lynn came back I was nervous to face her but she assured me
that she had no interests whatsoever in George and I knew she was
not lying. Lynn was so full of herself and had ridiculously high
standards when it came to her ideal man. Just because she was
beautiful and intelligent and talented didn't mean she had to be so
picky, no wonder she never dated a man passed one month. Well
some of us couldn't afford to he picky so there was no way I was
going to question my relationship with George and jeopardise my
chances are marriage. George was a Christian who attended my
church, he was good looking and he had a stable job, what more
could I possibly ask for??.
After my meeting with the tailor I called George to let him know
about my progress.
"Babe.. I don't even know why you are having that engagement
party.. You're just adding more stress and pressure on yourself "he
said to me.
"Come on.. I told you I can manage and all costs are on me.. All you
have to do is show up in a nice suit "I told him.
"Fine.. Fine.. Have you talked to your mother about the bride price
??"he asked me.
They had charged him k18,000 and he was trying to get it down to
twelve so he had asked me to talk to my mother.
"I did talk to her.. "I told him.
"And what did she say?? "
"Well.. They sat down and discussed it.. They feel like k18,000 is
reasonable "I told him nervously.
"But babe.. Am also paying for the wedding.. In that case you have to
pick one thing.. I pay the bride price and we just have a small come
together party and your kitchen party.. Or they reduce the bride
price so that we can have the wedding too"he said to me.
I really didn't want to have some pitiful pathetic come together party
as a reception for my wedding, I wanted to have a real big beautiful
wedding which people would admire, envy and talk about for
"Okay.. I will try to talk to her one more time "I told him
"That's great sweety.. I gotta go now.. See you later "he said and
hang up.
I was working night shift that day so I couldn't manage to go for
youth Bible study and the next day I was too exhausted to go to
church. I woke up around 10:00hrs and found the house quiet
,everyone was at church except for my father who was sited on the
lazy man's chair outside under a big avocado tree.
I approached him cautiously and knelt down before him.
"Good morning father.. "
"Morning.. Why aren't you at church? "He asked, whenever he was
sober he was a very rational and reasonable man but alas those
moments were very rare, no wonder I had to take advantage of it
"I was working the night shift so I came back this morning and was
tired "I explained to him and he murmured in understanding.
"Can I disturb you for a moment father? "I asked, he was reading a
"Go ahead and speak your mind "he responded and I cleared my
"It's about my wedding... "I started.
"What about it? "He asked and looked at me.
"George has a lot of responsibility as the first born in his family and
he won't manage to pay the money which he was asked to pay..
Besides, he has been very supportive of me.. He is even the one who
paid for my exam fees in my last semester "
The part about my exam fees was a lie.. It was Lynn who had helped
me out because my parents were broke at that time.
My father stared at me for a moment then went back to his
"How much can he manage?? "He asked me.
"Maybe k12,000 he is also paying for the wedding ".I told him
"Do you think that amount is fair and reasonable? "He asked again.
"Yes father.. I know if he had money he would have paid more.. And
he will be helping me educate my siblings "I answered.
"Alright then...if that's how you feel then let his people get in touch
and we will talk.. "
"Thank you so much father "I said with excitement in rushed inside
to go and call George, thank realized that he must have been in
church so I just texted him.
I couldn't wait for the church service to be over so that I could talk to
George. Since I was sponsoring the engagement party on my own I
had to ask my friends to help out here and there but I knew it
wouldn't be easy because I had already asked them to be in my
wedding committee, my mother suggested that I let her form a
committee for the kitchen party.
Lynn wasn't working but I knew she had come back with some
money and if that wasn't enough I had a plan B. Gabriel was very
generous and most girls managed to get money out of him.. He
never really had a girlfriend but I knew he flirted with most girls on
the praise team and also spent money on them. If only I could find a
way to get Lynn to loosen up a little and flirt with him she could get
some money out of him. But so far she wasn't showing any interest
in him and I had to fix that.
While I was thinking about how to get her to start fooling around
with Gabriel the way she had fooled around with my George I saw a
notification on whatsapp, someone had updated their status. When I
went to check it out I almost hurled my phone against the wall.
George had taken a video of Lynn singing like an angel and posted it
with the caption "when you're great you're great, am sure even the
angels in heaven were moved. That was beautiful dear.. You're
simply talented ".
I couldn't help feeling jealous, over the course of our relationship I
had been chosen as lead singer multiple times and he never ever
complimented me or even took videos to post on whatsapp.
Before I could go offline more updates flooded in, pictures of him
with the girls in our praise team and some with the visiting
team.there was only one with him and Lynn, she wasn't even smiling
but the way he was grinning from ear to ear made my blood boil. We
had to get married before he got back to his old ways and ruined
After an eventful Sunday, on Monday I went for my interview, I was
confident and hopeful. After being evaluated for the last time I was
told to wait outside while they interviewed the other two and made
their final decision. As I was sited there I looked at George's status
updates. I had told him off about the video he had put of me. As
flattering as it was I knew it would cause the wrong kind of attention
.the video was still there so I played it again ,after telling him off I
had asked him to send me the video but he refused.that Sunday had
really been great and even as I had been singing on felt awesome,
the visiting praise team were impressed and even our Reverend
minister complimented us .
"Ms Bwacha "someone called intruding in my thoughts.
"Yes? "I responded and looked up.
"Come with me "said the lady holding a clip board.
I stood up and followed her as we went in other office.
"Sit and wait here "she told me and disappeared.
Shortly the man whose had been on the interview panel entered and
sat on the leather chair which was facing me.
"Congratulations Ms Bwacha... you have been selected for the job
"he said to me.
"Really?? Thank you very much for this opportunity sir.. I will not
disappoint "I said and he shook my hand.
"Your I.D card is being made as we speak and you can pick it up on
your way out.. You start work tomorrow morning "he said and I
couldn't help smiling.
The company had their offices in ndola town center but they had a
farm along kitwe road and they wanted me to be working from
there, to be making sure their poultry and cattle was in good
health.they even took me to the farm so that I could see it. My
employment agreement stated that my startup salary would be
k15,000 there would be giving me k1000 transport allowance per
month and k3000 accommodation allowance bringing the total to
k19,000.which wasn't really bad.
When I went home that day I told my mother about it and she was
happy and relieved.
"But am gonna need transport for this month cause I have no money
"I told her.
"No worries.. Those who took chickens on credit have started paying
back and some are buying cash.. You can be getting that money...
"She offered
"Thank you.. I promise to pay back once I get paid "I told her.
The following day I woke up very early and prepared myself then got
on a bus which took me to a station where people hiked and found
mini buses going to kit we.
There were a log of people and whenever a car came they would
rush to it and get in. I kept on remaining behind. This was frustrating,
I was going to be late on my first day of work.I was slowly getting
impatient with upset when a car pulled over but it wasn't for hikes.
Some people had rushed to it and had been told it wasn't for hiking.
"He is calling you "one guy told me.
Surprised and curious I walked over and found Gabriel smiling at me.
"Need a ride? "He asked.
I was relieved when didn't think twice about getting in.
"Thank you..I thought I would stand there forever and be late for my
first day "I said as I looked at the time, I would make it in time.
"So first day huh??.. Congrats "
"Thanks... Where are you headed to? "I asked wanting to know
where he could drop me off.
"Kitwe.. Work.. "He responded then I recalled the girls saying he was
some kind of engineer in some mine in kitwe.
"Cool.. "I said and told him which farm I was heading to.
"It's not far from the main road.I have been there once...their
chickens are big and tasty "he said.
We continued chatting casually until he dropped me off by the farm
and went his way. The entire week went by with Gabriel finding me
by the station and giving me a lift to work, this helped me to save on
transport money.
On Friday after the rehearsals Sandy went home with me.
"So... Jessy's engagement party... How is that going? "She asked me
"I don't know.. I have been so busy with work i haven't had time to
talk to her about it. "I said
"Well we both know she is sponsoring it herself even though she
keeps pretending like George is helping... And her salary won't be
enough to cover it... We need to help her "she said seriously.
"I know we have to help but I don't have money right now and her
party is coming before my payday "I said. I really wanted to help her,
George was so wrong for her but if she was hellbent on marrying him
then who was I to stop her?.
"I can help with the venue.. I know a nice lodge where we can get a
discount.. I will cover the venue "she offered.
"She hasn't even found the venue yet?? "I asked in disbelief, she had
like three weeks remaining.
"No.. I just told her about the lodge today and so she texted the card
designer to have him put the venue.. The cards will be sent out on
Sunday.. "She explained.
"So what's covered and what's remaining? "I asked.
"The lodge will do the decor and provide caterers but the food she
has to buy... Mary has offered to hire the dj and help with transport
"she told me.
"Well.. I guess I can get some chickens from mum, I will pay her
later.. "I said thoughtful, all the girls were pitching in and it would
not look good to me to stay out, after all she considered me her best
friend."okay.. I will cover the food.. I don't know how but I just have
"Great.. At least she won't blame us for being awful friends who
didn't support her "said Sandy .
I later escorted her home and on my way back Jessy called.
"Oh thank you so much besty... Sandra just called and told me about
your meeting. You girls are the best "she said full of excitement
"Well we have to be there to help and support each other.. You have
a budget right? "I asked her.
"Of course.. Let me text it to you right away "she said and hang up.
When I saw her budget I was in awe, where was I going to find k7000
to cater for what she wanted to buy. How can she want to feed 200
when her salary was just k4000 and then she wanted to have an
extravagant .it was like spending on a wedding. K7000 for food and
drinks only, seven freaking thousand, it was unbelievable. Where did
she expect me to get that kind of money?.
I called my sister and asked her if she could loan me some money,
any amount at all and she sent me a k1000..if I got the chickens from
mum plus the little money I had what was remaining to be found was
a k5000.
On Monday I was getting ready for work when I received a text from
"Am parked outside "
Surprised and confused, I got my bag and said goodbye to mum then
walked outside.
"Hey. What are you doing here? "I asked
"I thought it would be easier if I just picked you up from here instead
of that station "he said and opened the door for me.
"That's very thoughtful of you "I said and got in.
My mind was in Jessy and her budget, I kept staring at it and thinking
of ways I could afford what was on it. I even started wondering if my
boss would agree to give me an advance payment.
"You seem distracted "commented Gabriel. "What's on your mind?
"He asked.
"Jessy's engagement party "I answered
"Oh yeah..she gave me the card yesterday.Am guessing you're
helping with the planning "
"Yeah.. And it's a headache on it's own "I responded with a sigh and
leaned back then closed my eyes.
"Anything I can help with? "I heard him ask.
I had heard how generous he was but asking him for money was
simply ridiculous.
"Thanks but no..I have it covered "I told him.
"Alright.. But don't hesitate to call when you need me".
By the end of the day I had come up with a solution, I wasn't going to
spend another dime on that party, the k2000 was enough, the
remaining k5000 would come from someone else and I was going to
make them bring out the money.
That day I had a lot of work to do so instead of knocking off at my
usual 15:00hrs I left work around 17:00hrs. Since I planned on
getting jessy's party funding I decided not to go straight home. I
dropped off in town and found a small but very neat restaurant.I sat
in Tue corner and just ordered some soup. About ten minutes later
he arrived and came my way.
"I have to say.. When I received you told me to meet you here I
thought it was a prank "he said with a smile and made himself
"And yet here you are "I said and he chuckled.
"Of course.. I couldn't pass up such an opportunity.. Prank or no
prank "he said as he gestured for the waitress to come over, he
made his order then turned back to me again.
" what do I owe this pleasure? "He inquired.
"Why are you marrying Jessy? "I asked directly. He studied me for a
moment then responded.
"Because I love her.. She's really great.. If I have to be frank I would
say she is the most loyal woman I have ever met "he answered and I
couldn't help smiling, when I was fooling around with him I would
always flirt with people on social media and it would piss him off.
"If you love her so much why are you letting her cover the costs for
your engagement party all alone? "I questioned him, it wasn't really
making sense to me.
"I told her we couldn't afford to have it.. It's not even that
important.. But she insisted and said she would cover the costs
herself and I have nothing to stress about "he explained
"You may not be stressing but she is putting the pressure on us who
have to help her.. "I went ahead and showed him the budget which
had fallen in my laps.
"Whoa!!.. She expects you to spend that much??.. "He too was
shocked "I wonder how much you will have to contribute as part of
her wedding committee "he teased and leaned back as they served
him his food.
"This isn't funny George.. You have to bail me out.. Help me.. It's
your engagement after all "I said to him.
"I told her I wouldn't be part of it... "He said and started eating.
"Well am telling you to cough up some money.. The won't even know
it came from you "I told him..
He studied me for minutes then sighed.
"Fine!! "He groaned "but only because it's you asking... I wanted to
make a payment towards the bride price but I guess I can do that
next month but am only giving you a k4000..thats all I have "
"How much have you paid so far? "I was curious to know.
"We left a k2000 the day they told us the amount and my uncle sent
a k4000 last month.. So am remaining with k6000..."he told me and I
just nodded in acknowledgment.
As we were leaving George transferred the k4000..Jessy would just
have to manage with what I had raised cause I wasn't about to get
into more debts just to make her happy. I wondered why she wasn't
pressing George for money, he may have been reluctant but with a
little push he would bring out the money.
One of my best friends was getting married, that was a wake up call
to me. No one knew this but I was in what one would call a serious
relationship. The only problem was that while I was working as a
teacher at kansenshi basic school and doing distance learning so that
I could upgrade to a degree in English and maybe start teaching high
school pupils. My boyfriend was rewriting his grade twelve exams
and working in shoprite. Was I ashamed and embarrassed by my
relationship?. Yes!! Very much. No wonder I kept it hidden from
everyone but I don't know why I wasn't ending it. I had met Jordan
when he came to collect the results for his younger brother and then
I ran into him in shoprite ,that was how we started talking and before
I knew it we were dating. He was three years younger than me but
he never disrespected me, in fact he treated me better than most of
my exes.
Now that Jessy was getting married I started to wonder where my
own relationship was going, the odds of me and Jordan getting
married were very very low and I didn't wanna be stuck in a fruitless
relationship. When we first met Jordan was still staying with his
parents but I convinced him to move out.
"Am not yet set financially "he had told me but I promised to be
helping him out with rentals whenever he couldn't manage to pay.
Since my parents had refused to let me move out of their house I had
some money to spare, they said they wouldn't let me start living
alone so that I can start entertaining men, the only time I would
move out was to move into my husband's house and I didn't see that
happening very soon.
A week before jessy's party I went to visit Jordan after work.
"Hey baby.. How is it going? "I asked upon finding him sited on the
bed surrounded by books and past papers. He had only failed English
but he was also rewriting accounts in hopes of getting a better grade.
"So far so good.. But maybe you can help me out.. On Saturday can
you come and exam me in English? "He asked as I moved some
papers and sat down.
"Baby this Saturday it's my friend's engagement party "I reminded
"Oh yeah.. Have you told them about me? "He inquired.
"Not yet.. We have been so busy with preparations we rarely talk
about anything else "I told him, but the truth was I wasn't ready.
How would I even begin?.
"That's okay.. Am sure I will meet them at the party "he said and I
remained quiet, I really wished he wouldn't come, Jordan noticed my
silence and looked at me"am going with you right? "He asked.
I could sense the hurt in his voice at the thought of being left out.
"Of course.. You're coming.. Do you have a suit? "I asked reluctantly
"I do.. "
"Great... "I said and stood up "let me prepare you supper before I
leave "I told him and hurried out of the bedroom. Jordan stayed in a
servants quarter in kansenshi, it had a bedroom and a big sitting
room which we had demacurted into a sitting and kitchen. As I was
cooking I kept on thinking of ways to ditch Jordan but couldn't find a
solution. Well if I had to take him then we would have to make some
changes. After cooking I went to sit with him again.
"So babe.. About the engagement party "
"Yes?? "
"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable and out of place so how
about when anyone asks you tell them that you are an accountant by
profession "i told him. Of course no one would suspect that he was
younger than me because he was tall and masculine while I had a
small body.
"You want me to lie?? "He asked.
"It's not a total lie.. You're rewriting and saving up money so that you
can go and do accountancy studies.. Very soon you will be an
accountant "I told him, I knew my argument was lame but I needed
him to stop being what he was if only for one night.
"Fine.. If that's what you want "he said but I could tell he was hurt.
That night he didn't even kiss me goodbye.
When I got home I found my parents sited in the living room.
"You're home very late today "commented mum.
"When is he coming for proper introduction? "Asked dad and my jaw
"What? "I asked.
"Obviously you're seeing a man.. We're not kids you can fool.. We
don't want you getting pregnant out of wedlock.. So I ask again..
When is he coming? "
I couldn't believe what was happening and I was tongue tied so I just
stood looking at them.
"Bashi sandy.. Obviously she is shy.. She can't talk to you about these
things "said mum with a smile as she came to where I was standing
and dragged me away. I was thankful for that.
When we got to my room she stared at me.
"Your father was very serious.. So if you're seeing a time waster you
better leave him now.. You're not getting any younger.. In my family
once you pass twenty six years without a ring on your finger then
you're never gonna get married so you better be conscious of the
time you have left "she cautioned and walked out leaving me
nervous and suddenly overwhelmed and pressured.
It all really begun the night of jessy's engagement party. Everything
was so beautiful and extravagant just like she had wanted and her
guests were in awe, Jessy couldn't stop smiling. Mary had come with
the Catholic guy, his name was Steve and he was really cute, they
looked good together, luckily for Mary, her grandmother wasn't at
the party. Sandy had also come with some guy she had never ever
mentioned and I wondered why, none of us really knew him but I
heard Carol saying he looked very familiar.
Alcohol was being served but we were cautioned to drink in
moderation, Mark had advised the praise team members not to drink
at all. But I couldn't help myself. I went to the open bar and got a
glass of wine, Sandy joined me.
"Hey.. Where is your boyfriend I know nothing about? "I asked her
with a raised eyebrow.
"I know I know.. I should have said something but am not sure where
this is going.. I only brought him with me because he insisted and I
didn't want to show up alone "she said in defence.
"Where did you guys meet? "I asked
"He came to collect results for his younger brother who is in my class
then later on I bumped into him in shoprite "she answered.
"Nice.. Am happy for you.. But "I pointed to him talking to some girl,
he was looking our way but the girl wouldn't let him walk away "you
might wanna stay by his side "I told Sandy and she smiled.
"But I wanted to keep you company for a minute.. "She said to me.
"I can take over from here.. If you don't mind "Gabriel had suddenly
joined us.
"Not at all.. Keep an eye on her for me.. "Sandy grinned at me and
giggled then walked away. I rolled my eyes and turned to the
bartender for a refill.
"Take it easy on those.. You might start making bad decisions "teased
"Oh yeah??.. Like what? "I asked and took the sip.
"Why don't we wait and find out "he responded.
We sat by the bar chatting for two minutes then he suddenly
dragged me up, grabbed my glass and gave it to the bartender then
pulled me on the dance floor
"What's happening? "I asked him as he took my hands and wrapped
them around his neck then put his around my waist.
"Carol has been hunting me down like crazy.. Hopefully she won't
approach me if she sees us dancing together "he whispered in my
ear and the feel of his hot breath against my neck made me feel
tingly, maybe I had had too much wine.
"Why are you hiding from her? "I asked.
"Hanging out with her is fun but if overdone it might cause
unnecessary complications "he said and I chuckled
"And by that you mean she is interested in something more serious
and permanent while you just wanna have fun while exploring other
options? "I asked rhetorically
"You make me sound like a jerk.. "He said and spinned me around to
the beat, when I faced him again I said.
"Maybe you're a jerk.. No need to hide what you are . "
"Oh really.. And what are you Lynn?? Cause you're pretty good at
hiding what you really are "he said and nibbled on my ear.
"You do realize that we're in public right? "I asked him.
"Oh come on.. With this crowd no one is paying any attention to us
"he said
"I beg to differ.."I said and tilted my head to Carol's direction. She
was talking to some girls but her eyes were in our direction.
"In that case... "He started as he pulled me into the crowd
disappearing from Carol's view. We went to the other side of the
lodge with less people "now we're alone "he said but was still
holding on to me.
"The music has stopped "I told him and he chuckled.
"that doesn't mean we can't make our own music ".he said and
started moving me in a slow sway motion as he made me lean on his
chest. Hearing his steady heartbeat was surprisingly very calming and
I found myself relaxing as I closed my eyes and held on tighter to
After some time we went back to rejoin the crowd and I rejoined the
"Hey.. A little bird told me you disappeared with Gabriel "said Jessy
as she winked at me.
"It was just one dance ".I said dismissively "and why aren't you with
George? "I asked her.
"Am just taking a break to hang out with my girls "she said, I looked
at Mary and she shrugged. I looked around and saw him at a distant
flirting with a group of girls.
"Seriously Jessy??'re gonna let him disrespect you like that? "I
finally spoke out.
"Come's harmless "she said and shifted uncomfortably.
"You're unbelievable "I said and walked away.
I went back to the bar and ordered another drink. I don't even know
why I cared so much when I wasn't the one being treated like a
As the party was winding down George and Jessy went to the dance
floor for their last dance ,I just watched them for a minute then
someone yanked me back and we disappeared inside.
"What are you up to? "I asked Gabriel as he pulled me past the
"Don't you wanna have some fun?? "He asked and pulled me closer
to his body and before I could react his lips were on mine, he tasted
of wine and chocolate. I put my arms round his neck and pressed
myself against him then started kissing him back as he pulled me into
a room, I didn't even notice he had a keycard.
He continued kissing me as he laid me flat on the bed and started
kissing my neck while fondling my breast. I couldn't tell whether he
was drunk or not but in that moment it didn't matter, I just wanted
to have some fun and release some stress, probably the bad
decisions he was talking about earlier.
I woke up at the sound of my vibrating phone, my head felt too
heavy for my neck. I groaned and looked around, Gabriel was
standing by the mirror adjusting his tie.
"How are you so active?? "I asked and tried to sit upright.
"Unlike you... I only had one glass of wine last time "said Gabriel with
a smile as the came to the bed and tilted my chin up then kissed me
"Feeling any regrets yet? "He teased.
"I don't remember making any bad decisions "I responded and he
We had simply made out and laid on the bed until we fell asleep side
by side.
"that's good..last night was fun.. "
"And let's leave it at that "I concluded. A guy who would pull such a
move on me without defining a relationship first wasn't the type I
wanted to be in a relationship with.
"Even better.. Am glad we're on the same page.."He said and
grabbed his phone "I have to go to work, there's an emergency.. But I
will see you around.. The room is already paid for until tonight so feel
free to relax and have some breakfast ".he said and left.
I groaned and went back under the covers, sleeping for two more
hours before finally getting up to bath and have something to eat. By
the time I got home it was early afternoon and my mother was not
only worried but upset too.
"Where did you sleep last night? "My mother questioned angrily
"At the lodge.. I felt a terrible headache so I went in one of the
rooms to rest for a bit.. I ended up sleeping and by the time I woke
up it was past midnight, I couldn't come home "I explained to her.
"You should have at least called to let me know "she said and I saw
her anger evaporate
"It was late, I didn't want to disturb you "
"Is the headache gone now? "She asked and I shook my head no,
which wasn't a lie cause I really did feel my head pounding. She gave
me some painkillers and let me go to sleep.
The following morning, instead of my usual alarm waking me up I
was woken up by a call from my boss telling me to hurry up. I took a
quick bath and hurried out without even checking if mum was up yet.
As I was rushing to the station I met Gabriel who was coming to my
place .
"You're early today "hem commented and opened the door.
"I really have to hurry..there's an emergency at work "I said to him.
"What kind of emergency can be at the farm?? Are the vegetables
growing the wrong way? "He teased and I rolled my eyes
"If you must know, a cow is having troubles delivering and if I don't
hurry both the cow and the calf will end up dead.. Which is a very big
loss "I told himm
"Oh.. It's really an emergency "he said and started driving faster, we
barely even talked until he dropped me off and I quickly rushed
inside.thankfully I wasn't too late and helped the cow deliver safely.
It was only after I had settled in and everything had cooled down
when I realised that I didn't have my phone. I tried to call it using my
office landline phone but it just kept on ringing. Around lunch time
that was when I received a call from Gabriel.
"Hey forgot your phone in my car ..I just saw it right now "he
told me and I could finally breath, I was worried that I had lost it.
"Thanks.. Can you just keep it safe for me? "
"Sure.. I can give it to you tomorrow morning "he told me.
"Morning?? Why not today ?"I asked, I couldn't go an entire day and
night without my phone
"Well I have already left work and am not going back today.. So
unless you pass by my place to pick it up then it's tomorrow morning
"he explained.
I stayed quiet for a minute thinking about what to do next m
"Lynn?? Are you still there? "He asked
"Yeah.. Yeah.. I'll just ..I'll come and pick it up after work "I told him
"Great'll find me".
When knocking off that day my boss was around so he offered to
give me a lift since he also stayed in ndola. He must have been
grateful for the job well done with the cow because he ended up
driving me home.
I went inside, ate and bathed then told my mum that I was going to
pick up my phone which I had forgotten in the car.
"Your boss's car? "She asked thinking I had forgotten it when he
dropped me off.
"Yes.. "I replied
"Can't you get it tomorrow morning? "She asked me
"I can't go the entire night without my phone "I said and she laughed
"You young people with phones.. Don't be too late "she said and
watched me leave.
I reached Gabriel's place and knocked persistently for ten minutes
then he finally opened.
"Hey.. "He yawned "sorry I must have slept off "he said and opened
the gate wider for me to enter.
"Even the house is too big.. As if you don't stay alone "I commented
as he closed the gate and we started heading to the front door.
"Just cause am a bachelor I should live in a tiny home? "He asked
"No.. But you're a bachelor whole lives alone.. Can't you find some
relatives to stay with?? "I asked, if he was so generous why hadn't he
invited maybe some relatives from the village to stay with him?.
"My door is always open for anyone who wants to come but they
don't want.. I can't force them "he said as he opened the front door
"ladies first "he gestured for me to make my way in first and I did
likewise .the last time I was there, during his braii party, I never really
got to see the inside of the house. His living room was very spacious
it looked neat with white sofas surrounding a glass table facing a big
flat screen tv and an impressive home theater system.
"The phone was battery low so I have connected it to the charger..
It's now on twenty percent. Do you wanna take it like that or maybe
get it reach at least fifty percent? "He inquired.
With twenty percent it was likely to go off before I even reached
"Let it charge for another ten minutes maybe "I told him and be
"Cool.. In the meantime. Would you like something to drink? "
"No.. Am fine thanks "I declined
"If you change your mind feel free to raid my fridge.. The remote is
all yours or maybe you'd like to keep me company in the kitchen..
Am starting to prepare my supper "he said.
"Don't you feel lazy cooking and eating alone? "I asked as I for up
and followed him to them kitchen. It must have been in lonely life
living like least I had mum to stay with.
"At first I used to but with years gone by you get used.. And from
time to time I invite friends to come over and eat with me"he
explained as the opened his fridge and brought our a pot which had
boiled dry fish.
"Want some fruits, or maybe ice cream.. I also have chocolate "he
said, the chocolate reminding me of the taste of his lips that day we
had kissed, we had never spoken of it and I preferred it that way.
"Maybe some ice cream"I said.
When I was at the university I used to eat ice cream on a daily basis
but ever since my return I hadn't even tasted it. Gabriel brought out
a bowl of ice cream ,vannila and strawberry, my favourite. He
handed me a spoon.
"You want me to eat direct from the bowl? "I asked
"You can finish it.. It's been in there for almost three weeks now "he
"You don't like it ??"I asked, I would never met ice cream stay that
"I do.. But my favorite is chocolate flavour, am not a run of vanilla
"he said as he brought out some vegetables.
"But why did you buy it?? "
"I didn't...Carol bought it for me "he said and I stopped eating then
stared at him for a minute, he grinned at me."something wrong? "He
asked, I could tell he saw enjoying this. So what if Carol bought the
ice cream?. It didn't matter.
"No.. Nothing's wrong "I responded and took a spoonful of ice cream
"Good.. "He said and got the knife as he started cutting some
vegetables. "Are you staying for supper? "He inquired
"No.. I told mum I wouldn't take long "I answered.
"Okay.. So when can you come for supper? "
"Probably never.. Who knows what you put in your food which
makes the ladies to keep coming back for more.. "I spoke and he
chuckled. He put the knife down and wiped his hands on a kitchen
towel then moved closer to where I was sited.
"Oh it's not the food which makes them come back "he said and
tucked it hair behind my ear
"Is it your dstv full bouquet? "I asked as I looked straight into his
"Could be.. I really don't know.. Or it could be a number of reasons "
"Like? "
Without responding he leaned in and kissed me.
"I really hate vanilla but I like how it tastes on your lips "he
whispered then kissed me some more.
What was I doing?? What were we doing?? These things never end
well, one of us would probably end up getting hurt once feelings
started getting involved but I saw so sure it wouldn't be me ,I
thought it would be just like it was with George, so I put the spoon
down and pulled him even closer, I could feeling him smiling against
my lips as this hand went round my waist and he pulled me up.
I knew there was no strings attached in my relationship with Gabriel.
We talked casually like any other normal friends but then our kissing
became very regular. I found myself spending a lot of time at his
place such that even though we never had sex I felt like he had seen
it all.
When we were at church we would act like we were not that close,
we just said hi and went on socializing with other people, me with
my girls and him mostly with Carol. Bit from time to time I would
catch him staring at me.
After getting my third salary I made the trip to the council because
mom had cautioned me to be careful and do some consultation
before I started making repairs and renovations on someone else's
house. When I went there I was told they would try to find the legal
owner, about a week later the guy I had talked to called and
informed me that the owner was dead and he had no next of kin so
the government had decided to repose the house. I asked if they
could sell it to me and he told me it was probably the best way to go
about it.
After negotiations they sold me the house and I paid half the price
promising to finish up in three months time. We signed over the title
deeds into my name but they held on to them.
"You shall have them once you finish with the payments "they had
told me. My balance was k40,000.
After that I started making a budget, I planned on having the roof
replaced first, in the rain season it had a lot of leakages.I asked
Gabriel about cheap constructors and he said he would check out
some people for me.
One day I was at his place when suddenly someone came to visit. As
he was opening the gate I was peeping through the window, upon
seeing our Reverend minister and some elders I grabbed my shoes
and bag then rushed to his bedroom. They sat talking to him for
close to an hour while I was stuck in the bedroom waiting
impatiently .when they left I met out the breath I was holding,
Gabriel came to the bedroom and laughed at me.
"Why did you hide? "He asked me while laughing.
"Today is not the day I put myself on the hot seat to be interrogated
by the elders "I said then asked "what were they doing here anyway?
"Apparently some parents are worried about me.. Am of age, am
working, everything is set and yet am showing no signs of marrying..
They're worried I might start falling into temptations "he said with a
grin as he came closer.
"Didn't you tell them it's too late for that? "I teased and pulled him
closer then kissed him.
We started kissing passionately and in the process I tried to unbuckle
how belt, I don't know what the hell I was thinking but my body felt
like it was on fire and I wanted more. Gabriel was breathing heavily
and rubbing himself against me but when he felt my hand on his belt
he slowed down.
"Lynn.. We can't.. We shouldn't.. "He said as he tried to catch his
breathe. I smiled up at him.
"Well.. It's good to see that there's at least one man saving himself
for marriage "I said teasingly and he chuckled but got off me.
"Don't tempt me young lady.. "He said as he laid down on this back
and pulled me closer to him.
"You're a man of mystery "I said softly, he had really surprised me
because I thought he would jump at the opportunity but I guess he
didn't wanna sin more than we were already doing.
"Am a lot of things... But what I fear to be is a hypocrite... I wouldn't
want to give anyone a wrong impression of me".he said and he
sounded really serious.
"What's that all about? "I asked
"Nothing.. Forget it"he said and sighed.
That same week on Sunday I was sited at the back because I wasn't
singing, work had been hectic and I didn't attend the
my surprise after he was done playing the piano and the preaching
started Gabriel came to sit next to me.
"Hi.. "He greeted with a smile "missed you "he whispered and I tried
not to smile.
He had never sat next to me in church before, even when the space
next to me was the only available one he would tell some to move
over next to me so that he could sit away from me.
After the service we had a short meeting then I left early and went
home with mum. Later in the evening Gabriel called me.
"Where did you disappear too?? "He asked.
"I just went home early.. "
"Too bad.. The team went for ice cream afterwards "he told me
"That's nice.. Am sure they appreciated it "I said knowing very well
that he was the one who had paid for it.
"Anyway.. How are you doing? "
"Am great.. What's up with you? "There was no way he called just to
ask how I was doing.
"Would it sound weird if I asked who that guy I saw you with in town
the other day is? "He asked and I almost laughed.
"It wouldn't sound weird but it would sound like you're jealous "I
told him and he chuckled.
I had been with my boss in town when I saw Gabriel's car pass us by
but I never thought he had seen us.
"Maybe am jealous.. Who can blame me"said Gabriel.
"Don't go soft on me Gabe, that's not how I know you "I teased him.
Ever since that day I noticed change in our interaction. He would ask
abojtemy family or what I was working on at work and with the
house, then at church he started talking to me more and would
usually sit by my side?? Was he trying to mark his territory or
something?? I know I should have been pissed because we were not
in a real relationship but I was flattered.
This change in behaviour was not just evident to me not also to our
peers who started referring to me as his first I used to
correct them but with time I got tired.with the way our relationship
was going, we didn't even need to define it, it's like we just
automatically became boyfriend and girlfriend.
"I knew if there was any girl who would manage to snatch Gabriel it
would be you "said Sandy when she saw my picture on his status .
"Don't even start.. Things are so blurry I don't even know how we got
here "I said with a smile "how about you?how is the accountant guy..
You never talk about him that much "I asked she started telling about
how she loved him but didn't think they were a right match for
marriage and how her parents were pressuring her to settle down
already. I felt sorry for her and thanked God my mother wasn't even
mentioning marriage, and if she ever does I would simply tell her I
wanted to first finish up with the house then start thinking about
Everything was going well between me and Gabe and if I said I wasn't
happy I would be lying.he was great and I found myself
unintentionally falling in love with him, which was a very big mistake
at that moment, even Carol knew so cause one day I went to church
very early and I found her already there, she cornered me.
"Hi"she grinned and I could tell there was mockery coming my way
"Morning Carol "I greeted
"You came alone?? No Gabriel? "She asked and I gave her a look
"I always come alone.. If not with Sandy ".I tried not to retort
"Yeah sure... It's just funny you know.. Once upon a time you swore
you would never date a guy from the praise team "she said and
"Well what can I say... I found one who managed to prove me wrong
"I, responded
"But you were right... When you said guys in this team are not
serious with relationships and just play games...and Gabriel is the
biggest player of them all ..he acts all nice and generous but that's
how he traps you .very soon he will he bored of you and move on to
the next girl "said Carol.
"Thank you Carol, I didn't know you cared so much.. I really
appreciate it"I said sarcastically
"Am just warning you..we don't even know anything about his family,
he might even be married out there "she said with emphasis.
That talk with Carol may have been annoying but she had some valid
points, Gabriel never really talked about his family. All I knew was
that he came from Lusaka and settled in ndola because of his job. I
had no idea if he had siblings or not.I kept that at the back of my
mind and promised myself to ask him about it later.
I had finally managed to finish up paying for the house and they gave
me the title deeds, it was time to start working on it and Gabriel had
already found someone he said was good affordable and reliable.
When the renovations started mum decided to visit my sister
because it was too noisy and dusty with the guys working on the
house. And my sister was very happy to have her, she was not one to
visit but she loved being visited. Her boys were also excited to have
their grandma, they never really got along with their father's parents.
I loved how fast they were working cause just in the first month they
replaced the roof and they put a proper floor inside, I also couldn't
handle the dust and dirt they were leaving behind so jessy's mother
invited me to stay with them for a while. This made Jessy very
excited, George had finally finished paying the pride price and she
was going way overboard with the wedding preparations.
"You might wanna tone it down a bit "I cautioned her "the
committee is buying for you the upright double door fridge with a
dispenser you asked for and as your friends we're chipping in for the
venue but that's it.. Don't go crazy, you're not planning a royal
wedding, you will find yourself in debt just as you're starting your
married life and that's not healthy "I told her honestly.
"I just want it to be perfect "said jessy
"It doesn't have to be extravagant and exaggerated in order to be
perfect "I responded even though I knew she wouldn't take any of
my advice. But I had promised myself that no matter what I wasn't
going to go overboard, bending over backwards just to please her
unreasonable self. I would stick to the committee and chip in twenty
five percent we agreed upon as friends and maybe get her a simple
gift for her kitchen party and that would be it. I was already straining
myself with the renovations and all but Gabriel was being very
helpful. He had bought the tiles and the windows with the frames for
the house.
My mother knew about my relationship with him, from people of
course, I didn't even have to tell her. But she was very skeptical
about it.
"I know he is generous and you love him but does he love you in the
same way that you love him?? "She asked "I just don't want you to
get hurt "
"Mum.. He is not using me.. I know you're worried but I will be fine "I
assured her.
I knew that her biggest worry was probably that I was sleeping with
Gabriel but she had nothing to worry about cause we were not
sexually active.
One day Gabe and I were in shoprite buying groceries for his home
when I saw a familiar face restocking the shelves.
"Jordan??? "I called out in shock, he turned to look at me, he didn't
recognize me"it's Lynn.. Sandy's friend "I reminded him and
recognition dawned on his face.
"Ohh.. Yes.. Hi"he extended his hand in greeting and I shook it, he
then shook Gabriel's hand.
"Hey.. What are you doing here?. "I asked, if I recalled correctly,
which I did, he was an accountant.
"This is a bit awkward... I.. Ahh.. Well, as you can see I work here "
"Yeah I see that.. What happened? "I asked him. He started
hesitating so Gabriel excused himself
"Sandra doesn't want me to tell you this but... I work here, I have
never been an accountant.. Well I will be going to zcas next year but
am not yet an accountant.. "He explained to me.
This was really disturbing, sandy had been lying to us? To me?? I
thought we were best friends. After talking to Jordan I walked back
to Gabriel.
"Are you okay? You seem upset ".
"I can't believe she has been lying to me.. I thought we were friends
"I said in frustration
"It's not everything you can know about someone.. But it doesn't
mean they love you any less "said Gabriel and I gave him an
inquisitory look "am just saying maybe she didn't wanna disappoint
you "he said and put his arm around me"don't be quick to judge "he
"You're right.. "I said with a sigh "I should give her a chance to
explain herself "I said and brought out my phone then texted her.
"Ran into Jordan by shoprite, he looked super cute in his uniform ".I
typed and hit send.
"Do you really have to torture her like that? "Scolded Gabriel "you
could simply say it outright "
"I want her to come out and say that she lied to me.. It's not fair "I
Gabriel just remained silent.
In the evening I went back to Jessy's place and found Sandra waiting
for me.
After chatting casually and pretending to be all cool and friendly,
sandy announced that she was leaving, Jessy wasn't home because
she was working night shift so I escorted her alone. As we neared her
place she slowed down.
"I got your text "she started
"Oh yeah? But you didn't reply ".
"I wanted us to talk in person... Am guessing you know "
"Know what? "I asked as I stopped walking and stared back her.
"Am so sorry Lynn.. I know I shouldn't have lied but I was just so
embarrassed... Jordan is really a good guy but he is younger and just
starting out "she said to keep sounding all confused.
"If he's younger and you're embarrassed why are you even with him?
"I asked her. If she wasn't comfortable with their relationship she
would have simply walked away.
"I love him.. And he loves me too.He treats me better than all the
guys I have ever dated "
"Then why lie about it?? You love him... He loves you.. And if you are
willing to be with him despite the fact that he's younger and just
starting out then stop lying about it.. For how long will you go on
lying?? You're not the first woman to date someone younger "I told
Personally I wouldn't even give a second thought to a guy who was
either my age mate or younger than me but she had been with him
for sometime now which meant she liked it but was just afraid of
society's judgy people. But who cares what people was time
to stop with the lies so I told her to either start being open and
honest about her relationship or must end it.
Two weeks later it was Gabe's birthday but he never told anyone, his
Facebook profile had a fake birthday but he had told me the real
"Don't go advertising it "he had warned me.
So even if he didn't want people to know about it or celebrate with
him I went to this place and baked him a small chocolate cake.
"Aawww baby.. This is so nice "he said when I served it to him.
"Happy birthday... What's your wish? "I asked and sat besides him.
"Well.. "He pulled me closer "I will make a silent one but will tell you
when it comes true "he said with a grin and kissed me.
I moved closer and put my arms around his neck as we continued
kissing. His hand went under my shirt and he touched my breast, I
responded with moans and kissed him even more passionately. I
could feel him probing me and he was breathing deeply, he started
moaning as I rubbed my knee against him then he suddenly stood
up, his zip was down but his boxer intact.
"I can't.. I can't do this.. "He started pacing around while scratching
his head
"What's wrong honey? "He had stopped before but this time he was
acting really strange.
"If we continue like this I might slip up...and I can't afford to.. "He
said as he tried to calm himself down.
"What do you mean? "I stood up from the couch and went to him
but he moved away from me.
"Gabe...what is it? "I asked
"We can't continue like this.. We have to break up "he said and I felt
my heart beat a million times under a second.
"What??!! "
"Am sorry Lynn but it's for the best ..we have to break up before it's
too late and we're in too deep.. I don't wanna hurt you ".
"Hurt me??!! "I yelled "you are already hurting me you insensitive
jerk ..I thought this would be different.. I should have listened to
Carol! "I couldn't help dropping tears.
"It's not like that Lynn.. I do love you and I hope we can still be
friends "he said and tried to touch me but I pushed him off.
"Go to hell!! "I screamed at him and grabbed my stuff then ran out in
tears, thank God it was dark outside.
I never realized how much I had been in love with Gabriel until he
broke up with me, that was my first real breakup and heartbreak, it
was too painful and I felt like staying in the room forever. Thankfully
that week the works on the house were done so I went back home to
nurse my broken heart. I stayed for two entire weeks without making
an appearance at church. But when mum returned I knew I had to
put on a brave face and go back to church. I only attended the
rehearsals once and I still couldn't bare seeing him, he seemed very
fine and had gone back to being all friendly with every girl around, I
felt like they were laughing behind my back so I decided to take a
break from singing and just be an ordinary regular member.
He had the audacity to text me about it.
"Please don't stop the praise team on the account of what
happened.. You're really talented and the team needs you.. I might
seem like a jerk right now but one day you will understand "
"Go to hell!!! "I replied then blocked him.
How could I be so stupid and blind?? I should have been more
careful. When I told the girls what had happened they couldn't
believe it and were sympathetic.
"But then again am not too shocked.. Gabriel has been here for more
than three years and he has never had a real girlfriend.. Maybe he
was just trying it out and decided it wasn't working for him "said
So I had simply been a guinea pig in his girlfriend experiment?? That
was even worse than him loving me and then falling out of love with
me because it meant it was all a lie from the very beginning.
One day I was coming home from work, it was really dark cause I had
left my workplace late then cars wouldn't stop for me, by the time I
got home it was close to 20:00hrs. To my displeasure I found Gabriel
parked and waiting for me by the gate. I tried to ignore him but he
pulled me back.
"Let go of me "I said furiously
"Please just give me a minute.. I have been waiting here for hours
"he pleaded.
"What do you want? "I asked rudely.
"I may have been wrong.. I thought by breaking up with you I was
protecting you but now I see that I only hurt you even more... And I
came here to tell you the real reason I broke things off, the real
reason I have stayed a bachelor all this time.. I only did it because I
didn't wanna get hurt in the end...because once girls find out they
always leave me"he tried to explain but I just stared back home,
waiting for the said real reason "I didn't sleep with you and broke up
with you because the truth is... "He took in a deep breath "am HIV
positive "he blurted out and I felt like I had been sucker punched,
then I felt dizzy and lightheaded. My knees felt weak and I almost
collapsed to the ground but he caught me in his arms and steadied
me. Did he just say he was HIV positive???!!!.

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